Meditation to harmonize energy in the muladhara chakra. General characteristics of Muladhara

Muladhara chakra is the center of basic instincts and survival. As a rule, in humans it is quite active. However, the energy in it may be unbalanced. In this article I will tell you how to open and develop the muladhara chakra and restore its functioning.

The root chakra is located in the tailbone area, between the genitals and anus. ABOUT malfunction The first chakra shows anger, aggression, greed, bitterness. I have already written in more detail about this. Be sure to check it out if you haven't read it yet.

There are several ways to restore the functioning of muladhara. This is meditation active points, chanting a mantra, etc. They will be discussed below.

Each chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs, by pressing on which you can awaken the root chakra.

These points are shown in the figure - see photo.

First we will work with the hands. Find the active point on right hand- it is located on the convex part radius. Press it lightly thumb other hand. Massage it clockwise.

If you experience pain or discomfort, then this indicates stagnation of energy in the muladhara chakra.

Massage until the pain goes away, but don't get too carried away. After this, repeat the procedure on your left hand.

Let's move on to working with points on the feet. Here the hotspots are on the bottom back edge calcaneus. Massage in the same way clockwise, first the right foot, then the left.

This exercise will help open the muladhara chakra if it is blocked and will also help balance it.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Let's start meditating on muladhara. Take a comfortable position. It is important that the spine is straight when performing the exercise. That is, you can sit, for example, on the edge of a chair.

Lotus or Turkish pose is not suitable for this exercise.

Direct your attention to the area where the root chakra is located - the base of the spine. A chakra is a spinning funnel of energy, try to imagine it in red. How does energy move?

  • If the movement is even, stable, smooth, then the chakra is working harmoniously.
  • If the movement is impetuous and uneven, this indicates stagnation of energy in muladhara.

Bring your attention to your feet. Through the soles of your feet, inhale pure red light from the earth. Imagine how this light passes through the legs and reaches muladhara. As you exhale, visualize a red column of light radiating from your root chakra into your aura and then back into the earth.

Perform muladhara activation for 5-10 minutes. When finished, direct your attention to the first chakra and try to determine what changes have occurred in its functioning.

Correspondence between chakra and element

IN Indian philosophy It is believed that the entire Universe consists of five primary elements:

  • Earth;
  • Water;
  • Fire;
  • Air;
  • Ether.

The element of Earth is associated with the root chakra, and in the image of the muladhara chakra it is symbolized by a yellow square. The main quality of the Earth is hardness.

The square has 4 sides, they represent the 4 cardinal directions, as well as 4 qualities that are mandatory for a person following the path spiritual development:

  • directness;
  • honesty;
  • moral;
  • integrity.

Hindus believe that the square symbolizes the stability and order of the Universe. In accordance with this, our life should also be orderly, so we can develop the muladhara chakra and normalize its work.

Think of the Earth element as a living being. She also strives for purification and elevation.

And for this, the Earth needs to get rid of toxins and pollution received from human activities. Mentally send light and love to the Earth.

Let's move on to working with the first chakra through the element of the Earth element.


Meditation on the earth element will help in activating the mooladhara chakra. This exercise is best done outside so you can stand on the ground. If you can’t organize it, then you can study at home.

To perform the exercise, stand straight and straighten your shoulders. Breathe in and out rhythmically and relax. Then bring your attention to the soles of your feet.

Visualize yourself growing your roots into the ground through the soles of your feet. Let the Earth nourish you with its energy. This increases your resilience.

After 3-4 minutes, direct your attention to top part heads. Visualize a white beam of light entering through the top of your head, down your spine, down to your feet, and then into the ground.

Send this life-giving energy to the Earth. In gratitude for the fact that she nourished you. Enjoy the fact that you act as a vessel for the exchange of energies.

Mantra for the first chakra

Working with mantras is directly related to breathing. Therefore, before chanting the mantra, you should perform breathing exercises.

Take a comfortable position, relax, but your spine should remain straight. The lotus position or Turkish pose is best.

For comfort, you can place a small pillow under the buttocks. Concentrate on your breathing. This promotes relaxation and calm.

Now you can start the exercise. Mentally count to 5 and then inhale, then mentally count to 5 again and exhale. Continue breathing for a count of 5.

If it is still difficult for you to hold your breath for so long, then try breathing on a count of 3. Over time, your lung volume will increase slightly, then you will be able to increase the time you hold your breath to 7 seconds.

While breathing, you need to focus on the tip of your nose. Try to feel the temperature change during the moments of inhalation and exhalation. Feel the air entering and exiting through your nostrils.

Continue for 5-10 minutes. After this, focus your attention on the muladhara chakra. Visualize white light entering it as you inhale and purifying it as you exhale. This completes the work with the first chakra on breathing, and we move on to getting acquainted with mantras.

Mantra Lam

Exercises with mantras are performed immediately after breathing practice. The muladhara chakra mantra sounds like “lam”. Her pronunciation has a deep “ah”. The sound “m” should be pronounced slightly “on the nose”. If you have studied English language, then you are familiar with this pronunciation - these are words ending in -ing.

Mantras are chanted, here is the sequence of actions:

  1. take a deep breath;
  2. as you exhale, open your mouth and begin to chant the first half of the mantra: “la-a-a-aaa...”;
  3. cover your mouth and sing the ending through your nose: “mm-mm-mm”;
  4. After completing the exhalation, take another breath and repeat the mantra from the beginning.

If you are a little familiar with music and know the musical tones, then try to chant the Lam mantra on the note C. However, this is an optional rule; choose the key that suits you.

Sing softly. You should feel vibrations in the area of ​​the root chakra, this will indicate that the work with the mantra was carried out correctly. To help yourself, concentrate your attention on the first chakra and direct the sound there.

The duration of chanting the muladhara chakra mantra is at least 5 minutes. After completing the exercise, do not get up immediately. Sit for a while and relax. Analyze your condition to see if it has changed after the exercise.

Yantra for Muladhara

Yantra is a sacred, mystical symbol. It serves for concentration and meditation. With regular practice, a person can increase the level of consciousness and develop the muladhara chakra.

Yogis and representatives of other esoteric movements use a variety of yantras. Each of them carries a special energy.

The Muladhara Yantra is a yellow square with a red triangle inside, pointing downwards. Prepare an image for meditation. It is best to print it on a printer or draw it yourself.

Sit in the lotus or Turkish position. Place the yantra so that you can clearly see it. Breathe calmly, you can practice breathing with a delay for a count of 5, as described above.

The exercise is not limited in time, focus on your feelings. Relax and focus your attention on the yantra. Look at the yellow square. It symbolizes the Earth and its solidity.

Think about whether you have an energetic connection with the Earth? Do you have a solid base or foundation from which to begin your journey of spiritual development? If not, then later do the Earth Element Meditation (described above).

The color yellow is associated with intelligence, it will help you find out what changes need to happen in life for your development and self-improvement. In the initial stages of this path, the mind will be your best ally, but later you can rise above the intellect.

Think about the integrity of this symbol and the duality needed to achieve it. Become aware of your own dualism. Think about how balanced your male and female energies are.

How do you divide your time between work and play? Solving problems using logic includes left hemisphere brain, and creative activity uses the right hemisphere.

Think about your diet. It must also have harmony and balance to achieve the integrity of the body. Also think about whether you live in harmony with yourself and with other people. What is required for your spiritual development?

Video on activating muladhara

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a video about activating and balancing the muladhara chakra:

In ancient treatises, each chakra is endowed with many attributes, describing the characteristics of its vibrations - color and sound, symbolic form. By concentrating on the attributes of a chakra, one can influence this energy center - increasing energy or harmonizing it.

Yogic texts indicate that at the base of our body, in the perineum area, there is an energy center. It is called Muladhara chakra. The energy in this center is responsible for the animal instincts in the human being. This is especially true for the feeling of safety.

A person who “lives on the level” Muladhara chakras most concerned about the safety of himself and his loved ones. If the energy in this chakra balanced And harmonized, this has a positive effect on the general mental and even physical state. Many diseases are a consequence stressful situations and excessive stress.

“Working through” during your yoga practice Muladhara, we also influence Kundalini energy. Ancient texts indicate that it is in Muladhare dozing mystical snake Kunadlini– the most powerful cosmic energy.

Muladhara chakra

A chakra is an energy center in the human body. In energetic terms, it looks like a powerful plexus of energy channels. The texts indicate that such centers in human body a bunch of. But among them there are six main ones, the energy in which is responsible for all manifestations of the human being.

These six centers are located in a straight vertical line and are connected by three powerful energy channels - Sushumna (central channel), Ida (left channel) and Pingala (right channel). The lower of these centers is the Muladhara chakra.

Chakra Attributes

In ancient treatises, the chakra is endowed with many attributes, describing them as lotus buds. Each lotus has a certain number petals, they are colored a certain color and everyone has their own bija -mantra.

These attributes are reflected in our symbolic reality energy that circulates in this center. By concentrating on these attributes, we influence this energy. This influence is expressed in attracting energy to this energy center, harmonization its flows, the experience of certain mental states during meditation practice.

Many sources talking about chakras often do not agree on the descriptions of some attributes. In one book it may be written that in such and such a chakra there should be an elephant with ten trunks, while in another they did not say anything about the elephant, but they mentioned some Sanskrit letter. They say the reason for this is that different visionaries have different symbolic images described what they learned in a state of deep meditation.

Attributes of the Muladhara Chakra

There is a certain set of fairly general qualities and attributes of the chakras.

For Muladhara chakras indicate that it is red, four petal lotus, with a yellow square inscribed in it. Bija mantra chakra – LAM.

Practices for harmonizing energy in the Muladhara chakra.

Visualization of chakra (yantra). It is necessary to sit in a meditation pose (Siddhasana, Vajrasana). If you cannot yet sit in these poses for a long time, then it is permissible to carry out this practice by simply relaxing in a chair.

It should be placed in front of the eyes, preferably at a distance of about 30 cm from the face. chakra image(yantra). If you are meditating in a chair, it is acceptable to hold the image in your hands. View the drawing, moving your gaze over the different details of the drawing, trying to examine the entire image. So glance at the picture for a while.

Then you can take a look whole image and watch unblinking, motionless gaze until your eyes get tired.

As soon as you felt fatigueclose your eyes and try visualize the image you just saw. Go through the imaginary details of an imaginary drawing. Visualize yantra entirely. Look into the inner space like this with visualization of the chakra until the image disappears.

The practice can be repeated again - open your eyes again, view the image and repeat the visualization process with your eyes closed.

Repetition of the bija mantra LAM

Each chakra has its own bija mantra. Bija means seed. Seed Mantra– this is the translation into sound of the vibration that activates the energy in a certain chakra. If we're talking about Muladhare, then pronouncing the mantra LAM– bija mantras of this center – leads to active state energy of the lower chakra.

If, while pronouncing LAM, we internally concentrate on the sensations of the pulse at the location of the chakra (perineal area), and repeat LAM with each pulsation, the effect of the practice will increase significantly.

Will give the greatest effect integral meditation– visualization of the image of the energy center in the perineum area, feeling the pulsation and repeating the SO-HAM mantra at the same time.

Duration meditation depends on your availability of free time and experience in meditation practice. You can start this practice from about 10-15 and increase it to 20-30 minutes per meditation session.

The meditation pose can be any. If you are already doing yoga and can sit in meditative poses, then this practice is best done in Siddhasana or Vajrasana.

The technique is extremely simple - take a meditation pose. Take several full yoga breaths and relax your body as much as possible. Turn your attention to the breathing process, but do not control it, but contemplate it, allowing the body to breathe naturally and spontaneously. And every time you inhale, the mind should repeat “SO”, and when you exhale, “HAM”. Something like this: SO-O-O-O-O-HAM-M-M-M-M! The repetition of the mantra synchronized with the breath continues throughout the entire meditation practice.

Whatever thoughts come to your mind, don’t drive them away, but don’t concentrate on them either. And then the thought forms will gradually begin to calm down and the mind will begin to plunge into a state of meditation.

Meditation on the chakra can be carried out at the end, then the mind is already calmer than its usual state, and the energy flows are harmonized.

Many of our readers who are interested in this topic ask us in their letters whether there are special mantras for chakras?

We answer - there are such mantras, and each chakra has its own individual mantra.

But first, if you are new to this topic, check out our following articles:

Anyone, whether amateur or professional, beginner or long-time practitioner, can use the mantras that will be discussed below. They are needed in order to turn on, activate the chakras, and direct them in the right direction.

After all, the chakras will be strong, and will also receive an impetus for further progression, only after the right way igniting the flow of necessary waves.

Mantras for opening chakras

Mantras- These are a special kind of sound vibrations. They should be chanted, stretching out each of them, thanks to this vibration processes arise in the ether, which, in turn, control the sources of energy inside the chakras themselves.

The main thing is, do not forget to work daily and diligently on the condition of your energy centers. The effect will be achieved soon.

And remember that you will get much more benefit from reading mantras personally than from listening to other people’s audio recordings.

After all, active participation in transforming your thinking plays a huge role, so you will get the maximum benefit from your own influence on the state of your thought forms.

At the very beginning, you need to calm down internally, establish control over your own consciousness and relax your body as much as possible.

You should start with the mantra OMMM, while you need to relax your whole body and evenly distribute the vibrations throughout your body - from your head to your fingertips.

MULADHARA. Her bija mantra is the sound combination LAM. To perform it correctly, you need to block Muladhara so that the energy does not go into the Earth, and when pronouncing the sounds MMM at the end of this mantra (LAMMM), so that vibrations are felt at the top of the head.

The main mantra of this chakra: BAM BHAM MAM YAM RAM LAM

Note: bija mantra in Sanskrit means "seed mantra". It is an integral part of mantras.

SVADHISTHANA . Bija: YOU. When pronouncing this sound, concentrate on the second chakra.


MANIPURA. Bija: RAM. Concentration of attention in the navel area, while improving functions digestive tract, which leads to longevity.


ANAHATA. Bija: YAM (YAM). When pronouncing this sound, your tongue should be suspended inside the mouth, and your concentration should be on the heart area.


VISHUDHA. Bija: HAM. In order for the pronounced sound to be correct, it is recommended to form the lips into an oval, as if squeezing air out of the larynx, while concentrating on the depression in the lower throat.

The main mantra of the chakra: AM AAM IM IIM UM UUM RIM RIM LRIM LRIIM EM AIM OM AUM and 2 additional ones: AM HAM (with breathing).

AJNA. Bija: AUM. You need to focus on the center of the forehead between the eyebrows.

Main mantra: HA HA

SAHASRARA– mantra OM. Concentration at the top of the head.

Self-hypnosis formulas for chakra development

When using sets of self-hypnosis formulas, it is worth remembering the order; usually it is the same as for mantras. It is optimal to use them during meditation.

First you need to commit activation of the chakra system. This can be done by saying several special - positive formulas of self-hypnosis - for each chakra separately.

Chakra Muladhara: “I kindle Muladhara”, “I act and I am active”, “I strive for physical perfection and strengthen my body.” At the same time, an image of a burning ball should appear in your imagination. It should be placed mentally near the tailbone.

Svadhisthana Chakra: “I kindle Svadhisthana”, “I love Life and fill it with comfort, convenience and success.” Place the burning ball in your thoughts near the sacrum.

Chakra Manipura: “I kindle Manipura”, “I am strong and strong”, “I am strengthened in spirit.” The place where you should imagine a burning ball is the solar plexus. The image should be placed on the spinal region.

Anahata Chakra: “I kindle Anahata”, “I see new Knowledge and discover the Truth”, “I am looking for Joy.” We mentally move the ball and place it between the shoulder blades.

Chakra Vishuddha: “I kindle Vishuddha”, “I develop myself and develop my environment”, “I control the creative element of my Life.” Cervical region– the next place where the image appears is that of a burning ball.

Chakra Ajna: “I kindle Ajna”, “I master Will”, “I hold Destiny in my hands and control it.” Imagine a ball near your forehead; there should be a feeling of pressure.

Sahasrara Chakra: “I kindle the Sahasrara”, “I am revealed before the Deities.” Place a burning ball in your thoughts in the middle of the top of your head.

Below you can watch a special video designed to activate the chakras using mantras.

Mantra for opening all chakras (video activation)

After completing the work of opening, activating and configuring chakras using mantras and positive affirmations, you need to relax all the muscles of the body as much as possible from excessive tension. This can be done using a special energy exercise ““.

Arthur Golovin


Muladhara chakra (muladara, “root support”) is the main energy center in the subtle-material human body.

The first chakra, muladhara, serves as a support in any material and spiritual activity.

Chakra Characteristics

The symbol of muladhara is a red four-petalled lotus.

  • Sanskrit writing: मूलाधार.
  • Location: perineum.
  • Color: red.
  • Hindu God: Ganapati (Ganesha) or Indra.
  • Bija mantra: lam.
  • Sense organ: smell.
  • Symbol: elephant.
  • Desire: physical contact and security.
  • Element: Earth.
  • Breathing: lunar.
  • Note: C
  • Smell: rose.

Occultists point to the location of muladhara at the base of sushumna - the main energy channel in the human body. Physically, this area corresponds to the coccygeal plexus at the base of the spine. Muladhara is responsible for a person’s physical energy, bone and fat systems, and sexual potency.

Spiritual seekers focus all their energies on developing the upper chakras. In this case, minimal attention is often paid to Muladhara. Why develop the chakra of material nature if a person seeks liberation from it?

There is no crown without roots

If we draw an analogy with a tree, then muladhara is the root of the entire system. It is impossible for a tree to exist without roots, and it is impossible healthy development other energy centers in isolation from muladhara.

Pay attention to the root system of the tree: its development is strictly proportional to the development of the crown. There is no lush crown without strong roots. This rule is accurately reflected in human energy development.

Activation of muladhara will be useful not only for esotericists, but also for those seeking development in the material sphere of life. Stress resistance and good health haven't bothered anyone yet.

Muladhara and Kundalini

According to yogis, the key to Kundalini energy lies in close proximity to muladhara. Karma of past lives also rests in muladhara. The awakened Kundalini rushes up the Sushumna, completely burning out the karma of the past.


The most powerful energy with unlimited potential, concentrated at the base of the human spine.

Although cases of spontaneous awakening of Kundalini are described, yet, by themselves, practices aimed at activating muladhara do not lead to this.

Danger of Kundalini

Activation and development

In yoga, there are various practices designed to activate energy in muladhara: asanas (garudasana, siddhasana, shashankasana) and breathing techniques- pranayama.

The most famous practice for opening muladhara is mula bandha (root lock). It is a simple contraction of the perineal muscles. This practice is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids, prostatitis and other diseases of the pelvic area.

Video meditation to awaken muladhara

Simply chanting the bija mantra “LAM” also helps to open muladhara. To enhance your meditation, use essential oils, the most pleasant and at the same time stimulating muladhara is cedar.

How to restore muladhara?

  • Develop a calm attitude towards the hardships of life. Learn to be patient and don't get annoyed with people. This helps to accumulate energy in muladhara.
  • Take time physical activity, at least for an hour every two days. Swimming is ideal.
  • Massage is useful in any form.
  • Train your body to be flexible and don't let it become rigid.

Supernatural powers

Yoga describes the following siddhis accessible to humans with developed muladhara:

  • Jump high, like a frog. Levitation.
  • Knowledge about the present, past and future.
  • Control over the elements of the Earth.
  • Complete freedom from disease.
  • Finding happiness.

It is said that these abilities can be obtained by reciting the root bija mantra of Muladhara more than 100 million times. This ensures full activation of muladhara.

A complete recitation of the mantra takes at least 5 seconds. It turns out that we will need more than 15 years of pure time to obtain the superpowers bestowed by muladhara.

Correlation with other occult systems

It is interesting that in many esoteric teachings energy centers are described that correspond in their significance to the muladhara chakra.

In Sufism, the lower "lataif" includes elements of the "lower self". In Kabbalah, this is the lowest of the Sephiroth - Malkuth, responsible for the physical nature of man. In astrology, a connection is found with the planet Saturn.

Kundalini Yoga: Activating Muladhara (Maya Fiennes)

Muladhara chakra- the first of the seven main energy centers of the human body. It is located in the area of ​​the perineum and tailbone. This chakra connects a person with the earth and ensures uniform movement of energy in the body.

This root energy center is the foundation for all others located above. Therefore, it should be given priority attention when working with one’s own bioenergy.

Features and properties of the muladhara chakra

The first energy center carries such qualities as confidence, calm, poise, fearlessness, firmness, patience, thoroughness, determination, stability. People with properly functioning root chakra they value what they have, believe in themselves and their dreams, do not give up when they fail, are holistic and strong.

Emotional overstrain, fear, uncertainty, anger, lack of faith in one’s strength, sadness, despondency, anxiety, softness, and loss lead directly to disharmonization of muladhara.

The connection with the earth is disrupted, the energy is unable to rise through the channels or does it incorrectly, balance is lost, it weakens physical body. Such an imbalance can cause diseases of the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system, kidneys and large intestines, and blood.

Meditation on muladhara as the best way to harmonize energy

Restore the correct flow energy in the root chakra everyone can do it with the help of meditative practices and exercises. This work may be aimed at:

  • awakening, opening of a blocked chakra;
  • cleansing from negativity;
  • gaining positive energy by connecting to the elements of the Earth;
  • activation of energy movement, strengthening of muladhara.

All this contributes to the full development of a person at the physical, psychological and metaphysical level.

- the process is simple and accessible to everyone. If you follow all the steps consciously and listen to your body, you can achieve tangible results.

The duration of a particular set of exercises is quite individual and depends on the time you have. It is usually recommended to spend 5-10 to 30 minutes on the process. There is no need to force yourself, the process should always be pleasant.

It is better to meditate in the morning, after waking up, when your brain is not yet overloaded with everyday chores. But even in the evenings, as a release after a busy day, the practices are very useful. Best day of the week for meditation on muladhara chakra- Monday, to lunar calendar- 23 lunar day.

Any comfortable pose is suitable for practice. You can perform meditation either sitting on the floor or in a chair, or standing. The main thing is a state of relaxation and peace. For yoga practitioners: Siddhasana and Vajrasana poses are ideal.

Opening the chakra - awakening internal energy

Awakening Muladhara plays a decisive role in restoring and harmonizing one’s own bioenergy.

Even the most simple meditation on muladhara can trigger the processes of healthy upward flow of energy. Below is a practice on opening the root chakra that everyone can do.

Take a position that is comfortable for you. Take a calm breath and exhale measuredly. After this, hold your breath and contract the muscles in the anus, if you can, also contract the muscles in the perineum and lower abdomen. Do this step twice. Then inhale and feel the energy rising throughout your body. After this, repeat the entire procedure.

Practice duration is 5 minutes. During the process, do not try to evaluate your sensations, but remain an observer. Dig deep into yourself, feel the purity and light of the awakening energy.

Open Muladhara- is not the final goal of working with chakra. We need to develop it, fill it with positivity, and direct the upward flow of energy.

Exercises to cleanse and strengthen the muladhara chakra

If you feel like you have a lot of negative emotions, or experiencing weakness and uncertainty, your root chakra needs help. Clear Muladhara and you can fill it with positive energy using the following practice.

Take a comfortable position It doesn’t matter whether you perform sitting or standing, the main thing is that your feet touch the ground completely. Relax. Focus your attention on the solar plexus and concentrate on the thought “I am.” Then move to the location of the first chakra, repeat the same thought.

Next, turn your attention to your feet, feel the gravity of the earth. Now turn your attention to left leg and feel how a red energy flow flows along it from the earth to you. It gathers in your mooladhara. The stream gathers into a ball of energy and begins to rotate counterclockwise. It takes away all your fears, worries, aggression.

As soon as all the negativity has gathered, it leaves in the same flow through right leg deep into the earth. Now feel the purity in the muladhara chakra, its clear light and warmth. You will be filled with peace and tranquility.

Exercise to strengthen the first chakra

For strengthening energy in muladhara perform the following meditation well.

It is better to do the practice while standing. Close your eyes and imagine warm earth under your feet. Now feel your spine as strong and thick as a tree trunk. This trunk is rooted deep into the ground. You imagine and see how the roots absorb water from the depths and the water goes to your first chakra.

Now you are beginning to grow, the water has nourished you and your branches are reaching towards the sun. You are a tree, with a strong trunk and branches. Now look at yourself and tell me what kind of tree you are, what kind of leaves you have, whether there are flowers or fruits. Once you have a complete picture of your new self, thank the earth for nourishing you.

Take a deep breath. This completes the visualization and practice.

Text in meditation on muladhara

Opening the root chakra promote meditation using sounds and texts. Certain vocal vibrations can open muladhara much faster than silent meditation.

The circulation of energy from the lower chakra throughout the human body is stimulated by sounds and words:

  • Sound "Lam". This is the bija mantra of the first chakra - a vibration translated into sound that activates the energy of muladhara. It should be repeated in time with your pulsation during meditation.
  • Sound "So-ham". Pronouncing it also has a beneficial effect on muladhara. While inhaling we pronounce “so”, while exhaling we say “ham”, stretching the vowels in tune with calm breathing.
  • Statement sentences like “I am calm, nothing scares me or unsettles me”, “I have no fear of this world, the Universe takes care of me”, “I accept everything that happens in my world, I am grateful to the earth for that she gave me life,” etc. Positive attitudes, formulated correctly, can be pronounced at the end of meditation or throughout practice.

Chakra visualization meditation

Visualization of Muladhara- a four-petaled red lotus flower with a yellow square located in it. By concentrating on its image during meditation, we can pump up the root energy center faster. The exercise with visualization of the muladhara yantra is quite simple.

To do this, sit in a position that is comfortable for you at a distance of at least 30 cm from the picture. If you are sitting on a chair, you can hold the yantra at arm's length. Focus on the drawing, look at all the little things, gradually taking in the entire yantra with your gaze.

When your eyes get tired, close them. Try to recreate what you just saw. The meditation can be repeated several times.

  • The greatest effect in working with muladhara can be achieved through integral meditation - combining the use of yantra, sounds and visualization.
  • Musical accompaniment (mantras, ethnic drums) may not be superfluous.
  • You can light incense sticks or oils during meditation (sage, sandalwood, and cinnamon are especially suitable).