Which fable is the easiest to learn? What is Krylov's shortest fable? Rooster and pearl grain

Fable "The Cuckoo and the Eagle"

The Eagle granted the Cuckoo to Nightingales.

Cuckoo, in a new rank,

Having sat down importantly on an aspen tree,

Talents in music

She started to speak out;

He looks - everyone is flying away,

Some laugh at her, and those scold her.

My Cuckoo is upset

And she hurries to the Eagle with a complaint about the birds.

“Have mercy! - he says, - at your command

Here I am called the Nightingale in the forest;

And mine is dared to laugh by singing!” —

"My friend! - Eagle in response, - I am a king, but I am not a god

I can’t save you from your troubles.

I could force the cuckoo to honor the Nightingale;

But I couldn’t make Cuckoo the Nightingale.”

Fable "Two Dogs"

Yard, faithful dog

Who diligently carried out his lordly service,

I saw an old friend of mine,

I'm buzzing, curly lap dog,

On a soft down pillow, on the window.

Affectionately towards her, as if towards relatives,

He almost cries with emotion,

And under the window

Squeals, wags its tail

And he jumps.

“Well, Zhuzhutka, how are you doing?

Since the gentlemen took you into the mansion?

After all, remember: in the yard we often went hungry.

What service do you perform? —

“For happiness, it’s a sin to grumble,” Zhuzhutka replies, “

My master dotes on me;

I live in contentment and goodness,

And I eat and drink on silver;

I'm frolicking with the master; and if I get tired,

I'm lying on the carpets and the soft sofa.

How are you living? “I,” answered Barbos,

Letting down your tail with a whip and hanging your nose, -

I live as before: I endure the cold,

And, saving the master's house,

Here I sleep under the fence and get wet in the rain;

And if I bark at the wrong time,

I also accept beatings.

Why did you, Zhuzhu, get into trouble?

I was powerless and small,

Meanwhile, I'm tearing myself apart in vain?

What do you serve?” - “What do you serve!

That's great! —

Zhuzhu answered with mockery. —

On hind legs I go".


How many people find happiness

Only because they walk well on their hind legs!

Fable "Oboz"

A convoy walked with pots,

And you have to go down a steep mountain.

So, on the mountain, leaving others to wait,

The owner began to lightly move the first cart.

The good horse on his rump almost carried him,

Not letting the cart roll;

And the horse on top, young,

Scolds the poor horse for every step:

“Ah, vaunted horse, what a marvel!

Look: it molds like a cancer;

I almost got caught on a rock; askew! crooked!

Be brave! Here comes the push again.

And here I would just take it to the left.

What an ass! It would be nice to go uphill

Or at night,

And even downhill, and during the day!

Look, you'll lose patience!

You would be carrying water if you don’t have the skill!

Look at us as we wave!

Don't be afraid, we won't waste a minute,

And we won’t bring our cart, but we’ll roll it!”

Here, arching your spine and straining your chest,

The horse and cart set off;

But she just tumbled downhill,

The cart began to push, the cart rolled;

The horse is pushed back, the horse is thrown sideways;

The horse took off on all four legs

To the glory;

There were tremors along the stones and potholes,

Left, left, and with the cart - crash into the ditch!

Goodbye master pots!


As in people, many have the same weakness:

Everything in another seems like a mistake to us;

And you will get down to business yourself,

So you'll do something twice as bad.

Fable "Trishkin caftan"

Trishka’s caftan was torn at the elbows.

Why take so long to think here? He took up the needle:

I cut off the sleeves by a quarter -

And he paid in elbow grease. The caftan is ready again;

My arms became only a quarter bare.

But what about this sadness?

However, everyone laughs at Trishka,

And Trishka says: “So I’m not a fool

And I’ll fix that problem:

I’ll make my sleeves longer than before.”

Oh, little Trishka is not simple!

He cut the coattails and the floors,

I adjusted my sleeves, and my Trishka is cheerful,

Even though he wears a caftan like this,

Which is longer and camisoles.


In the same way, I saw, sometimes

Other gentlemen,

Having messed things up, they correct them,

Look: they're flaunting Trishka's caftan.

Fairy tales "The Lion and the Mouse"

The Mouse humbly asked Leo for permission

Set up a village nearby in a hollow

And so she said: “Although here, in the forests,

You are both mighty and glorious;

Although no one is equal to Leo in strength,

And his roar alone strikes fear into everyone,

But who will guess the future?

Who knows? who will need whom?

And no matter how small I seem,

And maybe sometimes I’ll be useful to you.” —

"You! - Leo screamed. - You pathetic creature!

For these daring words

You are worth death as punishment.

Get away, get away from here while you're still alive -

Or your ashes will not be.”

Here the poor Mouse, unable to remember from fear,

She took off with all her might and left no trace of her.

However, this pride was not in vain for Leo:

Setting off to look for prey for lunch,

He got caught in a snare.

The strength in him is useless, the roar and groan are in vain,

No matter how he rushed or rushed,

But everything remained the hunter's prey,

And he was taken away in a cage for the people to see.

He remembered about the poor Mouse late here,

So that she could help him,

That the net would not survive from her teeth

And that his own arrogance ate him up.


Reader, loving the truth,

I’ll add a word to the fable, and not on my own -

It is not in vain that people say:

Don't spit in the well, it will come in handy

Drink some water.

Fable "The Donkey and the Man"

Man, go to the garden for the summer

Having hired Donkey, he assigned

Ravens and sparrows are chased by an impudent race.

The donkey had the most honest rules:

I’m not familiar with predation or theft,

He didn’t profit from the owner’s leaf

And it’s a shame to give the birds a treat;

But the peasant's profit from the garden was bad.

The donkey, chasing the birds, with all the donkey's legs,

Along all the ridges, up and down

Such a gallop has risen,

That he crushed and trampled everything in the garden.

Seeing here that his work was wasted,

Peasant on the back of a donkey

He took out the loss with a club.

“And nothing! - everyone shouts, “serves the beast right!”

With his mind

Should I take on this matter?


And I will say, not to stand up for the Donkey;

He is definitely to blame (and the settlement has been made with him),

But it seems that he is also wrong

Who instructed the Donkey to guard his garden.

Fable "The Lion and the Fox"

The Fox, not having seen Leo,

Having met him, I was left barely alive from my passions.

So, a little later, she came across Leo again,

But he didn’t seem so scary to her.

And for the third time, the Fox started talking with Leo.


We are also afraid of something else,

As long as we take a closer look at it.

Fable "The Wolf and the Crane"

Everyone knows that wolves are greedy:

Wolf, eating, never

Doesn't understand bones.

Because of this, trouble came to one of them:

He almost choked on a bone.

The Wolf can neither sigh nor sigh;

It's time to stretch your legs!

Luckily, the Crane happened close here.

Somehow the Wolf began to beckon him with signs

And asks grief for help.

Crane your nose up to your neck

He shoved it into the Wolf's mouth and with greater difficulty

He pulled out the bone and began to ask for his labor.

"Are you kidding! - the insidious beast cried, -

For your work? Oh, you ungrateful one!

And it’s okay that you have a long nose

And with a stupid head he took the whole thing out of his throat!

Come on, buddy, get out,

But be careful: don’t get caught by me ahead.”

Fable "The Lion and the Man"

Being strong is good, being smart is twice as good.

Who has no faith in this,

That clear example will be found here,

That power without mind is a bad treasure.


Having spread a snare between the trees,

The prey catcher waited:

But somehow, having made a mistake, he himself fell into the clutches of Leo.

“Die, you despicable creature! - the ferocious Lion roared,

Opening your mouth at him. —

Let's see where your rights are, where the strength, firmness,

Why are you in your vanity?

All creation, even the Lion, should you boast of being king?

And in my claws we will sort it out,

Is such pride commensurate with your strength!” —

“It’s not strength that gives us the upper hand over you,”

There was Man's answer to the Lion. —

And I dare to boast

That I can overcome this obstacle with skill,

From whom and with force, perhaps,

You will have to retreat." —

“I’m tired of listening to fairy tales about your boasting.” —

“Not in fairy tales, I can prove it with deeds;

However, if I lie,

Then you can still eat me after.

Look, between these trees

My works

You see a web spread out.

Who among us will get through it better?

If you want, I'll crawl ahead:

And then we'll see how and with force in turn

You'll get halfway to me.

You see, this network is not a stone wall;

The slightest breeze sways it;

However, with one force

You can barely follow me right through it

Having surveyed the net with contempt,

“Go there,” said Lev arrogantly, “

In an instant I will be on the straight path to you.”

Here is my catcher, without wasting any more words,

I dived under the net and was ready to accept the Lion.

Like an arrow from a bow, the Lion took off after him;

But Lev did not learn to dive under nets:

He hit the net, but didn’t break the net -

Got confused (the catcher ended the argument and the matter) -

Art has overcome power,

And poor Leo died.

Fable "Hare on the hunt"

A large crowd has gathered,

The animals caught the bear;

They were crushed in an open field -

And they share among themselves,

Who will get what for themselves?

And the Hare immediately pulls the bear’s ear.

“Bah, you oblique one,”

They shout to him, “Have you granted him permission?”

No one saw you fishing." —

The great Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov wrote many fables and parables. All of them are capacious and laconic, with a subtle meaning.

Here, for example, is Krylov’s shortest fable, “The Elephant and the Pug”:
They led an Elephant through the streets,
Apparently, for show.
It is known that Elephants are a curiosity among us,
So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.
No matter what, Moska will meet them.
When you see an Elephant, well, rush at it,
And bark, and squeal, and tear;
Well, he gets into a fight with him.
“Neighbor, stop being ashamed,”
Shavka says to her, “Should you bother with the Elephant?”
Look, you’re already wheezing, and he’s walking away
And he doesn’t notice your barking at all.
“Eh, eh! - Moska answers her, -
This is what gives me spirit,
What am I, without a fight at all,
I can get into big bullies.
Let the dogs say:
“Ay, Moska! know she's strong
What barks at the Elephant!

Or here’s another one, also tiny:

Cuckoo and Rooster

“How, dear Cockerel, you sing loudly, it’s important!”
“And you, Cuckoo, my light, How you drawl smoothly and drawn-out: We don’t have such a singer in the whole forest!”
“I’m ready to listen to you, my kumanek, forever.”
“And you, beauty, I swear, As soon as you shut up, I can’t wait for you to start again... Where does such a voice come from? And pure, and gentle, and tall!.. Yes, this is how you come from: you are not big in appearance, And your songs are like your nightingale!”
“Thank you, godfather; but, in my conscience, you sing better than the bird of paradise. I refer to everyone in this"
Then Sparrow happened to say to them: “Friends! Even though you become hoarse, praising each other, - All your music is bad!..” Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster? Because he praises the Cuckoo.

And how much sense!!! How do you like it?

Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a significant figure in Russian classical literature. But, it should be noted, our author is well known abroad. Many parents whose children are in school often wonder: how to choose Krylov’s fables that are easy to learn? It's no secret that guys often like homework suggested to learn a certain text. At the same time, many are really concerned about which one. To find one, many children agree to re-read almost the entire collection, which in itself is very good. This article reveals the meaning of Ivan Andreevich's most popular fables and gives tips on how to improve your home literature lessons.

Why are these texts still relevant today?

No matter how much time has passed since the creation of these original masterpieces of Russian classics, their themes remain in demand in the present moment. After all, no matter what century it is, the problems are essentially the same.

The fable genre occupies a special place in the genre. With the help of small and instructive texts, the writer shows the moral of each specific story, reveals its meaning and significance. In addition, in our time, it would be completely useful to sometimes stop in time and switch from everyday worries to funny stories, especially since they are always based on an interesting idea.

Short fables Krylov teaches a holistic attitude towards life, opens up new opportunities for children and adults, and forms the ability to look differently at the everyday reality that surrounds us.

"Dragonfly and Ant"

A wonderful fable probably known to every adult since childhood. Its essence lies in the fact that a Dragonfly and an Ant existed side by side. If the first lived one day, appreciating only currently, then the latter worked prudently, preparing for winter and cold weather. The wisdom of the Ant and his hard work are contrasted with the idleness and cheerful life that the Dragonfly leads. As a result, the hard worker ends up winning, and the slacker is forced to ask him for an overnight stay.

The moral is not difficult to understand: you need to work hard and hard to achieve your goal, otherwise you may be left without a roof over your head and food. If you and your child choose Krylov’s fables that are easy to learn, then this text is perfect for this purpose.

"The Monkey and the Glasses"

At the beginning of the story it is indicated that the monkey, main character fables, in my old age I began to see poorly. She herself did not know how to solve this problem, so she began to listen to the opinions of others. At the cost of some incredible efforts, glasses suddenly appeared in her paws. But here’s the problem: she still didn’t know how to use them! After a series of unsuccessful attempts to use the glasses, they could not be found, and the Monkey broke them by hitting the ground.

Krylov's short fables like this one teach us to accept the various circumstances of life in the manner in which they appear to us. If Monkey had handled the situation competently enough, the outcome would have been positive. She should have collected more information, tried all the tricks and methods of using glasses. She showed impatience and anger, for which she was punished.

"Swan, Crayfish and Pike"

If we take into consideration Krylov’s fables, which are easy to learn, then this text can be noted as easy to understand by ear and well remembered. There is nothing complicated here, the story is read in one breath. In addition, it is quite small in volume. After several repetitions, the child will be able to memorize it. The moral of the fable teaches us that in any business that is done together, it is necessary to achieve a state of unity with partners.

Whatever business we undertake, if at the same time everyone pulls in his own direction, we can achieve harmony and good result will not work. Learning the text is not difficult. The kids will love it. For achievement better effect It is recommended to dramatize the fable and role-play it. No one will remain indifferent here!

"The Fox and the Grapes"

This story is familiar to everyone. The fox looked at the desired treat, but was unable to reach the branch to get it. In the end, she decided that “he is green” and therefore she does not need him. The essence of the fable is this: when we cannot achieve some goal that is important to us, we often downplay its importance. So the fox, after deciding that she was completely unable to enjoy the grapes, devalued it completely. This story shows a lot about the desired goal and who wants to achieve it. You can also take this fable to memorize.

How to teach Krylov's fables with a child?

Children are often asked at school to learn a short text by Ivan Andreevich as homework. Moreover, it is not a specific fable that is provided, but the right to choose the one you like. And that's more than the right approach! Before settling on one, the child will re-read at least several instructive and funny stories.

Many parents ask how to choose Krylov's fables that are easy to learn? Start by simply introducing your son or daughter to the work of this writer. Tell us about it what you know yourself, it will be better than limiting yourself to just reading a textbook and Share own experience about how they themselves learned fables by heart, how exciting it is. Your goal is to interest the child, to awaken in him the desire to study most of the short texts. But even if your child doesn’t show any particular zeal, choose the most suitable fable with him and learn it by heart.

This article, of course, does not include all of I. A. Krylov’s fables. The list of them is much wider and together forms a large thick volume. But even among the texts presented here, you can choose one story that you like the most and learn it. The main thing is not to force the child, not to demand that he master the material as quickly as possible, but to act gradually, without rushing. Remember, children least of all want to do what seems boring and uninteresting to them.

Fable is one of the ancient types works of art, originating from the 3rd millennium BC. from Sumerian and Babylonian literature. There is always a moral and a narrative at the heart of a fable.

The fable exposes the dark sides of human character, and since these vices have no power over time, the tales of fables of past years are still relevant today. They help develop moral and ethical qualities in children and carry a significant educational role, guiding them on the right path.

The founder of the fable is considered to be Aesop, an ancient poet and fabulist. Ancient Greece(VI-V centuries BC), who wrote his works in prose. The original plots and wisdom of his works, which have passed through many centuries, served as the basis for the plots of other famous fabulists J. Lafontaine and I.A. Krylova.

Read Fables online

In this section you will find best selections fables by Krylov, Aesop, J. Lafontaine, for children of any age, which will be useful in the process of development and upbringing of the child.

The Fox, not having seen Leo,
Having met him, I was left barely alive from my passions.
So, a little later, she came across Leo again,
But he didn’t seem so scary to her.
And then the third time
The Fox started talking with Leo.
We are also afraid of something else,
Until we take a closer look at him.

Siskin and Dove

The siskin was slammed shut by the villainous trap:
The poor thing was tossing and thrashing in it,
And the young Dove mocked him.
“Isn’t it a shame,” he says, “in broad daylight?
They wouldn't trick me like that:
I can confidently vouch for this.”
An, look, he immediately got himself caught in the snare.
And that's it!
Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, Dove.

Wolf and Shepherds

Wolf walking close to the shepherd's yard
And seeing through the fence,
That, having chosen the best ram in the herd,
Calmly, the shepherds are gutting the lamb,
And the dogs lie quietly,
He said to himself as he walked away in frustration:
“What a fuss you all make here, friends,
If only I could do this!”

Waterfall and Stream

Boiling Waterfall, overthrew from the rocks,
He said with arrogance to the healing spring
(Which was barely noticeable under the mountain,
But he was famous for his healing power):
“Isn’t this strange? You are so small, so poor in water,
Do you always have a lot of guests?
It’s no wonder if someone comes to marvel at me;
Why are they coming to you?” – “To be treated,” –
The stream humbly purred.

Boy and Snake

The boy, thinking of catching an eel,
He grabbed the Snake and, staring, out of fear
He became as pale as his shirt.
The snake, looking calmly at the Boy:
“Listen,” he says, “if you’re not smarter,
That insolence will not always be easy for you.
This time God will forgive; but watch out ahead
And know who you’re joking with!”

Sheep and Dogs

In some flock of Sheep,
So that the Wolves can no longer disturb them,
The number of Dogs is supposed to be multiplied.
Well? Finally, so many of them divorced
It’s true that the Sheep survived from the Wolves,
But dogs also need to eat.
First the wool was taken from the sheep,
And there, according to the draw, their skins flew off,
And there were only five or six Sheep left,
And the Dogs ate them.

Rooster and pearl grain

Tearing up a pile of manure,
The rooster found a grain of pearl
And he says: “Where is it?
What an empty thing!
Isn't it stupid that he is so highly regarded?
And I would really be much more happy
Barley grain: it is not so visible,
Yes, it's satisfying.
The ignorant judge exactly like this:
If they don’t understand the point, it’s all nothing.


Above the side exhausted from the heat
A big cloud swept by;
Not a single drop refreshes her,
She fell like a big rain over the sea
And she boasted of her generosity before the Mountain,
“What? did good
Are you so generous? –
The Mountain told her. –
And it doesn’t hurt to look at it!
Whenever you would shed your rain on the fields,
You could save an entire region from hunger:
And in the sea without you, my friend, there is enough water.”

The Peasant and the Fox (Book Eight)

The Fox once said to the Peasant:
“Tell me, my dear godfather,
What did the horse do to deserve your friendship?
What, I see, she is always with you?
You keep her in contentment even in the hall;
On the road - you are with her, and often with her in the field;
But of all the animals
She’s probably the stupidest of all.” –
“Eh, gossip, the power here is not in the mind! –
The peasant answered. - All this is vanity.
My goal is not at all the same:
I need her to drive me
Yes, so that she obeys the whip.”

Fox and grapes

The hungry godfather Fox climbed into the garden;
The bunches of grapes in it were red.
The gossip's eyes and teeth flared up;
And the brushes are juicy, like yachts, burning;
The only problem is that they hang high:
Whenever and however she comes to them,
At least the eye sees
Yes, it hurts.
After wasting a whole hour,
She went and said with annoyance:
He looks good,
Yes it is green - no ripe berries:
You’ll set your teeth on edge right away.”

Falcon and Worm

At the top of the tree, clinging to a branch,
The worm was swinging on it.
Above the Worm Falcon, rushing through the air,
So he joked and mocked from above:
“What kind of hardships you, poor thing, have not endured!
What profit did you get that you crawled so high?
What kind of will and freedom do you have?
And you bend with a branch wherever the weather dictates.” –

“It’s easy for you to joke,”
The worm answers, flying high,
Because with your wings you are both strong and strong;
But fate gave me the wrong advantages:
I'm here on top
The only reason I’m holding on is that, fortunately, I’m tenacious!”

Dog and Horse

Serving for a peasant,
The Dog and the Horse somehow began to be reckoned with.
“Here,” says Barbos, “is a great lady!”
For me, at least they would drive you out of the yard completely.
It's a great thing to carry or plow!
I’ve never heard anything else about your daring:
And can you be equal to me in any way?
Neither day nor night I know peace:
During the day, the herd is under my supervision in the meadow,
And at night I guard the house.”
“Of course,” the Horse answered, “
Your speech is true;
However, whenever I plowed,
Then there would be nothing for you to guard here.”

Mouse and Rat

“Neighbor, have you heard the good rumor? –
Running in, the Rat Mouse said,
After all, the cat, they say, fell into the claws of a lion?
Now it’s time for us to rest!”
“Don’t rejoice, my light,”
The Rat says back to her,
And don’t hope in vain!
If it reaches their claws,
That is true, the lion will not be alive:
There is no stronger beast than a cat!”

I’ve seen it so many times, take note for yourself:
When a coward is afraid of someone,
Then he thinks that
The whole world looks through his eyes.

Peasant and Robber

The peasant, starting up his house,
I bought a milk pan and a cow at the fair
And with them through the oak tree
I walked quietly home along a country path,
When suddenly the Robber got caught.
The robber ripped the guy off like a stick.
“Have mercy,” the Peasant will cry, “I’m lost,
You've completely finished me off!
For a whole year I was planning to buy a cow:
I could hardly wait for this day.”
“Okay, don’t cry at me,”
Said the Robber, commiserating.
And truly, because I can’t milk cows;
So be it
Take the milk pan back."

Frog and Ox

The frog, seeing Ox in the meadow,
She decided to match his stature herself:
She was envious.
And well, puff up, puff and pout.
“Look, wah, what, will I get rid of him?”
He says to his friend. “No, gossip, far away!” -
“Look how wide I am now.
Well, what's it like?
Am I replenished? - “Almost nothing.”
“Well, how now?” - “Everything is the same.” Puffed and puffed
And my idea ended with
That, not being equal to Vol,
With an effort it burst and died.

There is more than one example of this in the world:
And is it a wonder when a tradesman wants to live,
As a distinguished citizen,
And the fry is small, like a noble nobleman?