What do white roses mean in a dream? Have a nice time, success at work. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Miller's Dream Book

White Rose that has withered or withered - sadness, anxiety, unexpected expenses, health problems for the mother or daughter. Seeing a white withered rose in a dream is a bad sign. Sudden changes in family life, betrayal or betrayal loved one.

Dreaming of a white rose covered with dew drops means prosperity and success in business. The right choice of a partner, a marriage proposal is possible in the coming days.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud, the white rose symbolizes the blossoming of love relationships and well-being. A thorn, as a phallic symbol, can warn of unfounded mistrust of a partner, his betrayal (pricked by a thorn). Being pricked by a thorn in a dream can also warn you that in reality you will soon be subjected to sexual harassment.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Vanga's Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream: a white rose is a symbol of fidelity, devotion, innocence. Being pricked by a white rose thorn means betrayal, the desire to conceal a bad deed, pangs of conscience.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Azar's Dream Book

White rose - happiness in marriage, perfect choice soulmate, pure love.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

White rose - mystery, surprise, unpredictable outcome.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Modern dream book

A white rose for the elderly means recovery, a favorable offer from friends or relatives. For the wedding of children or the appearance of a granddaughter.

A widow dreams of a white rose as a sign of fidelity to her deceased husband. It symbolizes the strength of their marriage and eternal love.

For a remarried widow - as the approval of the late husband, his consent to the union.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

A dream about white roses in the warm season is always interpreted as prosperity. And in the cold season the interpretation has reciprocal value. Blooming white roses in dreams foreshadow lovely events, as well as the receipt of cheerful news. Sometimes a dream with such a plot foreshadows a marriage proposal. Receiving a white rose as a gift in a dream speaks of good luck in work and improved health. The only thing is, if such roses given to you have a shabby appearance, you should expect betrayal of your loved one. Weaving this flower into your hair portends happiness and reliability in love, strengthening tender feelings. Breaking a white rose means a quarrel. Throw it out - break off a relationship with a loved one.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Women's dream book

White Rose? Admiring a blooming rose - the fidelity of a lover, good news in the near future.

Picking a blooming white rose means you will soon receive a marriage proposal, a sign of mutual love that will develop into strong marriage bonds.

Seeing a white rose bud means the birth of a female child.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The dream has to do with the emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and needs of the sleeping person. Picture with good meaning promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. An expressionless dream promises routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

Why did you dream about the White Rose (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • Why dream of a white unblown rose - soon to receive a promotion, to material profit.
  • Why does a single guy or an unmarried girl dream of a white rose? It’s a symbol of imminent marriage.
  • The white rose is interpreted as a bright symbol of innocence, wisdom, beauty and femininity.
  • Married men and married women A white rose dreams of strengthening relationships, happiness and harmony in marriage.

Why do you dream of a White Rose in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Admire a blooming White Rose on a bush - expect good news about a matter that interests you in the near future.
  • A blooming White Rose in a dream promises the fidelity of a lover.
  • To see that you have picked a White Rose while enjoying its aroma - very soon you will receive a marriage proposal, your love is mutual and will grow into a strong and happy marriage.
  • But if you saw an unblown White Rose, but only a bud, this is also a good sign, foreshadowing that a girl will soon be born in the family.
  • Why dream of a white rose that has withered or dried up - sadness, anxiety, unexpected expenses, health problems for the mother or daughter.
  • A white rose covered with drops of dew - prosperity and success in business. The right choice of a partner, a marriage proposal is possible in the coming days.

White rose - what does it mean in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • If a sick person sees a White Rose in a dream, it means a speedy recovery.
  • If an elderly dreamer dreams of a White Rose, get ready for your children’s wedding soon. Expect the birth of a granddaughter.
  • The dream promises to receive a profitable offer from close people or relatives.
  • When a lonely widow dreams of a White Rose, it means that the woman remains faithful to her late husband.
  • If a widow is going to remarry and saw a White Rose in a dream, the deceased husband gives a blessing for this marriage.

Analysis of the dream in which the White Rose was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

  • The father of psychoanalysis believes that, despite the fact that the White Rose is auspicious sign, the presence of thorns on a flower indicates that the mistrust of the partner has serious grounds.
  • Being pricked by a thorn of a White Rose in a dream - this warns of a partner’s betrayal, betrayal.
  • But being pricked by a thorn means being sexually harassed.
  • Why do you dream of a white rose if you admired the flower and enjoyed its aroma - it means that love relationship have reached their peak, and everything is going well for them.
  • The meaning of a dream about Tea roses for men (Vanga’s Dream Book)

    • The interpretation in the publication says that seeing the White Rose is a good omen, promising pure love and fidelity in relationships.
    • Why does a man dream of a white rose - he will soon meet a pure and innocent girl.
    • Be careful if you are pricked by a White Rose thorn in a dream. This is a negative sign that warns of betrayal on the part of a partner. Or, repentance awaits, pangs of conscience for a bad deed that you would like to keep secret.
    • For singles, a dream about a white rose predicts the potential for choice in personal life.
    • And when family people dream of a white rose, it means that in the near future family life will become happy, filled with love.

    Why does a woman dream of a White Rose (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

    • A dream about white roses in the warm season is interpreted as prosperity. And in the cold season the interpretation has the opposite meaning.
    • Blooming white roses in dreams foreshadow lovely events, as well as the receipt of cheerful news. Sometimes a dream with such a plot foreshadows a marriage proposal.
    • Receiving a white rose as a gift in a dream speaks of good luck in work and improved health.
    • If the gifted roses have a shabby appearance, you should expect betrayal of your loved one.
    • Weaving this flower into your hair portends happiness and reliability in love, strengthening tender feelings.
    • Breaking a white rose means a quarrel.
    • Throw it out - break off a relationship with a loved one.

A dream about roses during their blooming season foretells prosperity.

Dreaming about them out of season foretells the opposite.

Blooming roses in a dream predict pleasant events or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon find out the date of your engagement.

White roses in a dream foretell good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit.

Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one.

A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings.

Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed.

If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you.

A rose bush in a dream portends a happy family happy life.

Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future.

It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage.

Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage.

Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear.

Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you.

Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit.

Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your lover.

A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

A bouquet of red roses standing on the table in front of you predicts a declaration of love that will border on ingratiation. But whatever the recognition, it will still be pleasant to you and will make you a happy person.

A rose boutonniere in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. See interpretation: smell, aroma, choke, flowers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Why do we dream of white roses and why do such visions deserve attention? It should be understood in more detail. Flowers are often a harbinger of good events. However important role In the interpretation, the brightness of the dream, the state and shade of the roses, as well as the events in which the bouquet came to the person play a role.

Flowers are often a harbinger of good things to come

For correct interpretation you should start from several sources, as well as from the sensations that were present at that moment.

Why does a woman dream of white roses who receives them in a vision? If a representative of the fair sex receives flowers from her lover, perhaps a pleasant event and even marriage will soon await her. This is a symbol that hardly anyone can ruin the relationship. Why does a man who receives them from a woman dream of white roses is a rather interesting question.

Such a symbol can signal an upcoming pleasant event. If the girl in the dream was an acquaintance, then you can get a tempting offer from her. If the fair sex was a stranger, then this promises new interesting meetings and enterprises.

A similar symbol can signal an upcoming pleasant event.

Why do you dream of a bouquet of white roses that does not fit in your hands will be interesting to many, because this is a double symbol. Firstly, such a vision should be interpreted as great profits, and secondly, as significant changes for the better. Moreover, the changes will not be gradual, but will occur at the most unexpected moment.

White roses in a dream are a harbinger of happiness, harmony, and excellent changes. There are practically no negative interpretations with the exception of one. If you accidentally prick yourself with a thorn from a flower, then the changes will be perceived painfully and reluctantly by the dreamer, but in the end they will give positive results.

White roses in a dream are a harbinger of happiness, harmony, and excellent changes

Why do you dream of a white rose and why is it interpreted ambiguously in most sources? This will be discussed further. One flower given by a person speaks of a positive action from the outside. Perhaps this will be a little help that will come in handy. If the gift was given with love, then most likely the person will receive a pleasant present from loved ones. When a flower is given away with a negative attitude, then perhaps someone among loved ones harbors a grudge against the dreamer.

Why do you dream about roses (video)

Additional interpretations

Seeing white roses in a dream means renewing yourself energetically. Many parapsychologists believe that such a sign of the subconscious promises good health, both physical and emotional. Picking flowers in a dream means doing everything that is necessary to change for the better.

Moreover, if the dreamer experiences only positive emotions, then such an internal transformation will be given to him with pleasure. When the procedure itself is tiring, it means that in order for changes to occur both inside and outside, some effort will have to be made.

There are practically no negative interpretations

A bouquet of white roses in a dream, which the fair sex received from the bride at a wedding, is nothing more than a sign of an imminent marriage and strengthening of relationships. Fortune will turn to face the woman, and all troubles will remain in the past. If a man took it, then the dreamer will receive a lucrative offer and a possible marriage to a pleasant person.

When a bouquet contains flowers of a different shade, this may be evidence of some doubts. A person, as it were, faces a choice in reality. However, if you happen to dream a large number black and white roses mixed together, you may soon have to solve problems, after which new prospects for future growth will open up.

Some people in dreams receive flowers as a gift, while others give them themselves. And, of course, we are always interested in what these flowers mean in dreams. Let's see what the dream is about White Rose. Dream Interpretation will help us with this.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Miller believes that interpreting a dream with white roses is not easy, since it is important to pay maximum attention to the smallest details of such a night vision.

  • If in a dream there is wonderful sunny weather, and the rose is fresh and fragrant, with drops of dew on fresh petals, this is a wonderful sign. A young girl can find a lover, and lonely people, having seen such a dream, can hope for changes in their personal lives.
  • Well, what if in a dream there are white roses with dull, fading leaves, and they don’t fall on them? Sun rays, this is a harbinger of possible future health problems.
  • If the dreamer inhales the aroma of a wonderful bouquet of white roses in a dream, he will receive joyful news that nothing can overshadow.
  • Armfuls of white roses in the hands of a young girl in a dream - in real life she will receive a marriage proposal very soon.

Interpretation according to Freud's dream book

White roses in a dream the founder of psychoanalysis, of course, relates to the relationship between a man and a woman.

  • white roses in dreams symbolize the naivety of girls towards the stronger sex;
  • if you dreamed of a lot of white roses, the dreamer holds within himself the desire to have many connections;
  • but for a man similar dream may mean unpleasant embarrassment in bed;
  • A lush bouquet of white roses in a dream, according to Freud, promises the dreamer or dreamer an emotional uplift.

Interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

Miss Hasse considers a bouquet of white roses seen in a dream to be a harbinger of choosing a reliable companion in life.

  • if you pick flowers in your dream, this is a sign that you will do right choice a person who will be by your side all your life;
  • a bouquet of white roses received as a gift in a dream - your lover is faithful to you and has the most sincere feelings towards you;
  • if the dreamer dreamed of fading flowers, disappointments should be expected in his personal life.

Interpretation according to Mrs. Grishina’s dream book

For Mrs. Grishina, the appearance of beautiful white roses in a dream is of a slightly different nature.

  • You dreamed of fragrant flowers - you need to show more attention to your loved ones, as serious troubles may haunt them. She also believes that such a dream can be a harbinger of separation.
  • If you find yourself a well-wisher who will help you overcome life's difficulties. Moreover, his appearance in the dreamer’s life will happen very timely.
  • But if in a dream you yourself give such flowers, you yourself will help in life the person you like. You will definitely be sincerely thanked for your help.

Chinese imperial dream book

According to Chinese dream book the interpretation of each dream also depends on many details. If you dreamed white rose, dream book explains it this way:

  • A girl gives a bouquet of white roses in a dream - in reality she is ready to take the first step towards establishing Serious relationships. A man gives roses in a dream - this means that he is ready to do anything for the sake of a relationship with his beloved girl.
  • If you walk among the bushes of white roses in the fall and enjoy their scents, you have enough strength and energy to give them to another person. If such a walk in a dream occurs, for example, in the spring, then you will receive positive energy from a good person.
  • To receive a bouquet of white roses as a gift in a dream means that in real life you must do something important for another person, perhaps even to the detriment of yourself.

White roses in a dream in the interpretations of various dream books

  • The clairvoyant Vanga from Bulgaria interprets the appearance of living white roses in a dream as a symbol of good luck and happiness in the dreamer’s real life. White color in its interpretation, it characterizes pure thoughts and reverent feelings. A bouquet of white roses in a dream For a young girl, it promises her sincere declarations of love from her loved one in reality. If the flowers are on the floor, then discord is possible in the relationship between lovers.
  • Azar's dream book gives an interpretation of such a dream if a young lady dreams of white roses. This dream promises a girl successful relationship, which could end in her marriage. A similar interpretation is given by it. He promises the birth of passionate love.
  • The dream book of Simon Kananita gives the answer to a dream in which the dreamer himself cut white roses from a bush. This dream promises temptations and infatuation with women. However, the dream is ambiguous, since the passion may be reciprocated, or it may remain unanswered.
  • The French dream book counts white roses in a dream good sign for family people. Regardless of what kind of relationships reign in the family now, in the future there will certainly be harmony and peace in the family.
  • The love dream book interprets seeing white roses in a dream as an opportunity to experience sensual pleasures in reality.

Why do you dream about roses of different colors?

Why do you dream white rose, dream book explained to us in sufficient detail. But these beautiful flowers come in a variety of colors.

  • pink roses, dreamed of by romantic natures, can be a harbinger of the creation of a strong couple;
  • yellow roses in night visions can be a signal of possible betrayal;
  • Almost everyone interprets a dream in the same way as white people: it is a symbol of a meeting that can change your life forever.

It is also important to pay attention to such details in your dreams as the type in which you dreamed of roses - whether they were buds, petals or whole bushes with these beautiful flowers. You also need to consider where the flowers were. They could be in a vase, pot or garden bed:

  • flowers in a beautiful vase in night vision mean a pleasant surprise;
  • if in a dream there were roses in a pot, this means receiving an expensive gift;
  • roses in the garden predict that you will have to work hard to achieve a relationship with the person you desire.

In general, if you dreamed white rose, dream book usually gives good interpretation dream. The main thing is that they look good. After all, slightly wilted flowers can indicate a possible illness or some failures in life. In this case, do not rush to worry, but carefully compare the lunar day and the day of the month in which you dreamed of such flowers. Perhaps dreams do not come true during this period.