Pain in right side radiates downward. Why does the right side of the lower abdomen hurt in men. Signs of severe pain

When it hurts in the right side, we first of all think about appendicitis. Indeed, this is a common cause, but not the only one.

Reason 1. Appendicitis

Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix of the caecum) is one of the most common causes of pain in the right side of the abdomen: up to 10% of people experience it. It most often occurs between the ages of 10 and 30. As a rule, it all starts with a dull pain in the epigastric region (where the stomach is located), which worsens within a few hours and descends below the navel and to the right. The temperature rises, nausea begins, diarrhea and vomiting are possible.

WHAT TO DO. Lying in bed, try to lift your right leg or turn on your left side: if it's appendicitis, the pain should get worse. Don't hesitate and call an ambulance. It is necessary to remove the inflamed process as soon as possible so as not to bring it to peritonitis - purulent inflammation peritoneum. If a blood test shows elevated level white blood cells, you will be immediately sent to the operating room.

Reason 2. Cholecystitis

If the pain occurs after you have eaten something fatty or fried, cholecystitis, an inflammation of the gallbladder, is likely. At acute process there is severe pain in the right upper abdomen; it radiates to the back and right shoulder blade, accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting of bile. With a slight tapping on the ribs, the pain radiates to the right hypochondrium.

WHAT TO DO. Call an ambulance: acute cholecystitis, like appendicitis, is a surgical emergency. AT admissions office the doctor will do an ultrasound, and if the bladder is full of stones and inflamed, you will have to go to the operating room. If there was an aggravation chronic cholecystitis, you will have to adhere to a strict diet and drink medicine for some time, and when the symptoms subside, in the so-called "cold period" remove the bladder laparoscopically.

Reason 3. Renal colic(urolithiasis disease)

Occurs when a stone either clogs the exit from the kidney to the ureter or gets stuck directly in the latter. This causes severe spasmodic pains in the right side of the body, forcing the patient to seek a position in which it hurts the least.

WHAT TO DO. Call an ambulance. While waiting for her, you can take a warm bath and drink a couple of antispasmodic tablets. In the admission department, you will be given an x-ray and ultrasound and will choose the optimal treatment tactics: this may be the installation of a stent in the ureter, a session of shock wave therapy (“crushing stones”), or an attempt at conservative treatment.

Reason 4. Pyelonephritis

Inflammation of the kidneys, or pyelonephritis, is one of the common causes of pain in the right side of the body. Often develops as a complication of urolithiasis. The pain may radiate to the lower back, groin, or leg. Almost always accompanied by fever, fever, chills, nausea and even vomiting.

WHAT TO DO. Make an appointment with a general practitioner or urologist as soon as possible: infection urinary tract can quickly spread throughout the body and cause severe intoxication. It is necessary to pass a general urine test, make an x-ray and ultrasound. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and uroseptics to help get rid of the infection. In some cases, a urine culture is taken to find out which pathogen is causing the problem.

Reason 5. Gynecological.

In women, there are especially many causes of pain in the right side. This can be both a harmless malaise during ovulation, and a sign of various inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. With chronic inflammatory processes in the appendages, it hurts in the lower half of the abdomen. More often the pain is dull, aching, it can pass and reappear, especially if you have a cold. Similarly, an ovarian cyst can manifest itself.

Another option is a sharp pain in the right lower abdomen that occurs unexpectedly during intercourse, or even when you are lying down and doing nothing. The attack is accompanied by rapid breathing and heartbeat, nausea, pallor. Causes may be cyst rupture, follicular apoplexy, or ectopic pregnancy.

WHAT TO DO. In case of chronic aching pain, routinely sign up for a gynecologist: he will prescribe a full course of treatment that will prevent the formation of adhesions and relieve possible problems with fertility. In case of sudden paroxysmal pain, contact your doctor immediately: he will do an ultrasound and decide whether surgery is needed.

Reason 6. Hepatitis

Is the pain concentrated in the upper right half of the abdomen under the ribs, accompanied by itching and small spider veins on the skin? It could be hepatitis (inflammation of the liver cells). If the skin, tongue and whites of the eyes have acquired a yellow tint, there is no doubt. There are many varieties of hepatitis: acute and chronic, viral, medicinal, alcoholic, fatty ...

WHAT TO DO. Contact a hepatologist or infectious disease specialist immediately. First of all, the doctor will prescribe a complete examination that will help determine the cause of hepatitis. The test results will determine which treatment you receive.

Reason 7. Intercostal neuralgia

Compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves is most common in middle-aged and elderly people. Usually discomfort appear after you suddenly turn around, sleep in an uncomfortable position, sit in a draft, or work out too hard in the gym. The pain is burning in nature, which may cause doctors to first suspect a heart attack or angina. Fortunately, intercostal neuralgia is much less dangerous.

WHAT TO DO. Contact a neurologist. Now there are a huge number of drugs that will help quickly relieve pain and inflammation. Sometimes a doctor can perform a therapeutic blockade and inject directly into the damaged nerve: you will feel the effect instantly.

Reason 8. Constipation, colitis

Improper nutrition, lack of fiber and fluid, physical inactivity can cause stagnation stool, and he, in turn, - pain in the abdomen, including on the right. But if, after the normalization of nutrition and stool, the pain does not go away, intensifies or other symptoms are added to them, it may be colitis.

WHAT TO DO. see a gastroenterologist. He will ask you to take a blood and stool test, prescribe a diet and frequent meals in small portions. Treatment includes laxatives, gut microbiome agents, and other medications.

Lower right abdominal pain is one of the most common reasons patients visit the emergency room. The lower right abdomen is located below an imaginary horizontal line drawn under the lower right hypochondrium and to the right of an imaginary vertical line along the navel.

Associated symptoms include:

Pain in this area is usually acute and may be spontaneous or chronic, as well as dull or acute, localized or diffuse, and radiate to the back.

There are many structures in the right lower abdominal region in which it can occur. These internal structures include part of the large intestine (called the cecum), the appendix and ascending colon, parts of the small intestine, right ovary, and fallopian tube and the right ureter. The reason that the side hurts below, in the right side of the abdomen or behind can be any anomalies or violations of one or more of these structures.

The most common causes of pain on the right:


The most common reason why the side hurts on the right, in the lower abdomen is appendicitis, or inflammation of the appendix. It occurs in about 10% of people and most often occurs between the ages of 10 and 30, although it can occur at any age.

The cause of appendicitis can be an infection or a blockage that leads to inflammation and swelling. Symptoms usually begin as aching pain around the navel or in the middle of the upper abdomen and then progress to the lower right side of the abdomen. This pain worsens after a few hours.

Associated symptoms of appendicitis include:
  • subfebrile temperature,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • loss of appetite
  • constipation
  • or diarrhea.

If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.


Pain associated with ovulation can occur in either the right or left side of the lower abdomen. As a rule, no medical intervention is required. However, sometimes due to the same localization, it is confused with the symptoms of appendicitis.

Pain during ovulation occurs about 2 weeks before the next period, when the egg is released from the ovary. It can be aching in nature, manifest as a cramp, be sharp and sudden. It is usually not severe, but may be accompanied by spotting or bleeding from the vagina. It is relieved by painkillers and rest, but if the pain comes with fever and nausea, infection, then this should be considered as appendicitis.

Kidney stones on the right

Small crystalline deposits may form inside the kidney, especially when the urine becomes too concentrated. Stones from the kidney to the bladder can pass through any part urinary tract. This is a very painful process, although it does not lead to permanent damage.

Symptoms include severe pain under the right ribs, including on the side and back, which may radiate down the lower right side of the abdomen and into the groin. It can come in waves and fluctuate in its strength.

Associated symptoms include: pain when urinating, pinkish, reddish, or brownish urine that may be cloudy and foul-smelling, nausea, vomiting, fever with chills, and frequent urination.

Sometimes everything goes away if you drink plenty of water and take painkillers. However, if the condition is severe, it is worth consulting with your doctor about possible removal of the stone.

right kidney infection

An infection in the bladder or urinary tract can spread to the kidneys, causing inflammation and pain. It is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, back, side or groin. There is a persistent urge to go to the toilet a little, and this urination can be painful. Urine comes out with pus or blood. In this case, an increase in temperature is often observed.

If left untreated, an infection in the kidneys can lead to widespread infection or organ damage. Thus, antibiotic treatment is required to prevent complications, so you should seek the advice of a doctor.

right ovarian cyst

Sometimes cysts appear on the surface of the ovary - fluid-filled sacs that can grow and cause discomfort. Although they are usually harmless and can go away on their own, they can grow and cause pain in the lower abdomen. This is a dull, aching pelvic pain that is persistent or intermittent and may radiate to the lower back and hips. Pelvic pain can occur almost at the very beginning or at the end of menstruation. menstrual period may be irregular. Pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and pressure on the bladder or rectum may also be associated with its severity or fullness.

While most ovarian cysts go away on their own, you should see your doctor if you suddenly develop lower abdominal or pelvic pain that is accompanied by fever or vomiting.


Another common cause of pain in the right lower abdomen (or left side) is constipation. This happens when you are unable to walk easily on a large scale on a regular basis and instead endure hard stools less than 3 times a week. Tension, bloating, and pressure in the rectum is accompanied by pain. It usually disappears with a bowel movement and is not accompanied by additional symptoms. To get rid of this ailment, you need to change your diet and take stool softeners or laxatives.

Ectopic pregnancy

When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, it results in an ectopic pregnancy. A fertilized egg may end up in the right ovary, fallopian tube, or abdominal cavity and cause severe pain. If it occurs on the right side, it may be mistaken for appendicitis. However, it is not difficult to determine the real cause, because the process is usually associated with a delay in menstruation, symptoms early pregnancy and vaginal bleeding.

This requires immediate medical advice because the fallopian tubes can rupture and cause severe bleeding that is life-threatening.

A summary of the most common causes of pain in the right lower abdomen:

The nature of the pain

Associated symptoms

Treatment / Elimination

Appendicitis Dull aching pain, which becomes sharp, begins in the middle of the abdomen and shifts to the lower right part of it. The peritoneum becomes soft.
  • Temperature,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • loss of appetite,
  • constipation
  • or diarrhea.
Surgical removal of appendicitis.
Constipation Dull pain in abdomen when stool cannot be passed. Tension, bloating and pressure in the rectum.
  • Relieve symptoms, promote the passage of stool;
  • Use laxatives, change diet.
Pain during ovulation Dull, or sharp, sudden, convulsions. Occurs 2 weeks before due date, with or without vaginal bleeding.
  • taking painkillers,
  • relaxation
Stones in the kidneys The pain may be sharp, comes in waves, fluctuating, spreading along the back and groin.
  • Pain when urinating
  • pink, red, or brown urine that may be cloudy and smelly
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • fever with chills
  • and frequent urination.
  • mild - nothing or analgesics;
  • Severe - surgery.
kidney infection Pain in the lower abdomen, back, side or groin.
  • Persistent urge to urinate
  • painful urination,
  • pus or blood in the urine
  • temperature.
Antibiotic treatment
Ovarian cyst Dull, aching pain in the pelvis, which can also radiate to the lower back and thigh.
  • irregular periods,
  • gravity,
  • bloody issues,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • pressure.
  • Moderate pain - nothing, or analgesics;
  • Severe - possibly surgery.
Ectopic pregnancy Heaviness in the lower abdomen or pelvic pain
  • Delay of menstruation,
  • signs of pregnancy
  • bleeding from the vagina.

Less common causes of pain in the lower right abdomen include:

  1. Colon cancer - occurs in older patients and manifests itself in the form of constipation or changes in the intestines, chronic abdominal pain, and noticeable weight loss.
  2. Inflammatory diseases pelvic organs is an infection in the female reproductive organs caused by sexually transmitted bacteria.

    Abdominal pain is accompanied by:

    • vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor
    • violation of menstruation,
    • increased body temperature,
    • pain in the lower back and during sex.
  3. Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue from the uterus grows outside of it, such as on the right ovary, fallopian tube, or intestines, causing severe pain experienced during menstruation.
  4. Inflammatory bowel disease - chronic inflammation of all or part of digestive tract including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are painful and debilitating conditions that manifest as chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and can sometimes lead to life-threatening complications.

Pain in the right side can be caused by diseases not only of the abdominal organs, but also of the respiratory organs (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pneumothorax, lung cancer), heart and circulatory system(rheumatic carditis, arterial hypertension, thrombophlebitis, pericarditis, pre-infarction state), peripheral nervous system(arachnoiditis, myelitis, ganglionitis, epilepsy) and other causes up to the fact that a person carries a bag on his right shoulder or sleeps on his right side on a hard mattress.

That is why, only a specialist can answer the question why the pain arose and make the correct diagnosis by comparing several factors. He must also prescribe therapy to eliminate pain, which, depending on the diagnosis, may include physiotherapy, drug treatment, droppers, injections.

Localization and nature of pain

To determine the damage, the side is visually divided into 3 parts horizontally:

  • Subcostal;
  • lateral;
  • iliac;

Pain may also be felt in the back or abdomen.

Having decided on the location of the pain syndrome, the specialist must find out from the patient its nature and strength. Below we will consider which diseases are characterized by what pain and in what place they are located.

Pain in the right hypochondrium is caused by organs such as right lung, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, intestines and diaphragm. Among other things, discomfort is caused by a violation of the nervous system or can radiate in diseases of the heart, pelvic organs or spine. Pain in the right hypochondrium may occur due to excessive physical exertion on the body.

If discomfort increases during palpation, then this may indicate inflammation in a sluggish course. In this case, the pain is characterized as acute and very strong. Consider the main diseases that provoke pain in the right hypochondrium:

Gallbladder diseases

  • Cholecystitis occurs due to inflammation of the gallbladder, with a burning, sharp pain in the right side. Also, discomfort can be on the right side of the back and near the spine. Patients complain of cramping pain. They feel bloating, increased gas formation, constipation.
  • Cholelithiasis formed as a result of deposition of bile pigments from which stones are formed. At the same time, some patients feel severe pain in the right side and back, nausea, heaviness, while others do not experience any symptoms.
  • Biliary dyskinesia - a complex disorder of the biliary system resulting from the development of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.), improper diet, the appearance of worms, and injuries. It manifests itself in two forms - hyperkinetic, i.e. contraction of the gallbladder is too active, which causes short-term sharp pains in the right hypochondrium, and hypokinetic, which consists in a weak contraction of the gallbladder, in which a person feels prolonged dull pain, often of a bursting or pressing nature. The basis of treatment is diet.

Diseases of the pancreas

Pain on the right occurs only with problems with the head of the pancreas, in other cases, characteristic sensations occur in the left hypochondrium.

  • Tumor benign or malignant appearance may appear as a result of stretching of the capsule. With an increase, it compresses neighboring organs, so patients feel pain in the right hypochondrium and in the back, there is also increased sweating, sleep disturbance, and general malaise. The causes of occurrence may be different. The disease develops with genetic predisposition, after viral diseases. It is also the result of strong blows.
  • pancreatitis, being a strong inflammatory process, provokes sharp or throbbing pains in the right side, which often radiate to the back and left hypochondrium, i.e. are enveloping in nature. Also often there are diarrhea, belching, flatulence, accompanied by general malaise, weakness, impaired appetite and sleep. Patients have an increase in temperature up to 38 ° and blood pressure. Treatment consists of drug therapy.

Liver disease

  • If the right side under the rib hurts, then this phenomenon may be a consequence liver cirrhosis. Unpleasant sensations are given to the lower abdomen, may be from the back, aggravated by pressing. At the same time, there is a strong increase in the mammary glands, a decrease in the testicles, a decrease in body weight, dystrophy, and varicose bleeding.
  • Another reason why the right side hurts can be the presence hepatitis A. At the same time, patients experience yellowing of the skin, darkening of urine and lightening of feces, and fever.

In addition, most liver diseases cause heaviness in the right side, as the damaged organ fills with blood and swells, thereby stretching its capsule, which is supplied with a large number of pain receptors.

Bowel disease

  • Appendicitis occurs due to inflammation of the appendix and manifests itself in the form of sharp cramping pains, which can be localized not only on the right, but also felt from the back, near the spine. This causes dry mouth, general malaise. The disease requires immediate surgical intervention.
  • Diseases of the small intestine include a wide list of diseases and the causes that cause them, but almost all have very similar manifestations - patients complain of frequent diarrhea with undigested food residues, rumbling, swelling, as well as pulling, aching, arching pains, often localized to the right of the navel or in epigastric region.
  • duodenal ulcer occurs due to malnutrition, weakened immunity, active reproduction in the stomach of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, frequent stress, taking hormonal drugs. With this disease, severe pain appears in the right hypochondrium or above the navel, mainly on an empty stomach, incl. in nighttime. Often pain is noted under the shoulder blades or in the region of the heart. Patients also complain of belching, heartburn, nausea, and bloating. Treatment consists of following a diet and taking medications; in advanced cases, surgery may be necessary.

Diaphragm diseases

  • Hernia provokes sharp pains in the right side. Due to the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus and the appearance of a protrusion under the skin, migration occurs internal organs. Patients are unable to fully move, engage in exercise. In most cases, the disease requires mandatory surgical intervention.
  • diaphragmatitis is called severe inflammation of the diaphragm, which occurs as a result of the penetration of pathogenic organisms with blood or lymph flow, and the disease can also become a complication of inflammatory processes occurring in the lungs, liver, and abdominal cavity. It provokes sharp pain on the right, disrupts the active contraction of the diaphragm. Patients feel unwell, dry mouth, loss of appetite.
  • Tumor, especially malignant , is pretty rare disease for this body. Feeling of heaviness in the chest and lack of air, shortness of breath and other unpleasant symptoms, incl. pain in the right hypochondrium, appear when the tumor reaches a large size. In the initial stages, it can be detected by chance when x-ray studies. Treatment is surgical only.

Diseases of the right lung

  • Crayfish is a malignant disorder of the epithelium lung tissue. Has a weak pain sensitivity of the peripheral parts of the right lung, which do not have any pain receptors. Symptoms include expectoration with blood, a slight increase in temperature up to 37.2 °, sudden weight loss, bad breath, cough, fatigue.
  • Pleurisy is an inflammatory process. It affects the serous membrane. It is characterized by strong cutting discomfort in chest on right. Patients cough intensifies, breathing becomes difficult.
  • Pneumonia is an acute lung injury. Refers to infectious inflammatory diseases. With damage to the right lung, pain is usually localized in the right hypochondrium, but it can also be of a girdle character. In patients, the temperature rises to 39 °, they begin to suffer from chills, shortness of breath and weakness.

Pain in the right hypochondrium from the back can provoke improper gymnastic exercises, fitness, the consequences of surgical intervention are not excluded. Acute pain can signal organ damage arising not only as a result of injuries, blows, stab wounds, but also with internal high blood pressure and other pathologies that pose a threat to life. That is why when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Dull, aching, or dagger-like pain develops with intercostal neuralgia which compresses the intercostal nerves. In order not to feel pain, a person begins to warp to the healthy side, as a result, the intercostal spaces begin to stretch and the pressure that irritates the nerve endings decreases. Also, with this disease, the patient may experience increased sweating, painful muscle contractions, and a change in the shade of the skin.

Under the ribs on the back are the kidneys. Diseases associated with this organ often have aching and dull pain sensations:

  • Urolithiasis disease is a urological disease characterized by the formation of stones in the urinary system. When they move or change the position of the body, physical exertion, a dull or pulling pain in the right side may occur. But an acute cramping already speaks of a serious complication - the closure of the urinary duct with a stone.
  • Pyelonephritis is infectious disease kidneys. It is formed due to bacteria entering the body through the urinary tract. Manifested by nausea high temperature, painful sensations of a dull, pulling nature, aggravated by deep breathing, palpation and tapping.

The reasons that cause pain at the waist level can be very different - from an unbalanced diet, as a result of which increased gas formation is formed, causing discomfort on the side of the intestine, to serious problems with the spine or with the genitourinary system.

Here are just some of the diseases that can cause such pain:

  • Dorsopathy belongs to the group of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column and surrounding tissues caused by malnutrition, increased stress or injury. Patients have a pulling or aching pain in the right side, less often they describe the nature of sensations as shooting. There may also be tingling of the skin, weakening and thinning of the muscles. The disease can affect any part of the spine, but more often the lumbar suffers. Massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy will help get rid of the disease.
  • Protrusion is a complication of osteochondrosis, in which only the inner part of the fibrous ring surrounding intervertebral disc. Most often, this pathology occurs in the lumbar region, so pain is manifested from the back at the level of the waist and below. It may also be observed chronic pain and tingling in the legs, weakness of the thigh muscles, in rare cases, urinary disorders. Treatment includes drug therapy and physiotherapy methods.
  • Cystitis occurs with inflammation Bladder, more precisely, its mucous membrane, as a result of the penetration of pathogenic organisms into it through urethra. The disease is characterized by painful frequent urination, sometimes with blood. There are also burning, stabbing pains in the perineum and in the region of the bladder with acute form, and constant, aching at the level of the waist in front and behind - with chronic. The basis of treatment are antibiotics, which allow to destroy the infection that caused the disease.

This symptom can occur with many diseases of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity, urinary tract, therefore, in order to determine how life-threatening it is, one must focus on the nature of the pain, the speed of its occurrence, and additional symptoms. For example:

  • sharp, sharp, sudden onset pain can talk about rupture or torsion of the organ, this problem is especially common with the ovary in women, blockage with a urinary stone or biliary tract, intestinal obstruction, and if it is still observed state of shock, the person loses consciousness, tachycardia appears, then intra-abdominal bleeding can be assumed. All of these conditions require urgent surgical care.
  • slight constant aching or dull pain usually indicates incipient inflammatory processes, circulatory disorders, exacerbation of chronic diseases, so you should not delay going to the doctor in order to find out the causes of these unpleasant sensations as soon as possible.
  • periodic pain, i.e. either sharply appearing or subsiding can talk about inflammation of the appendix, and if such a character pain observed in a child and is accompanied by vomiting and increased gas formation, then volvulus can be suspected. In both cases, immediate surgery is required, otherwise death may occur.

Associating discomfort with actions

Pain may occur after or during certain activities:

Pain in the right hypochondrium usually appears after a couple of hours, especially often you can expect them to come if you have eaten fatty, fried, smoked, spicy and other junk food. Depending on the nature of the pain, the following diseases can be assumed:

  • dull and bursting pain, sometimes radiating under the shoulder blade and accompanied by nausea, bitterness in the mouth may indicate an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis;
  • if dull, aching pain turn into sharp, stabbing, paroxysmal accompanied by diarrhea, a feeling of bloating, nausea, then we can assume biliary dyskinesia or inflammation of the bile ducts;
  • aching and cramping pains, which are joined by bitter belching, heartburn, nausea, weakness and trembling in the body, may indicate duodenitis or bulbitis.

In some cases, pain in the right hypochondrium after eating may occur due to inflammatory processes occurring in the stomach or pancreas, but more often, if there are malfunctions in these organs, the pain appears on the left, and not on the right. But in any case, wherever painful sensations appear after eating, they require urgent and high-quality diagnostics.

Sometimes, when walking or running fast, a stabbing pain in the right side appears in perfectly healthy people.. Scientists are still arguing why this happens. One explanation is that with a sharp increase in blood circulation, the blood “bypasses” the diaphragm, entering directly into the limbs, so its spasm occurs. To avoid such a reaction of the body, it is necessary to eat 2-3 hours before training and conduct a thorough warm-up before more serious exercises.

If pain in the right side occurs even when walking slowly or even with the slightest movement, then this is a reason for an early visit. medical institution, since they can be signals of serious inflammatory processes in the liver and gallbladder, as well as indicate the occurrence of appendicitis or hematoma.

No less often, pain during movement is associated with diseases. musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, sciatica, lumboischialgia, intercostal neuralgia, etc. are manifested by sharp, sharp, pulsating, less often aching and pulling pains, which can be localized not only to the right or left of the spinal column, in the lower back, under the shoulder blades, but also give to the limbs.

It is wrong to think that if it hurts in the right side when inhaling, then this can only be associated with diseases of the respiratory system(pleurisy, pneumonia, etc.), although, of course, if acute pain is accompanied strong cough and high temperature, then the share of the probability of making these diagnoses increases, which requires prompt medical treatment.

Not less than dangerous diseases, in which there are severe pains in the right hypochondrium when inhaling, forcing people to breathe superficially, are pericarditis, pulmonary embolism, and renal colic. In the absence of timely medical care, death can occur.

Pain from dull, aching to burning, sharp, sharp, subsides at rest, may appear with inflammation of the intercostal muscles and nerves, as well as with a fracture of the ribs. In the latter case, hemoptysis, severe swelling, cyanosis, bruising at the site of injury can also be observed.

Associated pain with various conditions

Under certain conditions and in the presence of a number of additional symptoms, the diagnostic picture can change dramatically.

  • . Pain appears in 70% of cases. It is localized in the lower abdomen, depending on the cause, it may be more felt on the right or left. An unpleasant sensation can be pulling, cutting, resembling contractions. There may also be an increase in temperature up to 37 °, excessive sweating, constant thirst, weakness.
  • . They are frequent "allies" in case of poisoning. The pain is sharp and cutting in nature, and it is often impossible to clearly say where it hurts - in the right side or the left, because. pain is all over abdominal cavity. In addition, patients experience vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, and thirst.
  • . This tandem in most cases indicates diseases of the gallbladder. This may interfere with the functioning of the liver. Dull, aching, arching pains occur due to the accumulation of bile, and patients are also accompanied by nausea, weakness, and constant thirst.

Gender-related pain

Except common diseases, a number of diseases can be gendered and associated with pathological conditions reproductive organs:

In the stronger sex, the prostate gland is most often affected. Aching, pulling pains, accompanied by painful emptying, can talk about prostatitis, sharp pains and difficulty urinating - about adenoma, paroxysmal, sharp pain and blood in the urine are often harbingers malignant tumor or report the presence of stones.

In the beautiful half of humanity, pain in the right side can be the result of:

  • tubal pregnancy disorders, in which the fetal egg begins to develop outside the uterus, while there is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, stabbing - in the right or left side, in case of delay, the fallopian tube may rupture and the patient may die.
  • right ovarian apoplexy is another condition that requires prompt hospitalization, because, due to a violation of the integrity of the organ, bleeding into the abdominal cavity is observed. In this case, a person feels a sharp pain in front of the lower abdomen.
  • torsion of the right ovarian cyst. With this disease, intra-abdominal pressure and blood circulation increase. The disease is characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen. Unpleasant sensations may increase with movement.
  • acute inflammation of the appendages- with this disease, the patient feels a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the right side, lower back, sacrum, inner surface thighs, rectum, sometimes there are sharp pains from the back. At the same time, it appears fast fatiguability, drowsiness, loss of appetite, irritability, inadequate psychological reactions.

Diagnosis and treatment

Choosing a specialist to contact for medical care, and the diagnostic methods that he will apply, often depend on the nature of the pain. So acute ones require a thorough examination of the body with the help of ultrasound, and aching and chronic ones require the results of clinical tests. Also, the treatment depends on the diagnosis, i.e. the cause of the pain, and can be either a diet or urgent surgery.

Pain in the right side is not only severe, but it forces a person, like any other, to worry. This symptom is always a signal of trouble, presumably danger. What to do, how to help yourself or a loved one, to understand why the right side hurts? There are many situations (and diagnoses). Consider the typical ones, pay attention to the rare ones.


Not making a mistake with the diagnosis is the task of the doctor. But before meeting with him, a person experiencing acute discomfort "scrolls" mentally possible options. How much serious problem whether you need to call an ambulance or a doctor, you can handle it yourself or not. To determine this, try to compare what are:

  • the nature of the pain;
  • localization;
  • appearance time;
  • cause.

The cause is difficult if it is not the consequences of an acute injury. A lot of things that are in the right side can hurt. The nature, time of occurrence and localization are important for finding the source of the pain syndrome. The doctor will definitely ask a question, how do you perceive the problem, what do you feel.

Types of pain

Acute. The second name is "dagger". Both definitions characterize the power of sensations. It arises unexpectedly, manifests itself intensely. May indicate a serious situation:

  • Injuries;
  • fractures;
  • bruises;
  • Damage to internal organs (perforations and ruptures, abscesses);
  • cuts;
  • Spinal hernia.

Acute pain in the region of the right side is characteristic of appendicitis, peritonitis. But even a banal short-term or prolonged muscle spasm, which is not dangerous, can cause dagger pain.

  • Burning. Acute variety. Literally - a burning sensation, like a burn. The epigastric region, covered by burning, does not necessarily signal a stomach ulcer. Burning in the epigastrium may be a heart attack. It is felt: superficially, at a depth, or burns from the surface, going deeper.
  • Pulsating. Of varying intensity, repeating rhythmically. More often - acute (stabbing).
  • Dull (aching). Increasing slowly, starting not abruptly, keeps approximately at the same level of intensity. characteristic of chronic diseases.
  • Pulling. Feeling of heaviness. The pelvic organs are often tested (inflammation of the reproductive organs, in women - the onset of pregnancy).
  • Bursting. A feeling of fullness occurs with chronic damage (pancreatitis) of the pancreas. Urolithiasis can cause arching pain in the hypochondrium, which makes diagnosis difficult. The stone injures the tissues of the cups, pelvis, hematuria occurs (excretion of blood in the urine). The bursting of the right hypochondrium with hematuria means: the right kidney is affected.

The same type of pain in different segments of the body speaks of different diseases. In medicine, it is customary to divide the abdomen into nine sections (Fig. 1). We are interested in the segments of the right side of the body and the middle ones, since the problems of the organs located in the center can be manifested by pains on the right.

It is convenient to distinguish symptoms in selected areas, this helps in making a diagnosis.

Differentiation of diseases according to the nature of pain in the right hypochondrium. What can hurt in the right side and - how?

  • Acute pain - this is how gallbladder diseases, stomach ulcers, irradiation of heart pain manifest themselves.
  • Acute from the back - osteochondrosis.
  • Burning - acute cholecystitis is possible.
  • Intense - a symptom of acute hepatitis.
  • Pulling - this gives chronic hepatitis.
  • Pressing, aching pain - diagnosis is possible: biliary dyskinesia, appendicitis.
  • Pulsating - developed acute pancreatitis.
  • Bursting - pancreatitis has passed into the chronic stage.
  • Dull pain in the right side - an inflammatory process of the gallbladder is likely.
  • Stitching - problems of the state of the right kidney.

Associated in time with food, period of the day, actions:

The patient defines all these problems as soreness of varying intensity and character under the ribs in front.

The lateral part of the right side of the body with pronounced painful sensations can signal the same problems as the hypochondrium.

Diseases with "right-sided" symptoms

Distribution, irradiation of pain on the projection of the right side is not uncommon. Localization of pain is typical for the lateral segment with:

  • Urolithiasis. Irradiation up and down is possible: it hurts from the back and simultaneously spreads, it hurts in the lower abdomen. Similar symptoms with inflammation of the right kidney - pyelonephritis:
  • Diseases of the intestines - thick, thin.
  • Inflammation of the appendix - appendicitis. Concomitant disorders: diarrhea, nausea, fever.
  • Tumor diseases of the intestine, reproductive system, other organs located on the right or in the middle of the abdomen.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Diagnosis involves a set of characteristic symptoms - localization similar to the manifestation of appendicitis. But signs of pregnancy with such a diagnosis are present: a delay in menstruation, discomfort in the morning, and others.
  • Pathology of the ovaries. Inflammatory processes, ovarian cysts, cyst torsion. The launched process is accompanied by a violation of the cycle, nausea.
  • Sometimes the visible cause is not determined, but a woman periodically, monthly, has a pain syndrome in her right side. These are the features of the cycle - ovulation occurs, this moment some women feel pain of varying intensity. Physiological condition, no treatment required.

Pain in the right side at the waist level is given by many internal diseases, they can also provoke it - the consequences of bruises, fractures (even old ones).

Lower abdomen - suprapubic, iliac region on the right, often signal with pain about diseases of the reproductive or urogenital area women and men.

The reasons

Minor disturbances in the body are leveled by self-regulation, a person does not feel them. If there is pain - of any intensity - the body asks for help. Listen to the request, determine the possible causes of failures.

From the gastrointestinal tract

The digestive system alone can give sharp pain for many reasons (Fig. 2)

  1. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa - gastritis - causes pain in the right side of the stomach, if the inflammation is localized in this place of the organ. The disease is caused by malnutrition. Acute gastritis develops against the background of infections: poor-quality food causes an inflammatory process. Diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, intoxication join. A coating forms on the tongue. In chronic soreness appears, even if the food is benign. The pain is dull, bursting, giving a feeling of heaviness.
  2. Adhesive postoperative process, colitis - can cause pain later.
  3. Pain syndrome in patients without a gallbladder, removed promptly, is often given by the large intestine. Constipation can be a major cause of pain and the formation of gallstones. After removal of stones and gallbladder. Constipation can have a different etiology, a colonoscopy is needed to establish the diagnosis.
  4. Transferred in the past, completely cured hepatitis, even cirrhosis of the liver - do not give later pain syndromes. Have to search true reason.
  5. The gallbladder in pathology (gallbladder dyskinesia) is manifested by intense half-hour pain radiating to the right shoulder blade, less often behind the sternum. Pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  6. When an attack of pain in the right hypochondrium finishes liquid stool, and after - a noticeable improvement in the condition, this indicates congestion in the gallbladder. The bubble is released, it becomes easier.
  7. Cholelithiasis causes cramping pains, pricks under the ribs, gives to the right shoulder blade, the temperature rises. Diarrhea, nausea may join.
  8. If the soreness of the right hypochondrium increases immediately during a meal, the pancreas may react this way. Mistakenly, patients often believe that the pancreas hurts only on the left or gives girdle pain. But the head of the gland is on the right, and if it is affected by inflammation, then the pancreas hurts - on the right.
  9. Intestinal problems occur in any of its departments: thick, small intestine, appendix, rectum. Obstruction (blockage) of the intestine, appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome. Tumor processes are possible. Often painful symptoms to the right from the hypochondrium to the lower abdomen.

When it hurts under the rib, it’s difficult to navigate yourself. The list of symptoms and diagnoses is long, many are similar. Finding similar ones - consult a doctor, preferably a gastroenterologist.

From the urinary system

KSD does not proceed without pain, only the initial stage can be asymptomatic. The most severely tolerated is KSD with a staghorn form of formations; they injure the kidney tissue during human movements. Small stones move down with the flow of urine. The ureters are thin in structure. Stones in the kidney with a diameter of less than 3 mm can depart from it. Once in the ureter, small formations (“sand”) cause intense pain, additionally spasming the ureter. If the stone comes from the right kidney, it pricks in the right side.

With an established diagnosis - ICD, confidence: pain from renal colic, warmth (a bath or a heating pad on a sore spot), antispasmodics can help the passage of the calculus. Facilitate the state of analgesics. At the slightest doubt, heat should be excluded: it will aggravate other problems not related to the passage of calculi. Painkillers with an unclear diagnosis should not be taken: lubricating the picture, this will make it difficult for the doctor to diagnose.

If a person is thin, there is no fat layer supporting the kidneys or it is small. Nephroptosis (omission) of one or both kidneys develops. More often - with a sharp weight loss. A mobile descending kidney can give pain, especially if it is displaced with torsion of the vessels that feed it. The latter requires the help of a doctor, sometimes surgical.

Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, infection in the kidney, also give pain. Pyelonephritis (inflammation) of the right kidney is expressed pulling pain right side.

Why running causes pain in the right side, methods of relieving discomfort

frequent functional disorders liver while running.

  • Running after a meal will inevitably cause discomfort and likely pain in the side.
  • Warming up is important to prevent pain.
  • The muscular respiratory system is the diaphragm. If this thin elastic muscle is poorly developed, when running, blood, bypassing the diaphragm, enters the limbs. Insufficient development of the diaphragm, poor warm-up, lack of warm-up, lead to the fact that the diaphragm is not saturated with blood, intense stabbing pains appear in the hypochondrium.
  • Weak development of the muscles of the chest, diaphragm - respiratory system does not allow the chest to expand normally adequately with the diaphragm. The imbalance is expressed by acute pain.
  • Another variant. Stitches in the right side, also while running. Below the hypochondrium on the right is the liver, the capsule fills with blood, stretches, provoking stabbing pains in the side (on the left, the spleen sometimes reacts in the same way). Passes during training under the control of breathing. A harmonious combination of respiratory and motor movements eliminates disturbances in the blood filling of organs. Breathing is selected individually by the person himself. Organisms are different, the degree of fitness is also not the same. The combination of movement with breathing - inhale for three steps, exhale for the fourth and repeat. Inhale smoothly, exhale sharply. The number of steps is selected for your body, may vary. An equal number of steps on inhalation and exhalation is also allowed, but not equally suitable for everyone.
  • Running technique, shock loads with a sharp lowering of the foot go to the internal organs. It is better to step with springy steps, this gives cushioning without disturbing the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and other organs.
  • Breathe more correctly - with the stomach, including the diaphragm, it anesthetizes. The body is straight, do not slouch, this is a sparing position for internal organs and muscles.
  • Running pace - individual selection; In case of pain, take a slow breath. Lips with a tube, slightly bent, drawing in the stomach. The diaphragm is massaged (do not strain the press), its spasm is removed, pains are eliminated.
  • Stop running, relax. As you exhale, touch your fingers to your toes. Aperture squeezes out extra blood, when straightening and inhaling takes right amount blood.
  • Press three fingers on the point of intense pain, massage it. This relieves the spasm, the problem goes away, the condition returns to normal.
  • Relax the belt while running, if it suddenly hurts - tighten it, it will pass - relax again.
  • There is interesting way, stopping the pain of excessive blood supply to the organs in the left side. It is also applicable to the painful sensations of runners, resulting from the overflow of blood in the liver (right side). Slow down before moving on to walking. If you get sick not when running, brisk walking, do not stop. Moving to a slow step, simultaneously press the area of ​​pain localization with the elbow - the projection of the liver. Slow down the pace, continue walking. Follow your breath. After deep breath exhale deeply, at this moment press the elbow, the entire forearm, deeper into the sore spot. The spasm of the shell (capsule) of the liver gradually weakens, the pain subsides or becomes almost imperceptible.
  • Sometimes the method doesn't work. Then, without slowing down the pace of running or walking, we take two more, as deep as we can, consecutive inhalations and exhalations. Should help.
  • There is one method, remember the sequence of actions, it gives a result when others have not helped. Press the elbow strongly against the projection of the liver, inhale deeply and exhale (also deeply) through the nose twice. Try to make breathing movements with the diaphragm (pulling in the stomach). Exhale, hold your breath. Run without breathing for 6 seconds, you can a little longer. After taking a deep breath, leaving the pressed hand. Continue running for another 6 seconds, then start exhaling slowly without stopping. Gradually release the pressure on the liver, let go of the hand. After these actions, the spasmodic capsule of the liver begins to relax, the feeling of pain disappears.

At rest, blood is stored in the depots of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. During running, active circulation and diaphragmatic overflow occur in untrained, novice runners. Both an excess of blood flowing to the diaphragm and a lack of it are not the norm, both conditions cause acute pain. It is not dangerous - use the described techniques, improve your health painlessly.

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system

Osteochondrosis is manifested by pain on the right side, upper abdomen or lower - when moving, lifting weights. Spasmodic muscles near the spine give pain. In medicine, this syndrome is called radicular. The pain can be girdle, bilateral or on one side. Reaches the anterior abdominal wall. The diagnosis is difficult: they check the liver, exclude the pathology of the biliary tract, intestines, urological diseases. After the denial of the disease process in the listed organs, the true cause is found out. Osteochondrosis is the "culprit" of pain. Along the course of the nerve, it radiates to the right side.

Pain in the right side may indicate diseases:

  • Spondylosis;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Intervertebral disc herniation;
  • Osteomyelitis;
  • problems of the hip joint;
  • Injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments.

Entrust the diagnosis to the doctor, value your health.

Gynecological problems

In the right side of the lower abdomen in women, pain is observed more often than on the left.

During pregnancy, symptoms that disturb a woman sometimes occur:

  • Lower back pain on the right;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the ribs;
  • Drawing pains.

Usually this is the norm, passes quickly, does not pose a danger. Look out for warning signs:

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back;
  • Dizziness;
  • Bloody issues;
  • Minor or heavy bleeding.

Urgently call an ambulance, the symptoms are life-threatening for the unborn child.

The reproductive period of life is a good time, but sometimes problematic due to the state of the reproductive system itself. From hypothermia, a drop in immunity, the consequences of abortion, inflammatory diseases occur:

  • Salpingitis (inflammation of the uterine tube);
  • Adnexitis (inflammatory process in the ovaries);
  • Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterus.

It can also hurt in the right side if the cycle is disturbed.

Entrust all these problems to the doctor - the sphere is thin, delicate. Mistakes cannot be made. acute illness a skillful doctor will cure easily and will not allow complications. Launched goes into the chronicle. This one will also have to be treated, but why launch it - go for help right away.


The nervous system, if it is not reinforced concrete, periodically surprises us. Predisposed to pain, inexplicable from a financial position, people are emotional, impressionable. "Lucky" in this regard is also suspicious. Hypochondriacs are a special category; they have an unwilling affair with the disease. Whether they want it or not, they will find half of the diagnoses described in the medical reference book.

Pains of psychogenic origin are "artistic" - they reproduce the picture of the disease so reliably that even a doctor is easily deceived.

Patients do not like it when the therapist redirects the patient to someone from the "psycho" (psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist) or neuropathologist. It's a shame: it really hurts, but it turns out - they don't believe it.

Are you worried: why does your right side hurt? It really hurts, it hurts. Procrastination is sometimes dangerous! But if you have more than one doctor tactfully or not very hinted at "psycho", think about it. This does not mean the presence of mental problems, you are not hinted at a “shift”. Psychosomatic pains are real, they are provoked by long-term stresses, protracted ailments (not even their own - relatives), conflict situations. Problems that seem unsolvable lead a person into illness. In our case - literally "go out sideways." Right.

It is not necessary to run with a confession of suspected weakness of the nervous system - to a psychiatrist. Take a critical look at yourself first. Psychogenic pains have an Achilles' heel that can be seen. Painful sensations tend to alternate, rarely go in company. If you are worried about periodic burning behind the sternum with “typical symptoms of an atypical heart attack” - recoil to the right side (under the ribs) and shoulder, the rest of the problems recede.

Nothing hurts anymore, just this! When there is a sharp pain below, on the right side, all attention is there. And again, the rest of the organs are imperturbably calm. So it can alternate throughout the body anywhere. Symptoms are combined only at the location of the alleged problem. Epigastrium? Here we have pain, nausea, vomiting, recoil in the right direction, violation of the chair. Kidney projection? Sensations increase, shift down, focus on the ureter.

Recall: we are talking about symptoms that are not confirmed by all possible examinations.

Think about it: can, at the time of renal colic, the alleged core and hypertensive patient “push back” his chronicle, feeling only colic? In a “confirmed”, “recorded” patient, the pressure will inevitably rise, and his heart will seize. If you notice a clear separation of pains: today one reigns (typical appendicitis), tomorrow - another (it hurts under the ribs), there is reason to agree with the doctors: the nerves are indulging.

When a person understands this, it will become easier to endure, the discomfort will recede faster. Do it once, twice, three times. Make sure there is no disaster. The pain is real, but not dangerous at all. Passing through the body "traveler". Let her go, be patient, take a break.

The character will harden over time, and the uninvited guest will get tired of coming to where she is not noticed.

Nuance: If you can't handle it on your own, go see a psychiatrist. He is not afraid, he will help.

Dangerous states

The pains of the right side, even mild ones, are a dangerous phenomenon. Relying on your own erudition, not being a physician, is frivolous. Dullness of sensations is not always recovery. Appendicitis in the stage of necrotic decay no longer gives acute pain: the receptors do not work. Act smart.

Emergencies: when an urgent call to the doctor is needed

Suggested diagnosis

What preceded the deterioration

The nature of the pain

Additional symptoms


For no apparent reason

Aching, pressing

Displacement of pain: occurs throughout the abdomen, focuses on the navel. Then it moves to the right lower segment of the abdomen (iliac region). Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting - join after the onset of pain. Lack of appetite. The temperature rises immediately. If it is above 38 °, there is a high probability of perforation (exit of infection into the abdominal cavity), peritonitis.

Exacerbation of gallstone disease

Fried fatty food followed by a cold drink. Alcohol, stress, overwork.

Acute, intense, sudden. Intensifies quickly.

Pain may radiate to the back right shoulder blade, radiate to right hand. Increases on standing up. Bitterness in the mouth, repeated vomiting of bile. The temperature is higher than usual.

acute pancreatitis

Fatty food, alcohol.

Acute intense, unbearable.

Vomiting without relief. Tachycardia, low arterial (systolic and diastolic too) pressure.

The chair is light, plentiful. Belly swollen.

Intestinal obstruction

Internal causes, lack of stool. Overeating on an empty stomach.

Acute, sudden, in the form of contractions. Growing.

Vomiting with bile joins, repeated - with fecal contents. Bloating, no stools, gases do not go away. Frequent pulse, pressure drops rapidly.

Renal colic

It can be provoked by the load: motor activity, weight lifting.

Sharp, cramping, cutting. It spreads to the lower abdomen, groin.

Polyuria or (when the ureter is blocked by a stone) the absence of urine outflow. Belly swollen. May be: fever, vomiting, nausea.

Torsion of an ovarian cyst

Sharp unbearable pain.

Weakness, pallor, cold sweat.

Nausea, fever, sometimes vomiting.

Tachycardia, hypotension.

Ectopic pregnancy

Delayed menstruation, slight soreness. Exercise stress. Sexual intercourse.

Acute, sudden.

Pressure drop, tachycardia, fainting is possible. The abdomen is tense.


Symptoms " acute abdomen in any department.

Intolerable, very strong. Increases with any movement, breathing. Spreading.

High temperature. Blood in stool, vomiting. Belly swollen. Increased heart rate, cold sweat.

Hernia incarceration

Previous force load. Weight lifting. Constipation. Childbirth.

Sharp pain. Appears during the load from the infringement of the hernia. After the termination of loading does not pass or take place.

Pressure drop, tachycardia, pallor. The hernia is determined by touch, not amenable to reduction.

Bloating. Vomit.

Perforation of gastric ulcer, 12 duodenal ulcer

Occurs suddenly.

Dagger, diverging from the right hypochondrium down, then - on the whole stomach.

Shoulder, collarbone, scapula - on the right - reflect pain. Cold sweat, vomiting with bloody streaks of contents. Tension of the abdominal wall. Pallor. Increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure. Elevated temperature.

Don't be "heroic" by masking their fear of the seriousness of the situation. Do not tolerate pain of any localization in the right side. Please contact your health care provider on time. Remember: risking your life is not heroism if the risk can be minimized. Deal with pain right away. If you doubt the reasons - dial the ambulance number. They will come, they will inspect, they will take action. If the alarm turned out to be false, don't worry. They will reassure you, give advice, help you not to make a mistake. Need help - they will.

"Acute abdomen" - severe pain in different parts of the right side of the abdomen - a reason to contact the doctors immediately. Make their work easier, save your health.

Replenish the baggage of knowledge in advance, then any situation will not take you by surprise. Take care of your health.

Pain in the right side is a signal of the body about the development of serious processes that require outside participation. In order to correctly diagnose the disease, the doctor takes into account a number of indirect symptoms and the nature of sensations, obtaining a complete clinical picture.

What can hurt

In this region of the upper quadrant of the abdomen are such vital organs: the gallbladder, liver, right kidney, pancreas. Partially, the duodenum, small intestine, and diaphragm enter here. In view of such a wide list, it is obvious that the list of possible problems is also impressive.

Pain under the right rib is provoked by the following conditions of the body:

  • Cholecystitis associated with impaired patency of the biliary tract. Sudden discomfort disturbs, as a rule, at night. Among the factors provoking the disease include physiological disorders, stress, nervous strain.
    A sharp pain spasm in the hypochondrium is due to the movement of gallbladder stones that get stuck in the excretory duct, activating inflammation.
  • The defeat of the duodenum in the form of ulcerative duodenitis. Sensations in this case are stabbing, which is due to the development pathological process on the mucosa digestive organ. At night, cramps can be sharp and unbearable due to the lack of food in the stomach that needs to be digested.
  • Renal colic. It is not possible to get rid of such pain even by changing the position of the body. Any movement only exacerbates the condition. The cause of discomfort is stones moving along the urinary system.
  • Pancreatitis. The disease is characterized by a sensation of intense painful pulsation on the right under the ribs due to inflammation of the pancreas.

Due to the similarity of the symptoms of pathologies of various organs, one must be able to classify unpleasant sensations according to their projection, as well as by nature.

In the picture you can see the location of the internal organs of a person.

Pain in front

In such situations, doctors pay primary attention to the organs that are directly adjacent to the wall of the peritoneum.


The diagnosis with such a symptom is an acutely developing inflammatory process. Cutting spasms are localized in the area of ​​the abdominal muscle and are due to the formation of crystalline formations in the ducts or neck or the activity of bacterial microflora.

Such pain under the ribs in front can be given to the shoulder, accompanied by vomiting of green bile masses, nausea, belching, bitterness in the mouth. With cholecystitis, bloating, legibility in food, yellowing of the whites of the eyes join.


It hurts in front in the hypochondrium and as a result of structural deformations it is vital important body when the death of cells is accompanied by the formation of nodes that compress the vessels and bile ducts. The discomfort is permanent. This condition is observed in cirrhosis, hepatocellular cancer.

The problem may lie in the pathology of the colon, inflammation, including the development of granulomatous processes, when tissue necrosis is observed. Pain associated with pain can also project into the right upper quadrant of the abdomen cancerous tumors.

Another option is the presence of gastritis, in which any deviation from the diet, even with nutrition homemade food fraught with deterioration.

The cardiovascular system

Unpleasant sensations at the top under the ribs are due to circulatory disorders in a closed area and subsequent edematous processes, VSD phenomena. In addition to heart failure, pressing spasm, but with a burning sensation, provokes myocardial infarction.

Complementing the listed causes of pain is another option - the development of a pathological process in appendix.

Pain under the ribs at the back

A similar symptom accompanies the pathology of the adrenal gland, the great vena cava, intercostal neuralgia and mechanical injuries of the bone apparatus. Doctors include in the list of possible diseases:

  1. Pyelonephritis associated with the development of an acute infectious inflammatory process, carbuncle or abscess in the kidney.
  2. Damage to stones that have moved from their place, sand to the cavity of the ureter. In such a situation, it can hurt not only behind, but also in the side.
  3. Renal papillary infarction or papillary necrosis. Severe discomfort persists constantly, the development of septic shock is not excluded.
  4. Inflammatory processes in adipose tissue. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by deep breathing, active movements.
  5. Spinal osteochondrosis.
  6. Tumors of the adrenal gland, the formation of malignant tumors that disrupt the outflow of urine. The lower back can ache constantly, sometimes it is possible to reduce the intensity of pain by tilting the torso.

If there is discomfort not only in the hypochondrium on the right, but also under the scapula, thrombosis of the inferior vena cava must also be excluded.

When the right side hurts

The following options are available here:

  • If spasms are accompanied by nausea, acute or chronic pancreatitis with inflammation of the head of the pancreas. Sometimes not only the right side hurts, but also the back. Additional symptoms are general weakness, indigestion.
  • Inflammation of the liver. Sensations are dull, and are accompanied by pallor, yellowing skin, dyspepsia, loss of appetite.
  • Duodenitis. Unpleasant pulling sensations extend simultaneously to the back and shoulder blade.

For people susceptible to pain, spasms are not limited only to the side, so a feeling of discomfort at the top of the right shoulder is possible.

The nature of pain

In addition to the above classification of spasms in the hypochondrium, you need to remember some of the nuances associated with the type of discomfort that has arisen. This indicator is often decisive for making the correct diagnosis.

Pressure and heaviness in the side

This symptom often accompanies late dates pregnancy, when the grown-up baby is already too crowded in the stomach and any movement of the arm or leg, active coups cause the woman significant discomfort.

Pressing under the ribs from the side can also be due to the following conditions:

  1. Thoracic osteochondrosis, in which it hurts to move, breathe and move your arms.
  2. Pathology of the liver, gallbladder, urinary system. You can suspect the disease by joining the soreness of vomiting, nausea. Patients with such diseases tend to lie more, as any shifts, including walking and just a strong breath, provoke an increase in spasm.

stabbing pain

She is often complained about after a long run. To exclude the cause in the form of stretching of the liver capsule against the background of diaphragm dysfunction and low blood outflow, it is important for both women and men to plan the load only after a preliminary warm-up.

The following tips will help you avoid tingling:

  • Breathing is always done through the nose. It is important that it be deep.
  • Exhale - through the mouth and only slowly.
  • While running, they breathe exclusively with their stomachs.

Stab in the side above the center of the peritoneum can also be with right-sided pneumonia. The defeat of the lung is accompanied by shortness of breath, dyspepsia, fever and blue discoloration of the tissues that form the nasolabial triangle.

Blunt pain

Smoothed, but persistent discomfort is characteristic of a number of chronic pathologies:

  • Cholecystitis. Increased spasm occurs after eating fatty foods. Additional Features- Vomiting, bloating. As the disease progresses, ulcers form on the thickened walls of the gallbladder.
  • Pancreatitis. As a result of the replacement of the correct anatomical structure with connective tissue, the production of enzymes and the hormone insulin is disrupted. Dull pain can be present both on the right and on the left under the ribs. It is supplemented by signs of dyspepsia: belching, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, vomiting.
  • Pyelonephritis. With inflammation in the pyelocaliceal system, spasm may spread to the opposite side, its intensification against the background physical activity. Additional signs: unreasonable fever and chills, rapid urine outflow, increased blood pressure, migraines, chronic fatigue.
  • Hepatitis. The causes of discomfort that does not go away with time are incorrectly performed treatment, the lack of a healing effect. The disease is accompanied by decreased appetite, regular nausea, flatulence, intolerance to fatty foods, alcohol. On palpation of the hypochondrium and pressure on the liver, a characteristic aching spasm occurs.
  • Duodenitis. The pain on the right is supplemented by heartburn, poor appetite, regular diarrhea, vomiting with bile.

A sharp attack

If there is a feeling that the pain is not easily squeezing, but sharply penetrating, causing unbearable discomfort, the following conditions that require immediate treatment should be excluded.

Abdominal form of myocardial infarction with necrosis of a section of the heart muscle

The spasm is present simultaneously under the ribs and in the epigastric region and seems to burn from the inside. Taking heart medications does not give the desired effect, so you should go to the hospital immediately.
Characteristic signs in addition to pain:

  • dry, irritating cough (in the absence of a history of smoking);
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness.

Acute appendicitis

The appendix is ​​responsible for immune defense digestive system, is characterized by a changeable position, so the localization of pain is different, including with its spread to the right side. Pathology requiring surgical intervention is recognized by the following signs:

  • Diffuse spasm in the navel.
  • Increased discomfort when walking or turning over to the left side, its weakening when moving to the opposite side.

Additionally, you must comply following conditions: pronounced indigestion, fever, localization of pain in the right upper quadrant for more than 3 hours.


Pathology initiated by one of the varieties of herpevirus affects the intercostal nerve endings. Along with pain in the right hypochondrium occurs severe itching, swelling, redness, replaced by fluid-filled vesicles. Sometimes, after recovery, postherpetic neuralgia is diagnosed, which is extremely difficult to treat.


Pain in the right hypochondrium occurs in the second stage of ascariasis. Additional symptoms of the disease: dyspepsia, excessive excitability, decreased intelligence, development of asthenia.

It's a dull pain

Add to list possible causes pathologies of the liver include:

  • Mild discomfort indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process, therefore, such a “bell” cannot be ignored. A spasm often extended over time and quite tolerable accompanies viral hepatitis, which can only be determined by laboratory tests to the corresponding markers.
  • Cirrhosis. A life-critical condition proceeds with aching pain, when the process passes to the final stages and the therapy is ineffective.
  • Oncology. One has to think about such a disappointing diagnosis when an insignificant pain syndrome accompanied by weight loss, chronic fatigue, persistent subfebrile temperature, an increase in body size.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of discomfort. Therefore, it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor, passing routine tests and conducting examinations that reveal the picture of the disease.