Yorkshire Terrier. All about the decorative dog breed - Yorkshire Terrier. Interesting facts about Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terrier or Yorkie Yorkshire Terrier) is a very popular breed of small, indoor and decorative dogs with long, shiny hair, bred in the English county of Yorkshire.

Yorkshire terrier and cat.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a rather fragile creature with a strong and confident character, completely inappropriate for such a miniature size. Yorkies are ideal for allergy sufferers, excellent companions for lonely, active people, favorites in a large family and wonderful mini-watchmen.

History of the breed

The origin of the breed is not well understood, but most likely, the main ancestor of the Yorkie was the Waterside Terrier - a small dog with a gray-blue semi-long coat. To stop poaching on the lands of the nobility, Yorkshire peasants were forbidden to keep large dogs, and small terriers were excellent rat catchers and good companions on trade trips.

Scots looking for work in the county came with their dogs, which had the common name " Scottish Terrier", which are considered the most likely ancestors of the Yorkie.

Thanks to the long, silky coat, some experts see traces of the Maltese in modern Yorkies.

Yorkshire Terrier in a beautiful outfit.

Creation new breed The work was carried out by Yorkshire weaving mill workers who managed to produce a dog with long, straight hair of a steel-blue color and golden-brown tan. The first Yorkies were 2 times larger than modern ones and quickly gained fame, displacing other terrier breeds.

In 1886, the breed was officially recognized, and in 1898 the first Yorkshire Terrier Club was formed.

Description of the breed

The Yorkshire Terrier gives the impression of being graceful and very harmonious dog with a light, shiny coat that flows straight to the ground, parted from the nose to the tip of the tail.

Body build and tail

Yorkies are very small dogs; according to the breed standard, the weight of an adult animal must be between 2.3 kg and 3.1 kg.

Yorkies have a compact, balanced body, a flat back and a strong loin. Rib cage moderately convex.

The front and rear legs of the Yorkie are straight, with a parallel stance. The feet are round, with tightly knit toes and black claws.

Initially, Yorkies' tails were docked mandatory. Since 1998, docking has been carried out to the middle of the length, and in 2003 the tail was allowed not to be docked.

The current breed standard allows all variations, but if the tail is not docked, it must be straight and held slightly above the level of the back.

Head and muzzle

The Yorkie's head is small, slightly flattened, with a neat muzzle. middle length. The eyes are medium-sized, dark chocolate, shiny, with a smart and mischievous expression. The ears are set high, erect, V-shaped, with short, red hair. The teeth form an even, scissor bite.

With a rounded head, short muzzle, low-set ears and large, bulging eyes with a surprised expression, Yorkies are given the name "baby face", which is not the standard, but is actively encouraged among owners.

Coat and color

Yorkshire Terriers have no undercoat and do not shed, and their hair only falls out when brushed.

Yorkie puppies are born black with a few bronze tan marks. Over time, the coat lightens, and the real color is formed only by 2-3 years and even later.

Photo of Yorkshire Terriers.

The coat of an adult Yorkie is absolutely straight, thin, silky and shiny, without a hint of fluffiness, and in exhibition specimens it should reach the ground.

From the occipital protuberance to the end of the back, the hair has a bluish-steel tint; the hair on the tail is darker than on the body. On the chest - bright, red-brown.

The head is covered with long, flowing red-brown hair with a golden tint, without black or gray patches.

The legs are covered with golden, red-brown fur, but not above the elbows and knees. All red-brown hair at the ends is much lighter than at the roots.

Dark dogs rarely have a standard coat and are usually slightly wavy (“puffy”). Light-colored Yorkies may turn yellow with age.

Personality of the Yorkshire Terrier

These small dogs are still terriers by nature: energetic, courageous, tireless and inquisitive, loving to be the center of attention and take an active part in Everyday life the owner, following on his heels.

Yorkshire Terrier with a toy.

York could become wonderful friend growing child and gets along well with other animals. An independent and lively dog ​​may not calculate the strength in its bold impulses, so it is still worth walking a Yorkie on a leash.

Yorkies have a rare good health, A individual dogs can live more than 20 years, although on average they live 12-15 years. The problem may be a fontanel that does not heal throughout its life, as well as diseases of the bones and joints of the legs.

The homeland of the Yorkie is considered to be England, Yorkshire. At the end of the 19th century. the dogs were used in coal mines to catch rats, then the breed became popular among the nobility and among hunters. Ladies loved to comb the silky fur of the Yorkie, and hunters valued the dogs for their courage in hunting badgers and foxes.

It is not known for sure where Yorkshire terriers came from. Most likely, the breed was the result of crossing local small terriers with Skye terriers and related breeds brought from Scotland. It is also believed that to improve the coat of Yorkshire terriers they bred with Maltese dogs. There is even a whole line of Yorkies with white markings (Biewer Yorkies) that are not recognized by the FCI, but have a lot of adherents.

The breed appeared in Russia quite recently (only at the end of the 20th century), but quickly spread throughout the country and is now very popular.

Description of the breed and maintenance of Yorkies

Externally, the Yorkshire Terrier is a small, proportional dog with a slightly elongated body, a small head with a rather short muzzle and small triangular ears. The eyes are small, dark and shiny, and should not be protruding. Yorkies have straight legs and the tail is usually docked halfway.

Yorkshire Terrier coat care

Naturally, such wool needs constant care. Yorkshire Terriers are washed frequently and brushed daily. Your eyes also require daily care. Wool show dogs To avoid damage, they are put away in curlers, and at the exhibition, the hair on the head is collected in a special ponytail (top knot). If the dog is not shown, you can trim the coat about once every 3 months, which greatly simplifies care.

Despite the long hair, shedding Yorkshire Terrier goes unnoticed, because he has no undercoat. In general, the dog is very convenient for keeping in apartments. Spending a few minutes a day combing your hair is not difficult. But Yorkies do not take up space, they can be litter trained, like cats, they do not require long walks, but can go with you in your bag to the ends of the earth.

Character and characteristics of the breed

Yorkies have a typically “terrier” disposition. This is a real brave dog, active, constantly on the move, inquisitive and cheerful. Yorkies have a great sense of humor, are loyal and love attention. These are nimble pranksters, ready to perform tricks to attract the attention of their adored owner. TO to strangers They are very wary and can be quite good guards, despite their small size.

Males are often bullies and provoke other dogs when walking, so they need to be socialized from childhood. Get them accustomed to the company of other dogs right away. In addition, Yorkies need firm guidance and training, otherwise they can grow up capricious and disobedient.

The Yorkshire Terrier is an ideal pet for an apartment and a family. Dog breeders did not immediately recognize this breed. It seemed too absurd, and there were so many types of dogs mixed in it. And yet, with a strong-willed character, he managed to win his place in the heart of every dog ​​breeder, just a fan of pets. Today many people want to own this cute creature that looks like a living toy.

A miniature, cheerful and kind dog, he will become a wonderful friend and companion for any type of people, can live in an apartment, and does not require particularly labor-intensive care.

Will feel great with single people in old age, smart and loyal. The pet does not show aggression without reason, and with proper upbringing, it will be an ideal companion. We will tell you how to care for your pets, to what age does a Yorkie grow, at what age to train it, what to watch out for, about the breed’s characteristics and character.

Yorkshire Terrier appeared in North America back in 1872. In the 19th century, the dog was brought to England. The appearance of dogs in Yorkshire contributed to the further breeding of the breed.

The descendants of the Yorkies were much larger. Their weight reached 10 kg. Farmers valued dogs for keen sense of smell. According to their descriptions, the not very large pet was able to catch and drive away rodents and accompanied its owners on the road.

It's hard to believe that the modern terrier is a hunter of small rodents. Before becoming a lady's companion, the exterior and character - long time maintained and improved.

In his blood there are not only representatives Scottish dogs, but also numerous terriers from other countries that were able to give a unique look, among them: a Skye terrier, a Paisley dog, a representative of the Clydesdale.

The first representatives were demonstrated on the territory of modern England in 1861, at that time there were about 3 variations of the name of the dog. In 1873 - the first official name was registered -
Yorkshire Terriers, which still exist today.

Scottish terriers appeared in the Russian Federation only in 1971, little puppy presented to a famous ballerina. Only after the fall of the conscientious union, the first Moscow nursery appeared on the territory of the country.

The popularity of the breed does not fade even now; its miniature size, ease of care, pretty appearance and pleasant character, all this makes the Yorkie pet one of the most popular breeds.

Yorkshire Terrier and description of the breed

An adult dog weighs a little more than 3 kg. Her legs should be straight and her back should be level. The puppy's muzzle is slightly narrowed, its eyes are medium-sized, usually oval or almond-shaped. The ears are v-shaped and widely spaced.

According to the standard, Yorkshire terriers are not divided into subspecies, but unofficially they can be determined by size:

  • Micro - up to 1.5 kg,
  • Yorkshire Terrier mini - up to 2 kg,
  • The standard Yorkie is the largest - up to 3.1 kg.

Anyone who wants to get a dog is often interested in how old a Yorkie grows. So, on average, a small pet grows up to 6 months, but sometimes continues to grow up to 9-10 months.

Babies are born with a certain color of fur, which changes its properties and color as they grow up. So dark black shades become bluish and blue, and brown wool becomes a couple of tones lighter and acquires a pleasant golden color.

Yorkie standard and exterior characteristics

  • Head and muzzle: round eyes, shiny, direct, calm gaze. The muzzle is slightly elongated, miniature, the transition from the forehead is weakly expressed. Vault flat type. The nose is straight, tapering towards the nose. The ears are set high and quite wide. The shape is triangles with slight rounding. The cartilage is of medium hardness, the ears are not recumbent, they stand up at 4-5 months.
  • Jaw and bite: correct bite, scissor-type, medium-sized canines, white. Yorkies often have problems with correct bite, many are missing teeth or they do not grow correctly, which is considered a breed defect.
  • Body and body: a miniature dog, harmoniously built, the body is proportional, the muscles are well developed throughout the body. The back is of a short type, without sagging, of medium width. Movements are free, smooth, without constraint. The neck is of a short type, of medium width, not long. Smooth shoulder, forms right angles. The lower back does not sag, is of sufficient width, good muscles. The abdomen is tucked, the skin is elastic, dense, without the formation of folds or sagging.
  • Tail, paws: limbs straight, small, with good muscles. They stand parallel, there is no twisting of the elbows. The thigh is strong, of medium width, well muscled. Forms an almost right angle. The paws are small, tightly gathered, the toes are rounded with strong, black claws. There are dewclaws, which by birth are removed in puppyhood. Tail: long, saber-shaped, can be docked, is now less and less copied and remains in its natural form. Set high, level with the back, abundantly covered with hair.

Coat and colors

The owner of an excellent fur coat, soft, smooth and glossy fur - distinguishing feature and the pride of the Yorkshire Terrier.

On the head and along the body, it will be divided into an even parting on both sides. Beautifully and evenly, it flows downwards. For exhibition representatives, it is quite difficult to keep it in proper shape, but with regular care and following all recommendations, York will look great at any time.

The baby has his own “signature haircuts”, they are suitable for everyone who does not go to exhibitions, for “show class” it is preferable natural state wool

In some dogs, unfortunately, the coat does not lighten or a blue tint does not appear, which refers to a defect.

Deviations from the exterior

All dogs must meet the established standard; only under this condition will the pet participate in exhibitions and be suitable for breeding. Children often develop developmental defects, problems in appearance and character.

Unfortunately, such dogs will not participate in show programs and are not used in matings. Each deviation is considered individually; if it is not significant, then the dog will be able to participate in breeding.

  1. Deviations in color dark color, red - fiery colors;
  2. High height at the withers, non-standard weight;
  3. Wide or narrow hip;
  4. Tail crease;
  5. Problems with bite and number of teeth;
  6. Not a typical coat: scanty, short, poor quality;
  7. Large ears, soft ear cartilage;
  8. Wide muzzle, atypical color of mucous membranes;
  9. Foreign eye color (uncolored, different eyes);
  10. Long and crooked paws;
  11. Wide lower back;
  12. Short shoulder;
  13. Back sag, narrow or too wide;
  14. Undershot, overshot, jaw misalignment;
  15. Slanted croup;
  16. Cryptorchia in males (testicles did not descend, only one testicle came out);
  17. Disproportional head;
  18. Elongated body, violation of general proportions;
  19. Problematic psyche: aggressiveness, cowardice, various disorders in communication.

Unfortunately, for a “show class” such violations are not permissible; for a pet “on the sofa” they will not matter; such slides can live in normal conditions if the violations do not affect the quality of life.

Character and behavior

One appearance These dogs bring positivity and a smile. In addition, the little pet has an easy-going character. The absence of any aggression allows you to have a dog in a house where there is a child.

If you want to train a Yorkie, start with early age, and he will gladly succumb to educational measures. Already at 2 months the pet understands the most simple commands. Despite its size, the Yorkshire Terrier is considered a good guard dog.

  • It is unlikely that she will attack an uninvited guest and neutralize him, but with her ringing bark she will notify in case of alarm. Micro dogs of this breed frankly do not like strangers and can even bark at a child. That is why it is better to take even such a small baby for walks on a leash.

Yorkies are active, agile and love to play at any age. They love attention and are ready to accompany their owner on walks, during travel and social events.

Yorkshire Terrier Behavior

The baby is friendly, inquisitive, without showing aggressiveness. Kind, affectionate with his pets, can live with other animals.

Quite jealous, loves attention, has a hard time with the absence of a person, loves to be with the owner. You can take it with you to any place, mini-travel. Good friends children, due to small size, you will need to treat it carefully at a young age; it is not recommended to leave the animal with children until they have grown up, otherwise the baby may be injured.

Emotionally stable, without nervousness, with proper socialization, they quickly and easily learn new things. Active, love games and educational programs.

  • They are calm at home, always close to the owner, they can be mischievous and, if there is a lack of attention, they often bark at any noise. If you do not train him to behave in a certain way in the apartment and on the street, you can end up with a dog that is too noisy.

It is necessary to work with your pet, develop it, and socialize it on time. It is important to ensure sufficient load, free range and the rule of organizing the diet.

Home Benefits - Pros

Many choose this breed for the home and even a small apartment. And it’s not just the compact size of the dog.

The Yorkshire Terrier's coat does not cause allergies, and does not shed like most of its canine relatives. Here's why, when choosing between small dogs different breeds, give preference to this one.

This information is confirmed by allergists and veterinarians. Yorkies lose hair, but only in small amounts. And if you take care of her correctly, then there will be no problems with her coat.

Another important feature is that Yorkies can go to the toilet on a tray or diaper at any age.

The last option is especially popular. This does not mean that micro dogs do not like walks. But there is no need to take them outside early in the morning.

Features of education and training

Yorkshire terriers are smart animals, they grasp everything on the fly. The primary socialization of a puppy includes:

  • Accustoming to a new home, your nickname;
  • A place to sleep and eat;
  • Loud sounds;
  • Streets and busy places;
  • To strangers and other animals;
  • Training to walk on a leash and in a ring;
  • Wearing a collar;
  • Clothes;
  • If you take it with you in the car, start getting used to traveling from an early age; the sooner this happens, the better.

Take the puppy outside as often as possible: immediately after sleeping and eating, 4-5 times a day at short intervals. Gradually, when the dog gets used to the street, start long walks, take different routes, the puppy should get used to street noise, cars and strangers.

At first, it is not recommended to let him off the leash; walks only under supervision. As soon as you learn the first commands, the necessary basics - you can let go, but avoid places with proximity to roads or the possibility of escaping from a person.

Where to start education and when

Training and education begins at an early age of 2 - 3 months. It will take you 1 - 2 months to learn basic commands necessary for comfortable living and communication.

Commands to learn:

  1. Sit;
  2. Lie;
  3. Stand;
  4. Place;
  5. Can;
  6. It is forbidden;
  7. Place;
  8. Near.

Try to be patient and persistent. Training time at the very beginning: 30 - 40 minutes per day. Gradually the load and duration increases. Alternate the educational process with active games, which will relieve stress and promote better concentration.

As a reward, all kinds of treats are given, the puppy is praised with a kind word and a pleasant touch from the owner. It is important to show your pet that the person is satisfied with the result, then he will begin to try to earn praise.

When training, you will need to be patient and attentive, commands are given clearly and clearly, changing commands only after execution. Mandatory reinforcement and praise.

When York starts to obey, be sure to reinforce the knowledge. It is also not recommended to punish the animal, raise your voice, overreact to failure, or use rudeness.

Even as a puppy, he is well versed in human facial expressions, senses any change in mood and will experience your dissatisfaction. It is better to exercise at one specific time; before starting, the dog must be walked, it is better to play with him on the street or in the house, then the puppy will not be distracted.

Care and hygiene

Caring for a puppy of this breed requires not only care and attention, but also additional costs. So, if you plan to have a micro pet in your home, you should purchase for it:

To directly care for your Yorkie you will need:

Additional care

An additional expense item includes the purchase of clothing, shoes and accessories. If the latter is bought at will, then purchasing clothes is not just a fashionable whim, but a feature of the breed.

  1. A dog actually gets cold and shivers when it is too cold. The Yorkshire Terrier has a fairly thin undercoat. Therefore, caring for your dog should include choosing a wardrobe.
  2. In cold weather, the pet is walked in warm overalls to protect it from dirt, snow and cold. Jumpsuits with skirts look fun on girls.
  3. Yorkie's coat requires special attention at any age. It is not cut only if the dog actively participates in exhibitions.

In other cases, for convenience and neatness, it is better to cut a representative of this breed. Long wool in the head area they are collected in a funny ponytail.

  • A Yorkie girl can be easily identified by her hairstyle with barrettes and bows. But this ritual is solely the owner’s desire to decorate his pet. The pet is given a haircut once a month. There are hygienic, standard and model haircuts.
  • The fur around the eyes is regularly cut short so as not to interfere. A healthy puppy's eyes are shiny and do not tear. Excessive souring and tearing indicate that it is time to go to the veterinary clinic. That's why you need to regularly wipe your eyes and monitor their condition. The claws are trimmed once a month and treated with a nail file. Girls get colored manicures.
  • It is better to use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, since despite the “hairiness” of the Yorkie, its coat is thin. After bathing, the pet's ears are cleaned. To prevent the formation of tartar, it is important to take care of your dog’s teeth and take him for an examination every six months.

Health and life expectancy

But this age is not the same for everyone. The larger the dog, the stronger its physiology. If there is a micro Yorkie living in the house, you need to move carefully so as not to hit the dog or harm it. It is dangerous for puppies of this breed to jump even from a small height, much less fall, otherwise injuries will affect the age of the pet.

  • The dog is susceptible to colds and allergies to many foods. Some of them can even make your Yorkie itchy.

It should also be taken into account that small pets do not tolerate anesthesia well. This is why it is important to carefully monitor your pet's health.

  • Puppies need to train their character and adapt to environment so that he is not afraid of sharp or loud sounds, wasn't afraid strangers or big dogs.
  • Yorkshire Terrier puppies are very vulnerable. Depends on their psyche general state health of dogs in older age.

Many owners have a question about why the Yorkie is trembling. This condition is due to several reasons. A small pet is shaking from pain or fear.

They can even be afraid of large dogs on a walk. This is why owners so often carry dogs in their arms. If your Yorkie has a fever, he will also shiver. Then you need to see a veterinarian to determine the cause. Often the dog trembles with excitement. In this case, you need to ensure her comfort and safety.

Rules for nutrition and diet planning

The importance of drafting proper diet- very large. Nutrition should be balanced and sufficient. At every age, starting from puppyhood, Yorkies are given their own food; it can be of two types - natural or food-based.

Each of them has its own pros and cons; the owner chooses how to feed the Yorkshire Terrier. At the nasal stage, the baby eats what the breeder fed him; to switch to a different type of food or when changing food, a number of conditions will need to be met.

  • The transition must be long;
  • New food is given in small parts, gradually replacing the old one;
  • Changing food can cause indigestion, stool problems and allergies;
  • Consult with a specialist or breeder in advance;
  • Preference only " super premium class" of feed.

Natural nutrition

When feeding natural food, it is necessary to calculate daily requirement and create a menu of permitted products. Calculation based on requirement: 30 grams of meat products per 1 kg adult dog. Vegetables/fruits/porridge in a ratio of 20/20/10% of the total food.

Allowed products:

  1. Sea fish - boiled, cleaned, without heads and entrails.
  2. Seafood - peeled;
  3. Eggs are added to food no more than 2 times a week, raw;
  4. Cottage cheese, kefir, natural curd, low fat;
  5. Porridge - cooked in water or bone broth: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat;
  6. Alternate by-products, only cooked: liver, heart, lung, brains, stomach, kidneys;
  7. Meat, but not fatty, without bones and veins, fresh: chicken, lean beef, turkey, young veal;
  8. Seasonal fruits: bananas, peaches, pears, apples, apricots, watermelon and melon;
  9. Vegetables: cabbage, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, pumpkin, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers;
  10. Greens: leafy, fresh salad, dill;
  11. Additionally: vitamin complexes, mineral supplements, bone meal, vegetable fats.

Exclude from the diet:

  • Fatty meat with bones;
  • Chicken and tubular bones;
  • Any spices;
  • Sweets;
  • Baking;
  • Grape;
  • Citrus;
  • River fish;
  • Plum;
  • Sausages;
  • Legumes;
  • Human food - cooked;
  • Salo;
  • Smoked;
  • Roast;
  • Nuts;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Butter;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Ryazhenka.

Industrial feed

Dry food and ready-made food do not require additional preparation or addition of additives. They are completely balanced and include everything for the growth and development of the pet. Selected from the breed lines of presented premium manufacturers in accordance with the age, activity and health status of the Yorkshire Terrier.

Calculated by weight, manufacturers produce measuring cups. Puppies are usually fed the food offered by the breeder, which he received while with his mother. Feeding 4 - 5 times a day, in small portions, provide access to drinking water. Adults eat 2 times a day, after a walk, food is given only for 1 feeding. Mandatory weight control, avoid overeating.

How to choose a Yorkie puppy

Due to the popularity of the breed, low-breed representatives and mixed breeds are offered for sale online, so it is not recommended to buy an animal second-hand or without documents. Select in advance the nursery that best meets the stated standards. Many of them are represented by their own websites and pages in in social networks. Before the purchase:

  • Meet and chat with the breeder;
  • Find out about the health status of the parents and the puppy;
  • View your pedigree and available titles;
  • Find out about the success of past litters.

The puppy is selected based on the following characteristics:

  1. Harmony of addition;
  2. Health indicators;
  3. Individual building;
  4. Future prospects;
  5. Behavior and character of the baby and mother.

Skin, mucous membranes and fur must be clean and neat. Dogs should move freely, be friendly with people, interested and friendly.

At the time of sale, the puppies have a brand, primary vaccinations according to age and a puppy metric, which then changes to a permanent, official pedigree.

Cost of Yorkshire Terriers

A female Yorkshire Terrier may be more expensive than littermates, as they are used in breeding. Pet-class puppies are 2-3 times cheaper, they do not participate in breedings and exhibitions.

  • Average cost: from 25 to 80 thousand rubles, depending on the performance and individuality of appearance.

Interesting information about the breed - famous Yorkies

Their small size did not prevent some representatives of the breed from making their mark in history and even getting into the Guinness Book of Records. Thus, the smallest representative of the breed was a baby named Boss. Its weight is only 481 grams and its length barely reaches 13 cm.

  • The age of another representative of the breed is amazing. Yorkshire Terrier Billy lived 22 years, which is a very long time for this breed. He sees poorly and has no teeth, but age has not affected his active character in any way.
  • In the state of Ohio there is a monument to York - Smoky. American soldiers found it during World War II. The dog was a member of the reconnaissance regiment and even jumped with a parachute. In hospitals, Smokey worked as a therapist. She amused the wounded soldiers by performing tricks and showing an easy-going nature.
  • The dog Lucy was included in the Guinness Book of Records as. Weighing 1.1 kg, the Micro Yorkie brings great joy to the elderly and disabled in the therapeutic department.
  • How many years your dog will live and how long it will delight you with its presence depends entirely on your attention. The little pet will reward its caring owner with its funny disposition and devotion.
  • Mini Yorkie, fashionable dog, very beautiful and elegant. Clothes make her even cuter and more interesting, but it is worth remembering that, first of all, this is a living creature that requires careful care and attention.
  • Perhaps, before rewarding yourself with such a wonderful creature, you should think about whether you can give the dog the attention and time it deserves. After all, the dog will always be with you, in your home, the Yorkshire Terrier will definitely demand a place both in your home and in your heart.

    Photos of Yorkies

Today this is one of the smallest dogs with stunningly beautiful hair. And it seems that the Yorkies themselves know about this - they take on such an important and proud look wherever they find themselves. But don't be fooled by appearances. York is a dog from the terrier group: it remembers its origin and demonstrates hunting prowess!

Lively and active, these little hunters are always ready for adventure.

Their owners have a lot of joys, but no less worries. Many people choose this breed because the dog does not require long training. However, Yorkies may not get along with other animals in the house and do not always get along with children, especially mischievous ones. Therefore, education and training are still needed and play important role. Much depends on the conditions in which the puppy grew up: if he was pampered, in adulthood he will cause a lot of trouble for his owners.


You should not consider Yorkies harmless and weak - they are quite capable of standing up for themselves.

The first Yorkshire terriers were trained to catch mice and rats, so their enthusiasm and activity are not accidental. They are active, curious, stubborn and independent at times. Often they are overly tender and pampered, but you should not be zealous in this. From the description of the character of the Yorkshire Terrier breed, it is clear that this is not at all sofa dog– she is characterized by the desire to dominate and willpower. Yorkies should not be considered harmless weak - they can quite stand up for themselves. However, they tend to be very attached to their owners and are willing to obey them.


Origin: Great Britain

Class: according to the FCI classification – group 3 (terriers). Section 3.4 (Toy Terriers)

Usage: originally - for hunting rodents in peasant houses. Now - four-legged friend, belongs to decorative breeds

Color: golden and red-brown on the head, red-brown on the tail, dark steel on the back from the back of the head to the tail (standard). There are Yorkshire terriers with a mixture of black or gray– they are not allowed to exhibitions

Dimensions: height at the withers: males - up to 22 cm, females - up to 20 cm; weight: males – up to 3.2 kg, females – up to 2.8 kg

Lifespan: 12-17 years old

A Yorkshire Terrier dog is a little friend for your family. The Yorkshire Terrier dog breed is bold and courageous, and can even frighten people with its barking.

Very active, able to play all day long, loves.

Thanks to its miniature size, the Yorkshire Terrier can be taken with you on visits and to the country, on trips and even to the store for shopping.

About others hunting breeds dogs can be read in the article

A long time ago, poor townspeople and villagers were allowed to have one, so that the dog, due to its size, could not trample the lands of the nobility and hunt game.

The hunting nature manifested itself in the extermination of rodents and even small game.

According to another version, the origin of the dog is unreal. Like, she arrived from space, from some distant and unknown planet.

You readily believe this, because when you see a Yorkie as a puppy with an interesting haircut, you can no longer take your eyes off him. I just want to cuddle, cuddle, play.

But the dog is independent, albeit very friendly, and therefore will not bask in the arms of its owner unless it wants to.

The breed cannot be called pure, that is, firstborn.

The Maltese, Skye Terrier, Manchester Terrier, Leeds Terrier, Diamond Terrier and Clydesdale (an already obsolete breed) are “to blame” for its appearance.

It took more than a century to get such a baby, because initially it was of medium size.


The Yorkshire Terrier dog faithfully loves and obeys its owner. And in return he expects the same love, adoration and affection.

York can be called reckless.

The Yorkshire Terrier dog, whose photo is simply touching, is very sociable.

And often this character trait is associated with being spoiled - everyone loves her, she gets all the attention.

And that’s why she’s naughty, capricious, and even offended.

Is it possible to adopt a Yorkshire Terrier if there are other pets, children, or people with allergies in the family?

It is possible, but you need to take into account some nuances. Yorkshire Terriers have a long and silky coat.

But there is practically no shedding, and therefore no manifestations of allergies are observed.

Yorkies, like children, are active and playful, and enjoy playing together.

But provided that they do not offend their four-legged friend and know how to treat him.


Signs of marriage: black or light gray fur on the back, extending to the neck.

Other shades on the head and paws, in addition to red-brown, and on the chest and ears - in addition to bright brown.

Spots in color, wavy coat, too large dog size.

Features of care


This gentle breed is a Yorkshire Terrier dog; it requires constant care. This includes a haircut.

Bathe weekly with shampoo and conditioner and blow dry. Comb every day using balms, sprays, lotions.

Every two weeks, trim and file the claws.

In the morning, wipe your eyes with a damp swab.

To prevent hair from falling into the eyes and into the food bowl, it is pinned up at the top of the head.

Ears are cleaned after bathing cotton swabs, soaked in lotion.

The fur around the edges of the ears is cut off, and the inside is plucked.

Brush your teeth after each feeding with a toothpick, picking out any leftover food. Some Yorkies love toothbrushes. You should use them and toothpastes a couple of times a week.


The Yorkshire Terrier is an indoor dog, but it also needs to be walked. Walk for about half an hour twice a day.

At home, train your pet to use the litter box. Immediately after sleep or after eating, take the puppy to the tray or diaper.

Accustoming will take some time and during this period you need to limit the territory (with a tray, toys and a sleeping place) so that he better remembers the location of the toilet.


Puppies should have 6 meals a day before reaching 6 months of age.

The norm is 2 tablespoons of food per kilogram.

They are produced for small dogs and specifically for Yorkshire terriers.

Here's what to feed from the table (cook separately).

You can give:

  • lean meat: chicken, beef, turkey – 50%;
  • porridge: rice, wheat, buckwheat;
  • boiled fish (a couple of times a week);
  • boiled egg;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits.

You cannot give:

  • fat meat;
  • milk;
  • sweets, smoked foods, salty foods;
  • flour and pasta products;
  • bones;
  • raw fish;
  • potatoes, legumes.


Characteristic diseases

Small dogs need to have their temperature taken and examined daily. Then you can notice signs of the disease in time. Yorkies are prone to the following diseases:

  • allergy ;
  • paw dislocations and fractures;
  • This gentle breed is a Yorkshire Terrier dog; it requires constant care. Bathe weekly with shampoo and conditioner and blow dry. Comb every day using balms, sprays, lotions


    To prevent mixing of genes, partners of colored colors should be mated.

    Otherwise, the offspring may have a color outside the standard.

    Black female and male - black puppies; silver - offspring too.

    If there are two genes for dark or red color, and one for steel, then the puppies can be red, steel or dark.

    One parent is black, and the other is steel - the puppies can take after both father and mother.

    Exterior is important for females, and breeding qualities are important for males.

    Therefore, it is worth looking at puppies from different bitches to evaluate them and the possibility of mating with this particular male.

    Yorkshire Terrier dog: a little friend for your family

    The Yorkshire Terrier dog breed is increasingly winning hearts. This is a little creature with a kind and brave heart. The Yorkshire Terrier dog is a reliable and devoted friend, a playful companion.