Tecna anti-hair loss shampoo. Shampoos against hair loss - rating, composition and reviews. The main causes of hair loss and the necessary components for treatment

The causes of hair loss in this section will be discussed without reference to gender, since the same reasons are typical for both men and women.

The only difference is that different causes of hair loss (scientifically called alopecia) occur in men and women with different frequencies.

Different shampoos are designed to combat different causes of baldness, so you should choose a cosmetic product for yourself without taking into account the recommendations of girlfriends and reviews on the Internet.

There are quite a few reasons why hair loss may intensify and they are diverse in nature. If this problem is a symptom of a disease, then with the elimination of the root cause, the symptom itself usually disappears, but local effects should not be excluded - this helps to reduce the activity of the process and restore the volume of hair in a shorter time. So, the main reasons for hair loss are:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • a consequence of an acute infectious disease or heavy blood loss;
  • poor nutrition;
  • use of low-quality or unsuitable hair care products;
  • long-term use of certain groups of medications;
  • severe stress;
  • chronic systemic diseases;
  • lack of certain microelements or vitamins.

Types of shampoos for hair loss

Rare species include alopecia areata and some other species. Shampoos against hair loss can be used uncontrollably in these cases only during periods of persistent improvement in the condition and only as an adjuvant under the supervision of a doctor during periods of increased hair loss.

Placenta formula ampoules strengthen, eliminate dandruff and improve hair growth. Find out how effective placenta hair loss ampoules are.

What vitamins should you take if you are losing a lot of hair after childbirth? Read this link.

Patchy baldness is hair loss, usually on the scalp, but can sometimes affect other areas of the body. Read more here.

Pharmacy shampoos for hair loss are classified as follows:

  • shampoos containing silicone. Silicone has an enveloping effect, protecting hair from the negative effects of the environment. I can advise those who live in the city or work in a room where the environmental background is unfavorable. In addition, it is good for those who are fond of using heat styling and drying products. It does not solve the problem of hair loss, but it helps preserve the remaining hair;
  • sulfate-free shampoo. Its composition does not contain sulfates, which makes them one of the most useful and safe to use. Shampoos based on this product do not have a loosening effect on hair. You can wash your hair with it often. The natural components included in this product have a strengthening effect on hair follicles, which prevents their loss. In some cases, when hair loss is not associated with hormonal problems, their use can quickly solve the problem. The disadvantage of sulfate-free shampoos is insufficient rinsing of hair after using a number of styling gels or mousses, as well as hairspray;
  • shampoo with aminexil. Such shampoos are medicinal. They are mainly sold in pharmacies. High-quality shampoos with aminexil can revive follicular bulbs and activate their growth. It is believed that aminexil is a derivative of minoxidil that can lower blood pressure. If you are one of the people who react to low blood pressure, monitor your blood pressure when using such shampoos. In addition to shampoo, aminexil can be used for rubbing into the scalp from an ampoule;

Shampoo for hair loss at home:

  • medicinal shampoos for hair loss, prepared at home - such shampoos consist entirely of natural ingredients and have a minimal allergic effect on the body.

Shampoos against hair loss are not able to cope with the problem alone. In addition, it is important to find and eliminate the cause of developing alopecia, take vitamins for hair loss, stimulate blood circulation in the scalp so that all nutrients and oxygen reach the hair follicles in full.

Do not neglect the help of a trichologist. The use of special shampoos in combination with the use of medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, and adherence to measures to prevent hair loss will help strengthen the hair follicles and prevent hair loss.

All shampoos for hair loss are divided into several types according to their composition and principle of action:

  1. with aminexil;
  2. sulfate-free;
  3. containing silicone.

In this list, the types of hair detergents are not arranged in random order. Aminexil-containing shampoos took first place due to their pronounced therapeutic effect.

Aminexil is a drug specially designed to treat and strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth from dormant follicles. This substance is included in shampoos for hair loss by the L'Oreal and Vichy concerns.

Can be purchased in ampoules and rubbed into the scalp. But regular hair washing with medicated shampoo with a selected dosage of the active ingredient is much more convenient and practical.

Sulfate-free shampoos are high-quality hair care products. This is an example of the fact that shampoo can not add medicine, but remove a harmful component, which are sulfates that destroy the hair shaft.

Their disadvantage is that they do not wash out styling products well: foams, varnishes, mousses, wax.

Anti-hair loss shampoo with silicone practically does not solve the problem of alopecia. But its use during treatment allows us to solve the aesthetic side of the issue.

Silicone, which envelops each hair, gives the curls volume and natural shine, protects them from the negative effects of environmental conditions and reduces the harmful effects of hot styling devices.

There are a number of substances whose content in shampoo makes it dangerous or beneficial for hair growth.

You should avoid those hair and scalp detergents that contain aggressive chemicals, such as sodium laureth or sodium lauryl sulfate.

And for the shampoo to be as useful as possible, it should include:

  • proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • healing plant extracts;
  • nourishing and moisturizing components;
  • vitamins, minerals, biological active substances.

A course of treatment

The period of use of shampoo for hair loss should be determined by a trichologist. He must establish the cause of the loss after passing the necessary tests. Some companies indicate the terms on the packages, due to the fact that they may vary for each specific type of shampoo.

Considering that many detergents are based on natural ingredients, they can be used for a longer period of time. But this is not suitable for everyone, as some shampoos are expensive.

Often the effect occurs after the first few uses, so do not be upset if after the first time of using a new shampoo the expected effect does not occur.

If there is no positive result, it may be worth paying attention to such radical measures as hair transplantation. You can find out more about modern transplant methods, including non-surgical techniques and the price of this procedure, on our website.

In order to choose a shampoo, you need to understand all the problems of the scalp and hair. They can be determined by a specialized doctor. Based on his recommendations, it is worth selecting the appropriate shampoo, which will be optimal, both in terms of its characteristics and its cost.

Is there an ideal remedy?

There are many reasons for this loss: improper care, genetics, ecology, diseases and others. The solution requires comprehensive, nutritious nutrition, proper hair care using medicinal and professional cosmetics.

If you suspect serious malfunctions in the body’s functioning, contacting a specialist is mandatory. It is likely that you will have to give up your usual shampoo and start using a medicated shampoo for hair loss.

Quality does not depend on cost. Even an expensive remedy may be ineffective. Be sure to look at the characteristics, that is, the composition, what type of hair the shampoo is intended for, take into account the popularity of the brand and user reviews on the forums.

Be sure to monitor the condition of your curls for a couple of weeks after use. Usually the effect is obvious after a short time. It is important to control all changes. If the result is negative, that is, the situation with hair loss worsens, then use must be stopped.

Some of the most effective shampoos for combating hair loss are Bioxin, Kloran, Vichy and Alerana. Bioxin contains phytoextracts and herbs. Regular use effectively solves the problem of hair loss.

"Kloran", "Vichy" and "Alerana"

You can only buy Kloran at a pharmacy: the product is medicinal. It contains quinine, which reduces the number of hair loss by half in just two weeks of use.

The use of Vichy anti-hair loss shampoo for men and women with capsules is effective for half a month. "Alerana" works great with balms of a similar line. The product is applied to the curls after washing for twenty to twenty-five minutes.


An effective anti-hair loss shampoo should contain biotin, manganese, silicon, and panthenol. The latter makes the consequences of hair loss less noticeable to others by adding volume to the hairstyle and increasing the density of the hair.

The best option is a shampoo containing only natural ingredients, minerals and vitamins that help restore the health of your hair. The selection of shampoo must be carried out in accordance with the type of curls and the type of problem.

Therapeutic shampoo will always help maintain the health of curls and skin, making hair stronger and more manageable, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and prevent the appearance of catheter. Hair loss is a pressing problem. And they require a special relationship.

There is nothing wrong with the daily loss of follicles within normal limits, because the process is natural. And there is absolutely no need to start sounding the alarm at the sight of several hairs falling out in a day and rushing to buy the most expensive shampoos and other care products.

Although stopping the use of harsh coloring compounds and regular thermal exposure will be very useful.

Less popular due to their high cost, but more effective due to their composition, are professional products such as Vichy, KAARAL, Lebel, etc.

The biggest disadvantage of Vichy shampoos is their cost. At the same time, they really help, as they have a good composition, which is full of vitamins and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the hair. Read here how to make your own vitamin shampoo.

KAARAL products are professional hair care products. They prevent hair loss, as confirmed by numerous reviews.

They don't have a very low price, so not everyone can afford them. Buyers note a smell that is not typical of natural shampoos, but a completely natural composition that is beyond doubt.

One of the types of shampoos that have quite clear customer reviews is Lebel. This brand is represented by cleaning products that really help to cope with the problem.

Its composition does not contain toxic substances that can damage the skin, but is based only on natural ingredients.

As already mentioned, to ensure its functions, an anti-hair loss shampoo must be saturated with useful components that would nourish the hair follicles and the hairs themselves, strengthening them and reducing the intensity of hair loss. Products with the following components are considered preferable:

  • plant extracts;
  • oils;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • moisturizing and nourishing components;
  • proteins, etc.

Aggressive chemical components can greatly aggravate the situation, so the more natural the composition, the better.

Vichy shampoos

Burdock shampoo

There are a lot of anti-hair loss shampoos produced. However, the most popular ones get the most attention.

It is advisable to conduct an additional examination using special equipment to determine the characteristics of the skin and hair shaft.

It is better to purchase recommended shampoo in a specialized store rather than in a regular store: this makes it more difficult to purchase a fake. Products are available by curl type, color and purpose. Therefore, before purchasing, you should accurately determine the tasks for which the product is selected.

Understanding the composition of shampoo is not easy: the names of many components do not mean anything. However, it is difficult to understand whether it contains harmful substances. “Two-in-one” drugs or family series are not worth buying: their effectiveness is much lower than that of individual products.

Finding the best anti-hair loss shampoo may not be possible the first time. You'll have to go through several options. Therefore, if the salon option, selected by specialists, has already been tested, then there is no need to look for something special.


Perhaps one of the most worthy anti-hair loss products comes from the famous Dove brand. Repair therapy “Intensive restoration” shampoo will help even the driest hair become silky, soft and smooth, and most importantly, stop hair loss.

  • restores hair follicles at the cellular level;
  • The composition contains a microserum that helps to intensively moisturize the hair;
  • after using this shampoo, hair loss in women is reduced by 97%;
  • effectively cleanses the scalp;
  • hair becomes smooth, soft, and looks more vibrant;
  • the shampoo has a pleasant smell, characteristic of all Dove products;
  • hair is easy to comb.
  • intensively moisturizing the hair can lead to rapid “pollution”;
  • in individual cases, women experience dandruff due to incompatibility with the components.

Despite the disadvantages, many representatives of the fair sex really felt the real effect of strengthening and moisturizing their hair after 3-4 times of use and were satisfied.

Vichy is a well-known brand of medicinal hair, skin, face and body care products. Perhaps someone has already come across this manufacturer and can say that the advantages of its products are much greater than the disadvantages. Vichy has a good anti-hair loss shampoo from the Dercos series.

The main result of use is a significant slowdown in hair loss and toning of the scalp, activation of hair follicles. Vichy Dercos strengthening shampoo with Aminexil contains vitamins that are beneficial for hair. The cost of shampoo is from 500 rubles.

Another remedy that helps a woman get rid of hair loss is the popular Onion shampoo from the Russian parapharmaceutical company Twins Tech CJSC.

Like many products from the “911+ Your Rescue Service” series, this shampoo was created based on herbal extracts and has a healing effect.

Onion is one of the effective foods that help strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Using the latest technologies, the company has released a medicinal shampoo, where the active ingredient is onion extract. The price of shampoo is from 120 rubles.

  • onion extract stimulates blood circulation in the head, strengthens and restores the structure of hair follicles at the cellular level;
  • The shampoo contains an active complex of extracts of numerous herbs: green tea, sage, birch leaves, burdock, aloe vera, chamomile, nettle and others - they allow you to saturate the scalp cells with nutrients and normalize metabolic processes;
  • shampoo moisturizes and softens hair, gives it shine;
  • has a gentle cleansing and does not disturb the balance of local microflora;
  • does not make hair greasy;
  • There is no onion smell.
  • does not foam well;
  • small volume - 150ml;
  • in some cases it dries out the scalp and causes itching.

Not only against “hair loss”, but also for the powerful activation of hair growth - this is why many representatives of the fair sex buy shampoo from the Italian Rinfoltil series of cosmetics.

The main calling card of the manufacturer is the presence of a “green” additive in the composition: extract of dwarf palm berries. The main properties of the extract are to combat the increase in dihydrotestosterone in the scalp, which is toxic to hair, and to reduce the sensitivity of hair follicles to this hormone.

It is the cause of the development of the male hormone that leads to androgenetic baldness.

In the Rinfoltil Espresso series there are two shampoos: “Strengthened formula for hair loss” and “Strengthening weak hair”. The first is recommended to be used in combination with Rinfoltil ampoules, the second in between courses of hair treatment. The cost of the product is from 340 rubles.

  • according to the manufacturer, the “green” supplement helps restore the hair structure and strengthen it not only with androgenetic alopecia, but in the off-season and other cases;
  • the product does not contain cosmetic additives that negatively affect hair;
  • the presence of caffeine in the product helps hair become more active and grow much faster;
  • gently cleanses;
  • economical use of funds.

Fitoval is a medicinal dermatological product developed by the Slovenian pharmaceutical company KRKA. The shampoo effectively fights hair loss in both women and men.

The series has containers of 100 and 200 ml. For the first test, we recommend taking a small jar, as the shampoo may not be suitable.

The cost of the product is from 140 and 240 rubles.

Natura Siberica products have recently appeared on store shelves. This manufacturer built the first organic farms in Russia, where he began to grow rare medicinal herbs and produce natural products.

Natura Kamchatka shampoo “Volcano Energy” is aimed at combating hair loss. The cost of the product is from 90 rubles.

  • the shampoo is made on the basis of white Kamchatka clay and bioactive thermal water, which strengthen the hair follicle and activate growth;
  • The product contains burdock oil and wheat germ oil, blue Rapan clay, extracts of Siberian fir, rowan and noctule;
  • does not contain silicones and parabens;
  • gives hair volume and shine;
  • Gently and gently cleanses hair;
  • economical consumption.
  • the maximum effect is visible only in combination with the balm.

The pharmaceutical factory NPO Elfa has released a series of hair care products based on burdock oil - a folk remedy known to many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers for strengthening and restoring hair.

The series includes shampoo, balm-mask, oil and serum. The cost of shampoo is from 150 rubles.

  • the product contains the Bh Intensiv+ complex, developed on the basis of burdock oil, vitamins, amino acids and phytoextracts, which increases the lifespan of hair and saves the hair follicle from negative enzymes that cause hair loss;
  • nourishes the scalp and stimulates blood circulation;
  • normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates scalp itching.
  • uneconomical use of funds;
  • does not moisturize;
  • may be addictive.

Cosmetics companies have flooded the shelves of pharmacies, specialty stores, and regular stores. It is difficult to choose among them the one that will surely help solve the problem.

Firstly, if the product does not cope, this does not mean that it does not work; perhaps, due to some individual parameters, it did not suit you specifically.

Secondly, many nuances play a role in selecting the product that ultimately turns out to be optimal. We have selected those brands of skincare cosmetics that have held leading positions in sales for several years.

Moreover, all of them have consumer confidence, and some are noted at the highest level.

We can highlight the following companies that have anti-hair loss shampoos in their assortment:

6. “Agafya’s first aid kit”

These brands belong to completely different categories, so it is literally almost impossible to compare them. The top positions were shared by European brands of medicinal cosmetics.

The next two companies belong to the mass market group, so their performance may be slightly lower than that of the previous two. The last positions on the list belong to domestic companies that, according to user reviews, produce high-quality and inexpensive products.

TWINS Tek 911 Onion

Users often call 911 Onion from the Russian brand TWINS Tech one of the best inexpensive shampoos against hair loss. This remedy is aimed at nourishing and strengthening the bulbs by normalizing metabolic processes.

At the same time, it perfectly restores damaged hair structure. The shampoo contains a variety of plant substances that help reduce loss with regular use of the product.

Components such as extracts of onion, nettle, chamomile, birch, burdock, as well as a number of vitamins, make the product very effective and actually cope with its task - eliminating hair loss.

The shampoo delicately but thoroughly cleanses the scalp of impurities and cares for curls. After using it, the strands are especially elastic and soft.

They shine, have a well-groomed and healthy appearance.


  • cleans well
  • high efficiency,
  • suitable for regular use,
  • formula rich in plant components,
  • makes hair thicker,
  • inexpensive.


  • may cause allergies,
  • produces little foam
  • visible results do not appear immediately.

"Agafya's First Aid Kit" Dermatological

The Agafya First Aid Kit brand offers Dermatological shampoo to solve the problem of hair loss. However, the manufacturer warns that this product is more suitable for preventing this problem than for solving it.

Although, it is worth noting that users who have used the product emphasize the high effectiveness of the care. For example, hair breaks much less, and we remember that sometimes losses are due precisely to the fact that they break off along the length.

The shampoo contains active ingredients that stimulate the nutrition of the bulb, as a result of which it becomes healthier, and also increases the overall tone of the scalp.

The main detergent base of the product is soap root, which more gently cleanses the scalp. Calamus root and saturated linolenic fatty acid serve to improve nutrition, cellular metabolism and strengthen barrier functions.

Another important element is keratin, which prevents dehydration and preserves youthful hair.

  • high strengthening efficiency,
  • composition rich in natural ingredients,
  • hair breaks less
  • density increases,
  • price per tube of 300 ml.
  • works as a prophylactic agent,
  • Not a very ergonomic bottle.

L'oreal Elseve The Power of Arginine

The Arginine Power series from L’oreal has in its line a shampoo of the same name, which copes well with the problem of hair loss. Its main component is the amino acid arginine.

It is the so-called building element of hair fiber. The special formula has an effect in three directions at once: nutrition, strengthening, accelerated growth and reduction of hair loss.

The effectiveness of the product has been tested in research laboratories, as evidenced by data that anyone can see.

Vichy Dercos

Dercos shampoo from Vichy will help both men and women cope with hair loss. This remedy can be purchased exclusively in pharmacies or specialized stores.

The high quality of this product and its effectiveness justify the high price. The active components in the composition are vitamins and the patented molecule aminexil.

They nourish hair from the very roots, strengthening it and restoring vitality. The caring formula gently cleanses the skin and does not dry out the hair, so after washing it is easy to comb.

Dercos has undergone clinical trials for effectiveness. According to their results, hair loss is reduced by 75%.

Provitamin B5, vitamin B6, and arginine help improve skin microcirculation and strengthen the hair structure. Regular use for a month allows you to see significant results - losses almost completely stop.

For severe hair loss, in addition to shampoo, you can purchase ampoules from the same series. The product is suitable for regular use.

  • healing and caring formula,
  • the product is highly effective,
  • strengthens strands,
  • can be used in courses or regularly,
  • gives enough foam.

KRKA Fitoval

The Slovenian company KRKA is famous for its Fitoval shampoo against hair loss. From the same line, to comprehensively combat the problem, the manufacturer recommends using special capsules and balm.

This product, just like the previous one, can be bought in pharmacy chains. It's quite common.

The cost of shampoo is much lower than Vichy. At the same time, the product is consumed economically.

1. Shampoo 911 Onion from the Russian brand TWINS Tech will be an excellent choice for people with hair loss. Its rich herbal formula and high efficiency will help save you from this problem for quite little money.

2. For those who want to take care of their hair in advance to prevent hair loss, we recommend purchasing Dermatological shampoo from the domestic manufacturer, the Agafya First Aid Kit company.

This product will provide the necessary care to the scalp, and the low cost for the large volume will serve as an additional pleasant bonus.

3. If you have mild hair loss, then pay attention to shampoo enriched with a special amino acid – Arginine Power from L’oreal. It perfectly strengthens and nourishes the hair follicles, after which hair growth increases.

4. From the mass market group, the best shampoo against hair loss is Anti-hair falla from Syoss. Its formula has caffeine as an active component, which acts on hair follicles, which reduces hair loss and improves growth.

5. Dercos from Vichy is recognized as an excellent medicinal shampoo. It is suitable for men and women. The high cost in this case is justified because the product works.

6. If your hair falls out due to stress, time of year, lack of vitamins and other minor reasons, then Fitoval medicinal shampoo from the Slovenian company KRKA will help you. It will significantly reduce hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.

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Composition of shampoos for treating hair loss

A pronounced therapeutic effect can be obtained from shampoos containing these components:

  • natural plant extracts;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • mineral elements;
  • amino acids, proteins;
  • biologically active substances;
  • moisturizing and nourishing ingredients.

Shampoos against hair loss at home

Homemade shampoos for oily hair

To stop oily hair from falling out, you can use the following components:

  • powdered mustard at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 2 liters of boiled water;
  • kefir in the same ratio with water;
  • shampoo based on tar soap, which is grated and dissolved in warm water.

DIY shampoos for dry hair

Make the best anti-hair loss shampoo at home! If your hair is prone to dryness, you can use:

  • yogurt-based shampoos;
  • nettle decoction with vinegar added;
  • rye bread soaked in water.
  • white clay shampoo (suitable for any hair type). All you need to do to make it is mix clay and clean water in a ratio of 1 to 2. The mass should be of medium thickness, it is applied to the hair, massaged a little and washed off with clean water;
  • in case of hair loss, it is recommended to wash and rinse your hair with a decoction of birch leaves. To prepare it, pour two tablespoons of raw material into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil in a water bath for up to 5 minutes. Before use, filter the product;

The main purpose of anti-hair loss shampoos is to improve blood flow to the scalp, which provides oxygen to the hair follicles. The presence of sodium lauryl sulfate and laureth in shampoo can worsen the situation with your hair, so it is better not to choose hair care products that contain these substances. Let's look at some of the shampoos that are aimed at treating baldness.

Which anti-hair loss shampoo to choose?

Of course, you can’t try all the drugs—there are so many. We recommend that you read information about each, choose a few - let them be those that do not contain any allergic components for you, are affordable, are sold in a pharmacy, etc. If none of the shampoos help cope with the problem, it is better to go to an appointment with a trichologist. So, what would be your best anti-hair loss shampoo? For women and men - is there a difference?


Tiande from Master Herb is suitable for all hair types. It contains many biologically active components that help improve blood flow and enhance hair growth. Extracts of ginseng, shou wu, angelica, sesame, thyme, Sichuan lovage - this is exactly what perfectly washes the hair and increases blood flow to the scalp. Both men and women can use the shampoo.

TianDe is applied to the hair for several minutes so that the healing substances can work well. Due to its natural composition, Tiande does not foam. Constant use of shampoo gives vitality and shine to hair.


Shampoo against hair loss, according to reviews, is really effective. It prevents so-called systemic alopecia. You can choose a product according to your hair type. Pincidil is an active substance in Alerana that affects blood microcirculation in the capillaries of the head and reduces the effect of the male hormone androgen on hair follicles.

Aleran, a medicinal and preventive remedy for baldness, partly consists of natural ingredients: extracts of chestnut, nettle, burdock, wormwood, sage, tea tree oil, wheat proteins, vitamins to strengthen hair follicles. Apply shampoo and rub into head for at least 3 minutes.

But this is a vitamin complex with Minoxidil.


There is a whole series of medicinal shampoos 911. One of them is onion shampoo, designed for those who are experiencing baldness. It is able to strengthen and restore the hair structure without drying out the roots. It contains plant extracts from: onions, birch leaves, hop cones, and a vitamin complex. The shampoo has no contraindications. The only thing that may not work is one of the components of the product. 911 shampoos are sold in pharmacies at an inexpensive price. Reviews are contradictory.


Shampoo against hair loss helps get rid of alopecia, restores its structure, and promotes the growth of the hair shaft. It improves blood flow to the scalp due to the content of water-glycol rosemary extract, arnica, wheat peptides, glycogen, hair-restoring cystine, vitamins beneficial for hair follicles, and medical yeast.

If you wash your hair with Fitoval for 3 months 3-4 times a week, the result will be obvious. Keep the shampoo lathered for at least 5 minutes. After just a few weeks of use, there is a noticeable reduction in lost hair, and the hairstyle takes on a smooth and well-groomed appearance.

Shampoo "Agafya" against hair loss

All shampoos in this series have medicinal properties, since their composition is developed by Siberian craftsmen who probably know the beneficial properties of each individual herb. Shampoos nourish hair follicles, improve blood microcirculation in the scalp, and restore brittle and lifeless hair.

Their composition mostly consists of extracts from beneficial plants. There are no chemicals here, melt water is used, and the oils in Grandma Agafya’s shampoos are obtained by cold pressing. Reviews about these shampoos are positive, and the cost is several times lower than the prices for professional products.


Anti-hair loss shampoo from the Vichy brand is not based on natural plant ingredients, like its predecessors, but on minerals and Aminexyl. Vichy is effective for minor scalp loss. Vichy promotes complete nutrition of the epidermis with all necessary vitamins, strengthens hair follicles, fights active hair loss, and gives them a natural shine.

The effect of Vichy shampoo has been proven by medical research. However, if the product is washed off your head immediately without leaving it on for 2 minutes, it may not have the desired effect. Vichy shampoo is sold in pharmacies and beauty salons.


Faberlic anti-hair loss shampoo has established itself as a completely “chemical” product. The entire line of Faberlic shampoos contains practically no natural ingredients. They consist of sulfates and parabens. Hair care product from Faberlic restores follicles, preventing hair loss, rinses them well, giving a natural shine to the hair, and does not contribute to drying out the base of the hair.

To achieve maximum results, shampoo is best used in tandem with additional hair follicle strengthening products from the same company. The desired effect occurs after constant washing of hair with Faberlic shampoo.


PARUSAN shampoo is used in cases of diffuse alopecia. Aimed at a female audience. It minimizes the risk of hair shedding by activating the growth phase of hair follicles. The shampoo improves blood flow to the scalp, promotes thorough cleansing and moisturizing. It contains natural ingredients and substances beneficial for hair. It consists of:

  • extracts of chamomile, calendula, yarrow, basil leaves, sprouted peas;
  • arginine;
  • biotin;
  • L-arginine;
  • vitamin E.

The effectiveness of PARUSAN shampoo has been proven by scientific research.


The product from the Selentsin brand not only prevents diffuse hair loss, but also stimulates its growth. It contains both natural and chemical substances. Its complex composition means that the product is aimed at a wide range of actions in the fight for hair health.

Extracts: burdock, hops, mint, pepper and nettle, caffeine, vitamins, collagen hydrolyzate - this is a natural component of shampoo, responsible for the growth and strengthening of the hair shaft. Selentsin has earned many positive responses.


Shampoo against hair loss from the French company Ducray is very popular in the hair care market. Its effect has been proven by research institutes.

This is an emulsion in the form of a liquid cream, which contains vitamins B and E, which can add strength and shine to dull hair. The natural components of the shampoo strengthen the hair follicles, preventing them from leaving the scalp. These include: broom (ruscus) and butcher's broom extracts. The shampoo should be used for at least 6 weeks to achieve a positive effect.

Shampoo “Horsepower”

Judging by the reviews, it is one of the most effective against hair loss. This is a professional hair care product. In addition to strengthening the hair follicles, it also has a polishing and conditioning effect. The unique composition of the shampoo gives it many useful functions:

  • does not dry out hair, protects it from ultraviolet radiation;
  • regenerates hair structure;
  • strengthens them;
  • prevents the appearance of dandruff;
  • does not contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • improves the appearance of curls.

The product is quite concentrated, so it needs to be diluted with water.


Sulsen shampoo is a good remedy for eliminating hair loss problems, used for medicinal purposes. You only need to use it once a week for a month. Sulsena shampoo is not suitable for daily use.

Thanks to the active component of the shampoo, selenium disulfide, timely care is provided for damaged hair follicles, they become stronger and excessive hair loss is stopped. One of the properties of Sulsen shampoo is the fight against dandruff, and after using the product, accelerated growth of curls is observed.


Burdock shampoo against hair loss, which contains burdock oil, is a hypoallergenic hair care product. It consists of biologically active substances and does not cause any itching after use.

Regular washing with burdock shampoo helps stop hair loss, it treats weakened hair and accelerates the growth of strands. The shampoo has a healing effect on the scalp and stimulates cell renewal. Suitable for daily use regardless of hair type. This product is perfectly prepared at home by mixing 100 grams. burdock leaves, 1 liter of cold water and about 1 tbsp. vinegar. All this needs to be boiled over low heat for 2 hours, strain the liquid and wash your hair with it.


Dove anti-hair loss shampoo reduces the number of hairs leaving the scalp by 97%, and also has a comprehensive effect on curls. They acquire vital shine, elasticity, and become noticeably stronger. All this is achieved due to the content of a special serum in the shampoo, which restores the structure of the hair and prevents its fragility. Dove is intended for regular use. After washing your hair several times with this shampoo, a positive result becomes noticeable.


This is a medicinal shampoo that actively fights androgenetic alopecia. Suitable for both prevention and combating the existing problem of baldness. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use ampoules with a medicinal product from the same company in addition to Rinfoltil shampoo.

The shampoo consists of many natural ingredients that support the activity of hair follicles. It contains extracts of ginseng, mint, nasturtium, gingko biloba, dwarf palm berries, and caffeine.


Biocon anti-hair loss shampoo is a medicinal product that has a beneficial effect on the scalp. Biocon strengthens the hair roots, prevents their fragility, eliminates dandruff, and ensures the preservation of PH balance at the base of the hairs. The shampoo contains:

  • vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of strands;
  • plant elements responsible for improving blood flow and supplying oxygen to the hair follicles;
  • medicinal leech extract, which stops the process of hair loss;
  • silk proteins and panthenol, which provide hydration to the scalp and prevent the hair shaft from drying out along its entire length.


Shampoos Revivor Perfect and Burdock to combat hair loss belong to the Belarusian company Belita. Kopexil is a new generation ingredient found in Revivor Perfect. It makes hair stronger, revitalizes it, eliminating brittleness. Hair becomes more elastic and stops falling out uncontrollably. The natural ingredients contained in both shampoos promote the regrowth of new hair by increasing blood flow to the scalp.

Shampoo Clear

Against hair loss, it contains, along with natural ingredients, quite a few chemical elements, so it must be used with caution. Allergic reactions to some of its components are possible. However, it is worth noting that all its ingredients are in the correct ratio, which effectively affects hair growth. Clear shampoo contains vitamins B5, B6, E, C, which have a healing effect on the scalp. Ginseng oil activates the work of hair follicles, and sunflower seed oil forms a protective film on the hair from negative external influences.

Kera Nova

The Russian line of hair care products Keranova produces:

  • general strengthening shampoo that affects the scalp and hair roots;
  • stimulating shampoo that adds beneficial substances to the hair roots;
  • healing, has an anti-inflammatory effect and destroys pathogenic bacteria.

The entire line of shampoos is aimed at eliminating the problem of hair loss, promoting its full growth, maintaining a healthy state, and eliminating dandruff from the scalp. All this is achieved due to the rich natural composition of shampoos.

Golden Silk

The peculiarity of Golden Silk shampoo is the predominantly natural nature of its composition. It contains milk and silk proteins, keratin peptides, burdock oil, and caffeine. Golden silk actively protects hair from loss, making it strong and healthy. The shampoo restores the structure of each hair, cleanses the scalp well, and prevents split ends.

Yves Rocher

Shampoo against hair loss produced by the French company Yves Rocher contains the natural component white lupine, which forms a unique strengthening formula for hair. The extract from this plant also helps to awaken dormant hair follicles. After using the shampoo for the second time, you can already notice a positive result.


Shampoo 101 is a product developed by Chinese doctors based on medicinal herbs. The product effectively fights the first signs of alopecia. After starting to use shampoo 101, active growth of new hairs is observed, hair loss noticeably stops, the condition of the scalp improves, and hair is protected from the harmful effects of the external environment. After 7 days of using shampoo 101, hair loss stops if it was at the initial stage. In case of an advanced form, you need to wash your hair with this product for at least 21 days.

Which anti-hair loss shampoo to choose for men?

Any of the above is suitable for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Even if the drug is advertised for women, you should not neglect it, because in any war, as they say, all means are good.

Saving hair loss: will shampoo help with baldness?

Hair loss, or alopecia, is a common problem that causes a lot of trouble for both women and men. Lack of vitamins and microelements, poor environment, stress, hormonal changes, various diseases and improper care are the main reasons for this phenomenon. But can shampoo help in the fight against alopecia and what shampoos against hair loss are best to buy?

Criteria for choosing a good anti-hair loss shampoo

Shampoo for thinning hair needs to be chosen very carefully:

  • by hair type and scalp: for dry, oily or normal hair;
  • by type of problem. Science knows:

1.androgenetic and focal alopecia- serious diseases requiring medical treatment;

2.temporary increased hair loss(after stress, strict diet, childbirth, etc.). Medicinal shampoos will help, slowing down hair loss and activating hair growth;

3. hair breaking off at the roots, which occurs due to the destruction of the cuticle. Good nourishing and moisturizing care will help here;

  • by composition. The presence of proteins, keratin, biotin, plant extracts, minerals and trace elements in the shampoo is welcome, which strengthen the hair cuticle. Oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids (avocado, jojoba, burdock, rapeseed, black currant, borage, evening primrose), extracts of the fruits of dwarf palm and stinging nettle, biotin, caffeine, vitamin B6, zinc are very useful for thinning hair. If your hair is damaged, it will also benefit from silicones and moisturizers. As for shampoos with medicinal ingredients, it is best to use them on the advice of a doctor.

Important! Baldness is a medical problem. If shampoos, masks and dietary adjustments do not help, it’s time to contact a trichologist. It is the doctor who will identify the causes of hair loss and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

The best manufacturers of shampoos for hair loss

All anti-hair loss shampoos on the market can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • Products that provide a cosmetic effect. These are any high-quality store-bought and salon shampoos with a strengthening, protective and moisturizing effect. They can prevent hair breakage, protect it with silicones, oils and proteins, and help grow new hair. But they cannot somehow affect the functioning of hair follicles.
  • Pharmacy shampoos. These include products from the brands Vichy, Kerastase, Klorane, Fitoval, Alerana, Selentsin, etc. These products contain topical medicinal components of varying degrees of effectiveness and require course (not constant!) use.

Rating of the best shampoos against hair loss - TOP 8

"Expert Prices" presents several well-known and high-quality shampoos against hair loss.

Product name

Estimated cost, rub.


Pharmalife Italy RINFOLTIL Strengthened formula Caffeine

effective shampoo against hair loss with caffeine

Vichy Dercos Firming with Aminexil®

the most popular pharmacy shampoo for the treatment of alopecia

KRKA Fitoval 200 ml

good shampoo for seasonal and temporary hair loss

Kerastase Specifique Bain Stimuliste GL 250 ml

strengthening shampoo for frequent hair washing

TWINS Tech Onion 911 150 ml

inexpensive pharmacy shampoo for baldness

Alerana for dry and normal hair 250 ml

high-quality anti-hair loss shampoo with nettle and burdock

SelentsinHairTherapy 200 ml

good Russian shampoo against hair loss

"First aid kit" Agafya Dermatological 300 ml

inexpensive preventive shampoo against hair loss

Now let's talk about the features of each of the selected products in more detail.

1. Pharmalife Italy RINFOLTIL Strengthened formula Caffeine
effective shampoo against hair loss with caffeine

Photo: irkutsk.1gs.ru

500 rub.

One of the best anti-hair loss shampoos using active cosmetic ingredients. These are wheat protein, extracts of nasturtium, cinchona and dwarf palm fruits, a complex of amino acids, zinc and caffeine, which are supplemented with panthenol, collagen, elastin and glycine. A huge plus is that most of the useful components are located in the first half of the list (caffeine is in 4th place).


  • soft washing base;
  • no fragrance;
  • effective composition;
  • fights androgenetic alopecia.


  • liquid, does not foam well (but rinses well);
  • the effect is slow (you need to use it for at least a month daily);
  • without ampoules the effect is not so pronounced.

Typical reviews of Pharmalife Italy RINFOLTIL shampoo:

“In the first 2 weeks of use, hair loss increased, and very strongly. And then it stopped, or rather, returned to normal. No more clumps of lost hair in the bathtub and brush!”

“2 months have passed since I started using the shampoo, and I can safely say: the shampoo helped! My hair started to grow, and now I have much less hair loss.”

2. Vichy Dercos Firming with Aminexil
the most popular pharmacy shampoo for the treatment of alopecia

Photo: shop.vichyconsult.ru

Average price in Russia for 200 ml: 680 rub.

This well-known product is based on the therapeutic component aminexil, a derivative of minoxidil. Aminexil is good because it prolongs the “life” of hair and reduces the intensity of hair loss. In addition, the composition contains panthenol and vitamin B6, which strengthen the cuticle, and arginine, which improves microcirculation in the scalp. Like all medicinal products, it requires a course of use.


  • economical, foams well, rinses well;
  • stops hair loss after 3-4 uses;
  • Visibly thickens hair shafts.


  • high price (together with ampoules even more expensive);
  • makes hair harder and drier.

Typical reviews of Vichy Dercos Firming with Aminexil®:

“I used 1 bottle of shampoo and my hair loss stopped completely. After a month's break, I decided to repeat the course. Result: hair growth has improved significantly, a good “undercoat” has appeared.

“The best shampoo for hair loss! Hair practically does not fall out using this shampoo. They feel more dense and have added a little volume.”

3. KRKA Fitoval
good shampoo for seasonal and temporary hair loss

Photo: safehair.ru

Average price in the Russian Federation: 310 rub.

This anti-hair loss shampoo successfully combines low price, availability (available in almost all pharmacies) and good results. The composition is based on wheat peptides and rosemary and arnica extracts, which improve hair structure and stimulate blood circulation. According to reviews, it does a good job of restoring hair after stress, illness, childbirth, and is especially good for thin and brittle strands.


  • quickly stops hair loss;
  • stimulates new hair growth;
  • hair combs well and shines even without balm;


  • liquid, uneconomical;
  • dries out hair.

Typical reviews about KRKA Fitoval:

“I don’t use Fitoval all the time, but in spring and autumn I always take it out of stock. The hair quickly returns to normal and stops falling out.”

“The best shampoo - it really reduced hair loss! When washing I lose 3-4 pieces! And after washing, the hair is very shiny, easy to comb and style well.”

4.Kerastase Specifique Bain Stimuliste GL
strengthening shampoo for frequent hair washing

Photo: boudoirprive.ro

1300 rub.

The premium shampoo promises to reduce strand loss, enhance hair growth, strengthen and shine. Arginine and glucolipids are responsible for fulfilling their promises. The shampoo thoroughly rinses the curls and leaves them in excellent condition - shiny, light and manageable. Reviews from women say that Kerastase shampoo not only reduces hair loss better than other products, but also allows you to quickly grow a new “fuzz”.


  • complex healing effect on hair and scalp;
  • scanty consumption;
  • flawless hair appearance.

Minus: high price.

Typical reviews O Kerastase Specifique Bain Stimuliste GL:

“It definitely changes the hair for the better, strengthens it and allows new hairs to grow faster and not break.”

“Very economical, thick shampoo, hair after it is clean and shiny. As for hair loss, almost from the first wash I noticed that there was much less hair in the bathtub drain than before.”

5. TWINS Tech Onion 911
inexpensive pharmacy shampoo for baldness

Photo: interans.ru

Average price in Russia for 150 ml: 100 rub.

A modest pharmacy shampoo attracts with its good quality and lasting results. It contains not only natural onion extract (immediately after the washing base), but also a complex of plant extracts (birch, nettle, chamomile, burdock, etc.), and a number of vitamins beneficial for hair (biotin, naicin, etc.). This is not an advertising dummy, but a really (albeit not instantly) working product.


  • good cleansing and pleasant aroma;
  • efficiency;
  • can be used constantly;
  • composition with a high content of plant components;
  • thickens hair and adds shine.


  • the result does not appear immediately;
  • does not foam well;
  • Skin allergic reactions occur.

Typical reviews of TWINS Tech Onion 911 shampoo:

“For the money, the shampoo is simply excellent. I’m not sure that it somehow contributed to hair growth, but its effect is soft and gentle, it doesn’t dry out, doesn’t tangle, and the hair seems to be thicker from it.”

“With each new application, the effect of the 911 pleased me more and more. My hair almost stopped falling out, and new hairs appeared along the hair growth line. And this is from shampoo for 100 rubles! For its price, this is really the best shampoo for hair loss.”

6.Alerana for dry and normal hair
high-quality anti-hair loss shampoo with nettle and burdock

Photo: ovita.ru

Average price in Russia for 250 ml: 400 rub.

A good shampoo with a rich list of herbal ingredients that together help cope with the problem of hair loss. Contains nettle and burdock extracts, poppy and tea tree oils, proteins, lecithin and panthenol. The same series also includes shampoo for oily hair.


  • effective against hair loss;
  • easy to buy (sold in almost every pharmacy);


  • in the first 2 weeks of use, hair loss increases;
  • liquid, uneconomical;
  • dries hair;
  • tangles, can't comb without balm.

Typical shampoo reviewsAlerana for dry and normal hair:

“For me, this shampoo has become a good average product. It’s runny, can dry out lengths, and doesn’t do wonders for hair growth, but it does have the good quality of having a real impact on hair loss.”

“In combination with a balm and spray of the same brand, it works very well. If used separately, it turns your hair into a washcloth. But with it the hair stopped coming out of my head - that’s a fact!”

5. Selentsin Hair Therapy
good Russian shampoo against hair loss

Photo: mir-solnca.ru

Average price in Russia for 200 ml: 300 rub.

The domestic shampoo uses anagelin (a patented plant protein), burdock and nettle extracts, caffeine and biotin. It also contains silicones that protect weak and brittle hair. According to reviews, the shampoo reduces the number of lost hairs, but not by much. But in combination with a balm, mask and spray from the same manufacturer it works great.


  • rinses efficiently, does not become greasy or dry;
  • good composition (proteins + collagen + biotin + caffeine + plant extracts + silicones);
  • pleasant coffee aroma.


  • the effect of one shampoo is not sufficiently pronounced;
  • Not available in all pharmacies.

Typical reviews of Selentsin shampooHairTherapy:

“I used it for 2 months until the bottle ran out. The hair is washed out, it has become thicker and denser, and its loss has noticeably decreased.”

4. “Agafya’s First Aid Kit” Dermatological
inexpensive preventive shampoo against hair loss

Photo: abknsk.ru

Average price in Russia for 300 ml: 75 rub.

Foams well and rinses hair perfectly, contains calamus root extract, linseed oil and keratin. Strengthens hair, reduces fragility, does not irritate the scalp, but cannot cope with hair loss. The product can be recommended as a prophylactic to maintain hair beauty between courses of treatment. The shampoo does not contain silicones, so additional care may be required.


  • good strengthening effect;
  • prolongs hair cleanliness;
  • low price and large volume.


  • weak effect against hair loss;
  • without balm, hair becomes very tangled;
  • very inconvenient bottle.

Typical reviews of the shampoo “Agafya’s First Aid Kit” Dermatological:

“A good inexpensive shampoo made with calamus root. I use it all the time, my hair with Agafya stays clean longer, it’s shiny and flowy.”

“I don’t know if it does anything about hair loss, but my hair definitely breaks less. After a month of use, there are almost no traces left on the comb.”

So which anti-hair loss shampoo should you choose?

So, we have not found an ideal remedy for hair loss either in cosmetic or medicinal shampoo lines. Perhaps it’s not the quality of these products, but the fact that when dealing with hair loss, no shampoo works alone: ​​you need an integrated approach, and often treatment from a doctor. “Price Expert” advises consulting with a specialist and choosing exactly what your hair needs. Happy shopping and beautiful hair!

Hair loss is one of the most pressing problems of humanity, which needs special attention, because hair is very sensitive to nutrition, seasonal changes, cosmetics and much more. Depending on the type of hair, the daily loss rate is from 80 to 100 pieces per day, but when we see a few hairs on the bed, we are already starting to worry. There are many products for restoring hair, the simplest are shampoos for hair loss. But which remedy is better, there are so many of them?

Main causes of alopecia

The first sign that the problem of hair loss lies in poor health is the death of the follicles, changes in the structure of the hair body, loss of volume and shine.

What can cause hair loss:

    1. Hormonal imbalance and any other diseases associated with the digestive system, thyroid gland, gynecology.
    2. A course of antibiotic treatment.
    3. Weak immune system.
    4. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet.
    5. Frequent stress, changes in climatic living conditions.
    6. Hypothermia of hair in winter or too much exposure to the sun without a hat in summer.
    7. Itching, dandruff, seborrhea, excessive oily scalp.
    8. Postpartum period.

What should a shampoo be for hair loss?

Store shelves are simply bursting with a large selection of medicinal shampoos, TVs are full of advertisements about shampoos that provide good hair care to treat hair loss. Unfortunately, not every shampoo against hair loss is able to cope with its task; most of them are just dummies containing a lot of things harmful to the hair.

Before choosing a medicated shampoo, pay attention to its composition. An effective shampoo for alopecia should thoroughly cleanse the scalp of sebum, free pores from sebaceous plugs, and improve blood flow in the skin.

What should be in shampoo

    • The shampoo should contain components that normalize and increase blood flow in the skin, such as: red pepper, horse chestnut extract, ginseng. Also, patented molecules for improving microcirculation do an excellent job of this task: aminexil, niacinamide or stimoxidine.
    • An important ingredient that can grow and strengthen hair is a vitamin and mineral complex. Chromium, selenium, panthenol, zinc, magnesium B vitamins are vital for the normal functioning of the follicles.
    • Cosmetologists advise using shampoos that contain active ingredients: methionine, cystine, inositol, cysteine, finasteride, minoxidil and others.
    • Not a single medicinal shampoo is complete without medicinal plant extracts. Nettle, sage, arnica, rosemary, burdock, chamomile and many others help to heal the scalp, strengthen the roots, relieve inflammation, itching, peeling and irritation.

What shampoos are prohibited from using?

It is not recommended to use those types of shampoos that contain sodium lauryl sulfate and lauryl sulfate; they have a negative effect on the skin and hair structure. Over time, these components reduce the hair follicle, which leads to its loss; in addition, these substances are toxic. It is important to buy shampoo with a minimum percentage of various alcohols that contribute to dry skin and hair, and without silicones. Of course, reviews of products with silicones are only positive, because these substances help smooth the hair, give it shine and elasticity, but it also makes the hair heavier, only further aggravating the problem of hair loss. And lastly, in cosmetology, the list of effective remedies against hair loss does not contain dietanolamine, benzenes, fatalates, las tenside, parabens, triclosan and polypropylene glycol.

Video recipe: How to make your own anti-hair loss shampoo?

Review of popular anti-hair loss shampoos

Alerana anti-hair loss shampoo

The alerana company has developed a whole line of shampoos for the treatment of alopecia for its consumers. In their developments, they took into account the characteristics of different hair types and combined the necessary natural ingredients aimed at strengthening the roots and activating hair growth.

For dry and normal hair

    • burdock and nettle leaf extract;
    • wheat protein;
    • lecithin;
    • poppy seed oil.

The components included in the composition help accelerate metabolic processes in the skin, strengthen follicles, have an antiseptic effect, eliminating all kinds of fungi. The shampoo restores the shaft at a structural level, moisturizes it, and improves the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

For combination and oily hair

    • wormwood extract;
    • horse chestnut;
    • sage

All of the extracts listed are in addition to those listed in the previous shampoo. They make the functioning of the sebaceous glands more stable, regulating the amount of sebum secreted, improve blood flow, and soothe the skin.

Growth activator for men

    • chestnut;
    • sage extract;
    • niacinamide;
    • tea tree oil.

All components not only strengthen the hair follicles, stopping hair loss, but also encourage them to actively grow. All products in this line are suitable for use at home. The method of use is no different from using any shampoo, but just in case, instructions for use are given on the packaging.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that these remedies help in the fight against alopecia after stress, pregnancy, or in the event of a change in climatic living conditions. If the cause of baldness is hormones, this shampoo is powerless.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Shampoo reviews:

Lyudmila, 28 years old

This is a wonderful medicated shampoo, but it does not provide immediate results. The first noticeable signs of the cessation of hair loss appear after a few weeks of use; within a month, my hair has almost stopped falling out and new hairs and fluff have sprouted. I use the entire line: shampoo, conditioner and mask.

Marina, 20 years old

Among the main advantages of this shampoo there is one disadvantage: it dries out the hair. Perhaps this is individual, but in my case the hair stopped falling out, but began to dry out.

Shampoo Onion 911

One of the best shampoos for the treatment of baldness is 911. The company has developed 3 different shampoos, trying to cover the entire range of trichological problems that need to be solved.


    • onion extract;
    • nettle;
    • millet;
    • chamomile flowers;
    • arnica;
    • burdock;
    • sage;
    • green tea;
    • vitamins.

Onion shampoo 911 with red pepper

In addition to the previously listed extracts, it includes red pepper extract, this helps not only to improve the health of the follicles, but also to encourage hair to grow better and faster.

Onion shampoo 911 with burdock oil

In addition to the standard set of onion shampoo, burdock oil has been added. From traditional medicine it is known about its positive effect on hairstyle, namely hydration, nutrition, shine, treatment of dry ends, nutrition of colored hair.

It is worth noting that 911 contains sodium lauryl sulfate, which is harmful to the hair, but despite this, it gently cleanses the hair of impurities without disturbing the natural microflora.


Victoria, 37 years old

My hair was falling out a lot due to stress at work. A friend helped me choose a good shampoo, recommending onion 911. I’ve been using it for 3 months now and am completely satisfied with the results. In addition, the hairstyle gained shine, volume and elasticity, and all this pleasure for a small price.

Nikita, 29 years old

I had androgenetic alopecia; on the recommendation of my attending physician, I used this shampoo in addition to the main course of treatment. After long-term treatment, the problem was solved, and to prevent it from appearing again, I periodically use this remedy for prevention.

Dermatological shampoo Selentsin


    • biotin;
    • menthol;
    • caffeine;
    • anagelin;
    • collagen;
    • burdock extract.

The product stops severe baldness, extends the life cycle of the hair, and nourishes the follicles. Active substances improve blood circulation, regenerate damaged tissues, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and add shine and elasticity. To get the best result, it is better to use the entire complex: shampoo, rinse, mask and spray.


Nadezhda, 27 years old

I first tried this product several years ago, now I use it myself and recommend it to my friends. The product fully copes with its functions, the only drawback is that it makes the hair very tangled; to solve the problem, it is better to buy it together with a balm or spray.

Marianna, 20 years old

I lost a lot of hair after moving, as the climate changed, I thought everything would recover on its own over time, but over time it only got worse. The trichologist recommended taking a course of medicine and washing my hair with this product. I was quite pleased with the results, the strands not only stopped falling out, and new hairs appeared, the thickness was restored after a while.

Shampoo Burdock against hair loss


    • horsetail extract;
    • nettle;
    • butcher's broom;
    • angustifolia lupine;
    • Asian centella leaves;
    • black thyme.

Burdock shampoo does not contain parabens or other harmful chemicals.

Helps prevent loss of curls, actively nourishes roots, restores active growth, improves blood flow, renews skin cells, helps synthesize keratin. It is recommended to apply shampoo, mask, burdock oil from the manufacturer to your hair to achieve good results.


Irina, 23 years old

I have been using the product for 2 months, there is no result as described in the advertisement, but in general my hair is falling out less intensely. The strands became stiffer, stronger and acquired elasticity.

Milena, 30 years old

My hair was falling out a lot and I decided to try this shampoo. He completely coped with his task, gradually the strands began to thin out less. I really liked the light scent and the fact that the shampoo rinses out easily. I mainly buy it in winter, when my hair begins to thin out due to a lack of vitamins.

Shampoo Krka Fitoval against hair loss


    • wheat peptides;
    • rosemary extract;
    • arnica extract.

Fitoval shampoo is designed to stop baldness. This occurs due to the active work of nutrients in the composition. Wheat restores the hair shaft at a structural level, covers it with an invisible protective layer, making the hair softer and more radiant. Rosemary and arnica trigger hair regrowth, improve blood flow to the follicles, and improve tissue condition.


Svetlana, 40 years old

After a severe hormonal imbalance, I began to lose my hair in clumps. I didn’t know what to do, I tried many remedies, took a vitamin course, everything gave a positive result, but only for the duration of treatment. The doctor advised me to wash my hair with phytoval for a three-month course. The product really solved the problem, the hair became stronger, acquired a dense structure, thickness and shine.

Karina, 22 years old

A good shampoo, but only if you use it regularly. As soon as you switch to another one, the problem with hair loss returns. But the shampoo copes with the problem with a bang.

Vichy shampoo Vichy Dercos


    • thermal water;
    • aminexil;
    • vitamins;
    • minerals.

The shampoo also contains other components necessary for the safety of the product and maximum effect.

All components help prevent premature aging of hair and soften collagen. Restores weakened and damaged curls, stops hair loss. Rare minerals strengthen roots, soothe skin, and restore tissue. To improve the performance of the product, it is recommended to purchase Vichy ampoules with aminexil for rubbing into the skin.


Milana, 28 years old

Gives a positive result if it is not a fake. The shampoo is quite expensive, so you can often find a cheap fake. If after using the shampoo you experience itching and flaking, you can be 100% sure that you purchased a fake product. After the original, the hair has good shine and elasticity, and after two to three weeks it stops falling out.

Veronica, 25 years old

After intensive antibiotic treatment, my hair came out in clumps. Even a trip to a trichologist did not help solve the problem, all tests were normal, and the prescribed treatment did not give a positive result, only the money disappeared like water. A friend recommended Vichy shampoo, at first I was put off by the high price, as if I could find something cheaper, but in the end I decided to try it. After the first wash, there was no result, but after a month of regular use, the “shedding” almost stopped. Now I use shampoo for prevention and take vitamins.


    • biotin;
    • caffeine;
    • silk proteins;
    • rosehip oil;
    • zinc;
    • panthenol;
    • red pepper extract;
    • medicinal leech extract.

The shampoo is used to treat androgenic hair loss and prevent premature baldness. All components improve blood flow, stimulate growth, supply the skin with all necessary vitamins and minerals, and eliminate dandruff.

Shampoo does not solve the problem of alopecia if it is caused by skin diseases, poor diet, bad habits or poor hair care.


Margarita, 32 years old

Initially, the shampoo was bought for my mother; due to a hormonal imbalance, she began to lose her hair, and it was necessary to somehow save her hair. After a month of using shampoo along with taking hormonal medications, the situation became stable, the curls almost stopped thinning. After a while, I started losing my hair, I used shampoo without going to the doctor, but it didn’t help me, it just didn’t suit me.

Natalya, 20 years old

Last year I was faced with the problem of hair thinning, I was very nervous about it and made the problem even worse. I tried a lot of masks and shampoos, and finally settled on Biocon. The shampoo stopped the intense hair rash and made it thicker and more voluminous.


    • lanolin;
    • collagen;
    • cocoglucoside;
    • glyceryl sterate;
    • propolis extract;
    • wheat;
    • tar;
    • vitamins.

It is worth noting that in the shampoo you can find not only useful, but also harmful components for hair in the form of sodium laureth sulfate, which makes the strands stiff and dries out the scalp.

Horse shampoo cleanses the head well of dirt, stops hair loss, and adds shine and volume. Treats dry and brittle ends. The unique composition prevents hair from getting too tangled, heals small wounds, and relieves inflammation. After shampoo, hair looks more well-groomed and fits into your hair better.


Alena, 28 years old

I really love this shampoo, it foams well, washes out well, and has an unobtrusive aroma. The hair after it is strong, shiny and smooth. After a month of use, the strands stop falling out.

Christina, 24 years old

I did not feel the result promised by the manufacturer. The hair quickly becomes dirty, in addition itching, dandruff appears, and the strands feel like straw. At this price, you can buy a product of much better quality, or make it yourself from natural ingredients.

Shampoo Grandmother Agafya's recipes against hair loss


    • infusion of 17 medicinal herbs;
    • saponites;
    • hawthorn oil;
    • coriander;
    • vitamins.

The rich herbal composition of the shampoo nourishes the scalp with vitamins and minerals and strengthens the roots. Properly selected components regulate the functioning of the external secretion glands and stop hair loss. It is recommended to use the entire line, shampoo, conditioner and mask for the best effect.

Manufacturers claim that their product is completely organic, but before purchasing you should pay attention to the composition indicated on the packaging. In fact, the shampoo contains a large number of plant extracts, but along with them there are also chemicals that raise doubts.


Lisa, 25 years old

While searching for a remedy for hair loss, I came across Grandma Agafya’s recipes and was attracted by the low price and rich herbal composition. At the beginning of use, dandruff appeared due to the large amount of plant substances, after three weeks it disappeared, the hair changed in appearance, became shiny, soft and the volume of hair lost began to decrease. The only disadvantage of the product is that it costs a lot, it does not foam well.

Ekaterina, 28 years old

Perhaps this shampoo just doesn’t suit me, but after trying it, I swore off ever buying it again. It smells nice, and that’s basically all the benefits that I’ve discovered. After washing, my hair very soon became greasy, felt as hard as straw and was difficult to comb, as for the effect against hair loss, I specifically showed patience and used all the shampoo for a month, but I didn’t see any results, my hair fell out and continued to fall out.

Interesting video: Trichologist about shampoos for hair loss

Trichup shampoo "Hair loss control" is a nourishing, everyday natural Ayurvedic hair shampoo against hair loss.
Buy Trichup shampoo "Control hair loss", a natural Ayurvedic shampoo for hair that stops hair loss. Trichup shampoo produced by Vasu Healthcare, 200 ml Trichup herbal shampoo "Control hair loss" is an excellent product for caring for your hair and preventing premature hair loss. In order for your hair to shine with health, become thick and strong, you need, first of all, to strengthen the hair roots and take care of the scalp. One of the best hair care products is Trichup herbal shampoo, which will give your hair extra length, shine and the beauty of healthy hair. With Trichup "Hair Fall Control" shampoo there will be no more dryness, itching and flaking of the scalp, it will eliminate hair fragility and give it strength and health. Unlike conventional shampoos, which contain a large amount of chemicals that are harmful to hair, Trichup shampoo gently and carefully cares for hair and scalp without causing harm to them. Properties of shampoo and positive effects on hair and scalp: - prevents hair loss ; - gently and thoroughly cleanses hair and scalp; - moisturizes and nourishes dry scalp; - relieves itching and flaking; - nourishes the hair follicles with all the necessary elements, accelerating hair growth and giving it strength; - adds shine to dull hair; - gives softness and silkiness to dry and split ends; - prevents split ends of hair; - hair is easy to comb without tangling. - protects hair cuticles; - stops premature hair loss. The main components included in the shampoo and their properties: - Neem is a natural antiseptic, contains sterols, amino acids, vitamins E, A and C; - Bhringaraj - prevents aging processes, prevents premature graying, nourishes and strengthens hair, improves its structure, accelerates hair growth; - Yashtimadhu - improves hair structure, a natural source of nutritional components for the scalp and hair; - Coconut oil - nourishes, moisturizes and restores hair structure. Minimizes protein loss during hair washing; - Sesame oil - contains vitamins B, E, A, D, C; - Hibiscus - prevents premature gray hair, split ends and hair loss, stimulates hair growth; - Gotu Kola - strengthens hair and hair follicles, stimulates their growth, prevents hair loss; - Lotus nut - restores dull and thinning hair; - Round fat - has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, treats skin diseases; - Amla - actively promotes hair growth, stops and prevents hair loss and premature graying; Method of using Trichup shampoo: - apply a little shampoo (1-2 grams) to wet hair. ) and massage the scalp with light movements for 3 minutes; - rinse off the foam with running water; - if necessary, do the procedure again. You need to start hair treatment from the roots, that is, from the inside. Using only external methods of hair treatment will not give the desired result quickly. Trichup capsules nourish and give energy to the hair roots (hair follicles) for growth. You can achieve the best result using Trichup capsules, Trichup shampoo and Trichup hair oil, in a comprehensive manner. Manufacturer: Vasu Healthcare, India Dimensions: 45x75x120 mm Volume: 200 ml Weight: 260 g - shampoo020 - shampoo020