We solve problems with WiFi. Why wireless Wi-Fi disappears and how to fix it

Very often, users complain that their router does not work on their computer. What could be the reasons this phenomenon? How to deal with them? Understanding all this is not as easy as it seems. After all, a computer is a technique with which various problems arise. And it is often very problematic to find the cause of a particular breakdown. Have to go through everything possible options. And after that, find out the cause of the breakdown. So why might the router refuse to work? What scenarios are possible?


So, the first alignment is not so rare. But the situation can be corrected very quickly, even without any additional knowledge in the field of computer technology. True, usually this option valid for laptops. On stationary computers, this problem usually does not occur. The user wondered why the router does not work?

Then it's time to check if Wi-Fi is enabled on the laptop? The light should be on, next to which the antenna is shown. If this phenomenon is not present, you will need to turn on Wi-Fi. And then connect to the web. Now there won't be a problem. Only often the router refuses to work for completely different reasons. Which ones exactly? What should you pay attention to?


Everything depends on the situation. What to do if the router on the computer does not work? It is on a stationary model, and not on a laptop. Although a similar problem may also occur with second gadgets.

If it refuses to work, you should generally check its connection to the computer. In the case of laptops, as already mentioned, there is often no Wi-Fi enabled function. But with desktop computers, everything is much simpler.

The cause of a non-working modem may be a wire not connected to the system unit. Sometimes it is recommended to simply remove and re-insert the plug with the wire leading from the router to the PC into the socket. This helps a lot.


The next scenario is not too easy to detect. The previously listed methods are corrected in a matter of minutes. Yes, and finding them is much easier, the main thing is to be attentive.

Why is the router not working? The whole thing may be in the damaged wires connected to the device. In this case, there is only one thing left - the replacement of cables. And no more. But the problem is that under such circumstances it is difficult to detect damage (except for obvious damage) on your own.


But that's not all. In fact, there are a lot of options for the development of events. TP-Link router not working? What could be the problem? For example, if we are talking about an old modem, you should check its performance. Maybe the Internet connection hardware itself is out of order.

Often the router can be repaired. Only now such a device will not be able to work for a long time. Therefore, the most logical way out of the situation would be to buy a new modem and then connect it.

On average, the router is able to serve without any problems for about 2.5-3 years, subject to constant work. If at least once a day to give the device a break for a few minutes, you can extend its life up to 5 years. If after the specified period problems began, most likely, it is the malfunction of the equipment that is the whole point. The situation can be resolved without any problems. It is advisable to choose a router that is similar to the previous one.


D-Link router or any other does not work? Why is it so? The reasons may be different. And not always everything depends only on the user. The fact is that in some cases it may turn out that the provider itself is to blame.

What is this about? Internet access is provided with the help of certain equipment and transmission lines. All this tends to wear out and break over time. Therefore, accidents are not ruled out at the stations of providers. And during these periods, users are observed Access to the Network is not available, and the no-signal light on the modem is on.

Not working or any other? It's time to call your ISP and find out if there are any accidents on the line. Don't forget to include your home address. If an accident or breakdown occurs, nothing needs to be done. Just wait. Access to the Network will return only after all problems on the line are resolved.

Engineering works

Why is the TP-Link router not working? What can cause this phenomenon? In fact, understanding is not as easy as it seems. Along with accidents on transmission lines, another moment stands out as technical work. Planned or due to the connection of new services from the provider.

This is quite a common occurrence. But they try to warn about it in advance. Typically, the provider reports planned technical work or testing of new services. During these periods, there may be either interruptions in the Internet connection, or lack of access to the Network. Therefore, it seems that the modem is not working.

What to do in this situation? A call to the provider will eliminate all problems. It is recommended to call the service company and check if any work is being done on the line. If this is the case, you just need to wait until the end of the technical check of the equipment. And after that, the signal will return to normal. Otherwise, you should look for the problem elsewhere.

Downed settings

Why is the TP-Link router not working? The next variant of the development of events is those who have gone astray. It doesn't matter for what reason the failure occurred. Anything can lead to a reset. But the fact remains - Internet access cannot be provided. As a result, the router refuses to work in full force.

In case of incorrectly set settings, the operator on the phone will help to set the correct parameters. After that, it is recommended to restart the computer and check the Internet performance. The provider will let you know if everything is fine with the settings. If this is the case, but the router still does not work, then you will have to look for the cause elsewhere.


There are still a lot of options. Many people wonder why the Wi-Fi router does not work. AT recent times more and more often such a reason as equipment incompatibility began to appear.

The fact is that each computer component has its own system requirements. And if the computer does not respond to them, there is a possibility that the router will not work. And no matter how hard a person tries, you still can’t make it work.

Incompatibility is far from the most dangerous scenario. But there are only two ways to fix it. The first is reinstalling the operating system or replacing computer hardware that does not meet the requirements of the modem. The second is the choice and purchase of a new router. To eliminate this problem, it is recommended to pay attention to the system requirements in advance when purchasing a modem.

By the way, with incompatibility most often on this moment faced by users who have Windows 10 installed. This OS causes the most problems and problems. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the modem refused to work. It is recommended to either wait until the next system update is released, or reinstall the OS to one compatible with the router.


What other cases are there? Beeline router not working? How to be in this situation? Why is this happening? Line overload is considered the next most frequent. Usually this problem observed in the evening. Then, when a lot of subscribers throughout the region begin to use Internet access services.

In this situation, usually either the signal is too weak, or it is absent altogether. How to proceed? There are several options - either constantly connect and disconnect from the network, trying to work with the Internet, or just wait. Sooner or later the network will unload. And the performance of the router will improve again. By the way, at the time of network overload, all the buttons on the modem will light up as if everything is in order with the device. For this reason, it is very difficult to detect the problem.


The user does not have a router? Finding the cause of this phenomenon is not always easy. But the first step that is recommended to be taken before delving into various hardware problems is to reboot the device. It is possible that a minor glitch occurred during operation. It caused trouble. And so it seems that the router is not working.

The modem has a reset button. If you click on it, the device will reboot. This is exactly what is required! How Alternative option- You can use the on / off button of the router. It is enough to turn off the device for a minute, then turn it on again. The same modem will reboot.

Just a few seconds - and performance should return to the network. The main thing is not to turn off-turn on the device constantly. It will only hurt. But it happens that all of the above options are sorted out, and the connected router still refuses to work.


In this case, you can only complain about one problem - viruses. Very rarely, but it turns out that a computer infection infects the operating system and does not allow connected devices to work to their full potential.

If all the previously given examples did not fit, it is recommended to scan the operating system with an antivirus. And cleanse it. After that, it is advisable to restart the router and computer. That's all. The device should now work.


TP-Link router not working? Maybe it's all about the computer drivers. It is recommended to update this software for the network card and the connected router. Or even install it on your computer.

Often it is updating the drivers that helps to fix all the problems with the device. Perhaps these are all possible scenarios for the development of events. Now it’s clear why the router is able to refuse to work and how to deal with this phenomenon in one case or another.

We all use the Internet while in cafes or restaurants, with friends, even at home at the dinner table, checking mail or messages in the same Vkontakte. As practice shows, one of the common problems occurs when working with wireless WiFi technology. Let's say we have an access point located in the house from the router or in a public institution. Everything seems to be configured correctly, but for some reason there is no access to the network.

So, what to do if you encounter such a problem? In fact, there may be a dozen reasons, each of which we will consider in this material!

Wi-Fi on Android is on, the status is "Connected", but there is no Internet access

Let's say that you have activated Wi-Fi on your smartphone and connected to an access point. Your phone displays the “Connected” status, but you cannot access the Internet, both using a browser and through other programs, for example, Odnoklassniki. What should we do in this case?

First you need to check if the Internet works for this connection at all. That is, you need to gradually eliminate the list by the method of elimination possible causes and checking the Internet is the very first of them.

Try connecting to this hotspot from another device and go online. If everything is fine, then the reason is in your smartphone. If another device does not connect to the Internet or does not open sites, then the point is already in the access point or router itself.

Solution 1 – Proper Wi-Fi Router Configuration

First check if your smartphone is in range wireless network. Typically, routers can distribute a signal up to 200 meters, provided that there are no obstacles in this radius. If everything is in order with this, then go to the settings of the router.

Change the channel your access point is on. Usually it is set to Auto, but we advise you to set the 6th or another channel. Choose any of the available ones, save the changes and check the performance.

You can also change the mode of operation for Wi-Fi. As practice shows, by default, the 11bg mixed mode is usually set everywhere. Change it to 11n only.

If you have a column in the settings for specifying the region, then in without fail set your region there. This is a minor parameter, but in very rare cases, even it can affect the correct operation of the access point.

Solution 2 – Setting up a proxy server

Another one possible problem- this is the automatic selection and installation of a proxy server for a specific access point on a wireless network.

To fix it:

  1. Go to "Settings" on your device
  2. Next, select Wi-Fi or "Wireless networks", depending on the version of Android
  3. Find the access point you are connected to and hold your finger on it for a few seconds. An additional menu will appear in which you need to click the item "Change network"
  4. Check the box next to "Advanced options" and select "Proxy settings"
  5. It remains only to check the box next to "No", after which the proxy server will be deactivated

Wi-Fi enabled on Android but Google Play and other apps not working

If Wi-Fi is activated on your smartphone and it is connected to a specific access point, but the phone does not open sites, does not load pages and applications on Google Play, check that the time and date settings are correct. This is a very common user error! In 90% of cases, it is she who causes connection problems.

You just need to set the time and date correctly, reconnect the Internet, and then try to log in to Google Play and view one of the applications on the page.

Why Wi-Fi does not work on Android: other reasons

  1. Incorrect password. Sometimes the Android operating system saves the password from a certain access point, but when you connect to it later, there are no notifications that the password is not correct. We advise you to check the correctness of the input and change it if necessary. As you can imagine, public places usually open points access, but there are also closed ones. To guess the password to them, you can use special programs, for example, from the same Google Play, where users share information around the world.
  2. Software problems. Another common reason associated with software your system. To check the correct operation, you can use the Wi-Fi Fixer application. Just install it on your device and run it. There you can also view full list networks that have saved data that you have previously connected to. Reboot your phone and try connecting to the hotspot again.
  3. Malicious applications. It is possible that viruses or Trojans have appeared on your phone that block the operation of wireless networks. In this case, you will have to manually install an antivirus, for example, Kaspersky.
  4. Incorrect settings. We have already talked about the settings of Wi-Fi networks. If you can’t change them, then you can simply reset to factory settings. You may also have old access point entries. For example, you connected to it, as it says in the system, although in fact the connection was not made. Just update the list of networks in the settings or delete everything and try to update again, and only after that connect to a specific Wi-Fi point.

But what to do if Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet still does not work even after all the recommendations described? Most likely, your Wi-Fi module itself is not working correctly. The following will help here:

  1. Phone firmware if the reason lies in the software part of the smartphone. If you don't know how to flash Operating Systems Android, it would be better to contact the service center.
  2. Repairing the Wi-Fi module. If the phone firmware does not help, then the problem lies in the wireless network module itself. In this case, you will have to take your smartphone to a service center and replace parts.

This is not a complete list of reasons that cause Wi-Fi failures. If you have had similar situations, and you solved them in some other way, be sure to tell us about it in the comments for our readers!

Hello friends! Wi-Fi Internet now you won’t surprise anyone, it is in almost every office, store, cafe and actively appears in homes. A large selection of routers and a small price for them only contribute to such an active installation of wireless access points. Almost everyone can afford to buy a router and install it at home, because it is very convenient and not expensive.

And if routers have become very popular, then the issue of setting up, connecting, breaking down, etc. of these same routers has become relevant. If I have already written a lot of articles on connection, settings and various errors that you can read in the ““ category, then today I want to talk about the most popular Wi-Fi breakdowns routers and give some tips that will help you fix the device, or simply determine the cause.

There are a lot of comments left on this site about various problems with routers. And very often the cause of some error is not the settings (as many people think), namely technical problems in the router itself (in hardware).

Today I want to talk about problems that appear unexpectedly. Like this? Well, the router worked fine for itself, distributed Wi-Fi, pleased everyone :), and then once it stopped working. It doesn't matter how it stopped working completely, or just not the way it should work. The main thing is that he used to work well and stopped working on his own. (You have not changed any settings).

It's just that the problems that appear during the first setup of the router most likely arise through incorrect settings.

The router does not respond to the connection to the mains

I'm sorry, but your router is most likely completely "dead". On every router (well, almost everyone) There are performance indicators.

And if, when the device is connected to the outlet, these indenters do not get hot, then this is very bad.

What can be done?

Well, first check if there is a power off button on the router. Here is such a button on the TP-LINK TL-MR3220:

If the button is on, then you need to check the power supply, maybe it's in it. Usually, power supplies burn out more often than the routers themselves. Perhaps the neighbors have the same router, run and ask for a couple of minutes.

If the device still does not work, then return it under warranty. And if there is no guarantee, then it is better to throw it away and buy a new one than to give it for a paid repair. Although, you can take it to the workshop, it may not be very expensive to repair it.

Why is this happening?

For many reasons. A manufacturing defect is possible, but most likely the router burned out due to unstable mains voltage, a thunderstorm, or moisture. If possible, connect the router through a voltage stabilizer. Well, or just turn it off when you see that there will be a thunderstorm now.

This was the most severe case, now let's look at lighter breakdowns.

The router stopped working, does not distribute the Internet

If suddenly there was a problem with Wi-Fi, for example, all devices stopped connecting to the router, there is a connection, but the Internet does not work, etc. then do not rush to throw your router out the window :).

First you need to find out that the problem is really in the router, and not in the device you are trying to connect. How? Just try to connect another device (laptop, tablet, phone). If only one device does not connect, then the problem is most likely in it. Well, you understand what I mean.

The problem is in the router, what needs to be checked and how to solve the problem?

  1. Do not rush to immediately go into the router settings and immediately change something there. And then set it up in such a way that it will definitely not work. Believe me, I'm not just writing this :).
  2. Reboot your router. Restart your computer (phone, tablet).
  3. Call your ISP and ask if there is a problem on their end. Explain your problem to them. Perhaps the Internet is not working due to problems in the provider's equipment.
  4. Check if you have paid for the Internet and whether it is active (You can also ask your ISP for this).
  5. Check all connections. Internet cable that connects to the router. It is advisable to check this cable outside the apartment (house). Maybe you just cut the cable. On purpose or by accident, it happens.
  6. Look at the case of the router, maybe there are some interesting buttons that someone accidentally switched. For example, there may be a button to turn off the Wi-Fi module. If you press it, the devices will not see your wireless network.
  7. Go to the router settings and see if the settings have been lost. This may be the Internet will not work. Especially, check the WAN tab, where the settings are from the provider. If it crashes, set it up again. Here is an example article for you.
  8. Try changing the channel in your router settings. Here is a detailed article. How might this affect obscure Wi-Fi issues? Perhaps your neighbors have installed a router and not one, I will introduce neighbors from above, below, on the sides. And just all the channels (or the one you are on) busy. That's when the problems begin, which are even difficult to explain.

Have you tried everything and nothing helps?

Then, I advise you to give the router for repair, again under warranty. And if there is no guarantee, then for a paid repair, or buy a new one. Before that, you can ask a friend who understands this matter (if there is one) so that he looks at the router, settings and connection.

Real case. My TP-LINK TL-MR3220 router worked fine for several months. Then, suddenly, it stopped detecting the connection of a 3G modem. I connected different modems, the modem is powered, but it does not appear in the control panel. I tried everything, even the special firmware that TP-LINK support sent me - did not help. You can read more in the article.

This is what I mean if a technical problem occurs in the router (there's something going on there), this does not mean that it simply will not turn on. It can work, but it doesn't work the way it's supposed to. And it can be very long and painful to set up, flash, check, etc.

Don't suffer. You paid money for this device. Call the support of the manufacturer of the router, explain the problem to them. I'm sure no one will give you best advice than they are.

If support cannot help you over the phone, they will advise you to apply for a warranty (if any). And there it is up to you to decide whether to go for repairs, or buy a new device.

Good luck!

More on the site:

Why did the Internet stop working through a Wi-Fi router? Major breakdowns of routers updated: August 9, 2013 by: admin

Wireless Internet is very convenient, modern, but it is not always problem-free. Some failures that cause a lot of trouble for users occur on their own time after time. Today we will talk about why the Wi-Fi network disappears. As a rule, such incidents are relevant for laptops, which, it would seem, are simply designed to work specifically with wireless networks, supporting the idea of ​​​​creating an ideal mobile solution.

Diagnosis of causes

Since there may be several causes of the problem, we will consider each separately below. In general, to begin with, you will need to do some diagnostics and check if there are any problems with the power supply of the router and the device itself. In the case of the first, everything is determined quite simply, to check the second, you need to try connecting other devices to the network - tablets, phones.

If everything works fine, it is possible that the problem is only with the computer, and you need to consistently check the operation and settings of its adapter.

energy saving

The next thing we should do if the Wi-Fi network is lost is to diagnose using the system. Click on the wireless network signal icon and find the item "Diagnosis of problems", and then follow the instructions. Perhaps this option will help you.

Open "Start" and in it find the "Control Panel" we need. Now we need the settings that are hidden under the Power Options icon.

There will be several options here, and if you do not want to set high performance, then you need to select at least "Balanced mode".

In case of unacceptability and this option, you can only set the consumption separately for the adapter. Click "Setting the power plan" next to the desired option.

Now "Change advanced options".

Here we scroll down and find the “Adapter Settings” item - you need to open the parameter tree, then open the “Energy Saving” sub-item again and there, in the “Battery” and “Main power” parameters, set “Maximum Performance”.

Everything that could be done here, you have done - now click "OK", "Save changes" and close the window.

The second option also, in a sense, depends on the power settings - it happens that when the user sends the computer to sleep, after turning on the adapter still remains in this mode.

Click "Start" again and click on "My Computer" and select "Properties".

Inside it will be a lot of equipment, but we are interested in network adapters. Having opened the tree with them, we are looking for the one with the Wi-Fi attribute and double-click the left mouse button.

Here we are looking for "Power Management" and uncheck the box "Allow the device to turn off to save power." Next, click "OK" and test how everything works. For more confidence the best option will restart your device after all these operations.

Sometimes the problem may be in the oxidation of the adapter contacts, not connecting it after cleaning or repair, or in the device drivers. In the first two cases, only mechanical intervention will help. To update the drivers, you need to find the name of your model and go to the official website of the manufacturer to download the necessary programs.

This is all that could be done on the computer side if the Wi-Fi network was lost, and now we will consider solving the problem on the side of the distributing point.

If the reason is in the router

If, after all the checks, you came to the conclusion that the problem is with the distributing device, then you can’t do much here: when the router is turned on and working normally, even without special settings and the provider’s cable plugged in, the network will be determined and should not disappear.

Consider today the problem when wifi network it is unstable, and when the connection to the Wi-Fi network is periodically interrupted, or the Internet connection is lost. It seems to me that this is even worse than when the Internet does not work at all. Because the problem is not clear, everything seems to work, but not as it should, the signal disappears, devices turn off, and other incomprehensible moments. It’s just that when something doesn’t work, it’s at least clear where to look for a solution, but in such a situation, nothing is clear at all.

What is the unstable operation of the Wi-Fi connection:

  • Periodic disconnection of devices from the Wi-Fi network. Or the Internet just cuts off for a while (), and everything starts working again. A very popular problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. For example, a laptop is connected to a Wi-Fi network, and the Internet is working. But periodically a yellow exclamation mark appears near the connection icon, and the Internet disappears. The download of files gets lost, etc. And, as a rule, after a while the connection is restored.
  • Devices do not connect to the Wi-Fi network the first time, or do not see the Wi-Fi network.
  • Wi-Fi network completely disappears, and appears.
  • Highly low speed internet via wireless network (the cable is fine).
  • When the Wi-Fi connection works only near the router.
  • The signal strength of the wireless network is constantly changing.

This, of course, is not the whole list of problems that are associated with the unstable operation of wireless networks. There may be many more. Very often, Wi-Fi works fine for a while, and then problems start that go away again. Also, you can notice the appearance of problems, for example, in the evenings, or at other times of the day.

If you have something similar, and you seem to have an Internet connection, but you can’t always use it ( use without any problem), now we will try to fix everything.

Changing the wireless network channel when Wi-Fi is unstable

This is the first and most main advice which is a must try. We know that every Wi-Fi network operates on some channel. If there are many of these networks, then they begin to interfere with one another, and interference appears. And as a result, unstable Wi-Fi works. Well, and various incomprehensible problems that I wrote about above, and which you have most likely already encountered.

You need to change the channel of the Wi-Fi network in the router settings. Details about channels, about finding a free one and about changing to different models routers, I wrote in a separate instruction:

You can try setting some static channel (if you have Auto), or vice versa, set to Auto if a static channel was selected. In the article linked above, I wrote about finding the freest channel using the inSSIDer program. You can use.

You just need to go to the router settings, go to the tab where the wireless network is configured, and change the channel in the Channel item. This is how it looks on Tp-Link routers:

And on Asus routers:

After every channel change, don't forget save settings and reboot router. Be sure to try several options. Should help.

As for interference, they can be created by household appliances. Do not place the router near microwave ovens, cordless phones, etc.

Shaving the Internet via Wi-Fi: router firmware, and other tips

Almost always, such problems in the operation of the wireless network occur due to the router. Not uncommon, this is due to the firmware. Therefore, I strongly recommend updating the firmware of your router. We have instructions for all popular manufacturers on our website. Here's an example, .

It is also possible that the wireless network may be unstable due to some technical problems with the router. Something with the board itself, or the power adapter. By the way, power adapters are very often the cause of such problems. The router simply does not receive the necessary power and connection breaks appear, etc. Well, strong drops in the power grid can affect the operation of the router. If the Internet is cut off after you create some kind of load on the router (online video, games, torrents, connecting new devices, etc.), then this one is usually due to an inexpensive (not powerful) router.

Need eliminate problems on the side of the Internet provider. It may well be that it is on his side that the connection is broken, and the router has nothing to do with it. Checking is very simple, just connect the Internet directly to the computer and check its operation.

For many, the connection breaks in those rooms where the Wi-Fi network signal is very poor. When only one division of the network signal remains on the device, for example.

In such a situation, you need to increase the range of your Wi-Fi network. We have an article on this topic:. Or, install . After that, the problems with the Internet breakage should disappear.

And if your home devices find a lot of available networks that operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz (as most likely your network), and changing the channel, and even changing the router does not work, and the Wi-Fi network is very unstable, then you can solve this problem by purchasing a router that supports operation at a frequency of 5 GHz. This frequency is practically free. I just know a case where there were a lot of wireless networks in the house, and Wi-Fi was simply impossible to use until they switched to a frequency of 5 GHz.

If the Internet disappears on only one laptop

And of course, it’s not uncommon for all devices to connect and work with a wireless network without any problems or disconnections, and one device keeps disconnecting, losing connection, etc. It’s not hard to guess that most often this device is called a laptop and works on Windows.

In such cases, be sure to update the wireless adapter driver. How to do this, I wrote. It is possible that the problem may be in the hardware. And it appears very often after disassembling the laptop (cleaning from dust). Why is that? During assembly, the antenna that is built into the laptop often suffers. Here are the problems in working with Wi-Fi networks. Very often, after that, the Internet works only near the router itself.

Update: changing the properties of the Wi-Fi network

Open "Network and Sharing Center" and click on your Wi-Fi network. In the new window, click on the "Wireless Properties" button and check the box next to "Connect even if the network does not broadcast its name (SSID)". Click Ok.

If it doesn’t help, and Wi-Fi will still fall off, then in the same window, on the “Security” tab, you can click on the “Advanced Settings” button and check the box next to “Enable Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compatibility mode for this network )".

You can restart your computer. Thanks for this tip Alexander. He suggested it in the comments to this article.

Here are some tips if you have interesting information on this topic personal experience then write in the comments. You can also ask questions there, I will definitely answer!