Dreamed of closed eyes. What are the eyes in a dream about (interpretation from Magini's dream book). Why dream Eyes in a dream

Hello, Alexander!

Stuttering is always associated with difficult relationships with parents. Most often with the overwhelming authority of the father. To overcome stuttering, there is a whole range of activities.

1. Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikov method. Full complex exercises can be found online.

2. Psychological attitude. To implement it, you must remember that expectation always stronger than himself desires. I decipher: when we passionately desire something (for example, do not stutter, speak freely), but in our hearts we expect failure or a catch (we do not believe in success), we automatically get what we expect. Because this expectation comes from a deeper inner layer of our psyche. To change this negative attitude, you need to clearly track the moment at which the negative expectation occurs, and replace it with a positive one. For example, you are facing a stranger and you need to start talking to him. On the one hand, you want to enter into a conversation freely and naturally, but on the other hand, you already expect to fail (this is the moment you lose). And this expectation of failure gives a feeling of fear, up to nausea. What to do? You need to learn how to catch your fear at the very first stage, without waiting for the moment when it completely takes possession of you and you feel stiffness. As soon as you feel the first disturbing impulse, a harbinger of negative thoughts, change these thoughts to the opposite ones. Start repeating affirmations to yourself. For example, such - "My speech flows smoothly and freely." "I express my thoughts easily and naturally." "I like to communicate with people, and I easily choose a topic for conversation", etc. Affirmations are best made up of your own. The main condition is that they should receive a positive reflection of what worries you.

3. It may seem strange to you, but in any negative there is a positive. because we live with you in a dual world. Think about what secondary benefits you have from your stuttering? This is very important question. The benefits can be anything. For example. I have not achieved anything in my life because I stutter. Excuse me, but what about people without hands who draw beautiful pictures. A man without legs, on prostheses, participating in running competitions. The great composer Bach is deaf and composed his immortal musical works.

Any embodiment of ideas in life depends on motivation. If you have a strong motivation to overcome stuttering, you will definitely achieve this. It is important not to lose patience and not fall into despair.

P.S. On the Internet there is a forum for those who got rid of stuttering. People share their secrets. Try to chat with them.

I sincerely wish you success!

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According to some psychologists, any illness is not an accident, there is a connection between the spiritual and the physical, between our thoughts and the state of our physical body. Having decided to do away with any disease, one should first of all identify the mental (mental) cause of its occurrence. The symptoms of the disease are just a reflection of internal deep processes. You will have to delve into yourself in order to discover and destroy the spiritual cause of the disease.

The list of mental stereotypes given by us was compiled by the American psychologist Louise Hay as a result of many years of research, based on her experience with patients. Also, we give an interpretation of the Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev.

Behind the sign MINUS written psychological reason illness; behind the sign A PLUS there is a new stereotype of thinking that leads to recovery; sign SIMILARIES reveals what the organ is responsible for in a psychological sense.

  1. Find mental reason. See if it suits you. If not, think about what thoughts could trigger the disease?
  2. Repeat the stereotype several times.
  3. Embrace the thought that you are on the path to recovery.
  4. This meditation should be repeated daily, because. it creates a healthy mind and, as a result, a healthy body.
Name of disease or organ

STuttering - found: 2

1. STUTTERING- (Louise Hay)

Unreliability. There is no possibility of self-expression. Forbidden to cry.

I am free to take care of myself. Now I can freely express whatever I want. I communicate only with the feeling of love.

2. STUTTERING- (V. Zhikarentsev)

There is no sense of security. Lack of self-expression. They are not allowed to cry.

As you know, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. What are the eyes for? Various dream books will tell about this.

Why dream about eyes?

Old Russian dream book

According to the dream book, the eyes prophesy well-being. When they are poorly sighted, a lack of funds or incurring losses is possible soon.

If in a dream you had to lose your eyes, in reality an illness or death of children may occur.

Unhealthy eyes portend an act, repentance of which is possible in the near future.

I dreamed of a strabismus in a person - you can lose your fortune and face setbacks.

Contemplation a large number eyes promises success and a happy life in reality.

To see eyes in the wrong place in a dream - such a dream prophesies the onset of blindness.

Modern dream book

To a bad course of affairs, possible deceptions, insults and ailments - this is what a person’s eyes dream of, which look unhealthy and are blind.

When the eyes are absolutely healthy, luck will turn to face you, and joy awaits at the threshold.

Closed eyes promise a romantic relationship that will line up in the right direction, but stop quite unexpectedly.

Happiness in the presence of children - that's what they dream of Perfect eyes large sizes.

Sick and without shine, the eyes prophesy unhappiness and anxiety in relation to children.

To make a quick rotation of the eyes - to acquire wealth.

Seen in a dream big number eyes - make a profit or treasure.

Blindfolded eyes dream of a warning.

Poorly seeing eyes portend losses and lack of money.

To the appearance of enemies who want to mischief in your affairs - this is what the eye dreams of in a dream.

Brown prophesy deceit. Blue promise impotence in anything. Gray eyes promise flattery, from which there will be nothing good.

Seeing an eye is a warning against the intrigues of your enemies, who follow your every step in order to ruin your business.

For those who love this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery, cunning. Sight blue eyes, directed at you in a dream, promises you some kind of failure, the reason for which will be your excessive timidity. Gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person.

If in a dream your eyes are inflamed or you are losing an eye, expect disturbing events in reality. An unfavorable dream, where a one-eyed man will appear to you - he promises misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does dream Eye mean

If you dreamed about the eye (eyes) of an animal, the spirits of the forest took you under guardianship. They watch over you and protect you from danger. To make it easier for them to help you, carry a small bump with you for a week.

If in a dream you saw the eye (eyes) of a person (including dreams that you have something with your eyes:

itch, hurt, glow, etc.), then you have been shadowed, someone is showing too much interest in you. To get rid of the persecution, during the week, wear as many green clothes as possible.

If possible, wear jewelry with emeralds.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Interpretation

See the Eye in a dream

The unconscious influence that accompanies powerful rational analysis. Means a powerful unconscious influence with a negative effect if eye contact occurs and rational analysis is carried out. Symbolizes full control from the deviation monitor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What do dreams mean Eye

The dreaming eye is a warning against the machinations of enemies who are relentlessly watching your every step. They just sleep and see to ruin your whole business.

For a lover, this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery.

The look of blue eyes promises failure.

Gray eyes are a warning against excessive gullibility.

Losing an eye in a dream - to disturbing events.

One-eyed man - unfortunately.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Dream about the Eye

An eye seen in a dream warns you of the intrigues of your enemies. For lovers, this dream promises the appearance of an opponent. If you lose an eye in a dream, then disturbing events await you in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Universal Dream Book

What does Eye mean in a dream

To see an eye in a dream promises lovers the appearance of an opponent who will be able to pretend to be a friend.

Brown eyes dream of betrayal. Perhaps your loved one will commit a treacherous act or betray you. If in a dream you see grey eyes, beware of a person who will lull your vigilance with flattery and seriously harm your relationship with your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from

why dream of seeing your eyes

If the eyes see everything clearly - the clarity of the situation, the simplicity of the tasks. If your eyes are in a fog or haze - postpone the solution of serious issues for a while. Clarity will come and continue.

Seeing your eyes in a dream means making ambitious plans, “laying an eye” on elusive benefits. If the eyes in a dream are not the same color as in life, be afraid of failure.

what does it mean if you see your eyes in a dream

If you saw your look indifferent, cold - be afraid of the ingratitude of people for whom you do too much. Moderate your zeal to help, it is not appreciated.

see your eyes in a dream

If in a dream your eyes change color, this is to flattery and treachery. See your eyes in the reflection - beware of spoiled deeds. Keep your future plans a secret.

You are worried about the vigilant control from close people, but you do not have the strength to get out from under it, due to a deep connection with these people. You are looking for a way out, and the opportunity not to offend your relatives.

dream interpretation see your eyes

To see in a dream one's own eyes fixed on oneself - to conflicting judgments, internal disputes. Such a dream predicts a difficult situation that will put you in front of the need to make a deal with your own conscience.