How to calculate the tarot lasso by date of birth. Tarot numerology: deciphering the arcana by date of birth. Briefly about the owners of spiritual symbols

Every person who is interested in his spiritual nature tries to understand himself and his purpose in life more deeply. Sometimes this understanding never comes. When reading an astrological or numerological portrait of your personality, you understand that half of what has been said is not about you. Or it is so deep that even one cannot see these qualities. I found for myself a technique that reveals the essence, and thanks to it I understood my purpose. This technique is called "Diagnostics and Correction of Fate - 22 Arcana" by Natalia Ladini.

Method of Natalia Ladini

Looking for a purpose

22 Arcana very fully and deeply characterize the personality of a person. I have not seen a more accurate description either in astrology or in numerology. I recognized myself, felt the truth of what was written inside me. Perhaps this is not all manifested in life, and is not noticeable to other people, but I know for sure that it is in me. When reading the meanings of the arcana of my matrix and listening to the meditations of Natalia Ladini, my soul responds, as if saying, “Yes, this is about me, they understand me and see my essence.” She sings and rejoices. The task is to manifest this essence in the world, to reveal the existing qualities and realize them in life. Not forgetting about the polarity of the expression, when the quality is manifested positively or negatively. If the manifestation is not better side, you need to transform it, thereby carrying out a correction of your destiny.

Matrix of Destiny

The essence of the methodology of Natalia Ladini is to calculate the matrix of fate, the nodes of which are the arcana of the tarot. You can calculate your matrix on the lasso calculator, by entering your date of birth. To find out the meaning of the arcana, click on the matrix node you are interested in (when hovering, the nodes are highlighted).

I have been doing numerology for a long time and discovered a very interesting connection between numbers and the major arcana of the Tarot. According to classical numerology, by adding up all the numbers of the date of birth, you can thus obtain the NUMBER OF DESTINY, which will characterize the fate and main direction of the life of its owner. And then I thought, why not connect this number with one of the major arcana of the Tarot.

But the question arose, how to do the calculations? For several years I have tested this method on friends and clients, I have gained a decent base, and I can draw some conclusions. These are just my observations, they, of course, would not hurt to check them. Therefore, I will explain the technique itself to you, and you will test yourself and your friends. And then I will be very glad to receive feedback from you. You can write to the soap or to the forum.
So, by date of birth, you can determine several important arcana that will affect a person’s whole life. If you are new to tarot cards, then you first need to understand the meaning of the 22 arcana quite well. Otherwise, you will get confused in the interpretations. I will give a brief description at the end of the article, based on own experience, but the more you understand and feel the arcana, the deeper you can understand the fate and life path of a person.

1) The first lasso is calculated very simply. This is the date of birth (we do not take the month and year). If the number is up to 22, then everything is clear. A person was born on the 8th of any month - his lasso - LAW. Born 18 - MOON. If the number is greater than 22, then you need to SUBTRACT 22. This rule applies to all further calculations! For example, someone born on 27, 27-22=5 is his PAPA lasso. And so on.

This is one of the most important indicators. Firstly, it is very easy to calculate, and secondly, it is usually strongly manifested in the character and behavior of a person. We can say that this is a mask, a social role. The way others see us. This lasso can tell about the abilities and talents of a person. It is best used when calculating compatibility. Fast and convenient.

2) The second lasso of birth is calculated as follows. It is necessary to write down in a row all the numbers of the date of birth (without zeros) and add them up. If the final number is greater than 22, subtract 22 to get the lasso. For example, 17.3.1983 - 1+7+3+1+9+8+3 = 32-22=10 - THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE. I hope you understand.

This lasso is less noticeable at first sight in a person, but it has a more noticeable effect on fate. This is the path that a person walks on. This is his highest destiny, his true self. Be especially attentive to the interpretation of this lasso. Try to understand how it affects you, what it gives, what is your mission on this earth.

3) The third lasso is additional, sometimes it can be counted, sometimes it will be equal to the second lasso. To find the third lasso, you need to separately bring the day, month and year of birth to some of their 22 lasso, and then add all three, and if in the end the number is more than 22, then subtract 22. I explain with an example. Someone was born on 24.2.1976. 24 (day) -22=2 - PRIESTESS. 2 (month) – PRIESTESS, 1976 (year) =23-22=1 – MAG. As a result, we get - PRIESTESS (2) + PRIESTESS (2) + MAG (1) = 5 PAPA. This is the third lasso.

It is similar in meaning to the second lasso of birth, but less pronounced, gives some additions. It cannot be considered separately from the first two arcana.

Here I will give you a little additional information Who wants to have himself will continue to experiment and check. The lasso of the day is also our physical body, health, sex life. The lasso of the month is our emotions, personal life. Arcana of the year - social life, work, career, mental abilities.

Now a few words about interpretation. If you have been practicing Tarot for a long time, then you should not have any problems. Practice first on acquaintances and close people whom you know well and see how the arcana of birth affects their lives. And then move on to experiments with unfamiliar people. The more you train, the better.

If you are a beginner and just starting to comprehend the wisdom of tarot cards, then read more books. The best book for interpreting the arcana of birth is Hayo Banzhaf's book "TARO key concepts”, I highly recommend to all beginners. Well, with experience you will do everything automatically. And always trust your intuition.

In calculations, I always give FOOL number 22, JUSTICE - 8, and STRENGTH -11. Sometimes in different systems there is confusion with this.

I will write brief characteristics arcana, in relation to birth codes. They were formed on the basis of my many years of experience. Feel free to add your own. In general, there is no place for conventions and dogmas. This path will be a continuous creativity.

And yet, it is IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND, any card has two paths, light and dark. You can never tell in advance which way a person will go. Even if his birth card is DEATH or TOWER, this is far from a sentence (I have come across many happy and successful people with these birth arcana in practice). Even negative cards have a light path, this is important to understand, especially if you do not yet have practice in interpretation. No need to scare a person with a DEVIL card, he can be an excellent psychologist or financier. But some WORLD - can be lazy and selfish. Think, reflect, experiment. In the interpretation of the bright path (+), the dark path (-)

(+) Creator, skillful, sociable, very interesting person. Skillful fingers. Magic abilities. Good manager and administrator.

(-) Cunning, swindler, schemer, liar and swindler. Lives at someone else's expense. Charlatan (all his magical abilities are just a good hoax).


(+) Subtle, sensitive nature, always ready to help, virgin archetype, mediumistic abilities, good psychologist, teacher.

(-) Unpredictability, escape from reality, tearfulness, stupidity, energy vampire. Constantly complaining, crying. Black magician.


(+) The mother archetype, caring, for such a person in the first place - family and children, prolific, sexy, can make very good money. Very down to earth, realist.

(-) It is difficult to control oneself, there are many excesses (alcohol, food, drugs, sex), the character is sometimes despotic, especially with domestic ones, a spender, not attuned to the family. Childless.


(+) Head, active, energetic, often holds a prominent position. Good politician, director. Appreciates discipline and order in everything, especially in the family and at work.

(-) Stubborn, despotic, aggressive person. A pedant and a bore. Fighter. A lot of energy, but nowhere to put it, so he is furious!

(+) spiritual man, knows how to listen, a good psychologist, maybe a teacher, a good adviser.

(-) Spiritless, or spirituality and ideals only for cover, a liar, a bad adviser, a person who cannot find his way in any way!


(+) Sensual, kind, gentle and very sexy person. The soul of the company, loves to communicate and make new acquaintances. In life it is difficult to make a choice, often 2 marriages, love triangles.

(-) Clamped, indecisive person. A bunch of complexes, especially in sex and love. Constantly fluctuates, life constantly puts before a choice.


(+) Bold, confident. Constantly in motion, rushing somewhere, something he needs to do. Travels a lot, tourism. Lots of life changes.

(-) Either complete stagnation in life, lazy, coward. Or, on the contrary, too active, twitchy, nervous.


(+) A decent, balanced person. Often associated with jurisprudence, law, police. A clear mind can sometimes seem very cold.

(-) Biased, lives by his own law, low moral principles, no inner core. An indicator of great karma (many sins).


(+) Wise, loves solitude. Calm and thoughtful. Constantly in spiritual search or self-knowledge. Psychologist, magician, clairvoyant.

(-) A gloomy and embittered person, many complexes, obsession only with himself, selfishness. Problems with the psyche and social adaptation.


(+) Very positive personality, active, many trips. Lucky, optimistic.

(-) Fatalist, fear of the future, lazy, waiting for fate itself to bring everything on a silver platter.

(+) Very energetic, self-confident, clearly knows what he wants. Leader. Athlete, wrestler. Sexual.

(-) Either weak and spineless, or overly active, aggressive, unstable nervous system. Problems in the sexual sphere.


(+) Wise, unhurried. At the beginning of life, often, there are many trials, then everything returns to normal. Not of this world, creator, creativity.

(-) He sees everything upside down, many illusions, illnesses, disability (as a punishment for sins), laziness, despondency and eternal whining.

13 - DEATH

(+) A very strong personality who, passing through great difficulty, tempers its character. Many trials in life, danger to life, trauma, accidents, especially at the beginning of life. THIS IS AN OPTION!!! DO NOT FEAR THIS CARD! Magic abilities. Military (or espionage) career.

(-) Either destroys himself, or those around him, or both. Mental problems, especially at the end of life. Alcoholism, drug addiction, crime.


(+) Calm, moderate and creative person. Soft and kind. Love to the animals.

(-) Either complete passivity in life, constantly misses chances, or imbalance, rushes from one extreme to another.


(+) A born psychologist, feels people very well. Magic abilities. Working with money, banks. Excellent manager and organizer. Seducer, Don Juan.

(-) Powerful manipulator, cunning and cunning strategist (typical SCORPIO). Either a banal alcoholic or a drug addict. The devil gives any form of addiction.

16 - TOWER

(+) Sharp, unpredictable, very active and active. Frequently changes activities. Mood changes. Emotional, very touchy and sensitive. Injuries.

(-) Big mental problems, aggression, crime. Danger to life, especially car crashes(tested in practice), with such a birth card, drive very carefully not to choose risky sports.

17 - STAR

(+) Spiritual, creative, sensitive person. Refined nature. Often writing ability, poetry.

(-) Lazy man, he puts everything off until tomorrow. Very down to earth and rough, lacking the ability to feel "beautiful".

(+) Medium. Of all the cards, in my experience, such people have the strongest psychic abilities. Psychologist. Creative talent, actor, singer.

(-) Illusions, fears, phobias, big mental problems, alcoholism, drug addiction. Impracticality.

19 - SUN

(+) Bright, noticeable personality. Creativity, show business. The desire to constantly be in the center of attention, to shine. Living in comfort and luxury.

(-) Or big egoists, they think only about themselves. Or clogged and insecure people, fears and complexes.

(+) Spirituality, very deep and wise people. Often insecure in youth, but then achieve respect and recognition. Cardinal changes in life. Emigration.

(-) Lazy people, strive for false ideas, life is very changeable, everything has to be experienced in one's own skin, a lot of karmic sins.

(+) One of the best birth cards. Life is very stable, measured, strong guardian angel. This is an indicator that the soul has not sinned much and in this life there is a solid buzz.

(-) Self-doubt, flight from life, missing chances, many delusions. Laziness!

(+) The most powerful birth card. An indicator of an old soul, huge psychic abilities, originality, creativity, an unusual life path. Pioneers, travelers, innovators.

(-) Eccentricity, nervousness, mental problems, lack of purpose in life, can be a very hard fall. Elementary STUPIDITY!

I have researched many dates of famous people, it is already possible to write a book. For fun, see how this technique works.

Vladimir Putin (7.10.1952)

1 - Chariot 2 - Empress 3 - Hanged Man

Boris Berezovsky (23.1.1946)

1 - Mage 2 - Emperor 3 - Jester (especially read the characteristics of the dark path)

Leonid Brezhnev (12/19/1906)

1 - Sun 2 - Chariot 3 - Empress

Yuri Gagarin (03/09/1934)

1 - Hermit 2 - Chariot (Just a very accurate description of fate)

Boris Yeltsin (1.2.1931)

1 - Mage 2 - Star (dark path again)

Iosif Kobzon (11.9.1937)

1 - Strength 2 - Hermit 3 - Moon (creativity)

Lev Leshchenko (1.2.1942)

1 - Mage 2 - Sun

And this list can be continued indefinitely. Just look and feel how the arcana describe the life and destiny of a person. By the way, there is no lasso of celebrity or fame !!! A person can become famous both on the TOWER and on the SUN. If something is not clear write, ask. I will wait for your feedback!

In the course of a long spiritual search, a long waste of time and effort, a special system of signs and symbols was developed, called tarot. With its help, today you can also characterize your personality or the personality of other people by finding correspondences in tarot cards. How to find out your tarot card by date of birth?

Astrology and numerology will help you. First you need to calculate the Personality Number. Let's say you were born on 04/30/1985. Considering that your birthday fell on a date that is greater than 22 (the number of major arcana of the system deck), we add 3 to 0. Next, we add the month of birth - this is 4 and get 7. Since this number is within 22, further summation is not required. The year of birth is added up according to the numbers 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23. We summarize this figure within 10, that is, 2 + 3 = 5. We add 7 to 5, it turns out 12. This value is less than 22, which means you have the Hanged Man card in the tarot. If you made calculations with your date of birth, and you got a number more than 22, let's say the number 27 - just subtract 22 from it (as a result, your lasso is under the number 5). Now you know how to determine your tarot by date of birth, all that remains is to find out the decoding.

What does your tarot card mean?

Card 1. The Mage Card. You have become like God himself, you are able to rule the whole world. Your main qualities are the desire for power and the ability to manipulate. You need to decide what is more important for you - to develop further spiritually, or try to dominate the world of people. As a Magician, you have the ability to manipulate not only those around you, but also events and objects. Your goal is to succeed by any means. Unfortunately, people with this card are most often deceivers and traitors.

Card 2. Card of the High Priestess. People with this tarot card have secret knowledge and good intuition. You are distinguished by patience and emotionality. However, you are too kind to other people, which can cause your own problems. Try to resist outside influences. You should be especially wary of friends who often complain about their fate, they take away your energy. Need to be able to. If you do not want health problems, refuse to associate with them. It is not uncommon for Priestesses to have psychic abilities that must be used in the name of good. If you choose the path of evil, then your life may end due to a serious psychological illness.

Map 3. Map of the Empress. People with this number will good parents, they are strong and strive to achieve harmony in everything - both at work and in personal life. If you do not spoil your karma, you can become famous person, successful in everything, including career and family. Minus the owners given number tarot lies in the fact that they are very selfish. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. Often the trio is fixated on obtaining material wealth. Empress women often feel sexual dissatisfaction, men can become a source of wealth for those who simply use them. You can change your path with such a map.

Card 4. Card of the Emperor. People with this card have self-confidence and activity. They are born leaders with an aggressive and often explosive character. They need order in everything. Often such people choose the wrong path for themselves, they can be called despots and stubborn. They control those around them, including their family members. Fours have problems with alcohol, they are prone to depression and stress. the card is not related to karma, and therefore you can try to change your life path. If you don't want problems in your life, then try not to be so stubborn.

Card 5. He says that the human soul from birth is pure and innocent. IN past life fives were holy people, they come to the aid of all those in need, and grow up quickly. Relations with peers they usually do not add up due to lack of common interests. But with people older than themselves, they find mutual language easily. The shadow side of these representatives is their pride and sometimes a tendency to idle talk. Often they are hypocritical and think that the truth is always on their side. Fate gives them a lot, but in return it requires a lot.

Card 6. Tarot Lovers card. You can talk about this map for a very long time, as it is really entertaining. This is a happy and peaceful number. People with him always have a soft and supple disposition. They need harmony in life and they do not tolerate conflicts. The shadow side of the personality is that in life they are often offered difficult choices, which they simply cannot make. In this regard, happy opportunities pass them by. Such people, as a rule, have several houses, jobs, lovers and mistresses. Constant uncertainty in life causes stress and depression. Lovers have no luck in love. After all, they cannot go to a meeting or just take the first step towards the chosen one. Try to get rid of doubts and start acting more decisively. You are notorious, but you can change your destiny yourself.

Map 7. Map of the Cart (Chariot). People with such a tarot card have a mobile and lively mind, they constantly strive for personal development, take risks and are self-confident. Big karmic debts are not about sevens. In life, they also do not have any serious problems. If the karma of a person with a wagon is spoiled, then he himself is not the best companion and friend. He sees no danger and suffers from delusions of grandeur. You should be careful when traveling, especially long ones. If the representative of the card is passive, then this is wrong. Since the energy of the card moves it forward. Be careful not to get into bad company. You have criminal tendencies.

Card 8. Card Strength- A person with this card tries to defend his rights always and everywhere. He is distinguished by desperation and courage in action. It would seem that violence and injustice are alien to such people. But this is not always the case. As for people with corrupted karma, their character cannot be called simple. From here frequent problems in personal life and family. If they fall in love, they will certainly turn the relationship into a real drama. It often happens that the Force leads a person to crimes, and all for the sake of material wealth and financial success. The owners of eight need the power they want to get at any cost. You should calm down a little and reconsider your views.

Card 9. Card of the Hermit. Its name alone can say a lot. Its representatives love peace and loneliness. They want silence and shy away from noisy gatherings, parties, crowds. Karma and nine are not strongly related to each other, if a person has problems in life, then they are associated with improper upbringing. Children lack parental love, they are prone to suicide. In order not to become embittered, you should try to accept the world, stop obsessing over your problems and being afraid of everything in the world, defeat fears and gloom. Otherwise, you really run the risk of becoming a Hermit in the truest sense of the word, as people will not seek to communicate with you.

Map 10. Map of Fortune (Wheel of Fate). It is a karmic card. A progressive mind, the desire for new knowledge, moving forward - all this can be safely said about the top ten. In the life of such people there are always a lot of bright incidents. In the past incarnation, the representatives of this card did not sin, hence the luck in the current one. Dozens strive for success in financial affairs, and in most cases they really succeed.

Card 11. Card Justice. is the first karmic card. You sinned a lot in your past life, and in this life you have to answer for your sins. Your character is harsh, you are not afraid to break the rules without thinking about the consequences. Try to correct your past mistakes, otherwise you cannot avoid punishment from above. No need to be offended by your fate and other people. The latter were sent to test you, these are your karmic teachers. Thank even those who cause you inconvenience and lead an honest life. And only in this case you will become the master of your destiny, and the karmic program will leave you.

Card 12. The Hanged Man tarot card. It is a complex karmic map. There are many karmic debts from the past incarnation. For them, and have to pay in the present. It also happens that the twelfth has a soft and sympathetic character, but they often suffer from deceit and often remain fooled by loved ones. Do not make yourself a constant victim, give up the role of a scapegoat and your life will improve. If you have a family, then most likely your husband suffers from cravings for alcohol, and you go to great lengths to make him happy. You forget about yourself and in an effort to make your children happy. There is no need to give up opportunities to spend this life a little better than you currently have. There are talents and opportunities in your destiny.

Map 13. Map of Death. Despite its name, there is nothing terrible about it. Representatives have wisdom and calmness. In most cases, thirteen have serious problems in life. You may face betrayal by your loved ones, divorce, job loss, financial ruin. In order to change your destiny, boldly look straight into the future, forget about your past right now, no one but yourself will help you in life. If you feel the completion of a certain stage (career, marriage, relationship), refuse them yourself. Remember that a broken bowl will never be whole again. A really harsh karmic card fell out to you, but it is in your power to change your world.

Card 14 Representatives of this card have no karmic sins. Calmness, poise, tolerance for other people - all this distinguishes the fourteenth. You do not like conflicts and you need harmony. But under certain circumstances and in combination with another card of the second birth number, you can, on the contrary, have an eccentricity and an unbalanced character. In this case, there are no restrictions or boundaries for you. You are addicted to alcohol, food, drugs, lead a promiscuous sex life. In order to correct your destiny, you will gently choose a bright path and begin to follow it immediately.

Map 15 The holders of this card have a huge amount of karmic debts. As a rule, they have sexuality and attractiveness. They are manipulative love relationships. If they want to get something, then nothing will stop them, including generally accepted norms of morality. In their past incarnation, the Devils were rapists and murderers, and even now they are not afraid of low deeds. If you were born with this tarot card, try to forget about material values. Try to build a happy family, bring to the fore not money, but personal relationships.

Map 16- is quite complex. Representatives will have unexpected changes in fate, serious disasters. You can not avoid frequent fights, accidents, accidents and other unpleasant incidents. As a rule, the sixteenths begin to suffer from childhood. They have to endure parental violence, peer bullying. In terms of character, the Towers are as stubborn as donkeys. It is simply impossible to convince them of anything. Fortunately, despite the many troubles mentioned above, the people of this card manage to easily get rid of the consequences of incidents. Do not harbor anger towards other people, aggression and violence should not be your companions.

Map 17. Map of the Star. Calm and balanced people. They love communication and easily enter into good relationships with other people. Representatives of this card do not have serious karmic sins. If you were born a Star, develop your own abilities and talents. Since in seventeen they are simply present in gigantic quantities. You can start singing or drawing, dancing or clay sculpting. Everything that you wish will be revealed to you if you find your favorite thing and discard the complexes you do not need.

Map 18. Map of the Moon. It is one of the most controversial cards. She always has reverse side. The Moon is similar to the Star. Your life should be connected with creativity, you have a well-developed intuition and can predict the appearance of danger long before it comes. You have not only talents, but also great strength. Realize it and understand what you really want from life. Unfortunately, eighteenths often suffer from madness and bouts of despair. They often commit suicide. In order to forge your path, you must stand firmly on your feet. If you have to make an important decision, take it after considering all the points well, do not rush to conclusions. Sleepwalking should not prevent you from being a happy person.

Map 19 As you might guess, the representatives of this card have a bright and strong charisma. They give their warmth to everyone around them. They are optimistic and content with their lives. Their past incarnation did not sin, and therefore in the present they will have good luck and success. Nineteenths will be excellent parents, but they are not without egocentrism. Often they are hysterical and capricious, and this despite everything positive features of his character. The disadvantage of such individuals is that they simply need power - at work, at home, in relationships. However, having received it, they simply cannot dispose of new force wise and right. Often they decide on the lowest deeds in order to achieve the goal.

Map 20. Map of the Court. It is a karmic tarot card. Its representatives have seen a lot of things in their past guise. And now the higher powers are ready to reward them for being sinless. The twenties have a calm and even character, they are wise and love people. Often such people have a highly developed intuition and excellent psychic abilities. They have a connection with the cosmos. Their only negative is that they do not believe in their own strength, they are always in doubt and it is very easy to convince them. If you were born under the Judgment card, understand that your intuition is telling you the right things. You should listen to her, and not the opinions of other people. Learn to trust someone who will never deceive you or betray you, that is, to yourself.

Card 21 It occupies the position of the most good and positive card in the entire tarot deck. Each representative of the number twenty-one has a bright and very strong energy. You have great wisdom. Your soul is as old as the world, you have seen a lot in your past life. In this regard, you are provided with a good present life. But only if your second card is also good. Just ask the higher powers for what you want more than anything. But remember that great freedom of choice always comes with great responsibility. Usually the representatives of the World have too much wisdom to carry evil. However, different things happen. Beware - if you start to do bad things, you will be punished for it much more severely and harshly than anyone else. The black path must be closed to you forever.

Map 22 In tarot, you close the deck and you can congratulate yourself on being a special person. You are able to amuse people, but you yourself know that behind your outward carelessness is not a hefty mind. Your intuition is well developed. And if you want to succeed in life, do not be afraid of new beginnings. If, for example, you feel that your current job does not suit you, quit and go in search of another. Your natural gift is that you know how to bring happiness to other people. And that's fine, but don't try to talk nonsense. Your soul is also very old. If you choose a bad path, you will be a player who will not achieve anything in life. If you can't handle the energy that the Jester gives you, you can get addicted to drugs or get drunk.


Now you know how to find out your tarot card by date of birth and what it means. Despite the fact that the interpretations of different specialists differ slightly from each other, their general meaning is always the same. Test yourself and you will see that the tarot does not deceive you. They know everything about your character and fate.

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Found in fiction mention of the calculation of the Arcana of Fate. Now that the Internet is at hand, I learned how to do it. I got it right: Luna.

“Any period of our life is patronized by one or another lasso of the Tarot. And it also means that each of us was born under the influence of some kind of lasso. It is he who is considered the main one, has an impact on our whole life, determines the character and life path.
This lasso, of course, can be calculated - both for yourself and for your loved ones, in order to better understand each other, to build more harmonious relationships.
To do this, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methodology for constructing the "Chain of Fate".

Chain of Fate Calculation
The chain of fate is made up of six numbers, each of which we will calculate separately. Of these, the first five are intermediate, and the last, sixth, is the main number of fate, by which we will determine the innate qualities of a person.

And one more little secret...

Now let's look at another possibility of this technique. Imagine that you are about to enter into a marriage or a business alliance. Ask yourself the question: “Will this step be successful?”. Having made a chain of fate for yourself and for a prospective partner, you add up the Main Numbers and consider a likely alliance based on the resulting number. But keep in mind: the interpretation of the lasso corresponding to this number should be read in the first part of this chapter, where we are talking about a forecast for a particular period of time.

So, let's practice. For example: if your main number is 9, and the number of your chosen one is 13, we add: 9 + 13 = 22. Therefore, your relationship is protected by the twenty-second lasso: Peace. We look at the description of this lasso: “You have to go through a wonderful time: a period of harmony with yourself and with the world. Now you can safely plan and act: the result will exceed all expectations! And it may very well be that your most important, most cherished desire will come true. You do not have such a desire, do you dream "for little things"? Moreover, do not miss the moment to determine the most important life purpose: after all, fate itself is ready to help you achieve it!
During such a period, a person is under the auspices of the Higher forces, experiences the greatest upsurge - both emotional and creative. Under the influence of this Arcana, we are capable of any accomplishments, the most challenging tasks click like nuts, the most high peaks will be on the shoulder.
Reject fears, take risks: nothing threatens you - troubles, illnesses, troubles bypass. You are carried by a stream of cosmic energy, it will also protect its “ward” from all misfortunes.
Excellent: you can't imagine a better omen! With such a person you can marry, start working together, go on a long journey: everywhere you will be successful!

Arkan says how our essence is realized in the outside world. The qualities of this essence will affect all spheres of human life. In a positive or negative direction - it depends on many external factors.

How to calculate your Tarot Arcana

  • All the digits of your date of birth must be added up.
  • For example, let's take the date of birth of Prince Charles: 11/14/1948 = 1+4+1+1+1+9+4+8=29.
  • If the figure turns out to be more than 22, then you need to subtract 22 from the resulting amount.
  • 29-22=7. It turns out the Arcane Chariot.

We look at the values

Arcana Mage 1

  • This is an independent spirit. Born leaders. The energies of this lasso give a person the ability to communicate correctly, a person has a good command of the word, the ability to convince. It is very difficult to shove such people into any framework, they will protest, be indignant and try to free themselves, their goal is to stand out from the crowd. It will be very difficult for this person to work in a team, he is an individualist, and he will feel best when working alone, they need independence like air. This lasso means Divine awakening in man, who is created in the image and likeness of God. This lasso gives a person will, a person is independent and isolated from the opinions of others. He is energetic and direct. It is important to be able to focus your energy to realize your desires using intention. Will and self-confidence will make it possible to use all the elements outside world in his subordination. In a negative influence, this can manifest itself in excessive ambition, independence, suppression of others, fighting alone, playing only by your own rules and only in your own interests, cunning.

Arcane Priestess 2

  • This lasso gives an intuitive understanding of other people and excellent contact with all natural elements. These are secretive people, most often lead double life, a man of mystery, very often people around do not understand such people, it seems to them too mysterious. The energies of this lasso are manifested in balance, gentleness, tact. Such people do not imagine themselves alone, they need a couple, a partner, they need to cooperate with someone. They try to avoid conflicts, because they do not like quarrels and become good peacemakers, they do not tend to stand out and impose their will on others. These people appreciate everything spiritual, refined, they are interested in art and intellectual issues. Before making any decision, they need to collect as much information as possible about the topic of the question in order to analyze everything. These people are born psychologists, they are characterized by insight and the ability to analyze, listen and support. In a negative influence, they can become victims of their own delusions and indecision, they become distrustful, restless and confused in their own internal dialogues.

Arcana Empress 3

  • They need to feel loved and love themselves. Arkan promotes interest in the world around him, curiosity, and numerous hobbies. They are very sensitive, for the sake of friends and relatives they are ready for any sacrifice and deprivation. They are not lacking in charm and eloquence, thanks to which they easily establish contacts. These people are always surrounded by the opposite sex, but they build serious relationship only with those people who are beneficial to them. They love their relatives and are strongly attached to the family. They perform family responsibilities without tension, and they also need the full support of their partners. They are characterized by extravagance, pride, jealousy and dictatorial habits. Such people need to fight in life, a little more than others, but as a result they will be rewarded a hundredfold. Such people are connoisseurs of art in any of its manifestations. They strive for comfort and luxury. In a negative way, these people can spend a lot of money on decorations and amenities, which can negatively affect their budget. Become overly proud and dismissive of other people.

Arcana Emperor 4

  • The energies of this lasso will manifest themselves in a person's life as firmness of character. They are born leaders. They will be drawn to dominate, manage, suppress, control. These people are often powerful and demanding, but they do not demand more from anyone than they would demand from themselves. Also, this lasso endows a person with industriousness, exceptional ability to work, diligence. Thanks to their endurance and structure, they always succeed. They are not prone to risk, always guided by common sense. Sometimes they rely too much on reason and ignore their intuition, which can lead to an extremely difficult path. Even if the owner of the four does not become a major leader or leader of a political party, he still remains a man of principle, finds a business to which he devotes his whole life. Doubt and too long analysis can lead to the fact that a person misses all opportunities. The habit of acting exclusively within the framework can prevent a person from being realized, which will lead to internal dissatisfaction, aggression, despotism.

Arcane Priest 5

  • People who are constantly learning, studying something, looking for knowledge. Which then can use it at a higher level, can teach other people what they know themselves, sometimes, even if no one asks them about it. In the role of a mentor, they will feel in their place. They need to win the recognition of others, for which they can spend a lot of their energy. People who are influenced by the energies of this lasso are capable of devoted disinterested friendship, caring for their neighbors. Friendship, communication often become the main thing for him. vital value. They are always ready to run to help, advise, recommend, tell how best to act in a given situation. When this assistance is not required, if for a long time his relatives are quite prosperous and cope with all the difficulties themselves, they can feel bored, feel out of work. The energies of this lasso are manifested in human dogmatism, conservatism. These are people of logic and oratory - in this environment they will feel like a fish in water. In a negative manifestation, the lasso can manifest itself in a tendency to dictate, without compromise. They can become very irritable and sullen, too limited in formalities.

Arcana Lovers 6

  • The energies of this lasso will manifest as windiness and inconstancy. Internal uncertainty, throwing. This sometimes leads to aggression of people as a defensive reaction. Difficulties in making a decision. Dependence on the opinions of others. That is, we will either trample on our neighbor, which will lead to pride, or worship, which will give jealousy. A person needs to learn to make a choice, this is very important, because the inability to make a choice puts a person into a state of hesitation, in which a lot of energy is spent, so even a wrong choice is better than hesitation.

What we call love on the earthly level is sexual attraction, and such love always passes. Only if we accept this fact can we celebrate love for what it is, welcome it when we meet it, and say goodbye with gratitude when it passes. Then later on, we can experience a love that goes beyond sexuality and respects the uniqueness of the other. This love is based on freedom, not on expectation or need.

Arcane Chariot 7

  • These people are characterized by purposefulness and perseverance in achieving their goals. Career growth and ability to succeed. They have a unique personality, they are original in their self-expression and free in their approach to life. They try to live according to their own philosophy, from which they achieve a lot in life. Positive sides is dynamism, mobility, self-confidence and the desire to succeed. Frequent change places of residence, professions or just travel are not a problem for such people, and the talent to set up any technique greatly simplifies life and speeds up the process of career growth. The ability to captivate other people with your ideas, the talent for innovation and invention, innovation in the field of mastering technical innovations. If for some reason a person with this lasso has not found his niche and has not realized his lasso, then he will rush through life, suffering from misunderstanding, he will become nervous and irritable, blaming everyone around. Take on one project, then another, and quit without completing any of them. It is important for such people to compromise. This is the lasso of Roman Abramovich and Alena Vodonaeva.

Arcane Strength 8

  • This lasso endows people with natural magnetism, will, perseverance, enterprise, ingenuity and a large supply of vitality. Also, that lasso gives such qualities as leadership, authoritativeness, intuitiveness, self-education. The lasso can manifest itself in the desire for money, power and success. A person with this lasso is able to achieve a lot in life, although there are a lot of obstacles on their way, having coped with which, their spirit is strengthened, and they become even stronger. This lasso gives the ability to work with physical body(sports, dancing, yoga, etc.). With the effective use of the inherent potentials, it is possible to achieve high results in life, regardless of the position initially occupied. In a negative manifestation, it will be laziness, lack of patience in a person, lack of will, indecision. Realizing this, he can awaken in himself best qualities that gives this lasso.

Arcane Hermit 9

  • This lasso gives a strong will and great intellectual abilities, an analytical mind and individualism. A great desire to preserve their individuality - for such people it will be very important. These people will strive to guard loyalty to their principles, their ideas. The energies of this lasso will manifest in the desire to be alone, alone with your own thoughts. Such people do not seek to start a family, and if they marry, they cannot stay for a long time without secluding themselves. If they want to find themselves and achieve personal happiness, then they need to work on their worldview - get rid of the need for approval from others. The mistake of many is that under external humility and hermitage, people consider themselves spiritual, although inside they experience negative emotions, resentment, irritation, which ultimately destroy health and destiny. This is not an external rejection of everything - but an internal one, when we do not depend on anything.

This lasso makes it possible to be first-class inventors, musicians, discoverers. These people need unlimited freedom, which is why they love to travel so much. This lasso gives such qualities as compassion, humanism, they are very polite with people around them, they are distinguished by delicacy and tact. They value privacy and peace. They need to engage in meditation and spiritual practices. In a negative manifestation, such people can abstract from others, lose their taste for life and remain in eternal depression.

Arcane Wheel of Fate 10

  • The action of this lasso is somewhat mystical. This is a certain force (everyone calls it differently) determines, or, so to speak, controls what should happen to a person in the system, something like a controlling body that monitors and sends fateful phenomena to a person, which he cannot avoid, he must go through them, work through them, and thereby reach new level consciousness. If a person does not realize this and does not work out, then he will get so many bumps, and will still work out, maybe in the next incarnation, or in this one, but already in more severe form until he gets there. For example, lack of money, lack of freedom, failure, poor health, emptiness, and many others. is just a consequence of unresolved problems. If a person is not aware, the lessons will only get tougher. But if a person realizes and works through the lesson, he will have unprecedented luck and happiness, but you need to solve the problem not with your mind ... You need to understand what the system wants from you. This lasso is in the code of Angelina Jolie and Hitler. Thus, this lasso gives either fantastic luck, or constant problems and hardships. The same lasso corresponds to the 19th lasso of the Sun (19 = 1 + 9 = 10), This is the lasso of Osho, as he lived on earth, you yourself know.

Arcana Justice 11

  • The energies of this lasso give a person such qualities as honesty, impartiality and objectivity. Actions will be prudent, a person will want to do what is right, in fairness, a high degree of responsibility. If a person does not follow these principles, then all the time he will fly "on the hat" or gnaw on the worm of conscience. Tendency to order and responsibility for their decisions. Well, the phrase "it's necessary" will be the eternal companion of such a person. He clearly sees what is good and what is bad, and fights what is bad. This lasso gives a person the ability to assess the situation from all possible points of view. It does not give emotional involvement in anything, and if a person carries out the qualities of this lasso, then people can call him an insensitive cracker. A person will want to arrange everything around him and organize. A person with this lasso cannot escape punishment if he does not act in honor.

Arcana Hanged Man 12

  • This lasso gives the ability to convey prayers to the Higher powers, the ease of entering an altered state of consciousness, connecting to channels that are outside our mind. Direct contact with your inner world, God, other Worlds. Such people are well versed in their own and other people's emotions, which greatly simplifies the understanding of both themselves and the world around them. This lasso affects a person in such a way that he sees the world differently, not like everything that can cause misunderstanding of others and relatives. If such a person can hold this channel, then the mind will be supported higher powers and nothing bad can happen to him. However, if he ignores these energies, then the person will become depressed and turn on the self-destruction program, as he will consider himself a white crow and execute himself for this. Also, people of this lasso may have the ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the interest of other people, fulfilling their will. All this can be reflected in the loss, lack of energy, and in order to replenish it, a person can resort to chemicals such as alcohol, drugs, etc.

Arcana Death 13

  • A person with this lasso can influence destructively both on himself and on his environment (maybe consciously, maybe unconsciously). For example, having wished all the best to your offenders, something begins to collapse for them, family, business, health, or something else. The energies of this lasso will be manifested in the fact that a person will always strive for something new, he will easily break with the past, with everything that is no longer interesting to him, without regretting or remembering it. This lasso will push a person to permanent changes or transformations in a person's life in business, family, place of residence, etc. These can be psychological vampires who suck out the energy of the interlocutor, but at the same time have some strange attraction. The people of this lasso, just like the people of the 16th lasso, are prone to suicide. This is Amy Winehouse's lasso. These people can be realized in extreme professions, but if they do not have strong nerves and complete control over themselves, then it can end badly for them.

Arcana Temperance 14

  • The people of this lasso are the complete opposite of adventurers. These are the peacekeepers. The gift of bringing balance to problematic and strained relationships, the ability to calmly find a way out of difficult situations, bring harmony and calmness to one's environment, the ability to cooperate with other people. The energies of this lasso are restraint, calmness and avoidance of extremes. This lasso will come to a person such qualities as patience and the ability to calmly adapt to any life circumstances. People of this lasso always act calmly in any situation, they do not immediately rush to solve the problem, first they will think it over, while maintaining freshness of thoughts and emotional balance. They achieve their goals by slowly and confidently moving forward. Chaos in the life of such a person or the need to make decisions quickly or situations requiring quick action, will plunge him into an emotional crisis and internal discomfort, making him ineffective. In a negative manifestation, a person may completely lack patience, may be too lazy and emotionless.

Arcana Devil 15

  • People who have an unusual, attractive energy that can be realized on different levels because they are multi-talented people. They can be engaged in both art and the occult sciences, be businessmen and sorcerers. There is a high probability of succumbing to all sorts of temptations, for example, doing magic, going into black magic or for the sake of material values ​​to go over the heads, etc. Possess extraordinary qualities bright personalities, charismatic, attract attention. Charming, causing special interest in the opposite sex. Often they are the soul of the company, excellent employees who are not afraid of difficult tasks. People of this lasso know how to create connections, thanks to which they can have what they want. It is important not to become addicted to all this. Such people can work as various kinds of consultants, both in the magical sphere and in the ordinary. Arkan gives glory, recognition and respect, if its energies are properly channeled. Such people should not be tied to one thing or someone - this can destroy them. A person can go into materialism, obsession with money and pleasures.

Arkan Tower 16

  • It brings the ability to destroy old, obsolete, ossified systems and build new, more modern ones in their place. If such people try to avoid change, and strive for something permanent and indestructible, then this may not bring them anything good. best case… People with this card need to grow and develop, use any changes in life for their own good and look for a chance for growth in them. A person can be afraid of any change, even if his life seems unsatisfactory to him, the desire for stability is something that can forever leave him canned internal potential. These energies can influence in such a way that a person may feel that it is impossible for him to create something stable and durable (for example, work in one place for a long time or build one-and-a-life relationships, have one hobby, live in one place, etc.). etc.), any framework will be tight for him, he constantly needs changes, then he will feel that he lives. The emotions of these people will have a fatal influence on the situation, life, if they do not learn to curb them and manage them correctly. These are dynamic, unpredictable people, they have an explosive character, very rarely they manage to maintain good relations with others. Such people should use moments of crisis for development.

Arcana Star 17

  • People have artistic talent, people of creativity and art, impractical in everyday life. Space people, connoisseurs of beauty and something sublimely fantastic. Their way is to create, to create. If a person is aware and feels these energies, then he can become a famous singer, dancer, artist, storyteller, etc. A person with a very subtle nature is able to inspire others, to be a muse, to spend this state of "cosmicity" on others. In a negative manifestation, if a person has strayed from his path or uses these energies incorrectly, then these energies will manifest as infantilism, daydreaming, tearfulness, multiple fantasies and sandcastles, inability to make their dreams come true, idle talk. Not capable of sincere, deep feelings.

Arcana Moon 18

  • Melancholy and isolation can become a constant companion of a person whose card is the moon. This person is a homebody, he feels most comfortable in his usual surroundings. These are people with spiritual subtlety, supersensitive, they have good intuition and figurative thinking. Such people with good energy conduction can become good psychics and bioenergetics if they develop in this direction. In a negative manifestation, these energies can lead a person out of the real world into the world of illusions (alcohol, drugs, sects, games, etc.). Such people can become very suspicious and suspicious, which will manifest itself in internal anxiety and caution, depression and fear of the future, of change and, in general, a feeling of fear simply of life. Thus, they run the risk of sitting in their swamp of longing and monotony until the end of their lives. They can go far on their own life path if they don't learn to recognize the signs correctly.

Arcana Sun 19

  • People of this arcana are called to give love, joy and warmth. Next to such a person, people want to be, bask in the rays of his positive energy. When I analyzed famous people, I found that this was Osho's lasso, he did a lot of spiritual work and realized the highest in himself, he correctly used these energies, which helped him become world wide. famous person leave a mark on the earth. These people are very ambitious, the energies of this lasso will manifest themselves in self-confidence, confidence in their own position, clear knowledge of where to move in life, extraordinary energy and with a sense of life, as children do with joy from everything that happens and spontaneity. A person understands that he cannot live like everyone else and do what everyone does, he is separated from the team, he is above it, he is an individualist, with creative ideas who will lead the people. dominant leaders.

Still, such people can become narcissistic egoists, arrogant, putting themselves above others, overly exaggerating their positive qualities and underestimating the negative ones. If a person with such a map is forced to impose his vision of the world, how to live, and he obeys, then a dull life awaits him, because from the inside he will feel that he does not live the way he should, he will constantly be dissatisfied with himself, which will manifest itself in self-blame, etc., or consider that everyone around him should.

Arcane Last Judgment 20

  • This person will be very strongly influenced by the traditions of the family, but if in childhood it was not traditions, but such upbringing "how it happened", then these programs will play a big role in a person's life, and his actions. The energies of this lasso will affect a person as a delay in something, for example, slowing down a person’s actions, he decided, for example, to change his life, he has no fear, but he will walk, “chew” everything in his head, but he can act on actions not decide, and it will be "cooked" in this state. His system of values ​​and worldview, which is invested, will determine how the life of this person will develop, and this is not always good. Parents, for example, who grew up in the USSR, lived with the conviction that you need to live like everyone else, and go to work at a factory from 8 to 18, invested this in a child who was born or grows up in the era of Aquarius, the influence of 20 lasso can cause internal conflict from such a person. If the energies of the 20th lasso are carried out correctly, then a person can move to a new level of his development, become more conscious.

The tendency to delve into people, pick their shortcomings, in themselves and in life circumstances, to look for some kind of negativity, not to forgive insults, to go back to the past all the time.

Arkan World 21

  • The energies of this lasso are the most positive for an earthly person. He will say: For everything - thank God"and not pretend to be something more. What is, is what it is, he will not experience any internal stress or discomfort. He will accept everything and think that this is how it should be.

Such a person can either become a "humble sheep", living in blinkers and believing that everything is going the way it is, or he can calmly and harmoniously find his place in this world, fit in ecologically, as they say. Have everything, but don't cling to it. The energies of this lasso can pull a person abroad, travel, travel the world, or show interest in everything foreign.

Arcana Jester 0 or 22.

  • The energies of this lasso will bring chaos into the life of its owner. This energy is difficult to control. Since spontaneity is rarely analyzed, therefore, in the life of such a person there will be many unconsidered actions, and who knows, maybe one of them will lead him to the pinnacle of success, as they say "fools are lucky", but it can be vice versa. The energies of this lasso will influence a person and manifest themselves in adventurism, unpredictability, and rash actions. It will be difficult for a person to do something monotonous, he lives instinctively. Such people can hitchhike to travel without a penny in their pocket, and at the same time be happy. Thirst for new unusual sensations will control the actions of such a person. He can have many interests, he wants to try everything, go everywhere, but rarely when a person will bring the matter to the end. IN positive influence the lasso will manifest itself in enthusiasm, fulfilling the task assigned to him, he will always find an unconventional way out of the current situation, and if he uses the traditional method, he will introduce something new into it and solve the problem

Such a person does not accept patterns and rules. It is unlikely that such a person will be able to subdue. IN AND. Lenin has this lasso.