A cheap, fast-acting laxative. Laxatives for constipation

Constipation is an extremely unpleasant situation that can significantly spoil the comfortable life of a person. The treatment of the disease must be approached with all seriousness. First, review your diet. The source of the problem lies in the lack of fiber and roughage in the daily diet. However, if an unpleasant situation caught you by surprise, you must use the most effective laxatives for constipation.

How laxatives work

All laxatives for constipation begin to act in the large intestine. Their main goal is to soften hardened feces, increase osmotic pressure inside the intestines and activate peristalsis. Some laxatives help not only to empty the intestines, eliminating constipation, but also successfully restore its natural microflora. Release form - tablets, suppositories or powder to be taken in liquid form.

Strong irritant laxatives

In most preparations, the main active substance is of plant origin: castor oil, rhubarb root, etc. There are fully synthetic drugs for constipation: Guttalax, Bisacodyl. By stimulating receptors in the large intestine, these agents stimulate peristalsis. Moving forward stool empty the intestines. Defecation is carried out once, 8-10 hours after ingestion of the drug.


Once in the intestine, the soluble fibers of the drug attract liquid, increasing in volume up to 10 times, forming a mucous gel. Thanks to it, softening of feces and painless bowel cleansing occurs. Additional stimulation is provided by insoluble alimentary fiber.

Ingredients: Plum fruits, psyllium husks.

Indications: constipation, overweight, haemorrhoids.

Application: 1-4 sachets per day. The composition is pre-diluted in water or juice.


Bisacodyl is a fully synthetic drug for constipation. Once in the body, it is able to cause defecation after 6-8 hours. The laxative effect of Bisacodyl is manifested in the form of liquefaction of feces, acceleration of intestinal motility. The drug is prescribed when it is necessary to quickly empty the intestines (childbirth, planned operation) naturally.

Ingredients: Diacetoxydiphenylpyridyl 4,4, lactose, powdered sugar.

Application: Orally 1-3 tablets or rectally 1-2 suppositories at night.

Osmotic laxatives

They retain water in the intestinal lumen, which leads to softening and an increase in the volume of feces. A large volume of masses increases the osmotic pressure on the intestine, which leads to an active influx of water from adipose tissues and blood plasma. Defecation occurs naturally, gently, unobtrusively. Elderly, osmotic laxatives should be used with caution.


An osmotic laxative is given before bowel surgery or an x-ray or endoscopic examination intestines. This remedy for constipation is for adults only. Does not penetrate into the circulatory system, is not absorbed in the intestines. Not recommended for people with medical conditions of cardio-vascular system. Elderly people can take the drug only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Ingredients: Sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, macrogol, potassium chloride.

Indications: acute condition constipation, bowel lavage before surgical intervention.

Application: The contents of 1 sachet are diluted in a liter of water and drunk. The maximum dosage is 4 packets.

Carlsbad salt

Salt laxatives can be either natural or artificial. The water temperature should not be higher than 30 C˚. Warm water significantly reduces spasms and motility of the stomach, and also reduces the production of gastric juice. BUT cold water on the contrary, it enhances peristalsis, causes a laxative effect. It is necessary to take such salt strictly according to the instructions, otherwise you risk causing health problems. serious harm.

Ingredients: Salt ions and sodium cations.

Indications: Constipation, stimulation of digestion, restoration of water and electrolyte balance in the body.

Usage: 1 tablespoon per 0.5 cup of water. Take half an hour before meals.

Laxatives - prebiotics

Prebiotics - easily relieve constipation. These are special food ingredients that are not digested in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, reaching the large intestine unchanged, where they actively stimulate the growth of useful lactic microflora. Like osmotic laxatives, they help draw additional water into the intestinal lumen. BUT organic acids, which are formed during the fermentation of prebiotics, stimulate the intestinal muscles to active peristalsis.


Once in the human body, this drug for constipation is broken down without residue in the large intestine into organic acids. Osmotic pressure rises, followed by an increase in feces, and stimulates peristalsis. Bottom line - bowel movement and recovery natural microflora. The completed course of treatment is able to completely eliminate constipation and restore the physiological rhythm of bowel movements.

Ingredients: Lactulose syrup, water.

Indications: Constipation, restoration of microflora.

Application: Adults 15-45 ml, children 5-15 ml. After meal.

Serotonergic agents
Vegaprat. Serotonergic drugs affect the receptors of the biologically active substance serotonin located in the intestine and normalize intestinal motility. Unlike them, the drug Vegaprat effectively treats constipation, and at the same time, even with prolonged use, it does not wash out the minerals and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It can be alternated with other laxatives if they have already become addicted or in advance - to prevent addiction.
Indications for use: It is intended for the symptomatic treatment of chronic constipation in women in whom laxatives have not provided sufficient effect in eliminating symptoms.
Application: Regardless of food intake, adults 2 mg 1 time per day, the elderly (over 65) start with 1 mg 1 time per day, if necessary, increase the dose to 2 mg 1 time per day.

Learn more about the drug for adults and children.


Normaze is prescribed for pregnant women and women during lactation, if they are concerned about constipation. The drug has no contraindications for use in children, even the youngest age category. However, this medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from diabetes and intestinal obstruction.

Ingredients: lactulose, water, citric acid.

Indications: Constipation, violation of the flora of the large intestine.

Usage: Orally after meals. Adults 15-45 ml, children 5-15 ml.

Natural herbal laxatives

Once in the intestine, such a remedy for constipation absorbs water - it swells, its walls stretch. Further, a propulsive (contractile) wave is excited, the act of defecation occurs due to a reflex reaction. as active active ingredient natural plant substances act, which are practically not digested by the stomach, but perfectly absorb liquid in the intestines.

Natural laxative Phytolax

It's a natural laxative plant origin Great for relieving constipation. Produced by Evalar. Acts softly and delicately. Sold in the form of chewable dragees or tablets. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women and during lactation.

Ingredients: Dried apricot pulp, plantain and senna leaves, dill fruit, senna extract.

Indications: Constipation, intestinal atony.

Application: 1-2 tablets at bedtime. The course of treatment will take 14 days.


The laxative effect of senade is achieved after 8-10 hours due to increased peristalsis. The drug is contraindicated in cystitis, acute inflammatory processes in abdominal cavity, intestinal obstruction. Senade is contraindicated in people with acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity, intestinal obstruction and bleeding in gastrointestinal tract.

Compound: Active substance senna leaf extract.

Indications: Constipation, poor peristalsis, hemorrhoids.

Usage: Orally, 1 tablet at bedtime.

How to make laxatives at home

Except medical preparations have and folk remedies to help fight constipation:

  • Magnesia or magnesium sulfate powder is available in almost every home. The packaged powder is diluted in a glass of water and drunk. The result from the use of the drug is observed 1.5 hours after administration. Magnesia - cheap drug for constipation and is available at every pharmacy.
  • Another inexpensive way to cleanse your intestines is to eat beetroot salad. The recipe is as follows: 1-2 medium root crops must be boiled without peeling until cooked. Cool, cut off the peel, grate. Season the finished mass with vegetable oil, it can be a sunflower or olive version of the dressing. Beetroot has excellent laxative properties, but you should not count on an instant effect.
  • Easily and quickly free the intestines will help figs. This fruit is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach or cooked from it. healing decoction, which is drunk during the day.

Safe laxatives for pregnant women and children

Means for constipation in pregnant women and children's laxatives should spare digestion, do not interfere with absorption useful substances, not addictive, as expectant mothers sometimes have to take a laxative long time. Harmless means to combat constipation are and homeopathic preparations. Their basis is natural ingredients: medicinal herb or medicinal fruits. Softening of feces contributes to the "oil" diet.

Find out what are for adults and children.

Situations in which the use of laxatives may be required are not so rare. The danger is that many drugs of this kind are capable of provoking addiction, and gradually the effectiveness of their use is reduced to nothing. Therefore, it is important to understand which laxatives are the safest.

Non-addictive laxatives: features of dosage, administration and effectiveness

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of laxatives, and choosing the right one is not easy. Your doctor can help you choose a good non-addictive laxative. But still, it will not be superfluous to independently navigate the spectrum of effective medicines that facilitate the process of emptying the intestines from feces.

Laxatives for adults

There are several groups of laxative medicines that do not have an addictive effect. You should familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail.

Osmotic (salt) medicines

These drugs provoke a violation of the absorption of fluid by enterocytes and take water from other tissues. Due to this, the amount of feces increases, its consistency changes. Such effects contribute to the rapid emptying of the intestinal tract. The group of saline laxative medicines includes such medicines:

  • magnesium sulfate;
  • sodium sulfate;
  • medicines based on macrogol (Forlax, Lavacol).

These medications are fast acting and highly effective. But prolonged use of osmotic laxatives can provoke such undesirable reactions as vomiting, nausea, intestinal colic, pressure reduction, washing out of beneficial microflora, dehydration. The rationality of the use of drugs from this group is determined by the doctor.

Intestinal fillers

This group of laxatives includes preparations and products based on indigestible fibers. These fibers are not absorbed by the body, but swell in the intestines. As a result, the amount of feces increases, the process of bowel cleansing is stimulated. This group of medicines includes:

  • flax-seed;
  • bran;
  • agar-agar;
  • fleaworth;
  • microcellulose.

It is worth noting that for the effectiveness of such funds it is important to drink plenty of fluids. As a result of wetting, the fibers will swell and increase in volume. Because of this, the intestinal walls are stretched, which provokes the urge to defecate.

But intestinal fibers can not always be used. There are several restrictions on the appointment of funds from this group. In case of syndrome sluggish bowel the use of funds from this group is inappropriate. Their effectiveness will be low, and side effects may be fully manifested. Into the spectrum adverse reactions includes flatulence, discomfort in the abdomen. Also, intestinal fibers should not be taken with irritable bowel syndrome, during childbearing and in case of inflammatory processes digestive system.


Prebiotic preparations not only stimulate bowel movements, but also eliminate some of the causes of constipation. If a unpleasant state provoked by an imbalance of microflora, then prebiotics are able to correct it.

Prebiotics can be taken for a fairly long period of time, and their use does not provoke addiction. However, they are far from being effective in all cases - this group of drugs is not able to deal with long-term persistent constipation. Prebiotic medications are more commonly used as part of complex therapy, not in isolation.

Medicines for acute constipation

To eliminate acute constipation in adult patients, the following drugs are suitable:

  • osmotic;
  • Castor oil;
  • Guttalax (Slabilen, Laxigal, Regulax);
  • Bisacodyl (Pyrilax, Dulcolax, Laxatin);
  • glycerin suppositories.

The principle of action of osmotic drugs has been discussed previously. Castor oil in small intestine converted to ricinoleic acid. It is able to irritate the intestinal wall, which improves peristalsis and stimulates bowel movements. Bisacodyl and Guttalax are also irritating. They are universal medicines: they can be taken for both acute and chronic constipation.

Drugs in the treatment of chronic constipation

For the correction of chronic constipation, such drugs are suitable:

  • Bisacodyl;
  • Guttalax;
  • Laminar;
  • Forlax;
  • vegetable oils;
  • glycerin suppositories.

Pick up suitable drug the doctor will help with individual characteristics the patient's health status.

Laxatives for older patients

laxatives, not addictive, for the elderly are prescribed without components irritating the mucous lining of the intestinal tract. With constipation, it is possible to use sparing osmolytics, as well as prebiotics. Medicines included in the data pharmacological groups, gently loosen and not addictive. In addition, it is worth taking the time to correct the diet. Compliance with the correct diet contributes to a significant improvement in the condition.

Laxatives for children

Use medications in the correction of constipation in patients childhood can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Non-addictive laxatives for children are more often prescribed in the form herbal decoctions. But it is also possible to prescribe gentle osmotic agents and prebiotic preparations. So that cases of constipation in children do not recur again, it is important to carefully monitor nutrition.

Non-addictive folk laxatives

Natural laxatives are quite effective in treating constipation. Their use contributes gentle cleansing gastrointestinal tract and a significant improvement in well-being. But not all of them are safe: some can still be addictive, but this will be discussed in more detail in the next section of the article.

Among the safe natural laxatives are the following:

  1. Almond oil.
  2. Olive oil.
  3. Fennel oil.
  4. Vaseline oil.

The use of vegetable oils helps to soften and move feces through the intestines. Any of the oils is a fairly mild laxative, so oils can be used to correct constipation.

addictive bowel laxatives

Among the laxatives, many are addictive. herbal medicines, which contain anthraglycosides, can not be used without a doctor's prescription.

During the intake of these drugs, a substance such as emodin is formed in the intestinal lumen. It is absorbed into the bloodstream, after which it enters the lumen of the large intestine, stimulating peristalsis and provoking defecation. The effect of this kind of medication appears 8-10 hours after ingestion. But over time, the effect of drugs becomes less pronounced, and eventually may disappear altogether.

Drugs that provoke addiction include medicines based on herbal ingredients such as:

  • senna leaves (Senade, Pursenide, Senadexin);
  • buckthorn leaves (Ramnil, buckthorn syrup and extract, fees);
  • rhubarb root;
  • joster fruits.

These plants have a strong laxative effect and contribute to the complete emptying of the intestinal tract. But the process of defecation becomes painful and uncomfortable, it is possible sharp pains in a stomach. Possible flatulence, loss of body fluid, which can harm the body.

To avoid such effects, you should not prescribe any means for yourself. Your doctor will help you choose the right course of treatment. For example, quite good efficiency when correcting constipation, it shows lactulose, which is included in the group of prebiotic preparations. The use of this medication is not addictive and helps restore the natural intestinal microflora.

The use of medications is far from the only way fight constipation. An important factor determining the success of the correction of this problem is the diet.

Nutrition for constipation should adhere to the following principles:

  1. Food should be sparing, well absorbed.
  2. Nutritional components should stimulate intestinal motility.
  3. Products should not provoke flatulence and irritation of the intestinal mucosa.
  4. It is important to drink enough liquid.
  5. The diet should be dominated by plant products that contain a lot of fiber.
  6. You should adhere to the fractional nature of the meal.
  7. Dishes must be warm.
  8. Rough foods and spices must be excluded from the usual diet.

In addition to diet and intake medicines experts recommend doing special exercises to improve digestion. The attending physician can recommend both a suitable diet and the necessary set of exercises. Medications are only part of a comprehensive constipation correction course. You need to understand this and strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

Difficulties with bowel movements can be of a different nature, but one solution is to take a laxative. Pharmacy counters please with a variety, but it’s still not worth eliminating constipation with a spontaneous purchase, because there is another approach. Folk remedies are a quick solution to a delicate problem for men, although gender and age are not the most important thing in this matter.

What are laxatives

A fast-acting laxative does not eliminate the cause of constipation, but only helps to clear the intestines more quickly. Choose laxatives fast action must be done with caution. The composition of tablets, suppositories, syrups can be addictive - then the problem of irregular emptying will only get worse. All drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry are divided into the following groups:

  1. Annoying- These are the most common drugs with a laxative effect, which are designed to activate the sluggish intestine by irritating the receptors. These funds are dangerous for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.
  2. Osmotic- help retain water in the intestines. The name of this group combines a wide range of non-addictive drugs, but you can use such laxatives for no more than three months.
  3. Volumetric- This group contains drugs with a laxative effect of natural origin. As a fast-acting laxative at home, they are safe for health, well absorbed by the intestines.
  4. Prebiotics are mild laxatives that help restore beneficial microflora. Recommended for chronic constipation, safe, therefore they are prescribed for the treatment of constipation in infants.

Quick laxatives for constipation

You can resort to the use of these drugs only in emergency cases. It is strictly not allowed to use them regularly to cure chronic constipation or relieve excess weight. By stimulating the work of the intestines, fast laxatives affect the nerve endings, therefore uncontrolled and long-term use tablets, drops, suppositories can turn into a serious health problem. There is a high risk of lazy bowel syndrome, i.e. the body stops working on its own.

For the elderly

Age changes lead to a decrease in activity, a slowdown in metabolism, and tone of the intestinal muscles. The situation can be worsened by an unbalanced diet, chronic diseases- all these factors can lead to the idea that you need to take a strong fast-acting laxative. In old age, the problem of constipation can only be solved with the help of mild laxatives (Bisacodyl candles, Guttalax drops, Regulax drops or cubes).

For kids

The causes of stool retention in babies in the first months of life will differ from problems in older children. To normalize the work of the intestines, the smallest can be given dill water, an enema and massage the stomach. Chronic constipation in older children is recommended to be treated with prebiotics (Duphalac syrup, Hilak-Forte drops, Prelax Baby powder), while it is not recommended to use children's laxatives with an irritating effect.

In tablets

  • Lactusan- contains a complex of substances that restore microflora. The biologically active additive helps with stool retention, reduces the effect of antibiotics, and eliminates dysbacteriosis. With regular use, peristalsis improves, while there is no addiction.
  • Pirilax- a synthetic fast-acting laxative in tablets, the main active ingredient of which is bisacodyl. By stimulating the contraction of the large intestine, this medicine facilitates the passage of hardened stools.
  • Senade- herbal tablets with a strong laxative effect based on sena leaf extract. The emptying of the intestines with this medicine is achieved by irritation of the mucous membrane, special benefit tablets bring with chronic constipation.


    • Bisacodyl- suppositories for bowel cleansing with chronic stool retention. Slightly irritating the mucous membrane, the synthetic drug accelerates the production of mucus, and this helps to quickly remove feces, especially before surgery.
    • Glycerol- rectal suppository, which promotes muscle contraction. A fast-acting laxative has two advantages at once - a mild effect on the mucous membrane and a result that is not long in coming. Candles will help to remove solid feces within half an hour of an hour after application.


    • Guttalax is a highly effective laxative. The stimulating effect enhances peristalsis, helping to quickly cleanse the intestines. There are no strict restrictions for this laxative, the drug is able to provide light effect because it can be taken by pregnant women, children, or people suffering from hemorrhoids.
    • Weak- This is a synthetic drug recommended for use in atonic constipation. The laxative effect can occur after 6 hours, all this time the drops will affect colon, annoying him. It is better to take the medicine at bedtime, starting with 10 drops, mixing with water or food.

    When not to take a quick remedy for constipation

    With all their positive qualities many drugs are not recommended for use for one reason or another. There are no completely harmless fast-acting laxatives, because they do not eliminate the cause of stool retention, but only temporarily solve difficult situation. Newborns, pregnant and lactating women are contraindicated in irritant laxatives, and in case of chronic stool retention, it is not recommended to take saline osmotic agents.

    You will have to limit the use of fast-acting laxatives when:

    Find out which ones are best for constipation.

    Effective folk remedies for constipation

    To cope with difficult situations, adults do not have to run to the pharmacy and buy fast-acting laxatives. storehouse folk wisdom keeps the secrets of cooking effective means based on natural ingredients. Flax seed, elderberries, buckthorn bark, beets, dried apricots - all this is delicious folk therapy to normalize bowel function, which helps to achieve desired result no worse than the pharmaceutical army of laxatives.

    • Flax decoction. To prepare it, pour 15 g into a thermos plant component, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 6 hours. The resulting daily dose mucus is filtered, divided into three doses before meals.
    • Honey mixture. Take 400 g of dried apricots, prunes, pass through a meat grinder, mix the resulting mass with 150 g of honey. Eat a tablespoon before bed with a glass of warm water.

    Video: fast-acting laxative for cleansing the intestines

Each of us at least once in a lifetime faced such a delicate problem as constipation. And if the disease has dragged on, then you are faced with the choice of a remedy for treatment.

What to choose so that addiction does not develop and our intestines do not become lazy?

From this article, we will learn which harmless laxatives are not addictive, which means they will be safe and suitable for long-term use if necessary.

How do osmotic drugs work?

First, let's figure out what it is? Osmotic agents retain water, increasing the contents of the intestine. Due to this, the feces soften, swell, and peristalsis increases.

They are not addictive, as they do not irritate the intestines. Therefore, the safest laxatives of this group can be used for a long time without harm to health.

Modern non-addictive laxatives

They usually come in several forms:

  • tablets;
  • drops;
  • syrups;
  • candles.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.


They are easy to use, do not cause physical or psychological discomfort, because all you need is a little water to drink them down. What can you find in a pharmacy?


This form of release is convenient for those who have difficulty swallowing tablets. Taking them will be no more difficult than just drinking water. What drugs are available in the form of drops?


Contains sodium picosulfate. Begins to act 10-12 hours after ingestion. Best taken shortly before bedtime. Adults - from 10 to 30 drops. Children from 4 years old - 5-10 drops.


  • abdominal pain;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • acute inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
  • constipation caused by spasm;
  • dehydration;
  • age up to 4 years;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • cystitis;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • pregnancy 1st trimester.

Important! During lactation, do not use the drug without consulting a doctor.

The average price for 30 ml is 389 rubles.

Regulax picosulfate

Contains the same active ingredient as Guttalax. But here the scheme of application is slightly different. Adults - 13-26 drops. Children over 4 years old - 5-8 drops. Since the active substance of these drugs is identical, the contraindications are the same.

Do not use it in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters without medical advice.

On average, the price for 20 ml will be 289 rubles.

You should know that drops with sodium picosulfate should not be taken for longer than 14 days without consulting a doctor.

Drops V. Ogarkov Forte

Another tool for solving delicate problems. Unlike the two previous drugs these drops contain extracts medicinal plants: rose hips, senna, licorice, nettle leaves, and aloe.

Adults may take 30 drops 3 times daily with meals. Shake before use, as drops form a precipitate.


  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • acute gastrointestinal disorders.

Drops of Ogarkov you can buy for 305 rubles.


Their main advantage is that they are easy to use, especially in children and the elderly, also given their topical application, their impact on the gastrointestinal tract is excluded. Let's get acquainted with the drugs of this group.


Stimulates the production of mucus, which helps to easily remove feces. Suppositories are injected deep into anus 1 time per night. Children under 7 years old - 1/2 suppository; 8-14 years old, one candle per night; everyone over 14 years old - 1-2 suppositories.

Using the drug from time to time, it is unlikely that you will develop addiction, but, nevertheless, given the contraindications characteristic of drugs in this group, among others listed above, Bisacodyl should be avoided if you have:

  • proctitis or hemorrhoids in acute form;
  • hereditary lactose intolerance - lactase deficiency;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • children's age up to 3 years.

Attention! Use with caution if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Packed in 10 pieces, costs 47-60 rubles.


Contains glycerin, which has a softening effect on feces, also improves motility. 15-20 minutes after breakfast, gently insert one suppository into the rectum.

Do not use if you have:

  • sensitivity to components;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation and tumors of the rectum;
  • pregnancy.

Caution should be taken in renal failure.

During lactation, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

You can buy for 117-181 rubles.


Gas-forming harmless agent, which when dissolved, it forms gas bubbles, irritating the receptors of the intestinal mucosa. Contains sodium bicarbonate, potassium bitartrate, polyethylene glycol. Before use, try to relax, otherwise you can damage the mucous membrane.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, then before use, lubricate the candle with petroleum jelly, sunflower or olive oil. Try to keep it inside as long as possible, while actively moving, do not sit.

Evacue have a high safety profile, because the only contraindication is individual intolerance and age up to 12 years. The drug is approved for use even during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is not cheap, but given the safety, it can justify its cost. It will cost you 500-600 rubles, the package contains 6 suppositories.


They are useful for acute constipation. and also if you are preparing for diagnostic procedures. They are slowly absorbed, retain water, which leads to easy excretion of feces. Due to its irritating effect, they increase peristalsis. Let's get to know some of them.

Magnesium sulfate

Contains the substance of the same name, packed in disposable bags. Take at night or on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. Dissolve 10-30 g in 1/2 cup of warm water and drink. You can also do it - dilute 20-30 g in the same volume of water.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • appendicitis;
  • rectal bleeding (including expected);
  • hypermagnesemia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dehydration;
  • bradycardia;
  • kidney failure;
  • haemorrhoids.

Important! In the case of children, a dosage of 1 g is taken per year of the child's life, but since the drug has side effects, consult with the doctor! Avoid systematic use.

The price is 33-50 rubles.

Sodium sulfate

Known as Glauber's salt, named after active ingredient included in its composition. Dilute 15-30 g of powder in warm water and drink. Better to take on an empty stomach.

Contraindications for use:

  • sharp inflammatory diseases abdominal cavity;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • menstruation;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • exhaustion;
  • low blood pressure;
  • advanced age;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Finding Glauber's salt is quite difficult, but if you want to use it, you can ask in veterinary shops. A kilogram of salt will cost about 100 rubles.

Carlsbad salt

Mineral geyser salt. Contains sulfate, bicarbonate, sodium chloride and potassium sulfate. It is recommended to use 0.5 g, previously dissolved in 1/2 glass of water, once, before meals. Should not be taken for more than 3 weeks.


  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by edema;
  • with kidney problems.

Price from 890 to 1200 rubles per 100g.

Safe folk recipes

An experience traditional medicine counted for centuries. So let's not discount it. Her recipes can be simple, but no less effective, and most often do not have serious contraindications and side effects. You can try them before going on to more serious treatments.

raisin water

Easy to prepare. All we need is a tablespoon of pure raisins and a glass of boiling water.

Brew like tea or insist in a thermos for an hour and delicious medicine ready.

Start with a glass a day, adjust as needed.

beetroot decoction

Another no less effective gentle remedy for cleansing the intestines. To prepare it you will need:

  • prunes;
  • beet;
  • cereals.
  1. All you need to take is 100 g, as well as 2 liters of water.
  2. Mix everything and cook for about an hour, after peeling the beets and rubbing them on a grater.
  3. Strain, cool, take 200 ml before bedtime.

Store the prepared broth in the refrigerator, before use it is recommended to warm it up.

Kefir with butter

Fans of fermented milk products can try kefir with butter. To do this, 200 ml of fresh low-fat kefir must be mixed with 1 tsp. vegetable oil and drink before bed.

Although constipation is an unpleasant phenomenon, we have many ways to deal with it. Let's remember that it is better to solve the problem in a complex way, not relying only on natural laxatives. Do not forget about the drinking regimen and move more, and let your morning be easy!

Although there are many curious cases associated with laxatives, these drugs should be in every medicine cabinet. - the problem is quite serious, causing discomfort and at times unsettling. And strong laxatives are designed specifically to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. In the article we will talk about the most effective drugs.

Classification of strong laxatives

To begin with, it is worth noting that laxatives are medicines that eliminate only unpleasant symptoms diseases, but they do not destroy the root cause. Therefore, if constipation is tormented with unenviable constancy, it is best not to abuse laxatives, but go straight to a specialist.

And just in case, you can put a few drugs in the first aid kit. All strong laxatives are divided into several categories.

Bulk laxatives

They are of natural origin. The body perceives them well, but does not digest. Main Representatives:

  • agar-agar;
  • bran wheat.

Irritant laxatives

The largest group of drugs, which includes strong drugs that begin to act a few hours after ingestion. Known members of the group:

  • Regulax;
  • Dulcolax;
  • Guttalax.

Osmotic preparations

Quite effective and not addictive with prolonged use. Category osmotic preparations relate:


Another group of strong laxatives for constipation. Special laxative prebiotics promote growth normal microflora intestines, thereby improving its work. The most famous representatives of the group:

  • Lactusan;
  • Duphalac;
  • Prelaks.

Strong, fast acting laxatives

Buying a laxative at a pharmacy today is as easy as buying an analgesic. Most medicines are available freely without prescriptions. Consider the most popular and effective drugs.


A well-known strong laxative in drops. It is considered one of the safest, so even pregnant women and nursing mothers can take it. Before taking Guttalax, it must be diluted in water.
