Oriflame network business is the essence. Oriflame. Network marketing as a business. Great start for a beginner


The bad reputation about network marketing dates back to the nineties.

Most associate multi-level marketing (MLM) with Herbalife, a weight loss product that was not particularly effective for Russian women.

Today it is called a product for a balanced diet.

Meanwhile, direct sales structures are an effective opportunity to start a business, which millions of people have already taken advantage of. I’ll explain everything using the example of the Oriflame company.

The Swedish company Oriflame has been working according to this scheme for fifty years in 62 countries, which proves the efficiency of the scheme and the quality of the products.

To start a business or simply use products, you need to register, indicating the number of the inviting partner. If you don’t indicate the number, you will still end up in someone else’s structure (the last one to register).

Registration is conditionally free, but to activate it, you must make your first order within two months (any product, even the cheapest: soap, toothpaste), to registration number remained in the database for a year.

To get really good income in Ori you will have to forget about offline cosmetic stores and other cosmetics brands. For our family, and if possible for relatives and friends, we will buy all skin care products, cleansers and personal hygiene items from Oriflame, since the products there are really high quality and their range is large.

For each order made by a consultant personally, points are awarded as a percentage of the purchase amount. Having collected the established catalog number of points, the consultant proceeds to new level(receives a discount when ordering 18-25 percent of the catalog price). The higher the level, the greater the discount. The product is offered to the client at a catalog price. The difference is your income (cash).

Why is it profitable to register new Oriflame consultants? When registering, they enter your consultant number and are assigned to your structure (group). You will also receive bonus points for orders made by new members or referred members of their group. The more attracted, the higher your income.

Everyone is good, people are buying quality goods at a discount, and the Oriflame company pays you money for organizing constant trade turnover.

Thus, WORK at Oriflame is to find people who are willing to buy cosmetics at a discount and use the cosmetics themselves.

Business at Oriflame

It is customary all over the world to receive money for recommendations, remember the same. Only with affiliate programs you will receive money for a recommendation once. At Oriflame you will receive commissions long time, because the consultant you attract will always buy products himself and attract new participants.

The best part is that you don’t need to run around with catalogs from apartments or offices, as was previously the case. No need to go to meetings and offline conferences. The tools of your business will be social media(groups), bulletin boards, Skype.

The members of our structure, including many men, communicate daily on Skype (without connecting a camera). They ask any questions to more experienced comrades (sponsors), talk about new products.

Webinars are held daily to improve personal effectiveness. The entire procedure will be laid out for you. There are video instructions on absolutely all questions:

HOW TO ORDER and pay for the product;

HOW TO REGISTER a new consultant;

HOW TO CREATE an account on Skype;

HOW TO ATTRACT people (working with message boards, groups on social networks, creating a website on a free platform);


That is, the level of training is high.

The company handles accounting, reporting, and sending the product to the buyer - it’s not yours headache. You JUST USE Oriflame products, RECOMMEND them to people, and GET money for it.

Are you still in doubt, stuck in your job with an evil boss and a meager salary? Do cockroaches in your head prevent you from accepting the realities of new times?

P.S. “You will make money from me,” some people think, and they don’t want to listen to anything further. Meanwhile, they don’t think about how much profit they bring to their boss at work, receiving a monthly handout, pokes and slaps for it.

If they had carefully studied Oriflame's marketing plan, they would have realized that I only make money by making them richer. Our motto is “By helping others earn money, you will earn money yourself!”

Oriflame Marketing Plan 2019

Hi all! I invite you to read the article on the topic Oriflame Marketing Plan 2018.

So, let's begin. Let's look at some indicators in Oriflame with which I can explain the updated marketing of the Oriflame company.

BB (Bonus Points) is a conventional digital currency indicator of the Oriflame company. Each product in the catalog is assigned a BB.

Group BB – bonus points accumulated by the entire group

Recruit - a new consultant who made the first point order

Q-recruit – a consultant who made 100 BB within 21 days from the date of registration

OS - volume discount is a discount (salary) that a consultant receives depending on the sales volume of his structure (team)

Oriflame has three earning opportunities:

1. Savings from 20%

2. Sales, profit from 20% to 60%

3. Creation of turnover for the Oriflame company for personal consumption, without sales. Creating your own team (sponsoring).

For Buyers SAVINGS

1. Advantageous offer for buyers! Pay 20% less. After registration, all products are sold at consultant prices for ordinary customers. Profitable? I think yes. Which store will give you a 20% discount?

For Sellers EARNINGS

2. Make money on sales. Show the catalog to your friends and acquaintances, collect an order and earn from 20% to 60% instant profit. Who would benefit from additional income? Participate in the Premier Club program and earn from 6,000 rubles. for the catalogue.

- 20% discount on any order,

- 10% additional discount on orders over 250 points

- 3% level on the Ladder of Success

- Premier Club Bonus

GREAT BONUSES for Managers

- Now 3% is counted with 150 BB, and not with 200 BB

- Opportunity to participate in International conferences for managers

- Premier Club Bonus

- 50% discount per catalog for any one product, for orders over 150 points.


Let's look at the marketing plan up to the Director level in a mini-table.

In the header of the table we see BB - bonus points, percentage of sales volume, your income and title.

Bonus points are points scored by your entire team. Sales volume is the turnover created by your group. % is the % that the company pays for the turnover you create. The next column is an estimated income.

For example, if you and your team make 200 bb (provided that your personal number has 150 bb), the company will pay you 200 rubles into your account; if you and your team make 7,500 bb, the team will pay 30,000 rubles into your account.

If you make 149 bb to your personal number, there will be no volume discount. Since the payout starts from 150 bb.

So, in order to get the title director and receive an income of 30,000 per month, you need, together with your team, to make 7500 bb and maintain this result for 8 catalogs in a row. All bonuses are paid out provided that you deposit 150 bb to your personal Oriflame number.

To better understand Oriflame’s success plan, download and study the Oriflame Leaders’ Edition. It reflects all types of income and all unlimited bonuses. You can also learn how to build a structure in the most profitable way.

Let's look at an example of calculating a volume discount.

Let's take for example you and your consultants: 3 consultants in the first level and 2 consultants in the second level.

You have 3000bb You are at the 15% level. The second consultant has 1000 bb and a 9% level according to Oriflame marketing. Similarly, 3 and 4 consultants. 5th consultant has 200 bb and a 3% discount. 6 consultant 150 bb and he has a 3% discount.

No matter what level you are at, you can always participate in the Premier Club and receive various bonuses.

You also have a 20% discount on all products if you buy products for yourself or have an immediate profit of 20 to 60% if you work with the catalog and offer quality products to friends and acquaintances.

Career ladder of success Oriflame

The Oriflame company has developed a career ladder for success Oriflame 2017. By completing it you can receive excellent bonuses. For the title of director, you will receive a one-time bonus of $1,000 and your salary will be approximately 30,000 rubles. For the title of senior director, $1,500, gold director, $2,000, etc.

What does senior director mean? This is if you find a person, register him in the Oriflame company using your consultant number, who, just like you, wants to become a director at Oriflame. When your consultant becomes a director, you automatically become a senior director. If you help two people become directors, then you become a Golden Director. Etc.

Let's consider the conditions for receiving payments from Oriflame

You need to make 150 bb personally to your consultant number.

How to get your income?

To do this you need to register with tax service number individual entrepreneur, stand on tax accounting, then open a bank account. Afterwards, you need to notify the tax service about opening an account and submit all documents to Oriflame. And in the next catalog period you receive your salary into your account.

At what level to open an individual entrepreneur?

It is better to open an individual entrepreneur at the level of 18-22%, it is at this level that you will receive sufficient income, since by registering with the tax service, you will need to pay taxes and make contributions to the pension fund.

How to get income if an individual entrepreneur is not yet open?

While the number of an individual entrepreneur is not open, the discount (salary) will accumulate on your Oriflame number (account). And you can take this money with Oriflame products. For example, order products for 2000 rubles, pay 1000 rubles.

The figure shows the accounting certificate that will be sent to you email. The Director's salary starts from approximately 30,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rub. per month, if you count all the bonuses, plus promotional gifts. An Independent Director of Oriflame has 17 salaries per year, since there are 17 catalog periods.

You can also watch a video from detailed analysis marketing plan:

I told Oriflame’s marketing plan only to the director level. Naturally, the higher the level, the higher your income. The higher your level of knowledge, the more professional you become in the Oriflame company, the greater your income.

Wish you good mood and high titles, and most importantly, believe in your success and everything will definitely work out!

Do you think it’s worth spending time on free training and starting with Oriflame?

Business - Dream Plan 2015 Updates

Question 1: When and how does the Loyalty Program in the form in which it existed end?

Answer: The accumulation of loyalty points ends in K13-2015 inclusive, points can be exchanged for

Question 2: From which catalog is the updated offer for PC members valid?

Answer: From catalog No. 13.

Question3: Is there a limit on the order amount to receive a PC bonus?

Answer: Yes, the BB limit is set at 1500, for orders above which the discount stops

increase and will always be equal to 10% of the PV of goods corresponding to 1500 BB.

Question4: Will 22% level leaders receive a PC bonus (10% discount)?

Answer: Yes, the PC bonus is paid to all Consultants with a total order of 150 BB and

higher, regardless of OS level and rank.

Question 5: In which catalog will Leaders from the Director level and above receive a single bonus?

"My car"?

Answer: From catalog No. 13-2015. In catalog No. 12 Gold and above Directors for the last time

receive an increased bonus according to the “My Home” criteria

Question6: What conditions apply for newcomers to the “Welcome” program during the period from
K13 to K17-2015?

Answer: For beginners registering from the first day of catalog No. 13-2015 in the period from 13 to 17

catalogs 2015 the “old” conditions of the “Welcome” program will apply to all three

Step (due to the end of the WOW-summer summer offer), namely:

In each of the 3 catalogs of the program, beginners receive a fixed discount of 200 rubles + 50%

discount on one product.

More details in the table:


For beginners with a registration date according to catalog No. 12 (inclusive) in the period from 13 to 17

catalogs 2015 will be subject to the terms of the “Welcome” program for all three Steps,

announced for the duration of WOW-Summer, more details in the table:

Question7: Will there be any changes to receiving the 50% discount for PC members?

K13 to K17-2015?

Answer: No.

Question 8: What will it look like? transition period JV actions for beginners?

Answer: Additional clarifications will be made.

Question 9: Why in the comparative table of the Consultant’s income the size of the operating system does not correspond to 3%

from the OP (as defined by the PU)?

Answer: This is due to the fact that the Consultant received a Premier Club discount. In the next

catalog, this Consultant will use this discount to pay for the next order. From any

Ordering a person will receive a Volume Discount. We do not consider it correct to charge volumetric

discount on top of the previous catalog discount. Therefore, the sales volume per placed order

is reduced by the amount of the Premier Club discount accrued in the previous catalogue.

For example, a Consultant placed an order for 150 BB and received a PC discount of 600 rubles. IN

in the next catalog, he places an order again for 150BB, in which he immediately uses this

discount for paying for the order, i.e. he takes the products not at a price of 4800 rubles (DC), but at 600 rubles

cheaper - 4200 rubles, which means the sales volume should also decrease, since the OP and DC have always been

proportionally related to each other. As a result, the volume discount is not considered from the OP in

pure form, and minus the 10% discount already received:

Namely, 3% (% for level 150BB) * (DC - PC discount) / 1.18 (VAT).

Question 10: For which list of products will Consultants exchange points under the program?

loyalty until K04-2016?

Answer: Information is expected soon.

Surely you have already heard a lot about the Oriflame company, and most likely you even have some Oriflame products on your bathroom shelves? And you’ve probably already heard something about how you can make money in our company. Basically, many people only know that you can make money by selling cosmetics through catalogs.

But, unfortunately, not everyone knows that in cooperation with Oriflame you can earn even very SERIOUS money!

Let's get down to business:

After registering with our team, each person is given 3 possibilities- everyone can use one, two, or maybe all three.
What will you get by registering with our team at Oriflame?

So, three possibilities:

1. BUY!

After registering with Oriflame, you will be able to purchase products directly from the company at the Distributor price - 30% cheaper than in the catalog. (There are no restrictions on the purchase of products, either minimum or maximum).

2. SELL!

30% of sales - immediate profit. By displaying Oriflame catalogs, receiving and fulfilling orders, you can earn 30% on the difference between the distributor price and the price for customers. An income of 3000-5000 rubles per month is guaranteed for those who are engaged in sales.

3. SPONSOR! (it is in this opportunity that our teamwork with you will begin)

By inviting people to cooperate with Oriflame, you can earn from 3 to 22% of their total purchases (sales). The percentage depends on the total volume of purchases (sales) of all distributors in your group.

We already have people on our team who earn more than 100,000 rubles a month.

Marketing plan in Oriflame

The Oriflame marketing plan will allow you to gain financial freedom. It shows your capabilities when serious attitude to the point. This is possible for everyone.

According to statistics from 2011, more than 80% of Russians are not satisfied with their professions and, of course, with their salaries. People are looking for other sources of income. But here’s the paradox: finding a part-time job doesn’t solve the problem. Even with a small increase in income, there is no free time left at all. The so-called syndrome develops chronic fatigue. There are, after all, 24 hours in a day!

Is there a solution? Yes, I have. Oriflame marketing can help with this. You need to start your own business, or your own business, in parallel with your main job. There is a good saying: find a job you love and stop working. Working for Oriflame is not a job in the literal sense of the word, it is a favorite activity that provides self-realization, recognition and income. Oriflame marketing allows everyone to do this. It is best to start with a network business. Here the risks are minimal, the entry fee 149 rubles (during the Free promotion!). And it is very important that in this Oriflame business you have a mentor, a person who will help you get the income you want.

See for yourself the opportunities that the company and Oriflame marketing provide. Oriflame consultant, to whom the company pays $1000 per month, i.e. has the status of Director of Oriflame, every person can have it, having a main job and free time engaged in his own profitable business. In order to have large incomes, you need more than just free time. Here you decide for yourself.

To understand the Oriflame marketing plan, let’s introduce concepts. Bonus point - unit of measurement turnover for which the company pays money. Percentage (%) - the greater the amount of goods left with your help from the company’s warehouse, the greater the percentage the company will pay you and your people.

The Oriflame marketing plan is the stages of Oriflame marketing, the levels of Oriflame marketing. Oriflame marketing income.

1 CONSULTANT for 150 - 900 bb you get

0-9% (from 2 thousand rubles in 3 weeks)

2 MANAGER for 1800 - 5000 bb - 12-18% (5-18 thousand rubles in 3 weeks)


Three options:

— minimum 7500 bonus points;

— at least 3000 bonus points in a personal group and one 21% group on the first level;

- two or more 22% of the group in the first level.

Average income per year (month):

350,000 rub. (RUB 20,800)


maintain the status of Senior Manager for any 8 catalog periods out of 17

Average income per year (month):

425,000 rub. (RUB 25,000)


Two Directors in the first level for any 8 catalog periods out of 17

Average income per year (month):

850,000 rub. (50,000 rub.)


Three Directors in the first level during any 8 catalog periods out of 17

Average income per year (month):

RUB 1,275,000 (RUB 75,000)


Four Directors in the first level during any 8 catalog periods out of 17

Average income per year (month):

RUB 1,700,000 (RUB 100,000)


Six director groups in the first level for any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.

Average income per year (month):

RUB 2,550,000 (RUB 150,000)


Eight director groups in the first level for any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.

Average income per year (month):

RUB 3,400,000 (RUB 200,000)


Ten director groups in the first level for any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.

Average income per year (month):

RUB 4,250,000 (RUB 250,000)


Twelve director groups in the first level for any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.


Fifteen director groups in the first level for any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.

Average income of a member of the Executive team per year (month):

from 6,375,000 rub. (RUB 375,000)


Eighteen director's groups in the first level for any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.

Average income of a member of the Executive team per year (month):

from 6,375,000 rub. (RUB 375,000)


Twenty-one 21% groups in the first level for any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.

Average income of a member of the Executive team per year (month):

from 6,375,000 rub. (RUB 375,000)


Twenty-four 21% groups in the first level during any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.

Average income of a member of the Presidential Team for the yearb (month):

from 12,750,000 rub. (RUB 750,000)


Twenty-four 21% groups in the first level / six “diamond branches” of them during any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.

Average income of a member of the Presidential Team per year (month):

from 12 7500 000 rub. (RUB 750,000)


Twenty-four 21% groups in the first level of Oriflame marketing / twelve “diamond branches” of them during any 8 catalog periods out of 17 in a row.

Oriflame provides several opportunities to earn money. All the ways of doing business in our company are described in detail here. If you are interested in something, register on our website and we will help you get started!

In person or via the Internet, by phone or Skype, we guarantee you comprehensive assistance and support.

Senior Golden Directors of Oriflame,
Yulia and Mikhail Fadeev. About us >>

By collaborating with Oriflame, you can:

Look great, buy cosmetics at a discount and save 22%;
- earn money by combining this activity with your main job;
- start your own business without starting capital and very high income;

So, let's take a closer look at all the capabilities of Oriflame:

1. Save.
By registering with the company, you will have the opportunity to buy products without a 20% markup, i.e. at warehouse prices. You also automatically become a participant in the company’s shares, which provide many gifts. This will help you save your family budget. We use cosmetics in any case, so why overpay to stores and consultants if you can easily get it cheaper!
Moreover, there are no restrictions: you can place an order for 100 rubles, or for 10,000 or more.
2. Sell.
When registering, you get access to warehouse prices. Display catalogs, demonstrate product samples and collect product orders at catalog prices. The difference between the warehouse price (distributor price) and the catalog price is 30% - this is your trading profit.
It's simple: bought cheaper, sold more expensive
The more sales, the more gifts and bonuses Oriflame will give you!
More information about the company's shares - .
Through sales you can earn up to 10,000 rubles per month. Many consultants earn more - up to 20,000 rubles. To sell more, learn this in our “For Consultants” section. You will receive a login password immediately after registering on our website.
3. Building your team (sponsoring).
Building your team- this is an invitation to Oriflame to join other people in your group.
Sponsoring- this is training and support for those you invited.
The Oriflame company pays bonuses on a monthly basis depending on the total turnover of the entire group of consultants we have created. The more sales the team makes, the higher the percentage we get (from 3% to 22%).
This is a very profitable type of activity; many people already make money this way.more than 100,000 rubles per month!

Most people are not even aware of the possibility of building a team at Oriflame and believe that they can only earn money by selling cosmetics. But it was by sponsoring (inviting and training people) that many achieved amazing income and financial independence!

This is actually a very profitable business!

We present to your attention the new Oriflame marketing plan! It has been in effect since March 2013 and is different from previous topics that the company increased payments and introduced a large number of bonuses. Now everyone who cooperates with Oriflame earns even more!

So how does the Oriflame marketing plan work? How to make big money at Oriflame?

When registering with a company on our website, you will officially receive your personal number in Oriflame. When you invite a new person to Oriflame, during registration you will indicate your number (i.e. you will become a sponsor of the newcomer), and the company will know for sure that it was you who invited the newcomer.

The people you invite can also save, sell and invite other people to Oriflame. Depending on the total turnover of your group during the catalog period, you will be paid a certain percentage of this turnover.

Income depending on group sales volume

Volume of sales % of sales volume Income Rank
4500 rub. 3% From 150 rub. consultant
9900 rub. 6% From 600 rub. consultant
19800 rub. 9% From 2,000 rub. manager
40,000 rub. 12% From 4,000 rub. manager
70,000 rub. 15% From 9,000 rub. manager
120,000 rub. 18% From 14,000 rub. manager
170,000 rub. 22% From RUB 30,000 senior manager/director

Please note that turnover is recorded based on the results of each catalogue, i.e. once every 3 weeks. And the income amounts in the table are also indicated for 3 weeks. We are used to measuring our income per month.
It’s easy to calculate: every two months 3 catalogs are published, i.e. for example, if you reached the level of senior manager (22%), then in 2 months you will receive 3 bonuses of 30,000 rubles. 3rd category period*30000=90000 rub.
Those. per month you will earn: 90000/2=
45,000 rubles!

When your group makes a turnover of 170,000 rubles for more than 6 catalog periods, you will be awarded the title of Director and paid an additional bonus of $1000, and will also be invited to the Annual Banquet of Directors, which takes place every year in Moscow (Gostiny Dvor or Olympic sports complex, invitation to 2 person). If your turnover remains at the level of 170,000 rubles for another 6 catalog periods in a row, you will receive 1 more bonus of $1,000!

How to reach Oriflame Director level?

Stage 1.

Invite five of your friends to join your Oriflame group and teach them how to collect orders for 5,000 rubles. to the catalog. Together with you - a group of 6 people.

6 people x 5000 rub. = 30,000 rub.
Sales volume (VP) of the group is 30,000 rubles.

Your income from the total turnover of the group 9% = 2700 rubles.

Stage 2.

Teach your consultants how to invite five people they know. And invite five more yourself. Then your group will already have 36 consultants. If everyone places an order for 5,000 rubles, then

OP group = 36 people. x 5000 rub. = 180,000 rub. - YOU ARE THE DIRECTOR OF THE STRUCTURE!
Your income from the total OP of the group is 22% = 39,000 rubles.

But this is not the limit! Invite more people, teach them and the results will not be long in coming...

Of course, this is a very simplified diagram. In this example, the main thing is to understand how it works!

Stage 3.

Develop your structure in depth.
Train consultants to teach your people, help them do this.
Your structure can grow unlimitedly and even without your participation!
The Director level is only the very beginning in the Oriflame career ladder.

Questions arise:

Where to begin? What are the first steps? And who will help me, tell me how to do better?

We answer:

You need to start with official registration with Oriflame;
- after registration you will receive detailed instructions about how to place an order via the Internet, and then you will receive training letters that contain 90% of the answers to your questions;
- if you haven’t found the answer, then ask us any question and we will definitely answer you (Question-Answer section)
- we are actively building a business with Oriflame via the Internet - we will definitely teach you how, without leaving home, build your career in Oriflame and start earning big money.
- if you decide to work seriously, then let us know in the Contacts section! In this case, we will send you Additional information or we’ll even come to your city and help you personally!

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems, you just have to start...
Believe me, to succeed at Oriflame you don’t need superpowers, you don’t need to be a genius or a child prodigy. You just need to learn this business and act.

A career at Oriflame is just beginning with the title of Director!

Further growth depends on how many people you help become Directors.
From all your Director's groups you will receive certain percentages:
Director's bonus (up to 10,000 rub.)
Director's Bonus 5%
Gold Bonus 2%
Sapphire Bonus - 0.5%
Diamond Bonus - 0.25%
Double Diamond Bonus - 0.125%
Executive bonus - 0.0625%

At first glance, it seems that these are not large premium percentages. But this is only at first glance! If you look into it, you will see that these interests are accrued on huge amounts and, as a result, the total bonus paid to the Oriflame leader reaches very large values. Below, the table shows the average income of Oriflame leaders depending on their rank in the company.

Reaching the Director level is not difficult! Thousands of people have already achieved this. You can work in any city or town where there is Internet. Try it too! And we will help you!

Below are the steps career ladder Oriflame:

Senior manager:

Condition: 22% - 1 time
.Annual income - $9,900
.Opportunity to participate in the Directors' Seminar
.Gift for Senior Manager
.Senior Manager Badge and more...


Condition: 22% - 8 catalogs
. One-time payment - $1,000
. Annual income - $12,000
. Invitation for two persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to participate in the Directors' Seminar
. Gift to the Director

Auto program
. Director's badge and more...

Golden Director:

Condition: 2 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $2,000
. Annual income - $24,000

. Golden Director's badge made of pure gold and more...

Senior Golden Director:

Condition: 3 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $3,000
. Annual income - $36,000
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend the Golden Conference
. Gift to the Golden Director
. Senior Gold Director Badge made of pure gold and more...

Sapphire Director:

Condition: 4 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $4,000
. Annual income - $48,000
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend the Golden Conference
. Gift to the Sapphire Director
. Solid gold Sapphire Director badge with sapphire and more...

Diamond Director:

Condition: 6 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $6,000
. Annual income - $72,600
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet

. Business class car for Diamond Director
. Diamond Director Badge made of solid gold with a diamond and more...

Senior Diamond Director:

Condition: 8 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $8,000
. Annual income - $96,000
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend the Gold and Diamond Conferences

. Senior Diamond Badge made of pure gold with diamond and more...

Double Diamond Director:

Condition: 10 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $10,000
. Annual income - $120,000
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend the Gold and Diamond Conferences
. Gift for Senior Diamond Director
. Double Diamond Director's Badge in solid gold with a diamond and more...

Executive Director:

Condition: 12 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $24,000
. Annual income - $150,000
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet

. Executive Director badge made of solid gold with diamonds and more...

Golden Executive Director:

Condition: 15 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $30,000
. Annual income - $200,000
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet

. Gift for the Executive Director
. Gold Executive Director Badge made of solid gold with diamonds and more...

Sapphire Executive Director:

Condition: 18 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $36,000
. Annual income - $250,000
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend Gold, Diamond and Executive conferences
. Gift for Sapphire Executive Director
. Gold Executive Director Badge made of solid gold with diamonds and more...

Diamond Executive Director:

Condition: 21 Director at your first level
. One-time payment - $42,000
. Annual income - $327,000
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend Gold, Diamond and Executive conferences
. Gift to the Diamond Executive Director
. Solid gold Diamond Executive Badge with diamonds and more...

The president:

Condition: 24 Directors in your first level
. One-time payment - $100,000
. Annual income - $400,000

. Flying in business class
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend Gold, Diamond and Executive conferences
. Gift to the President
. Presidential badge made of solid gold with diamonds and more...

Senior President:

Condition: 24 Directors in your first level + 6 diamond branches (see success plan)
. One-time payment - $200,000
. Annual income - $500,000
. Flying in business class
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend Gold, Diamond and Executive conferences
. Gift to the Senior President
. Senior President Badge made of solid gold with diamonds and more...

Golden President:

Condition: 24 Directors in your first level + 12 diamond branches (see success plan)
. One-time payment - $300,000
. Annual income - $620,000
. VOLVO car as a gift
. Flying in business class
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend Gold, Diamond and Executive conferences
. Gift to the Golden President
. Gold Presidential Badge made of solid gold with diamonds and more...

Sapphire President:

Condition: 24 Directors in your first level + 18 diamond branches (see success plan)
. One-time payment - $400,000
. Annual income - $760,000
. Flying in business class
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend Gold, Diamond and Executive conferences
. Gift to the Sapphire President
. Sapphire Presidential Badge made of solid gold with diamonds and more...

Diamond President:

Condition: 24 Directors at your first level +24 diamond branches (see success plan)
. One-time payment - $1,000,000
. Annual income - $940,000
. Flying in business class
. Invitation for 2 persons to the Directors' Banquet
. Opportunity to attend Gold, Diamond and Executive conferences
. Gift to the Diamond President
. Diamond Presidential Badge made of solid gold with diamonds and more...

You can reach any of these levels. To do this, you need to start working and learning the network marketing business. To get started, register! Registration with Oriflame takes very little time.

If you are aiming to start seriously collaborating with Oriflame and building your team, then immediately after registration, let us know about your intentions to start a business with Oriflame. To do this, visit the Contacts section. It is important for us to know what you want from Oriflame - then our cooperation will be the most productive.

Choose Oriflame, join our team!

This Right way to success!