The healing power of Epiphany water, spells, baptismal rituals. What kind of cross is needed for Baptism? How to put crosses on doors at baptism

Epiphany water

They say that Epiphany water has magical powers.

Our ancestors considered Epiphany water to be endowed with a special power that protects both from disease and from evil forces. Therefore, on Epiphany (January 19), Orthodox Christians try to stock up on holy water.

Returning home from the church, where the water was blessed, the whole family, starting with the eldest and most respected, prayerfully takes a few sips from the brought vessel. Then the head of the family takes the sacred willow tree (left from Easter) from behind the icon and sprinkles the entire house, outbuildings and all property with holy water. It is believed that this protects against trouble, misfortune and the evil eye.

In some places, it was considered a rule to pour a little holy water into wells so that unclean spirits would not get in and “spoil” the water. After these rituals were completed, holy water was placed near the images. Our ancestors believed in its healing power and were convinced that it could not deteriorate. It was also believed that if you freeze it in any vessel, you will get a clear image of a cross on the ice.

It is believed that not only water blessed in the church has the same properties, but also river water on the eve of Epiphany receives special powers. According to popular belief, on the night of January 18-19, Jesus Christ himself bathes in the river - that’s why the water “sways” in all rivers and lakes. It is considered a sin to rinse clothes before a week has passed from the day of the holiday on the river on which the baptismal blessing of water took place, since this water, according to popular belief, retains its holiness for seven days. This custom is explained as follows: when a cross is immersed in water, the evil spirits run away from it, but if they rinse the clothes in the hole, the evil spirits will grab the linen and come up.

Many mothers try to baptize their baby on the feast of Epiphany, since it is believed that such a baby will live a long and happy life, will not know illnesses and worries, his path will be righteous, and temptations and sorrows will bypass him.

Household utensils are blessed with Epiphany water, all corners of the home are sprinkled - this ritual helps to maintain peace and harmony in the house, and troubles bypass the house and its inhabitants.

Epiphany water will protect you from harm

I lost my first child when I was 6 months pregnant. Therefore, when Timur was born to me, I found no place for myself out of fear for him. One time trouble was really near. A car suddenly appeared around the bend and almost hit us. There was a girl driving. She stopped and jumped out to see if everything was okay. And I started shaking from stress. I frankly told the stranger my story. That’s how Masha and I met. She took us home, and before parting, she said that we could pray for another guardian angel for our son. Baptism is just around the corner!

As soon as the Epiphany service begins, you need to go to church, taking with you the tags from the maternity hospital on which your last name is written. You must wait for the bells to ring and say three times:

“Michael, Gabriel, Raphael! Hear the voice of the mother and intercede at the throne of the Lord, so that He may send your brother to guard the child (name), to strengthen him all the days of his life. Amen".

Then bow three times, draw holy water and leave. At home, during bathing, pour water on the baby's crown.

Many years have passed since I asked Timur for another defender, and I can definitely say that he is incredibly lucky.

How to be healed at Epiphany

Epiphany water heals from any ailments. I convinced myself. Now many people are trying to plunge into the ice hole. It’s a good thing, but even the Church warns: if you have problems with your heart or blood vessels, it’s better not to go into icy water! If you feel the strength to dive into the font on a frosty night, then before doing so say:

“Epiphany water will wash away illnesses without a trace! It will give you health and warm your blood - it will overcome all illnesses 1 . In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Let it be so! Amen".

But if you are afraid of such bathing, then a regular shower will help you! You just need to stand under it exactly at midnight from January 18 to 19. And read the same plot while the water is pouring on you. At this time, magical holy water also comes out of all the taps.

I didn't believe in this before. But one day a sick tooth was cured in this way. And last year, a nightly Epiphany shower saved me from eczema! Or you can splash yourself in the bathtub with holy water brought from the temple. And again read the same spell. You are guaranteed good health for the whole year.

If something hurts, on Epiphany apply gauze moistened with holy water to the sore spot and say:

“As if the water is holy on me, it’s blowing through the gates! So be it! Amen".

Just don’t squeeze the gauze into the sink after the compress—only into the flower. And don't wash it. Dry and put away. And, of course, don’t forget to drink holy water on Epiphany, before saying:

“God's blessing for good health! Amen".

Rite of Epiphany from 77 ailments

It is believed that it is enough to drink Epiphany water on this holy holiday, and all illnesses will disappear. There are other rituals for this occasion. On January 19th, take some time to be alone. Stand by a window in a dark room. Listen to the sounds of the night, look into the depths of the starry sky, mentally connect with the good spirits of this day. Now say out loud 3 times:

“I speak for 77 ailments, for any pain, for night toils, feigned dryness, for traveling cancer, epilepsy, for damage, for night cramps. The Mother of God washed Her Son and wiped it with a linen towel, Ivan the Baptist baptized Christ and blessed him for good. God bless me too with health and good deeds. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this, stand in silence for some time. Imagine that you are healthy, cheerful and full of strength. Keep this state in your consciousness. Also focus on what specific disease (if any) you want to get rid of. Then light the red candle. Place it in a place where it can safely burn to completion. It will serve as a beacon that attracts the realization of desires. Throw away any remaining wax.

Epiphany snow

Epiphany snow also has healing powers. This snow is used to treat numbness in the legs, cramps, and dizziness.

On Epiphany, it is customary to wash your face with snow; it is believed that this works better than any cosmetic procedure - the skin is smoothed, a healthy glow appears, wrinkles and bruises under the eyes disappear.

Why put crosses over doors and windows on the eve of baptism?

On the eve of the feast of Epiphany, January 18, Orthodox Christians have a custom of placing crosses with charcoal or blessed chalk over the doors and windows in their homes in order to protect them from the invasion of evil spirits that live in the waters of rivers, lakes, etc. Before immersing the cross in water, the spirits are terrified They leave their shelters and especially willingly take refuge in human dwellings. By fencing their house with the image of a cross, Orthodox Christians consider it protected from demonic invasion.

Epiphany water will help bring your husband back home

The woman must take her wedding ring and place it in the blessed baptismal water. After this, you need to pronounce the following spell:

“As you, water, entered from the wedding ring above, you will come out below, so that my husband, the servant of God (name), leaves the slave (name of his rival) and enters my house. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Drink some water from the same container and wash your face with the rest. Perform this ritual every evening for a week.

Spell for health and good luck

To speak water at Epiphany, you will need a new mug. Buy it in advance without haggling or taking change. On the night of January 18-19, fill it with water and read the spell for health and good luck. Place the charmed water on the window, and early in the morning wash your face with this water and drink it.


“I conjure the angels of God, in the name that is and will always be, for all times, in the name of the Creator of all life on earth, sky and water. Angels of God, come to my request, breathe strength, health and luck into this water. May the firmament of salvation arise from this water, may the Lord take away illness and failure from the servant of God (name), and reward loyalty and perseverance with success in business, restore good health, and restore vitality. God the Father created water for washing, Lord, send healing, health, good luck, and success in business through this water. For all days, for all ages, for all times. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

The spell for health and good luck must be read 3 times.

Whoever dreams of not aging for a long time should bring a basin of clean snow into the house, melt it, wash with this water with the words: Water from the sky will fix everything. And (name) will add beauty to my white face. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. On the eve of Epiphany (January 18), all household members should count money with the words: The Lord God will appear to the world, And money will appear in my wallet. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. Epiphany is one of the most significant holidays in Christianity. Orthodox Christians celebrate it on January 19th. Baptism is preceded by Christmastide, which is traditionally considered the most favorable period for all kinds of magical rituals. Various rituals can also be performed on January 19, and the evening before - the powerful positive energy of the holiday will contribute to success. Conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany are most often associated with water, which acquires miraculous properties on this day. According to legend, the water becomes magical on the night of January 18-19, from 00:10 to 01:30 - the time when the sky opens, and any prayer addressed to God will be heard. A mandatory baptismal tradition is ablution, so most of the conspiracies read on this day are aimed at healing and improving the body, increasing vitality. It is advisable to perform ablution within the specified period of time (from 00:10 to 01:30). Or you can do it differently: at this time, collect Epiphany water in a clean container (at least 3 liters) and use it in the future. Important information about Epiphany water It is best to collect water from a well or natural sources. In extreme cases, in the absence of such an opportunity, you can assemble a regular one from a tap. The liquid should be stored in a dark and cool place, in a glass container. You cannot pour undiluted Epiphany water into the sink or toilet. It is best to dilute it with plain water and then water the flowers or use it for other purposes. Epiphany water retains its healing abilities throughout the year (and even more). She has strong energy. It is often not advisable to drink it, but it is best to use it as a medicine: add it to the bath, sprinkle it all over the body, wash your face, rinse your mouth. Remember also that it is not recommended to wipe yourself after using Epiphany water so that the skin can absorb the miraculous liquid. HEALTH SPELL The ritual begins with attending a church service - you need to defend it completely, and then take holy water in the temple. Arriving home, you need to read the prayers “Our Father”, “I Believe”, “May God Rise” over the water - exactly in this sequence, each 3 times. Then you need to speak in a whisper, saying the words with warmth and sincerity: “Heal, Lord, my body and soul, for I am a sinner, and my soul and body hurt in sin. Heal, I ask, Lord Jesus Christ, our Eternal Father, Heavenly Son, my body from ailments, from dryness and aches, from blood and pain. Heal my soul from envy, hatred and malice. The heavens open on us sinners on this day. Lord Jesus Christ, please fill my body with strength and health, and my soul with peace. For the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Drink the charmed water, taking 3 sips, and wash your body with the rest. The ritual will protect against diseases all year round. RITE FOR HEALTH AND SPIRITUAL HARMONY It is recommended to perform this ritual on the night of January 18-19, or January 19. Procedure: Fill the bath with water at a temperature that is comfortable for your body, add some blessed water from the church to it (a glass will be enough), and also lower your pectoral cross into the bath. Lie down in the bath so that the water covers your entire body, lie there for about 10-15 minutes. Get out of the bath, do not dry yourself with a towel - let the water dry on its own. BAPTISM CONSPIRACIES FOR WEALTH AND FINANCIAL WELL-BEING During the Epiphany of the Lord, effective conspiracies are obtained aimed at gaining material well-being and wealth. Many of them are also performed using Epiphany water. I will give one of the popular rituals. CONSPIRACY TO ATTRACT WEALTH AND PROTECTION FROM LOSS On the night of January 18-19, take blessed water from the church. Bring it home and go around the rooms and premises in order, saying the spell: “Holy water came to the house and brought prosperity. Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will come every day. Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will never know failure in anything!” Leave the holy water to stand overnight - in the place of the house that you consider the most important. On the morning of January 19, wash your face with it. RITUAL TO ELIMINATE LONELINESS A ritual tested by healers. To complete it, collect consecrated water from 7 temples (churches), mix in one container. Prepare a crucifix as well. On Epiphany, January 19, just before dawn, undress naked, stand in the bath, pour at least a liter of collected water onto the top of your head. Accompany the process with a spell: “You don’t mind your own blood, you don’t mind someone else’s blood. Servant of God (your name), cleanse yourself. Amen!" Then take the crucifix in your hands, turning it to face your direction, and once again, looking at it, pronounce the spell. After the ceremony, thank the saints for their help by donating money (any amount) to the temple and lighting candles (any quantity). EPTIMACY CONSPIRACY FOR GOOD LUCK At Epiphany, wash your face with blessed water, while saying the spell: “The Lord was baptized in the Jordan - light was revealed to the whole world. Just as it is true that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, it is also true that I have enough strength for everything. The Lord reigns and commands, the Lord helps me in all matters. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen – 3 times.” In total, the spell must be pronounced 3 times. After it, luck will become your companion in all matters. for a guy to find a bride There are universal rituals that can be used to attract love by both men and women (you just need to change the words according to your gender). And there are special ones, like this one, for men. Read the plot on Monday and Tuesday: “I, servant of God (name), will stand up, pray, cross myself in front of the holy icon, go into a wide field, stand facing east, with my ridge to the west, and see a Fiery arrow. Oh, arrow, you are as fast as the wind. Fly in the right direction, find me My betrothed, ignite her blood, awaken her mind. Let her look for me and find me. Let love descend upon us. Amen. Amen. Amen". for Baptism: from damage Bring home blessed water from the temple and pour it over completely, without heating it in advance, with the following words: “The Lord God was born on earth, and at Baptism he was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. As this holy water drains from me, the Servant of God (proper name), so along with it all the damage from the unkind gaze of my enemy goes away. From now on and forever. Amen". for Epiphany: for illness Bring a glass of holy water to your lips and say the following spell over it: “Holy water! Let me, God's servant (name), be treated by you. Just as you, Epiphany water, have no thinness, no heaviness, no pain, no illness, so give me (name), Lord God, the strength of Epiphany water. Save and protect from illness and death. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever. Amen". Then wash your face with this water in a cross pattern, as if you were praying: first your forehead, then your chest, your right shoulder, and finally your left. On Epiphany night, perform a forgiveness meditation. Remember everyone who, voluntarily or unwittingly, was offended: in deed, in word, in thought. Forgive everyone from the bottom of your heart, destroy the negative blocks towards these people. The more positive emotions and thoughts that accompany the manipulations, the more effective, and most importantly, the faster the ritual will work and the plans will come true. In the morning, prepare a glass of sacred water and a piece of black bread. Light a church candle. Holding a slice in your left hand and a glass of water in your right, looking at the candle, read the spell three times: “Just as it is true that the Lord gave five loaves, and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so it is true that the Lord is merciful. Turn, Lord, my luck from west to east, from north to south. Give her not three roads, but one - to my doorstep. And you, unfortunate misfortune, find your way into the snake’s womb. That's where you belong. Your life is there. There is your being. And I will dress myself in a talisman, I will tie myself in gold and silver. Counting money means I can’t count it, I’ll never know grief and misfortune. I close the lock with the key. I throw the key into the sea. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen". Eat bread, drink water. Extinguish the candle with your fingers (do not blow it out). Before 12 noon, visit the church, light the candle you brought with you and place it in front of the icon of the Savior. In your own words, from the bottom of your heart, ask the Lord for help. When you come home, do not take any food until sunset. Try to remain silent and calm. Don't tell anyone about your actions. Rituals and ceremonies for Epiphany All rituals and ceremonies for the Epiphany of the Lord are associated with water, because on this day it has special miraculous powers. The main rituals of the holiday are the procession of the cross to the Jordan River, in which thousands of pilgrims from around the world take part, and the rite of consecration water in the church. But, even if you do not have the opportunity to take part in the procession or are afraid to swim in the icy Epiphany water, you can perform several simple rituals at home to help cleanse yourself of sins and get rid of bodily ailments. When immersing in water, they say: 1. In the name of the Father - plunge. 2. And the Son - plunge. 3. And the Holy Spirit - immerse yourself. If a person cannot plunge, then he sprinkles himself and reads while sprinkling: “Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance, granting victories against the resistance, and preserving your residence through the Cross.” After three-time immersion or sprinkling, you must read: “Lord my God, may your holy gift, your holy water, be for the illumination of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities according to Thy infinite mercy, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen." So that everything works out. “The Lord was baptized in the Jordan, light appeared to the whole world. Just as it is true that Jesus Christ is the son of God, it is so true that I have enough strength for everything. The Lord reigns, the Lord commands, the Lord helps me in all matters. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen. “Read three times when washing your face for baptism with water and then everything will be in harmony with you and things will go smoothly. Healing at Epiphany To fully defend the Epiphany service, take holy water from the church. When you come home, read the prayers over it (alternately three times) in the sequence: “Our Father,” “I Believe,” “May God Rise.” Then, on the Epiphany water three times (sincerely, with warmth in your heart), whisper the spell: Heal, Lord, my body and soul, for I am a sinner, and in sin my soul and body hurt. Please, heal, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of our Eternal Heavenly Father, my body from illnesses, from aches, dryness, pain, blood. Heal my soul from envy, malice, hatred. On this day the heavens open on us sinners, I ask, Lord Jesus Christ, fill my body with health and strength, and my soul with peace. For the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen! take three sips of water and wash your body with the rest. You won't get sick in the new year. Ritual for physical health and finding peace of mind Take a full bath of hot water. Add a little water blessed in the church to it. Place your baptismal cross in the water. Lie down in the bath so that the water covers your entire body. Lie quietly for 10-15 minutes. Do not dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath; let the water dry on its own. It is best to perform this ritual on the night of December 18-19 or on the first day of Epiphany. Ritual to make a wish come true In the evening of Epiphany Christmas Eve, pour some holy water into a cup and throw a silver coin into it. Place the cup so that the moonlight falls on it. Make a secret wish, say it in a whisper three times. In the morning, go outside and pour out the water. Hide the coin in a secluded place that only you will know about. This ritual is most powerful when Epiphany falls on a full moon. This ritual can be performed a little differently. On Epiphany night, pour holy water into a cup. When there are light ripples in the water, go outside and, looking at the sky, mentally say your wish three times. Ask sincerely, don’t wish anything bad on anyone, otherwise you’ll get into trouble! Place holy water under the icon in the morning; it can remain there even until the next Epiphany. If the water in the cup remains motionless, there is no point in making a wish; it will not come true. Ritual of attracting good luck On Epiphany night, perform a forgiveness meditation. Remember everyone who, voluntarily or unwittingly, was offended: in deed, in word, in thought. Forgive everyone from the bottom of your heart, destroy the negative blocks towards these people. The more positive emotions and thoughts that accompany the manipulations, the more effective, and most importantly, the faster the ritual will work and the plans will come true. In the morning, prepare a glass of sacred water and a piece of black bread. Light a church candle. Holding a slice in your left hand and a glass of water in your right, looking at the candle, read the spell three times: “Just as it is true that the Lord gave five loaves, and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so it is true that the Lord is merciful. Turn, Lord, my luck from west to east, from north to south. Give her not three roads, but one - to my doorstep. And you, unfortunate misfortune, find your way into the snake’s womb. That's where you belong. Your life is there. There is your being. And I will dress myself in a talisman, I will tie myself in gold and silver. Counting money means I can’t count it, I’ll never know grief and misfortune. I close the lock with the key. I throw the key into the sea. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen". Eat bread, drink water. Extinguish the candle with your fingers (do not blow it out). Before 12 noon, visit the church, light the candle you brought with you and place it in front of the icon of the Savior. In your own words, from the bottom of your heart, ask the Lord for help. When you come home, do not take any food until sunset. Try to remain silent and calm. Don't tell anyone about your actions. Ritual of purification for Baptism Go to the temple, bless the water (it’s good if when the priest sprinkles water on the laity, at least a few drops fall on you). Before leaving the temple, purchase three wax candles. Don't talk to anyone on your way home. Place a vessel of water in the center of the table, covered with a new white tablecloth. Place one candle behind the container and one to the left and right of the jar itself. Light the candles with one match. Look at the fire through the water, watch how it sparkles, reflects, refracts, fills the water with a warm, unearthly glow. Place your hands on the vessel so that the flame of the candles illuminates their outer side, pleasantly warming you and cleansing you. When you feel a surge of strength, say: “As the thoughts of Christ are pure, so be my soul pure. Just as holy water is pure, so be my body pure. I wash myself, remove damage, cleanse my spirit and body. Amen". Wet your hands in water, wash your face with it, and pour the rest over the bath onto your head. At this moment, with your whole being, with every cell of your body, feel how a certain energetic blackness is washed off, rolls off, leaves you, and is immediately filled with shiny, iridescent golden-platinum clots of divine energy. For the next seven days, do not give anything from home to anyone and do not take anything from anyone. Epiphany beauty ritual for marriage It is believed that Epiphany SNOW significantly increases female attractiveness, and after washing with it, an unmarried young lady will soon walk down the aisle. It is collected with the right hand on the eve of Epiphany (after sunset and before the start of a new day). You need to turn your face to the north, bend down as low as possible to the ground and quickly throw handfuls into a small ladle until it is filled to the top. When discarding the last part, say: “The heavens are open to the Holy Land, and for me (your full name) there is a streak of luck. Amen". Get some privacy at home, place the dishes you brought on the table, and surround them on three sides with lit church candles. Take them in turn, cross the melted water with a flame (place your hand in front of you, palm up, hold the candle between your index and middle fingers, then cross the water once, yourself once, and so on until you finish saying the whisper.) and at the same time whisper: “ Just as white snow covered the ground on Epiphany evening, let the wedding veil cover my (name) head. My betrothed, dressed in disguise, appointed by God and fate, will take her as his wife and lead her to the altar under white hands. I baptize snow for righteousness, and myself for marriage. My word is strong. My cause is correct. It will be fulfilled on time. Amen" (repeat three times). Wash your face, neck and shoulders with melt water. There is no need to wipe. Wait for it to dry naturally. Sprinkle the rest near your bed and along the threshold of the room in which you sleep. At the same time, mentally repeat: “So be it.” Extinguish the candles clockwise. Before noon the next day, take one of them to the temple and place it in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Do the same with the remaining two, only on the second and third days after the ritual. During this time, do not lend anything to anyone and try to avoid female guests. It is also prohibited to sew or even pick up a needle. Take a shower (bath) only 12 hours after performing the “baptismal ablution”. And the main thing is your confidence in a positive outcome and a sincere desire to change your destiny.

Epiphany is one of the main holidays of the Orthodox Church. The holiday begins on the evening of January 18, when all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve. This holiday was established in memory of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, when he was 30 years old. It is known from the Gospel that John the Baptist, calling the people to repentance, baptized people in the waters of the Jordan.

There are many baptism signs among the people, knowing which you can prevent a lot of trouble for yourself and your family.

1. In the evening before Epiphany, the mistress of the house must draw crosses over the doors and windows to protect her home from evil spirits and other evil forces.

2. On Epiphany Eve it is worth stocking up on Epiphany water, for which you go to the river or springs at midnight. This water has amazing healing powers.

3. Before the holiday of Epiphany, you cannot take anything out of the house and lend money so as not to feel the need for the whole year.

4. On Epiphany Christmas Eve, the eldest woman in the family counts the tablecloths. Whoever does this will always have many guests in his house.

5. A bird knocking on the window at Epiphany announces that the souls of the dead ask for prayers and all sorts of godly deeds for their forgiveness.

6. On January 19, if someone from the family leaves home, they do not remove the ashes from the ash pit until he returns, otherwise trouble will happen to the person on the way.

The most basic prohibition on the eve of Epiphany- Do not fill your home with quarrels and bickering. After all, negative energy accumulates in the corners of the apartment and does not intend to simply disappear, but, like a spark, tries to ignite a flame. That is, it will influence the people living in this room with the aim of provoking them to new scandals and anger.

To cleanse your home of negativity, you can use basic but effective methods. Firstly, Ventilate your home at least once a week. The air contains charged particles that are good at destroying clots of negative energy and thereby cleansing your home. Try to do wet cleaning once a week. Add a tablespoon of salt to a bucket of water. According to magical analogies, salt is a substance with positive energy, since, being a preservative, it prevents destruction. Be sure to keep a geranium bush at home. There is no hassle with it, and the protection is excellent. Light natural wax candles. Unlike paraffin and stearin candles, wax contains a large charge of pure positive energy, which will be absorbed by your body and cleanse the apartment.

During the evening service, small churches often cannot accommodate everyone who wants to atone for their sins, especially during the ritual of blessing the water, since most people were firmly convinced that the earlier you take the blessed water, the more healing it will be.

After the water was dedicated in the church, each owner, with all his household, drank a few sips from the brought jug, and then sprinkled holy water on all his property in order to protect his home for the whole year not only from troubles, but also from the evil eye .

It is necessary to sprinkle the home with a pinch of your right hand, in a cross pattern, going around the room clockwise. That is, starting from the entrance, go deep into the house on the left side and go around all the rooms. You need to finish sprinkling where you started, at the front door. When sprinkling, the door or window must be open or slightly open. When sprinkling a house, it is necessary to say the words: “By sprinkling this sacred water, every unclean and demonic action may be put to flight.”

After all these rituals, holy water was placed near the icons, since everyone not only believed in the healing power of this water, but were also convinced that it could not spoil.

Water collected from an ice hole on the eve of Epiphany is also considered healing and is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases throughout the next year.

To perform the Sacrament of Baptism, you must have a cross on your body. What kind of cross is needed for Baptism? The cross must be consecrated in the Orthodox Church. During the consecration of the pectoral cross, the priest pronounces a special prayer sequence, which is called “Blessing of the cross to be worn on the chest.” These prayers recall how our Lord and God Jesus Christ, by his free will, wished to be nailed to the cross for the salvation of the human race. By shedding his blood, He consecrated this cross. With His cross, the Lord redeemed the world from serving the enemy of the human race. Thus, the Lord Jesus Christ freed all people from torment. Then, the priest asks the Savior to consecrate the pectoral cross. Father asks the Savior to send Divine blessing and grace on this sign of the cross. He prays to the Savior that the Lord will give this cross strength and strength, so that the person who will wear it in memory of the saving suffering of the Lord and his life-giving death will be preserved by the Divine grace of the body cross. The prayer contains a request to God to send heavenly blessings and help to the person who will wear this cross. The pectoral cross is compared to Aaron's rod. The Creator blessed this rod in such a way that it served to defeat opponents of the faith. When consecrating the pectoral cross, the priest asks God to consecrate this cross and give it the same power as Aaron’s rod, so that the Lord, through this cross, protects the person who wears it, preserves his soul and body from various kinds of evil. Also, the priest asks God that through wearing the pectoral cross consecrated in this sequence, the Lord will increase his spiritual gifts in the Christian who wears this pectoral cross. In another prayer from this sequence there are words of appeal to the Lord, in which the priest asks our Lord Jesus Christ, so that through the pectoral cross He would protect the soul and body of a person from all visible and invisible enemies of our salvation and multiply His Divine grace in this person.

What kind of cross is needed for infant baptism?

What kind of cross is needed for the Baptism of a small baby? For the Baptism of a baby you need an Orthodox cross. Usually bought for small children children's gold cross small size. Its ends should be somewhat rounded, this is necessary to keep the baby’s skin intact. They try to choose a chain or ribbon for a cross as soft as possible. After Baptism, the cross from the baby’s neck should not be removed. It should be on a Christian throughout his life. If for some reason the pectoral cross is lost or has become unsuitable for wearing on the body, then you should purchase a new cross, consecrated in the Orthodox Church.

Which cross should I choose, gold or silver?

Both gold and silver crosses have a number of advantages compared to ordinary crosses. They are made of high-quality precious metal; this metal will not cause allergies or adverse reactions upon contact with human skin. This is especially important when a small child receives Baptism. Usually, a chain made of the same metal as the cross is purchased for a pectoral cross. It is important for a woman to choose a pectoral cross and a chain made of the metal that most of her jewelry is most suitable for. Although the cross is called a pectoral cross and it is customary to hide it from human eyes, part of the chain remains in plain sight. Therefore, if a woman has most of her jewelry matching the color of the gold metal, then she should wear a gold cross and a gold chain to it. If she has more silver jewelry or those that are suitable for wearing with a silver chain, then it is better to buy a silver cross.

Gold is considered the most precious metal, therefore, buying a gold cross a person shows his respect and reverence for the sign of the cross. The color of gold is a royal color, and the metal itself is a royal metal. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the King and Ruler over the entire visible and invisible world, so his image is naturally more compatible with the use of gold metal. However, there are no strict rules and requirements in this regard. Therefore, each person makes his own decision at his own discretion.

Which cross is best to buy for a child's Baptism?

For a child's Baptism, it is better to buy a cross made of gold or silver or another precious metal. Usually it is bought by the baby's parents or godparents. They try to do this in advance so that during the sacrament of Baptism there is no unnecessary anxiety and worry. If a small child, from the moment of baptism, is accustomed to having a cross on his body all the time, then he will get used to it. Some parents fear that their child may harm their health if they play with a cross. Practice shows that when children get used to certain objects, they are no longer interested in playing with them. The cross on the baby's chest should not be too high and not too low.

What kind of cross does an adult need for Baptism?

An adult who is preparing to receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism needs to select the appropriate cross. Wearable gold cross for men Usually they try to choose a more massive one, as well as a chain for it. Women can choose a more petite one women's cross to be worn on the body, the chain to this cross must be appropriate. If you buy a pectoral cross not in the Church, or in Orthodox stores, then pay attention that the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ is depicted on its front side. On the back of the pectoral cross you can usually see the inscription: “Save and Preserve.” A pectoral cross is not just a decoration or a necessary attribute, but carries a deep symbolic meaning and, when worn reverently, can impart grace-filled power from God. In prayers at the consecration of the cross, the priest calls on God's mercy and grace for the person who will wear the illuminated cross.

What should a pectoral cross be like for Baptism?

The most important requirement of the Church for a pectoral cross concerns its appearance. What should be depicted on the front and back sides of the cross was discussed above. A necessary requirement is also the moment of illumination of the cross.

Where to buy a cross for Epiphany?

Baptismal crosses can be purchased in Orthodox Churches, Orthodox stores and online stores, and in jewelry departments. We have the opportunity to offer you a variety of crosses for men, women and children. The Orthodox online store “” sells golden crosses, which meet the requirements of the Orthodox Church for body crosses for performing the Sacrament of Baptism. You can choose matching chains for all body crosses.

How much does a pectoral cross cost?

Price for crosses may vary slightly depending on the material they are made of, manufacturer, size, weight and place of purchase. If you like some kind of pectoral cross, but you are hesitant to buy it because the price is high in your opinion, then think about the following point: A person’s baptism is performed once in a lifetime, a pectoral cross is an object that will be on the body person throughout his life. Although there is a possibility that the cross may get lost or disappear, this is the exception rather than the rule. Buying a pectoral cross is an event that requires putting aside the concept of frugality for some time.

Who buys a child a cross?

At the Baptism of a baby, a pectoral cross can be bought for him by both parents and godparents or any relatives or friends. There is a fairly common phenomenon when, when a boy is baptized, a pectoral cross is bought for him by his godfather, and when a girl is baptized, by his godmother. In any case, buying a cross and choosing it is a pleasant experience. It is imperative to agree in advance who will undertake the obligation to purchase a pectoral cross for Baptism.

How to choose a cross for Orthodox Baptism?

First of all, you must clearly know for whom you are going to choose a cross. If this is a newborn child, then you need to choose a small cross, the ends of which are rounded. If an adult receives Baptism, then the range of choice for body crosses expands significantly. Please note that the crucifix is ​​expressive; when a person looks at his pectoral cross, it will be easier for him to pray. In the daily prayer rule of an Orthodox Christian there are special prayers addressed to the cross; we ask God to protect us and preserve us with the power of His Life-giving Cross from all evil. Let wearing a pectoral cross be a manifestation of God’s blessing and His care in our lives, and cause in our hearts a feeling of gratitude to our Creator and a desire to please Him in all our thoughts, words and deeds.