Dream interpretation of washing someone else's clothes with your hands. Underwear is drying. Why dream of washing clothes by hand?

A variety of objects that are used very often in everyday life very often appear in a person’s dreams. Therefore, the question of why you dream about a washing machine is not at all surprising. Knowing the answers to it, you can understand how to behave in real life and what should be changed to make life more prosperous.

Washing machine - dream book

First of all, it should be noted that a washing machine in a dream in most cases is a symbol of cleansing and deliverance. Such a dream is often a harbinger of the onset of a joyful period in life.

Automatic washing machine

If you see an automatic washing machine in a dream, this indicates that your difficulties in real life are due to the fact that people from your close circle do not perceive your words correctly. After such a dream, you need to control your actions and pay attention to how you talk to people. If the right conclusions are drawn, this will allow you to quickly improve the situation around you.

Interpretation of dreams based on the color of the washing machine

For correct interpretation In a dream, you need to pay attention to what color the washing machine you saw in the dream was:
    White technology portends general health improvement body. But for this you need to cleanse the energy and space around you in special ways. In this case, you should definitely carry out certain manipulations in the bedroom, since this room always accumulates greatest number negativity. The brown technique symbolizes the dreamer's stable state of life. The blue technique focuses on the fact that the dreamer has withdrawn from the real world. The red technique indicates that you are so absorbed in your passionate feelings that you do not notice anything around you.

Watch the washing machine

If you dream that you are watching a washing machine, then this indicates that in real life something is very disturbing to you.

If, according to the plot of night dreams, you have to wash in a washing machine in a dream, then this foreshadows a long struggle in reality, which will end in complete victory for the dreamer. A very common question is why you dream about a washing machine with laundry. This is an unfavorable sign that focuses attention on the fact that the dreamer has something to be ashamed of, and he knows what needs to be hidden from prying eyes and ears. It's especially bad if you realize that you have to wash very dirty laundry. When you have to wash someone else’s clothes in a dream, this can be interpreted in two ways:
    Some dream books interpret the plot as meaning that such a situation will soon arise. that you will need to cry to someone “into your vest.” Other dream books indicate that you will need to prepare for the fact that you will have to listen to someone’s outpourings or help another person get through difficult times.
When you see in your night dreams that you are erasing using the fast mode, this indicates that you are in vain trying to leave a mark in the memory of another person. You will not be able to do this, which means you are wasting your time. If a lot of foam has formed in the machine during a quick wash, this indicates that your success in real life will go unnoticed. But if in your night dreams you associate the washing process with a daily activity, then this means that your recognized achievements will be forgotten very quickly.


If you dreamed of doing laundry, and its result was perfectly washed clothes, then this indicates that your diligence and hard work will contribute to obtaining a favorable result. But if it happens that the quality of washing does not satisfy you, then in real life you will face failures and disappointments. In addition, you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to do routine tasks and perform unpleasant duties that will not produce results and will not bring pleasure. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to change anything, so you need to reconcile yourself and wait for a more favorable period in life. When, according to the plot of your night dreams, you dreamed that you need to wash a huge amount of things, and this horrifies you, then this indicates that in reality you have shouldered I take on a lot of responsibilities. You should definitely try to reconsider your lifestyle and systematize it in order to free up at least a little time for relaxation and hobbies.

When you dream about a lot of washing machines, you need to conclude that you need to sort out your own life as soon as possible. Due to the confusion in your head, you have a lot of problems. After such a dream, you may experience significant changes in your life that will affect all areas of your life.

Buying a washing machine

A favorable symbol in a dream is the purchase of a washing machine. This suggests that joyful and very pleasant events will burst into the dreamer’s everyday life. If this Appliances given as a gift, you need to consider the following:
    For a man, this means that something will happen in reality that will greatly surprise the dreamer. For a woman, this portends a joyful event.
If, according to the plot of your dream, you have to buy a washing machine for yourself, then you need to pay attention to the emotions that arose during this. When they were positive in nature, this means that events will happen in reality that will greatly please the dreamer. But they carried it during the purchase, something upset you or you felt extreme fatigue, then this indicates that you will need to take care of your health. You shouldn’t worry too much, because you can solve all the problems by organizing yourself good rest within a few days.

The washing machine broke down in the dream

If the washing machine breaks down in a dream, then this foreshadows a quarrel with one of your colleagues. But when the purchased new car turns out to be broken, it means you need to be wary of setups from envious people and ill-wishers. And if you dreamed that water flowed out of the machine during the spin cycle, then this means that you will become a victim of gossip that will greatly harm you.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about washing?

Washing - Doing laundry in a dream means entering into a struggle with circumstances, which will lead you to success. If the clothes are washed clean, your victory will be complete, all your wishes will come true. If you are unhappy with the quality of the wash, a streak of failure awaits you. If you see a pretty girl who is busy doing laundry, you will look for entertainment on the side.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Laundry in a dream Laundry?

Washing - Washing means getting sick, washing means loss.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about washing in a dream?

Washing - To dream of washing clothes with your hands - to betrayal, troubles in personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in a dream - hard work awaits you to remove. If in a dream you dreamed of a laundry, people’s rumors and chatter will bring you trouble. You use a washboard - you may have difficulty removing this.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about washing in a dream?

Washing - Seeing washing foretells a struggle that will end in your victory and lead to success. If the clothes are washed clean, your aspirations will bring complete happiness. If you are unhappy with the appearance of things, then you will fail. Seeing a pretty girl doing laundry means that you will seek forbidden pleasures.

Idiomatic dream book

Washing - what symbolizes what you see

Wash - “Wash dirty laundry” - put things in order, but “pick through dirty laundry” - gossip, unseemly curiosity. “to erase traces (of crime)”; “soak” - kill; "eraser"

Washing according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Wash - Linen by hand - betrayal, personal loss; washing in the machine means a change of place or circle of acquaintances, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

The meaning of the dream about Laundry ( Modern dream book)

Wash - Illness, resentment.

Washing in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Wash – To erase linen from memory of unseemly deeds or painful memories. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you. With an eraser, don’t worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten. Hanging out clean laundry after washing means new achievements, optimism and activity.

The meaning of the dream about Washed Linen (interpretation by the healer Fedorovskaya)

Washing clothes - To illness, especially bloody ones.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Laundry according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Canaanite)

Washing clothes is a nuisance.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Laundry from your dream

Wash, rinse – Build relationships; family feuds; treason. Wet laundry means difficult relationships.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Stirka in a dream

Dreamed of Laundry - Enter into a fight that will end in your victory. Imagine that all the laundry has been washed and will soon dry. You enjoy its shining, clean appearance.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Washing

Washing - You saw in a dream a pretty girl doing laundry - you are not afraid of sin; forbidden pleasures are the most desirable pleasures for you; you will always be a consumer, a user, and never a creator. In a dream you seem to be erasing - you will enter into a fight and win. You are satisfied with how cleanly you washed your clothes - by working on yourself, you have achieved high level– close to perfection; you have become the most receptive to happiness - and it will not leave you. You are unhappy with the way you washed your clothes - look within yourself for the reasons for the failure.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dreamed about Laundry?

If you dreamed about Laundry, your fight with someone or rivalry will end in your victory. Imagine a basin full of laundry that you need to wash. You pour water, add laundry detergent and wash by hand, then rinse the laundry well and hang it on the dryer or line. The linen is washed perfectly, it is clean and snow-white, you admire your work.

Washing in a dream: this is a harbinger of quarrels and troubles.

Seeing someone washing clothes:
means that you risk being drawn into some kind of conflict.

Washing clothes yourself in a dream:
a sign that some kind of scandal may have a bad effect on your reputation and position in society, and you will need to make a lot of effort to solve this problem.

Newest dream book Wash

If you wash light-colored laundry: to good news

color: to the bad ones.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Wash

In a dream, washing clothes by hand:
to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car

Washing powder in a dream: a sign that hard work awaits you.

If you dreamed of a laundry room: People's rumors and chatter will bring you trouble.

If in a dream you use a washboard:
this is a sign that you may experience difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn Wash

It's time for cleansing. Clean up your life. Do you let people know about all your weaknesses and vices and air your “dirty laundry”?

Dream Interpretation 2015 Wash

the need to change your worldview and/or your views on yourself. Reflection of the process of changing worldviews. The need to purify one's thoughts and/or speech.

Modern dream book Wash

If you dreamed that you were washing clothes:
In reality, a struggle awaits you, from which you will emerge victorious and achieve happiness.

Cleanly washed clothes: sign of good luck.

If things remain dirty: An unfavorable turn in fate awaits you.

Seeing a beautiful girl doing laundry:
means that you will seek entertainment outside your surroundings.

If you dreamed that a laundress came to your home:
in real life you are threatened by illness or the loss of something valuable.

Being in a laundry room in a dream: predicting rivalries and competitions.

Russian dream book Wash

Wash: unfavorable turn in fate.

Ukrainian dream book Wash

Wash: get sick, wash

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Wash

Wash clothes: trouble.

Idiomatic dream book Wash

“Wash dirty laundry”:
put things in order, but “pick up dirty laundry”

"erase traces": crime

"soak": kill.

Esoteric dream book Wash

Linen to wash:
from memory unseemly deeds or painful memories. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you.

Eraser: don’t worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten.

To hang clean laundry after washing: to new achievements, optimism and activity.

American dream book Wash

Wash: airing "dirty laundry" for public viewing.

Family dream book Wash

We saw laundry in a dream:
enter into a struggle that will end in your victory and lead you to success.

Cleanly washed clothes: means that your aspirations will bring you complete happiness.

If in a dream you are unhappy with the result of washing: In reality you will fail.

Pretty girl doing laundry: dreams of forbidden pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya Wash

See yourself doing laundry in a dream:
means a struggle with the past that will end in your victory.

If your clothes are clean after washing: all your aspirations will bring you success.

If a woman does laundry in a dream: she dreams of purchasing expensive things.

If a man does the laundry:
in the near future he will have an unpleasant conversation related to everyday problems.

Laundry: means the need to change your life.

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    By dream book Miller wash clothes in dream- a symbol of the struggle against the circumstances in life. You can find out how this fight will end by looking at the details. in dream: if the laundry is washed clean, you will be a winner, but if there are still stains on it, or even worse - the rags have become even dirtier - beware, life will bring a lot of disappointments and sorrows. For caring parents wash Kids' things hands in dream- a symbol of the care they show to their children. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "zonasnov"

    To determine what exactly it means dream, in which you, or someone else wash clothes, you need to remember exactly which item of clothing you need dreamed about it. Generally so dream quite positive, as it means cleansing. According to dream book, dream about washing in most cases it does not bode well. So go for it! Everything is in yours hands. And remember - “Cleanliness is the key to health!” Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    Sadness and loneliness await those who washed clothes in the hole. Psychologists say that this dream dreaming people who are dissatisfied with themselves. Wash in dream clothes and being dissatisfied with the result is a harbinger of failures that will soon come into your life. Good afternoon, Igor! Me today dreamed how I flushed my good one into a dirty toilet that smelled like poop clothes. At first I didn’t know how to get it, but then I let it all down hand and took out all clothes, then I washed it (I don’t know hands or not), but then I was glad that...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming wash clothes in dream. Wash in dream in general - an unfavorable sign, which means that you are unsuccessfully trying to get rid of some memories or, for example, change your social circle. If you wash hands, then negative changes in personal life are not excluded, machine wash will mean a forced change of residence. But if dreamed If you hang out clean and washed laundry, then changes in the near future will be very favorable. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Modern dream book. Find out what it means if dreaming Wash? If you dreamed, what do you wash clothes- in reality, a struggle awaits you, from which you will emerge victorious and achieve happiness. In dream wash underwear hands in dream dreamed about it Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    What else? dreaming wash or wash in dream. If in dream see yourself erasing underwear or clothes, then you can soon expect certain changes in life. Which, most likely, will turn out to be very favorable. If this someone erases in the house of a sleeping person, there is a risk of getting sick in the near future. For what dreaming wash By dream book Pastor Loff. Dream Interpretation Pastor Loff's main emphasis is on how clean the linen was. dreamed.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Dream Interpretation XXI century. In dream wash underwear hands- to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in dream- a sign that hard work awaits you. if you dreamed about it laundry - people's rumors, chatter will bring you trouble. Wash- an unfavorable turn in fate. Wash underwear means illness, especially bloody ones. See yourself erasing in dream- means a struggle with the past, which will end in your victory. If after washing yours cloth became clean - all yours...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    A dream, Where wash I had to use someone else's socks, dream book interprets it as the emergence of a situation in which you will have to bend to someone else’s opinion. Wash clothes hands- have the strength to win. Laundry in the washing machine means a favorable coincidence of circumstances. What does it mean? dream about panties? For what dreamed bed linen?Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming wash in dream cloth after washing became spotlessly clean. This also indicates that most of the dreamer's aspirations and plans in real life will be crowned with success. But if dirt, marks or stains are visible on the laundry after washing- on the contrary, a person may fail in solving problems. When you dreamed about it(xia) wash underwear? Today. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Wash, But necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Wash in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I saw how my aunt and I washed clothes first from your house all dirty clothes took it out and took it to my aunt’s house and sat at her house washed all clothes hands.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "snitsyason"

    If you dreamed, what do you wash clothes- in reality, a struggle awaits you, from which you will emerge victorious and achieve happiness. Cleanly washed cloth- a sign of good luck. If things remain dirty, an unfavorable turn in fate awaits you. In dream wash underwear hands- to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in dream- a sign that hard work awaits you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Wash By dream book: WashWash in dream cloth WashIn dream see wash underwear hands- to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in dream- a sign that hard work awaits you. if you dreamed about it laundry - people's rumor, chatter will bring you trouble. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    I dreamed about it wash clothes or dirty laundry Wash dirty laundry and clothes in dream- you will have to defend your reputation. You behaved so frivolously and carelessly in reality that it left a significant imprint on your reputation. Now arose before you urgency- clear your name before others, correct sins once committed. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.guru"

    Female dream book. For what dreaming WashWash in dream means to enter into a struggle with circumstances that will lead you to success. If cloth washed clean - your victory will be complete, all your wishes will come true. Dream Interpretation WashIn dream wash underwear hands- to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in dream- a sign that hard work awaits you. if you dreamed about it laundry - people's rumor, chatter will bring you trouble. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If dreamed wash underwear, dream book will help to interpret similar dream. Depending on the circumstances surrounding dream, this will be the interpretation. In such a situation it will not help dream book. Wash underwear hands, means that you need to make some effort to achieve your goal, and unexpected obstacles may also arise. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    if you dreamed about it wash, and as a result you saw a cleanly washed clothes, That Washing see in dream: Wash shirt - lose money. If you dreamed What is this dream warns of possible family breakdown. Wash hands- lose some positions in...Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-one"

    Dream Interpretation - wash clothes. if you dreamed about it wash- this may symbolize some kind of internal cleansing, when you get rid of some habits that are preventing you from moving forward, change your point of view. Wash someone else's clothes in dreams means that in real life you will help someone feel more confident. Ancient oracles believed that wash clothes in dream- this is a sign of great luck, and cloth in stains or taking a bath in clothes means failure. Read more

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Dream Wash Saw in dream washing: Enter into a fight that will end in your victory and lead you to success. Cleanly washed cloth: means that your aspirations will bring you complete happiness. Dream Interpretation Wash In dream wash underwear hands: to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car. Washing powder in dream: A sign that hard work awaits you. if you dreamed about it laundry: people's rumors, chatter will bring you trouble. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-mira"

    It is important that during dreamed washing the laundry was washed, because dirty spots are a symbol of problems. The success of the started enterprise symbolizes dream, Where are you washed clothes. Wash underwear predicts trouble, underwear - what you wanted to keep secret will become public knowledge. Difficulties are foreshadowed by a dream about washing hands.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "bledans"

    Wash hands- you can only rely on your own strength to solve a difficult problem. Wash on a washing machine - if you need help from friends, think carefully about which of them you can trust. What does it mean dream wash, meaning sleep wash, dreamed wash, dream, meaning What if dreaming wash underwear? A very good sign is if in dream cloth after washing became spotlessly clean. This also indicates that most of the dreamer’s aspirations and plans in real life will be crowned with success. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation wash Clothes dreamed, for what dreaming in dream wash Clothes"Clean laundry means that any troubles can be overcome without much difficulty. If it turns into dirty rags, you are not yet ready to deal with the circumstances. Besides, wash clothes hands- to change in romantic relationships, more often negative than vice versa. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming underwear wash in dream. Dream, in which someone erases underwear is often interpreted as an unfavorable sign. Wash hands- to the loss of their positions. Also dream, in which someone erases linen is a reflection of the need to carry out general cleaning. In addition, it is considered a symbol of illness and failure. The cleaner the laundry you wash, the faster you can deal with them. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Wash, dream Wash, dreamed Wash.If after washing yours cloth has become pure - all your aspirations will bring you success. Dream Interpretation Wash. underwear - betrayal, personal loss - hands; wash in the car - a change of place or circle of acquaintances. Read more

    Dream book "snovid"

    faith In dream washed a towel, not even washed and washed away the stains. Then I wrung it out and threw it away. In my opinion, the stains remained. What is this for? Victor is now having problems in his relationship with his beloved, today dreamed what do I see as her erases clothes, sort of hands in a basin, why would that be? wash dreaming for the first time in my life. Nina I see it very often dream: erases washing machine a huge amount of laundry, yesterday it was dirty and a mess, but today I wash white, clean...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    Fortune telling by hand.Total wash in dream underwear means that in real life the person who dreamed about it dream will come to grips with For married women to see in dream the way she erases clothes in the washing machine, will mean that she will soon have to do...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    In dream wash underwear hands- to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in dream- a sign that hard work awaits you. if you dreamed about it laundry - people's rumors, chatter will bring you trouble. Wash - Wash in dream means to enter into a struggle with circumstances that will lead you to success. If cloth washed clean - your victory will be complete, all your wishes will come true. Read more

    Dream book "taro-mymagic"

    Wash, rinse dirty laundry, clothes in dream- if you dreamed, what do you wash dirty or dark clothes or clothes and the water is dirty, then squabbles, gossip and an unpleasant situation await you. Look interesting video about ways and simple techniques how to see the prophetic dream, call him like in dream get an answer to exciting question, in section > Dream Interpretation online.Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Had a dream wash dirty hands? Soon cure your old illness. Also wash their in dream means getting the necessary protection in time. Try to take measures in time so as not to prolong the disease. Get dirty hands in black soot in dream- in reality you will spend a long time sorting out relations with your family. When you saw that the child was very dirty hands, clothesdream book indicates: you show insufficient care for your children. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "nepoznannogo"

    If you happen to wash other people's things, you yourself will sin by judging your neighbor. Had a dream that you cannot remove blood or any other stain from clothes - dream book advises you not to take risks, but to make decisions only after serious consideration. At home wash and hang clothes in dream- to the fact that you finally decide to deal with the annoying problem. Hands wash children's things - to excessive care of younger family members. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation Wash hands dreamed about it, for what dreaming in dream Wash hands".For what dreaming Wash hands in dream By dream book? Had a dream, How wash hands, - in solving difficult problems and tasks you will have to rely only on yourself and your own strengths. There will be no outside help, so don’t wait for it in vain, but save up your resources to cope with difficulties.

Our dreams are not subject to control or consciousness. During the day we can hold a high leadership position, be a talented composer or a highly qualified pilot, and at night in our dreams we can do simple everyday things. And only wise interpreters of dreams, authors of dream books will help you figure out why you dream about washing clothes?

A dream in which washing occurs, first of all, represents the need to change your worldview, views, values, and cleanse your consciousness, thoughts or speech. This is a reason to think about changes in life. And first of all, you need to start with yourself. It is during this period that there is time to engage in self-development and self-education.

Dream books predict a bright turn in fate for someone who did laundry in a dream. But how favorable events in life will be depends on the details of the dream and emotional coloring.

Clean laundry is an excellent sign; your efforts will be rewarded with success in business. And if at the same time you hang up clean washed laundry, your achievements will be appreciated. Dirty laundry after washing - in most dream books - to failure, which will befall you thanks to your wrong decisions and actions.

If you dreamed about washing clothes by hand - don’t trust others, rely only on your own strength to solve problems. A dream where washing takes place in a washing machine is interpreted by dream books as a series of events, after which there will be a change in the immediate environment among colleagues or close friends.

The man dreamed beautiful girl, which erases - to the desire for intimate pleasures. If a man washes dirty things himself, this means a period when you need to put your affairs in order. The gossip, scandals and squabbles that are now haunting you will soon end. But you will have to make a lot of effort to restore your reputation and position. If he washes a dirty shirt, betrayal of his beloved or spouse is not far off. A If the water after washing the shirt turns out to be clean, suspicions and jealousy have no basis.

A woman washes dirt from her laundry - to financial troubles, loss of profits through her own fault. Washing underwear - expect an influx of strength and energy; your activity will be enough to put all your affairs in order. I dreamed about clean washed laundry - good sign for a woman - a bright and honest relationship with her lover. Washing by hand means trials associated with the struggle for personal happiness. Try your best and the battle will end with your victory over your opponent.

Author's dream books

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Washed clean linen - personification feminine. If the washed items are clean and appear quite brightly, the dreamer is clearly satisfied with his intimate life. And his sexual partner completely suits him.

Doing laundry in a dream means a desire to get rid of some aspects in real life that clearly compromise and interfere with a further peaceful existence.

If you dreamed of washing clothes to remove stains, expect betrayal.

If an attractive female person does the laundry, then in real life you are trying to diversify boredom and conservatism in intimate relationships.

Wash your clothes yourself - you want to hide the details of your sex life.

Hanging out your washed laundry means your desire to show off your love affairs to your friends.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed of squeezing out washed clothes, expect troubles and disappointments. Linen washed in dirty water is a sign of slander and gossip around you. Perfectly clean laundry after washing - establishing business connections and partnerships. If in a dream the laundry remains dirty after washing, all the work in real life was in vain, there will be no progress.

Dream Book of Gustov Miller

If you washed your underwear, expect more intrigues and scandals. Gossip in your immediate circle cannot be avoided and it is not surprising that you have something to hide. If you dreamed of washing beautiful and expensive underwear, this speaks of the dreamer’s subtle and elegant taste, his craving for beauty.

Washing is, first of all, overcoming obstacles, a battle for a place in the sun. The outcome of events depends only on you. If you dreamed of dirty water when washing, in real life someone from your close circle condemns you and does not support your plans and ideas.

A young girl dreams of washing and ironing clean linen - a good sign that a successful and happy marriage awaits her soon.

Dream Book of David Loff

The main focus in the interpretation of dreams about washing is on the cleanliness of the laundry. If it was dirty, a series of negative events will happen in your life. Unpleasant situations may arise with the help of your close colleagues or relatives.

To completely wash things means to get out of difficult situations with victory and applause. You can easily cope with the surging stream of problems.

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

If you dreamed of washing bed linen, expect difficult work. The difficulty will be that you use ineffective methods or means and thereby reach a dead end.

If you wash things with holes, you will quarrel with your partner. Misunderstandings will exacerbate the conflict.

If you dreamed of washing dirty laundry, it means health problems. Washing new clean linen in a dream means material wealth. Laying the laundry on the bed is a very good sign - your financial well-being will rise and be stable for many years.

Personal wardrobe items

Children's things are a symbol of excessive love and guardianship over children. The children will grow up and will definitely repay you with care and attention.

A wedding dress means dissatisfaction with your future married life.

If you dreamed of washing trousers: if with pockets - to profit or gain, without pockets - get ready for financial collapse, you just might be left without pants.

Dress - expect an invitation to a date from a lover or admirer. Married woman such a dream promises a fatal temptation.

Underwear is a sign of betrayal, both yours and your partner’s.

Someone else's socks - marriage is just around the corner. Your socks - reconsider your plans, the old ones are not destined to come true.