What does periwinkle look like? Beneficial and healing properties of small and pink periwinkle - use and contraindications. Control of possible diseases and pests of periwinkle

At all times, humanity has found use for periwinkle. It was considered a talisman against evil spirits and was used in magical practices and medicine. Nowadays, garden periwinkle has found wide use in landscape design due to its ground cover and beautiful flowers. Let's look at the varieties of periwinkle, description, and care rules.

Periwinkle flower/VINCA

The Latin word for periwinkle is Vinca, which means “to entwine.” This is perhaps the clearest characteristic of the plant. In the natural environment there are 12 varieties of it. Among them there are perennial herbaceous, deciduous and evergreen subshrubs. They belong to the Kutrovye family. The geography of growth is quite extensive: Europe, Mediterranean, North Africa, Asia.

The garden periwinkle leaf is elliptical in shape and located oppositely on the stem. The leaves have a waxy coating, which makes them shiny. Color ranges from dark to light shades of green, with some species having beige spots or edges.

The flowers of the plant are solitary and rather large, with five petals, growing from the axils of the leaves. They are found in pink, white, but most often blue or purple. They have funnel-shaped corollas. Mass flowering begins in the spring, but after the bulk of the flowers fade, individual specimens continue to delight the eye throughout the entire growing season. Its fruits are cylindrical leaflets.

It grows very quickly, covering the ground with a beautiful, colorful carpet. It can take root in a flower bed from any node on the stem; it takes root quickly, for which it is recognized as a symbol of vitality and vitality.

How to plant periwinkle

Periwinkle in the landscape

The plant is completely unpretentious and can be grown by a novice gardener. Even if left to the mercy of nature, it will not be lost. But in order to get a beautiful, well-groomed crop, growing garden periwinkle requires familiarization with some rules.

  • Select the landing time.

It is best to sow in spring or autumn, but if necessary, planting can be done in summer. The main thing is to choose the right weather - it should be a cloudy, or better yet, a rainy day.

  • We choose a landing site.

The unpretentiousness of periwinkle allows it to be grown on any soil, except for those that dry out completely in the summer. However, the culture prefers drained, non-acidic, fertile soils. It loves shaded areas, although it can survive in extreme conditions (in the scorching sun or in deep shade). Pears, cherries and apple trees will be excellent neighbors for flowers. The soil around these trees is considered most suitable for growing periwinkle. In addition, such a neighborhood will create a living mulch cover for fruit and berry trees, which protects against weeds and retains moisture in the ground.

When placing periwinkle in the garden, you should choose an elevated or flat area to protect the flower from the proximity of groundwater. Some plant species do not tolerate excessive moisture well. If the soil on the site is poor, it must be fertilized before planting.

  • Choosing a landing method.

If you have periwinkle seeds, you need to make shallow furrows about a centimeter deep, cover them lightly, and cover them with soil. Then moisten using a watering can with a nozzle for dispersing the water stream.

Vinca is propagated by both seeds and stem cuttings. Planting the latter in open ground is carried out in the spring, so that by the onset of cold weather the plant is fully formed and strengthened, but it is also possible in early autumn. The ideal cutting size is 15 cm, immersed in the ground up to the first pair of leaves, the distance between them should be at least 20 cm. If you need a denser flower-leaf carpet, then plant them at the rate of: 100 periwinkle seedlings per square meter of land.

How to properly care for periwinkle

Periwinkle is an unpretentious ground cover plant

The plant does not require special attention, so care in the open ground is extremely simple. Periwinkle does not need constant irrigation; natural precipitation is sufficient. But if the summer turns out to be hot and dry, the flower should be watered periodically. Do not forget that the plant needs a lot of moisture in the spring, when it is actively growing. You can enrich the water for irrigation with phosphates, then the periwinkle will bloom longer.

Gets along well with weeds. But in order to give the flowerbed a neat look, it is better to remove the weeds and enjoy the beauty of the flower.

Like any other plant, it will not refuse balanced feeding. For these purposes, you can use mineral fertilizers or (humus, compost, leaf soil). During the active growth of periwinkle, which occurs in mid-spring, you can fertilize the soil with urea at the rate of 30 grams per square meter. An already mature plant is fertilized with humus or peat compost. It is better to perform this procedure several times: at the beginning of summer and at the end. Mineral fertilizers are used regularly, every twenty days.

You can enhance tillering and prolong flowering by pinching. Moreover, this is true both for young shoots and for fully formed plants. The cuttings can be planted in the ground, the branches will take root. In addition, evergreen varieties are propagated by layering or root division.

Typically, periwinkle tolerates winter well, but it is better to cover the young plant with foliage. For this purpose, it is better not to use compost or peat, otherwise in the spring it will be difficult to free and clear the crop. To enjoy some periwinkle flowers during the cold winter months, you can transplant some of the plant into pots and keep them on the windowsill.

Diseases and pests

The most common diseases and pests affecting garden periwinkle shrubs are:

  • rust;
  • nematodosis;
  • powdery mildew.

To protect the plant from aphids, you need to use Karbofos or Fufan; fungicides will help in the fight against fungi. In case of rust damage, Bordeaux mixture or Kuproxat is suitable. And for powdery mildew, you should use Skor, Quadris, Topaz, Topsin or another similar drug.

Periwinkle: types and varieties of plants

Breeders supplemented the line of existing periwinkle species with new varieties. But among gardeners, the most valued species of garden periwinkle are those that are unpretentious to growing conditions.

Pink periwinkle (cayenne jasmine, catharanthus, lochnera, Madagascar vinca)

Periwinkle pink

Bush evergreen species, grows up to half a meter in height. The branched vertical stems are decorated with glossy leaves of a rich green color in the middle with a light stripe. The plant blooms from early spring until autumn with large pink flowers.

Large periwinkle

Great white-edged periwinkle

It has a rather long stem that can grow up to 40 cm in length and spread out in different directions from the root. Can reproduce by seeds, shoots and roots. The leaves are smooth, oval in shape, located opposite on the trunk. Rich green in color, shiny with fringe at the edges. The flowering period occurs in late spring and early summer. The flowers are large (up to 5 cm in diameter), purple in color with petals resembling blades. It tolerates severe frosts well and can be stored even under snow.



This species belongs to perennial, shade-tolerant, creeping plants. It survives well in rocky areas and sandy soils, but prefers loose, moist soils. The height of small periwinkle can reach 50 cm, and its width reaches up to 70 cm. The leaves are oblong and wide. The flowers are blue, about 3 cm in diameter. This species blooms in mid-May and produces seeds in July. Presented in various garden forms:

  • variegated;
  • white-colored;
  • red;
  • terry red;
  • golden variegated;

Periwinkle pubescent

It predominates in the Caucasus, in its western part, where coastal forests are located. It takes root well in nodes on shoots in places of contact with the ground. The flowers are small, about three centimeters, open in late spring. The plant sheds its foliage for the winter.

Periwinkle herbaceous

Periwinkle herbaceous

Grows in Europe, the Carpathians, the Crimean Peninsula and the Caucasus. The stems grow 50 cm in height, the leaves are leathery, oblong, rich green. It blooms with blue flowers with pointed petals. Prefers sunny areas with dry soils; excess moisture is harmful to it.

Benefits of the plant

Periwinkle, whose medicinal properties have long been recognized, is widely used in pharmacology and folk medicine. It contains an alkaloid that actively prevents cell division. Due to this, it is included in many immunosuppressants and drugs designed to fight tumors. In the modern world, the substance is synthesized artificially, but medicinal periwinkle continues to be used in folk medicine, making useful tinctures and decoctions based on it.

Lesser periwinkle tincture

The plant helps get rid of many ailments: gastrointestinal pathologies, psychosis, migraines, osteochondrosis, hypertension, schizophrenia, ischemia, depression, vascular spasms, etc. The use is due to the presence of substances beneficial to the body in it:

  • periwinkle pubescent - pubescin, vinin;
  • pink variety - reserpine;
  • herbaceous periwinkle - rutin.

These glycosides help hypertensive patients normalize blood pressure. In addition, periwinkle contains mineral salts, sugars, organic acids, tannins, phenolic compounds, vitamins, anthocyanins, and steroids.

Vinca tincture helps stop bleeding, has astringent properties and kills pathogens. It is often used for uterine or intestinal bleeding. People use water extract to treat disorders of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis, dysentery), disruptions in menstrual cycles in women and erectile dysfunction in men.

Do not forget that periwinkle is a poisonous plant, so its use has contraindications. Expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from consuming it, regardless of the stage of pregnancy. An overdose of a drug based on a flower threatens to inhibit cardiac activity. It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage of the drugs and the doctor’s recommendations, especially for internal use.

Periwinkle in the landscape

In addition to its healing properties, periwinkle brings great aesthetic benefits. Its ability to grow in almost any soil will help hide unsightly places in your garden plot from prying eyes. Quickly gaining growth and spreading out in different directions, the flower will cover the ground with a dense carpet. Suitable for vertical surfaces (building walls, fences, gazebos). Looks beautiful in flower beds, in gardens between shrubs and fruit trees. The only drawback is that garden periwinkle grows quickly and can clog neighboring flowers. It is necessary to remove its excess in time, otherwise it may turn into an ordinary weed.

The periwinkle flower (Vinca) is a member of the Kutrovaceae family. This genus is represented by deciduous and evergreen creeping subshrubs or herbaceous plants that are perennials. In nature, periwinkles are found in North Africa, Asia and Europe. Translated from Latin, vinca means “to entwine”; this plant can spread along the surface of the soil, and it is also able to survive in fairly harsh conditions. Thanks to this, this grass has become a symbol of vitality and vitality. There is a legend that says that the periwinkle, which blooms in early spring along with the violet, complained to Flora that no one was paying attention to it, and then she made its flowers larger than those of the violet, and also increased its life expectancy. For a long time, people believed that periwinkle had magical powers. Thus, one of the beliefs was that if you collect periwinkle flowers at a certain time, they will be able to drive out evil spirits, and therefore they tried to hang them over the front door. This same feature of the plant helped identify witches. And this plant was considered magical because it was incredibly tenacious, so if there is even a drop of water in the vase, the periwinkle flowers will not wither. And its vitality is also evidenced by the fact that if the periwinkle is taken out of the vase and planted in the soil, it will easily take root and continue to grow.

Periwinkle is a creeping subshrub or herbaceous plant that has erect stems. Opposite glossy leathery leaf plates are dark green or greenish in color. Sometimes there are spots or a cream-colored border on the leaf blades. Single large flowers growing from the leaf axils are pink, white or purple. The funnel-shaped corolla has a long cylindrical tube.

Mass flowering of this plant is observed in spring. At this time, periwinkle looks especially attractive due to the fact that its flower stalks rise upward. After most of the flowers have faded, the plant will continue to bloom. Individual flowers are present on the bush throughout the entire growing season. The fruit is a pair of cylindrical leaflets. About 12 species of this plant grow in the wild.

What time to sow seeds

Sowing periwinkle in open soil should be done in spring or before winter, when almost all garden plants will be at rest. Sowing seeds can also be done in the summer, but for this you should choose a cloudy or rainy day.

The sowing site should be in the shade or shaded area, in which case the periwinkle will grow best. But a well-lit area is also suitable for sowing. The soil should be loose, well-drained, saturated with nutrients, and slightly acidic or neutral. Poor soil must be prepared before sowing; for this purpose, mature compost is added to it for digging.

Features of sowing

The seeds are sown in shallow furrows (about 10 mm). When they are sealed, watering is carried out.

Absolutely anyone can grow periwinkle in their garden plot, even those who are poorly versed in gardening. Watering such plants is carried out only when there is a long dry period. If it rains systematically, then this crop will not need watering.

Weeds do not harm the periwinkle at all; therefore, weeding should be carried out only when you yourself want it. To make the bush more lush and beautiful, it is necessary to periodically pinch both old and young stems.

To feed this plant, you can use organic matter and mineral fertilizers. However, organic fertilizers are still much better suited for this purpose; for example, you can use compost, humus or leaf soil.

When the periwinkle finishes its massive flowering, it will need a pruning. The trimmings remaining after cutting can be used as cuttings, and they will take root very well.

To propagate this plant, not only the generative (seed) method is used. So, it can be very easily propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings. Cuttings are planted for rooting in open soil and this is done in the spring or in the last days of August or the first days of September. The distance between cuttings should be from 0.2 to 0.3 m.

To propagate evergreen species, lodged shoots are used, using the technique of horizontal layering. To do this, you need to sprinkle the stem with a thin layer of soil, and soon roots will appear.

At the very beginning of spring, if necessary, periwinkle can be propagated by dividing the bush. But this must be done before the stems begin to grow on the bush.

Periwinkle can get sick from fungal diseases such as rust or powdery mildew. Affected bushes must be sprayed with one of the fungicidal preparations. If the plant is affected by powdery mildew, then it must be treated with Topsin, Topaz, Skor, Quadris and other means of similar action. And if it suffers from rust, then in this case you need to use Topaz, Kuproxat or Bordeaux mixture for spraying.

If aphids settle on a bush, then to get rid of it, it is treated with Karbofos or Fufanon.

Periwinkle after flowering

If you already have periwinkle in your garden plot, then it is not at all necessary to collect its seeds. The fact is that it is much easier to propagate by dividing the bush or cuttings. Experts also recommend preferring vegetative propagation methods to seed propagation.

Types and varieties of periwinkle with photos and names

Great periwinkle (Vinca major)

The homeland of this species is the Crimea, the Mediterranean and the Caucasus. This evergreen groundcover is a perennial. Rooting of its shoots can occur along the entire length. As it grows, a curly carpet forms. The leathery, bare, glossy leaf plates are ovoid in shape, with a border consisting of cilia running along the edge. The length of the leaf plates can reach 40–80 mm. The height of the peduncles is approximately 0.4 m; they bear single flowers, reaching 50 mm in diameter. They are painted in a special shade of blue, namely pervanche (this is what periwinkle is called in France). Flowering begins in May and lasts more than four weeks. The plant is resistant to frost. However, if the winter has little snow, it is recommended to cover the bushes with spruce branches so that the leaf plates do not freeze. This species has a variegated form: variegated foliage is yellow and white, the plant is not highly frost-resistant, so it needs to be very well covered for wintering.

Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor)

In the wild, this species is found in Asia Minor, the Mediterranean and the south of the European part of Russia. This perennial is creeping and shade-loving. It prefers to grow in pine and broad-leaved forests with nutritious soil, but it is also found on fertile sandy loam, as well as on rocky and gravelly slopes. The length of the branched stem is about 0.6 m. The long-petioled whole glossy leathery leaf plates have an oblong elliptical shape. The length of the leaf plates reaches 30–50 mm, while their dark green color does not change even in winter. The height of the peduncles is about 20 centimeters, they contain single flowers of a funnel shape and blue color, which reach about 25 mm in diameter. Flowering begins in May or June, and its duration is about 30 days. The formation of fruits that are five-leafed is extremely rare. In this regard, this species is propagated mainly by vegetative methods: by branching rhizomes, cuttings and rooting of stems. The lifespan of this periwinkle can reach several decades. It has been cultivated since 1306. It is resistant to frost, but if a winter with little snow is expected, it is better to cover the bushes with spruce branches. Caring for this type of periwinkle is as simple and easy as all the others. Garden forms:

  • red;
  • white-flowered;
  • red terry - the color of double flowers is purple;
  • variegated - leaf blades are yellow-golden;
  • terry - with flowers painted blue;
  • white-bordered - small round-shaped leaf plates have a white uneven border along the edge, this variety blooms extremely rarely and is used to form variegated mats on slopes;
  • golden-variegated - shiny, rich green leaf plates are even smaller in size compared to the previous type; on their surface there are many longitudinally located rich yellow streaks.

Vinca pubescens (Vinca pubescens)

In nature, this species is found in the coastal forests of the western Caucasus. In places of contact with the soil, its creeping stems give rise to roots; as a result, by the onset of autumn, rooting of almost all nodes in the middle and upper parts of the shoots is observed. Due to the fact that the peduncles rise vertically, it seems that the cover is loose. Single flowers reach 35 mm in diameter. Flowering begins in May and lasts about 4 weeks. Before winter, foliage dies off.

Herbaceous periwinkle (Vinca herbacea)

Under natural conditions, this species can be found in Central Europe, Crimea, the southern regions of the European part of Russia, Asia Minor, the Caucasus and Ukraine. Vegetative stems are creeping. Glossy elliptical leaf plates fly off before winter. The height of the peduncles is about 15 centimeters; they bear single flowers of blue or purple color, reaching 30 mm in diameter. Flowering is observed from the last days of May to the end of June. This plant is resistant to frost. If a winter with little snow is expected, then the bushes should be covered with spruce branches.

Pink periwinkle (Catharanthus = Vinca rosea = Lochnera rosea), or catharanthus, or Madagascar vinca, or pink periwinkle, or cayenne jasmine, or lochnera

Catharanthus has a large number of different names. Today, experts have identified this plant as a separate genus, which unites 8 species. However, many gardeners still believe that this plant is pink periwinkle. The height of such an evergreen shrub is about 0.6 m. Erect shoots branch in the upper part. The sessile, oppositely arranged alternate glossy leaf blades are entire, dark green in color and have a white midrib. The foliage reaches 70 mm in length. The flowers, sessile in the upper leaf axils, are pink. Flowering begins in late spring and continues until autumn. The fruit is a sickle-shaped achene. In 1976, there was a significant acceleration in the development of this species, because at that time specialists from America began to study interspecific hybrids of such a plant. Thanks to them, the following varieties began to be cultivated, which are currently very popular:

  • Grape Cooler― peduncles are painted lilac-pink, they have a white eye;
  • Perepmint Cooler- white flowers have a red eye.

Over the past 15 years, German specialists have also been working on the creation of new varieties. Thanks to them, the following varieties were born:

  1. Variety series First Kiss. The height of the compact bushes is about 0.4 m. The colors of the flowers have 13 different options.
  2. Mediterranean and Appleblossom Cascade― these varieties are recommended to be grown in hanging baskets. If the plant is well cared for, its stems will reach 150 cm in length.

Medicinal properties of periwinkle

Periwinkle is an extremely useful plant, which is why it has long been used both in pharmacology and medicine. The fact is that this plant contains an alkaloid that can prevent cell division. Today, the industrial cultivation of such a crop has been discontinued, since they have learned to synthesize this alkaloid artificially. It is part of immunosuppressants and antitumor agents. However, despite this, periwinkle is medicinal and today is widely used in the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases:

  1. Vinca pubescent contains glycosides called pubescin and vinine, which help lower blood pressure.
  2. Pink periwinkle contains the alkaloid reserpine, which is quite valuable. It also helps lower blood pressure.
  3. Vinca herbacea contains rutin, which is what doctors often prescribe for hypertension.

Lesser periwinkle also contains glycosides. In addition, some types contain ursolic acid and other active substances.

In addition to alkaloids, periwinkle contains tannins, anthocyanins, organic acids, sugars, vitamins, mineral salts, steroids and phenolic compounds. Products made from this plant are used in the treatment of diseases such as: cerebrovascular accident, osteochondrosis, ischemia, atherosclerosis, vascular damage, psychosis, schizophrenia, depression, autonomic neurosis, polyneuritis, motor coordination disorder, consequences of meningoencephalitis, and also complex diseases of the ears, throat, nose - sensorineural hearing loss, ototoxic neuritis, vasomotor rhinitis, decreased sense of smell, post-influenza neuritis of the auditory nerve, atrophic rhino-pharyngolaryngitis.

In alternative medicine, this plant began to be used back in the times of Dioscorides and Pliny the Elder. For example, catharanthus in China was used to treat hypertension. In the Caucasus, the species of periwinkle growing there are distinguished by their antimicrobial, vasodilating, blood purifying, strengthening, wound healing and hemostatic effect. This plant was used to treat colic, toothache or headache, sexual weakness, diabetes mellitus, female diseases, scurvy, bad breath, fever, tuberculosis, colds, etc. It was also used externally for bleeding of the uterus or from the nose, for lotions for itching, rashes and skin eczema, as well as wounds.


Periwinkle is considered a poisonous plant, so it is forbidden to treat it yourself. Before you start taking medications from this plant, you should consult a specialist. The fact is that in case of overdose there is a depression of cardiac activity. The use of such products is prohibited for pregnant women, at any time.

A magical plant, a flower of love or a witch's violet - this is all periwinkle. Planting and care in open ground, periwinkle - cultivation and propagation, characteristics of varieties, varieties, combination and use in landscape design - described in the article. Beautiful photos will convey the beauty and attractiveness of periwinkle.

Periwinkle is an evergreen perennial that covers flower beds, edges, and slopes with a bright carpet. Unpretentious in care, this flower is equally loved by experienced landscape designers and novice gardeners. The leaves of the plant seem to be covered with a waxy coating, dense and shiny. The inflorescence of soft purple, soft blue shades consists of five petals.

Even periwinkle foliage is a wonderful decoration for a flower bed.

By planting periwinkle in a flower garden, you can forever get rid of the need to fight weeds: growing quickly, the flower completely covers the ground, taking root with shoots and does not give weeds even the slightest opportunity to grow.

In the wild, there are only a few varieties of periwinkle (small, large, herbaceous, pubescent), but breeders have developed many varieties with flowers of different shades.

  1. Large periwinkle(or Vinca major) has larger leaves and flowers than Vinca minor, under favorable conditions it can bloom twice a year (in May and September), reaches up to 25 cm in height. The varieties Reticulata and Variegata, which are distinguished by the presence of yellow-white stains on the leaves, are especially popular among designers.

    Large periwinkle

  2. Herbaceous periwinkle(or Vinca herbacea) has low frost resistance and may disappear in the winter. It differs in the shape of the leaves - they are ovoid, small, leathery, and rich green in color.

    Herbaceous periwinkle

  3. pubescent periwinkle(Vinca pubescens) also sheds its leaves for the winter, but is generally frost-resistant, only in extreme cold does it require additional care - shelter. The flowers are small, rising on the shoots.

    pubescent periwinkle

  4. Periwinkle(or Vinca minor) is a perennial with leathery leaves in the shape of an ellipse. Frost-resistant to temperatures down to -10 degrees, can only be damaged in severe frosts. It has creeping stems reaching a length of 100 centimeters or more. Rooting of the plant occurs mainly at the end of summer. The inflorescences are small and blue.


The following varieties of small periwinkle have been bred:

  • Alboplena – periwinkle with double small white flowers;
  • Argenteo-variegata – leaves are large, bright green with whitish-cream splashes, inflorescences are pale blue;
  • Atropurpurea - distinguished by flowers of a bright purple hue;

Variety Atropurpurea
  • Emily - just like Alboplena, it has white flowers;
  • Bowles’ Variety – blooms for a long period of time, flowers are deep blue.

Planting a plant

Periwinkle takes root in any soil; it can be planted on the slopes of the site. The perennial will quickly grow and cover the unsightly area with a bright green carpet with blue flecks of flowers. The subshrub will grow well both in the shade of fruit trees and in bright sun.

Periwinkle planted in the garden in the shade of trees will look very good

You should adhere to the following scheme for planting periwinkle: given that it is a perennial, and also actively growing, it is recommended to plant the plants at a distance of at least 30-35 cm from each other.

Periwinkle care

Caring for periwinkle in open ground is extremely simple - it can be planted on any soil, both in shaded and sunny places. It is necessary to provide watering only in the early stages of plant growth; in the future, it makes good use of the moisture contained in the soil and is drought-resistant. Even in the hottest summer, it is recommended to water periwinkle no more than once every 7-10 days.

Periwinkle requires almost no care

Despite the fact that this perennial is quite frost-resistant, landscape design experts recommend covering young shoots with leaves for the winter.

Fertilizer and feeding

Periwinkle in open ground does not particularly need fertilizing and fertilizer, but at the same time it responds well to the addition of urea (about 30-40 g per sq. m), humus and peat compost to the soil (twice during the flowering season - in spring and in end of September). In addition, gradually dying off, the leaves and shoots of periwinkle serve as organic fertilizer for young growth.

Periwinkle propagation

Periwinkle, like other perennials, can be propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • bends.

The easiest way is to plant periwinkle using dividing the bush. A separated piece of a plant quickly takes root in a new place and grows. Experts recommend planting periwinkle in spring or early autumn. It is possible in the summer, but in this case it is necessary to moisten the soil under the plant and at the new planting site.

Pattern: periwinkle bush

Periwinkle reproduces well and cuttings. It is necessary to cut young shoots and bury them, using a planting scheme as for propagation by bushes, leaving only a couple of leaves on the surface. In the future, the culture will grow and cover the entire area allocated to it with a green carpet.

For getting withdrawal The shoot of the plant should be buried, and after it has taken root, it should be separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Seeds perennials are sown in spring in boxes to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Cover for a week with thick fabric or a dark film that does not allow light to pass through. Seedlings from seeds should be grown indoors or in heated greenhouses, since the comfortable temperature for their germination is above +23 degrees. After the seedlings emerge, the boxes with seedlings are exposed to light, and the temperature can be below +20 degrees. Seedlings are picked after the appearance of the first 4 true leaves at a plant height of about 9 cm.

Vinca seeds

Diseases and pests

Periwinkle is a disease-resistant perennial. However, it can be affected by aphids, scale insects, and become infected with fungal diseases (for example, powdery mildew). To destroy scale insects, it is recommended to irrigate the plants with a soap solution. To prevent powdery mildew, the bush should be properly watered - it does not tolerate waterlogging and does not grow on waterlogged soils.

Vinca bush affected by fungal disease

Periwinkle in combination with other plants

As the periwinkle grows, it completely covers the territory allotted to it with a green carpet. This perennial is ideal in garden landscape design; it grows well between trees and shrubs. Grows well in combination with.

Periwinkle ( Vinca) - a genus of creeping subshrubs or perennial herbs of the Kutrovaceae family ( Apocynaceae). Periwinkle leaves are distinguished by amazing strength and vitality, maintaining a fresh appearance even under the snow - which is why periwinkle, transferred from the forest to gardens and parks, has become a symbol of vitality.

Great periwinkle (Vinca major). © Désirée Maass Content:

"Magic" of periwinkle

It is known that in ancient times periwinkles were widely used in “magic”. The ancient Celts endowed periwinkle with protective properties and called it “witch’s violet.”

In Austria and Germany, periwinkle wreaths were used for fortune telling for marriage; hung above the windows, they protected the house from lightning strikes. Flowers collected between the Dormition and the Nativity of the Virgin Mary had the property of driving away all evil spirits: they were worn on oneself or hung over the front door.

In the Middle Ages, in court, periwinkle was used to check whether the accused had a connection with the devil. Wreaths of small periwinkle (it was called the “violet of the dead”, since wreaths were woven from it for graves), hung above the entrance, helped to detect the witch. The periwinkle owes all these magical properties to its amazing vitality - it lives as long as there is even a drop of water left in the vase (and the other flowers in the bouquet have long since dried up), and if you take it out of the vase and stick it into the ground, it will quickly take root.

Description of periwinkle

About 6 species are known in nature, originating from Europe, Africa, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Periwinkles are perennial, creeping, evergreen plants with opposite, leathery, shiny leaves.

The flowers are solitary, located in the axils of the leaves. The corolla is funnel-shaped with a long cylindrical, thin tube. The fruit is a leaflet.

Great periwinkle (Vinca major). © Cell Code

Features of growing periwinkles

All periwinkles are resilient and reliable plants.

Location: in open ground conditions they are not demanding; they tolerate both strong shading and bright sun, although they prefer shady and semi-shaded places.

The soil: the warwink is not picky about soil, but it grows better and blooms longer on fertile, loose, well-drained soils with a neutral reaction, for example, on the trunks of apple, pear, and cherry trees.

Care: periwinkles are very responsive to fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. It is better to use humus, compost or leaf soil as fertilizer. For better tillering, pinching of old and young shoots is necessary. It is winter-hardy, but young shoots are sometimes damaged by spring frosts. It is advisable to cover the pubescent periwinkle with a small layer of leaves for the winter.

Reproduction: by dividing the bush, cuttings, less often - by seeds. Planting is carried out at the end of August - beginning of September or in the spring; the distance between plants should be 20-30 cm. The cuttings take root quickly, and in early September, well-developed plants are planted in place. Young plantings should be covered with a small layer of leaves for the winter.

Using periwinkle in design

Periwinkles are used as decorative foliage and beautiful flowering plants in rocky gardens, and as ground cover in shady places in parks and squares. Effective in wide borders.

Periwinkles are excellent ground cover plants. Lesser periwinkle, for example, is capable of forming extremely dense, uniform carpets. Once he has captured a bridgehead suitable for him, he no longer yields it to anyone. Only new conditions, for example, a sharp change in illumination, can “shake” it.

Periwinkle coverings are good for decorating and at the same time strengthening non-steep, bare slopes. Here it can coexist with shrubs without interfering with their growth, and the dense needles will simply “flow around”. Periwinkle can act as an hanging plant, hanging from a retaining wall; it suits the proximity of stones.

Variegated forms can serve as colorful spots in the foreground of flower beds, stand out alongside beautifully flowering perennials and shrubs, and create background thickets at the foot of taller plants.

Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor). © Alibaba

Types of periwinkles

Large periwinkle (Vinca major). This large, unpretentious species, rising up to 30 cm in height above the ground, grows in Southern Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa. The evergreen leathery leaves are large, up to 5 cm long. Light blue flowers, reaching a diameter of 3-4 cm, appear in May-June. Tolerates partial shade well.

The plant grows quickly and is capable of covering large areas of the hill. This species is usually planted in separate clumps. Varieties with yellow and whitish leaves have been developed. For the winter, it is better to cover this type of periwinkle with spruce branches.

Periwinkle (Vinca minor). A frost-resistant and unpretentious species, which is usually recommended for novice slide lovers. Its homeland is Europe and Asia Minor. On fairly long shoots there are oblong dark green leathery leaves that do not die off in the winter. Blooms in May and until mid-June. The flowers are blue, single, large, up to 5 cm in diameter. Lesser periwinkle is used as a ground cover plant that can grow quickly and cover large areas.

Old leaves die off slowly, so bald spots do not appear in the continuous cover. With good care, it blooms again in August. It tolerates trampling well. In folk medicine, the leaves containing tannins are used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent. Garden forms with white, pink and purple-red flowers have been developed. The leaves of some varieties may be silver, yellow on the edges, or even variegated.

Periwinkle pubescent (Vinca Puhescense). It grows wild in the coastal forests of the western Caucasus. It takes root well when in contact with the soil. Blooms in May-June. Flowering shoots rise above the carpet formed by stems and leaves. Single blue flowers up to 3-3.5 cm in diameter look beautiful against a green background of foliage.

Flowering is long - 20-30 days. Leaves fall in autumn. For the winter, the plant is covered with a layer of litter, since young shoots are damaged by severe frosts.

Periwinkle herbaceous (Vinca herbacea). The homeland of this species is the Crimea, the Carpathians, the Caucasus and the European Plain. Every year it forms long, up to a meter or more, creeping shoots with small leathery dark green leaves. It does not form such a dense cover as the small periwinkle.

It blooms with blue flowers in mid-June for 20-25 days. Prefers dry, well-lit places. Does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil. At the end of summer, the tops of the shoots take root.

Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor). © samenindekrimpenerwaard

The history of the discovery of the medicinal properties of periwinkle

The XIV All-Union Congress of Therapists, held in 1956, paid special attention to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In this regard, in recent years, work has been carried out in a number of research institutions and departments of medical and pharmaceutical institutes in the field of finding new effective drugs for the treatment of these diseases.

Despite the successes of synthetic chemistry, preparations from plants still serve as the main means for the treatment of heart diseases, and the most important and largest group consists of plants containing cardiac glycosides.

Among the representatives of the Kutrov family of our flora, the periwinkle attracted attention. Back in 1934, A.P. Orekhov and his colleagues isolated the alkaloids vinine and pubescin from the pubescent periwinkle - Vinca pubescens. That same year, vinca extract and the alkaloid vinine were found to greatly lower blood pressure. These alkaloids were also found in Vinca minor, and in 1950 a new alkaloid, vincamine, was isolated from it. These alkaloids are close in structure and action to rauwolfia alkaloids. And even reserpine (rauwolfia alkaloid) was isolated from rose periwinkle.

Some periwinkles contain ursolic acid and other active substances. In the herbaceous periwinkle - V. herbacea, in addition to alkaloids with hypotensive activity, the presence of rutin was revealed. In the treatment of hypertension, rutin is often prescribed along with antihypertensive drugs, so the natural combination of these substances in the herbaceous periwinkle is of great interest for further study of it as a promising medicinal plant.

Pink periwinkle (Vinca Rosea Linn L.) contains antitumor alkaloids that have a cytostatic effect. Of these, vinblastine, vincristine and vinorelbine are classified as vital and essential medicines.

Herbaceous periwinkle (Vinca herbacea). © Lazaregagnidze

The use of periwinkle in folk medicine

Periwinkle has been used in medicine for a long time; it was mentioned as a remedy by ancient authors - Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides. In China, pink periwinkle is included in recipes for the treatment of hypertension. In folk medicine of the Caucasus, periwinkle is used as an astringent, hemostatic, wound-healing and blood purifying agent.

In scientific medicine, the alkaloid vincamine is used as an antihypertensive. Lesser periwinkle is often bred in gardens and parks as an ornamental plant, and varieties with golden and silver-variegated leaves, as well as double flowers, have been bred. It is grown mainly in the borders of flower beds. Periwinkle gained great popularity at the end of the 18th century, after Jean-Jacques Rousseau mentioned it in his well-known autobiographical work “Confession”.

The fame of Rousseau's book was very great, everyone read it, and with it the fame of periwinkle grew. Many wanted to admire the Rousseau flower and rushed to botanical gardens, mountains and copses, looking for blue periwinkle with evergreen bright foliage. After Rousseau's death, in his homeland of Geneva, a monument was erected on a picturesque island in the middle of the lake, and his beloved periwinkle was planted at its foot.

The unfading greenness of periwinkle and its exceptional vitality attracted attention back in the Middle Ages. He was credited with miraculous powers and was considered a symbol of eternity and constancy. At a time when superstition reigned, it was believed that it protected from the power of the devil, all evil spirits and from the evil machinations of witches.

Periwinkle is a perennial plant of the Kutrov family (order: Gentianaceae, among
They contain not only grass, but also trees, shrubs and vines). A flower grows on
territories of Europe, Asia and Africa. The plant is a creeping plant
low bush. Depending on the place of breeding, it can be deciduous or
evergreen. Periwinkle grass has large inflorescences, most often light purple
colors. The petals are well defined, with a smooth surface, and have several small teeth.
at the base and an uneven contour at the tips.

Varieties of periwinkle

The plant has several types.

Large periwinkle (official name – Vinca major)

It is more of a shrub, has a thin bare stem up to 45 cm high. It has bright blue flowers with slightly narrowed ovoid petals. Grows in Eurasia, North Africa. Rarely found in forests. It grows more in parks and gardens. It begins to bloom in March and continues until April (once a year).

It is practically not used in medicine. It is mainly an aesthetic decoration for city flower beds and garden plots.

Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor)

Unlike the first type, it is a low-growing shrub creeping along the ground. The length of the stems can be up to 1.5 meters, but they are vegetative and rooting. The plant prefers open, sunny areas. Grows on hillsides and forest edges. Found in Europe and Asia. Herbaceous periwinkle has large flowers with even petals.

When the plant fades, fruits appear in the leaves. It is a pointed oblong capsule filled with brown seeds. In the European part of Russia, periwinkle ripens closer to August-September, and begins to bloom in May-June.

This type of plant is medicinal. Lesser periwinkle has been cultivated for a long time. For this purpose, small open areas are used in Russia, Moldova, and Ukraine. For medicinal purposes, exclusively periwinkle grass is used. It is collected at the moment of flowering and at the very beginning of fruiting. Only vertical inflorescences are suitable for use. And cut no more than 5 cm from the ground. The shelf life of dried raw materials is up to 2 years. It is processed in special dryers or on areas under cover until completely dry. Does not ferment.

Among the medicinal properties of the small periwinkle, the following stand out:

  1. Hypotensive. Regular use of an infusion or decoction of periwinkle herb helps to gently reduce blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. Can be used as maintenance and additional therapy in the treatment of hypertension.
  2. Sedatives. Used as a sedative. Effectively calms the nervous system, reduces pulse, and improves overall well-being. Recommended for heavy mental work, frequent stress, neuroses of varying degrees.
  3. Stops diarrhea. Its astringent properties soothe irritable bowels and retain water, helping to strengthen stools.
  4. Hemostatic. Used for initial bleeding.

Attention! Lesser periwinkle is a poisonous plant. Therefore, dried raw materials must be used exclusively for their intended purpose and in compliance with the established dosage.

In addition to dried leaves, there are also synthesized medicines based on this plant. The homeopathic essence obtained during flowering is taken as a therapy for many diseases. Well-known drugs: Vincamine and Vinpocetine. The first is widely used for cerebrovascular accidents. Promotes vasodilation, improving the performance of brain cells and their oxygen supply. It is a moderate antihypertensive (lowers blood pressure). Vinpocetine corrects blood circulation in the brain.