Singer with cancer after surgery: hell exists. Biography of Lama Safonova Vinnie Jones knows about your illness

Lama Safonova (Marina Leonidovna according to her passport) is the only girl musician in the world who included 2-meter fans in her enchanting shows.

Thanks to a talented team, Hollywood appearance and a mysterious Buddhist tattoo on her forehead, her songs are widely popular abroad.

He has several awards and prizes, is actively involved in charity work and adheres to the principles of Eastern practices.


The girl was born in Kazakhstan on November 8 in the family of a hereditary officer and teacher. Due to his father's service, the family often changed their city of residence.

They lived in Novosibirsk for several years and then moved to Moscow. Lama went to high school there.

Since childhood, she began to show a desire to protect the weak. She had a strong and strong-willed character, military genes affected her.

During my school years, I organized “teams of young Timurites” that provided assistance to older people, especially veterans.

My closest friend was my mother. It was she who, when Lama was 13 years old, introduced her to the philosophy of the style icon K. Chanel.

It says that you shouldn’t tell others about your age. A person is exactly as old as he feels and looks.

Lama was also actively involved in oriental martial arts. She learned techniques with nunchucks (melee weapons in the form of 2 sticks fastened with a chain).

It was these classes that later helped her bring to life the swings of 2-meter fans in the rhythm of martial arts.

After school, Lama Safonova enters the prestigious Moscow State University.

Singer career and other activities

Her career on stage began in 1991. Since then, she has been actively recording albums and performing in concerts.

Great success came to the singer in 2004, when she released her next album “LAMA”.

Also in the same year she became the discovery of the year and received an award international level as the most unique project in music.

Lama not only sings, she is also her own producer and composer. Most of her concerts are for charity.

In 2010, she performed on the Kremlin stage. For this she was awarded special gratitude from the Presidential Regiment.

A year later, the composition “O Lama Chamm-Chamm” was broadcast, containing words from the ancient Scythian language.

It was performed at the opening of Haute Couture Fashion Week in the capital. This song was awarded an international award in the category “Fashion Composer of the Year”.

In 2012, an album with the similar name “Chamm-Chamm” was released. Lama Safonova has written more than 100 original songs.

She gained fame as the singer who organizes the most charity events.

For her active work, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation presented her with the Order “For Nobility of Thoughts and Deeds.”

In addition, the singer mastered the work of a radio DJ. She acted as the host of the “Hot Ten” project on the Rossiya channel.

In 2014, she began working as the host of the new program “Queen of the Capital”.

Lama has the title of the most shocking, charismatic and sexy singer on the Russian stage.

Personal life

Since childhood, the girl was instilled with family values. She grew up in a military family, so she received a strict upbringing.

However, this did not stop her from starting a relationship in 2012 with a married former football player and current British actor Vinnie Jones ohm

They met in Moscow at one of her concerts. Vinnie was filming a film in the capital.

Journalists soon became aware of their romance, and the information also reached the actor’s wife. The Lama, in her defense, says that she knew nothing about her wife and children.

After the uproar in the press, Lama ended her relationship with Vinnie Jones and promised to avoid all communication with him.

In 2014, a secret wedding took place with Alexei Ivanov in the central registry office of Moscow.

A short photo session was held in one of the ancient monasteries.

The young man has nothing to do with show business. The lama tries in every possible way to hide his personal life from journalists.


The singer's health problems began after a robbery several years ago. Then she was beaten and robbed.

Since then, Lama Safonova has repeatedly turned to doctors with complaints about her heart, but since her body does not accept many medicines, treatment was never prescribed.

Last December, Lama informed her fans that she had received a disappointing diagnosis - stage 3-4 uterine cancer.

It took the singer a long time to find a surgeon who agreed to perform the operation, knowing that Lama was allergic to certain types of anesthesia and antibiotics.

Removal of the uterus, ovaries and appendages was done in January 2017. Chemotherapy was then prescribed.

After completing the 1st course, Lama felt worse and was hospitalized. She started having problems with her legs and lost her voice.

Lama is currently undergoing a rehabilitation period and is waiting for a special injection from Brazil, which will help strengthen the body’s own strength.

In 2017, together with her husband, she appeared on the “Live Broadcast” program, where she talked about her illness, her struggle with it and asked for help.

Lama Safonova hopes to beat cancer and continue her concert activities. In addition, she dreams of children.

For this purpose, she froze her egg, and plans to turn to surrogacy after recovery.

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Biography, life story of Lama Safonova (LAMA)

Lama Safonova (Lama) – singer, composer, music producer.

Birth. Education

Lama Safonova was born in Kazakhstan on November 8th. Even as a child, Lama moved to Moscow. For some time she lived in Novosibirsk.

Lama's higher education, according to her personal page on social network"VKontakte", received in Moscow state university. In 2005, the girl graduated from the Faculty of Arts (correspondence course).


In 1991, Lama began active musical activity. The singer gave concerts and recorded albums. So, in 2004, Lama’s disc called Lama went on sale, and in 2012, the album Chamm-Chamm.

In 2004, Lama became “Discovery of the Year” and received the international award “The Most Unique Musical Project”. In 2010, after playing a concert in the Kremlin, the girl received gratitude from the command of the presidential regiment “For her contribution to the cultural and aesthetic education of Kremlin soldiers.” In 2011, Lama won the international award “Fashion Composer of the Year”.

Lama Safonova became widely known as an artist who regularly organizes charity concerts. The singer even received the Order “For Nobility of Thoughts and Deeds” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Lama Safonova starred in the multi-part documentary film “On the Roads of the Old Masters.” Also, the artist at one time was the host of the “Hot Ten” program on the Rossiya TV channel.

Lama Safonova has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most charismatic and sexy singers in Russia.


Personal life

In 2012, Lama Safonova began a whirlwind romance with ex-football player and actor Vinnie Jones (known for the films “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,” “Snatch,” “Eurotrip” and so on). Their relationship was discussed with great pleasure by the world community.

In 2015, Lama became the wife of her longtime lover Alexei Ivanov.


In the summer of 2016, Lama Safonova was diagnosed with uterine cancer. The singer told the public about her terrible illness at the end of the year. Lama announced that on January 9, 2017, she will undergo surgery to remove the uterus, appendages and lymph nodes.

Before the operation, Lama froze her eggs. The artist and her husband Alexey decided not to give up on their dream of having children. The couple planned to use the services of a surrogate mother.

A few days after the serious operation, Lama Safonova took part in the filming of the “Live Broadcast” program. The girl appeared before the audience in wheelchair. Lama spoke honestly and openly about how the surgery went and how difficult it was for her to rehabilitate after it. Lama noted that her case had become incredibly difficult for doctors. The fact is that in 2014 Lama was attacked by hooligans. After this, she began to have heart problems, due to which many antibiotics and certain types of anesthesia are contraindicated for her. The artist also admitted that she had her first operation to remove a tumor from the uterus back in November. But then there was no talk about oncology.

A friend of Sergei Zverev showed a photo from the clinic. Lama lies on a hospital bed after surgical intervention. Having survived the most difficult ordeal, the performer is trying to hold on, but, according to Safonova, she has been to hell.


"January 17. Alive. Sending the first news. Return from hell. Chapter 1: open your eyes. Now I know that hell exists. I am so exhausted by inhuman pain that I even breathe every once in a while (hereinafter, the author’s style, spelling and punctuation are preserved . – Ed.),” admitted the singer.

The Lama thanked everyone who cared for their support and financial assistance. “Thank you for the love. This is what holds me. The Heavenly Shield is with me. The next stage is ahead - no less difficult and cruel. Thanks to those who did not give up,” Safonova wrote on Instagram and gave her bank card details. “Any amount is important. HELP IS AVAILABLE ALWAYS...."

The resilient pop star added positive hashtags, from which it becomes clear that LAMA will not give up terrible disease without a fight. “#Mortal fight #Lama Safonova will win #Lama Safonova Live #3rd StageNon-sentence #ThanksForLove #I’ll show CancerWhere Cancers Winter #NotNaTuApal #I’ll Come BackNo Matter What It Wasn’t Worth,” the artist promised.

Lama had to urgently go to the surgeon. "The operation is URGENT, difficult, several organs will be cut out. In MOSCOW. The complexity of the outcome is added by my intolerance to a wide range of drugs (anaesthesia, anesthesia, antibiotics, etc.), which happened after the attack on me in 2012 and all the previous troubles. To say what I feel now - that’s nothing to say. I can’t cope with money alone. It’s honestly the hardest thing to admit. I need a lot of it... I really need any help,” the singer sounds alarming.

Safonova could not even imagine that this would happen to her. “For how many times in my life I spoke and held Charity events, tried to help people - with serious diagnoses - they even awarded an order for this in the Kremlin Manege ... - and I never could have thought that I myself would find myself in this “war”,” admitted the discouraged Lama. - Hospitalization on January 9. I will still be in touch. Then... Then, most likely, my administrator will ALWAYS be here. Recovery will be painful. than to gain posthumously rating broadcasts under the headings “how is it all so late....”.....”

At the end of December, singer Lama Safonova announced to her fans that she had been diagnosed with a terrible disease - cancer. Despite her cry for help, the artist does not say what exactly is affected by the tumor in her body. She only said that, in her opinion, several organs could be removed during the operation. Now Safonova has spoken about what could have caused her health problems. She blames it all on the loneliness she had to face when dealing with difficult life situations.

“I don’t ask the question “why and for what,” because I clearly understand that these terrible three letters “cancer” are too natural and logical the body’s reaction to the fact that in all the troubles I was alone, I alone resisted everything that rained down on my head (attacks, physical injuries), I was absolutely unprotected and could only ask for others, but not for myself. I pushed my pain inside, I alone got back on my feet and was always alone with this confrontation. I was saved by forgiveness, harmony with nature, with life itself and with what fate gave me,” Safonova shared her thoughts.

Fans watch with sympathy rehabilitation period artists after complex operation. Lama tries to keep her loyal fans informed about everything that is happening with her health, because caring people donated money for her treatment. Safonova admitted that it was not easy for her to muster the courage to seek help.

“There are only a few days left before a decision on chemotherapy is made. Everything is too serious and uncertain. All the forces of the body have been mobilized so that at least everything begins to heal after the operation without antibiotics. Thanks to all those who are trying to help in my trouble. I am holding on thanks to your love,” Safonova says on her microblog page.

The artist's fans are worried about her health and dream that she will soon return to her former self. labor activity. They expect new songs and various projects from her, so they are ready to provide all possible assistance for the sake of salvation. “Good health to you! I really believe that you will get better. Strength and patience to you,” “But even the small amount that we sent. Maybe it will help somehow. May everything be fine with you. I’ll help you, just believe in it,” “Lamochka! Hold on! You wonderful person. I have never seen such love of life and endurance. You are strong and smart. Everything will be fine! You have wonderful family. You must live for them and for yourself!” - wrote concerned fans.

Contrary to the fatal predictions of doctors, a woman took to the catwalk at High Fashion Week in Moscow

She had everything. Singer, composer, general producer, owner of the official brand. Young, beautiful. Everything ended in one moment. For a year and a half Lama SAFONOVA has been fighting cancer and every day he keeps an online diary for those who also find themselves “in parallel trenches.” In the near future, her book “Staying Alive” will be published by one of the publishing houses.

From her father, a military officer, she inherited strength and endurance. From the mother - beauty, fragility and mercy. Since childhood, helping others has been a necessity. As well as a craving for everything beautiful - a flower, a beautiful melody, a beautiful person.

And then a craving for music arose. Not knowing the notes, the girl was obsessed with music, writing lyrics and songs. I spent my entire childhood in Moscow. Following my father, the family often moved. Lama entered the music college in Karaganda, not knowing a single note, but having a great sense of the melody by ear, she already had solid musical material behind her. Both the college director and teachers, after listening to her, made an unprecedented decision - to accept! Then there was Altai and dozens of other cities, and again Lama had to make up for the gaps in musical science.

Thus a star was born. An undoubted recognition of Lama's success as a musician was the invitation to open the Eurovision Song Contest as an invited guest (Baku, 2012 ). « I release my albums, write music for films and stars, produce creative ideas, I am very much in demand on the podium and for several years I have completed and opened all the top shows as a guest celebrity, I have dozens of major international music awards, including national ones. One of the most significant is the Order from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RUSSIA for “Nobility of Thoughts and Deeds” for hundreds of charity concerts for military families, for orphans, children with incurable diagnoses, the poor... I have been involved in charity all my life - this is the need of my soul” - from Lama's online diary.

This cruel world of show business... It is very corrupt. According to the singer, she always tried to stay away from his system of rules, which she did not want to play by. Internally it was exhausting. It was impossible to fight, to get out of this system without losses, too, so the girl lived through all the sorrows and obstacles alone. Just look at the “attacks of nationalist clones” that constantly rained down on her. Savvy businessmen illegally profited from her name and concept, created a “clone project” in another country, confused the viewer on the Internet and for several years freely used her ideas and news stories. There was no money for the courts, and the girl didn’t want war, she wanted creativity. She thought that the fact that she was the only holder of all the necessary world patents would protect her, but the system works differently. Every time they tried to drag her into the “war”. But she didn't give in. For Lama, the only things that mattered were the audience, her music and her health (which she monitored and promoted healthy image life). “If I waste my time on those who do me harm, I will not have time for good. And the happy eyes of seriously ill children are more important than my personal peace of mind. I need to have time to give a lot to people, and then the viewer will figure out who is who. My child is music. And I want music and my creativity to live on after me. As long as my music lives, so will I. After all, as long as a person is remembered, he remains alive, right? I dream that when I’m gone, I will live in people’s hearts with my good deeds and my music.”- from Lama's online diary.

Lama knows where the cancer came from. It was a physical breakdown. The body was torn from mental and physical wounds. Yes, physically, because one day she was attacked by a real gang, and there was a point of no return. Their goal was to disrupt the second trip to Eurovision. But it turned out that they tried to disrupt life itself. Then there were a series of medical errors. A sudden intolerance to a number of vital medications (antibiotics, anesthesia, some types of anesthesia) developed.

The world collapsed on New Year's Eve 2017. The country was opening champagne, all medical institutions were closed, and Lama, diagnosed with extensive cancer, grade 3-4 adenocarcinoma (the most aggressive type of tumor) and metastases in the lymph nodes, rushed around the clinics that were working these days in order to have time to do tests and be ready for second decisive operation. It wasn’t even days that were priceless for life—seconds. It was difficult for her to find doctors who began to save her, because everywhere she received a refusal and a one hundred percent guarantee of death. They decided to operate on January 9, 2017. “I’ll be back...” I whispered to my husband and mother, taking the engagement ring off my finger and going into the elevator, which took me straight to the operating room (they operated on me right away in intensive care unit)» - from Lama's online diary.

The girl has a lot cut out internal organs, she endured five grueling, severe courses of chemotherapy. The sixth one did not work due to vital signs. High-dose external and internal radiation lay ahead... But she overcame that too. The most terrible radiation dosages that will torment her side effects for the rest of her life, if she can survive. And describing her every day in the online diary “Back from Hell,” she was honest. And she still believed that the day would come when she would be able to go on stage or podium again. “Yes, cancer is a war, it is a holy battle. Cancer does not allow you to physically forget about yourself. This is every minute physical pain. Cancer does not allow you to live or breathe! No matter how mentally strong you are, these pains are insane. But if you know why you are fighting, you have a chance! You need to be able to resist. And live with this. I've always helped people with concerts, and now I'm helping by example. They look at me and understand that we have to fight, that it is possible. I don’t know how my battle will end, but I’m determined to live from the beginning!”

Recovering with difficulty, she wrote the song “Mom,” and caring colleagues helped her shoot a video free of charge. Filming was periodically disrupted due to the singer’s condition. Lama took the stage with this song dedicated to all mothers, addressed her audience on federal television channels, and finally appeared again on the catwalk at the International Haute Couture Week with a collection show Vyacheslav Zaitsev spring-summer 2018 and autumn-winter 2018/19. She came out onto the podium, passionately wishing that the energy of the great maestro, who believed in her strength, the energy of the public, music and bright spotlights would burn out the “claw-shaped” (as Lama calls cancer), fill her with strength and health. There have also been and will be shows at Estet Fashion Week. So, she conquered the podiums and the stage again. “If I can get back on my feet, then millions of others can too...” - this is her driving force.

“You can’t fold your paws,” she repeats. Although she misses her “wings” - the two-meter fans with which she performed, there was no other singer like her in the country. But now she paints wings on denim and leather jackets, which are incredibly successful and are sold across the country and abroad. It seems that everything is fine, has the disease backed up and retreated? But only Lama knows what it’s like to constantly struggle with pain, weakness, wait for the next verdict at the doctor’s office, live every day in survival mode and not allow yourself to relax. Because she really wants to live, and because she can and is ready to bring people a lot more joy and warmth into this world.

“I fell in love with my Death with Life! She gave me a gift - she gave me a reprieve. I prayed for people. In my destiny - she is not a point. They don’t love her, everyone curses her, Well, to whom she is a joy. It is not from her that I seek shelter! - She corrected my date. Both life and death - you are two sisters. And without each other, I fell in love with my Death! So give me years, Life, as a reward! (With)(LamaSafonova).