Modern technologies in dow fgos. Modern technologies for teaching and educating children in preschool

Educational technologies and

pedagogical technologies


Educational technology (technology in the field of education) is a set of scientifically and practically substantiated methods and tools for achieving desired result in any field of education.

The concept of "educational technology" seems to be somewhat broader than "pedagogical technology" (for pedagogical processes, because education includes, in addition to pedagogical, a variety of social, socio-political, managerial, cultural, psychological, pedagogical, medical-pedagogical, economic and other related aspects.

The concept of "pedagogical technology" refers (which is obvious) to all sections of pedagogy.

Technology and methodology


Main significant differences

learning technologies from teaching methods:

Technologies are often non-subjective in nature, they can be implemented in any academic subject, regardless of its content;

The methodology does not promise the teacher guaranteed results,

technologies, on the contrary, give equally high results when used by different teachers in different educational institutions with different children; - technologies rigidly set the way to achieve the goal through an algorithm of procedures and actions that must strictly follow one after another; the methodology provides for a variety, variability of ways to implement theoretical provisions, does not imply a guarantee of achieving the goal;

Technology answers the question: “How to teach? ",

methodology - to the questions: “What to teach? "," Why teach? ' and 'How to teach? » within the framework of a specific academic discipline; - technologies, in contrast to methodology, involve the development of the content and methods of organizing the activities of the pupils themselves.

... the educational process is not aimed at teaching preschool children (which is based on the transfer of certain knowledge, skills, abilities, but at the development and upbringing of children ...

The purpose of the activities of adults in a preschool educational institution is to build such interaction with the child that will contribute to

the formation of his activity in the cognition of the surrounding reality,

revealing his unique personality.

Partnership interaction.

In modern domestic preschool pedagogy, the term "pedagogical technologies" is considered as:

Component of the pedagogical system,

a method of constructing the pedagogical process by the educator with the help of a system of means and methods of educating and teaching preschoolers in the didactic conditions of the kindergarten specially created for this in order to solve the problems of preschool education.

(Krulekht M. V. “Pedagogical technologies for the implementation of the Childhood program in the educational process of the kindergarten.” Methodological advice for the Childhood program. St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2002.)

A tool for the professional activity of a teacher, which has a pronounced phasing (step-by-step).

Each stage (primary diagnosis; selection of content, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation; final diagnosis of achieving the goal; criteria-based assessment of results) includes a set of specific professional actions of the teacher.

Pedagogical technologies, in addition to phasing, are also distinguished by the specificity and clarity of the goals and objectives of the teacher's activity.

(Dergunskaya V. A. “Health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution.” Management of a preschool educational institution. 2005-No. 3).

the term "pedagogical technologies" ...

The system of methods, techniques, steps,

the sequence of implementation of which ensures the solution of the problems of education, training and development of the personality of the pupil, and the activity itself is presented as a certain system of actions,

providing guaranteed results.

(Sivtsova A. M. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of health-saving technologies in work with children of senior preschool - primary school age. Abstract of a candidate of pedagogical sciences. St. Petersburg, 2008.)

What is meant by the result of the activities of the DOE?

The result of pedagogical activity is a change in the development of the child that happened to him in the process of interaction with the teacher (E. A. Nicheporyuk).

If, when applying pedagogical technologies in preschool teacher it is possible to increase the reserve of development of the child, then we can talk about their positive impact on the child.

An educational institution should form a person's main need -

the need for self-development, since human life is woven from a variety of technologies (activities that are functionally interconnected.

Classification of pedagogical technologies in relation to preschool education.

Pedagogical technologies - at the school level, can also be used in preschool education (taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of preschoolers)

Each comprehensive program (which is implemented in a preschool institution) contains certain technologies that lead to the effective implementation of the program content and the achievement of the planned goal of the program.

CONDITION: pedagogical technology must be adequate to the pedagogical system of the preschool educational institution.

Without this condition, the goals of the pedagogical system of the preschool educational institution and the educational program cannot be realized.

Classification of pedagogical technologies in relation to preschool education.

health-saving pedagogical technologies,

Technology of personality-oriented interaction of a teacher with children,

Research technology,

Technology of project activity,

Technologies "Portfolio of a preschooler" and

"Teacher's Portfolio"

Information and communication technologies.

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Report of the preschool teacher on the use of modern educational technologies that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard

Based on the data of pedagogical monitoring of the children of the group, taking into account the order of parents for an educational service, I consider it appropriate to include modern educational technologies in the construction of the educational process: student-oriented, technology of level differentiation, game and non-traditional drawing techniques with children. They make it possible to realize the set educational goals with the help of a set of means and methods for reproducing theoretically substantiated processes of upbringing and education. I pay special attention to a personality-oriented approach in education, to the development of creative initiative, individual qualities and abilities of children. My professional skills are aimed at the diversified development and preservation mental health children.

Educational technologies: personality-oriented, game, non-traditional drawing techniques - are organically integrated into the educational process and are used by me in the organization of organized educational activities and in educational activities carried out during regime moments in the implementation of the tasks of the educational areas "Speech development", "Cognitive development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic”.

I use student-centered technology in my work with children, placing the personality of the child at the center of the entire educational system, ensuring comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions its development, realization of its natural potential. The personality of the child in this technology is not only a subject, but a priority subject. I organize the educational process on the basis of respect for the personality of the child, taking into account the peculiarities of his individual development, attitude towards him as a conscious, full participant in the educational process.

In my classes, there is an emphasis on a personality-oriented approach in communication, namely, I plan classes, joint activities with children so that it is not aimed at finding out what the child knows, but at how developed his “power of mind”, inclinations and ability to reason, think critically, find the right solution, apply knowledge in practice.

I believe that every child is unique in their individuality and has the right to develop at their own pace, along their own educational trajectory. There are different children in my group, with different levels of development. When applying the technology of level differentiation, I divide the pupils into conditional groups, taking into account typological features. When forming groups, I take into account the personal attitude of pupils to the surrounding reality, the degree of mastering the program material, interest in learning new material, in the personality of the educator, and the development of mental processes. I apply didactic material, differing in content, volume, complexity, methods and techniques for performing tasks.

Game technologies are of great help to me in organizing educational activities. IN practical activities I use the following game technologies:

game situations. During educational activities and during sensitive moments, I use toys, characters of finger and puppet theater, which help to solve the tasks: teach the bunny to wash, help the doll find a friend, build a house for piglets, etc.

Surprise moments. During educational activities I use a magic bag, I animate the substitute objects used. The moment of surprise allows you to evoke an emotional mood in children to learn new material.

The element of the presence of a favorite toy at regime moments (the ability to sleep at regime moments, play with it during the day, allows children to more easily adapt to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

Artistic creativity is a special kind of activity. Modern technologies cannot replace the creativity of pupils. I organize art activities in a group using non-traditional drawing techniques. From the experience of working with non-traditional materials, such as: foam rubber, wax crayons, corrugated paper, tree leaves, yarn, I can conclude that using them allows children to experience unforgettable emotions, develops the child’s creative abilities, his creativity, which contributes to the overall mental and personal development of children, and non-traditional methods of drawing: monotype, blotography, drawing with fingers, palms, etc. develop fine motor skills, evoke a whole range of emotions, help to show the character of the child, his personality.

With long-term drawing, modeling, I spend with children exercises for the muscles of the hands, finger gymnastics. My pupils are happy to accept music therapy, so I use classical and modern melodic calm music in my drawing and modeling classes. The use of musical accompaniment raises the mood of children, they become calmer, passionate about the creative process. An important feature when conducting classes on artistic and aesthetic activities of preschoolers, I use elements of color therapy: a green board, making sketches with yellow chalk, etc., all this contributes to better assimilation and memorization of the material, reduced fatigue, concentration.

I believe that visual activity should not occupy a secondary, but its own, honorable place among other educational activities.

Application of modern educational technologies gave a positive dynamics of growth in the development of pupils, which I track during systematic monitoring.

The project "The use of pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard"

“The use of pedagogical technologies that ensure the development of the creative activity of children

in the process of educational

activities in preschool educational institutions within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard "

Vatutina N. B., senior teacher of the MDAOU kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 11 of the Korenovsky district of the Moscow Region.


In the course of modernizing the system of preschool education, it became necessary to determine the readiness of teachers for the transition to new educational standards.

In connection with the increase in the requirements for the quality of preschool education, methodological work with personnel is also changing, the nature of which depends on the professional maturity of each educator. It is currently noted that today a teacher is in demand who is creative, competent, capable of developing skills to mobilize his personal potential in the modern system of education and development of a preschooler.


The discrepancy between the FGT and the Federal State Educational Standard to the portrait of a graduate of a preschool educational institution:

FGT: the results of children's knowledge in educational areas and integrative qualities are evaluated

GEF: evaluation of targets at the stage of completion of preschool education


The use of modern technologies will significantly improve the quality

formation of the prerequisites for educational activities in preschoolers at the stage of completion of preschool education.

To systematize the knowledge of teachers about pedagogical technologies, their varieties and features, to acquaint them with advanced pedagogical technologies in the field of preschool education, to improve the professional level of teachers.

1. To study the level of educators' knowledge of pedagogical technologies.

2. To develop a cycle of pedagogical events aimed at systematizing knowledge about pedagogical technologies.

3. Introduce modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process of the preschool educational institution.

4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the project and determine the prospects for the activities of educators in the use of pedagogical technologies.

Stages of project implementation

Stage 1. Organizational and preparatory.

1.1. Analysis of the state of readiness of teachers to introduce innovative technologies:

Questioning of teachers;

Analysis and selection of methodological literature;

Studying work experience;

Determination of ways to improve methodological work with teachers.

1.2. Development of a program of methodological support for the introduction of pedagogical technologies into practice.

Stage 2 implementation

2. Implementation of the program for the introduction of pedagogical technologies.

2.2. Monitoring compliance with the schedule of program activities.

Stage 3. Generalizing.

3.1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project implementation.

3.2. Identification, generalization of pedagogical experience in practice

3.3. Determination of ways to improve methodological work on the use of pedagogical technologies.

Implementation of the plan:

"Pedagogical monitoring"

Questionnaire of the teacher

Test "Evaluation of the implementation of the needs of the teacher in development"

Study and assessment of the professional awareness of the teacher, identifying the level of professional competence; readiness for innovation processes

"Methodological culture of the teacher"

Seminars: - "Pedagogical competence and competence" - "Design technology" - "Modern pedagogical technologies. Health-saving technologies»

Exchange of experience "Project activity", "Game technologies"

- "TRIZ-technology" "Technology of research activities"

- "Technology of Personally-Oriented Interaction of a Teacher with Children"

«Information and computer technologies».

Improving the professionalism of teachers, improving their skills, developing an innovative style of thinking.

"Creative self-development"

Creating a need for constant growth, the desire to implement best practices in practice.

Criteria for evaluating the result

Criteria Indicators

1. Knowledge of the program and technologies

1) the creation by the teacher of pedagogical technologies

2) creation by the administration of an educational institution of an educational program

2. Willingness of teachers to use technologies that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

3. Solving the problem of choosing technologies, teaching aids taking into account the interests of all subjects of the educational process

4. The level of professional competence of teachers

1) All teachers have been trained in courses, seminars on the formation of technological competence; a list of teaching aids that will be used in the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard has been determined.

2) increasing the level of formation of motivational and professional competence of teachers.

Expected results of the project implementation:

After the implementation of this project, it is expected that teachers will develop an interest in modern technologies and improve their pedagogical skills.

All forms of organization of the learning process are divided into:

*are common


General forms do not depend on specific didactic tasks and are determined only by the structure of communication between students and learners.

There are 4 such forms: individual, pair, group, collective.

Education - it is communication between learners and learners, i.e. communication between those who have knowledge and experience and those who acquire them. Communication, in the course of which and through which the reproduction and assimilation of all types of human activity takes place.

There is no learning outside of communication. Communication can take place directly(through speech, people hear and see each other) and indirectly(through written speech - newspapers, magazines, etc., when people do not see or hear each other).

mediated learning between students and trainees in the educational process gives us an individual form of work organization. The child performs educational tasks (writes, reads, solves problems, sets experiments), and at the same time does not enter into direct communication with anyone, no one cooperates with him.

Immediate communication between people has a different structure: it can occur in pairs (a paired form of organization of learning, for example, a child, together with a teacher, work through an article, solve problems, learn poems), with many people (a group form of organization of the educational process, if one teaches several people) .

Individual, pair, group forms of organization of training sessions are traditional. None of these forms is collective.

The collective form of organizing the learning process is only the work of students in pairs of shifts (communication either with each separately or in turn).

The main features of CSR (predominantly over traditional education):

Focus on individual abilities children, learning takes place in accordance with the abilities of the children (individual learning pace);

The meaningfulness of the process of cognition;

Everyone educates each and every one of all;

In collective training sessions (KUZ), where knowledge is good, skills are confident, skills are reliable;

Education is conducted on the basis and in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation between the teacher and the child;

Interpersonal relationships are activated (child - child), which contribute to the implementation of the principles of learning continuous and immediate transfer of knowledge;

The leading organizational form of education is collective, those. work of children in pairs of shifts.

A collective form of learning means such an organization of learning in which all participants work with each other in pairs and the composition of the pairs changes periodically. As a result, it turns out that each member of the team works in turn with each, while some of them can work individually. The technology of collective mutual learning makes it possible to fruitfully develop students' independence and communication skills .

The collective method of learning is considered to be launched only when each task is completed by at least one child, i.e. when each child has completed his task and is ready to teach all other participants this work, having received training on the rest of the tasks in shift pairs. If for some task no one coped with the solution, the teacher should give advice.

The development of practical skills and abilities on a series of similar tasks is visible from the next card. A dot is placed next to each surname in the corresponding column, which means that the child can advise on a particular task.

After finishing work in pairs, + is put in place of the dot. Each child completes all the tasks, working with different partners. First, several groups of 5-7 students are organized, and they work on their set of tasks in cards. After some time, children appear in each group who have mastered the relevant part of the theory and coped with all the tasks.

Through a combination of various organizational forms, collective learning methods ensure the success of learning for each child.

We can distinguish the following types of work in a single pair: discussing something, joint study of new material, teaching each other, training, testing.

In collective training sessions in groups of different ages and levels, pupils develop the skills of self-organization, self-government, self-control, self-esteem and mutual evaluation.

With collective methods (CSR), each child has the opportunity to implement an individual development trajectory:

  • students realize different goals, study different fragments of educational material, different ways and means, for different times;
  • different children master the same program on different educational routes;
  • the presence of consolidated training groups as places of intersection of different routes for the advancement of students. At the same time, all four organizational forms of training are combined: individual, pair, group and collective.

CSE is ideal for working in a multi-level group, class, as it allows not only to differentiate, but also to individualize the learning process in terms of the amount of material and the pace of work for each child. The development of interest and cognitive activity of students within the framework of this variant of the organization of educational work is also associated with the very form of presentation of the material. The correspondence of the volume and pace of presentation of the material to the individual characteristics of the students creates a sense of successful activity every child. The specificity of collective methods of learning is the observance of the following principles:

Availability of shift pairs of students;

mutual control;

Mutual management

A collective way of learning is such an organization in which learning is carried out through communication in dynamic pairs, when everyone teaches everyone.

There are three successive stages in the organization of the collective labor of children:

  • distribution of the upcoming work among the participants,
  • the process of completing the task by children,

Each of these stages has its own tasks, the solution of which requires unique methods of leading children.

8. Interactive technology in preschool educational institution, ICT technology.

The use of IAT is one of the effective ways to increase the motivation and individualization of children's learning, develop their creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background. It also allows you to move from an explanatory-illustrated way of teaching to an activity one, in which the child takes an active part in this activity. This contributes to the conscious assimilation of new knowledge.

Learning for children becomes more attractive and exciting. In working with an interactive whiteboard, children develop all mental processes: attention, thinking, memory; speech and also fine motor skills. The older preschooler has a better developed involuntary attention, which becomes more concentrated when he is interested, the studying material is clear, bright, causes the child to positive emotions.

9.Game technology.

This is a simulation technology.

A characteristic feature of this technology is the modeling of vital professional difficulties in the educational space and the search for ways to solve them.

Pedagogical technology for organizing directorial games for children:

To develop game skills, multifunctional game material is created, it is advisable to use fairy tales, the duration of the organization of the game can last 2-3 months.

Stages of ped. technologies:

Stage 1: enriching the gaming experience with organization-based content artistic perception fairy tales.

Stage 2: development of plot formation based on the use of multifunctional game material based on the plots of new or familiar fairy tales. Polyfunctional material is a "semantic field" on which game events unfold.

Stage 3: development of plot construction based on the independent creation of multifunctional game material and inventing new adventures of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Pedagogical technology for organizing role-playing games:

The theme of role-playing games is connected with social reality.

Technology stages:

Stage 1:

Enrichment of ideas about the sphere of reality that the child will reflect in the game (observations, stories, conversations about impressions). It is important to introduce the child to people, their activities, relationships.

Stage 2:

Organization of the plot role play("game in preparation for the game").

Determination of the situation of interaction between people, inventing and composing events, the course of their development in accordance with the theme of the game;

Creation of a subject-play environment based on the organization of productive and artistic activities of children, co-creation with educators, children's collecting, joint play activities of the educator with children;

Stage 3:

Independent play activities of children; organization of a role-playing game with an imaginary partner for whom the child speaks.

10. Integrated lesson technology

An integrated lesson is different from traditional use interdisciplinary connections, providing only episodic inclusion of material from other subjects.

Integration combines knowledge from different educational fields on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, several development problems are solved. In the form of integrated lessons, it is better to conduct general lessons, presentations of topics, and final lessons.

The most effective methods and techniques in an integrated lesson:

Comparative analysis, comparison, search, heuristic activity;

Problem questions, stimulation, manifestation of discoveries, tasks like "prove", "Explain".

Sample structure:

Introductory part:

a problematic situation is created that stimulates the activity of children to search for its solution (for example, what will happen if there is no water on the planet?)

Main part:

new tasks based on content various areas based on visibility; enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

Final part:

children are offered any practical work.

Each lesson is led by 2 or more teachers.

Method of preparation and conduct:

More details

Information and Communication Technologies

Information and communication technologies have received their natural development in our "advanced" age. A situation where a child would not know what a computer is is practically unrealistic. Children are drawn to acquiring computer skills.

With the help of exciting programs for teaching reading and mathematics, for the development of memory and logic, children can be interested in "sciences".

The computer has a number of significant advantages over the classical lesson. Animated pictures flashing on the screen attract the child, allow you to concentrate. With the help of computer programs, it becomes possible to simulate various life situations that would not be possible to recreate in a kindergarten.

Depending on the abilities of the child, the program can be tailored specifically for him, that is, to focus on his individual development.

At the same time, due to computer illiteracy, teachers can make a number of mistakes. For example, overload the lesson with slides, be insufficiently competent in computer literacy due to lack of relevant experience.

Person-Centered Technologies

Personally-oriented technologies provide conditions for the development of the child's individuality. These are various sensory rooms, corners for individual games and activities.

The programs widely used in kindergartens have a student-oriented approach: "Childhood", "From birth to school", "Rainbow", "From childhood to adolescence".

Gaming technologies

Game technologies are the foundation of all preschool education. In the light of the Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards), the personality of the child is brought to the fore and now all preschool childhood should be devoted to the game.

At the same time, games have many cognitive, educational functions. Among the game exercises, one can distinguish those

  • which help to highlight characteristics subjects: that is, they are taught to compare;
  • which help to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
  • which teach the child to separate fiction from reality;
  • which bring up communication in a team, develop speed of reaction, ingenuity and more.

It is worth mentioning the TRIZ technology (the theory of inventive problem solving), which puts creativity at the forefront. TRIZ transforms complex material into an easy and accessible form for a child. Children learn about the world through fairy tales and everyday situations.

Material from the site

Conceptuality - reliance on a certain scientific concept, including the philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals.

Consistency - the technology must have all the features of a system:

process logic,

The interconnection of its parts


Controllability is the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct results.

Efficiency - modern pedagogical technologies that exist in specific conditions should be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guaranteeing the achievement of a certain standard of learning.

Reproducibility - the possibility of using (repetition, reproduction) of educational technology in educational institutions, i.e. technology as a pedagogical tool must be guaranteed to be effective in the hands of any teacher using it, regardless of his experience, length of service, age and personal characteristics.

Structure of educational technology

The structure of educational technology consists of three parts:

  • The conceptual part is the scientific basis of the technology, i.e. psychological and pedagogical ideas that are laid in its foundation.
  • The content part is the general, specific goals and content of the educational material.
  • The procedural part is a set of forms and methods of educational activity of children, methods and forms of work of the teacher, the activity of the teacher in managing the process of assimilation of the material, diagnostics of the learning process.

Thus, it is obvious: if a certain system claims to be a technology, it must meet all the requirements listed above.

The interaction of all subjects of the open educational space (children, employees, parents) of the preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of modern educational technologies.

Modern educational technologies include:

The world in which it develops modern child, is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This makes qualitatively new requirements for preschool education as the first link in lifelong education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive whiteboard, tablet, etc.).

Informatization of society sets the tasks for preschool teachers:

  • to keep up with the times,
  • become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies,
  • a mentor in the selection of computer programs,
  • to form the foundations of the information culture of his personality,
  • improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents.

The solution of these problems is not possible without updating and revising all areas of the kindergarten in the context of informatization.

Requirements to computer programs DOW:

  • Exploratory nature
  • Ease for self-study of children
  • Developing a Wide Range of Skills and Perceptions
  • Age Compliance

More details on the site

Errors when using information and communication technologies:

  • Insufficient methodological preparedness of the teacher
  • Incorrect definition of the didactic role and place of ICT in the classroom
  • Unscheduled, accidental use of ICT
  • Demonstration overload.

ICT in the work of a modern teacher:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarity with the scenarios of holidays and other events.

3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.

4. Registration of group documentation, reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the scheme once and only make the necessary changes in the future.

5. Creation of presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent meetings.

  1. 5. Person-centered technology

Student-centered technologies put the personality of the child at the center of the entire system of preschool education, ensuring comfortable conditions in the family and preschool institution, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, and the realization of existing natural potentials.

Student-centered technology is implemented in a developing environment that meets the requirements of the content of new educational programs.

There are attempts to create conditions for personality-oriented interactions with children in a developing space that allows the child to show his own activity, to realize himself most fully.

However, the current situation in preschool institutions does not always allow us to say that teachers have fully begun to implement the ideas of personality-oriented technologies, namely, providing children with opportunities for self-realization in the game, the mode of life is overloaded with various activities, there is little time left for the game.

Within the framework of personality-oriented technologies, independent areas are:

  • humane-personal technologies, distinguished by their humanistic essence, psychological and therapeutic focus on helping a child with poor health, during the period of adaptation to the conditions preschool.

It is good to implement this technology in new preschool institutions (for example: kindergarten No. 2), where there are rooms for psychological unloading - this is upholstered furniture, a lot of plants decorating the room, toys that promote individual games, equipment for individual lessons. Musical and sports halls, aftercare rooms (after an illness), a room for the ecological development of a preschooler and productive activities, where children can choose an activity of interest.

All this contributes to comprehensive respect and love for the child, faith in creative forces, there is no coercion. As a rule, in such preschool institutions, children are calm, compliant, not in conflict.

  • Collaboration Technology implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in relations between the teacher and the child, partnership in the system of relations "Adult - Child". The teacher and children create conditions for a developing environment, make manuals, toys, gifts for the holidays. Together they determine a variety of creative activities (games, work, concerts, holidays, entertainment).

Pedagogical technologies based on the humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations with a procedural orientation, the priority of personal relationships, an individual approach, democratic management and a bright humanistic orientation of the content. This approach has new educational programs"Rainbow", "From Childhood to Adolescence", "Childhood", "From Birth to School".

The essence of the technological upbringing and educational process is constructed on the basis of the given initial settings: social order (parents, society) educational guidelines, goals and content of education. These initial guidelines should concretize modern approaches to assessing the achievements of preschoolers, as well as create conditions for individual and differentiated tasks.

Identification of the pace of development allows the educator to support each child at his level of development.

Thus, the specificity of the technological approach is that the educational process must guarantee the achievement of the goals. In accordance with this, in the technological approach to learning, the following are distinguished:

  • setting goals and their maximum refinement (education and training with a focus on achieving results;
  • preparation of teaching aids (demonstration and handout) in accordance with the educational goals and objectives;
  • assessment of the current development of a preschooler, correction of deviations aimed at achieving goals;
  • the final assessment of the result is the level of development of the preschooler.

Personally-oriented technologies oppose the authoritarian, impersonal and soulless approach to the child in traditional technology - an atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, create conditions for the creativity of the individual.

6. Preschool Portfolio Technology

Modern technologies in preschool educational institutions

There are a number of portfolio features:

u diagnostic (fixes changes and growth over a certain period of time),

u meaningful (discloses the whole range of work performed),

u rating (shows the range of skills and abilities of the child), etc.

The process of creating a portfolio is a kind of pedagogical technology. There are a lot of portfolio options. The content of the sections is filled in gradually, in accordance with the capabilities and achievements of the preschooler. I. Rudenko

Section 1 Let's get to know each other. The section contains a photograph of the child, his last name and first name, group number; you can enter the heading "I love ..." ("I like ...", "I love it when ..."), in which the child's answers will be recorded.

Section 2 "I'm growing!". Anthropometric data is entered into the section (in artistic and graphic design): “Here I am!”, “How I grow up”, “I grew up”, “I am big”.

Section 3 "Portrait of my child." The section contains essays of parents about their baby.

Section 4 "I dream ...". The section records the statements of the child himself on the proposal to continue the phrases: “I dream of ...”, “I would like to be ...”, “I am waiting for ...”, “I see myself .. .”, “I want to see myself...”, “My favorite things...”; answers to the questions: “Who and what will I be when I grow up?”, “What do I like to think about?”.

Section 5 "Here's what I can do." The section contains samples of the child's creativity (drawings, stories, homemade books).

Section 6 "My achievements". The section records diplomas, diplomas (from various organizations: kindergarten, media holding competitions).

Section 7 "Advise me ...". In the section, recommendations are given to parents by the educator and all specialists working with the child.

Section 8 "Ask, parents!". In the section, parents formulate their questions to the specialists of the preschool educational institution.

L. Orlova offers such a portfolio option, the content of which will primarily be of interest to parents, a portfolio can be filled out both in kindergarten and at home and can be presented as a mini-presentation at a child's birthday.

The author proposes the following portfolio structure. Title page, which contains information about the child (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth), the start date and end date of maintaining the portfolio, the image of the child’s hand at the time the portfolio was started and the image of the hand at the end of the portfolio are fixed.

Section 1 "Get to know me" contains inserts “Admire me”, where portraits of the child are successively pasted, made in different years on his birthday, and “About me”, which contains information about the time and place of the child’s birth, the meaning of the child’s name, the date of his celebration name day, a short story of the parents, why this name was chosen, where the surname came from, information about famous namesakes and famous namesakes, personal information of the child (zodiac sign, horoscopes, talismans, etc.).

Section 2 "I'm Growing" includes inserts "Growth dynamics", which provides information about the growth of the child from the first year of life, and "My achievements for the year", which indicates how many centimeters the child has grown, what he has learned over the past year, for example, count to five, somersault, etc.

Section 3 "My family". The content of this section includes short stories about family members (in addition to personal data, you can mention the profession, character traits, favorite activities, especially spending time with family members).

Section 4 "I will help in any way I can" contains photographs of the child, in which he is shown doing homework.

Section 5 "The world around us". This section includes small creative works of the child on excursions, on educational walks.

Section 6 "Inspiration for winter (spring, summer, autumn)." The section contains children's works (drawings, fairy tales, poems, photographs from matinees, records of poems that the child told at the matinee, etc.)

V. Dmitrieva, E. Egorova also offer a specific portfolio structure:

Section 1 Parent Information, in which there is a heading "Let's get to know each other", which includes information about the child, his achievements, which were noted by the parents themselves.

Section 2 "Information of teachers" contains information about the observations of teachers of the child during his stay in kindergarten in four key areas: social contacts, communicative activity, independent use of various sources of information and activity as such.

Section 3 "Information of the child about himself" contains information received from the child himself (drawings, games that the child himself invented, stories about himself, about friends, awards, diplomas, certificates).

L. I. Adamenko offers the following portfolio structure:

block "Which baby is good», which contains information about the personal qualities of the child and includes: an essay by the parents about the child; reflections of educators about the child; child's answers to questions in the process of non-formal conversation "Tell me about yourself"; answers of friends, other children to the request to tell about the child; self-esteem of the child (the results of the test "Ladder"); psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child; “basket of wishes”, the content of which includes gratitude to the child - for kindness, generosity, a good deed; letters of thanks to parents - for raising a child;

block "What a skillful child" contains information about what the child can do, what he knows, and includes: parents' answers to questionnaires; reviews of educators about the child; children's stories about a child; stories of teachers to whom the child goes to circles and sections; assessment of the child's participation in actions; characterization of the psychologist's cognitive interests of the child; diplomas in nominations - for curiosity, skills, initiative, independence;

block "What a successful child" contains information about the creative abilities of the child and includes: feedback from parents about the child; the child's story about his successes; creative works (drawings, poems, projects); diplomas; illustrations of success, etc.

Thus, a portfolio (a folder of personal achievements of a child) allows for an individual approach to each child and is given upon graduation from kindergarten as a gift to the child himself and his family

7. Technology "Portfolio of the teacher"

Modern education needs a new type of teacher:

  • creative thinking,

Anna Kondratieva
Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions

« Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions» .

Today we will talk about pedagogical technologies and their effective use in a preschool institution. The term itself « technology» - from Greek it is art, skill, skill, a set of techniques and methods of obtaining, processing and processing of raw materials, materials. At present, the concept has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon "pedagogical technology» . Pedagogical technology- this is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process (B. T. Likhachev).

There is a classification of pedagogical technologies.

After the introduction of the GEF DO in the system of preschool education educational process; decide educational educational activities education; build educational

Today, any preschool institution, in accordance with the principle of variability, has the right to choose its own model education and design the pedagogical process on the basis of adequate ideas and technologies. The basis of the activity of all subjects of the pedagogical process is the model “I am learning myself, not being taught”, That's why contemporary the educator needs to master a whole arsenal of pedagogical technologies to stimulate the cognitive activity of the child. In addition, the teacher must be ready to respond flexibly to emerging changes in the content. education, adapt it to the emerging and constantly changing cognitive interests of children.

The development of new teachers by teachers is the key to the successful development of the child's personality.

Pedagogical technology- this is such a construction of the activity of the educator, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and suggest the achievement of the predicted result. Modern pedagogical research shows that the main problem of preschool education - loss of vitality, the attractiveness of the process of cognition. The number of preschool children who do not want to go to school is increasing; the positive motivation for classes has decreased, the performance of children is falling.

Based on the foregoing, there is a need to use a range of innovative educational technologies. In their professional activities, teachers of our preschool educational institution use the following technologies:

1. Technology developmental education (D. B. Elkonina V. V. Davydova, aimed at developing the individual cognitive abilities of each child, at knowing oneself as a person, at self-determination and self-realization in the learning process;

2. Gaming technology in preschool:

3. Pedagogy of cooperation (K. D. Ushinsky, N. P. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy) ;

4. TRIZ technology(G. S. Altshuller, A. M. Strauning, aimed at the development of creative abilities;

5. Information and communication technologies;

6. Health-saving technologies(N. N. Efimenko) to improve the health of children;

7. When interacting with children, a personality-oriented approach is used (I. S. Yakimanskaya).

8. Technology problem learning (J. Dewey)

9. Technology project activities (L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina)

The teachers of our preschool educational institution comprehensively solve the problems of the physical, intellectual, emotional and personal development of the child, preparing him for school, actively introducing the most effective health saving technologies. Today we will focus on some of them.

"Health-saving technology in preschool»

The period of preschool childhood is the most important in the formation of personal qualities, the formation of the foundations of physical, mental, intellectual and social health.

Our preschool educational institution has developed a set of measures aimed at timely providing each child with adequate conditions for the age for the development and formation of a full-fledged personality, the preservation and promotion of health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Federal state requirements determined the content and conditions of the organization educational process for the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of preschoolers, ensuring their social success, the preservation and strengthening of health, and also highlighted the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of children educational areas. All these tasks must be solved by teachers in an integrated manner, ensuring the versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. Such integration is possible only under the condition of a real connection into a single whole of the processes of education, upbringing and development. In this regard, the integrated inclusion of health-saving technologies in the educational space of preschool educational institutions.

Under health-saving technologies is understood as a set of pedagogical, psychological and medical measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, the formation of a conscious and valuable attitude towards their health.

In our kindergarten, teachers and specialists use the following in their work with children: technologies:

- Technologies conservation and promotion health:

dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, respiratory gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics

- Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: Physical education rhythmic, biological Feedback(BOS).problem-game, communicative games, conversations from the series "Health", point self-massage,

Corrective technologies: technologies development of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavior correction, psycho-gymnastics.

The tasks of each of these groups are related to the general tasks of the health caregiver. education in our kindergarten.

Important place to use technologies maintaining and stimulating health in our preschool educational institution is given to teaching preschoolers to breathe properly.

In our institution, specialists and teachers have introduced methods into the system of physical culture and health-improving work that allow teaching children the correct nasal breathing: paradoxical gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova, sound breathing by M. L. Lazarev, breathing training according to the method of biological feedback A. A. Smetankina.

Various attributes used in execution breathing exercises also provide integration in the development of preschoolers. The importance of using unconventional material: snowflakes, ribbons, bright tubes, turntables, etc. cannot be overestimated, because a preschool child is characterized by visual figurative thinking. When using paraphernalia, children get a lot of impressions. This has a beneficial effect on their emotional mood, as well as on the whole organism as a whole in educational and educational and physical culture and health-improving process. The respiratory gymnastics complexes developed by the teachers of the institution are included in all types of activities of children in the daily routine.

Much attention is paid to stopotherapy-prevention of flat feet and maintaining posture. The use of various non-traditional equipment allows you to instill interest in performing these exercises. To achieve a positive result, the exercises are included in all regime moments. The use of health tracks, massage mats, gathering machines and much more increase the effectiveness of such exercises.

In connection with the growth of physical inactivity among children, the issue of including the technique of game stretching in the health work has become relevant.

Applied game stretching technique (or, in other words, stretching) aimed at activating defensive forces the body of children, mastering the skills of perfect control of one's body and psychoenergetic self-regulation, for the development and release of the creative and health-improving possibilities of the subconscious.

The technique of game stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which helps to prevent postural disorders and correct it, which has a deep healing effect on the entire body.

Movement is life

It's time for computers

It has become more difficult to live actively.

And children are like old people

Carry backpacks to school.

Movement is life and beauty,

Healthy mind and purpose clear:

Run away from laziness and disease,

Sports are healthier than all.

How to teach to be healthy

And love physical education?

Just do something yourself

And give everything to the kids.

In the eyes of sparkle and sonorous laughter -

How many joys for all.

Jump, run, throw at the target -

Everyone wants to be smart.

Comes the conclusion without a doubt:

"Health is life,

Life is movement!

"The use of game pedagogical technologies in the work of a kindergarten teacher. "

Currently in educational process, the idea of ​​self-development of the personality, its readiness for independent activity, comes to the fore. The functions of the teacher are changing. Now he is the organizer of intellectual search, emotional experience and practical action. To do this, it is necessary to master new pedagogical technologies, forming the active role of the student.

Pedagogical technologies must develop curiosity - the basis of cognitive activity; ability to independently solve creative (mental, artistic) and other tasks that allow you to be successful in different types activities: creative imagination as a direction of intellectual and personal development; communication skills - the ability to communicate with adults and peers; the ability to reflect - as one of the main personal qualities; understanding and self-awareness (actions, behavior, speech, feelings, states, abilities).

After the introduction of FGT into the system of preschool education the educator should be engaged in the development of the child, based on the complex-thematic principle of construction educational process; decide educational tasks not only within the immediate educational activities, but also when conducting regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education; build educational processes on age-appropriate forms of work with children.

Teachers mastering new technologies in preschool education- the key to a successful solution of the problem, the development of the personality of the child.

The purpose of gaming technologies is the solution of the series tasks: didactic, developing, educating, socializing.

Gaming technologies widely used in school age, since the game is the leading activity during this period. In the development of preschool children, developing games are used. technology B. P. Nikitin, V. V. Voskobovich, Kuzener, Gyenesh.

Technology of educational games B. P. Nikitina.

The game activity program consists of a set of educational games. In his books, he offers educational games with cubes, bricks, Montessori frames and inserts, plans and maps, squares, sets "Guess", etc. Tasks are given to the child in various form: in the form of a model, a flat isometric drawing, a drawing, etc., and so way introduce him to different ways of transmitting information.

Are there enough games and toys in our group? Quite: soft, plastic, with attributes of role-playing games; various designers, pyramids, fasteners and lacing; didactic and educational games, games, games, games. Many and different, all of them are aimed only at ensuring that the little man grows and develops.

So it's all right: each child finds for himself a worthy occupation. But manifold games does not exclude the fact that each toy and game performs a limited number of functions (most often 2 - 3).

But there is one game that should be discussed in more detail, and precisely because of its universality and simplicity at the same time - this is a complex containing a set of geometric shapes, each of which can be characterized by four properties: color, shape, size and thickness - and in a complete set, all these four features fully describe a specific figure. A thin, large, red circle is only one, there is no other like it.

These are Gyenes logic blocks.

Logic blocks were invented by the Hungarian mathematician and psychologist Zoltan Gyenes. Games with Gyenes blocks are accessible, on a visual basis, they introduce children to the shape, color and size of objects, with mathematical representations. I have been using them in my work for 7 years already, I released a group of children in whose education I used logical blocks and their standards.

What are Gyenes blocks?

Gyenes Blocks is a universal educational game.

Gyenesh logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric figures:

a) four forms (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles);

b) three colors (red, blue and yellow figures);

c) two sizes (large and small figures);

d) two types of thickness (thick and thin figures).

The most interesting thing is that there is not a single identical figure in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four signs: shape, color, size, thickness.

What do Gyenes blocks develop?

Blocks develop logical and analytical thinking in children (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization, creativity, as well as perception, memory, attention and imagination. Playing with Gyenes blocks, the child performs various substantive actions (groups by attribute, lays out rows according to a given algorithm).

At what age can you play with blocks?

Gyenes blocks are designed for children from three to 10 years old. In practice, you can give blocks to children from 2. years. Using the album for the little ones.

To begin with, I introduce children to blocks. I lay out the set in front of them and let the children play with details: to touch, sort out, hold in hands.

1. Find all shapes of the same color (not the same color as this one) (show, for example, a yellow figure). Then you can ask the child to show all the blocks of a triangular shape. (or all large figures, etc.).

2. Give the bear all the blue figures, the bunny - yellow, and the mouse - red; then we distribute the figures by size, shape, thickness.

3. What color (shape, size, thickness) is this figure?

4. Several figures are laid out in front of the child that need to be remembered, and then one of the figures disappears or is replaced by a new one, or two figures are swapped. The child should notice the changes.

5. All figures are put into a bag. Ask the child to touch all the round blocks. (all big or all fat). It is also possible to characterize all the figures according to one or more features. Or he names the shape, size or thickness without taking it out of the bag.

6. Lay out three shapes. The child needs to guess which of them is superfluous and by what principle (by color, shape, size or thickness).

7. Find the same figures in color, but not the same in shape or the same in shape, but not the same in color.

8. Continue the chain, alternating blocks by bloom: red, yellow, red, yellow (can be altered in shape, size and thickness).

9. We lay out the chain so that there are no figures of the same shape and color nearby (by color and size; by size and shape, by thickness and color, etc.). You can also lay out the figures so that each differs from each other in color, shape, size

10. We lay out the chain so that there are figures of the same size but different in shape, etc. Or we lay out the chain so that there are figures of the same color and size, but of different shapes (same size but different color).

I gave only a minimum of games with these blocks, in fact there are a very large number of games. I use blocks both in the classroom and in individual work with children.

V. Voskobovich and his "Fairy Labyrinths".

Vyacheslav Voskobovich is an inventor who came up with more than 50 benefits for the development of the mental and creative abilities of a child. During the perestroika, looking for some educational toys for his two children in stores and not finding anything suitable, he decided to invent and make a game himself. He beat and pounded everything by hand. He did not copy someone else's, and therefore his new games aroused such interest. The first developments of Voskobovich were constructive in nature - it was a search for some kind of zest. Realizing that tasks and exercises are not as interesting for children as a game, he approached the matter creatively and combined his ideas with game moments.

His games teach to model, correlate the whole with its part, develop thinking, memory, attention, and creativity. Vyacheslav Vadimovich not only contributed to alternative pedagogy, but created a new era of educational games. Now a large number of children's institutions have been created that work on its basis. technologies.

What distinguishes Voskobovich's games from all the others?

Voskobovich's educational games have a number of features:

1. Wide age range of game participants.

With the same game, children of 3 and 7 years old, and schoolchildren, can play, because a system of constantly becoming more complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks joins the simple physical manipulation.

2. Multifunctionality of games.

Can solve a large number educational tasks Unbeknownst to himself, the baby masters numbers and letters, remembers color and shape, learns to count, navigate in space, trains fine motor skills, improves speech, attention, memory, imagination.

3. Variability of game tasks and exercises.

Each game has a large number of varied game tasks and exercises aimed at solving one educational task.

4. The creativity of each game.

Developing games provide an opportunity to invent and translate what was conceived into reality for both children and adults.

Technology resolves the following tasks:

The development of the child's cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things.

Development of observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.

Development imagination, creativity of thinking (the ability to think flexibly, think in an original way, see an ordinary object from a new angle of view).

Harmonious, balanced development in children emotionally - figurative and logical principles.

Formation of basic ideas (about the world around, mathematical, speech skills.

Building a pedagogical process that contributes to the intellectual and creative development of children in the game.

By solved educational problems, all Voskobovich games can be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

Games aimed at logical and mathematical development.

The purpose of these games is the development of mental operations, and game actions - the manipulation of numbers, geometric shapes, properties of objects.

Games with letters, sounds, syllables and words.

In these games, the child decides logical tasks with letters, composes syllables and words, is engaged in word creation.

Universal game learning tools. They can be material for games and didactic aids. Game teaching aids create comfortable conditions for the work of the teacher and give pleasure to children.

To organize games, you can use the fairy tales-methods of the Purple Forest or adapt well-known fairy tales. Tasks are set not by an adult, but by a fairy-tale character. The plot may include one game or a combination of several familiar games. Voskobovich's games can be used in joint, independent activities, as well as integrated with other activities. The learning task is set in the form of a game. In the situation of a developing game, there is an internal need to acquire new knowledge and methods of action.

In educational games (this is their main feature) manages to combine one of the basic principles of learning - from simple to complex - with a very important principle of creative activity independently according to abilities, when a child can rise to "ceiling" their possibilities.

Educational technologies I have been using it in my work for a long time, I released a group of children, in whose training I used logical blocks and their standards, developing the games of B.P. Nikitin, V.V. Voskobovich. Educational games do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

"Music therapy in kindergarten."

Today there is a sharp increase in the number of children with various forms of disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere. Closing themselves on TVs, computers, children communicate less with adults, peers, and it is communication that enriches the sensual sphere.

Having studied the methodological literature, we concluded that communication with music is also very necessary for children.

Music therapy is one of the most promising directions in the life of DOW. It contributes to the correction of the psychophysical health of children in the course of their life, makes it possible to use music as a means of harmonizing the state of the child, relieving stress, fatigue, and increasing emotional tone.

In our kindergarten we listen to music all day long. This does not mean that it sounds continuously. Music is listened to dosed depending on the time of day, type of activity, mood.

In the morning we turn on sunny, major classical music, good songs with good lyrics.

For relaxation, stress relief, pleasant immersion in daytime sleep - calm melodic classical and modern relaxing music, sounds of nature, the sound of the sea.

Children subconsciously calm down and relax.

Quiet gentle light joyful music helps awakening.

It is easier and calmer for children to move from a state of complete rest to vigorous activity.

Distinguish active (motor improvisations to the appropriate character of the music) and passive (listening to a soothing melody or as background music)

Hearing right selected music with the performance of psycho-gymnastic studies increases the immunity of children, reduces tension and irritability, headache, restores calm breathing, promotes healing, improves well-being, and lifts the mood.

How to reduce feelings of anxiety and insecurity?

Major melodies, below average tempo will help you with this. Ethnic compositions and classic: Chopin "Mazurka", Strauss "Waltzes", Rubinstein "Melodies".

How to reduce nervous excitement?

Hyperactive children often benefit from listening to calm, quiet music for a long time. Bach "Contata 2", Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata", etc.

Do you want peace?

Flute sounds, violin and piano playing have a relaxing effect. The sounds of nature have a calming effect.

Classic: works by Vivaldi, Schubert "Ave Maria", Brahms "Lullaby".

To reduce aggressiveness and disobedience.

Classic: Bach "Italian Concerto", Mozart "Symphony No. 40", Haydn "Farewell Symphony"

In the main government documents that relate to educational institutions, pedagogical technologies often appear. Classification, table, features are presented below.

Postulates of modern education

The ideology used in the modern school involves the allocation of three main points in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality:

  • search for effective means for the development of the younger generation;
  • the transformation of the school into a promising factor in the improvement of Russian society;
  • improvement of the Russian educational system through the introduction of new educational technologies

Innovations as a Means of Development of Russian Schools

What is the Classification (table according to the Federal State Educational Standard) practically does not differ from the classical system, it presents all the same innovative methods used by teachers at different levels of schoolchildren. The class-lesson system of classes involves the use by teachers of certain programs in the subject, so the classification of pedagogical learning technologies is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each specific academic discipline.

What is technology?

The very word "technology" has various interpretations. For example, in a general sense, it is a detailed way of carrying out a certain activity based on the chosen method. Regarding educational pedagogical technologies, we note that we are talking about building the teacher's activity in such a way that it includes actions performed in a strict sequence, with the obligatory promotion of a predictable result.

Technology features

The methodological system must respond to next questions: "How to teach?", "What to teach?", "Why teach?".

Educational technology involves effective learning. There are certain criteria according to which the essence of educational technologies is formulated:

  • strict and unambiguous identification of the purpose of training;
  • choice of content, structuring of the material;
  • optimal organization of educational activities;
  • techniques, methods, teaching aids.

In addition, the qualifications of the teacher should be taken into account, and an objective method of grading should be formed.

Signs of pedagogical technologies

What is the classification of pedagogical technologies according to Selevko? The table proposed by the author takes into account certain features:

  • guaranteed achievement of the set goal, the effectiveness of the learning process;
  • profitability of the reserve of training hours;
  • optimization of the teacher's activities and achievement of the planned results in the shortest time intervals;
  • the use of a variety of electronic computing and audiovisual equipment;
  • design and use of various didactic aids and visual materials.

What is pedagogical technology focused on?

Below is a table: "Pedagogical technologies". The classification is based on certain parameters:

  • formation of positive motivation for the educational process;
  • intensification of the communicative environment;
  • development of a personality that is capable of research and educational activities, subsequent continuation of education, conscious professional choice;
  • health protection of schoolchildren.

The specifics of technologies in pedagogy

The classification according to the Federal State Educational Standard of educational technologies in foreign and domestic pedagogy is carried out by different authors in absolutely different ways. Due to the fact that, according to the new educational standards, the child’s personality itself comes to the fore, the following technologies are identified as priorities:

  1. differentiated learning. What are such pedagogical technologies? The classification, the table in the preschool educational institution is compiled taking into account the psychological characteristics of children, is based on a multi-level approach to each baby. When compiling educational material, the teacher focuses on the motivation of the cognitive activity of his wards. An experienced teacher includes in his professional activity elements of the differential approach proposed by N. P. Guzik.
  2. Project activity. The classification of modern pedagogical technologies involves the allocation of this technique in a separate block. It is in the design process that modern preschoolers and students of educational institutions develop the ability to work in a team. The teacher acts as a mentor, so the younger generation gets the opportunity to self-develop, to understand their role in modern society. The guys who have mastered the project technology are more successful in their studies, they quickly adapt to modern realities.
  3. Game technologies. The classification of modern pedagogical technologies involves the allocation of the game as effective remedy education and upbringing in preschool and primary school age. In the process of playing activities, the children receive communication skills, generalize and systematize new knowledge.

But this is not the whole table: "Pedagogical technologies". The classification is constantly being upgraded, taking into account innovations introduced into the educational system. Among the latest trends - interactive technologies. Taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the table "Pedagogical technologies" was modernized. The classification according to G. K. Selevko now also includes group teaching methods. Thanks to them, a tolerant, sociable personality with leadership qualities is formed in the conditions of a general education school. Such technologies significantly increase the efficiency of mastering program material by schoolchildren.

Problem learning

This technique is based on a heuristic (problem) approach. Students acquire skills and abilities in the process of independent activity, as a result of which their creative and cognitive abilities develop.

The use of advanced learning in the modern educational system is allowed by the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation. The children learn to solve the problem in different ways, applying specific knowledge depending on the specifics of the situation. With this approach, each child gets the opportunity to independently determine ways to solve problems.

Technology of pedagogical workshops

What is the table "Pedagogical technologies"? The classification of all methods and techniques, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice, takes into account childhood, the methodology of the subject.

Research in the modern school

Modeling, experiment, project method are impossible without the use of research technologies. In the conditions of a school laboratory, children learn to determine the quantitative content of ascorbic acid in various fruits and products, to identify the individual characteristics of food products. When conducting research, a teacher is attached to the children as a mentor. Experienced teacher only accompanies the experiment, provides his ward with the necessary theoretical information, teaches practical skills. Among the innovations, we note the technology for solving inventive (research) TRIZ problems. In order for the student to independently look for ways to solve the problem assigned to him by the teacher, he first studies scientific literary sources. Together with the teacher, the young researcher sets tasks, determines the relevance, puts forward a hypothesis of his experiments. An important stage in any design and experimental activity is the processing of the obtained results, their comparison with the initial hypothesis.

What is the classification of modern pedagogical technologies? The table proposed by Selevko contains universal methods. They are equally suitable for all educational areas. For example, a variety of ICT technologies are electronic educational resources (EER). The children get the skills to work with a variety of sources of information, independently compose their educational routes.

Cooperation Pedagogy

In order to implement a humane-personal approach to the student, modern schools create all the conditions for the children to consciously choose the direction for their future professional activities.

Collective creative activities were especially popular during the existence of the traditional Soviet education system. The guys in whole classes helped the elderly to clean firewood, carry water. Currently, this technology is returning to educational institutions in the form of Teachers, together with their pupils, are trying to selflessly help those people who need their help. MAO (method of active learning) is the sum of pedagogical techniques and actions that are aimed at organizing learning activities. With the help of certain means, conditions are created that motivate children to proactive, independent and creative study of new material in the process of educational activities.

The nuances of traditional methods

Traditional technologies are based on explanatory and illustrative teaching. In the case of using such technology, the teacher in his work pays Special attention transfer of finished educational material. In preparation for the lessons, the teacher is looking for the most effective ways of presenting new knowledge, the visualization that accompanies his story. The presentation of information, which is determined by the boundaries of the curriculum, mainly involves the monologue of the teacher. It is for this reason that many problems often appear in the educational process:

  • insignificant skills of independent activity of schoolchildren;
  • low culture of communication;
  • lack of a detailed full-fledged response of schoolchildren to the question under consideration;
  • minimal attention of the audience, lack of desire to work in a team.

The reason lies not at all in the unwillingness of children to work and study, but in the specifics of the pedagogical technology itself. The teacher is forced to tell the material provided for by the curriculum, the child learns information, receives an assessment for the answer. The teacher comes to class with ready task, his task is to subordinate the class to a certain regime, to involve children in educational activities. In this case, there is no question of any individual development of the personality. In order for all pupils to learn the minimum amount of information, there is a repeated repetition of the material, intermediate, final types of control are used.

Older teachers are accustomed to this method of work, they are convinced that only through "cramming" can a solid stock of knowledge, skills, and practical skills be passed on to the younger generation. The results of statistical studies indicate that 73% of the teaching staff are convinced that it is important to establish contact. Children note the need for independent activity, in their understanding, the teacher should become an assistant and mentor, and not a “supervisor”.


The requirements that modern society puts forward to the teacher, the educational process, involve the use of innovative methods and methods of work. Federal educational standards of the second generation involve the choice of such methods of work that would contribute to the harmonious development of schoolchildren. Gone are the days when the teacher was the main character in the lesson. Federal State Educational Standards imply active participation in the educational process of the student himself, assistance to him in finding effective ways to increase the intellectual level, and choose the direction for future professional activity. All varieties of educational pedagogical technologies, the classification according to the Federal State Educational Standards of which is presented in the educational institution, help the teacher to successfully cope with the tasks assigned to him by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Technology comes from the Greek words "skill, art" and "law, science" - this the science of craftsmanship.
The core of any technology is– end - means - rules for their useresult.
Pedagogical technology- this is a holistic scientifically based project of a certain pedagogical system from its theoretical concept to implementation in educational practice. Pedagogical technology reflects the procedural side of education and upbringing, covers the goals, content, forms, methods, means, results and conditions of their organization.

pedagogical technology:

    conceptual basis (scientific base)

    procedural part (forms, methods, means, conditions for organizing the educational process, results).

it is a tool of professional activity of the teacher. The essence of pedagogical technology lies in the fact that it has distinct stages (step by step), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher to foresee the intermediate and final results of his own professional and pedagogical activity even in the design process. Pedagogical technology is distinguished by:
* specificity and clarity of goals and objectives;
* Availability of stages:

Primary diagnostics;
- selection of content, forms, methods and techniques of its implementation;
- the use of a set of means in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics of achieving the goal, evaluation.

There are several approaches to the classification of technologies:

- technologies of education and training
- system - activity approach.

The most complete classification belongs to G.K. Selevko. It unites technologies according to essential and instrumentally significant properties.
In general, there is a trend in the development of technologies - from learning technologies to development technologies.
Pedagogical technologies can be used both in working with children and in working with the teaching staff and parents of pupils.
The most important characteristic of pedagogical technology is its reproducibility. Any pedagogical technology should be health-saving! In preschool pedagogy, the most significant types of technologies include the technologies of personality-oriented education and training of preschoolers. The guiding principle of such technologies is taking into account the personal characteristics of the child, the individual logic of his development, taking into account children's interests and preferences in the content and types of activities in the course of education and training. The construction of the pedagogical process with a focus on the personality of the child naturally contributes to his prosperous existence, and therefore health.

Technologies used in working with children:
1. Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten - these are, first of all, technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health for preschoolers. The purpose of these technologies is the formation of a conscious attitude of the child to the health and life of a person, the accumulation of knowledge about health and the development of the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it, the acquisition of valeological competence, which allows the preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

Developmental learning technology
Developing education is a direction in the theory and practice of education, focusing on the development of the physical, cognitive and moral abilities of students by using their potential. This is the motivation for a specific action, for knowledge, for something new.
These include the developing environment of the preschool educational institution, the programs of the preschool educational institution.

3. Method of projects.

4. Development of research skills.
In the educational process of preschool educational institutions, project activities are in the nature of cooperation, in which children and teachers of preschool educational institutions take part, as well as parents and other family members. Parents can not only be sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process. They can enrich their teaching experience, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their success and the success of the child. The main goal of the project method in a preschool institution is the development of a free creative personality, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of the research activities of children. Research tasks specific to each age. Yes, working with children younger preschool age can the teacher use hints, leading questions? And older preschool children need to be given more independence:
1. Choosing a theme - This first step educator in the project.
2. Second step
this is thematic planning on a chosen problem for a week, which takes into account all types of children's activities: play, cognitive and practical, artistic and speech, labor, communication, etc. At the stage of developing the content of classes, games, walks, observations and other activities related to the theme of the project, educators pay special attention to organizing the environment in groups, in a preschool institution as a whole. The environment should be a background for heuristic, search activities, develop curiosity in a preschooler. When the basic conditions for working on the project (planning, environment) are prepared, the joint work of the educator and children begins.
I stage of project development
- goal setting.
The teacher brings the problem to the discussion of the children. As a result of a joint discussion, a hypothesis is put forward, which the teacher invites the children to confirm in the process of search activity.
II stage of work on the project represents development of a joint action plan to achieve the goal(A hypothesis
this is the purpose of the project ).
First, a general discussion is held so that the children find out what they already know about a certain subject or phenomenon. The teacher records the answers on a large piece of paper so that the group can see them. To fix answers, it is better to use conditional schematic symbols that are familiar and accessible to children. Then the teacher asks the second question: “What do we want to know?” The answers are recorded again, regardless of the fact that they may seem stupid or illogical. It is important here that the teacher show patience, respect for the point of view of each child, tact in relation to the ridiculous statements of the kids. When all the children have spoken, the teacher asks: “How can we find answers to the questions?” In answering this question, children rely on their personal experience. It is also necessary to take into account age features pupils. For children of younger preschool age, the teacher can use a hint, leading questions; for children of older preschool age, it is necessary to provide more independence. Various activities can serve as a solution to the question posed: reading books, encyclopedias, contacting parents, specialists, conducting experiments, thematic excursions. The proposals received are additions and changes to the already prepared thematic plan of the educator. It is important that the teacher be flexible in planning, be able to subordinate his plan to the interests and opinions of the children, including children's activities in syllabus, sacrificing some of the planned forms of work. This skill is an indicator of the high professional skill of the educator, his readiness to deviate from existing stereotypes, putting in the first place the inherent value of preschool childhood as a period of life, and only then
as a preparation for the future.
After drawing up a joint action plan, III stage of work on the project
its practical part.
Children explore, experiment, search, create. To activate children's thinking, the teacher offers to solve problem situations, puzzles, thereby developing the inquisitiveness of the mind. It is necessary that the teacher be able to create such a situation when the child must learn something on his own, guess, try, come up with. The environment around the child should be, as it were, unfinished, unfinished. A special role in this case is played by the corners of cognitive and practical activities.
IV stage of work on the project (final) is presentation project. The presentation can take place in various forms, depending on the age of the children and the topic of the project:
* final games - activities,
* quiz games,
* themed entertainment,
* album design,
* photo exhibitions,
* mini museums,
* creative newspapers.
Projects, regardless of type, creative, research, information, open, game, practice-oriented, etc., need constant attention, help and support from adults at every stage of implementation. The specificity of using the project method in preschool practice is that adults need to “lead” the child, help to detect a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it and “draw” children into a joint project, while not overdoing it with parental care and help.

Technology of problem-based learning in kindergarten.
There are four levels of difficulty in learning:
1. The educator himself sets the problem (task) and solves it himself with active listening and discussion by the children.
2. The teacher poses a problem, the children independently or under his guidance find a solution. The teacher directs the child to an independent search for solutions (partial search method).
3. The child poses a problem, the teacher helps to solve it. The child develops the ability to independently formulate the problem.
4. The child himself poses a problem and solves it himself. The teacher does not even point out the problem: the child must see it on his own, and when he sees it, formulate and explore the possibilities and ways to solve it. ( research method)
As a result, the ability to independently analyze a problem situation is brought up, to independently find the correct answer.
First step The process of solving a problem is considered to be the search for means of analyzing the conditions of the problem with the actualization of previous knowledge and methods of action: “What do we need to remember to solve our problem?”, “What can we use from what we know to find the unknown
At the second stage problem solving process. It consists in the discovery of new, previously unknown connections and relationships of the elements of the problem, i.e. putting forward hypotheses, searching for a “key”, ideas for a solution. At the second stage, the child looks for solutions "in external conditions", in various sources of knowledge.
Third stage problem solving
proof and verification of the hypothesis, implementation of the found solution. In practice, this means performing some operations related to practical activities, performing calculations, and building a system of evidence that substantiates the decision.
In an effort to keep children interested in new topic, we create a new problem situation. By creating problem situations, we encourage children to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, teach them not to be afraid to make mistakes. It is very important for the child to feel a taste for receiving new, unexpected information about the objects and phenomena surrounding him.
6. TRIZ in preschool (theory of inventive problem solving)
The problem of all teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standard
education of a new generation of people with high creative potential. If earlier, in order to become a socially successful person, it was enough to be a good performer, to have certain knowledge and skills, but now it is necessary to be a creative person, able to independently pose and creatively solve problems.
Preschool age is unique, because as the child is formed, such will be his life. That is why it is important not to miss this period to reveal the creative potential of each child. The mind of children is not limited by "deep experience of life" and traditional ideas about how things should be. This allows them to invent, to be spontaneous and unpredictable, to notice what we adults have not paid attention to for a long time.
The purpose of using TRIZ
technology in kindergarten is the development, on the one hand, of such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialectics, and on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty, the development of speech and creative imagination.
TRIZ as a universal toolkit is used in all classes. This allows you to form a single, harmonious, scientifically based model of the world in the mind of the child. A situation of success is created, the results of the decision are exchanged, the decision of one child activates the thought of another, expands the range of imagination, stimulates its development.
TRIZ gives an opportunity to show their individuality, teaches children to think outside the box.
TRIZ develops such moral qualities as the ability to rejoice in the success of others, the desire to help, the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation. TRIZ allows you to gain knowledge without overload, without cramming.
The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. The teacher should not give ready-made knowledge to children, reveal the truth to them, he should teach them to find it.
TRIZ program for preschoolers
This is a program of collective games and activities. They teach children to identify contradictions, properties of objects, phenomena and resolve these contradictions. Resolution of contradictionsthe key to creative thinking.
At the first stage classes are given not as a form, but as a search for truth and essence. The child is brought to the problem of the multifunctional use of the object.
Next stage
this is the “mystery of the dual”, or the identification of contradictions in an object, a phenomenon. Object research:
- something in it is good, and something is bad,
- What
- something harmful, something interferes, and what - then you need.
Next stage resolution of contradictions. To resolve contradictions, there is a whole system of gaming and fairy-tale tasks. For example, the task: "How can you transfer water in a sieve?". The educator forms a contradiction; water must be in the sieve in order to be transferred and there should be no water, since it cannot be transferred in the sieve
flow out. The contradiction is resolved by changing the aggregate state of matterwater. The water will be in the sieve in a modified form (ice) and it will not be there, because ice is not water. The solution of the problemtransfer water in the form of ice in a sieve.
Next stage TRIZ program
this is the solution of fairy-tale problems and inventing new fairy tales with the help of special methods. This method consists in the fact that familiar objects begin to have unusual properties. All this work includes different types of children's, speech, drawing, modeling, application, design.
The subject of games, creative tasks in the classroom for familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech depends on the topic of the material being studied. Purpose of games
search, research, inventive activity. Developed thinking involves the vision of contradiction, its formation and solution. The result of the solution of the contradiction is the invention. Creationthe most effective way to actively develop the individual and the development of mankind in today's rapidly changing world.

7. Interactive technology in preschool educational institutions, ICT technology.

The use of IAT is one of the effective ways to increase the motivation and individualization of children's learning, develop their creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background. It also allows you to move from an explanatory-illustrated way of teaching to an activity one, in which the child takes an active part in this activity. This contributes to the conscious assimilation of new knowledge.
Learning for children becomes more attractive and exciting. In working with an interactive whiteboard, children develop all mental processes: attention, thinking, memory; speech and fine motor skills. The older preschooler has a better developed involuntary attention, which becomes more concentrated when he is interested, the studying material is clear, bright, and causes positive emotions in the child.

Game technology.
This is a simulation technology.
A characteristic feature of this technology is the modeling of vital professional difficulties in the educational space and the search for ways to solve them.
Pedagogical technology for organizing directorial games for children:
For the development of gaming skills, multifunctional game material is created, it is advisable to use fairy tales, the duration of the organization of the game can last 2-3 months.
Stages of pedagogical technology:
Stage 1: enrichment of the gaming experience with content based on the organization of the artistic perception of the tale.
Stage 2: development of plot formation based on the use of multifunctional game material based on the plots of new or familiar fairy tales. Polyfunctional material is a "semantic field" on which game events unfold.
Stage 3: development of plot construction based on the independent creation of multifunctional game material and inventing new adventures of the heroes of the fairy tale.
Pedagogical technology of organizing role-playing games:
The theme of role-playing games is connected with social reality.
Technology stages:
Stage 1:
Enrichment of ideas about the sphere of reality that the child will reflect in the game (observations, stories, conversations about impressions). It is important to introduce the child to people, their activities, relationships.
Stage 2:
Organization of a role-playing game (“game in preparation for a game”).
Determination of the situation of interaction between people, inventing and composing events, the course of their development in accordance with the theme of the game;
Creation of a subject-play environment based on the organization of productive and artistic activities of children, co-creation with educators, children's collecting, joint play activities of the educator with children;
Stage 3:
Independent play activities of children; organization of a role-playing game with an imaginary partner, for whom the child speaks.

Integrated lesson technology
An integrated lesson differs from the traditional one in the use of interdisciplinary connections, which provide for only occasional inclusion of material from other subjects.
Integration combines knowledge from different educational fields on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, several development problems are solved. In the form of integrated lessons, it is better to conduct general lessons, presentations of topics, and final lessons.
The most effective methods and techniques in an integrated lesson:
- comparative analysis, comparison, search, heuristic activity;
- problematic questions, stimulation, manifestation of discoveries, tasks such as "prove", "Explain".
Sample structure:
Introductory part:
a problematic situation is created that stimulates the activity of children to search for its solution (for example, what will happen if there is no water on the planet?)
Main part:
new tasks based on the content of various areas based on visibility; enrichment and activation of the dictionary.
Final part:
children are offered any practical work.
Each lesson is led by 2 or more teachers.
Method of preparation and conduct:
- selection of areas
- accounting for program requirements;
- basic direction;
- identification of the basic principles of building a lesson system;
- thinking over developing tasks;
- the use of a variety of activities;
- taking into account the peculiarities of the formation and development of various types of thinking;
- the use of more attributes and visual material;
- use of methods and techniques of a productive nature;
- taking into account the personality-oriented approach.
More appropriate integration of areas "Cognitive and physical development"; "Cognitive and artistic and aesthetic development"; "Socio-communicative and speech development"

"Modern educational technologies" G.K. Selevko.
"Innovative activity in the preschool educational institution" K.Yu. White.
“200 answers to the questions of the head of the kindergarten” K.Yu. White.
"Developing Pedagogy of Recovery" V.T. Kudryavtsev, B.B. Egorov.
"Raising a healthy child" M.D. Makhanev.
"Play for your health!" L.N. Voloshin.
"Health-saving technologies in the educational process" I.V. Chupakhina, E.Z. Puzhaeva, I.Yu. Sokolov.

Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions

Currently, pedagogical teams of preschool educational institutions are intensively introducing innovative technologies into their work. Therefore, the main task of preschool teachers is to choose methods and forms of organizing work with children, innovative pedagogical technologies that optimally correspond to the goal of personality development.

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at the implementation of state standards of preschool education.

A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the position of the child in the upbringing and educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. An adult, in communicating with children, adheres to the position: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!”. Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person.

Technology- this is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art ( Dictionary).

Pedagogical technology- this is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process (B.T. Likhachev).

Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies.

Basic requirements (criteria) of pedagogical technology:






Conceptuality- reliance on a certain scientific concept, including the philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals.

Consistency- the technology must have all the features of the system:

process logic,

The interconnection of its parts


Handling - the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results.

Efficiency - modern pedagogical technologies that exist in specific conditions must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of education.

Reproducibility - the possibility of using (repetition, reproduction) of educational technology in educational institutions, i.e. technology as a pedagogical tool must be guaranteed to be effective in the hands of any teacher using it, regardless of his experience, length of service, age and personal characteristics.

Structure of educational technology

The structure of educational technology consists of three parts:

The conceptual part is the scientific basis of the technology, i.e. psychological and pedagogical ideas that are laid in its foundation.

The procedural part is a set of forms and methods of educational activity of children, methods and forms of work of a teacher, the activity of a teacher in managing the process of assimilation of material, diagnostics of the learning process.

Thus, it is obvious that if a certain system claims to be technologies, it must meet all the requirements listed above.

The interaction of all subjects of the open educational space (children, employees, parents) of the preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of modern educational technologies.

Modern educational technologies include:

health-saving technologies;

design technology

research technology

information and communication technologies;

personality-oriented technologies;

technology portfolio of preschooler and educator

gaming technology

TRIZ technology, etc.

Technologies of project activity

Project activities in the preschool educational institution

Modern approach to preschool education in accordance with the regulation on the Federal State Educational Standard, DO provides not only for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of a preschooler and his adaptation to social life, but also for the preservation of a full-fledged childhood in accordance with the psychophysical characteristics of a developing personality, learning through a joint search for solutions, providing a child with opportunities own cultural norms.

A unique tool ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults, a way to implement a student-centered approach to education is design technology.

Designing is a complex activity, the participants of which automatically, without a specially proclaimed didactic task on the part of the organizers, master new concepts and ideas about various spheres of life.

Project activities will help to connect the process of education and upbringing with real events in the life of the child, as well as to interest him, to involve him in this activity. It allows you to unite teachers, children, parents, teach you how to work in a team, cooperate, plan your work. Each child will be able to prove himself, feel needed, which means that self-confidence will appear.

Project- this is a method of pedagogically organized development of the environment by the child in the process of phased and pre-planned practical activities to achieve the intended goals.

Under project also understood as an independent and collective creative completed work that has a socially significant result. The project is based on a problem, to solve it, a research search is needed in various directions, the results of which are generalized and combined into a single whole.

Project method- this is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is the independent activity of children - research, cognitive, productive, during which the child learns the world around him and embodies new knowledge into real products. The essence of the "project method" in education is in such an organization of the educational process, in which students acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, emotional and value attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks and projects that have not only cognitive, but and pragmatic value. The basis project method the idea of ​​focusing the cognitive activity of preschoolers on the result that is achieved in the process of joint work of the teacher and children on a specific practical problem (topic) was laid down.

Project types

The following typology of projects is relevant for preschool education:

1. Dominant method: research, information, creative, game, adventure, practice-oriented.
2. By the nature of the content: include the child and his family, the child and nature, the child and the man-made world, the child, society and culture.
3. By the nature of the child's participation in the project: customer, expert, performer, participant from the inception of an idea to obtaining a result.
4. By nature of contacts: carried out within one age group, in contact with another age group, within the preschool educational institution, in contact with the family, cultural institutions, public organizations (open project)
5. By number of participants: individual, pair, group and frontal.
6. By duration: short term, medium duration and long term.

Projects require a clear structure, defined goals, the relevance of the subject of research for all participants, social significance, thoughtful methods for processing the result.

Highlighted three stages in the development of project activities in preschool children, which represent one of the pedagogical technologies of project activities, which includes a combination of research, search, problem methods, and creative ones.

First stage-imitative-performing, the implementation of which is possible with children 3.5-5 years old. At this stage, children participate in the project “on the sidelines”, performing actions to direct offer an adult or by imitating him, which does not contradict the nature of a small child; at this age there is still a need to establish and maintain a positive attitude towards an adult and imitate him.

Second phase- developing, it is typical for children 5-6 years old who already have experience in various joint activities, can coordinate actions, help each other. The child is less likely to turn to an adult with requests, more actively organizes joint activities with peers. Children develop self-control and self-esteem, they are able to fairly objectively evaluate both their own actions and the actions of their peers. At this age, children accept the problem, clarify the goal, are able to choose necessary funds to achieve the result of the activity. They not only show willingness to participate in projects proposed by adults, but also find problems on their own.

Third stage- creative, it is typical for children 6-7 years old. It is very important for an adult at this stage to develop and support the creative activity of children, to create conditions for children to independently determine the purpose and content of the upcoming activity, to choose ways to work on a project and to organize it.

The specifics of interaction using the project method in preschool practice is that adults need to “guide” the child, help to detect a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it and involve children in a joint project, but at the same time not overdo it with help and care .

The work on the project, which includes drawing up a reasonable action plan, which is formed and refined throughout the entire period, goes through several stages. At each stage, the interaction of the teacher with the children is student-oriented.

Development of design skills in children

Design abilities are manifested in the interaction of the main control systems of any social organization (person, team, activity).

The main function of design is to outline a program, to select means for further targeted actions.

The implementation of design technology in the practice of the preschool educational institution begins with a focus on the actual problem of cultural self-development of a preschooler, acquaintance with design cycles. The design process consists of three stages: project development, their implementation, analysis of the results.

An educator who owns the method of projects, as a technology and as an activity for the self-organization of a professional space, can teach a child to design.

The condition for mastering each stage is the collective mental activity of educators, which allows:

focus on the creative development of the child in the educational space of the preschool educational institution;

learn the algorithm for creating a project, starting from the requests of children;

be able to connect without ambition to the goals and objectives of children;

unite the efforts of all subjects of the pedagogical process, including parents.

You can design collectively: matinees, evenings of entertainment, days of creativity, holidays. Creative teams of specialists are able to develop system and system-translated projects.


The sequence of the teacher's work on the project

the teacher sets a goal based on the needs and interests of the child;

involves preschoolers in problem solving;

outlines a plan for moving towards the goal (supports the interest of children and parents);

discusses the plan with families at a parent-teacher meeting;

draws up a project plan together with children and parents;

collects information, material;

conducts classes, games, observations, trips (events of the main part of the project);

gives homework to parents and children;

encourages independent creative work of children and parents (search for materials, information, making crafts, drawings, albums, etc.);

organizes the presentation of the project (holiday, occupation, leisure), composes a book, an album together with children;

sums up (speaks at the teachers' council, summarizes work experience).

Project Criteria

1. The relevance of the project, the reality of the proposed solutions, the practical focus on the development of the child.
2. Volume and completeness of developments, independence, completeness.
3. The level of creativity, the originality of the disclosure of the topic, the approaches proposed by the educator solutions.
4. Argumentation of the proposed solutions, approaches.
5. Proper design: compliance with standard requirements, quality of sketches, diagrams, drawings.

After defending the project, they proceed to its implementation, i.e. to the second stage of work. The third, final, is held in the form of a seminar.

Thematic project plan

1. Theme and its origin __________________________________________

3. Necessary materials __________________________________________
4. Questions for children on the proposed project:

What do we know?

What do we want to know?

How can we find answers to our questions?

5. Evaluation. What have you learned? (From the point of view of children and educator) _______________________________________________________________


Stages of project activity

Stage 1

"Theme Choice"

The task of the teacher is to carry out, together with the children, the choice of a topic for deeper study, to draw up a plan for cognitive activity. One way to introduce a topic involves the use of "three questions" models: What do I know? What do I want to know? How to find out? Dialogue with children, organized by the teacher, contributes not only to the development of the child's self-reflection in the field of knowing their own interests, assessing existing and acquiring new thematic knowledge in a free relaxed atmosphere, but also to the development of speech and the speech apparatus proper. Collection of information and planning of educational work within the framework of the project. The task of the educator is to create conditions for the implementation of the cognitive activity of children.

Stage 2

"Project implementation"

The task of the educator is to create conditions in the group for the implementation of children's ideas. Projects are implemented through various activities (creative, experimental, productive). The uniqueness of the application of the project method in this case lies in the fact that the third stage contributes to multilateral development, as mental functions as well as the personality of the child. Research activity at this stage is stimulated by problematic discussion, which helps to discover new problems, the use of comparison and comparison operations, the problem presentation of the teacher, the organization of experiments and experiments.

Stage 3


It is important that the presentation is based on a material product that has value for children. During the creation of the product, the creative potential of preschoolers is revealed, the information obtained during the implementation of the project is used. The task of the educator is to create conditions for children to have the opportunity to talk about their work, to experience a sense of pride in their achievements, to comprehend the results of their activities. In the process of his performance in front of peers, the child acquires the skills to master his emotional sphere and non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, etc.).

Stage 4


The interaction of a teacher and a child in project activities may change as children's activity increases. The teacher's position is built in stages as research skills develop and independent activity increases from teaching and organizing at the first stages to guiding and correcting by the end of the project.

Also, the technology of project activities can be used in the framework of specially organized training for children (within the framework of classes). Such classes have a certain structure and include: creating motivation for project activities; introduction to the problem; step-by-step solution of the problem in the process of research activities; the discussion of the results; systematization of information; obtaining a product of activity; presentation of the results of project activities.

Projects can be: long-term (1,2,3 years), several months, 1 month, several weeks, 1 week and even 1 day.


Educator - organizer of children's productive activities, source of information, consultant, expert. He is the main leader of the project, and at the same time he is a partner and assistant to the child in his self-development.
Motivation is enhanced due to the creative nature of children's activities, the child gets acquainted with different points of view, has the opportunity to express and justify his opinion.
Design technology requires an appropriate organization of the subject-developing space of the group. Documents, books, various objects, encyclopedias are placed in the group, accessible for their understanding. It is possible for children to go to libraries, museums or other institutions, if necessary for the implementation of the project.
The design technology is focused on the joint activities of participants in the educational process in various combinations: educator - child, child - child, children - parents. Joint-individual, joint-interacting, joint-research forms of activity are possible.

One of the advantages of design technology is that each child is given recognition of the importance and necessity in the team. He sees the results of the group's collective efforts. A private, specific result of work for children can be a drawing, an application, an album, a composed fairy tale, a prepared concert, a performance, a book, a harvest, etc. During the implementation of the project, children develop independence, activity, responsibility, a sense of trust in each other, interest in knowledge.

Thus, during the implementation of the project, each child develops a certain position on a specific issue, children get the opportunity to reveal their creative streak, to show everyone their individuality. All this has an extremely favorable effect on the development of the child's personality, contributes to the formation of normal self-esteem. Simply put, projects ideally prepare preschoolers for their further education at school and even university.

Target: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Teachers who actively use project technology in the upbringing and education of preschoolers unanimously note that the life activity organized according to it in kindergarten allows you to get to know the pupils better, to penetrate the inner world of the child.

Classification of educational projects:

"gaming"- children's activities, participation in group activities (games, folk dances, dramatization, various kinds of entertainment);

"excursion", aimed at studying problems related to the surrounding nature and social life;

"narrative" during the development of which children learn to convey their impressions and feelings in oral, written, vocal art (picture), musical (playing the piano) forms;

"constructive" aimed at creating a specific useful product: knocking together a birdhouse, arranging flower beds.

Project types:

by dominant method:






according to the nature of the content:

include the child and his family,

child and nature

child and man-made world,

child, society and its cultural values.

by the nature of the child's participation in the project:



participant from the inception of an idea to the achievement of a result.

according to the nature of contacts:

carried out within the same age group,

in contact with another age group,

inside the dow

in contact with family

cultural institutions,

public organizations (open project).

by number of participants:




by duration:


average duration,

long term.

Technology "Portfolio of the teacher"

Modern education needs a new type of teacher:

creative thinking,

owning modern technologies of education,

methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics,

ways of independent construction of the pedagogical process in the conditions of specific practical activities,

the ability to predict your end result.

Every teacher should have a record of success, which reflects all the joyful, interesting and worthy things that happen in the life of a teacher. A teacher's portfolio can become such a dossier.

The portfolio allows taking into account the results achieved by the teacher in various types of activities (educational, educational, creative, social, communicative), and is an alternative form of assessing the professionalism and performance of the teacher.

To create a comprehensive portfolio, it is advisable to enter the following sections:

Section 1 "General information about the teacher"

This section allows you to judge the process of individual personal development of the teacher (last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth);

education (what and when he graduated, the specialty received and diploma qualification);

work and teaching experience, work experience in this educational institution;

advanced training (name of the structure where the courses were taken, year, month, subject matter of the courses);

copies of documents confirming the availability of academic and honorary titles and degrees;

the most significant government awards, diplomas, letters of thanks;

diplomas of various competitions;

other documents at the discretion of the teacher.

Section 2 "Results of pedagogical activity".

materials with the results of mastering the program being implemented by children;

materials characterizing the level of development of ideas and skills of children, the level of development of personal qualities;

a comparative analysis of the teacher's activities for three years based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics, the results of the participation of pupils in various competitions and olympiads;

analysis of the learning outcomes of pupils in the first grade, etc.

Section 3 "Scientific and methodological activities"

materials that describe the technologies used by the teacher in activities with children, justify their choice;

materials characterizing the work in a methodological association, a creative group;

materials confirming participation in professional and creative pedagogical competitions;

in weeks of teaching;

in seminars, round tables", master classes;

creative reports, abstracts, reports, articles and other documents.

Section 4 "Subject-developing environment"

Contains information about the organization of the subject-developing environment in groups and classrooms:

plans for organizing a subject-developing environment;

sketches, photographs, etc.

Section 5 "Working with parents"

Contains information about working with the parents of pupils (work plans; event scenarios, etc.).

Thus, the portfolio will allow the teacher himself to analyze and present significant professional results, achievements, and will ensure monitoring of his professional growth.


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