What is the fox effect of eyelash extensions? Fox (fox) - types of foxes, where they live, how long they live, what they eat, photo Slanted cat eyes

The fox effect of eyelash extensions is perfect for girls with round, expressive eyes.

Girls go to great lengths to look well-groomed and attract the attention of the opposite sex. A mysterious and seductive look will help create a foxy effect with eyelash extensions.

What is the principle of the fox effect?

The basic principle of eyelash extensions with a fox effect is to attach hairs from the inner to the outer corner of the eye with a sharp transition from small eyelashes to long ones. To do this, the extension specialist selects a material of short length, then gradually increases the size of the eyelashes, and, approaching the opposite edge of the eyelid, sharply increases the length of the eyelashes. The look immediately becomes deeper and flirtatious.

When preparing for a festive event, it is allowed to use decorations - rhinestones and colored feathers. However, only an experienced master can achieve a truly natural “fox look”.

Briefly about other types of extensions

In addition to extensions using the “chanterelle” principle, there are 6 more ways to highlight the beauty of the eyes.

Suitable for creating natural image. The color and thickness of the samples are selected in accordance with natural hairs, with a smooth gradual transition from the inner corner of the eye.

All bristles are the same length, except those located on the outer corners of the eye. They are chosen to be an order of magnitude longer.

The hairs are fixed at a certain distance from each other, alternating long and short lashes, allowing you to highlight the length of natural hairs

Glamor effect

The glamorous effect is a type of volumetric extension and is based on gluing 2 or more artificial eyelashes onto one natural eyelash, due to which the eyelashes acquire a special lushness.

Multicolor or millennium
Unnaturally colored bristles are glued at equal distances. There is a whole palette of colors that can be applied to eyelashes.

Who is the fox effect suitable for?

Girls often choose the “fox” look because of the opportunity to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes with the effect of eyeliner. Based on the shape of the eyes, it is easy to determine whether this technique is suitable for a representative of the fair sex or not.

Among those who are suitable for the fox effect of eyelash extensions are girls with round, expressive eyes and raised corners. Thanks to this effect, their look acquires a special mystery and cunning, like that of a fox.

Ladies with close-set eyes will also appreciate the effect of the procedure and will surprise others with their unforgettable slanted gaze. Girls with protruding eyes will look no less attractive.

Eyelash extensions “fox look” are not suitable for girls with the following eye shape:

  • almond-shaped eyes;
  • drooping outer corners of the eyes;
  • narrow and elongated eyes;
  • wide-set eyes;
  • small eye size.

How is extension done?

The main task of the master is to achieve a smooth transition from one hair length to another. The eyelash extension scheme with the fox eye effect involves attaching the bristles in one of two ways - classic or beam.

The classic method will allow you to enjoy the result more long time. Hair loss will occur in single elements, and not in whole bunches. With a beam attachment, you will have to go for correction more often.

The fox effect visually “stretches” outer corners eye, forming an “arrow”. The extension scheme involves gluing the material 0.5 mm from the root of the native hair. This uses waterproof glue that does not harden after drying. It can be colorless or black.

Optimal parameters for eyelash extensions

For extensions, hairs 6-10 mm long are selected. If the goal is to achieve spectacular unnatural volumetric type of eyelashes, then it is allowed to use a length of up to 16 mm.

You can achieve a fox-like look not only by choosing a material of a certain thickness and length, but also by choosing the type of this material. There are:

  • silk- smooth eyelashes with a glossy shine. Such hairs look natural and do not weigh down natural eyelashes;
  • sable- thick and heavy eyelashes that preserve good elasticity while remaining soft when worn. They allow you to create a stunning, captivating look;
  • core- eyelashes made of the finest hairs. They practically do not stand out against the background of the eyes, therefore they are not particularly popular among the female population;
  • mink- artificial eyelashes, characterized by lightness and subtlety. In thickness and texture, they are almost similar to natural human eyelashes, so they can be used to build up any effects and volumes.

For the types of materials described above, mink, sable or silk threads are not used in the production of hairs. These are just conventional names that are needed to make it easier to distinguish the characteristics of eyelashes.

Natural material can cause allergies, so preference is given to synthetic hairs. To achieve a fox effect during eyelash extensions, it is recommended to choose mink or silk eyelashes. The former create natural volume, while the latter create the same, but more impressive effect.

The bend line also plays a big role. It is better to give preference to the D bend, in which the hairs are tucked at the maximum angle. In this case, the eyes look brighter and flirtatious. Choosing black bristles will help enhance the result.

Extension procedure with fox effect:

  1. The hairs and skin around them are prepared: cleaned and degreased.
  2. Special pads are applied so that the upper hairs dry and do not stick to the lower ones.
  3. The master takes tweezers and glue and begins to build. It bypasses weak and unreliable hairs, choosing a strong base for new eyelashes.
  4. Gluing occurs gradually. Before applying each bristle, the previous one must dry. Until the middle of the century, hair parameters do not change.
  5. After reaching the required mark, the length of the bristles begins to increase.
  6. When gluing is completed, you need to wait until the composition has completely dried and remove the pillow.

After completing the work, the master examines the client's eyes. The resulting effect is secured by combing the hairs. The duration of the procedure is 1.5-3 hours.


Fox eyelash extensions, like other types of this procedure, have a number of contraindications:

  • oily skin;
  • eye diseases;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • allergy to any of the components.

If you have any of the above-described body features, it is strongly recommended to refuse the procedure.


The effect of extensions can please the girl and those around her for only a short time if they are not properly looked after.

Natural eyelashes are constantly renewed, so the foxy effect of eyelash extensions cannot last more than two months. The maximum wearing period can be achieved with regular correction once every 2-3 weeks. Without it, the hairs will last no more than a month.

  • you should not visit baths and saunas; it is better to try to avoid any places with high humidity and sudden changes in temperature;
  • You need to sleep only on your back or side;
  • You should avoid applying cosmetics with fatty ingredients to your eyelids;
  • you need to periodically comb your hair with a special brush;
  • It is forbidden to cry, rub your eyes or touch them;
  • avoid frequent contact with salty and chlorinated water;
  • remove decorative cosmetics from the eyes with special lotions;
  • do not miss correction from the master.

Fox eyelashes can be worn continuously for no more than six months. The eyes are given a rest for two months, during which vitamin masks and other care products are applied to them. After this period, you can continue the procedure.

That's all, photos of the fox extension effect can be seen in the gallery below. Feel free to comment and share the article on social networks.

Eye shape and characteristics

"Dragon" eyes

The mighty, magnificent dragon, an ancient mystical animal, has always fascinated Chinese physiognomists. In China it symbolizes higher form nobility, strength, power and luck. All these qualities are believed to be inherent in the owners of “dragon” eyes: they are distinguished by their liveliness of character, by nature they are creative, far-sighted, strong and power-hungry. In other words, these are always leaders, people with an enviable destiny.

"Dragon" eyes have round shape, double rounded eyelids, with the lower one slightly directed upward. The pupils of “dragon” eyes are black, very large, occupying more than two-thirds of the iris. “Dragon” eyes are powerful and at the same time enchanting, they sparkle with joy, while their gaze seems to pierce a person through and through, sees his soul and reads his thoughts. The look of “dragon” eyes inspires respect and trust in their owner. Dragon eyes are considered a highly auspicious sign.

Phoenix eyes

Phoenix eyes - female version"dragon" eyes. The legendary, mysterious phoenix symbolizes feminine power and power, the owner of such eyes looks, as a rule, like a true queen.

The eyes of the “phoenix” are large, round, with double eyelids, the lower ones are well defined. The pupils of Phoenix eyes are usually large, occupying more than two-thirds of the iris. Women with phoenix eyes are distinguished by their kindness and nobility; they are rich, famous, loved and have great power.

"Tiger" eyes

Bright distinctive feature"tiger" eyes is their rectangular shape, they amaze everyone with their angularity. In China, the tiger traditionally symbolizes power, courage, wealth, long life and good luck.

It is believed that owners of “tiger” eyes are also distinguished by fearlessness and ebullient energy. These people are enterprising and creative, they are born leaders with strong feeling self-esteem. In the history of China, many monarchs had “tiger” eyes, especially during periods of transition of power from one dynasty to another. Typically, owners of “tiger” eyes do not live in poverty, although they do not strive to accumulate wealth. As they say, the money comes to them on its own.

According to some physiognomists, owners of “tiger” eyes are rebels by nature. This statement has a basis if we remember the nature of a real tiger.

Owners of “tiger” eyes are assertive people in achieving their goals. True, they search for themselves for a long time, but once they find them, they push everything into the background. They are spurred to action by their irrepressible pride and reluctance to feel defeated. A tiger, especially a wounded one, does the same thing in nature. For the owner of “tiger” eyes, if his self-esteem is offended, neither money nor power mean anything. Perhaps that is why the best and faithful friends– these are the owners of “tiger” eyes.

"Cat's eyes

“Cat” eyes are somewhat reminiscent of “tiger” eyes in shape. They are brilliant, with a commanding, piercing gaze. The similarity between “cat” eyes and “tiger eyes” is quite understandable and understandable, since in China a cat is considered a small tiger. Therefore, it is quite natural that some qualities of the tiger are attributed to her, only to a lesser extent.

It is believed that owners of “cat’s” eyes are always on the alert and sense the approaching threat.

"Wolf" eyes

People with “wolf” eyes are, as a rule, very cruel, angry, vengeful and immoderately power-hungry. Owners of elongated, “wolf-like” eyes almost always occupy a high position social status. However, they often become victims of violence. Their character is quick-tempered and their mind is short. Among the owners of “wolf” eyes there are many sadists, serial killers and leaders of criminal gangs.

"Cow" eyes

“Cow” eyes amaze with their assertive gaze and determination, and at the same time with their softness and calmness. The eyes are usually small, but with large pupils. They inspire confidence and speak of the efficiency, reliability and patience of their owners. Those with cow eyes will never let you down or leave you in Hard time, they are true and loyal friends. Such people work rather slowly, but very hard, and think logically and methodically. They make good scientists, doctors and spouses.

"Ram" eyes

Sheep eyes are similar to cow eyes, but smaller and more attractive, with double eyelids and a beautiful curve. The pupils are surrounded by whites white. Owners of “ram” eyes are modest, prolific, and love comfort. People with such eyes are smart and often gifted. They are not distinguished by courage and tenacity in implementing even their most successful ideas; they tend to waste their very limited reserves of energy in search of simple earthly pleasures.

"Fox" eyes

Slightly angular, small, with drooping corners, “fox” eyes symbolize cunning and greed. The owners of such eyes are usually greedy, surprisingly cunning, or very smart people. Their relationships with colleagues, as a rule, are very strained, especially with those with whom they have to for a long time communicate closely. These cunning people manage to hide under the guise of goodwill for quite a long time, but in the end they will definitely be “seen through.”

"Horse" eyes

“Horse” eyes are large, round and slightly bulging, with double eyelids, beautifully outlined. People with “horse” eyes are considered intelligent, witty, quick-witted, sincere, hardworking, and also endowed with literary and artistic talents. On the other hand, they have a very hot temper. These people are straightforward, they do not know how to hide their true feelings and often remain misunderstood, but in the end their intelligence and good intentions will be adequately appreciated by others.

"Deer" eyes

“Deer” eyes are very similar to “horse” eyes. Their main difference is that deer eyes are smaller. The owners of such eyes are good-natured, friendly, intelligent and diligent people, although they are often too hasty. They perfectly sense the approach of danger and notify their friends about it. A heightened sense of danger forces them to be constantly on guard, but at the same time they remain outwardly indifferent. The founders of Chinese physiognomy noted that those with “deer” eyes are not only extremely cautious people, but also physically and mentally quite strong. You can rely on them in any extreme situations.

"Crane" eyes

"Crane" eyes are beautifully defined, with double eyelids and dark pupils. Those with “crane” eyes have good artistic taste, are able to make a brilliant career in government agencies, and often become famous scientists, doctors, and writers. They are born seekers of truth and knowledge, possessing enormous capacity for work, and, as a rule, they are sure to achieve their goals.

"Lion" eyes

Such eyes are elongated, their gaze is firm and penetrating. They inspire respect and also fear in others, even if the owner of these eyes is calm. “Lion” eyes indicate sound mind, prosperity, determination, prudence, high position and courage. Owners of “lion” eyes are best suited for the role of performers both in business and in politics or military affairs. They do not waste themselves on trifles, they are decisive, efficient and demand the same from their subordinates.

"Elephant" eyes

“Elephant” eyes are elongated, light, slightly swollen, beautifully outlined, with large expressive pupils. Chinese physiognomists consider those with elephant eyes to be lucky, sociable, respectable, good-natured, and distinguished. good health. Wealth comes to them slowly but surely, as a reward for their constant work and faithful service.

Peacock eyes

Peacock eyes are incredibly round.

Usually the married life of people with such eyes is unsuccessful: either their spouses die early, or the marriage breaks up. Such people have many envious people who try to undermine their position. Usually they do not have many friends, but they themselves remain loyal only to those who are ready to sacrifice literally everything for them.

"Pig" eyes

“Pig” eyes are small, stupid, with an absent-minded look. The owners of such eyes are usually people of little intelligence, conservative, narrow-minded, often cunning - they do everything with an afterthought in order to gain an advantage over others. Such people do not occupy leadership positions; routine work is more suitable for them. The life expectancy of people with “pig” eyes rarely exceeds sixty years.

Wide-set eyes

Eyes set far apart indicate that their owners are active, energetic, optimistic and far-sighted people with a broad outlook. Those with wide-set eyes are unusually efficient and can work day and night like crazy.

They have a positive effect on those around them; their presence alone seems to charge people with positive energy.

They easily endure adversity and believe that they will come. better times. Such people look at things simply because they are always confident in the future, quickly forgive others and never torment themselves needlessly for mistakes they have made. Thanks to this trait, their colleagues love them, and they live much longer than others. Owners of wide-set eyes also have one negative trait: they are overly dreamy, and dreams can lead them away from reality.

Close-set eyes

If the distance between the eyes does not exceed the width of a finger, they are called close-set. People with such eyes are dogmatic, prone to pessimism, and have a narrow-minded mind. They do everything, as they say, “by the book,” so they make excellent secretaries and minor clerks. They cannot look at life in its entirety, because they believe that everything depends on the current little things, which they are constantly busy with. They don't remember easily, but they forget even more difficult. If you offend such a person, even accidentally, through negligence, he will often remind you of this. As a rule, people with close-set eyes are no different good health, they do not make long-term plans for their lives. They have neither the strength nor the desire for this.

Yin-yang eyes

These are eyes of different sizes. The owners of such eyes are usually smart and prudent people, good financiers, and they often make excellent businessmen.

The founders of Chinese physiognomy considered those with “yin-yang” eyes to be far-sighted people, since their small eye always looks down at the ground, while the big one is directed to the heavens. It is therefore not surprising that owners of yin-yang eyes occupy a high social position. Unfortunately, different eyes- an indicator of short life.

"Drunk" eyes

These eyes look as if their owner is not completely sober: they just can’t focus. “Drunk” eyes indicate increased sexuality, irresponsibility, an unhappy marriage and a possible sudden death. Owners of such eyes cannot make a career, money “does not come to them,” and what they have is ultimately lost.

Peach colored eyes

These eyes are extraordinarily beautiful, they are bright and light, very expressive, “enchanting, like running water, delighting, like peach color.” Owners of such eyes are happy in love; they often have exciting love affairs almost throughout their lives. They are not familiar with such a feeling as fidelity, either in love or in friendship; they are always looking for new acquaintances, new amorous adventures. It seems as if they are insatiable in their passion for love pleasures. This quality will have a negative impact on their marriage. But the owners of such eyes are not bothered by family crises; for them, life is just an inexhaustible source of carnal pleasures, an eternal path to finding new partners. Many actors, actresses, businessmen and politicians have just such eyes.

Powerful eyes

Such eyes seem to hypnotize with their power, their gaze is piercing and sharp. Those with powerful eyes are said to be able to disarm their opponents with just one glance. People with imperious eyes love to command, they command respect from the first minute. They not only love power, but also know how to use it wisely.

They make wise politicians and excellent military leaders.

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The ideals of external female attractiveness have changed at all times. What was considered perfect in the Middle Ages was not so in the 19th century; the ideals of beauty of the golden era of Hollywood were strikingly different from the standards of attractiveness of the 80s of the last century. Today, the standard of beauty, accordingly, has its own specific characteristics. A slender, fit body is in fashion, but without excessive thinness, with appetizing, exciting shapes. As for the face, the priority is plump lips, wide, sable eyebrows, high aristocratic cheekbones and a neat, graceful nose. Particular attention should be paid to today's standard of ideal eyes.

If large eyes are almost always the most attractive, then ideas about their ideal shape have changed today. Thus, over the past few years, the global tendency to give your look an incredibly seductive “foxy” squint (starlook), capable of striking on the spot, has become incredibly popular. It is known that Hollywood actress Megan Fox was one of the first to use this powerful “weapon of mass destruction.” It was thanks to her famous “fox squint” that she became the favorite of millions of men around the globe.

Exciting beauty

Why is the owner of the “chanterelle’s eyes” so attractive and valuable to the stronger sex? It is impossible not to notice such a woman, to miss her in the crowd. Having caught a sly glance, men literally fall under a skillfully cast spell. A slight squint, curved eyelashes in the outer corners of the eyelids, raised eyebrows at the temples - this is how the owner of the “fox look” looks.

How to achieve this effect? There are two methods that have certain distinctive features. The first is special makeup, the second is surgical correction of the eyelids. Which one is better? Not quite the right question, because it depends on what result you want to achieve. If it is important for you to make your eyes “foxy” not for two or three hours, but forever, plastic surgery will help you.

A slight admixture of Asian genes gives Caucasians a more expressive look

“Fox look” using make-up

The effect of a sly look with the help of cosmetics can be easily created on any eyes, however, when applying such makeup at first, girls who do not have special skills will inevitably make some mistakes. For example, it is undesirable to use dark, aggressive shadow colors in this case; you should not over-paint your eyebrows, thereby giving your face an unnatural, gloomy expression. It is necessary to very carefully draw the arrows, which are the main “trick” of this makeup.

“Fox eyes” - without makeup and forever

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity or desire to do such painstaking makeup every time it is necessary, you should pay attention to aesthetic surgery. According to plastic surgeons, the desire of patients to make their eyes slightly Asian, with a slight slant to get a “fox-eye effect,” has become especially common over the past three years. By the way, almond shape palpebral fissure with a characteristic Asian slant and a raised outer tail of the eyebrows - something similar can be observed after endoscopic lift the upper and middle zones of the face, but without the characteristic swelling in the cheekbones.

According to surgeons, a slight admixture of Asian genes gives Caucasians a more expressive look. However, what if you don’t have such genes? Take advantage of the enormous possibilities of modern aesthetic surgery. A competent, highly professional specialist is able to “add” beauty and grace to your eyes so brilliantly that you don’t have to worry about the fact of undergoing plastic surgery.

The meaning of eye shape allows you to determine the most outstanding character traits of a person. Knowing the meaning of eye shape, you can easily find out about the personality traits of your interlocutor or a new acquaintance.

It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. There are many ways to recognize the essence of your interlocutor: by eye color, gaze, and even the distance between the eyes. It turns out that the shape of the eyes can provide just as much information.

What eye shape can tell you about a person

Find an eye similar to yours among the pictures and read what it means.

Snake eye. The upper eyelid covers part of the iris and forms a straight line. Such eyes are a sign of individualism. A person has his own point of view on everything that happens. You can also say about such a person that he is “on his own mind” - it is difficult for others to guess what is really in his head. The owner of this look has a discerning mind and good intuition. He understands people well. Another feature is the ability to calmly and adequately respond to difficult situations.

Tiger's eye. Large, slightly slanted eyes, part of the iris is covered. The owner of such eyes is very prudent, careful and patient. He clearly knows what he wants and will not deviate from his goal. He can be very persistent. Very often he achieves what he sets out to do. He lives according to his life principles, without looking up to anyone. Behaves naturally. Another characteristic of him is his avidity for praise.

Fox eye. The eyes are narrow, the look is cunning. Such eyes are a sign of dexterity, intelligence and ingenuity. As a rule, the owner of fox eyes greatly values ​​his surroundings and loved ones. She tries to avoid social gatherings, focusing on what really benefits her life. He looks at life positively and never gets lost in the face of difficulties. The opinions of surrounding people concern you to some extent, but are not significant.

Peacock eye. Narrow and oblong eyes. This is the look of a born leader. The owner of these eyes likes to be the center of attention. Public recognition and universal respect are important to him. In addition, he knows how to speak beautifully, and all the tasks he undertakes are sure to succeed. This is a careerist who knows how to manage people and takes responsibility for his life. Sets clear goals for himself that he easily achieves.

Crow's eye. The lower eyelid is almost straight, while the upper eyelid is arched. Such eyes speak of kindness, responsiveness and openness. The owner of the raven's eye is an intelligent person with whom you can discuss any topic. He will always help and listen, loves to communicate, but he is not bored even when alone. In addition, he is well versed in psychology and people, which makes it possible to masterly manipulate others.

sparrow eye. The shape of such eyes resembles a triangle - the eyelids are lowered. The owner of sparrow eyes is a diplomat. He does not like quarrels, intrigues and gossip and tries to resolve everything peacefully. Such a person tries to be in the thick of things in order to have information. Loves solitude, but at the same time can live without company. Loves to contemplate. A creative person who also has analytical skills.

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12.04.2015 09:06

Do you know your strongest and best character traits? Perhaps you are not at all...

Physiognomy: eyes. Character by the eyes

Irina Danilina

Eyes are the first thing people pay attention to when looking at a person: this has been proven by research. They represent the internal energy of a person, being the “windows of the soul.” Character is easily determined by the eyes, because even without knowledge of the basics of physiognomy, it is clear from just one glance a kind person or angry.

Knowing how to determine character by the eyes, you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. In this case, everything is important: the shape of the eyes, their size, location relative to each other, the color of the iris and whites, even the structure of the eyelashes!

Eye shape and character

In physiognomy, great importance is attached to the characteristics of the eyes, because the shape of the eyes and character are related to each other.

1. Large, bulging eyes

Owners of large expressive eyes sincere, artistic, intelligent, sociable, natural in expressing emotions. The beauty of such eyes is undeniable, which can cause failures in your personal life: they are too attractive to the opposite sex!

2. Protruding eyes

These are the eyes of a person who is gambling, energetic, ambitious, decisive, risky and intuitively senses the possibility of a successful transaction. Women with such eyes are distinguished by sociability, impulsive behavior, a desire for dominance, a love of risk and a tendency to reckless actions when literally everything is at stake.

3. Small eyes

Eyes of this type indicate punctuality, moral stability, firm life principles, devotion in friendship and love. However, the owners of such eyes are jealous, subconsciously feeling their imperfection. It is easy for women to visually increase the size of their eyes with the help of makeup, and men should develop self-confidence.

4. Deep-set eyes

Owners of eyes of this type are characterized by such natural qualities as daydreaming, conservative views, gullibility, vulnerability, and a calm disposition. Thanks to their natural abilities, they are excellent at navigating financial matters, but do not like to take risks, so they have stability and success in relation to money.

5. Slanted eyes

Owners of slanted eyes are characterized by such character traits as optimism, courage, determination, and self-confidence. However, their tendency towards adventurism and carelessness can lead them to rash actions, recklessness and risk. However, the unshakable self-confidence of these people, as a rule, contributes to success and good luck.

6. Eyes with drooping outer corners

If the outer corners of the eyes are located below the inner corners, then the person has a sad expression on his face. People with this eye shape tend to care about the welfare of others more than about themselves. Their immeasurable kindness can play a cruel joke on them: they will have to endlessly solve the problems of other people, forgetting about themselves and their interests due to weak will. Women can visually change the contours of their eyes with the help of makeup, and men will have to work on themselves in order to increase self-esteem, develop a strong will and the desire to win.

7. Big eyes with small irises

The eyes of this type look wide, as if from approaching danger. In such eyes, the whites are visible not only on the sides, but also below - in the form of a white stripe between the iris and the lower eyelid. Their owners have a stormy temperament and feeling constant worry, therefore, are not prone to long-term commitments. It is worth considering a job with frequent business trips and a partner from whom separation for a short period of time is possible. Insight, cunning, generosity are the strengths of their nature.

Angelina Jolie - big, bulging eyes

Aishwarya Rai - bulging eyes

Patrick Swayze - small eyes

Cameron Diaz - deep set eyes

Lada Dance - slanted eyes

Stallone - lowered outer corners

Anton Makarsky - large eyes with small irises

Character by the eyes: the influence of various signs

1. Eye placement

The position of the eyes relative to each other is of great importance for the harmonization of facial features. Ideally, the distance between them should be equal to the length of one eye, which indicates a person’s good relationship with family and society as a whole.

Close-set eyes indicate a weak will and excessive influence of parents on a person’s life. On the contrary, eyes disproportionately distant from each other indicate a strong personality who does not experience parental influence and care, perhaps on cool terms with them.

2. Color of the iris and whites

The dark brown color of the iris indicates vital energy person. Blue eyes indicate the kindness of their owners, green eyes indicate mystery and high intelligence, a yellowish tint indicates temperament, and violet indicates the charm of nature.

White and clear whites of the eyes are a sign of health. Redness and yellowness of the whites indicate problems internal state human body. The bluish tint of the whites speaks of the mysteriousness of nature: it occurs in people with brown eyes from birth.

3. Too visible whites

Sometimes the eyes have whites that surround the iris on all sides. People with an indomitable character who have no control over their condition have such eyes. They get angry easily, so it's best not to mess with them.

4. Eyelashes and character

As a rule, people who are not active enough have thin and sparse eyelashes. Short and thick eyelashes are characteristic of energetic, strong individuals with a fairly aggressive character. Long eyelashes are a sign of the kindness and kindness of a person’s nature.

5. Wrinkles around the eyes

The presence of wrinkles near the outer corners of the eyes, similar to “ crow's feet", talks about human sexuality. Directed upward, these wrinkles indicate the perseverance of the character of their owners, which allows them to always achieve their goals. If lowered, they may indicate a possible divorce.

6. Heavy eyelids

Heavy eyelids indicate the decisive character of a person who also has sufficient sensuality.

Determining character by the eyes allows you to recognize many personality traits already at the stage of acquaintance, which can only appear after a long time. As they say, “forewarned is forearmed”!

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Eye shape and human character

Since many people are concerned about the question of how to determine character by the shape of the eyes, I decided to resurrect my Physiognomy section. I hope that detailed descriptions with photo examples will help you better know and understand your friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

Wide-set eyes

People with this eye shape are not interested in trifles and details; they focus more on the big picture. Such persons do not like unnecessary fuss, they cannot stand making sudden movements or putting forward ultimatums to someone. It is almost impossible to piss off a person with wide-set eyes. Regardless of the number of years they have lived, they will always be mom’s or dad’s child. By the way, family is of great importance for such people, as it gives them a sense of security and reliability. It is this feeling that allows the “wide-eyed” to act without a shadow of a doubt, take risks and embark on adventures. These are cheerful and optimistic people who know how to enjoy life and enjoy freedom.

Close-set eyes

It is about the owners of this eye shape that we can say: “If you want it done well, do it yourself.” These are avid perfectionists who trust only themselves and believe only in their own strengths. They are wary of other people because they cannot completely control them. People with close-set eyes are very stubborn and intolerant; if they entrusted you with something, they will demand impeccable performance of the work. Their difficult character scares off others, and sometimes it is difficult for them to make friends or build relationships. If you want a calm relationship with a partner who has close eyes, then be patient and be prepared to be adjusted to fit the ideal. Despite their difficult character, such people are excellent at self-control and coping with stress. They never get depressed, but immerse themselves in fitness. People with wide-set eyes stand firmly on their feet and are not worth castles in the air, and they know how to turn any unwinnable situation to their advantage.

Large and expressive eyes

People with this eye shape are very emotional and impulsive, often acting according to their mood and under the influence of the moment. They instantly lose their temper as soon as the situation turns against them. People with big eyes often suffer from an excellent student complex, trying to win everywhere and always. Despite their leadership habits, they are quite soft and homely. Having fallen in love, they never lose their heads, and love to be the center of attention and bask in the rays of adoration.

Small eyes

Such people are very picky about little things and nothing can escape their close gaze. They seem to scan the interlocutor with their gaze, so don’t even try to hide something from them. Individuals with small eyes have iron self-control and a calm disposition. They are closed, experience everything within themselves and never share their feelings with others. People with small eyes are fierce debaters and love to defend their beliefs in heated debates. They are very self-confident and do not doubt their irresistibility at all. If they are jealous of someone, then this is just a way to keep their partner on their toes.

Cat eyes with upturned corners

The character of people with this eye shape combines stubbornness and generosity. They never admit their mistakes or show their weaknesses to others. If they personal life is far from ideal, then they will keep their face to the last and fight for their family happiness, and they will not do this in the most correct and correct ways. If you want to leave your cat-eyed partner, be prepared for a brutal battle that you will most likely lose. These people are great pragmatists and skeptics and often become depressed. They quickly get carried away and cool down just as quickly, losing interest in both the person and the activity. They love meeting new people and often neglect old friends.

Protruding eyes

Owners of this eye shape combine seemingly incompatible character traits, for example, adventurousness and common sense, passion and cold reason. They love everything new and hate routine. If people with bulging eyes have to do routine work, they may even get sick from boredom and monotony, which is why such people often choose creative professions. They are very kind to their friends and know how to maintain good relationships with former lovers. Easily making new acquaintances, they never forget about old friends. Such people are very amorous and at the same time very faithful.


Let's continue to consider the character of a person based on the shape of his eyes.

Wolf eyes

The eyes are elongated with a large iris, usually light-colored, with downward-pointing outer corners and red-veined whites.
Such people have a hard and cold look, their pupils are blue.
People with such eyes are endowed with a cruel character, lust for power, exorbitant pride, they are vengeful and often unfair. But thanks to assertiveness and the ability to move forward without hesitation, they reach high positions.
By nature they are quick-tempered and do not know how to control themselves. Not too smart. Often, due to their character, they find themselves victims of violence. But they themselves often turn out to be gang leaders and killers.

Fox eyes

The fox's eyes are small, elongated, with downturned corners.
People with such eyes are smart, cunning and stingy.
They usually try to appear good-natured, but when it comes to personal gain, they show their fox-like qualities.
In the team they have difficult relationships.

cat eyes

The eyes of a cat are slightly similar to the eyes of a tiger, but smaller in size.
They are shiny, bright, with a firm, penetrating gaze.
It is believed that people with such eyes are attentive and sensitive to the slightest danger, very lucky, brave and strong.
They are less proud than people with tiger eyes, often achieve high positions, but do not suffer if they have to obey others.

Snake eyes

small ones, narrow eyes, with swollen eyelids, with blue irises.
The snake in the East symbolizes intelligence, cunning, and aggressiveness.
Blue eyes for oriental man- a symbol of danger.
People with snake eyes are ruthless, vindictive, cruel, very calculating and power-hungry, and do not forgive disrespect for themselves.
Often people with snake eyes are engaged in intelligence activities.

Monkey eyes

Rounded, sparkling eyes, slightly bulging, gaze mobile, unfocused.
People with such eyes are smart, inventive, active, endowed with intuition and excellent memory.
But they are too calculating and cunning, impatient, sexually anxious, suspicious and vindictive. True, their revenge is expressed in small dirty tricks, which they themselves then laugh at.
And the people they fool don’t stay angry for a long time either: people with monkey eyes behave too directly.

Bear eyes

The bear's eyes are large, but not smart, slightly convex, with white whites and small pupils, an absent-minded look.
People with such eyes are not very intelligent; they are lazy by nature, often very envious. They don’t know how to plan their life; they often don’t even know what to do or how to do it. Due to their specific character traits, they are often dangerous to others.
Copied from the site: http://www.astromeridian.ru/magic/

Meaning of eye color

About eye color, eye shades, character based on eye color Psychologists say: if you want to get to know a character better, look into his eyes. I am sure that yes, indeed, the eyes reflect certain features of our character, or maybe even quite the opposite - the character, in connection with the formation or change of our psyche, as well as morals, preferences and the like, may partially change the shades of the eyes.

By the way, if you are one of those who are perplexed as to why the eye color changes, then now
stop panicking: in the vast majority of cases, the effect of changing eye color, fortunately, does not contain anything bad and is largely perceived as an amazing observation, which some associate with certain processes in the psyche or a change in the basic characteristics of morals. But for now these are only assumptions, but the direct fact of the connection between eye color and the character traits of their owners is difficult to deny. And yet, in life there is always a place for exceptions, only today, fortunately =))), not about them, but about the reliably proven importance of eye color in a person’s life.

Eye color and character

Gray eye color will put you on a pedestal

Gentlemen with “cold” eyes - gray, blue, light blue - are creative, energetic and very impulsive individuals. Don’t feed them bread, let them get creative: come up with a non-standard solution to a problem, dance on the table, quarrel with their boss, defending some idea. True, they cool down as quickly as they ignite, and that is why they do not always achieve their goals.
The only thing in which light-eyed people are more or less constant is in love and friendship. They put their partners on a pedestal, sometimes adding completely non-existent qualities to them, and as a result they can worship the created idol for years. However, the proverb “From love to hate is one step” is also about the owners of blue, blue and gray eyes. True, in order to make such a revolution in the soul of the gray-eyed, former “idol”, he will have to try very hard.
Also, light-eyed people are very fond of grand gestures: they can literally and figuratively give their last shirt to someone in need or organize a noisy party for acquaintances and friends, even if they understand perfectly well that the next day they will have nothing to buy a tram ticket for.

Nuance! Shades of eye color add additional lines to the big picture. So, for example, bright blue eyes endow their “owner” with complacency, constancy and peace of mind. And gray with shades of steel are a sign of energy, persistence, ardor of nature and at the same time homeliness.

Brown eye color - brown explosion

A person with brown eyes is a real bundle of energy. Such a character is cheerful, witty, and resourceful. He can sometimes get fired up over a trifle, but he is not capable of being offended for a long time - innate optimism takes its toll.
Brown-eyed, love emotional love interests. True, most of their romances do not last long. Unlike gray-eyed people, they are not disappointed in their partner, but simply cool off towards him. But in terms of friendly relations, you can rely on them one hundred percent.

Nuance! How lighter eyes, the more gentle the character of their owner. Citizens with hazel eyes are shy, hardworking, and diligent. They love to fly in their dreams and hate taking responsibility, so they are not very good leaders. But their subordinates are excellent - hardworking, diligent and efficient.

Green eye color - reaches for talent

Green-eyed characters are very determined and strong-willed people. Having identified a clear goal in front of them, they will begin to move towards it like tanks, not paying attention to the obstacles and faces they encounter. No wonder that sooner or later individuals with green eyes achieve their goal: they make a stunning career, earn big money, or make the queen (king) fall in love with them.
True, one should not envy a person of royal blood in love: those with green eyes do not really like to show their true feelings and swear their love. But they, which is many times more important, are quite reliable and faithful.

Nuance! According to statistics, people with green eyes are extremely often gifted with talents - in music, literature, painting and other fields of art.

Black eye color - impossible to resist

“Dark eyes, passionate eyes”, as a rule, complement a sensual, ardent, amorous, addicted and highly selfish nature. Constancy in feelings is not their element. However, when seriously carried away by an idea, business or person, those with black eyes are able to move mountains to make their dreams come true. And they often get their way.

Nuance! It has been noted that women with black eyes often have psychological super-powers - men are not able to resist their charms.
Different eye colors

Sometimes it happens that the color of the eyes is different color or more precisely, of varying intensity. So in such cases, if, for example, the left eye is colored more intensely, this means that the person is dominant right hemisphere brain and, accordingly, is more actively used left side bodies. If, on the contrary, the right eye is more brightly colored, the opposite picture occurs.

"Left-eyed" people are soft. They do not like open confrontations, easily compromise and maintain a close relationship with their mother.
“Right-Eyed” are much tougher, more organized and more drawn to their father

Eye shape and character

So, we've talked enough about eye color. At least I hope so. But there is another important and very interesting aspect - the shape of the eyes reveals a person’s character no less than their color.

Big eyes

Thus, according to psychologists, large eyes indicate courage, the desire to constantly be a leader and, at the same time, spiritual subtlety and sensitivity. True, when the eyes are disproportionately large in relation to the rest of the facial features, and even shine too much, then their owner is most likely a very hard-hearted person. In addition, having big eyes has always been considered beautiful, but again, when everything is in moderation.

Small eyes

Small gimlet eyes are a sign of self-sufficiency and stubbornness. Owners of such eyes almost always achieve success or what they want most. They are also very affectionate and constant in their feelings.
Round eyes

Round-eyed people crave recognition and success. But, unfortunately, they don’t really like to take responsibility. That’s why they don’t manage to reach the absolute pinnacle of fame very often.

Triangular eye shape

Eye shape triangular shape usually indicates signs of lung character and relative talkativeness. But at the same time - wisdom and talent.

Slant eyes

Kind, tolerant, warm-hearted and a little sentimental people have slanted eyes.

Almond shaped eyes

Huh, I'm a little tired. If you are too, then let’s hope that there is already a little left, but for now we continue =)))
So, almond-shaped eyes are, who doesn’t know, kind of like those of a fox. This eye shape is considered one of the most beautiful. In addition, the almond shape indicates signs of a refined nature. Such individuals are fixated on art and greatly value friendships.

Eyes slightly bulging

A lady with slightly bulging eyes is a leader by nature, stubborn, domineering and sometimes unbalanced.

Eyes, the corners (external and internal) of which are on the same horizontal line, indicate mental balance, self-sufficiency, self-confidence and love for silence and solitude.

When the outer corners of the eyes are raised upward, their “owners” are brave, creative and at the same time greedy people: for the chance to get the jackpot they like, such people very often do almost anything.

When the outer corners of the eyes look down, it means that these characters are determined, good-natured and very charming. Their main feature is incorrigible optimism.

The outer corners of the peepers are very long and sharp, as if let down - a sign of high intelligence, insight, artistry and ruthlessness.

Don't believe your eyes - illusions (beginning of d/f)