Itchy breasts in the early stages. Why do breasts itch during pregnancy? Increase in hCG hormone

Pregnancy is the most exciting and touching episode in the life of every expectant mother. Over the course of 40 weeks, amazing changes occur in a woman’s body, new sensations and emotions appear.

During pregnancy, the breasts become very sensitive and change. Often during this period, women note the appearance of a certain discomfort in the chest area, which manifests itself in the form of itching.

Why do breasts itch during pregnancy?

Many women are interested in the question, why do pregnant women’s breasts itch?

From the moment of pregnancy, it undergoes changes and begins to increase due to the accumulation of colostrum in it, which will turn into milk after the birth of the child.

This is why your breasts itch at the beginning of pregnancy. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, so a woman should not worry or worry about this.

Among other reasons that provoke breast itching during pregnancy, it should be noted:

  • circulation of colostrum and fluid in the mammary glands;
  • growth of breast volume and skin stretching;
  • choosing the wrong underwear, namely a bra that compresses the breasts and causes a feeling of itching and discomfort;
  • release of a special secretion from the breast, which protects the nipples and areola from cracks, as well as from infection in the mammary gland canals. It is the discharge that can cause itching;
  • allergic reactions to external irritants. During pregnancy, hormonal levels undergo enormous changes, which often causes allergies to external irritants;
  • disruption of the liver and bile ducts cause itching not only in the chest area, but also. The fetus, which puts pressure on the gallbladder, leads to disruption of the outflow of bile and the release of fatty acids into the woman’s blood. Acids irritate the nerve endings of the skin, resulting in a woman's stomach and chest itching during pregnancy.

What to do if your breasts itch during pregnancy?

If your breasts itch during pregnancy, don't worry.

This reaction of the body is not dangerous for either the expectant mother or the child. But at the same time, severe itching of the breasts during pregnancy can cause a woman some discomfort and cause irritation.

If it causes discomfort, the first thing you need to do is seek advice from your doctor, who will determine the true causes of this condition.

If the doctor has not identified any serious pathologies, you can use simple recommendations that help in cases where a pregnant woman’s breasts are very itchy:

  1. Perform a light self-massage of the breast, trying to avoid the area of ​​the areola and nipple so as not to injure them.
  2. Replace an uncomfortable bra with special underwear for pregnant women made from natural materials, since low-quality items made from synthetic fabrics often cause itching and allergic reactions.
  3. If the itching is caused by an allergy, you need to find its source. To do this, it is better to undergo certain tests to identify the allergic irritant.
  4. Use special creams and lotions that moisturize the skin and fight stretch marks. Before using the cream, you can take a warm, pleasant shower, which will warm up the skin and help the cream to be quickly absorbed.

Many women are interested in whether the breasts can itch during pregnancy due to disruption of the internal organs. Yes, this occurs when the liver and biliary tract malfunction, which lead to an increase in cholesterol and bilirubin levels in the body.

In this case, treatment for the pregnant woman is prescribed by a specialized specialist. In addition to drug treatment, the expectant mother must follow a special diet that will help the body improve blood counts.

How to help yourself?

If a woman is unaware of her interesting situation, then one of the signs of pregnancy may be itching in the breasts.

On many women's forums, pregnant women share that their breasts often itch at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

In most cases, discomfort can be eliminated by choosing the right, supportive underwear made from natural materials, which will allow the skin to breathe and not sweat, which is especially important in the warm season.

It is necessary to take care of personal hygiene, after a shower, perform a light massage with a terry towel, moisturize the skin with creams and lotions. It is very important to give your breasts periodic rest from the bra and take air baths at least several times a day.

If your pregnancy occurred during the cold season, you need to take care not to freeze. Hypothermia and drafts can lead to inflammation.

Breasts are the dignity of every woman. During pregnancy, you need to pay special attention to it and monitor your health. A woman should notify her doctor about any changes that cause pain or discomfort.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman’s life, the finale of which is the birth of a wonderful baby. In order for this period to be remembered with warmth and leave only pleasant impressions, be attentive to your health.

Itchy breasts in a woman during pregnancy are the least dangerous manifestation. However, at the same time, this manifestation attracts the most attention. Discomfort, itching, a constant burning sensation and even a slight tingling sensation are the symptoms that every expectant mother faces. The breasts often itch during pregnancy throughout the entire gestation period. But, such symptoms manifest themselves especially acutely in the first months of the child’s embryonic development.

Women's breasts undergo great physiological changes during adolescence. Girls experience burning, itching and a constant desire to scratch their breasts. This reaction becomes possible against the background of a hormonal surge in the body. However, these changes are not the last, because the most important changes await the woman ahead - preparation for pregnancy, and then for childbirth.

During the embryonic development of the baby, the mammary glands initially become engorged and then increase somewhat in size. However, such changes occur against the background of a constant feeling of itching and irritating burning. Due to the increase in the lobules of the mammary glands, there is also a need to increase all tissues of the organ. Prolactin, which at this stage provides support to the body, has an irritating effect on the breasts, among other things.


You should not scratch your chest at the first desire. This can lead to infection, especially if manipulations are performed near the nipple. The probability of pathogenic organisms entering through microcracks is extremely high.

Additional symptoms to watch out for

You should not think that constant itching of the bust during pregnancy is a pathology that you should definitely pay attention to. As a rule, acute obvious symptoms are observed during the first 3-4 months. Further, symptomatic manifestations decrease. An aggravation of the situation occurs before childbirth, when the arriving colostrum increases the size of the alveoli, and burning symptoms increase again. It is worth additionally paying attention to the following natural causes of breast itching during pregnancy:

  1. Sudden breast growth. If a woman notices intensive growth of the mammary glands in the first months of pregnancy, then there is no need to worry; most likely, this process is naturally accompanied by the appearance of itching.
  2. Rough fabric of underwear, bra. When the glands become engorged, a woman must reconsider her previous wardrobe, which should now be not beautiful and attractive, but comfortable, practical and in size. It is best to pay attention to special underwear for nursing women. Such a bra will be useful in the future, but now such a wardrobe item will only help reduce discomfort.
  3. Increased sweating. Unfortunately, changes in hormonal levels do not always lead to pleasant sensations. At the stage of adaptation of the body to new operating conditions, unpleasant manifestations may be noted in the form of an increased amount of sweat, even in a calm state. To prevent such situations, it is worth monitoring the quality of clothing, which should be made from natural clothing, without synthetics or coloring components in the composition.

When your breasts itch, it is always unpleasant, but it is such a physiological feature of the female body, which will soon learn new possibilities of motherhood.


Often itching of the chest and abdominal skin is observed in women with nervous tension. At the same time, not only the mammary gland itches, but also the head, body, and hands. To eliminate symptoms, it is recommended to drink valerian and calm down.

How to remove itching

Elimination of unpleasant itching of the mammary glands should be carried out symptomatically, based on the recommendations of the doctor treating and managing the pregnancy. Using any medications, anti-allergy pills, creams and gels on your own is strictly prohibited. Even the most harmless at first glance components of plant origin can provoke swelling, allergies and complex clinical negative complications.


Natural itching during pregnancy can be eliminated by simply moisturizing the skin with creams with a moisturizing effect without oils or combination formulations. The fewer ingredients, the better for the skin of a pregnant woman.

Medication assistance

Medication may be required when the cause of constant itching is not natural hormonal changes in the body, but pathological causes, diseases and fungal infections of the skin. It is worth paying attention to the following probable causes of the pathological manifestation of itching of the mammary glands:

  1. Fungus. They may appear as a pinpoint lesion or a spreading spot with a flaky surface. As a rule, fungal infections cause constant burning and itching, which only increases over time. If there are no lumps inside the breast, then most likely we are talking about a fungal formation, which can be treated with local antibacterial ointments that are sensitive to the type of fungus.
  2. Cholestasis. This manifestation is most often observed in the last stages of gestation. Due to the deteriorated outflow of bile due to the pressing uterus, the concentration of irritating components in the form of acids in the blood may increase. Nerve receptors react instantly, constant itching and burning appear.
  3. Dermatitis. Against the background of constant stress, women experience nervous dermatitis, but dermatitis of other origins is not excluded, which either appear or go away without treatment. Treatment under medical supervision.

Traditional methods of combating itching

Depending on the reasons that led to such an unpleasant sensation in the chest, traditional methods of treating and preventing itching of the skin of the mammary gland can be applied and successfully used. The only caution is the need to constantly monitor the composition of the product used and use new drugs with caution.


Pregnant women, against the background of hormonal changes, may experience allergic reactions even to hygiene products that previously did not cause irritation. After childbirth, the situation usually stabilizes during the first 3-5 months.

Popular folk methods for treating breast itching in pregnant women:

  1. Chamomile decoction. Wipe the skin of the chest with a sponge with a decoction at room temperature every morning after water procedures.
  2. Aloe juice helps if you put it in the refrigerator for 10 days, then grind it through a sieve and mix it with glycerin. Apply as a cream after every bath.
  3. Lubricate the skin with a decoction of chamomile, calendula and sage. Wipe no more than once a day, preferably at night after swimming. After the procedure, you can additionally wipe with a rich cream to soften the skin.
  4. Baby cream, which should be used as often as possible to avoid the feeling of dry skin.

When your breasts itch during pregnancy, it always causes irritation and discomfort. However, such manifestations are usually caused by hormones and should not cause alarm. The difficulties that a woman will endure during the period of bearing a child will be replaced by the happiness of motherhood.

Itchy skin during pregnancy is not always a symptom of any disease. It may be constant or come and go from time to time. If you are in an “interesting situation” and your stomach, chest or some limbs itch, then there is nothing wrong with that, however, you will need to consult with a number of doctors: a dermatologist, gynecologist or infectious disease specialist to identify the causes of itching.

Causes of itchy breasts during pregnancy

No matter how pregnant you are, your stomach, chest, and arms or legs may start to itch. With the exception of reasons that are associated with the individual characteristics of women, doctors usually identify a number of the following factors that can provoke such itching:

Please note that the cause of itching in the mammary glands during pregnancy can be either one of the above symptoms or several at once. In any case, you should consult a specialist about why this happens, as in some cases special treatment may be required.

How to get rid of itchy chest

As a rule, the fact that your breasts itch during pregnancy does not in any way affect the development of the fetus or the general health of the mother. However, it is unpleasant in any case, regardless of whether your chest, stomach, or something else itches. A woman carrying a child always has the main goal - to preserve the health of the child and not harm him. That is why even itchy skin cannot be treated with just anything, but only proven remedies must be used. If you consult a specialist, they may prescribe one of the following methods for treating itching:

You may need treatment or you may need to follow a strict diet.

In order to reduce itching as much as possible, as well as make the future task of breastfeeding easier for yourself, and minimize discomfort from scratching in the stomach, chest or limbs, we advise you to follow our tips:

Breasts for a woman are important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a functional one. Therefore, you need to take care of it before pregnancy, during it and after, even if it seems to you that it is just itching, especially since you know why this happens.

Under the influence of pregnancy hormones (progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin), significant metamorphoses occur in the female breast and the body as a whole. The glands increase in size, the lobes and milk ducts develop, and the production of colostrum and then breast milk begins. Due to the rapid stretching of the skin, women often experience itchy breasts during pregnancy. Heaviness, mild pain, and tingling are also possible. However, the reasons may lie in other processes. It is important not to confuse natural changes with pathological ones.

In this article:

Causes of itchy chest

The main and most common cause of itching during pregnancy is the formation of stretch marks. A hormonal surge provokes an increase in glandular tissue and accumulation of water in the intercellular space. At the same time, the breasts increase significantly. The dermis (inner layer of skin) contains many collagen and elastin fibers, due to this it quickly stretches. The epidermis and stratum corneum are less elastic, and therefore crack as the breasts grow, causing itching. Pink streaks appear on the skin, which then turn into whitish or (with significant injuries) bluish stretch marks.


Itchy sensations can be a sign of simple things - a discrepancy between the underwear worn by the expectant mother and the new bust size. The glands develop very quickly, it makes sense to buy a bra one size larger so as not to compress the ducts and nerve endings. If the reason is underwear, the itching bothers you a few hours after putting it on, and goes away at night.

Irritation such as tickling followed by itching can provoke movement of breast secretions. In later stages, colostrum comes out of the nipples. Moist, delicate skin is more sensitive, so any secretions can be clearly felt by a woman.

The areolas have special glands (Montgomery tubercles). They produce a moisturizing secretion with bactericidal properties. During pregnancy, the glands work more actively, so the amount of discharge increases.

If there are problems

Many women during gestation experience excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). Wearing synthetic fabrics aggravates the problem, and the skin often reacts to constant humidity with itching.

Pregnant women have an increased risk of allergic reactions. They can appear brightly (hives, rashes) or blurred (just itching). The following can cause a negative skin reaction:

  • fabrics;
  • laundry detergents and rinse aids;
  • hygiene products (shower gels, oils, creams, deodorants);
  • products (bright berries and vegetables, dishes with additives).

Due to moisture, pathogenic microorganisms can multiply on the skin of the nipples. With a physiological decrease in immunity, a pregnant woman may encounter nipple candidiasis for the first time. Its manifestations:

  • whitish coating;
  • severe itching;
  • blisters or cracks;
  • sour smell.

If your chest and stomach itch at the same time

Complaints of extensive itching of the skin of the chest and abdomen are common. Unpleasant sensations occur simultaneously, often from the second trimester of pregnancy. In most cases, this is caused by excessive stretching of the integument. The skin of the bust and abdomen is very thin, constantly hidden under clothing and subject to friction, and if there is a lack of nutrients, it quickly dries out. Intensive weight gain and increased volume stimulate changes in the dermis. Stretch marks form more often on the sides of the chest and growing abdomen. This is where the itching is usually concentrated.

Discomfort caused by changes in the blood is considered problematic. The pressure of the fetus on the internal organs causes stagnant changes in them. Pregnant women are prone to cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. The risk of exacerbation of these pathologies increases if a woman had health problems before conception. In addition, due to hormonal swings, the detoxification function of the liver decreases. Among pregnant women, the problem of obstructive jaundice and increased levels of bilirubin in the blood is common.

This is a bile pigment that is formed when red blood cells break down. It accumulates in the body when liver cells are damaged and bile flow is impaired. Collecting in the skin, the pigment irritates the nerve endings and provokes itching. This is usually accompanied by yellowing of the integument (but not always). At the same time, the skin itches all over the body (especially on the chest, thighs, abdomen, and ankles).

Bilirubin may increase in diseases of the hepatobiliary tract or be a harbinger of eclampsia (severe complication). This requires the mandatory intervention of specialists. If the itching is severe and occurs around the clock, you should urgently report this to the doctor who is caring for the pregnancy.

How to eliminate itching

You can get rid of the unpleasant feeling on your own. The first thing you should pay attention to is the underwear. Already from an early date you should replace it with a bra:

  • with wide straps;
  • made of pure cotton;
  • comfortable style;
  • with elastic cup;
  • seedless;
  • without push-up.

The second measure will be proper skin care. It is necessary to ensure timely removal of dead cells using a gentle washcloth or soft scrubs. You can improve blood circulation with a massage or a contrast shower. The skin of a pregnant woman especially needs high-quality nutrition and hydration. It is better to purchase a hypoallergenic cream for stretch marks. In the absence of one, a rich baby cream will do. Natural oils (almond, peach, olive, grape seed) are also an alternative.

An unpleasant problem that causes great discomfort is itching of the mammary gland. Finding out the reasons why your chest itches allows you to assess your health and figure out whether itching is a sign of pathology. The problem can be caused by various physiological and pathological reasons.

When the mammary glands itch, it is advisable to visit a doctor and get his advice. Hormonal imbalance often causes breast itching, and excessive levels of one or another substance can cause swelling of the breast.

Changes in hormone production occur:

  • at puberty
  • with the growth of mammary glands
  • during pregnancy
  • before the start of menstruation

In some cases, an itchy sensation on the chest occurs when taking oral contraceptives. This is due to the fact that the mammary glands begin to adapt to the new level of hormones. Under the influence of one or another substance, the skin of the breast can become very stretched, which causes constant itching.

The skin may itch with increased levels of estrogen, as they activate the functions of the sebaceous glands. Dry skin tends to flake and itch, which can cause some discomfort.

During puberty, the breasts begin to develop intensively, which leads to enlargement of the glands. The main functions of the female body are pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. During adolescence, a girl’s body already begins to prepare for all of the above stages.

A girl's first menstruation means that the body has begun to produce estrogens for the maturation of the egg. As a girl grows up, the mammary glands take on the shape that is characteristic of an adult woman. Intense breast growth and increased production of hormones provoke itching, which is considered a medical norm. The areolas and nipples swell during menstruation, and adipose tissue begins to develop. All changes affect the condition of the skin, which gradually begins to stretch.

Premenstrual syndrome

During the menstrual cycle, in its second half, increased production of testosterone begins. Because of this, the skin of the breast becomes drier, irritated and itchy. In some cases, the nipples also itch before menstruation, and their delicate skin may crack.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the period of bearing a child, the mammary glands undergo strong changes, because hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. The breasts enlarge, become heavier, swell, and prepare for lactation. The sensation of itching of the mammary gland can be observed until childbirth. If the skin is excessively dry, it begins to itch, which is associated with lactation. Unsightly stretch marks may appear on the skin of your breasts.

Other causes of breast itching in women

There are also pathological causes of breast itching, so a woman should pay special attention to this symptom. In pathology, itching is accompanied by:

  • skin redness
  • swelling
  • breast deformity
  • feeling of fullness
  • heaviness in the gland

The presence of such symptoms should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Allergic reaction

A common cause of itchy breast skin is an allergic reaction to various agents. Allergens can be:

  • Food
  • medications
  • detergents
  • cosmetics
  • synthetic underwear

Allergies are often accompanied by rashes, redness of the skin and the appearance of cracks. When the aggressive influence of the allergen stops, the body’s reaction goes away.

The same amount of biological substances in the body stabilizes its functioning, so any failure may cause discomfort in the chest. The appearance of itching is influenced by increased blood sugar and bilirubin. The release of various biological elements negatively affects the condition of the mammary glands.

Skin diseases

Due to various negative factors, the skin epithelium may undergo various pathological changes. Often the causes of itching are:

  • diaper rash
  • herpes
  • eczema
  • dermatitis

Troubles arise due to increased sweating, poor hygiene of the mammary glands, and infrequent changes of underwear. It is not recommended to wear warm clothes in hot weather, skip a shower after a beach holiday or visiting a solarium, or stay for a long time near objects with high temperatures, such as braziers and stoves. Otherwise, diaper rash and itching will occur under the mammary glands.

Breast diseases

Fungal infections lie dormant in the human body and become more active when immunity decreases. A malfunction of the immune system often causes thrush. The disease affects the condition of the mammary glands - they begin to itch severely due to skin damage. Thrush is characterized by cracked nipples, redness and itching.

Another causative agent of pathogenic flora is the herpes virus. When it enters the body, the skin becomes covered with small ulcers. The affected area is subject to peeling and itching.


After a blow or scratch, the skin of the chest itches, itches and may hurt. A bruise appears at the site of the injury, which disappears over time. Usually one breast is bruised. After injury, complications may arise - a cyst may develop in the thickness of the mammary gland.


During an emotional outburst, a sharp jump in hormonal substances occurs in the body. Stress triggers the release of adrenaline, after which the chest begins to itch very much. At the same time, the blood vessels of the chest narrow and the tissues swell.

An inflammatory process in the breast can cause pathological changes in the structures of the gland. The disease is characterized by swelling, redness and itching of the breast. Hyperstretching of the skin occurs, which causes an unpleasant sensation. Inflammation is caused by various pathogenic microbes that have entered the body.

Paget's disease

The disease is associated with pathological changes in the nipple, when discomfort affects the areola. Provokes the pathology of breast cancer. The affected area is very itchy, the skin becomes flaky and red. The burning sensation is accompanied by pain of varying intensity. Paget's disease often affects older women, but sometimes the pathology also affects young girls.

When to see a doctor

Timely medical care will help identify the causes of the development of pathology. After examining the breast, a qualified doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostics to clarify the diagnosis. Then drug therapy is prescribed, and in some cases surgery.

Signs of the disease are:

  • nipple retraction
  • skin ulcers
  • soreness
  • appearance of cracks
  • heaviness in the gland
  • gland deformation
  • nipple discharge

For all of the above symptoms, you need to visit a mammologist, gynecologist and oncologist.

Diagnostic methods

Various laboratory tests prescribed by the doctor will help clarify the clinical picture of the disease. The following will help with breast examination:

  • blood tests
  • urine test
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands
  • epithelial scraping
  • enzyme immunoassays
  • detection of hormonal levels

Research will show the reasons for the development of pathology and structural changes in the mammary glands. If necessary, a mammogram is performed, which displays the size of nodes and other neoplasms.

Pathology therapy is based on an integrated approach. Regular breast hygiene, daily showering and treating the skin with the necessary products will help reduce itching. Treatment methods depend on the diagnosis.

If an allergic reaction develops, medications that reduce the activity of the allergen are prescribed. Taking antihistamines and topical application of ointments with glucocorticosteroids will help completely eliminate allergies and the accompanying itching.

If you are stressed, you should take sedatives, walk more and try to get enough sleep. Sleep perfectly calms the nervous system. To make falling asleep easier, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk at night.

For herpes and dermatitis, in addition to prescribed medications, care must be taken to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Taking vitamin complexes has a beneficial effect on the condition of the breast and helps to recover.

Mastopathy and breast cancer require special attention. In case of serious cancer, taking prescribed hormonal medications and bringing the hormone balance back to normal will help eliminate itching.

To eliminate itching, it is recommended to use various additional methods. It is advisable to use talcum powder and hypoallergenic creams for diaper rash. Thrush is eliminated by the use of antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs.

To make itching less bothersome, it is important to wear a bra only made of natural material and not wear synthetic items. Correctly selected underwear allows air flow to circulate, which does not cause increased sweating and diaper rash. It is recommended not to expose the mammary glands to direct sunlight and not to sunbathe topless. This can increase itching and cause pathological changes in the breasts.