Tarot cards self-study. Features of learning Tarot knowledge from Tatyana Paradox. What is tarot

Stages of knowledge

Any person in A person who begins to study the Tarot system most often turns to it because of its mantic or predictive properties.splendid opportunities. Any Tarot school usually begins to introduce students to the predictive meanings of the Arcana.

The group is recruiting for the 3rd level from March 17th.

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The first difficulty on this path is to understand and remember 156 card meanings, sometimes contradictory, which can be very difficult for a novice tarot reader. Without knowledge of the symbolism of the Arcana, simple cramming does not work; it is simply impossible to memorize all the meanings haphazardly.

The second difficulty that a person faces is which Tarot deck to start studying with. Nowadays a huge number of different decks are being produced, which is also confusing.

As in any system, a student, starting to learn Tarot cards, must gain basic knowledge of what a particular system is based on, which means that classic decks, time-tested, are most suitable for this. We advise you to start with the Tarot of Marseilles or the Rider-White deck, and only after that, in our opinion, you can master all the others. By the way, Maria Lenormand’s deck has nothing to do with the system we are considering, since it does not reflect the basic philosophy of this system and the symbolism and energy of the cards is violated. This deck is designed only for working with predictions and nothing more.

The first stage of mastering the system, like any Tarot school, we begin with studying the symbolism of the cards. Symbolism plays a very important role in many esoteric areas. All ancient predictive practices are based on the understanding and interpretation of symbols, from the runic to coffee fortune-telling, pyromania and other predictive systems. When a student masters symbolism, he stops perceiving cards as a set of drawings that is not always clear. A person begins to understand why Tarot cards, the meaning of which in one question are interpreted this way, but when another area of ​​life is affected, their meaning can change significantly.

Studying layouts is the next stage in understanding the system. Understanding what a position in a layout means gives the correct further interpretation of the card, and if the position speaks of feelings, then there is no need to interpret it as an event. A person's feelings play important role in the development of events. Therefore, we should not forget their significance in the formation of desires. How a person’s attitude towards an event can influence its outcome is also not an unimportant point, which is reflected in the layout, and which an experienced tarot reader will always tell the client about. Tarot layouts are numerous, they need to be studied and selected for yourself. For study at our School, we provide classic layouts that answer basic life questions.

The rules for conducting a session are also an important part for beginners to practice. How to behave correctly so as not to get stuck on the client’s problem, the sequence of the session and what attributes should be used? All this is given during the Tarot training.

The ability to combine the meaning of the Arcana in combinations provides additional opportunities for obtaining information and revealing the topic discussed in the layout. This topic can also be quite complicated for a novice tarot reader.

The next stage of understanding the cards is meditation on the Tarot, they make it possible to comprehend the energy of the cards. And this is a different approach to cards. It provides the opportunity to transition to the magic of the Tarot. Through the image you can feel the vibration of the Arcana and gain certain knowledge in meditation. By connecting with the archetype that Arkan represents, you can understand your own problems through your feeling of this archetypal image and work through them. Since the Major Arcana are archetypes of the collective unconscious, those common best schemes behavior that is ordinary life person are filled with specific meaning.

Working with Archetypes makes it possible to get rid of various psychological problems, as well as working with the energy of the cards, view the development of specific events at this level.

Tarot cards, training in the use of which continues towards the comprehension of magical techniques. Mastering them makes it possible to reprogram the events that you saw in the layout. But by this moment the student must learn to take responsibility for his own desires and thoughts, and understand that the immediate result in the future may bring disappointment. The energies of the elements, which are embedded in the symbolism, in the images on the Arcana, make it possible, by connecting with them, to change the course of events. These are not drastic changes, but it is possible to neutralize the strongly negative result of the alignment, and it is possible positive result strengthen with your work.

Even more high level knowledge of the Tarot is an understanding through the Arcana of the meaning of the Kabbalistic Tree of Sephiroth. This is the philosophical level of the cards. Here you will be able to understand how the Creator’s plan was energetically realized into matter as a consequence of lowering vibrations and how the road along which the Soul must return back to the Creator is built. What is the Holy Grail in the ancient understanding and how can you activate it in yourself. What is it filled with and why is it needed? Find out what the Small and Large Faces of the Creator are and why they say that man is like God? All this is understood and practiced at the last stage of studying the system.

  • 1st Stage
    • The history of Tarot cards
    • Numerology and Tarot
    • Major Arcana - walking the path of the “Fool”
    • The symbolism of the Major Arcana - its meaning
    • Minor Arcana. An exclusive technique for remembering the meaning and meaning of the minor Arcana
    • Mastering basic layouts: “Celtic Cross”, “Choice”, “Relationships”, “Choice”, “Playing the Fool”, “Horoscope”, “Planets”
    • Safety precautions
    • Session rules
    • Combinations of the Major Arcana
    • 4 DVDs included
  • 2nd Stage(5-6 lessons of 2.5 hours once a week) cost – 12,000 rubles
    • Additional opportunities for obtaining information from the Celtic Cross Layout
    • Combinations of the Major Arcana with the Minor Arcana
    • Business layouts
    • Karmic layouts
    • "Radju Wheel" layout
    • Meditations on Tarot cards
    • Archetypes in Tarot as a portal for working through psychological problems
    • Portals of the Minor Arcana as viewing the development of situations
  • 3rd Stage(5 lessons 2.5 hours) cost -20,000 rub.
    • The magic of Tarot. Changing negative situations by influencing the vibrations of Tarot cards
    • Mission map
    • Meanings of cards in health layouts
    • Layouts for viewing karmic situations
    • Initiation into a Master
  • 4th Stage
    • Tarot and the Cabalistic Tree of Sephiroth
    • Condescension Divine Light from Keter to Malchut
    • Meditative practices for passing the Sephiroth
    • Paths of passage from Malkuth to Kether with the help of meditations on the Major Arcana. Tarot cards.

Zabolotnaya Marina.


For 500 years now, Tarot cards have been a source of various kinds of hoaxes and a subject of admiration. This is the most popular and traditional method of fortune telling in the West, with which you can find out the present, past and future. The deck consists of 78 cards, divided into two main groups: 22 cards of the Major Arcana (from the Latin word for "secret") and 56 cards Minor Arcana. The second group is divided into 4 subgroups - Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles. Each suit includes 14 cards: ten numbered cards, from Ace to Ten, and 4 face cards: King, Queen, Knight and Page. Tarot cards are one of the most mysterious prediction systems. Even the origin of the Tarot is shrouded in mystery and is a topic of ongoing debate and debate. Many see the connection of the Major Arcana with Kabbalah, with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and consider them the keys to the secrets of ancient Hebrew teaching. Others believe that the origins of the Tarot are to be found in spiritual practices Ancient Egypt and they claim that in this way the Egyptian priests handed down to us their Book of Wisdom.

Be that as it may, the Major Arcana cards tell us ancient knowledge. In an expressive, visual way they tell us ancient history about the Hero's Journey, depicting the myths, tales and legends of different nations.

Nowadays, decks created in the 20th century are in greatest demand. These are the Rider-Waite decks and the Book of Thoth, known as the Crowley Tarot of Thoth, named after its creator.

Rider-Waite Tarot

Arthur Edward Waite (1857 - 1942) was born in America, but raised and educated in England. He was the Grand Master of the esoteric society widely known at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries - the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. After a long, comprehensive study of the Tarot, Waite, together with Pamela Colman Smith (1878 - 1951), developed his deck based on deep knowledge in this area.

His maps, first published in 1908, had one feature that made them widely popular throughout the world. The fact is that before this, out of 78 Tarot cards
only 22 Major Arcana and 16 figured cards of the Minor Arcana were illustrated.

Sometimes the Aces also had drawings. All other cards were represented only by quantitative images of suit symbols corresponding to the card number. So, on the Three of Cups three cups were drawn, on the Eight of Swords only eight Swords could be seen, etc. A qualitatively new element introduced by Waite and Pamela Smith were illustrations for each card of the Minor Arcana, displaying their meanings. Artist Pamela Smithembodied in them the brightest images, to which the deck owes its popularity.

Our Tarot School

Conducts training in accordance with the rulesheed the traditions of the Order of Zolota Zari, and also gives her own special training courses based on long-term research and practical work with the Tarot system.

The course program includes boththeoretical and practical parts of Tarot training.

Training consists of steps:

  • 1st stage - “Basic”
  • 2nd stage - “Continuing”

At the end of each stage, after passing the test work, an appropriate certificate is issued with the right to further practical work with Tarot cards.

You can use Tarot knowledge both for your own development and self-knowledge, and continue your education to a professional level.

Our Center "Your Way" trains professional specialists with the qualifications of "Tarot Consultant" and "Tarot Teacher", which includes all levels of tarot training plus psychological training conducted by professional psychologists of our Center: "General psychology of fortune-telling"; "Use of Tarot cards in psychological counseling"; "Ethics of behavior in working with clients."

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards? This is a universal system. For fortune telling you need a deck and good mood. We'll tell you about the basic rules of fortune telling for beginners, popular decks and layouts.

In the article:

Tarot as a mantic system

Tarot is one of the most popular divination tools. At all times, there have been people who do not believe that pieces of paper with pictures can tell about the future. However, Tarot has established itself not only as a prediction system, but also as a tool for understanding oneself and the world.

The classic Tarot deck consists of 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana, for a total of 78 cards. Depending on the school to which the deck belongs, the Major Arcana have a different sequence: Major Arcana or begin with a card "Jester" or end with it, the arcana change places "Force" And "Justice". The names of the Major Arcana differ, for example, in the Tarot system Crowley 22 lasso "World" called " Universe" The major arcana also differ in appearance, for example, on the school arcana Papus letters are always present Caballa.

Drawings on the Minor Arcana can depict one or another situation that describes the meaning of the card, or can remain symbolic (for example, seven swords will be depicted on the seven of swords). The minor arcana are represented by four suits: cups, wands, swords and pentacles.

The four card suits corresponded to the four classes: swords represented the nobility, cups the clergy (through association with the communion cup), coins the merchants and townspeople, and staves the peasants and servants. The court cards Page, Knight, Queen and King conventionally represent the four ranks of the aristocracy in order of increasing power. Subsequently, the names of the suits began to be called differently: there were roses, acorns, bells and others, until, as a result of the development of engraving and the spread of card printing, figures of hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs were established. Tarot games were very popular in Europe, especially in France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, and Flanders. With the settlers the maps reached and North America, where at some point the Joker, a descendant of "The Jester" Taro, was born.
Bednenko G. B. “Minor Arcana of the Tarot. Theory and practice".

Traditionally there are three systems:

  1. Rider-White Tarot - the most popular. About ninety percent of modern decks and oracles are based on the principles of this school. Classic deck - deck Rider-White: Clear, colorful cards and drawn plots of the Minor Arcana help you quickly remember the meanings and not get confused when interpreting the reading.
  2. Papus Tarot - appeared earlier Rider-White, differs in the interpretation of some arcana, the order of the cards in the deck and the philosophical explanation of the origin of the cards and their meanings. The Minor Arcana are not drawn in all decks of the system, which makes memorization difficult. On the territory of Russian-speaking countries it is found much less frequently than Rider-White. Classic decks of this system: Tarot of Papus , Kabbalistic Tarot G.O.M., Egyptian Tarot.
  3. Crowley Tarot - reflects the author's philosophy Aleister Crowley and his occult organization "Order of the Golden Dawn". Appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. This is one deck designed by the founder of the system - Thoth Tarot. AND appearance Arcana, and their divinatory meaning are very different from the schools described above. It is usually recommended to move on to Crowley after mastering one of the two classical Tarot systems. Easy to learn without basic knowledge of Tarot Crowleyans(followers of Crowley's teachings).

Deck: how to choose and get acquainted

Where to start if you decide to learn how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards? First of all, you need a deck, but how to choose one?

Every year a huge number of new Tarot decks are released. How to understand which one is suitable for a particular fortune teller? Beginners are recommended to gain experience on a classic deck of one or another Tarot system. In the first stages, it is better to avoid working with decks of a narrow theme, for example, and “dark” decks ( Tarot Vargo, Shadows, all Gothic decks).

Before purchasing, you need to look at images of the deck you like on the Internet. If possible, you should hold the unpacked box with the deck in your hands before purchasing.

Once the deck has been purchased, you can get to work. You need to understand the cards well and have the right mood for fortune telling.

Beginners are advised to start with deck development . These are exercises during which the deck is studied in detail and familiarization with the cards occurs. The most popular methods for developing a deck - instant layout « » And lasso meditation practice.

“Card of the Day” involves a quick daily spread of one card, which symbolizes the general nature of the day for the fortuneteller. Considering the number of cards in the deck, it will take at least a couple of months to work through.

As for meditation on the lasso, everything is both simpler and more complicated. Most often, the practice is applied to the Major Arcana for a better understanding of their meanings. There are several meditation methods that can be used for any deck system.

To create a special mood before fortune telling, candles are used, aroma oils, special ritual tablecloths for layouts.

How not to pick up Tarot cards

There is no need to force a person to do a reading if he is not in the mood or the fortune teller is physically unwell. Any altered state of consciousness ( alcohol intoxication) does not help a beginner to work with cards correctly.

The fortuneteller is not advised to make a reading on a significant personal question, since self-interest will interfere with a correct and objective interpretation. It is better to turn to a person who is less emotionally involved in the situation. This also applies to fortune telling for another person. From the first days of practice, you need to monitor when the fortuneteller interprets the alignment, and when he speaks querent(to the questioner) own opinion about the situation.

There is no need to be shy at first to use tips during interpretation. Included with any deck a book with the main meaning of each arcana. Later, having gained experience, the fortuneteller will remember the meanings of the cards by heart.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the rule “Do not give your cards into the wrong hands.” Many tarot readers do not allow outsiders to touch the divination instrument, even if the reading requires the querent to choose the cards themselves and lay them out in an upright or inverted position, for example, "Seven Bodies". This also applies to cases when a fortune teller is offered personal cards for a reading. You need to listen to yourself: if your hands reach out to someone else’s Tarot, you need to trust your intuition and work with the deck, and if the fortuneteller is against touching the deck of other people’s hands, you should use layouts where the querent’s touch is optional.

About layouts

there is a great variety, all divided into classic and modern, well-known and original, light (on small number cards) and polysyllabic, general and for a specific purpose, impersonal and personal (considering an individual person, his personality, character, etc.).

Beginners have a better chance of getting dropped cards and understanding the picture as a whole when performing small layouts of 5–6 cards (classic "Celtic Cross", "Compass", "Gypsy", "Choice of Path" and others). Larger spreads, although giving a more detailed answer, require more cards, and it is easy for a beginner to get confused in the interpretation. It is not recommended to start the practice with, for example, "12 houses" or "Butterflies".

Studying the Tarot is a multi-faceted activity, and the results appear in many areas. Each map is a portal to worlds to explore, freeing the imagination and serving as a springboard for developing intuition. Many associations with cards can lead to the study of other systems - such as astrology and numerology. Over time, the cards will become seventy-eight wise friends who will help you manage your life and be mentors in spiritual growth. You will learn to better understand yourself and those around you. If you read layouts for others, you can share these gifts with them, help people solve their problems, make their lives easier, and heal mental wounds.

The long history of the Tarot is a fertile field for research of the Renaissance, in the fields of art, alchemy, esoteric teachings of the 19th century, secret societies, and spiritualism. The future of Tarot as a mutable art and tool is wide open. By experimenting and developing your own practices, you can make your own mark on their history.

Before you start learning the meanings individual cards Tarot, useful to get general idea about the deck and some features of card reading. This article - a kind of guide to the entire Tarot section on this site - will help you begin your journey by studying each card.

Key terms

Arcana: sacraments.

Court cards: sixteen cards, four in each suit, usually called page, knight, queen and king.

Major Arcana: twenty-two cards, each of which has its own name and number.

Minor Arcana: fifty-six cards, which are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups (or Cups), Swords and Pentacles - each of which has ten number cards and four court cards.

Numeric cards: forty cards, ten of each suit, numbered from Ace to Ten.

Querent: the person for whom the cards are read; person asking a question.

Reader: a person who interprets or interprets cards.

Reverse meaning, or reversed card: This is a card that turns out to be in an inverted position towards the reader of the layout.

Layout: a diagram that shows how to arrange the cards and explains what the placement of each card means.

Features of the Tarot deck

A Tarot deck is a set of seventy-eight cards with a characteristic structure that form two large groups called the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

Arkan means "sacrament". The Minor Arcana, consisting of fifty-six cards, is very reminiscent of a playing deck. They are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Each suit consists of cards from Ace to Ten and four court cards: page, knight, queen and king. The Major Arcana, of which there are twenty-two cards, are slightly different. They are numbered from zero to twenty-one. There is no additional structure to this group. Each card has a name, such as the Empress, Wheel of Fortune, or Moon. The Minor Arcana represents people, places and facts Everyday life, and the Major Arcana symbolize sublime aspects, significant stages and turning points. Both groups of cards, once shuffled and laid out in a spread, “collaborate” with each other to describe human experiences.

Almost any deck with a similar structure (for example, Lenormand cards) is called Tarot cards, although there are decks with the same name and with additional cards and even additional suits. The question of whether, with the inclusion of these additions, it can be argued that the deck is not Tarot cards remains open. Some argue that the Tarot deck is characterized by this structure and if it is different, then the cards do not belong to the Tarot. Others say that the Tarot has complex structure, and since the decks we now consider traditional are different from their predecessors, change is the nature of the Tarot. For those who perceive the Tarot as a reflection and tool for spiritual exploration and growth, it is worth reminding that the Tarot evolves to reflect changes in the spiritual perception of humanity.

The deck presented in this section is traditional. It is based on the Rider-Waite-Smith (R.W.S.) deck, designed by Arthur E. Waite, drawn by Pamela Colman-Smith, and published by the Rider Company in 1910. The Rider-Waite deck was not the first ever published, but it influenced the history of the Tarot and had a huge influence on modern interpreters, especially in the United States. To understand the Tarot, it is important to know the history - both of the cards themselves and the features of their use.

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana are often considered the most important cards in the deck, and for good reason, since they represent the “major” mysteries. They symbolize important life events, significant stages and turning points in our lives. They often reflect spiritual or life-changing energy and indicate experiences and events beyond the querent's control.

Meaning and interpretation of some major arcana: , .

Minor Arcana

The fifty-six Minor Arcana are divided into two groups: numerical and courtly - and have four suits.

Researchers created sets of cards for fortune telling in different time. Each Tarot deck is unique because it carries a special meaning. Magic cards behave as if they were alive, sometimes answering questions posed consistently and in detail, and sometimes being capricious and refusing to give clues to the fortuneteller. IN modern world There are about 1,500 different decks, and their number continues to grow year after year, as the fashion for magical practice quickly gains momentum. How to read Tarot cards to get a reliable answer? First you need to choose a suitable deck.

Types of Tarot Cards

Many novice tarot readers are confused by the variety of fortune telling decks on sale. It is natural that their main question is which set to choose. All types of Tarot are divided into 4 main ones, each of which is intended for a specific job. Depending on the goals, themes, and type of interaction, the fortuneteller chooses the type of deck that suits him.

  1. Universal Tarot cards. This group includes Osho Zen, Tarot of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, Rider-White, and the Golden Crown. Such decks are ideal for beginners, as they are designed to work with layouts on different cases life. The creators of universal cards offer a personal interpretation of the Arcana and their combinations, but all Tarot sets of this group are united by a common meaning. They provide an opportunity to analyze problematic situations and look into the future.
  2. Author's Tarot cards. They were created at different times by authors who wanted to introduce their own vision of tarology into the fortune-telling process. As a rule, the interpretation of such cards is somewhat different from the classical one, so working with original decks often brings a lot of interesting and amazing discoveries. These include: Tarot of 78 doors, Atlantis, white cats, Fairytale, de Este, Goddesses, Oracle and many others.
  3. Traditional Tarot cards. This group includes the first fortune-telling sets created by artists at the palaces of the rulers of different states. The most famous among the classic ones are the decks of Montaigny, Renaissance, Visconti-Sforza, Egyptian Tarot, Lenormand. These maps are still being reprinted today, allowing you to study the classic version fortune telling cards.
  4. Highly specialized Tarot cards. A striking example This group is the Manara decks. The Dwarven Tarot is also prized. It is best to take such decks to find answers to specific questions. They are absolutely not suitable for studying global topics. Tarot of the Dwarves is an excellent option for solving issues related to everyday life and the material side of life. Manara is more suitable for those who want to learn about love or intimate aspects life.


How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards? The first law that a novice practitioner must remember is that fortune telling is a mirror of our inner world. All the feelings and emotions that we experience during the session are reflected on the cards. In addition, the result is influenced by old grievances, anxieties, unresolved problems, complexes and desires of the fortuneteller. Therefore, in order to get the most reliable answers to the questions posed, it is better to make the layout on the cards yourself.

Experienced fortune tellers interpret cards on an intuitive level. Each drawing is interpreted differently - depending on the position of the card in the layout and the question posed. The skill to “read” meanings comes with experience. To develop it, you need to practice more. If you have recently started guessing, it is better to use a simple method of interpretation - use the instructions provided with the deck.

How to learn to guess on your own

There are several ways to learn fortune telling. Today, special courses have been opened for learning to use the Tarot. educational establishments, which provide students with a diploma for completing courses. You can also learn the craft of fortune telling directly from an experienced “master”. However, before choosing this path, find out what method he uses to tell fortunes and what deck he uses. If the principles of fortune telling match your preferences, ask a specialist to teach you.

Cards give a forecast, sometimes warn against troubles or mistakes, show what consequences may arise decisions taken. In order not to get confused when interpreting the meanings, you need not only to know the interpretation of the cards, but also to be able to feel them. Before you begin the practice, it is better to familiarize yourself with the ancient treatise, adapted for modern readers. Teaches fortune telling "The Holy Book of Thoth".

Tarot decks consist of 78 cards, they contain two Arcana - Major and Junior. A beginner can use the full set, but it will take a long time to master it. It is better to start getting acquainted with the technique of fortune telling, starting with the 22 cards of the Great Arcana. Their interpretation is easy to remember, in addition, these cards are the most important and can provide answers to answers that are important to you. Tarot reading involves fulfilling certain rules:

  • you cannot give your cards to others;
  • before fortune telling, you should relax and abstract yourself from external stimuli;
  • don't guess when strangers, especially skeptics;
  • Fortune telling with Tarot cards is best done in the evening.

Card layouts

Many people are interested in how to guess a situation, relationship, future, desire. Experts in the field of tarology believe that none of the listed methods can guarantee a reliable prediction. During fortune telling for a certain situation, Tarot layouts not only tell you how the situation really is, but also show your attitude towards it different people. If you want to tell fortunes about the future, the deck can present fragments of possible upcoming events, connecting them with the present and past.

On relationships and love

Tarot for relationships is the most popular layout. Relationship modeling differs from the direct intervention of witches and witches. Knowledgeable people do not use prohibited techniques to make a specific person fall in love with someone who wants it - this is a great sin. Experienced fortune tellers only lift the veil of secrecy. With the help of a magic deck, they can find out about the betrayal of a beloved man or see a love triangle. Fortune telling for love and attitude provides an opportunity to find out how someone treats you certain person. Make the schedule like this:

  1. The first card drawn from the deck indicates how you feel about the mystery person.
  2. The second reflects your feelings for him.
  3. The third talks about your actions.
  4. The fourth indicates the thoughts of the mysterious person.
  5. The fifth reveals his feelings for you.
  6. The sixth talks about a person’s actions aimed at you.
  7. Seventh - what is the connection between you and whether it exists.

To work

How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards for work? A three-card layout will show prospects for career growth, determine the cause of financial difficulties, and suggest what actions can correct the situation. You cannot use this technique too often, so as not to aggravate the current situation. For the layout, three cards are selected from the deck:

  1. One shows those events that happened in the past and influenced the current situation.
  2. The second describes the real situation at work.
  3. The latter predicts the future outcome of events.

To your health

Health fortune telling includes many Tarot layouts, with the help of which you can find out about your health status and determine whether a loved one is sick. Thanks to the cards, you can get information about the causes of illnesses and understand how to act to cope with them. Often guessing is harmful to your health, so it is recommended to do the reading at a minimum interval of a week. Example:

  1. The first card talks about general condition human health.
  2. The second shows what strengthens it.
  3. The third is what weakens.
  4. Fourth - what actions a person takes to improve his condition.
  5. Fifth - what actions worsen a person’s condition.
  6. Sixth – what does it lead to? life path the one who is being guessed at.

For the future

This layout is best done by experienced fortune tellers, since problems may arise with the interpretation of the cards. The method of fortune telling for the future is usually used to draw up a horoscope for a month or a longer period of time. Each Tarot card for the future should be drawn simultaneously with the fortune teller's mental question. For example, you can ask about what awaits you in the next year/month. The layout will look like this:

  1. The first card talks about real time and situations that happen in your life.
  2. The second is about what will have an impact on you in the future (will help or hinder you).
  3. The third is a council of cards that will help you choose Right way.
  4. The fourth is those qualities or actions of yours that predetermined the events taking place.
  5. Fifth - past events that were relevant to the current situation.
  6. The sixth is a map of the future.
  7. The seventh is your attitude to the situation.
  8. The eighth reflects the attitude loved one which influences the situation.
  9. Ninth - what anxieties and fears influence your decisions.
  10. The tenth is the final card, which shows how the situation you are interested in will end.


This alignment will help to understand the relationship between two lovers - even if it is very complicated and confusing. Fortune telling with the Pyramid Tarot is designed to find answers to exciting questions, for example, “Does the relationship have a future?”, “Does this person love me?” The answers will help you understand the current situation and understand in which direction to move forward. How to make a schedule:

  1. The first card is you, it symbolizes the role of the fortune teller in relationships.
  2. The second is the chosen one, the card reveals the attitude of the hidden person towards you.
  3. Third - love relationship(what they are now).
  4. The fourth is the possible future of the relationship.

To the situation

What is the best way to read Tarot cards to find out the solution to a problem? Every person experiences difficult periods from time to time. A breakdown of the situation will help you find a way out of the current problematic situation. You will be able to understand what was the root cause and determine possible solutions to difficulties. Is such fortune telling dangerous? Experienced fortune tellers consider this technique harmless, so it is allowed to be used often. How to lay out:

  • mentally form a question;
  • draw three cards and place them in a row;
  • determine their meaning (the first is the past that contributed to the development of the problem; the second is its impact on life; the third is what to do to correct the situation).

Virtual fortune telling

A huge number of sites offer visitors a session online fortune telling. However, the results of such arrangements are very doubtful. Esotericists believe that fortune telling with Tarot online is useless, since the main role in the process is played by the energy of the fortuneteller, his inner message. If you guess on cards online, this important component is lost, and the result becomes unreliable. This entertainment is harmless and, if you wish, you can try your luck by telling fortunes online, but beware of scammers who ask you to send an SMS to gain access to fortune telling.

Daily schedule

Adult man of sense is able to soberly evaluate incoming information, but there is another category of people – suspicious people. For them, fortune telling can have disastrous consequences. Many services offer to lay out Tarot cards for free, which easily persuaded people do with interest. If the result of the daily alignment is positive, there is no danger, but negative forecasts for the suspicious become a sword of Damocles. Remember: such a person programs himself not to fail and becomes a magnet for trouble.

Video on how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards

Life sometimes presents us with unpleasant surprises that drive us into a corner. The search for an answer to the question of what to do pushes some to turn to esotericism and magic. Interest in Tarot reading has existed for a long time. The relevance of this method of problem solving is unlikely to ever decrease. With the help of the video you will learn how to correctly guess and interpret the meanings of cards.

Fortune telling training

Fortune telling