Eye vitamins with lutein – reviews from ophthalmologists. Children's vitamins for eyes Vitamins for eyes for children 3 years old

Eye vitamins for children are necessary especially at school age. At this time, the strain on the eyes increases due to intense activities, and vitamin-mineral complexes can correct problems arising due to visual tension. But for preschool children, in addition to proper nutrition, it is worth choosing supportive medications, especially if there are diseases of the visual organs.

A person receives most of the valuable elements from the daily diet. A balanced diet is important for a child's body.

But certain groups of vitamins affect a child’s visual abilities in different ways:

VitaminWhere found in large quantitiesWhat is good for visionWhat does shortage lead to?
AIn egg yolks, liver, carrots, orange fruits, dairy products.Necessary for the normal functioning of the retina and strengthening the mucous membrane of the eye.To loss of vigilance, especially in low light, to dry eyes in a child, redness of the eyelids and frequent conjunctivitis.
IN 1In nuts, especially walnuts, wholemeal bread, Hercules, buckwheat, beans, liver.Strengthens the nervous system, which is good for vision, helps regulate intraocular pressure.To frequent eye inflammation, photophobia, increased tearfulness, damage to nerve cells, decreased vigilance and an increased risk of glaucoma.
AT 2In whole grain bread, apples, green salad, liver, kefir, cheese.Affects the normalization of metabolism, protects the retina from the aggressive effects of sunlight, and promotes better color perception.To a burning sensation in the eyes, photophobia, severe lacrimation. Focusing of vision deteriorates, the contours of objects become blurred, and the child begins to confuse colors. The risk of cataracts, keratitis, conjunctivitis, and other eye diseases increases.
AT 6In bran, cabbage, corn, fish, egg yolks, buckwheat, pork, bananas, carrots and beans.They improve regenerative and metabolic processes, blood supply, and reduce the risk of blindness. Strengthens the functionality of the optic nerves. They help relieve tension and relax the muscles of the visual organs, improve the clarity of visual perception.To the appearance of a nervous tic (the eyelids begin to twitch), frequent conjunctivitis, drowsiness and irritability, inflammation of the optic nerve.
AT 12In prunes, dates, blueberries, grapes and apricots.To a jaundiced tint of the whites and deterioration of vigilance.
WITHIn citrus fruits, black currants, kiwi, apples, sauerkraut, bell peppers, tomatoes.Helps strengthen muscle tone and vascular walls, which helps reduce the risk of cataracts and glaucoma.To rapid eye fatigue.
RIn citrus fruits, cherries, strawberries and raspberries.Strengthens blood vessels, reducing the permeability of their walls.To eye hemorrhages.
EIn vegetable oils, beans, green peas,

Brussels sprouts and broccoli, sunflower seeds and almonds.

Antioxidant properties prevent retinal detachment and improve its photoreceptor abilities. Vitamin E also helps maintain flexibility and elasticity of the eye muscles and blood vessels.Visual acuity is greatly reduced, and the eyes begin to hurt. The child becomes irritable, capricious, and gets tired quickly.

In addition to vitamins, there are two important microelements that children need for healthy eyes. These are potassium and zinc.

The former is found in large quantities in potatoes, dried fruits, dairy and seafood products, and fish. The second is concentrated in eggs, seafood, wheat and oat sprouts, chicken and rabbit meat, milk, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve a complete diet balance, and the state of the environment and the abundance of information in the modern world can negatively affect a child’s health. To improve vision, you should use vitamin and mineral complexes on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.

Indications and contraindications

Vitamin supplements can strengthen the resistance of the mucous membrane of the visual organs, reducing tear production, improve eye and cerebral circulation, stabilize sleep and generally increase the child’s vigilance.

Alarming symptoms that indicate that children's eyes need vitamins:

  • The child feels a burning sensation, dryness and “sand” in the eyes.
  • In bright light and after a long visual load, the eyes hurt and water.
  • Visibility decreases.
  • The cornea appears dull.
  • The eyelid on one of the eyes begins to twitch.

It is necessary to support vision with vitamins even after eye surgery or during treatment of diseases. Vitamin intake should be limited only if you have an individual intolerance.

In addition, some drugs are not approved for children under a certain age.

For myopia, taking vitamin supplements slows down the progression of the disease, but only if it is combined with corrective treatment, exercises and physiotherapy. The best options for medications for this disease are those that contain vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, as well as calcium, which strengthens connective tissue.

In case of farsightedness, vitamins also protect the quality of vision. In this case, the best complexes should include vitamins A, B12, in combination with valuable elements - selenium, zinc and lutein. Zinc and selenium help normalize the conductivity of nerve fibers. Lutein protects eye tissue from rapid wear and tear under heavy loads.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for improving vision can be divided into two large groups: eye drops and products taken orally. The latter can be produced in the form of syrups, gels, capsules, chewable tablets and pills.

At this time, the visual apparatus, like the body as a whole, is least protected from the effects of aggressive external factors.

To improve vision, doctors advise using the following eye drops:

  • "Okovit with blueberries." These drops can be used even by the youngest patients. They create favorable conditions for the development of the child’s visual apparatus and reduce the risk of myopia, farsightedness and cataracts.
  • "Mirtilene Forte". Helps improve the condition of the eye muscles, as well as the retina.
  • "Vezioned." Useful for relieving tension after long periods of exercise, and used to prevent many eye ailments.
  • “Blueberry Forte”, “Biovit Blueberry”, “Strix”. Used as a preventative against the development of childhood farsightedness and myopia.
  • "Andruzen Forte". Recommended for children with cataracts or glaucoma.

It should be noted that the best vitamin complexes for strengthening vision usually contain blueberries: the active components of this berry are very useful, this is clinically proven.

Popular children's fortified preparations used orally:

MeansWhat are they issued in?At what age is it allowed?
"Pikovit"May be in the form of syrup, chewable lozenges and lozenges.Since the year
"Polivit Baby"In the form of a mixture.From birth
"Alphabet Our Baby"In powder.From one and a half years
"Blueberry"In the form of a gel.From three years old
"Slezavit"In capsules.
"Kavit junior lutein"In the form of chewable lozenges.
"Vitrum Kids"In tablets.From four years old
"Multitabs classic"
"Vitrum Vision"From the age of twelve
"Alphabet Optikum"From the age of fourteen
"OftalmoVit"In capsules.

Before using any product, you should consult a pediatric ophthalmologist to avoid harm to health.

Preventive measures for preserving children’s vision include not only vitamin complexes. It is also important to ensure that the child’s eyes do not strain.

For this purpose, every half hour of intensive training, at least, you need to take a break. Do not forget about regular walks in the fresh air, protection from infections, and proper lighting of the workplace. And in bright sunshine, it is better to protect your eyes with sunglasses.

Vision problems do not only occur in adults; they are also common in children. In the modern world, children from an early age begin to get acquainted with tablets, digital phones and TV, and it is from this moment that problems with the visual apparatus begin.

At school, the strain on the eyes becomes even greater. Incorrect sitting at a desk, insufficient lighting while doing homework, virtual games, prolonged exposure to a TV screen - all this and much more negatively affects the quality of a child’s vision.

According to statistics, more than thirty percent of schoolchildren suffer from myopia, as well as other ophthalmological disorders. If we talk about preschool children, then approximately twenty percent have already developed eye diseases. Hereditary factors, the environment, as well as vitamins and microelements entering the body play a major role in the occurrence of pathologies.

Nutrients enter the body through food, but they can also be obtained by taking vitamin complexes. Eye vitamins for children protect the eyes at the cellular level, eliminate the very cause of the disorders and prevent the occurrence of serious diseases. Which drugs should be preferred, and what beneficial substances should be included in their composition?

What vitamins affect vision?

Let's look at vitamins that have a positive effect on eye health.

It is a well-known fact that a lack of retinol causes so-called night blindness. At the same time, vision in the twilight suffers. With hypovitaminosis, it is very difficult for a person to adapt to the dark after he has left a room with sufficient lighting.

Vitamin A ensures adaptation and habituation to darkness

The largest amount of retinol accumulates in the retina of the eye. It is for this reason that its deficiency in our body leads to deterioration of vision.

In addition, retinol has a positive effect on the condition of the cells of the mucous membranes of the eye. The main sign of vitamin A deficiency is dry eyes. Atrophy of the lacrimal glands is fraught with injury to the cornea, as well as a decrease in barrier and protective functions. It is the lack of retinol that increases the risk of eye diseases, which can lead to necrosis of the cornea.

Sources of vitamin A are the following foods: butter, cream, yolks, milk, carrots.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C affects metabolism, accelerates healing processes, and also strengthens arterial walls. Ascorbic acid increases the body's resistance. Vitamin C tones the eye muscles, relieves fatigue, and also normalizes capillary permeability. Ascorbic acid is found in many vegetables and fruits.

Thiamine is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses in the eye. The vitamin affects metabolic processes, in particular the formation of cholinesterase. How does this relate to the functioning of the visual apparatus? Scientists have proven that cholinesterase affects intraocular pressure and is capable of reducing it. A lack of thiamine can lead to damage to nerve cells and decreased visual acuity. Its lack increases the risk of glaucoma - increased intraocular pressure.

Riboflavin is an indispensable participant in redox processes and tissue respiration. It protects the retina from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. A lack of riboflavin leads to deterioration of vision and the development of an inflammatory reaction.

The role of nicotinic acid for eye health is difficult to overestimate. It is used in the treatment of vascular disorders of the eye, as well as as a complex therapy for glaucomatous optic atrophy.

B vitamins are essential for maintaining vision

Despite the unconditional benefits of vitamins, it is worth noting that their uncontrolled and long-term use is fraught with the occurrence of unwanted symptoms. Hypervitaminosis can lead to nausea, vomiting, and increased intracranial pressure. If we talk specifically about an excess of vitamin A, then its increased content in the body leads to drowsiness, scotoma, and photophobia.

B vitamins are found in vegetables, wheat, nuts, lettuce, dates, blueberries, and grapes.

The following microelements have a positive effect on visual acuity:

  • beta-carotene is provitamin A;
  • lutein protects the retina. It prevents lens clouding and age-related changes;
  • lycopene protects the blood vessels of the eye and prevents the occurrence of cataracts;
  • Zeaxanthin is necessary for the normal functioning of the fundus of the eye.

When are vitamins prescribed?

It is useful to take children's eye vitamins in the following cases:

  • dry eye syndrome;
  • burning in the eyes and a feeling of the presence of sand;
  • blurred vision;
  • lacrimation;
  • nervous tic;
  • eye fatigue;
  • eye diseases;

For rapid eye fatigue, it is useful to take vitamin complexes

Vitamins for myopia

Experts call myopia myopia. To combat the problem, children desperately need calcium. It prevents the elongation of the eyeball and the deterioration of connective tissue, which leads to myopia. B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the optic nerves. Omega-3 acid helps even with established myopia. The best vitamin complexes for myopia are those containing blueberries.

The active ingredients of the drug are the following substances:

  • zeaxanthin,
  • lutein,
  • zinc,
  • vitamins A, C and E.

Take the product one at a time during meals, with a sufficient amount of water. Doppelhertz prevents vision deterioration, reduces fatigue during prolonged exercise, protects the eye from bright light, reduces the risks of inflammatory and degenerative changes, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Doppelhertz Active improves twilight vision and accelerates recovery processes after surgery

Blueberry Forte is a dietary supplement that is used to prevent eye fatigue, as well as to improve the quality of vision. In addition, the product has antioxidant properties and has a general strengthening effect.

The dietary supplement contains blueberry extract, ascorbic acid, and bioflavonoids. These components improve blood microcirculation in the organs of vision and help lower intraocular pressure, which is necessary for the development of glaucoma. In addition, Blueberry Forte accelerates regeneration processes and has an antimicrobial effect.

The B vitamins contained in the composition support intracellular metabolism, relieve hyperemia of eye tissue and prevent cataracts. The presence of zinc helps protect the eyes from damage that can be caused by exposure to bright light. Blueberry Forte, among other things, strengthens eye capillaries, relieves irritation, and provides the eye with essential nutrients.

Dietary supplements are prescribed for children aged three years and older. The product has no side effects, and the only contraindication for use is hypersensitivity to the active ingredients.

Blueberry Forte is a blueberry product designed to improve vision.


This is a dietary supplement that improves vision. The composition includes vitamin A, C, E, copper, zinc, selenium. Okovit provides comprehensive support, restores the main structures of the eye and slows down the progression of lens opacification.

A vitamin complex is prescribed for impaired color vision, as well as for increased visual fatigue. Children over twelve years of age are recommended to take one tablet twice a day. Okovit should be taken for a month.

The vitamin complex improves blood flow in the eye tissues and provides the visual organs with useful substances. Focus is recommended as a general tonic. Children over 14 years of age are prescribed one capsule with meals. With regular use, the complex helps achieve the following goals:

  • preventing the progression of myopia;
  • prevention of retinal diseases;
  • improvement of visual functions;
  • reduction of fatigue;
  • improvement of lateral vision.

Focus are good vision vitamins for children that eliminate the very cause of vision impairment

Now let's talk in more detail about the components of Focus and their therapeutic effect:

  • blueberry. Improving blood supply to the eye, strengthening capillary walls, accelerating regeneration;
  • beta carotene. Protection from ultraviolet radiation and free radicals;
  • lutein Part of the macular pigment;
  • lycopene enhances the effect of lutein and also normalizes the condition of the retina and blood vessels.

Lutein-Complex Children's

All components included in the composition provide protection for the visual apparatus, have an antioxidant effect and reduce the risk of eye diseases in children. The active ingredients of the drug are the following components: zeaxanthin, lutein, anthocyanins, lycopene, taurine, zinc, vitamin A, C, E. What role do all these important elements play?

Lutein and zeaxanthin are a kind of light filters that protect the main structures of the eye from the aggressive spectrum of daytime color. They have antioxidant properties and protect against retinal damage and lens clouding.

Taurine stimulates recovery processes and tissue metabolism. Blueberry extract improves adaptation to different light levels and enhances twilight visual acuity.

Eye drops

To maintain vision, it is important to take vitamins not only orally in the form of tablets, but also use eye drops. Such local drugs directly affect the eye, helping with myopia. Vitamin drops relieve fatigue, redness, and burning. They clean the lens, eliminate dryness and restore vision.


The vitamin preparation has a beneficial effect on metabolism in the eyeball. Riboflavin enhances oxygen delivery and also improves its utilization and energy delivery. The product normalizes the functioning of the main structures of the eye - the lens and retina.

Before instilling the product into the conjunctival sac, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It is enough to drop one or two drops into each eye; the conjunctival sac simply cannot accommodate more. To avoid infection, do not touch the dropper to the mucous membrane of the eye or foreign objects.

Take Riboflavin morning and evening

The drug is well tolerated by patients. The only contraindication to use is individual intolerance, which occurs extremely rarely. Sometimes Riboflavin causes side effects in the form of an allergic reaction: redness, swelling, sensation of the presence of a foreign body, excessive tearing, photophobia. Within a few minutes after instillation, visual acuity may be impaired.

Vitamins for children from birth

From the first months of life, specialists can prescribe the multivitamin complex Polivit Baby. It is an oral solution. The child is given 1 ml of solution per day. The product can be added to drinks and food. It is possible to develop allergic reactions that disappear after discontinuation of the complex.

The action of Polivita Baby is associated with the vitamins it contains:

  • retinol is involved in the formation of visual pigments, which make color and twilight vision possible. In addition, the substance ensures the integrity of epithelial tissues;
  • vitamin D regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium;
  • tocopherol is an antioxidant substance;
  • ascorbic acid is involved in metabolic processes;
  • thiamine promotes the transmission of nerve impulses in all tissues;
  • nicotinamide normalizes tissue respiration.

For children from 1 year

For children who have reached the age of one year, doctors can prescribe the Pikovit vitamin complex. The product has a pleasant fruity taste. It contains natural ingredients of grapefruit and orange.

Pikovit contains vitamin A, C and group B. As you know, vitamin A supports vision and strengthens the immune system. Retinol is involved in cell division processes and has powerful antioxidant properties. As for ascorbic acid, it is essential for normal immune defense. And B vitamins improve metabolic processes and are responsible for the formation and growth of nerve fibers.

Pikovit is prescribed to children from one year of age

Alphabet is another effective series of vitamin and mineral complexes. Let's consider the composition of the basic complex:

  • the white tablet contains B vitamins, as well as ferum, copper, iodine;
  • the pink tablet contains vitamin K 1, D 3 and group B, as well as calcium, biotin and chromium;
  • The blue tablet contains vitamin E, retinol, ascorbic acid, as well as zinc, selenium, magnesium and manganese.

After 4 years

At this age, experts prescribe the vitamin complex VitaMishki. The products contain choline and iodine, as well as natural fruit and vegetable extracts.

VitaMishki are chewable gummy lozenges that come in the shape of small bears. Doctors prescribe one lozenge per day with meals. The product has a general strengthening effect.

VitaMishka contains the following vitamins:

  • retinol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • biotin;
  • folic acid;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamin D 3.


Eye diseases are much easier to prevent than to treat them intensively later. Spending a long time at the computer, in front of the TV screen, a large amount of information - all this negatively affects the organs of the visual apparatus. Myopia in childhood is a pressing problem of our time. Vitamin complexes, which are sold in the form of tablets and eye drops, will help maintain and improve the quality of your child’s vision.

Do not ignore contacting an ophthalmologist. Check your vision regularly and follow your doctor's recommendations. Also, do not forget about the importance of fortified nutrition, which will fill the child’s body with the necessary nutrients.

In the modern world, the eyes can withstand a lot of overload. Such factors include ultraviolet radiation, working at a monitor, stress, etc. Our vision gradually “deteriorates,” and we have to go to see a doctor and spend considerable sums on treatment. But any disease is much cheaper and easier to prevent than to treat. Vitamins for vision will help with this. Good vitamins for vision are a way to prevent eye diseases or stop the process that has begun.

What vitamins are necessary for vision

  • Vitamin A. One of the most necessary for vision. It must be constantly supplied to the body, otherwise ophthalmic diseases will not take long to appear.
  • Vitamin D or calciferol. It is involved in the transport and absorption of calcium, which is necessary for adequate muscle contraction. With a deficiency of this element, myopia may develop.
  • Vitamin E or tocopherol acetate. Stabilizes cell membranes, has an antioxidant effect, protecting the eyes from the influence of bright lighting and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Vitamin B. Helps transmit nerve impulses, normalizes intraocular pressure.
  • Vitamin B2. It is part of the visual pigment, determining eye color. It also protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation.
  • A nicotinic acid. Improves the condition of glaucoma, regulates blood flow in the eyes.
  • Vitamin B6. Prevents inflammation of the optic nerve and relieves eye strain.
  • Vitamin B12. It has a positive effect on all processes in the eyes and prevents glaucoma from developing.
  • Vitamin C. Excellent for strengthening blood vessels.
  • Lutein. Helps the eyes be more resistant to light. Lutein reserves accumulated in the retina of the eye create a kind of light filter that protects the pigment epithelium from the negative effects of light rays.

On video: the best vitamins for eyes

List of the best, inexpensive but effective



This is a drug in drops with a high content of taurine. He will tell you about the instructions for use and description of the drug Clonidine.

A doctor may prescribe Taufon for various injuries to the mucous membrane or cornea, for burns, to neutralize discomfort after a long and traumatic exposure to the sun without dark glasses.

The main active ingredient has a powerful restorative effect and saturates the eye tissue with oxygen. The drug is placed in glass or plastic bottles with a capacity of 20 and 5 ml.

The approximate price is from 40 to 115 rubles for a small container. Find out about Oftan Katahrom eye drops.

Hypersensitivity to the components is indicated as a contraindication. produced in different countries.

In capsules

Focus - a corrective system for vision

This medicine contains a set of vitamins and blueberry extract.

Blisters with 20 capsules are placed in a cardboard box.
Contraindications: children under 4 years of age, individual intolerance to the components.

Focus is a corrective system for vision.

The cost of the drug Focus is about 300 rubles per package. Manufacturer: Akvion.


The effectiveness of the drug is achieved due to two main substances: vitamin A and vitamin E. Ujala will tell you about Indian eye drops.

It is prescribed for age-related and congenital disorders of the retina, for atherosclerotic vascular diseases, and prevents the process of melting the retina.

The medicine should not be taken without appropriate doctor's instructions.
Use by pregnant women and people with chronic glomerulonephritis and cholecystitis is prohibited. Also, these vitamins should not be prescribed to children under 14 years of age. Packages vary and contain from 10 to 30 tablets.

One package costs from 40 rubles.

For those who work at a computer

Strix with blueberries to improve eye function

The vitamin complex in tablets also contains blueberry extract and carotene. Recommended as a prophylactic drug for. Helps with myopia, farsightedness and glaucoma.

When used regularly, they neutralize unpleasant sensations in the eyes of those who work with welding or spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor.

The package contains 30 tablets, the cost of which ranges around 600 rubles.

The drug has no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components. Manufactured by Ferrosan in Denmark.

Strix with blueberries.

American tablets Vitrum Vision Forte

This multicomponent American drug has gained very wide popularity among patients, because its effectiveness has long been confirmed. The tablets contain not only vitamins, but also blueberry extract.

Doctors recommend taking Vitrum Vision Forte during constant exercise near the computer. It will be very useful for people suffering from diabetic retinopathy and night blindness. Taking Vitrum after eye surgery brings excellent results.

For ease of use, the tablets are packaged in different containers of 30, 60, 100, 120 pieces.

The average cost is 1130 rubles.

These vitamins are not prescribed to children under 12 years of age, or to those who have an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

Vitrum Vision Forte.

For children

Vitamins “Alphabet”

This vitamin complex perfectly regulates the activity of the entire visual apparatus. Thanks to the presence of vitamins B2 and E, the membranes of the eyes are reliably protected.
The package contains three types of tablets, which consist of different substances:

  • lutein tablet protects the eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, has a preventive effect on the formation of retinal dystrophy;
  • the “blueberry+” tablet normalizes the condition of the eyes after prolonged exercise and increases visual acuity at dusk;
  • A tablet with vitamin A helps restore vision and strength throughout the body.

The cost is about 300 rubles.

For myopia

Blueberry Forte

This is a dietary supplement recommended for use only after consulting a doctor. The composition contains lutein, blueberry extract, carotene, B vitamins and components that promote the absorption of these valuable substances by the body. He will tell you how to distinguish myopia from farsightedness.

The complex normalizes the condition and activity of the lens, helps with farsightedness and myopia.

Not recommended for use by children under 14 years of age. Capsules are packaged in packages of 50 - 150 tablets.

Stabilizes the functioning of the lens, is indicated for myopia and farsightedness (other drugs for farsightedness and nearsightedness). Not prescribed for children under 14 years of age. Manufacturer – Evalar (Russia).

The average cost is 110 – 260 rubles.

Blueberry Forte.

For farsightedness

Does Slezavit help correct vision?

This is a Russian-made multicomponent drug. Contains blueberry extract.

Slezavit well prevents the development of age-related degenerative processes in the eyes, so it is often recommended for use by elderly people. Helps correct vision in case of farsightedness and other ophthalmological problems.

Produced in packs of 30 capsules.

Price – approximately 500 – 600 rubles.


With lutein

Doppelhertz Active

This is a dietary supplement that contains sufficient amounts of retinol, lutein and blueberry extract. Can be taken as a preventive measure for eye diseases.

The drug shows very good effectiveness when used after surgery on the organs of vision. With constant use, blood circulation in the eyes improves and recovery processes are accelerated.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation and individual sensitivity to the components of the product.
Vitamins are produced in Germany.

Approximate price – 300 – 400 rubles per pack of 30 pcs. Find out about drops to improve vision for farsightedness.

  • Vitamin A is found in abundance in rose hips, dill, fatty fish, red carrots, rowan fruits, pumpkin, prunes, butter, cottage cheese, milk, liver and sour cream.
  • To regularly replenish vitamin C reserves, you need to eat berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, greens, apples, sauerkraut and bell peppers.
  • Vitamin E is found in sunflower, sea buckthorn, olive, flaxseed and corn oil. It is also present in small doses in meat, liver, milk and eggs.
  • B vitamins should be found in legumes, nuts, liver, dairy products, meat, mushrooms, grains, bran, vegetables, eggs and fish.

On video: products for good vision

Eye vitamins for children are needed not only to maintain the normal functioning of the visual analyzer, but the growing and developing organism of children especially needs them. The lack of all important substances negatively affects vision, but there is a group of vitamins whose deficiency primarily affects the eyes. There are also some differences in the need for substances among people of different ages.

The load on the visual organs increases especially strongly in older preschool and school age, and this is due to focusing on small objects during learning and passive games (reading, computer games, watching cartoons, etc.) According to statistics, 20% of children have visual impairments preschool age and about one third of all schoolchildren.

However, under equal loads, not everyone experiences decreased vision. This is due not only to genetic predisposition, but also to a large extent to the provision of the child’s body with all the necessary substances - vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain vision

To maintain the normal condition of all eye tissues, vitamins of various groups are needed, each of which plays its own special role in the health of children's eyes.

With unsystematic use of vitamins, hypervitaminosis is possible, which leads to various disorders. For example, with an excess of vitamin A, the following complex disorders develop: high intracranial pressure, decreased appetite, irritability, possible drowsiness, vomiting and nausea, various liver problems, abdominal pain, migraines, photophobia, scotoma, desquamation. Therefore, the use of vitamins should be agreed with the pediatrician.

Other substances are also necessary for the functioning of the visual system. Some of the most significant are carotenoids. They are found in the tissues of the eyes, providing antioxidant and protective effects - like light filters.

Minerals and acids are no less important than the previous substances. They are actively involved in providing visual processes. Two of them are worth noting.

  • Zinc. Necessary for high-quality maintenance of the optic nerve and its structure. In the retina itself it is used as a modulator of synaptic transmission. Necessary for the formation of aqueous humor. Helps absorb vitamins A and E.
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 acids (obsolete name - vitamin F). Reduce the risk of cataracts. Resists corneal dryness. Necessary for normal outflow of intraocular fluid, provides drainage.

A lack of zinc leads to a decrease in the myelin protective layer of nerve cells, and optic neuropathy becomes possible. This mineral, at low concentrations, reduces retinal ischemia, and in large quantities leads to its development.

Products containing various beneficial substances

For prevention, you can use special children's eye vitamins in tablets, drops or chewing candies. But this does not eliminate the need for a balanced diet, which should also include foods rich in a variety of nutrients. The vitamins necessary for children's eyes are found in common, well-known foods.

Essential fatty acids can be found in different types of nuts, flax seed oil, sunflower seeds and fatty sea fish (salmon, herring, mackerel).

Since carotenoids are not produced in the body, they must be obtained from food. Lutein is found in leafy vegetables, giving them their dark green shades (for example, spinach, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, broccoli), and in berries such as black currants, raspberries and cherries. But blueberries are recognized as the most significant source of lutein. Zeaxanthin is found in corn, paprika, saffron, yellow peas, pumpkin, melon, peaches, and mango.

There is little zinc in our usual products. It is worth eating pumpkin and sesame seeds, cocoa, beef, nuts (mainly walnuts and peanuts), sunflower seeds, lentils and eggs. The greatest amount of zinc is in oysters.

Visual impairment: what vitamins can help?

The lack of the above substances leads to a number of visual impairments. Vitamin deficiency should not be classified as an unimportant and insignificant diagnosis. Long-term lack of essential vitamins underlies many vision problems and can lead to serious consequences. The main diseases are presented in the summary table.

VitaminVisual impairment
AA decrease in the amount of secretion secreted by the lacrimal glands and, as a result, dryness of the conjunctiva, its redness and swelling. Possible appearance of Bitot's plaque, hypoesthesia and corneal opacity, softening and perforation, photophobia, panophthalmitis
WITHProtective antioxidant reserves are depleted, and glaucoma and cataracts may develop, including macular degeneration.
EThe retina may experience partial photochemical damage. Oxidative stress
AT 2“Night blindness” - problems with adaptation in the dark due to impaired color and light perception. Imbalance of redox processes
FPossible changes in intraocular pressure, most often an increase
DDecreased visual acuity

But even such simple and common diseases as myopia and hypermetropia often occur due to a lack of vision vitamins in children.


Myopia is, as a rule, a congenital pathology, and it is genetic in nature. Now there are many medical methods for correcting vision, but part of the success in treating myopia (and especially in preventing regression) can be achieved by using special eye vitamins for myopia in children. There are two ways to obtain it: natural (with food) and therapeutic (taking medications). You should not give your preference exclusively to one of them; an accurate and correct balance is required between the vitamins supplied with food (the main part) and additionally taken in the form of supplements (those missing in the diet).

For myopia, the following substances are especially important.

  • Vitamins B2, B12, B6. Necessary for the quality functioning of the optic nerve and help maintain the quality of vision. They play an important role in the process of stabilizing the situation, preventing its deterioration.
  • Calcium. Prevents the elongation of the eyeball, improving connective tissue, which is especially important for myopia because this is the main reason for its appearance.
  • Omega-3. Used to correct severe myopia (from −3), the only acid that can improve vision;
  • Vitamin E. In significant quantities it is indicated for complicated and progressive myopia.

In cases where myopia is complicated and progresses, it is recommended to combine ascorbic acid with riboflabin. It is the combination of two elements that allows you to achieve a more pronounced effect.


Eye vitamins for children with farsightedness also play an important role in the treatment of this disease. It is advisable to carry out complex treatment that takes into account the possible deficiency of all necessary substances. Children's eyes need all of the above substances and products, but special emphasis can be placed on the following.

  • Lutein. Provides nutrition to the fundus tissues, stimulating adequate blood exchange. It also directly affects visual acuity, which is primarily affected by farsightedness.
  • Zinc. It is very important when taking retinol (Vit. A) because it helps retinal cells absorb it. That is, if there is not enough of it, then even if we provide the body with vitamin A in sufficient quantities, we can observe its deficiency precisely in the visual analyzer.
  • Selenium. Affects the retina, increasing light perception. The image becomes more contrasty and somewhat clearer. Small details are easier to recognize.
  • Wild blueberry. It has been proven to improve blood circulation. It is especially useful for people suffering from farsightedness, because... they tend to constantly strain their eyes trying to focus, and blueberries reduce overall fatigue.

Be sure to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to choose the most correct dosage and combination of vitamins.

Vitamin complexes for maintaining vision in children

Now there are many drugs containing everything necessary for full development and functioning. These include vitamins and minerals, as well as other biologically active substances. And each complex is unique and has a different effect. This may be a priority for the prevention of disorders or recovery from injuries or medical interventions, or alleviation of chronic diseases, even eliminating the progress of vision loss. The only condition for their use is age restrictions. As a rule, special vitamins for the eyes are designed for adults or older children. Thus, children from 12 years old have access to the drug “Vitrum Vision”, and from 14 years old, “Alphabet Optikum”. A significant part of vitamin complexes is intended exclusively for the adult population. This is due to the significant risk of hypervitaminization of the child in one or more substances. Therefore, you need to take these complexes only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Since it can be quite difficult to choose children’s vitamins for the eyes, you can also use complexes that are not specialized in vision. They will make up for the lack of various substances in the body and will have a general strengthening and immune-boosting effect on the body as a whole. They usually contain essential vitamins for children needed for vision. These drugs vary greatly not only in the presence or absence of components, but also in the dosage form (drops, syrups, tablets, injections, etc.)

On the Internet you can often find popular brands of vitamin complexes recommended for use for visual impairment in children. You can compare several of them based on their composition, which will allow you to choose those that best meet the needs of a particular child. Let's look at a number of drugs used, including for children, to see if they contain vitamins for the eyes.

"Visualon" + + + + + Blueberries, MCC, taurine, ginkgo biloba, alfalfa-
"Doppelhertz with lutein"+ + + + Lutein, Zeaxanthin18
"Vivasan blueberry vital"+ + + + + + Blueberry, sorbitol, lecithin, lemon-
"Duovit"+ + + + + + + + + + + + + 10
"Vitabiotics Visions"+ + + + + + + + + + + + Cartoinoids, bioflavanids, blueberries, lutein, iodine18
"Optics" + + + + Lutein, zeaxanthin, tocopherol12
"Super Optic"+ + + + + + + + Lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3, lecithin, tocopherol, PUFA and MUFA, corn oil, microcrystalline cellulose18
"Okuwait Lutein" + + + + Lutein, zeaxanthin18
"He will direct"+ + + + Blueberry, eyebright, ginkgo biloba18
"Blueberry Forte for children" + + + + Sorbitol3
"Normoftal" Peptide complex AKS-G “normophthal” (lysine, glutamic acid)18
"Tentorium blueberry"+ + + + + + + + + + Bee bread, blueberries-
"Vitrum Vision" + + + + + Zeaxanthin, lutein12
Safe to see + + + + + Omega-3 PUFAs, blueberries, soybean oil, lutein18
Sante FX Neo Plus Taurine, potassium L-aspartate, neostigmine methyl sulfate, tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride, aminocaproic acid, chlorpheniramine meleate-
Sante Bio + Taurine, chlorpheniramine meleate, naphthysine hydrochloride, dipotassium glycyrrhizinate, neostigmine methyl sulfate-
"Complivit Oftalmo"+ + + + + + + zeaxanthin (optisharpa), lutein18

Notes: Zn - zinc, Ca - calcium, P - phosphorus, Mg - magnesium, Fe - iron, Cu - copper, Mn - manganese, Mo - molybdenum, Se - selenium, Cr - chromium, B-k - beta-carotene, Вз - recommended minimum age.

The concentration of nutrients is usually calculated based on the actual weight of the child. Thus, for adolescent children and/or when they reach a certain weight, vitamins for adults can be prescribed.

As can be seen from the table, most drugs contain the basic vitamins necessary for children’s vision. Some also contain other important elements. Moreover, in addition to any complex, the attending physician can prescribe an additional dose of the missing and necessary substance.

For children of any age, eye vitamins are necessary both for the prevention and complex treatment of eye diseases. At the same time, it is important to understand that vitamin therapy alone cannot cope with visual impairment in children. An integrated approach is required, including a variety of medical means and methods of influence. At the same time, it is advisable to take vitamin complexes as a preventive measure in case of an inadequate child’s diet and to maintain the eyes when there is a high load on the visual system.
