Quotes about alcohol and love. Aphorisms of great people about alcohol. What harm does alcohol do to our body?

There is wisdom in wine, freedom in beer, bacteria in water.
Benjamin Franklin


Beer is an intellectual drink. What a shame that so many idiots drink it.
Ray Bradbury


Drunkenness is a special form of suicide that allows you to come back to life the next day. It seems that I have already lived ten or fifteen thousand lives.
Charles Bukowski


I drink to make the people around me more interesting.
George Jean Nathan


Winston, you're drunk!
- That's right. And you are ugly. I'll sober up tomorrow morning. And you will remain ugly.
Winston Churchill


If you notice a person trying to drown his sorrows in a glass, tell him that sorrows can swim.
Pittacus Lore


Alcohol may be man's most dangerous enemy, but the Bible says: love your enemy.
Frank Sinatra


I was once asked if I had a hangover. No, because in order for a hangover to happen, you need to stop drinking.
Lemmy Kilmister


I don't have a problem with alcohol. Except when I can't get booze.
Tom Waits


Be careful with strong drinks. They might make you shoot at the tax collector... and miss.
Robert Heinlein


There is no such thing as bad whiskey. Some whiskeys are just better than others.
William Faulkner


Not everyone who drinks is a poet. Many people drink precisely because they are not poets.
Dudley Moore


The computer makes more mistakes faster than any invention in human history, with the possible exception of the revolver and tequila.
Mitch Radcliffe

Do not forget that alcohol in any doses kills the mind in a person and turns him into an animal. Therefore, read with humor funny quotes with meaning about alcohol, smoking, drug addiction, doctors and medicine of great people.

Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to endure the operation called life
George Bernard Shaw

Reality is an illusion caused by the absence of alcohol
Norman Frederick Simpson

I got more out of the drink than the drink got out of me
Winston Churchill

Wine is the healthiest and most hygienic of drinks
Louis Pasteur

Vodka should be drunk only in two cases: when there is a snack and when there is none.
Leopold Staff

You meet old drunkards more often than old doctors
Francois Rabelais

You are not really drunk yet if you can lie down without holding the floor
Dean Martin

The attraction to drinking, unlike the attraction to women, becomes chronic over time.
Horace Safrin

Labor is the curse of the drinking class
Oscar Wilde

It's funny how most men are proud of two things that any man can do exactly the same: get drunk and father sons.
Gertrude Stein

I hate those who remember what happened at the feast

A new dress has the same effect on a woman as four shots of vodka on a man.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

One more drink and I'll be under control
Dorothy Parker

Love moves the world, yes, but whiskey turns it twice as fast
Compton Mackenzie

Hangover cure: juice two bottles of whiskey...
Eddie Condon

Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

A smart person drinks until he feels good, and a fool drinks until he feels bad.
Konstantin Melikhan

The drunkard is the true center of the world; everything revolves around him
Emile Ogier

Alcoholism is not a spectator sport. The whole family takes part in it
Joyce Rebeta-Burditt

I have certainly seen more men who were ruined by the desire to have a wife and children and keep them in comfort than men who were ruined by drunkenness and whores
William Yeats

Every drunken skipper trusts in providence. But providence sometimes sends ships of drunken skippers onto the rocks.
George Bernard Shaw

First you demand a drink, then the drink demands a drink, then the drink demands you
Sickler Lewis

I can't say I'm a healthy drinker. I can go for hours without drinking alcohol
Noel Coward

Do not miss the opportunity to do good - unless it threatens you with great damage. Don't miss a chance to drink - under any circumstances
Mark Twain

Vodka is stronger at the bottom of the glass
Yuzef Bulatovich

I drink to make other people more interesting
George Gene Nathan

Feasts are made for pleasure, and wine makes life merry

To get incredibly drunk, one glass is now enough for me. I just can’t remember whether it’s the thirteenth or the fourteenth
George Burns

For some, life begins after forty, for others - after one hundred grams
Leonard Drzewiecki

Whiskey is the most popular of all remedies that do not help with colds.
Jerry Vale

You never know you've had one too many drinks until you've had one.
Georges Courtelin

I know how to control myself and before breakfast I will never put anything stronger than gin in my mouth
William Claude Fields

You can refuse the first drink, but not the second
Ludwig Berne

Vodka drinks people dry
Ryszard Motas

A drunk cannot persuade a sober man, just as a sober man cannot persuade a drunk.

Never drink on an empty wallet
Leonard Louis Levinson

The world looks completely different through a full bottle than through an empty one.
Tadeusz Dolenga-Mostowicz

Thanks to the phone, you can talk to a friend without offering him a drink
Fran Lebowitz

I drink to forget that I drink
Joe Lewis

I drink no more than a hundred grams, but after drinking a hundred grams, I become a different person, and this other person drinks a lot
Leonard Drzewiecki

Optimistic lies are so necessary in medicine that a doctor who cannot lie sincerely has chosen the wrong profession.
George Bernard Shaw

The doctor does not have to believe in medicine - the patient believes in it for both.
Georges Elgozy

One of the most common diseases is to make a diagnosis.
Karl Kraus

A charlatan is a false doctor who sends you to the next world, while a real doctor lets you die a natural death.
Jean La Bruyère

Diagnostics has achieved such success that there are practically no healthy people left.
Bertrand Russell

A failed operation is half a successful autopsy.
Henryk Jagodzinski

I received a bill from the surgeon. Now I understand why these guys wear masks when working.
James Boren

In medicine, the main medicine is the doctor himself.
Anthony Kępiński

Only healthy people believe in the power of doctors.
Alfred Konar

If the patient does not feel better after talking with the doctor, then this is not a doctor.
Vladimir Bekhterev

This is an outstanding doctor: he invented several diseases and even managed to spread them widely.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

They demand a miracle from doctors and teachers, and if a miracle happens, no one is surprised.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

The doctor's advice has not yet cured anyone, but it is still some kind of entertainment for the patient.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The better the doctor, the more useless drugs he knows.
Benjamin Franklin

You will die not because you are sick, but because you live.

Just because a doctor knows the name of your disease does not mean he knows what it is.
Arthur Bloch

One of the advantages of poverty: the doctor will cure you faster.
Frank Hubbard

My doctor gave me six months to live. But when I didn't pay the bill, he gave me six more.
Walter Matho

A doctor's reputation is built by celebrities who died under his supervision.
George Bernard Shaw

A good doctor will save you, if not from illness, then at least from a bad doctor.
Jean Paul

Medicine is the art of drawing conclusions about the symptoms of a disease based on the causes of death.
Eugene Ionesco

Doctors are hated either out of conviction or out of economy.
Maria Enber-Eschenbach

The best medical specialty is dermatology. Patients will not wake you up in the middle of the night, will never die from their illness and will never get better.
Martin Fischer

Before you undergo surgery, get your earthly affairs in order. Perhaps you will still survive.
Ambrose Bierce

Some doctors have been making the same mistakes for twenty years in a row and call it clinical experience.
Noua Fabricant

It can be easier to get a patient back on his feet than to make a diagnosis.
Tadeusz Gitzger

Harmful substances contained in alcohol

Alcoholic drinks contain a certain amount of ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). In small quantities, this organic substance is not dangerous for an adult. But there is no alcohol that does not contain various additives. Flavor and aroma modifiers are added there specifically. And in poorly purified drinks, toxic substances remain in small quantities, which cause serious harm. These include:

  • fusel oils;
  • heavy isoalkyl alcohols;
  • methyl alcohol;
  • acetaldehyde and formic aldehyde;
  • acetals;
  • ketones;
  • phenol and representatives of other classes of organic compounds.

Sulfites are often found in mature red wines, which can cause alcohol poisoning and severe hangover.

Is there harmless alcohol?

You can try to do mathematical calculations and calculate the ethanol content in different drinks, or carefully read the information on the labels of all bottles about the impurities and additives they contain. But the conclusion will be the same: all alcoholic drinks cause general harm, and each individually can cause specific damage to the human body. Harmless alcohol, as well as safe doses, simply does not exist. No one can predict the body's reaction with 100% certainty to a small amount of low-alcohol drink. Surgeons, gastroenterologists and even pathologists who have gleaned this information from their medical practice can tell a lot of interesting things about the dangers of alcohol in unpredictably small quantities.

What harm does alcohol do to our body?

Frequent consumption of alcohol in large doses (and sometimes in very modest quantities) leads to disruption of systems and organs, negatively affects the activity of the entire nervous system and the brain in particular, complicates the course and development of chronic and acute diseases and can cause accidents .

Harm to the nervous system

Ethanol is a chemically active substance. Once in the body, it quickly replaces other components in complex biochemical reactions and interacts with them in its own way. Thus, it affects the functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system. First, after drinking alcohol, the production of adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin increases. This leads to further changes: a feeling of anxiety, talkativeness appears, and excitement increases. In the process of addiction, the body begins to require an increase in dose, and alcohol dependence develops. After this, other complications may appear:

  • depression;
  • depressed state;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • convulsions;
  • damage to blood vessels in the brain, etc.

At a certain stage, reducing the harm of alcohol on the body becomes impossible.

Alcohol harms the heart and lungs

Alcoholics are more susceptible to pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases than others. They often develop:

  • pneumonia;
  • various chronic and acute lung diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • arrhythmia and other diseases.

Effect on the liver and digestive system

Against the background of alcohol abuse, the following may develop:

  • alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis;
  • fatty liver;
  • gastritis and ulcers;
  • esophageal carcinoma;
  • pancreatitis.

The cells of the liver and other organs are actively destroyed by acetaldehyde, which is formed in our body from alcohol under the action of a specific enzyme. Due to the high calorie content of alcoholic beverages, a person who is dependent on them drinks more and eats less. His body is saturated with alcohol without receiving any nutrients. All tissues except adipose tissue are depleted. The associated lack of important vitamins and minerals immediately triggers a complex mechanism of damage to all systems and organs. It should be noted that alcohol-containing substances increase the risk of developing cancer, gout, stroke and diseases and abnormalities in fetal development. Doctors and statistics talk about this.

Social harm of alcohol

Drinking alcoholic beverages causes illness, broken destinies, poverty, and ruined talents. It is an evil that destroys health and lives. What are the social harms of alcohol? Most of the crimes and mistakes in life are committed under the influence of alcohol. And the tricky thing is that such consequences cannot be predicted when you take your first glass of alcohol.

Alcohol is the cause of most:

  • traffic violations;
  • murders;
  • fights;
  • sexual violence;
  • unplanned pregnancies;
  • cases of transmission of sexually transmitted infections;
  • family breakdown.

These sad statistics can only be prevented or reduced by actively promoting a healthy lifestyle and explaining the harm of alcohol in detail. The illusion of happiness that occurs after using this legalized drug does not last long. And the price for a short moment of euphoria is people’s health and lives.

Humans do not have an innate need for alcohol. Everyone follows the tradition of drinking alcohol on holidays and special occasions differently. Some manage to find the thin line between the positive and harmful effects of alcoholic beverages and not cross it, while others cannot do this. Everyone must understand why alcohol is harmful, admit it and refuse slow but sure suicide.

We hope you liked funny quotes with meaning about alcohol, smoking, drug addiction, doctors and medicine of great people. Stay with us on the portal of communication and self-improvement and read other useful and interesting materials on this topic!

Drunkenness is the mother of all vices.

Wine imparts four states to everyone who drinks it. At first, a person becomes like a peacock - he puffs up, his movements are smooth and majestic. Then he takes on the character of a monkey and starts joking and flirting with everyone. Then he becomes like a lion and becomes arrogant, proud, confident in his strength. But in the end he turns into a pig and, like her, wallows in the mud.

medieval Persian scientist, philosopher and doctor, representative of Eastern Aristotelianism; was the court physician of the Samanid emirs and Daylemite sultans, and for some time was the vizier in Hamadan; the most famous and influential philosopher-scientist of the medieval Islamic world

Constant drunkenness is harmful, it spoils the nature of the liver and brain, weakens the nerves, causes nerve disease, and sudden death.

To avoid becoming a drunkard, it is enough to have a drunkard in all his ugliness before your eyes.

The first cup belongs to thirst, the second to joy, the third to pleasure, the fourth to madness.

Drinking a lot and not being drunk is also typical for a mule.

famous ancient Greek scientist and philosopher; student of Plato; from 343 BC e. - teacher of Alexander the Great; in 335/4 BC. e. founded the Lyceum (Ancient Greek: Λύκειον Lyceum, or Peripatetic school); naturalist of the classical period; the most influential of the ancient philosophers; basically...

Much can happen between the cup of wine and the lips.

Intoxication is voluntary madness.

All people drink and eat, but only savages get drunk and overeat.

If it were not for drunkenness, then forever
Man would not know slavery!

There is a limit to drinking.

Work hard and do not associate with those who like to incite drunkenness. Only by stopping to lap up the wine will you escape the fate of the evil one - Remember Hans Sachs’s word.

In the bottles I see the horrors that will be generated by their contents; It seems to me that in front of me are bottles with monsters, snakes and embryos in a natural science museum.

Drunkenness of fathers and mothers is the cause of weakness and sickness in children.

“And all of you, how many of you have a human soul and are not yet completely beast-like, if you see whose house is on fire and when it completely disappears, don’t you rush with zeal, trying to extinguish the fire and flames? How can I, seeing not just one house, but the entire city and its surroundings burning and even completely burned, not grieve my soul and try to extinguish the flame? What kind of flame is this? Isn’t this the fire with which you are filled when you drink wine and honey or other drinks immeasurably, so that it is as if you are being burned out by the fire? This is the nature of hops: it warms and ignites the inside, like a soul-destroying flame. Drunkards do not receive the kingdom of God, and they are driven away from God and sent into eternal fire. I am horrified, thinking how the demons rejoice in you and Satan triumphs in you and rejoices in drunkenness, which you honor, and you even order your children to worship drunkenness. And only that holiday do you consider glorious if everyone lies as if dead, like idols, with mouths open but with silent tongues, with heads open but not seeing, with legs that cannot walk! Who will mourn for you who perish from drunkenness? There is no man more unhappy than a drunkard... Smoke drives away bees, and drunkenness drives away the Holy Spirit. The drunkard is all flesh, all full of vices and impurities, the drunkard does not think about any good. I weep and weep because you please the devil more than Christ, for you bring joy to him. When you get drunk, then you fornicate, jump and shout, sing and dance, and blow the pipes, overeat and get drunk, flatter those, hold grudges, get angry, scold, blaspheme and get angry, lie and be arrogant, curse and blaspheme, quarrel and steal, you beat and fight, talk idlely and blame, accuse and sleep a lot, reproach and denounce, and the sea is up to your knees... And the dancer and drunkard wife is the bride of Satan and the wife of the devil. Stop, brothers, the damned drunkenness, for God gave us wine for joy, and also at the right time, and not for drunkenness.”

In wine, melancholy seeks relief, cowardice seeks courage, indecision seeks confidence, sadness seeks joy, and finds only death.

Those are more reckless than cattle who quench their thirst not with water, but with wine.

Why do people drink? Because after drinking everything is filled with meaning, everything reaches its highest intensity. Conclusion: people drink out of helplessness or as a sign of protest.

Do not consider the Charka's friends as friends, for they are your Charka's friends, not your friends.

For me, it’s better to drink
Yes, understand the matter.

Italian artist and scientist, inventor, writer, musician, one of the largest representatives of the art of the High Renaissance, a shining example of a “universal person”

The wine was consumed by a drunkard - and this wine took revenge on the drunkard.

American writer, socialist, public figure, best known as the author of adventure stories and novels; Jack London was the second most published foreign writer in the USSR after H. H. Andersen in 1918-1986: the total circulation of 956 publications amounted to 77.153 million copies

The beginning of the journey is a glass, the middle is a drinking company, a light drink, a couple of glasses at lunch. The end - in prison for murder while drunk, for embezzlement, in a psychiatric hospital, in the grave from an accidental mild illness. Many overworked mental workers and laborers, succumbing to delusion, take the path along which alcohol leads them to death.

Alcoholism is a product of barbarism - it has had a stranglehold on humanity since the time of hoary and wild antiquity and collects a monstrous toll from it, devouring youth, undermining strength, suppressing energy, destroying the best flower of the human race.

A drunk person is capable of doing things that he would never have planned if he had not drunk.

The intoxicating always lends a hand to us when we fail, when we weaken...

From wine, a tired mind becomes like a bad groom who cannot turn the chariot: he himself twitches, he jerks the horse this way and that, and it amuses those who see it; Thus, a person suffering from wine always has a need for it, and his soul remains in sin.

Too much wine - not enough intelligence.

A drunk man is not a man, for he has lost what distinguishes a man from a beast - his mind.

a key figure in the early history of the English colonies in America, Penn is revered in the United States as one of the founding fathers of the state and its first capital, Philadelphia (“the city of brotherly love”); was an early defender of democracy and religious freedom

Drunkenness is the most vile evil - it harms the mind, steals health, weakens the spirit, reveals secrets, encourages quarrels, insolence and lust. A drunkard does not resemble a man, but is most like a beast; because when a person is drunk, he has no more reason than an animal.

Drunkenness is an exercise in madness.

Ask a drunkard how he could stop drinking. I will answer for him: let him remember more often the things he does while drunk.

Those who are foolish when drinking wine reach the point of intoxication, and in the event of misfortunes - to complete loss of mind.

No one should exceed the limit in food or drink.

No body can be so strong that wine cannot damage it.

Let's pour it! Let us be drunk! Believe me, going to bed drunk is better than going to the grave sober!

Drunkenness is voluntary madness.

A drunk man does a lot of things that make him blush when he sobers up.

When too much intoxication takes over the soul, all the hidden evil comes out.

Alcohol does not lift your mood, but only emphasizes it, so you should drink it only when you are cheerful and happy.

You can drink in different ways: until it becomes good, as smart people do, and until it becomes bad, which is the lot of fools.

Only two categories of people do not drink alcohol at all: the sick and the secretive.

It seems that female hormones are in all alcohol, not just beer. No matter how much I drink, I can’t drive or think logically until the morning.

Throwing away the cap after opening the alcohol burns all your bridges.

Future generations are harmed by the alcohol we consume.

I always get upset when I miss something, unless of course it's a couple of shots.

Alcohol gives rise to strange metamorphoses in me. Yesterday I was nothing, but today I’m somehow different.

Toasts should be made in the following order: to health, to pleasure, to impudence and to madness. Only in this order will they reliably reflect the essence of what is happening.

There are only two reasons to drink: the presence of a snack and its absence.

Alcohol is a ticket to the land of crazy people.

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

The ability to drink is one of the last joys that remain after the passing years have stolen everything else from us.

Vodka is like a Russian nesting doll: I opened one, and then a second, a third came out.

Non-alcoholic beer is the first step to becoming a rubber woman.

Real England begins only after you cross the threshold of the nearest pub.

The asphalt rose and hit him in the face. I had to sleep standing...

Yes, alcohol kills brain cells. But only the weakest.

Friendship is the wine of existence, love is a good glass of vodka

Another 50 grams of investment - and I’m real estate...

Body: I ​​want a martini.

The momentary impulse to speak has disappeared... It’s better for me to finish my glass in silence...

After three glasses of cognac, the French switches to mineral water, and the Russian switches to “you”.

Control yourself if your legs won't support you!

In order to live long, buy for yourself old wine and an old friend.

It's hard to convince friends of this.

Alcoholism is the reason for many exciting adventures.

Popular wisdom: “If a hangover is not treated, it goes away in one day. If you treat it, it costs ten.”

Alcoholism causes more devastation than the three historical scourges combined: famine, plague and war.

Having drunk on wine, do not begin the holy task of procreation. Anthony de Mello

All the right notes have long been played. The wine in the glass has cooled down and gone out. Pythagoras

When a woman starts to get tongue-tied,

Drunkenness is the mother of all vices.

Alcohol increases sexual desire, sometimes you drink, you lie on the floor - and you don’t want to get up...

A drunk sometimes makes funnier jokes than the written witticisms.

An alcoholic is a person who is ruined by drinking and lack of drinking.

To avoid becoming a drunkard, it is enough to have a drunkard in all his ugliness before your eyes.

Now, if they opened a bar called “Service,” I would, with a clear conscience, call my wife and say that I was detained at the service.

They say that alcohol does not solve problems, you might think that water and milk solve them))))

Everyone would become doubly wiser if there were a drop of wisdom in wine.

In Russia, since ancient times, a breath of freedom has been replaced with a glass of vodka.

And the vodka is such that you want to live, And meet a man, And, touching your elbow, Say: Curly, let's be friends! Stas Yankovsky

Man is only an intermediate link that nature needs to create the crown of creation: a glass of cognac with a slice of lemon.

Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity. Anton Chekhov

The weather is such that you want to die.

A new dress has the same effect on a woman as four shots of vodka on a man.

Vodka is our enemy - when the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed - then he surrenders in the form of empty bottles.

Be carefull! The wrong hangover can lead to binge drinking!

The attraction to drinking, unlike the attraction to a woman, becomes chronic over time.

Damn, what a sad moment... how can you not ask where the glass is... Ekaterina Gorbovskaya

Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to endure the operation called life

Alcohol is just a temporary solution to problems, which is why you shouldn’t stop drinking.

I told vodka “NO!”, but she doesn’t want to listen.

While drinking, we feel like an individual. In the morning - with the body.

We drink to each other's health and spoil our own health.

A hangover has been and remains the subject of the most dramatic experiences for humans, and its treatment is the subject of the most careful study. Sometimes it feels like your mouth is full of burnt butterflies, it feels like you spent the whole night on your eyeballs...

Alcohol helps not only to understand what is good and what is bad, but also to feel it.

You never know you've had one too many drinks until you've finished it.

Heart: I protest, I want love!

If a person does not drink or smoke, suspicion arises: is he a bastard?

An intelligent response to an offer to drink: – More likely definitely yes than probably not.

Alcoholism is when you don’t want to drink, but you have to.

Wine communicates four qualities to everyone who drinks it. At first, a person becomes like a peacock - he puffs up, his movements are smooth and majestic. Then he takes on the character of a monkey and starts joking and flirting with everyone. Then he becomes like a lion and becomes arrogant, proud, confident in his strength. But in the end he turns into a pig and, like her, wallows in the mud.

Wine is the healthiest and most hygienic of drinks

Alcohol is only a robber and murderer at the end of the story, in the middle of it it is just a habit, and at the very beginning it is just a means of relieving stress.

You can drink, you can not drink - neither one nor the other helps radically.

Drinking is like sex – you can do it alone, together it’s better, in a group it’s the most attractive.

An alcoholic is a person who knows exactly what he wants.

If the body could accurately determine the proportion and amount of whiskey to drink daily and follow it exactly, I swear that one could live forever without dying.

Reality is an illusion caused by the absence of alcohol

Constant drunkenness is harmful, it spoils the nature of the liver and brain; weakens the nerves, causes nerve disease, sudden death.

I got more out of the drink than the drink got out of me

Alcohol causes a short-term dilation of blood vessels and the circle of friends.

You meet old drunkards more often than old doctors.

A real Russian man will find a way out of any binge.

the man’s hands begin to unravel by themselves))))

Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity.

Let's drink to alcohol - the source and solution to all our problems.

Binge drinking? Thanks Bukowski for this!)

Alcohol is simply a descent into a lower level of play. Since it doesn’t work out to play on the current one.

Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity.

Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to endure the operation called life.

Women like men who order Scotch whiskey. This is an impressive choice. It's classic and it's sexy. Glass, smell and no fruit juice. This is whiskey. And you are the one who ordered it.

One glass is enough, but two is not enough...

Brain: protest rejected, I also want a martini.

I drink no more than a hundred grams, but after drinking a hundred grams, I become a different person, and this other person drinks a lot.

You understand that something is wrong with your life when your declaration of love is answered by the question: “Have you been drinking?”

Of all my peers, I am most impressed by communication with cognac.

Everyone says that alcohol destroys families, but no one talks about how many families it has created.

Life is good if the cognac we drink is older than the men we sleep with...

Don't give a fool a drunken treat,
To protect yourself from feelings of disgust:
When he's drunk, he won't let you sleep with his screams,
And in the morning he’ll get tired of it, asking for forgiveness. Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky

It’s not for nothing that I drink wine in the late afternoon,
His mute power is deserved;
Wine takes me deep inside,
Where I can’t go sober. Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Do you have to get drunk like a pig? You can just sit and have a heart-to-heart talk.
- I’m not a prosecutor to have a heart-to-heart talk with you.

The ability to sell a product well is also an art.
We just went with the guys to have dinner. Well, as usual, we decided to take a hundred each. I approach the bartender:
- Three for a hundred! - and I lay out the money. The bartender silently places three glasses and an unopened bottle of vodka on the counter.
- I asked for three for a hundred!

I don’t drink anymore... Finally!
- What's wrong?
- I returned from work on Friday, tired as a dog. I decided to stay at home, dived under the covers and drank a whole bottle of cognac.
- So what?
- I was later seen in three restaurants wearing that blanket...

- Stop drinking!
- I do not drink. I disinfect mental wounds...

Early morning. There is a line at the wine shop, and a cat is walking along the line. A man from the line kicks the cat, the cat flies to the side...
Queue in bewilderment:
- ???
- People are sick in the morning, not drunk, and she BOOM, BOOM... BOOM, BOOM with her hooves...

What will spirituality give me? - asked the alcoholic.
“Non-alcoholic intoxication,” came the answer. Igor Guberman

Alcoholism is a disease in which a bottle is taken as the highest achievement of human genius. ( Georgy Alexandrov)

Alcoholism is not a spectator sport. The whole family participates in it. ( Joyce Rebeta-Burditt)

Alcoholism is the reason for many exciting adventures. ( Roman Voronezhsky)

ALCOHOLISM is the systematic theft of grace. ( Ravil Aleev)

Alcoholism is a product of barbarism - it has had a stranglehold on humanity since the time of hoary and wild antiquity and collects a monstrous toll from it, devouring youth, undermining strength, suppressing energy, destroying the best flower of the human race. ( Jack London)

Alcoholism causes more devastation than the three historical scourges combined: famine, plague and war. ( William Ewart Gladstone)

Alcoholism begins where fantasy ends. ( Alexander Nikolaevich Makhnev)

An alcoholic is a veteran of oblivion. ( Gennady Malkin)

An alcoholic is any person who drinks more than his doctor. ( "Barach's Principle")

Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity. ( Mikhail Zhvanetsky)

ALCOHOL - sizzling moisture; water-werewolf. ( Ravil Aleev)

Alcohol is like salt. You can, of course, without it. But not tasty. ( M-f "Once upon a time there was a dog")

Alcohol is a completely reliable remedy when you need to reduce your mind. ( Danilevsky Vasily Yakovlevich)

Alcohol causes much more grief than joy to all of humanity, although it is used for the sake of joy. ( Ivan Petrovich Pavlov)

Alcohol is a mediator that reconciles a person with reality. ( Georgy Millyar)

ALCOHOL. What usually connects a man and a woman, but separates a husband and wife. ( Konstantin Melikhan)

Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to endure the operation called life. ( George Bernard Shaw)

Andrey, what is the name of the house where I slept? Soberer? ( K-f "Autumn Marathon")

If Michal Sergeich had not declared war on drunkenness in his time, people would still be drinking to his health. ( Stas Yankovsky)

Isn't it too early for a drink now?
- What do you mean early? In Europe it’s already tomorrow, but in China it’s still yesterday. ( GORDON Ruth)

“Do you want me to learn to drink, and maybe even drink?” ( Dmitry Butkevich)

Oh, this, this is what I love. But only after hours and with a good snack. ( Film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears")

Thanks to the phone, you can talk to a friend without offering him a drink. ( Fran Lebowitz)

Fighting drunkenness by limiting access to vodka is the same as fighting diarrhea by limiting access to the toilet. ( Stas Yankovsky)

I still see the bottle, but the glass is gone. ( David Samoilov)

The wine was consumed by a drunkard - and this wine took revenge on the drunkard. ( Leonardo da Vinci)

In wine, melancholy looks for relief, cowardice looks for courage, indecision looks for confidence, sadness looks for joy, but they find only death. ( Benjamin Johnson)

Cocktail Party: A place where you meet old friends whom you are seeing for the first time in your life. ( Mac Benoff)

Wine is a symbol of joy and it is not the fault of wine that others drown both joy and sorrow in it. ( Ilya Shevelev)

Wine is a wonderful reagent: the whole person is revealed in it: whoever is cattle will become a perfect beast in wine, and whoever is human will become an angel in wine. ( Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov)

Wine destroys the physical health of people, destroys mental abilities, destroys the well-being of families and, most terrible of all, destroys the soul of people and their offspring. ( Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

Wine, if drunk in excess, makes both an unreasonable and a wise person equally frivolous. ( Theognis)

Wine is prohibited, but there are four “buts”:
It depends on who drinks wine, with whom, when and in moderation.
If these four conditions are met
Wine is allowed to all sane people. ( Omar Khayyam)

Wine takes revenge on the drunkard. ( Leonardo da Vinci)

Wine is conducive to tenderness and kindles. When you drink a lot of undiluted wine, your worries disappear and disappear. Then laughter appears on the scene, then the poor man gathers his courage, then sadness, worries and wrinkles on the forehead disappear, then intentions become sincere - which is so rare in our age - wine destroys all artificiality. Here beauties often captivated the hearts of young people, and love in wine turned out to be fire within fire. ( Publius Ovid Naso)

Wine is the healthiest and most hygienic of drinks. ( Louis Pasteur)

Wine brutalizes and brutalizes a person, hardens him and distracts him from bright thoughts, dulls him. ( Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

Wine communicates four qualities to everyone who drinks it. At first, a person becomes like a peacock - he puffs up, his movements are smooth and majestic. Then he takes on the character of a monkey and starts joking and flirting with everyone. Then he becomes like a lion and becomes arrogant, proud, confident in his strength. But in the end he turns into a pig and, like her, wallows in the mud. ( Abul Faraj)

Whiskey is the most popular of all remedies that do not help against a cold. ( Jerry Vale)

Vodka is white, but it stains your nose and tarnishes your reputation. ( Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

Vodka helps us lead a normal life. After all, the thirty liters of beer per year that we consume is clearly not enough. ( Gennady Kulik, agrarian)

Vodka is the most proven remedy that turns dreams into illusions, and illusions into virtual reality. ( Stas Yankovsky)

Vodka is such a thing... you seem to fall asleep satisfied, but wake up and something is missing. ( Stas Yankovsky)

Vodka should be drunk only in two cases: when there is a snack and when there is none. ( Leopold Staff)

In intoxication, everyone is a slave of anger and a fugitive of the mind. ( Sophocles)

A total of 150 conversations... Pure formality. ( K-f "Autumn Marathon")

The trouble with him is that when he's not drunk, he's sober. ( William Yeats)

Every drunken skipper trusts in providence. But providence sometimes sends ships of drunken skippers onto the rocks. ( George Bernard Shaw)

There is no excuse for people that a drunken person becomes worse than the dirtiest cattle. ( Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky)

Let's have a drink and establish psychophysical contact. ( K-f "Womanizer")

Where the soul is taken over by hops, all hidden evil comes out. ( Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger))

They say Christ turned water into wine. Modern experiments with vodka give much better results. ( Henryk Jagodzinski)

God protects children, fools and drunkards. ( "French Proverb")

State grub unifies a person, but state vodka reveals many of his individual traits. ( Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Yes, out of great, terrible, wild necessity, of course, I can drink, but I’m not a drinker. ( Alexander Lukashenko)

For some, life begins after forty, for others - after one hundred grams. ( Leonard Drzewiecki)

For Russia, cataclysms measured in TNT equivalent are not as terrible as in ethyl equivalent. ( Stas Yankovsky)

If drinking causes harm, then this harm comes not from the use of a bad thing, but from the bad use of a good thing. ( Abraham Lincoln)

There are wines that don’t even contain truth. ( Valentin Domil)

One more drink and I'll be under control. ( Dorothy Parker)

Complaints about alcoholism? But were citizens allowed to experience the taste of nectar? ( Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

It's funny that most men are proud of two things that any man can do in exactly the same way: get drunk and father sons. ( Gertrude Stein)

Note to you. Something swings between alcohol and women. You will decide somehow. Either here or there. ( Vladimir Rushailo)

Both teetotalers and ulcer sufferers drink at someone else's expense. ( K-f "The Diamond Arm")

A significant part of my life was spent with the Russians. First I learned to cook their dishes, and then I tried vodka, one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks. ( Marlene Dietrich)

The ideal degree of intoxication is when you are already singing, but not yet falling. ( Johnsen Koikolainer)

A person will get rid of drunkenness not when he is deprived of the opportunity to drink, but when he does not drink, even if there is wine in front of him. ( Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

Of all the vices, drunkenness is most incompatible with greatness of spirit. ( Walter Scott)

Sour grapes cannot make sweet wine. ( Thomas Fuller)

Thoughts about drinking can make moonshine if you keep pushing them away. ( Valentin Domil)

And when only mine has time, - the hare complained: - today I left the house - I was like a cucumber, five minutes later I returned - already with a scythe! ( Mikhail Genin)

An interesting product - vodka! You pour it into your stomach, and your eyes fill up and your brains dissolve. ( Stas Yankovsky)

Everyone should have some bad habits so that they have something to give up if their health deteriorates. ( Franklin P. Jones)

Every drunkard certainly strives to philosophize, but this does not mean at all that the main occupation of drunkards is philosophy. ( Boris Andreev)

How often the angle of fall of some people is measured by the degrees of drink. ( Boris Krutier)

If it weren't for drunkenness, then forever
Man would not know slavery! ( Sebastian Brant)

While we were hunting in Africa, we lost our corkscrew and lived on water and food for several days. ( William Claude Fields)

When a person tries to drown his grief in wine, it often ends with the grief drowning the person himself in wine. ( Toyshibekov Baurzhan)

The horses are drunk, the boys are harnessed. ( K-f "Wedding in Malinovka")

Red wine is a drink for boys, port wine is for men; but he who aspires to be a hero must drink brandy. ( Samuel Johnson)

The strength of the spirit depends on the strength of what you drank the day before. ( Evgeniy Kashcheev)

There is war, death, stupidity all around - and here we are drinking. ( M-f "Masyanya")

He who drinks has taken the path of debauchery. ( D. Chaucer)

Whoever doesn't drink with us gets us drunk. ( Arkady Davidovich)

Anyone who wants to will get drunk. ( Venedikt Erofeev)

Drinkers quickly become professionals. ( Boris Krutier)

Love moves the world, yes, but whiskey makes it go twice as fast. ( Compton Mackenzie)

People without a herd feeling drink alone. ( Valentin Domil)

Many idiots and weak-minded people are born from parents who indulged in drunkenness. ( Francis Bacon)

Drinking a lot and not being drunk is also typical for a mule. ( Aristippus)

You can refuse the first glass, but not the second. ( Ludwig Berne)

My body can only tolerate vodka three meters. ( Johnsen Koikolainer)

For some reason, the milk of a mad cow always goes to the head. ( Femidiy Aquamarinin)

We drink to each other's health and spoil our own health. ( D.K. Jerome)

We are not guinea pigs and it does not suit us to become a pig. Keeping this in mind, let’s stop experiments on injecting ourselves with any poison. ( Georgy Alexandrov)

The vodka is stronger at the bottom of the glass. ( Yuzef Bulatovich)

I need to drink less... ( Film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath")

It is necessary to note the acquaintance. ( K-f "Autumn Marathon")

It should have been me in his place...
- If you get drunk, you will! ( K-f "The Diamond Arm")

Only the liver grows well due to drunkenness. ( Vladimir Semenov)

They started with the fact that one of the three figured it out, and ended with the fact that none of the three figured it out. ( Stas Yankovsky)

Don't be afraid: this is not delirium tremens yet. ( K-f "Twelve Chairs")

I can't say I'm a healthy drinker. I can go for hours without drinking alcohol. ( Noel Coward)

There is no better way to create idiots than alcohol with prolonged use. ( Emil Kraepelin)

No, you can't do that. The toastee drinks to the bottom. ( K-f "Autumn Marathon")

No, I don't drink...
- Do I drink? What's there to drink?!( K-f "Prisoner of the Caucasus")

Excessive self-indulgence often ends in binge drinking. ( Boris Krutier)

No body can be so strong that wine cannot damage it.( Plato)

Never drink with an empty wallet. ( Leonard Louis Levinson)

Never drink this crap... If you get used to it, your life won’t be worth a cent. ( K-f "The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins")

Nothing can influence people's love for classical music. Just like they drank to Chopin and Mendelssohn, that’s how they drink. ( Valentin Domil)

A black man's nose, red from drunkenness. ( Nikita Bogoslovsky)

Well, well, you can have one drink for yourself. ( Film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears")

Drinking too much wine leads to talkativeness. ( Menander)

Some eat to live, others live to drink. ( Janusz Bialecki)

He stopped drinking more often than he drank. ( Arkady Davidovich)

He was drunk, but there was some kind of cunning in this too... ( Sergey Dovlatov)

Optimist: A person who claims that the bottle is half full when in fact it is half empty. ( Leonard Louis Levinson)

Intoxication is voluntary madness. ( Aristotle)

The intoxication of victory sometimes turns into alcoholism. ( Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Beauty perishes from wine, youth is shortened by wine. ( Quintus Horace Flaccus)

- I don't d-drink...
- Right. I, too, will finish this right now and... quit... Drink!( Film "White Sun of the Desert")

There is no such thing as bad whiskey. Some whiskeys are just better than others. ( William Faulkner)

Do not show yourself brave against wine, for wine has destroyed many.( Sirach)

A drunk also cannot walk firmly, like a child. But no one has the desire to compare him with a child. They say: like a pig. ( V. Shukshin)

Break it?
- Break it.
- Half liter?
- Half liter!
- To pieces?
- Well, of course, to pieces!
- Yes, I love you!..( K-f "Operation "Y" or other adventures of Shurik")

Is Russian chocolate worse than imported chocolate? What about beer? I'm not talking about vodka. ( Boris Yeltsin)

Having dispersed the melancholy it is difficult to stop the fun. ( Valentin Domil)

The greatest feeling of freedom comes from alcohol addiction. ( Valentin Domil)

The most effective way to avoid abusing alcohol is to not drink it. ( Toyshibekov Baurzhan)

A social debut is when a young girl is seen drunk for the first time. ( Francis Scott Fitzgerald)

Semyonov - will you drink vodka?
- Vodka?! Vodka... I will.( K-f "Features of national hunting")

The world looks completely different through a full bottle than through an empty one. ( Tadeusz Dolenga-Mostowicz)

First you demand the drink, then the drink demands the drink, then the drink demands you. ( Sinclair Lewis)

Alcohol preserves the soul and mind of a drunkard in the same way as it preserves anatomical preparations.( Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

Among other sins, drunkenness seems to me to be a particularly gross and base vice. ( Michel Montaigne)

You meet old drunkards more often than old doctors. ( Francois Rabelais)

Prohibition makes you thirsty. ( Arkady Davidovich)

Those are more reckless than cattle who quench their thirst not with water, but with wine. ( Diogenes of Sinope)

Only with a hangover can one call a strong wind fresh and icy water scalding. ( Stas Yankovsky)

You drink wine to get drunk, but I drink it to drive away the intoxication of another wine.( Gibran)

Who's howling? who's moaning? who has quarrels? Who's in grief? who has wounds for no reason? who has purple eyes? Those who sit drinking wine for a long time.
...And you will say: “They beat me, it didn’t hurt me; they pushed me, I didn’t feel it. When I wake up, I’ll look for the same thing again.”( King Solomon - Proverbs)

Ultimatums have no effect on alcoholics. ( Jen King)

A good drinking session is when they don’t remember anything, but there is something to remember; bad - when they remember everything, but there is nothing to remember. ( Arkady Davidovich)

What does "got drunk" mean? - Potocki objected. - Yes, I drank. Yes, I'm somewhat liberated. ( Sergey Dovlatov)

"- Is this vodka? - For mercy's sake, queen, would I allow myself to pour vodka for a lady? This is pure alcohol!" ( K-f "The Master and Margarita")

I'm not a rowan tree to insist on cognac. Pour in what's left. ( Mikhail Mamchich)

I drink no more than a hundred grams, but after drinking a hundred grams, I become a different person, and this other person drinks a lot. ( Emil Krotky)