Stuffed pike. Stuffed pike - step-by-step recipes with photos. How to cook whole stuffed pike in the oven. How to cook baked stuffed pike in the oven

Thanks to my father-in-law (an avid fisherman), a pike appeared in the house.

Pike ~ 600g, slice of loaf soaked in milk, 1 egg, ~ 30g. butter, 1 onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice.

I know that many people boil stuffed pike, but I decided to bake it. Let's get started.

Clean the fish, remove the gills and eyes. Lightly beat the carcass with a wooden spatula to make it easier to remove the skin. Make a cut under the head to the ridge, break it. You can simply cut off the head, which is what I did with the first fish. But I decided to tinker with the second one :) Remove the insides. Making cuts in a circle between the skin and meat, remove the skin with a stocking. To better preserve the skin, it is better to trim so that a small (1~2mm) layer of meat remains on the skin. Trim the meat near the fins so that the fins remain with the skin.

Break the ridge at the tail.

Separate the remaining meat from the skin.

Put the skin aside, remembering to turn it inside out :)

For minced meat:

Pass the meat, removed from the backbone and skin, with onions and bread three times through a meat grinder. Add softened butter, egg, salt and pepper. You can add some chopped green onions and grated carrots - for beauty on the cut.

Beat into a fluffy mass.

Fill the skin and head with this minced meat.

Do not fill it too tightly, otherwise the skin may burst during baking.

Cover a baking sheet with foil. Lay out a line of bay leaves on the foil and place the stuffed skin on them. Attach the head to the body (if cut off).

Lightly salt the pike on top and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Place the baking sheet in the oven for 1 hour at t=190°C.

All. We take out the pike, put it in a suitable dish (I don’t have one), decorate it, and rejoice - I did it! :))

Slice and...

Bon appetit!

Not everyone will decide to cook stuffed pike. The queen of the festive table requires due attention. However, your efforts will be justified and will not go unnoticed. If you know how to stuff pike correctly, then the dish, especially if it is beautifully decorated, will create a real sensation!

For many, pike is unacceptable in its finished form due to the characteristic smell of mud. We'll fix everything. Frying a large amount of onions and carrots is added to the filling, which interrupts the characteristic aroma of pike. And to give the minced fish juiciness, you should definitely put a small piece of fresh lard in it. There are a few more tricks for preparing delicious stuffed pike, which I am happy to share in the recipe.

The most important point is to choose the right fish. First of all, you should pay attention to the smell. Fresh pike has a pungent fishy aroma. The mucus that covers it should be transparent. It is worth looking under the gill bone. Only caught fish have gills of a rich red or pink color without spots or darkening. The skin of a high-quality pike is densely covered with scales, without cracks or tears. I do not recommend stuffing fish over 1.5 kg. It is difficult to remove the skin from a large pike without damaging it, and few people have a huge oven at home.

Cooking time: 40 minutes / Yield: 6-8 servings


  • pike 1 kg
  • 3 large onions (1 for broth + 2 for filling)
  • 2 large carrots (1 for filling + 1 for baking fish)
  • yesterday's loaf 300 grams
  • eggs 3 pieces
  • large beets 1 piece
  • milk 300 ml
  • spices to taste
  • salt 1 teaspoon
  • 2 cloves
  • bay leaf 1 piece
  • fresh lard 150 grams
  • vegetable oil for frying 2 tbsp. spoons

For decoration

  • fresh herbs 1 bunch
  • olives 10 pieces
  • mayonnaise or sour cream 100 ml


    We clean the pike from scales, being careful not to damage the skin. Using kitchen scissors, cut out the gills from the head. We make cuts near the lowest fin (where the large intestine ends) and near the head. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the film to separate the insides. We plunge our hand deep into the pike and pull out the giblets. We do this very carefully so as not to rupture the gallbladder. If such an incident does occur, you should immediately completely immerse the fish in cold water and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 9%. Leave the pike in this solution for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly under running water.

    Take a rolling pin or any other wooden object. We hit the fish on each side, making 10 blows. “Beating” the pike will soften the meat, which will make it easier to remove the skin later.

    Using a sharp knife, cut off the head of the fish from the body.

    We begin to gradually separate the skin from the meat from the side of the head with a sharp knife. We do this in a circle, pulling the skin towards itself. We cut off the lower and upper fins with scissors so that they remain on the skin.

    Gradually trimming and turning out the skin of the pike, we reach the tail. We cut off the bone at the tail so that the tail fin remains intact.

    Separate the meat from the spine.

    Place the bones in a saucepan, add about 700 ml of water, add the peeled onion, cloves and bay leaf. Let it simmer over low heat for forty minutes. After the broth boils, be sure to skim off the foam.

    Let's prepare the filling. Place yesterday's loaf in a bowl and fill it with milk. Let the bread rise for 15 minutes.

    Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots and sauté in a frying pan with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil until transparent. Place the lard in a blender and grind. Then add more hot fried vegetables and mix everything together. They will melt the lard. If you don't have a blender, use a meat grinder.

    We pass the pike meat through a meat grinder several times or, if you have a powerful blender, grind the fillet in it. Place the minced fish in a bowl, add vegetables with lard and the loaf, squeezing it out of the milk. Separate the yolks from the whites. For now, put only the yolks into the filling, add spices to taste and salt. Mix.

    Pour the whites into a deep bowl, add a pinch of salt and beat with a mixer into a fluffy foam.

    Now mix the whites into the minced fish in small portions - they will give the finished filling a more airy consistency.

    Stuff the pike skin and head with fish mixture.

    Cut the carrots and beets into pieces and place on a baking tray. Place the stuffed pike carcass and head on top of the vegetables.

    Pour the broth over the fish and vegetables, straining it through a sieve.

    Grease the foil with vegetable oil and cover the fish on top. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees to bake for 40 minutes.

    After 20 minutes, remove the foil from the fish and leave it in the oven for another 20 minutes so that a golden brown crust forms on the pike.

    Let the pike cool completely, as it is customary to serve it cold. Place the fish on a plate filled with herbs, along with the head, so as to create the appearance of a whole pike. We place black olives in the eye sockets and mouth. We fill the pastry syringe with mayonnaise or sour cream and decorate the carcass and head on top. If desired, you can form roses from additionally cooked carrots and decorate the finished dish with them.

Fish is a very healthy and tasty product. It has a wonderful, unique taste and the most delicate fillet, which contains a huge amount of healthy microelements. Omega-3 polyunsaturated amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin PP are just some of the substances that make fish such an indispensable product.

Fish has a positive effect on brain activity, the state of the musculoskeletal system, skin and hair, stomach, general hormonal levels and other aspects of human health.

To prevent rickets, children are given fish oil, which is rich in vitamin D.

There are a huge variety of recipes for cooking fish. Today we will study Hebrew, the reviews of which are always good.

Let's talk about pike

Pike is a deep-sea river fish that is a predator and lives in Eurasian countries and North America. It is considered a delicacy; it is not only caught in the wild, but also bred for consumption in artificially created reservoirs.

This fish can and should even be consumed during a diet, as it contains a large amount of protein and almost no fat. However, because of this feature, its fillet is quite dry, so most often the pike is stuffed, making it more juicy with the help of additional ingredients.

Pike prepared in this way is a frequent guest on the New Year's table. The Jewish recipe has different variations, we will look at the most successful ones, in our opinion.

Choosing fish for stuffing

Before Jewish stuffed pike appears on your holiday table (we will describe the recipe for its preparation in detail a little later), let's talk about how to choose the right fish for this dish.

If you are a fisherman, you can safely skip this section, since you probably know how to distinguish fresh fish from spoiled fish and what size pike is suitable for stuffing. But if you are a city resident and for the first time you are going to surprise your loved ones with an exquisite fish dish, then carefully study our advice.

You will have to buy fish in large supermarkets or at the grocery market. Be especially meticulous when determining the freshness of fish. A predator suitable for cooking has clean, transparent eyes, bright red gills, and its scales should be smooth without damage or mucus.

In Hebrew, it implies the presence of fresh, not frozen fish.

Fish size

For many recipes, the law applies - the younger the animal, the tastier and more tender its meat is, and therefore, the more beautiful the dish it will turn out to be. This rule does not apply to Jewish pike, since stuffing young pike is quite problematic. They have thin skin, are small in size and contain more bones than meat.

One and a half or two kilogram fish is best suited for the dish we are describing here.

in Hebrew: features of preparation

To properly prepare fish for stuffing, you need to put in a lot of effort, but the result will be worth it.

If at this stage you make any mistake, the product will be spoiled and will not be suitable for stuffing.

So, let's look at the stages of preparation:

Here, in principle, are all the stages of preparing fish, now let's look at the recipe for Jewish stuffed pike.


Jewish stuffed pike (the recipe will be described step by step after you learn about the necessary ingredients) is made in different ways. For the option that we will describe today, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pike 1.5-2 kg.
  • Onions - 4 large onions.
  • Semolina - 1 incomplete glass.
  • Butter bun - 100 grams.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.
  • Milk to soak the bun.
  • Egg.
  • Carrots, beets and bay leaves for the pillow - 2 pieces each (optional).

Stuffed pike: step-by-step recipe, photo

Gravy for pike

Pike stuffed in Jewish style (the step-by-step recipe receives purely positive reviews) will be tasty simply baked, but you will like it even more if it is stewed in gravy.

Here are the ingredients that make up the gravy:

  • Onions - 2 large onions.
  • Carrots - 2-3 pcs.
  • Packaging of tomato juice - 1 liter.
  • Sugar, salt, bay leaf, black pepper.

Preparing the gravy:

  • Cut the onion into small cubes.
  • Fry it in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Grate the carrots and add them to the onions.
  • Fry the carrots until soft.
  • Pour tomato juice over onions and carrots.
  • Add sugar, salt, pepper and two medium-sized bay leaves.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and reduce the heat.
  • Simmer the sauce for 40 minutes.
  • We cut the finished fish into slices 2-3 cm thick and place them in a saucepan with the gravy along with the head (do not stir or turn over so as not to break it).
  • Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

Decorating the finished fish

You already know the recipe for Jewish stuffed fish, now let's take a look at several ways to decorate it.

The queen of the table, stuffed pike, is a frequent attribute of festive feasts. Therefore, there are many recipes for stuffing. I will introduce you to one of the most proven, classic and successful - it always turns out delicious.

Stuffed fish is no longer fish, but rather fish cutlets in a beautiful shell. This is what makes it interesting: it looks chic and festive, it tastes soft, without bones and with any additives that the cook’s culinary intuition suggests. As for stuffed pike as such, it is one of the classic dishes of the Russian national table, like pork brawn and pancakes with caviar. She is the queen of the fish table; it is no coincidence that she is usually served with a “crown”. And always with mayonnaise “serpentine”, no matter how banal it may look...

I want to offer a recipe for stuffed pike with a tender and juicy filling, and during the preparation I will reveal a little secret of how to remove the smell of mud from river fish fillets.

Recipe Ingredients

To prepare stuffed pike you will need:

  • pike 550 g
  • onion 1 pc.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • dried mushrooms 2 tbsp. l.
  • processed cheese 1 pc.
  • White bread
  • milk 100 ml
  • piece of fresh lard 60 g
  • egg 1 pc.
  • greens to taste
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, ground pepper
  • tomato for decoration
  • lemon, olives, mayonnaise

How to cook stuffed pike

  1. First, scale the pike and remove the gills.

  2. Make an incision on the carcass near the head and carefully remove the skin (like a stocking), while removing the insides.

  3. Remove the skin to the tail, and cut off the entire tail part of the ridge (the tail should remain with the skin). Remove the meat from the bones and trim away any meat remaining on the skin.

  4. Chop one onion and carrot.

  5. Lightly fry the vegetables in a frying pan.

  6. Soak the mushrooms and separately soak a piece of dried white bread. Place the fried vegetables in a bowl and prepare the meat grinder for use.

  7. Mince the fish fillet, vegetables, mushrooms, bread squeezed out of water, a piece of lard and cheese.

    Lard is needed to remove the smell of silt, which is often found in river fish.

  8. Add raw egg, salt, ground pepper and chopped herbs to the minced pike.

  9. To make the minced meat more tender, grind it additionally with an immersion blender.

  10. Now we return the filling to the skin. Do not stuff the fish too tightly, otherwise voids will form in it during baking.

  11. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the stuffed pike beautifully on it. How you place the fish on the baking sheet will determine its appearance on the dish, because once baked it will no longer be flexible.

  12. To get a good crust, you can grease the fish with sour cream or mayonnaise. Now place the baking sheet in a hot oven (180 C) for 30 minutes.

  13. Transfer the finished fish to a flat dish and decorate. Pike can be served hot or cold.

And even if it seems to you that this dish is very difficult to make, then I hasten to reassure you - it’s as simple as shelling pears. I will show you an easy way to cut a fish carcass for stuffing; even the most inexperienced housewife can do it.

First, the pike must be thoroughly washed (it’s slippery and contaminated) and cleaned of scales. This is easy to do if you hold it by the tail and wrap it in a paper towel - it will not slip out of your hands.

If your fish is not gutted, you will have to carefully cut the belly and remove all the insides. Then rinse thoroughly to remove any remaining blood and dry slightly with a clean towel.

Now, placing the fish on its back, you need to remove the spinal bone. To do this, using sharp scissors, you must first cut (separate) the rib bones from the ridge itself.

Then cut through the flesh to the skin along the spine. Just do this carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the skin.

We get this unfolded fish from two halves. You need to cut off all the rib bones from each with a sharp knife.

And then carefully cut the fillet pulp from the skin.

If there are any areas of meat left, they can easily be scraped off the skin with a spoon.

Exposed excess fin bones can also be trimmed, the closer to the skin.

Now it's time to prepare the minced meat.

Cut off the crusts from the loaf (slightly stale). Soak the crumb in milk - let it soak and swell for a while.

Peel the onion and cut into medium pieces.

Also peel and chop a clove of garlic (if desired).

Heat the frying pan. Reducing the heat, melt the butter in it and lightly fry half the chopped onion and garlic until translucent and golden brown.

Cut the fillet pulp into pieces, at the same time checking for the presence of remaining bones - it is better to remove them. Then you need to grind it as finely as possible - in a meat grinder or blender - whatever is convenient for you.

Then add fried and raw chopped onion, a swollen loaf squeezed from milk, an egg, salt and ground pepper to the minced meat. Mix everything well to begin with, and then grind again (in a mixer or meat grinder) so that you get a homogeneous, pasty, dense mass. It's very easy to do this with an immersion mixer.

If the minced meat is a little runny, you can thicken it by adding a little breadcrumbs.

Now fill the fish stocking with minced meat, but not too tightly. Otherwise, the skin may burst during baking. Ideally, the fish should take the same size as before gutting.

All the minced meat most likely won’t fit, but we won’t let it go to waste either. You can use it to fry simple but very tasty cutlets.

Grease a large piece of foil with vegetable oil and place the stuffed fish on it, seam side down. Make several punctures on the sides with a needle, and then grease the fish itself with vegetable oil.

Wrap the fish in foil with an envelope and place it in a baking pan. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.