Five irregular verbs in English. Regular and irregular verbs in English. forms of regular and irregular verbs in English

The German alphabet was created on the basis of the Greco-Roman alphabet. It consists of 26 letters, represented in the German alphabet table. As a rule, it includes lowercase and uppercase letters of the German alphabet, pronunciation, the Russian analogue of the pronunciation of letters of the German alphabet, and examples of German words in which one or another letter is clearly audible and clearly expressed.

When studying German alphabet, it is important to pay attention to specific letters umlaut (umlaut, Umlaut), which are not in the standard Latin alphabet. We are talking about the letters ä, ö, ü, ß.

Lowercase letters of the German alphabet

German letter

Russian equivalent



A a

der A pfel (apple)
a rm (poor)
der Fall (case)
der A bend (evening)
scha ffen (create)

B b


der B us (bus)
b auen (to build)
neb en (nearby)
das Sieb (sieve)
sieb en (seven)

C c


der C character (character)
die C hemie (chemistry)
ac ht (eight)
die C reme (cream)
der C hef (chief)

D d


der Dill (dill)
Donau (Danube)
leid en (to suffer)
das Lied (song)
der Bod en (soil)

E e

die E he (marriage)
der Be rg (mountain)
der Tee (tea)
ge rn (willingly)
der Rabe (raven)

F f



fein (thin)
der F reund (friend)
die Hilf e (help)
das Schiff
fünf (five)

G g


gut (good)
das G eld (money)
mog en (to love)
der Zug (train)
wegg ehen (to leave)

H h

h ier (here)
h aben (to have)
der H ofh und (yard dog)
der Rauch (smoke)
h undert (one hundred)

I i

der I gel (hedgehog)
Wien (Vienna)
fi nden (to find)
mobi l (mobile)
di e Kopi e (copy)

J j


der J ude (Jew)
Benj amin (Benjamin)
j etzt (now)
j a (yes)
das J od (iodine)

K k


der K amm (comb)
der Rock (skirt)
k lein (small)
back en (oven)
denk en (to think)




laufen (to run)
bl ind (blind)
die Insel (island)
der Himmel (sky)
die L ampe (lamp)

M m



malen (draw)
der M ensch (person)
komm en (to come)
der Baum (tree)
dumm (stupid)




nur (only)
die Nacht (night)
könn en (to be able)
wohn en (to live)
n eun (nine)

O o

oben (top)
die So nne (sun)
die Flo ra (flora)
also (so)
fo rmlo s (shapeless)

P p


die Presse (press)
tipp en (print)
p lump (clumsy)
die P flanze (plant)
der Typ (type)

Q q


die Quelle (source)
q uadraticsh (square)
der Q uark (cottage cheese)
verq uält (exhausted)
der Q uatsch (nonsense)

R r



rufen (to call)
die Gruppe (group)
die Kirsche (cherry)
hier (here)
das Beer (beer)




der S ohn (son)
sieben (seven)
die Nas e (nose)
interess ant (interesting)
was (what)

T t


der T isch (table)
die T ant e (aunt)
gott lich (divine)
satt (full)
das Brot (bread)

U u

die Uhr (hours)
die U rsache (reason)
wu nderbar (wonderful)
genau (exactly)
mu rmeln (mumble)



der Vater (father)
v on (from)
der Karnev al [-v-] (carnival)
herv orgehen [-f-] (happen)
der Nerv [-v] (nerve)

W w


wollen (to wish)
der W ein (wine)
die Wohnung (apartment)
bew eisen (to prove)
die Anw endung (application)

X x


Xanten (Xanten)
die Hex e (witch)
die Tax e (dachshund)
das Max imum (maximum)
das Fax (fax, message)

Y y


der Y eti (Yeti, Bigfoot)
dy namisch (dynamic)
der Zy niker (cynic)
die Lyrik (lyrics)
die Physik (physics)

Z z


der Z oo (zoo)
z iehen (pull)
sitz en (to sit)
der Kranz (wreath)
das Holz (tree)

Ä ä


ä hnlich (similar)
der Bär (bear)
gä hnen (yawn)
der Kä se (cheese)

Ö ö

Ö sterreich (Austria)
lö sen (to decide)
bö se (angry)
das Ö l (oil)

Ü ü

ü blich (regular)
über (over)
die Bü hne (scene)
die Tür (door)


der Fu ß (leg)
drauß en (outside)
reiß en (tear)
beiß en (bite)

For those who are starting to learn German, it is important to know capitals letters German alphabet.

In the German alphabet there is 26 Latin letters, three signs "a-umlaut", "o-umlaut", "u-umlaut", which are indicated using a diacritic in the form of two dots above the letter - spelling: ä, ö, ü, and ligature - ß.

Umlaut says that the sound supplemented by two dots above the letter is phonetically different from the sound indicated by this very letter without an umlaut, and is read, accordingly, differently:

ä – read as “e”,

ö – similar to the Russian “ё”, pronounced together with “o”,

ü – like “yu” in a word, for example, “Lucy”.

The sign ß, called esset, stands for a long “s”. At the same time, it also indicates that the previous vowel has a lengthened sound, and the combination of two letters s (“ss”) in a row shortens the sound of the vowel in front of them.

Typing German characters ä, ö, ü and ß on a non-German keyboard

Due to esset and letters with umlauts have a different sound from the double “s” and letters without dots above them, the umlaut cannot be omitted in order to avoid ambiguity.

When typing German text on the keyboard If the German keyboard layout is not installed, the question arises of designating special German characters. There are several ways to fix this problem.

Typing in German or Common methods of replacing German characters

A character with an umlaut can be replaced when writing with the following letter combination: a letter without an umlaut + the letter “e”:

Ä - ae,

Ö - oe,

Ü – ue.

In the case of umlaut signs, there are designations for lowercase and uppercase letters.

Replacing "esset"

Instead of the ß sign, you can use ss.

Considering that the ligature ß has only a lowercase style, then if necessary, you can write a word with ß in capital letters using the same method - replace the esset with the letter combination SS. When replacing the esset in this way, you need to be careful, since there are words in which replacing the ligature ß with a double s can lead to the formation of three consonants s in a row, which is not very correct, although at the moment it is acceptable.

In such cases

  • it is better to replace ß with sz (Maszstab)
  • or to separate the word with a hyphen between the double ss, which replaces the ß sign, and the letter s that follows in the word (Mass-stab).
Using German characters in “ Microsoft Word
  • Find the “Microsoft Word” menu in the “Insert” tab, select the “Symbols” section - a corresponding window will open in which you need to find the corresponding symbol and then click the “Insert” button.
  • You can use the keyboard shortcut listed at the bottom of this window. For example, the following keyboard shortcuts correspond to certain characters in the German keyboard:

Ctrl+Shift+zh, U - Ü,

Ctrl+Shift+zh, A - Ä,

Ctrl+Shift+zh, O – Ö,

Ctrl+? S – ß.

Copy method

The easiest way is to find already typed German text located in the computer memory or on the Internet, and copy all the necessary for printing symbols ä, ö, ü, ß to the buffer. Subsequently, insert these characters as needed by accessing the clipboard.

This method, like the previous one, is good if you type German texts rarely, from time to time. If you need to constantly use the German layout, then the above methods are not very convenient. Thus, it is necessary to write the necessary characters into the clipboard every time after turning on Microsoft Word, since after turning off the computer, the clipboard is reset to zero and the information in the buffer is not saved.

Installing the German keyboard layout

If you still have to frequently type texts in German, for example, correspond with partners from Germany, Austria, etc., or communicate in in social networks with German-speaking interlocutors, then the best way However, it is necessary to install the German keyboard layout.

To set this layout, you can use the Start menu, following the algorithm:

Start - Settings - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options - Languages ​​- Installed Services - Add - German (Germany).

At the same time, it is also advisable to remember where the signs with umlauts and esset are located on the keyboard. Thus, in the German layout, the ligature ß is located to the right of zero on the alphanumeric block, and the signs ä, ö, ü are also located on the right side of the keyboard on the same keys as the Russian letters e, zh, x, respectively.

In addition, Y is used quite rarely in German, so this letter is located in a different place on the keyboard compared to the standard Latin layout. In the German keyboard layout, the positions of the letters Z and Y are reversed.

Writing the characters ä, ö, ü, ß using the English layout

It is possible to type distinctive German characters using the English (US - international) layout. In this case, the signs ä, ö, ü, and ß correspond to combinations of the Alt key with the letters q, p, y, s, respectively, that is

Ä – Alt+q,

Ö – Alt+p,

Ü – Alt+y,

ß – Alt+s.

In any case, the choice of how to type special German characters is up to the user. :))

Also, the methods are also described in this video on my LifeIstGut channel on Youtube!))

Subscribe to blog updates + get a free book with German phrases, + subscribe toYOU-TUBE channel.. with educational videos and videos about life in Germany.

An important aspect of learning any language is pronunciation - start German with phonetics. The Germans have a very bad attitude towards incorrect pronunciation. There were examples when a person who spoke correctly and fluently, but with some accent, was asked by officials to go learn German, which they say is necessary for him to obtain normal operation. About pronunciation - there is a fundamentally different position of the speech apparatus; if you “tune” it, it will turn out very well.
Different foreign languages ​​use different sets of sounds - the main difference lies in the position of the tongue. In Russian, the position of the tongue is predominantly elevated, and in German the root of the tongue and middle part pressed down.
The vowel sounds of the German language have two features:
1. At the beginning of a word or root, vowels are pronounced with severe attack, reminiscent of a light click, which gives German speech a jerky sound that is not characteristic of the Russian language.
2. Vowels are divided into long and short, which explains their greater number compared to the Russian language.
Long vowels are pronounced more intensely than the vowels of the Russian language, and do not change their character throughout the entire duration of sounding. The consonant sound following a long vowel is freely adjacent to it, as if with a slight pause. When transferring german sounds In Russian letters, the length of vowels is indicated by a colon after the corresponding letter.
Short vowels are pronounced more briefly than Russian vowels. The consonant sound following the short vowel is closely adjacent to it, as if cutting it off.
The stress in German falls, as a rule, on the root of the word or on the prefix, that is, on the first syllable. When a word is changed, the stress does not change. The pronunciation of German words is conveyed in this manual in Russian letters without the use of generally accepted transcription signs. The transcription of the word and the stressed vowel are highlighted in different fonts. This transcription allows (with some exceptions) to pronounce quite correctly german words and suggestions.

Video on the topic:

In this video lesson you will become familiar with the German alphabet, learn Interesting Facts related to it, and you will also be able to complete the self-test exercise.

Each language has its own special sound system, which must be familiarized with, since a person who does not have the correct pronunciation will not be able to correctly perceive foreign speech by ear and will not be able to be correctly understood. The German language has 42 sounds, which are written using 26 letters of the Latin alphabet. The German language has 15 simple vowel sounds, 3 complex two-vowel sounds (diphthongs) and 24 consonants.

How to learn German pronunciation using German tongue twisters.

What is the most important thing in learning foreign languages? Lexicon? Grammar? Speech speed? In general, all of these answers are correct, but there is one thing that immediately catches your eye if a person speaks a non-native language - pronunciation. It is almost impossible to learn perfect pronunciation if you start learning a foreign language late. The situation with German is complicated by the fact that many sounds have a very unusual sound for the Russian ear. This is the reason for the appearance of the famous Russian accent. If the accent is not strong and does not interfere with understanding, no problem. The answer is simple - train. From this video you will learn how to learn perfect German pronunciation using German tongue twisters!

Learning any language begins with the basics, namely its alphabet. Some people are familiar with it from school, but even those who have never learned it, but own it certain knowledge in English, it will not be difficult to understand. The fact is that these two languages ​​are similar in many ways, moreover, they contain the same characters as English, but their pronunciation is different. Therefore, phonetics will not seem too difficult.

All characters are based on the Latin alphabet. In total it has 26 letters. It is worth noting that the German alphabet and pronunciation are easier than English. Grammar may be difficult to understand at first, but this will not be a big problem.

For Russian-speaking citizens, it is comfortable to study in Russian, the table of which is presented below.

Why is it worth learning German?

Connection with tourism

As you know, in countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg, people speak predominantly German. However, knowing the German alphabet with pronunciation in Russian, you can also easily communicate with people from Liechtenstein, Poland, Denmark, the Czech Republic, northern Italy, eastern Belgium and some other countries.

German language is important for tourism

New useful acquaintances

You should be more confident in a foreign country. Knowing the language will greatly simplify communication with local residents. Knowing the language for beginners with pronunciation, you can easily meet new people, learn their character and interests.

Education and self-development

Many people strive to become more educated, expand the range of their knowledge and skills, and what can happen in this matter? better study one or more foreign languages? It is worth noting that not only the quantity is taken into account, but also the level of mastery of them. The alphabet in German with pronunciation will help solve this problem.

Work abroad

It's no secret that even the minimum wage in Europe can exceed Russian standards. With knowledge of at least one foreign language You can choose more than one prestigious profession, or try to open your own. Russian-speaking citizens will benefit from the German alphabet with Russian pronunciation.

Educational literature

Approximately 18% of the world's books are published in German. Of these, only a tiny part has been translated into Russian. Reading works in their original form allows a person to enrich himself with invaluable knowledge, learn more about the culture of a given country, and better understand the specifics of its language. Appreciate the entirety works of art The German alphabet will help with pronunciation.

Consonants. Pronunciation

For beginners with pronunciation, it is advisable to remember such an important nuance that all German consonants are hard. The voiced ones are slightly muffled in pronunciation. The final consonant of the word is completely deafened.

Phonetics offers for analysis illustrative examples. The word dieb is thief. As can be seen from the transcription, the letter “d” is semi-voiced, and “b”, since it is at the very end, is significantly muted.

  1. The letter “h” at the root or the first one in a word is read as “x” with a little aspiration. For example, herz, which translates as heart. Inside and at the end, it lengthens the vowel that comes before it: fahren - to go; froh – cheerful or joyful.
  2. The letter "j" is similar to the Russian "y". It is worth remembering the phrases “ja” and “ju”, which sound like “ya” and “yu”. For example, jahr, which translates as year or juni - June.
  3. The letter “l” is always slightly softened: blume – flower.
  4. The letter “s” preceding the vowel is converted into the sound “z”: sonne - sun, verb lesen - read.
  5. The letter "ß" is pronounced like "s". For example, groß – big.
  6. The consonants k, p, t should be pronounced with a slight aspiration: park - park, torte - cake, ko†fer - suitcase.
  7. It is important to note that the letter “v” is read not as “v”, but as “f”: vater - father. However, in borrowed words it can be pronounced as “in”: vase - vase.
  8. The letter “w” should be pronounced by analogy with the Russian “v”: wort – word.
  9. You should remember a small rule: double consonants sound like single consonants, shortening the vowel in front of them: rennen - rush, sommer - summer, mutter - mother.

Letter "r". Pronunciation Features

The German alphabet with pronunciation will help you master the alternative pronunciation of "r".

  • If she begins a word, the sound will be a little burry and drawn out, like the Russian sound [x], but in this case the voice will play a direct role.
  • Another pronunciation option is possible if the letter is at the beginning of the word. The sound will become more rolling and front-lingual [r].
  • Toward the middle of the word, the [r] becomes much quieter, but still audible.
  • It is worth noting that at the tail of the word the letter loses its original sound and is transformed into a vocalized [α], which is closer to a vowel.

The German alphabet with pronunciation in Russian provides an opportunity to practice comparative analysis. For example, in the word der rabe, which means raven, the sound [r] is predominantly loud and rolling. In the verb to teach – lehren, this sound will be more muffled, but will not lose its color. As for the word spectator - der zuschauer, in its example you can see how [r] turns into a vocalized [α].

Pronunciation of vowels

To convey the Russian letters ya, ё and yu, the German language uses special letter combinations ja, jo, ju. They are able to most accurately convey the sound of analogue letters. For example, we can consider a couple of Russian names: Yura - Jura and Yasha - Jascha.

As for double vowels, they are read with one long sound. For example, eel – der Aal [a:l]. In the transcription you can see that the sound [a] is prolonged. The remaining vowels are read using the same principle: tee – tea; raar – pair; boot - boat.

If the vowel is located at the beginning or at the root of the word, the sound will be much sharper and harder, giving German speech a rougher character, abrupt phrases in comparison with the usual Russian speech. You can trace this intonation in the word der Alter [altә].

Letter combinations in vowels and consonants

The alphabet in German with pronunciation has its disadvantages. Not every sound is optimally described by a letter. Sometimes, to achieve the desired result, you have to resort to combining certain characters of the alphabet:

  1. The combination of letters “ie” is converted into the drawn-out sound “i”. For example: bier – . And if you swap these symbols - “ei”, you get a short sound “ai”: heimat - homeland.
  2. In combination with “u” the letter “e” makes the sound “oh”: heute – today. The same sound can be obtained by combining the letter “ä” with “u”: bäume – trees. The features of this symbol will be discussed further.
  3. The letter combination “sp” at the root or beginning of a word should be pronounced as “shp”: sport, which in translation means sport.
  4. There is another sound similar to this - “piece”. It is formed by combining the letters "s" and "t" by analogy at the beginning or root. Example word: stern – star.
  5. The pure sound “sh” is formed using three letters at once: s, c, h, coming in a row one after another. As an example: schule - school, schwester - sister.
  6. The letter combination “ck” is pronounced like a short “k”: backen – oven. This sound also has variations: “ks” and “kv”. The first of them is formed by three letters: c, h, s. For example: sechs – six. And the sound “kv” can be obtained by combining two elements “q” with “u”: quark - cottage cheese.
  7. It is impossible not to note such sounds as “x” and “ch”. They are an integral basis German language. As a rule, combining “c” and “h” you can get a dull “x”: buch - book, machen - to do. And to get a short “h” you will need 4 letters at once: t, s, c, h. This combination is used in one very useful word: deutsch – German.

Unusual characters and their pronunciation

The German alphabet with pronunciation in Russian, the table of which is shown below, has specific letters that have a cap in the form of two dots. These characters also have their own pronunciation. For example, the sound of the letter “ä” is more similar to the Russian sound “e”: mädchen - girl.

The next letter is ö. It is very reminiscent of “ё” from the Russian alphabet and is read exactly like it. Example word: schön – beautiful.

And the last character is “ü”, by analogy with “yu”: müll - garbage.

Features of stress

In German, stress usually falls on the first syllable. In words with an unstressed prefix, the stress moves to the next syllable. As an example, consider the suffix –tion. It will always be stressed and pronounced like, where “i” is a short slipping sound, and the emphasis falls on “o”.

As for the letter combinations “ts”, they form the sound “ts”. For example, you can take foreign word kommunikation, meaning connection or communication.

Words where the stress falls on the first syllable: ausländer - foreigner or aufmachen - to open. An exception to the rule is the common borrowing from foreigners of the word computer and others.

It is worth noting words with the presence of an unstressed prefix, these include: be-, ge-, er-, ver-, zer-, ent-, miss-. The stress in words with such prefixes will be shifted to the next syllable. For example: verkaufen – sell, bekommen – receive.

Simple words to practice pronunciation

German alphabet with pronunciation in Russian, table for practice simple words which is presented below, allows you to practice reading them, at the same time expanding your vocabulary.

  • strand – beach;
  • reise – journey;
  • leute – people;
  • zeit – time;
  • frühling – spring;
  • herbst – autumn;
  • fleisch – meat;
  • fisch – fish;
  • wein – wine;
  • kaffee – coffee;
  • zwieback – cracker;
  • radieschen - radish;
  • richtig – correct;
  • schule - school;
  • volk ​​- people.

German alphabet with pronunciation in Russian: table, phonetics updated: June 3, 2019 by: Amazing-world!