The influence of antibiotics. Antibiotics - benefits and harms, side effects, consequences of use. The effect of antibiotics on the human body and the child

Antibiotics are substances of a natural or semi-synthetic nature that can suppress the growth and development of bacteria (protozoa and prokaryotes). Antibiotics that inhibit growth and reproduction, combined with little damage to body cells, are used as the basis medicines. There is no unequivocal opinion whether antibiotics are harmful or beneficial, so carefully understand this issue before you start taking it.

The discovery of antibiotics was a major medical breakthrough. Despite criticism, antibiotics help cure fatal diseases. The effect of antibiotics on the body is constantly being studied, and improved strains are being produced.

Only the attending physician can prescribe antibiotics based on tests.

Pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are bad for the fetus.

The list of diseases in which the benefits of antibiotics for humans are higher than the harm:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • gastrointestinal infection;
  • venereal disease;
  • blood poisoning;
  • postoperative complications.

Remember that medicines are only useful if:

  • antibiotics prescribed by the attending physician;
  • the dosage is observed (the liver is not overloaded);
  • you drank a full cycle;
  • the disease is not viral (viruses are not treated with antibiotics).

Thanks to antibiotics, you will be cured of diseases, raise your immunity.

We are surrounded by bacteria. The use of antibiotics takes a toll on them, but it also takes a toll on your own body. Therefore, the harm of antibiotics has been identified, which sometimes exceeds the benefits.

Before you start taking medication, find out how bad antibiotics are for you.

Destruction of bacteria

The original antibiotics are close to the microflora of the body, therefore they destroyed only harmful bacteria. The current generation of antibiotics is synthesized, so they are characterized not by selective (selective), but by total (complete) destruction of bacteria inside the body, including beneficial ones.


Pathogenic bacteria are predisposed to adapt to antibiotics. Therefore, every 2-3 months a new form drugs that can destroy pathogenic flora.

Slow recovery of microflora

Beneficial microflora recovers more slowly than pathogenic ones. Therefore, the harm of antibiotics for the body manifests itself as follows: we destroy bacteria, depriving the body of immunity due to the slow restoration of intestinal microflora.


During the period 1 and 2 trimesters, taking antibiotics is contraindicated - toxic effects will provoke malformations in the development of the fetus. The only exception is a doctor's prescription, which takes into account the harm of antibiotics during pregnancy, and strict control.

Impact on children

Infants are exposed to the toxic effects of drugs, so during the period breastfeeding antibiotics harm children. The uncontrolled use of drugs by children leads to weakened immunity, health problems and the likelihood of serious illnesses. Therefore, pediatricians can prescribe antibiotics to children if necessary.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

The harm of taking antibiotics is reflected in the gastrointestinal tract. The mucous membranes of the stomach are irritated, an exacerbation of an ulcer or a pre-ulcerative condition is provoked, the balance of microflora in the intestine is disturbed along with the work of the liver, kidneys with gallbladder. Watch the reactions of the body - some people are prone to individual intolerance to the components.

Allergic reaction

When taking antibiotics, an allergic reaction is possible, sometimes severe, with itching, redness, rashes or swelling.

Influence at nervous system

Antibiotics are harmful to the human nervous system. This manifests itself in the form of disorders of the vestibular apparatus, disorders with the possibility of visual and auditory hallucinations.

Consult your doctor and take your medication strictly according to the scheme - this will ensure minimal harm with maximum benefit.

How to take antibiotics without harm

If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, then your task is to ensure the maximum benefit and minimum harm from taking.

To reduce the harm from taking antibiotics, follow the rules:

  • follow the dosage. When purchasing a medicine from a pharmacy, check the dosage and make sure it is correct;
  • study the instructions. If you find a disease that is noted in you in contraindications to taking it, then contact your therapist for advice;
  • eat before taking the medicine. full stomach will reduce the harm from antibiotics without provoking irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • drink the medicine with water;
  • do not take antibiotics and absorbent or blood-thinning drugs at the same time;
  • take the full course. Even if you feel better, you can not interrupt the course. This will allow not completely suppressed bacteria to form resistance, ensuring further treatment failure;
  • save normal microflora intestines due to the simultaneous use of probiotics, lactobacilli, immunomodulators and vitamin complexes with antibiotics.

Alcohol compatibility

The benefits and harms of antibiotics for the body. How to take antibiotics without harm to health: features and recommendations

A global discovery and a real panacea for mankind have become antibacterial drugs based on antibiotics. Their appearance helped to significantly reduce the death rate from many diseases, including those that were considered severe and incurable. Today, the opinions of experts are divided: the benefit or harm of antibiotics should be put at the forefront when choosing a therapeutic regimen.

The action of antibacterial drugs

Risk of Side Effects

Conditions for the effective use of antibiotics

Despite the cautious attitude towards antibiotic-based drugs, it is very difficult to argue about their undoubted benefits. Those pathologies that were difficult to cure are amenable to therapeutic correction with antibiotics. Modern drugs, created on a synthetic basis, are relatively safe, subject to the rules for their admission.

You can take antibiotics without harm to the body, if you follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Before deciding on antibiotic treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor and strictly follow his prescriptions for dosage and duration of administration.
  2. Strictly observe the time of taking the drug, thereby ensuring its constant level in the body.
  3. Do not stop taking the drug on your own, even if you feel better.

It should also be taken into account that the same antibiotics can be sold by a pharmacy chain under different commercial names. Before purchasing drugs prescribed by a doctor, it is worthwhile to find out if they are drugs of the same therapeutic series.

Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics

The wide popularity of antibacterial drugs and their undeniable effectiveness have led to the fact that many patients began to practice uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Especially often cases of self-treatment were recorded among people who successfully make a career and do not have time for a full examination and correction of the treatment regimen. For quick deliverance from the symptoms of the disease, the patient begins to take antibiotics on his own, the harm and benefits are not taken into account at all.

Pathological conditions that are caused by viruses cannot be treated with antibacterial drugs, so the doctor should decide on antibiotic therapy based on the nature of the pathological process. Uncontrolled reception antibiotics in such cases not only will not be beneficial, but can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Indications for antibiotic treatment

Antibiotic therapy is considered appropriate for the following diseases:

In therapy viral infections antibiotics are prescribed only if the disease is complicated by an attached bacterial infection, and the harm of antibiotics is comparable to the benefit for the body as a whole.

Safe reception rules

In order for the treatment with antibacterial drugs to be as effective as possible and not provoke complications, experts have developed a number of recommendations on how to take antibiotics without harm to health:

  1. When taking an antibacterial drug, you should strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. In the pharmacy network, the range of drugs is quite wide, therefore, when purchasing an antibiotic, it is worth monitoring its dosage.
  2. Before taking, you should additionally carefully study the instructions, since the list of contraindications may include pathologies in the anamnesis that the attending doctor did not take into account.
  3. You should not practice taking antibacterial drugs on an empty stomach, since the harm of antibiotics to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is a long-proven fact.
  4. The medicine should be washed down with a sufficient amount of water - this will minimize the destructive effect of agents on the mucous membrane.

Exceptions and additions to the rules of treatment

Antibiotic treatment for children

Children's illnesses and infections frighten parents, so they are ready to get rid of them as quickly and effectively as possible, which is why they ask doctors to prescribe antibacterial drugs, despite known harm antibiotics for children.

Some childhood diseases, indeed, can only be treated with antibacterial effects. Doctors practice antibiotic therapy in the treatment of childhood diseases in the following cases:

  • with angina;
  • otitis;
  • pneumonia and severe bronchitis;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system.

There are no medicines that can cure diseases without harm to the human body. This applies to any medication, including antibiotics. But without the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor, it is impossible to cope with severe infectious diseases. Such is the pattern.

A bit of history

In 1928 in medical practice came new era era of antibiotics. It was then that the action of penicillin was discovered. In place of high early mortality from infections, it is time to increase the life expectancy of people. Antibiotics have changed the world. Their use put an end to raging epidemics, infectious pandemics, and mass infections. However, did the use of antibiotics become a panacea for salvation, or was it a curse for people?

The very name of drugs of this action, translated from Latin means "against life". Operating active substances such drugs are fighting life pathogenic microorganisms.

The effect of antibiotics on microorganisms

The action of antibiotics is a directed fight against the negative activity of pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated into human body. Antibiotic drugs act purposefully on pathogenic microbes without affecting the vitality of cells. But you can not use antibiotics for any occasion. An overabundance of drugs leads to a strong load on many organs, causing a failure in their work. Unfortunately, these drugs tend to destroy not only the pathogenic environment, which is the root cause of many diseases.

Antibiotics harm many positive bacteria that maintain the microflora in a normal state, especially the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system, and mucous membranes. Beneficial bacteria are present in all places where there is a possibility of contact with foreign bodies. This is how balance is achieved. Its change is fraught with a disproportionate growth of antagonists. Discord and imbalance in the body leads to dysbacteriosis. Misapplication antibiotics entails a series of various deviations. And the absence necessary treatment can lead to chronic diseases and even to lethal outcome.

Antibiotics are a group of drugs that act on infectious bacteria. They do not affect viruses and fungi. Therefore, the use of such drugs is inappropriate in the following cases:

  1. Viral diseases, uncomplicated bacterial infections.
  2. Diarrhea, which is a digestive disorder not caused by pathogens.
  3. Symptomatic cold, in the absence of bacterial infection.
  4. Worm infestations.
  5. Diseases provoked by protozoa, for example, Giardia.
  6. Fungal diseases.
  7. Allergic reactions to irritants and allergens.

That is why, before using drugs of this type, you should laboratory research by identifying the cause and inflammatory character illness.

If it is established that the infectious disease is bacterial in nature, if it is found that without the use of antibiotics, treatment will not be successful, then correct selection these funds.


Now there are several types certain groups affecting directed on pathogenic organisms (except drugs a wide range actions). To determine the purpose of the drug, the doctor needs to accurately determine the type infectious disease, pathogen and sensitivity to the selected active substance.

When prescribing, everything is taken into account: the age, weight of the patient, allergic reactions, the severity of the disease. If the condition improves, it is impossible to reduce the dose and interrupt treatment. Such an attitude to therapy can lead to further deterioration of the condition, loss therapeutic effect, addictive bacteria to the antibiotic.

If it is not possible to accurately determine the type and type of pathogen, then broad-spectrum drugs are used that affect a number of pathogenic microbes.

All antibiotics are divided into different classes and subspecies. Initially, they are divided according to the type of effect on the cells of pathogenic bacteria:

  1. Bacteriostatic- those that do not kill infectious microorganisms, but only stop their reproduction.
  2. bactericidal- those that destroy microbes.

There is a classification of antibiotic drugs by type of origin:

  1. Natural synthesized from raw materials of natural origin,
  2. Semi-synthetic produced artificially,
  3. Synthetic produced chemically.

According to chemical structuring and medical parameters, there is a division into groups. The main ones are:

  • penicillins,
  • Cephalosporins,
  • macrolides,
  • tetracyclines,
  • Levomycetins,
  • aminoglycosides,
  • Quinolones
  • Sulfonamides,
  • Nitrofurans,
  • Lincosamides,
  • polymyxins,
  • anti-tuberculosis,
  • glycopeptides,
  • Antifungal,
  • Antileprosy.

All of them have special purpose, some are toxic and are used only for severe illnesses.

Negative impact and side effects

In therapeutic treatment with antibiotics, all doctor's recommendations should be followed. This is especially true when interacting with others. medicines and alcohol. Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the liver, and in combination with exposure to antibiotics, it can lead to serious damage to this organ. Alcohol interferes with the breakdown of drugs, inhibiting liver activity, which causes a number of side effects:

  • Nausea turning into vomiting
  • Violation of the cardiovascular system,
  • depressive state,
  • Dyspnea,
  • jumps in blood pressure,
  • Prostration.

Taking alcohol and antibiotics can cause severe intoxication of the body.

It should be remembered that after antibiotic treatment, restorative therapy is necessary, which will help to avoid negative consequences, for example, allergies, candidiasis, weakened immunity, dysbacteriosis.

The reaction of the human body to the use of antibiotics is individual. Sometimes side effects do not appear immediately. In any case, it is necessary to monitor the state of health and promptly respond to all deviations from the norm.

  • Gastrointestinal disorders on the background therapeutic treatment antibiotics can be eliminated by replacing the medication in the form of tablets with injections. This is done on doctor's orders.
  • Dysbacteriosis, accompanied by diarrhea, bloating and constipation, is easily eliminated after the use of antibiotics using agents that restore microflora: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte, Acipol.
  • Allergic rashes, urticaria, itching, swelling quickly pass when the drug is replaced and antihistamines are used.
  • Candidiasis, with a clear manifestation of thrush in the mouth or on the genitals, can be avoided if antifungal drugs are used simultaneously with the antibiotic.
  • There is a possibility of nephrotoxic, neurotoxic and hepatotoxic effects. In such cases, treatment requires substitution of drugs and monitoring of the patient's condition.

All these phenomena manifest themselves against the background of:

  1. characteristics of the patient's body
  2. Incorrectly calculated dose of drugs,
  3. Interactions with other drugs
  4. The duration of the therapy period.

Uncontrolled and unauthorized use by the attending physician medications fraught with intoxication of the body, the formation of pathogenic bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

Development risk negative impact antibiotic drugs on the body can be reduced if you follow all the doctor's recommendations and the rules for taking medications. Self-medication with antibiotics is unacceptable.

In different sources you can find a lot of information proving the harm of antibiotics. Why do doctors keep prescribing these drugs? At the beginning of the 20th century, penicillin was invented, which saved a huge number of patients who, without this drug, were doomed to death. The benefits of the discovery for all mankind were enormous. And now there are diseases that cannot be overcome by other means. If you treat any medicine as a very dangerous but effective weapon against bacteria, use them only in severe cases and strictly adhere to the doctor's instructions, you can quickly heal, and minimize negative effects.

Creation of antibiotics and their properties

Living nature needs bacteria; without them, mountains of fallen leaves, fallen trees, and animal corpses would have long ago filled up the earth. Not visible to the eye utilizers decompose dead organisms, turn them into fertile soil. The human body is also home to many types of beneficial microorganisms. Without them digestive system will not be able to function properly, the immune system will weaken.

Without knowing it, we all use natural antibiotics. A person does not always notice that some product has already begun to mold, and with a piece of bread swallows thousands of fungi, from which the first generation preparations were prepared. These drugs did not make the body completely sterile from all microorganisms: natural microflora organism has already been exposed to spores floating in the air, the fungi themselves, living on spoiled foods and in damp corners, and has adapted to it. The course of treatment did not kill all microbes indiscriminately, and when the disease receded, the microflora quickly recovered.

People were delighted with the wonderful medicine and began to take it uncontrollably. Often they did not complete the course to the end, some of the dangerous bacteria remained alive. Zootechnicians began to feed the drug to animals for the prevention of infections and rapid weight gain. Meat came to people as food, and with it chemical compounds. New generations of microbes have already acquired resistance to penicillin. Scientists had to invent other drugs that act even worse on the human body.

Medicines made from natural raw materials have been replaced by stronger synthetic medicines. These preparations destroy all microorganisms, digestive tract becomes sterile and cannot function normally. After treatment beneficial microflora recovers slowly, often doctors recommend special nutrition. The body weakens, immunity falls, and the person becomes a constant patient of doctors.

Harm of antibacterial drugs

Science has not yet created a medicine that has a point effect only on pathogenic bacteria. For treatment severe infections patients are prescribed strong antibiotics otherwise the person may die. When taking these medicines, there is a danger that side effects will occur:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
  • exacerbations with ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • the death of beneficial microflora;
  • allergy;
  • violations of the functions of the liver and kidneys;
  • nervous disorders.

Antibiotics were created for use in cases where other drugs would not work. They should only be used in an extreme situation, but people want to recover quickly and can take potent drugs for any reason. The body loses the habit of fighting on its own, and the next generations of microbes only strengthen their immunity.

It would not be so scary if the harm of antibiotics extended only to people who abuse them. Microbes that have developed immunity to the drug can enter the body of all family members: pregnant women, children, people with chronic diseases. Now they need strong drugs. The infection will spread when traveling in transport, attending public events.

Destruction in the body

To understand why antibiotics are harmful, you can trace the path of one tablet in the human body. You swallow the medicine, it goes into the stomach. It’s good if there is food there and the mucous membrane is protected, but even in this case, active secretion occurs. gastric juice. Acid corrodes the walls, wounds form on them. Over time, gastritis and stomach ulcers develop. The drug enters the intestine and begins to destroy the entire microflora there. Both beneficial microbes that break down food and bacteria designed to fight infectious agents die.

Chemical compounds enter the blood, are carried to all organs. There is a neutralizing filter on their way: the liver. She struggles with toxins, while she herself suffers. The cells of the protective organ die by the millions, and they are very difficult to recover. Part of the poisons comes out through the kidneys, which are also negatively affected.

The harm of antibiotics does not end there. With blood, they are carried to all organs, enter the nervous system and the brain. A person may experience dizziness, difficulty with memory and mental activity. If medication is necessary, doctors often prescribe medications or supplements to mitigate the negative effects. Do not buy medicines selectively, take everything that is prescribed for you.

Danger for children and pregnant women

Pregnant and lactating women should remember that all substances that enter the body are transmitted to the fetus or baby. Future mom quickly cured a mild cold, and then wonders why the child was born weak, painful. In severe cases, miscarriages or the birth of a child with serious pathologies are possible. When carrying a baby, any medicine should be taken as directed by a doctor, and antibiotics are prescribed only in exceptional cases with a thorough analysis of their effect on the fetus.

If the baby is breastfeeding, the mother's use of antibiotics can cause the same side effects in the baby as in the adult. Only they will proceed in a more severe form, they can affect the development of the child and even lead to his death. Sick children are prescribed antibacterial drugs in exceptional cases, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

If the disease is not severe, does not require urgent measures, you can do without chemical drugs and cure the child without harm to health. In nature, you can find antibiotics that neutralize the infection and do not affect the beneficial microflora.

Consult a phytotherapeutist, he can prescribe:

  • in conjunction with ;
  • green walnuts;
  • silver.

Indications for antibiotic treatment

Antibiotics are harmful and dangerous, but they cannot be completely rejected either. Imagine that all these medicines disappeared from the world. Mortality will increase many times over, even a small amount can lead to death. infected wound. They will die even from those diseases that doctors knew how to treat a century and a half ago. In those days, the body had to fight infections on its own, immunity was higher. Now vaccinations and medicines have "spoiled" a person, the immune system in case of danger, she had forgotten how to mobilize all the defense forces for the fight.

With a small cold, you can drink and, the aloe leaf will draw pus out of the abscess. When the disease does not pose a great danger, it is better to do without drugs. So you not only reduce the flow into the blood harmful substances, but also accustom your body not to rely on the help of chemistry, but to throw all your strength into the fight against the disease. But in the case of a serious illness, even a small dose of the drug will effectively affect the body.

Antibiotics are needed when a person:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • venereal diseases;
  • abscesses, boils, infected wounds;
  • blood poisoning.

These drugs do not work against viruses. During epidemics of influenza or SARS, they will not protect against infection and will not cure the patient. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics if viral disease develops bacterial infection. The patient cannot independently determine what causes the disease, all medicines should be taken only as directed by a specialist.

Particular care must be taken when treating a child. It is advisable even during pregnancy to find a good pediatrician who will not give the baby extra chemicals, but in time he will see that it is impossible to do without drugs. This doctor will observe the baby from birth, find out all its features and, in case of a serious illness, prescribe the most gentle drug.

How to reduce the harm from taking drugs

If the doctor nevertheless prescribed antibiotics, and you doubt the need for their use, you can seek advice from another specialist. Not all doctors have sufficient knowledge and experience, sometimes they just want to insure against possible complications. Never take strong drugs yourself, no matter how great the temptation to get well quickly. It is better to lie down for a couple of extra days so that the recovery of the body goes naturally.

If you need to take potent drugs, minimize the harm of antibiotics. First of all, carefully listen to your doctor's instructions on how to take the medicine and follow his recommendations. Remember that both doctors and pharmacists can also make mistakes or forget to give all prescriptions.

Observe the following rules.

  • When buying, make sure that the dose of the tablet or the concentration of the solution matches the values ​​\u200b\u200bwritten in the recipe.
  • Read the instructions, especially the section on contraindications and compatibility with other drugs, in case of the presence of the diseases indicated there, consult a doctor.
  • In an empty stomach, the drug will irritate the mucous membrane, before taking it, eat a small portion of food.
  • Drink the medicine clean boiled water unless other fluid is recommended in the instructions.
  • Alcohol is incompatible with many medications, choose one thing: either drink or be treated.
  • Even if you have fully recovered, take the full course to destroy all disease-causing bacteria.

The author of the website figured out the issue and learned how to restore beneficial microorganisms during antibiotic treatment. While taking medications, it is recommended to take nutritional supplements with lactobacilli and probiotics.

Doctors have repeatedly raised the issue that the bulk of the drugs sold only by prescription. They do this not to once again drive the patient to the clinic. If one person takes antibiotics uncontrollably, it will be bad only for him. When such a phenomenon becomes widespread, the population unconsciously begins to carry out a selection experiment: to remove pathogenic microbes that are not affected by any drugs. Scientists have to synthesize drugs that kill all living things, including the human body. Have pity on your children and grandchildren, do not take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary.

1. Antibiotic kills all bacteria. It would seem, well, great! However, not all bacteria are harmful. Only in the intestines lives 2 kg of beneficial microorganisms, not to mention those that live in the nasopharynx and reproductive system. The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract contains about 80% immune cells, that's why from the state intestinal microflora directly related to the ability to resist infections”, - says Mikhail Shevyakov, Professor of the Department of Clinical Mycology, Allergology and Immunology of the North-Western State medical university them. I. I. Mechnikov. Therefore, the intestines have been given the proud title of an immune organ. Deprive it of its bacterial population - and the work of the whole organism will be disrupted.

And the most annoying thing is that after the end of the course of antibiotics, pathogenic microbes are capable of seizing power in the intestines (and in the vagina, by the way, too). Then it will take a long time and hard to treat complications. If the drug is chosen incorrectly, an absurd situation may develop: “bad” pathogenic bacteria will heroically hold out under the onslaught of the drug, and “good” ones will die. Cruel and unfair! And most importantly, inflammation, contrary to expectations, will only expand.

2. The antibiotic ceases to help with frequent use. In the 19th century, most adult city dwellers died of pneumonia, which developed as a complication of the flu. Now, thanks to the heroes of our article, we are insured against danger. However, mankind's passion for antibiotics has led to the fact that pathogens gradually adapt to them. In medical language, this is called "antibiotic resistance" - a global phenomenon that is very scary for doctors.

“Due to uncontrolled use, drugs stop working, and there is a risk that we will eventually return to the situation of the 19th century,” says Vladimir Rafalsky, clinical pharmacologist, head of the research center “GBOU VPO Smolensk State Medical Academy” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. “Already, more than 25,000 people a year die in Europe due to antibiotic resistance.” Can you guess what to do so that microorganisms do not get used to drugs? Less use of drugs! Quick wins over a cold with strong means“teach” the body to resist them, and when antibiotics are really needed, they may no longer work.

What to do if you are taking antibiotics:

Choose antibiotics local action. Ask your doctor if possible to prescribe a topical medication. For example, ladies with certain inflammatory diseases tablets or suppositories may be prescribed in the vagina. The latter is a local antibiotic: it will kill those microorganisms that it “reaches out”, but does not enter the bloodstream and does not spread throughout the body. This means that the effect of the drug will not affect the entire body and will not give complications (intestinal dysbiosis, for example). There are local medicines in the form of throat sprays, ointments and gels for external use.

Well, the system should be swallowed in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups or received in injections and droppers. It will act everywhere and at the same time: we treat the throat - we get a "thrush" as side effect. Of course, systemic antibiotics are stronger and in some cases really necessary. Therefore, it is hard to put pressure on the doctor and demand local remedy not worth it either.

Do not forget about antifungal drugs.“You can prevent dysbacteriosis, disruption of the flora of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, vagina and urethra by taking antifungal drugs and probiotics at the same time,” says Aksana Tashmatova, general practitioner at SM-Clinic. The latter, as you know, beneficial bacteria. They should be drunk in parallel with antibiotics and thus populate the intestines with good microorganisms. For best effect You can diversify your life with probiotic candles. Antifungal drugs are needed in order, as the name implies, to destroy harmful fungi that the antibiotic cannot cope with - then they certainly will not capture the slightly affected microflora.

Eat properly. In the process of taking antibiotics, pathogenic bacteria will die, and these wastes must be removed from the body as quickly as possible - drink more and not overload the body with heavy food.