What are the main responsibilities of a military personnel. General duties of military personnel. Children about the military profession

Who are the military? These are people whose profession is to “defend the Motherland.”

Everyone knows that in military sphere There are several positions and each has its own responsibilities. And then, of course, a chain began - the responsibility depends on the position, the position depends on education, experience and length of service, and of course military rank. Education determines what a serviceman will do, be it sitting at headquarters with important papers and documents, working with personnel, that is, soldiers, or generally working with military equipment. The work itself is difficult, but incredibly interesting. This is where it most likely works: whoever has a vocation, who is madly in love with military themes, will clearly be in the right place. Let's look at the pros and cons.

Advantages of the military profession:

  • Firstly, earnings. Since 2012 wage The number of military personnel has almost tripled and this naturally cannot but rejoice. While speech therapists and teachers still receive pennies, although the work is no less important. We can say with confidence that the family of a man in uniform will never be in poverty, at least there will always be some money - this is a huge plus and the most important thing;
  • The next plus is pension. Pensions, like wages, also have a fairly high figure. The country's budget for pensioners with shoulder straps is 557.79 billion rubles;
  • The third plus is benefits. Simply put, bonuses to wages or pensions, for service, for conditions, for qualifications, and so on.

The military will never be left without the attention of the state, because it is they who stand at the post of security and order in our state every day. = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A-329917-1", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-329917-1", async: true )); )) ; t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

Features of the profession

Initially, the military profession was purely male, but in Lately women can also have successful careers in the military. Moreover, there are specialties in which anyone can fully realize all their capabilities; it will only be enough to join the army. Here you can achieve career advancement.

These will most often be knowledge workers who will be especially in demand. Moreover, technology does not stand still and therefore the requirements for the intellectual level and training of specialists are constantly growing.

All military personnel will be in military service, each of them will be assigned the appropriate military rank. All of them are divided into senior and junior.

According to the legislation, they are divided into:

  • officers;
  • sergeants;
  • foremen;
  • and sailors;
  • as well as those who serve on the basis of a contract.

We can include those who are trained in military departments and in military schools and higher institutions.

What specialties can you get?

If you have a special education, you will be able to obtain the following specialties:

  • military man - one of the most important and respected specialists in the army. He is respected by both rank and file and senior officers;
  • military – refers to those specialists who will perform all types of construction work;
  • military - one of the elite of various armies in almost all countries of the world. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the selection will be very difficult;
  • military communications operator - one of the prestigious professions that require special knowledge and skills. Modern signalmen work not only with radio stations, but also with computers, and therefore women are increasingly coming here, gradually replacing men;
  • you can become a military specialist special purpose providing state security;
  • professionals related to military-technical specialties or various types Vehicle.

Of course, being a member of the military can be dangerous. It all depends on where the service is taking place.

Occupational diseases are directly related to where they work and what functions they perform. This could be radiation contamination, the result of excessive stress, colds and other diseases.

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Demand for military specialties

Since people are always afraid of war, as well as in the presence of internal and external threats, it requires concentration and dedication from all military specialties. In addition, being a military man means bearing high responsibility.

Now you know what the military profession is, who it is, and also what he must know and be able to do in order to be among the best in his difficult task.

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Elena Pronina
Profession - military

« Profession – military»

V. – Children, what is necessary for people to live peacefully, to work, so that children can safely go to school kindergarten and school? (children's answers)

Of course there must be peace. Our peace and quiet is protected by the army.

On February 23, our country celebrates the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, we honor all those who defended their Motherland in difficult years, who today stand guard over the world.

Peace is the most important word in the world,

Our planet really needs peace.

Adults need peace, children need peace!

Everyone needs peace!

Song about Russia.

Reb. Hello holiday!

Hello holiday!

Celebration of boys and dads!

Everyone congratulates the military

Our fun kindergarten!

This holiday is very important

We celebrate in February -

Feast of brave warriors,

Celebration of peace on earth!

Glory to the beloved army!

Glory to the dear army!

Our soldier is brave and strong

Protects our peace.

Q. Guys, today we will talk about profession - military.

Military is a heroic profession, dear and very necessary!

Today our guest is Sonya's grandfather Vedeneeva: Vedeneev Mikhail Nikolaevich.

Mikhail Nikolaevich, we know that your profession - military responsible and complex, tell us a little about her.

Guest's story.

(If there is no guest, a story from the teacher or a musical director with a demonstration of slides or showing pictures, physical education, games, riddles)

IN Russian army soldiers, officers, sailors, admirals serve. All of them are defenders of the Fatherland. In peacetime, they conduct mock battles, study military equipment.

The armed forces can be divided into three main groups - ground or ground forces, air force and naval forces.

Slide show air force.

Our army has aviation - combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend our Fatherland from the air if necessary. The plane is controlled by a crew of pilots - these are the first and second pilots, a navigator who plots the plane's course in the sky, a radio operator who maintains contact with the airfield, and a mechanic who is responsible for the serviceability of the aircraft. The pilots wear a beautiful blue uniform to match the color of the sky. In addition, during flight they have special high-altitude helmets.

IN special group landing troops are allocated. Military, serving in these troops undergo special training, they are trained, physically strong, and know combat techniques. They descend to the ground with a parachute.

Both the border guard and the tanker serve in the ground forces. Ground forces also include artillerymen, rocket men, signalmen, sappers, and engineering troops.

Slide show.

Tanks are self-propelled vehicles with caterpillar tracks, which allows them to pass through any terrain: through ravines and off-road. Tanks are armed with cannons and machine guns. There are people inside the tank - the crew.

Artillery launchers fire shells, and rocket launchers fire rockets.

Border guards stand guard over the borders of the Motherland. Military personnel border troops serve at border outposts. Their main task is to prevent spies from crossing the border. Specially trained dogs help border guards carry out this difficult service.

The sea spaces of our homeland protect military ships and submarines. All together they make up Navy.

The military are called sailors. There is always a captain on a ship; he is responsible for the entire ship.

Slide show.


Everyone on the ship has their own responsibilities: The boatswain keeps order, the radio operator maintains contact with the ground, the food is prepared by the ship's cook - the cook. Large surface ships are equipped with guns and machine guns.

Submarines move underwater. They can hit an enemy ship with projectiles called a torpedo.

All military professions are honorable and important. Work military is a constant risk. Our country is proud of its army and its brave warriors. All military ready at any moment to protect the civilian population, that is, you and me. Military is a heroic profession, dear and very necessary!

V.: – Thank you for taking the time and coming to us. We ask you to stay and the guys have prepared musical gifts for you.

Guys, I want to make a wish for you puzzles:

He is ready for fire and battle,

Protecting you and me

He goes on patrol and into the city,

Will not leave post (soldier)

At first he was a cadet,

Came to the regiment as a lieutenant,

He is trained to fight

Tell me, what should I call him? (Officer)

Who are the guys at the border?

He guards our land,

To work and study

Could our people calmly? (border guard)

Dance "Border"

V.: On a February day

Freezing day,

Everyone celebrates the holiday

Girls on this glorious day

All men are congratulated.

Dance with ribbons.

V.: Our army does not attack, but protects Russians military are rightly called defenders. The most worthy, strong, courageous and courageous serve in the army. Now I suggest you play a game.

A game "Tug of War"

Or passing the ball “Name the words that refer to military professions»

IN.: Military service is both dangerous and difficult Military personnel often risk their lives and health to protect peace and tranquility on Earth. They love their Motherland, their people, have great knowledge, health, strength, and readiness to carry out any order.

Reb.: Children have different names -

There are a lot of us on the planet...

Children have different names

For us, everything is the best in the world.

Let there be a bright kindergarten everywhere

He greets the boys with joy.

Let there be enough schools for everyone everywhere,

So that everyone goes to school in the morning!

We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice and be friends.

We want it to be everywhere on the planet

The children did not know war at all.

V.: Our meeting has come to an end. Let's say it again thanks a lot to our guest and to all those who defend our country, so that we can live in peace and study under the peaceful sky of our Motherland.

Children, would you like to become military? (Yes)

To do this you need to study a lot, play sports, be strong and resilient.

It is natural for a real man to protect. In general, this concerns life, family, and the Motherland. Men have always fought. Even today, when the latest technological advances are used, the activity is in demand. Military professions are extremely diverse, and everyone can find themselves in what their soul lies in.

Firstly, these include military specialties. To do this, you must complete your military service educational institution. Secondly, you can simply enlist in conscription and then remain on an extra-term basis, however, then you only have the opportunity to receive a junior officer rank. For a higher position it is still necessary to study, in which case the officer can rise to the rank of general.

This path has both positive and negative sides. Currently, among the advantages there is a decent salary, as well as pension payments. The disadvantages include a large dependent position on who is the leader at the very top.

Professions in the RF Armed Forces

  • cartographer;
  • signalman;
  • radio operator;
  • orderly;
  • military doctor;
  • cryptographer;
  • military translator;
  • musician;
  • and others.

Civilian professions

The Armed Forces need not only military, but also civilian professions. They are included in the service of employees, without directly relating to them. This is, for example, economic professions, cook, translator, analyst and others.

How to get a military profession

To obtain an army profession you need your own level of knowledge. This may be a secondary education with a military bias, or a higher professional education.

At a military university, training lasts 5 years. At the same time, the cadet is trained in military affairs, and also acquires a civilian specialty, which is similar in profile to the army. Studying is carried out on the basis of signing a 5-year training contract and the same period after it. Cadets receive a good salary, which is significantly higher than scholarships at universities in civilian life. After successfully completing the plan and passing the state certification, each graduate is assigned the rank of lieutenant and the corresponding profession with qualifications. The document confirming the right is a diploma of the established form.

How the employee’s fate will develop in the future depends on his qualities and objective circumstances. First, for this you need to undergo compulsory conscription service, and then enter into a contract.