Can there be a high temperature with cancer? What is the temperature with cancer: high or low? Anemia and low-grade fever

The human body maintains a certain level of temperature from birth to death. And even small changes (1 degree) can change a person’s well-being. But fever is not only caused by illness. Possible reasons for small changes:

  • time after eating
  • stressful situations
  • influence of the menstrual cycle in girls and women
  • psychological problems

Fever is a protective reaction to certain factors. When body temperature rises, metabolism becomes faster, which has a depressing effect on the causative agents of many diseases (making it impossible for them to reproduce and worsen the pathological process).

Increased temperature in oncology

High fever in oncology is often a consequence of chemotherapy. It should be noted that this symptom may indicate a developing infection, but only a doctor will determine a clear picture based on the test results.

An increase in temperature is not always an indicator of illness, however, such a reaction of the body should be taken very seriously.

An elevated temperature appears during oncology, when a cancerous tumor grows and develops, it releases antibodies, proteins and waste products into the blood and nearby tissues. The immune system, in turn, pays attention to them and tries to fight.

Later, malignant processes damage nearby tissues, which begin to become inflamed. With reduced immunity at this moment, the patient will immediately feel an increase in temperature from 37 to 38 degrees. In the future, other reasons appear:

  1. Infections and bacteria begin to attack the body due to weakened immunity.
  2. If the patient is already undergoing therapy for oncology, the temperature may rise due to the side effects of drugs and especially chemotherapy.
  3. In the last stages of cancer, the temperature constantly remains at a high level, due to the complete destruction of the body by cancer cells and metastases to all organs.

NOTE! If a patient feels a fever or general malaise during cancer treatment, he should immediately contact his doctor. There is no need to take any medications on your own, since this symptom may serve as a response to the tumor, and the doctor should know about this.

Lung cancer at stages 1-2 occurs with virtually no symptoms, which increases the risk of mortality as it progresses. Temperature in lung cancer is a primary symptom, sometimes underestimated by patients. They begin to consult a doctor only if they have a fever or a persistent cough with sputum discharge.

First of all, it is necessary to identify in what manner the temperature rises during lung cancer: day or night and how many days in a row the readings remain stable at 38 degrees. The chemotherapy drugs prescribed by the doctor during treatment may have an effect.

If the temperature jumps to 41-42 degrees, then this is clear evidence that the body is severely infected, weakened and no longer resists the inflammatory process. An increase in temperature to critical levels is a clear sign that you need to visit a doctor. With lung cancer, there is a high probability of sudden death, and it is temperature that can cause it.

If the temperature remains stable and an infectious process occurs in the body, then the doctor must take urgent measures to avoid possible complications and prescribe:

  • antibiotics for bacterial infections;
  • antiviral agents for viral infections;
  • tablets to relieve inflammation and reduce fever (acetaminophen, ibuprofen).
  • the appearance of obvious signs of thrombosis in the legs;
  • thickening of blood in the veins;
  • Lysis syndrome due to the rapid proliferation of cancer cells, leading to metabolic disorders and a decrease in the concentration of electrolytes in the blood.

An increase in temperature together with the described symptoms can be fatal and require immediate medical attention to take emergency measures.

Patients with lung cancer need to know that the temperature usually fluctuates, i.e. increased or decreased (below 34g) with tumor progression. If such an imbalance is observed for more than 2 weeks, then patients should urgently contact a diagnostic center for diagnosis.

Causes of increased body temperature in oncology

Measuring the temperature under the armpit should give results of 36.6˚ C. But for some people the norm is different.

This can be either a low temperature, in our opinion, 36.2 degrees, or a supposedly high temperature of 37-37.5˚ C. That is, a body temperature in the range of 37.2 -37.5 degrees may be a variant of the norm, if the reason is not hidden illness.

An increase in temperature in combination with the following symptoms should alert you:

  • weakness in the body
  • feeling broken
  • chills (getting cold and hot)
  • pain in any organs and parts of the body, including headaches
  • fast fatiguability
  • rash
  • difficulty breathing
  • increased sweating, etc.

Temperatures that are elevated by our usual standards are found in infants who are not yet 12 months old. The thermoregulation system of their bodies has not yet fully developed.

Phases of hyperthermia in cancer

  1. Immunity decreases and infectious activity appears.
  2. The number of leukocytes and mediators (specific substances) increases in the blood.
  3. The hypothalamus begins the process of increasing overall body temperature.
  4. The temperature drops to 37-37.1°C.
  5. Next comes a decrease in temperature due to heat exchange or when taking anti-inflammatory drugs. However, the low temperature may not last long.

Temperature curve graph

What temperature is necessary for cancer with malignant lesions to achieve maximum therapeutic results? In some clinical cases, body thermoregulation indicators of 37.5 ºС – 38.0 ºС help to increase the sensitivity of pathological cells to the effects of highly active x-ray radiation.

The hyperthermic state of the body in combination with radiation therapy gives faster anti-cancer effects in the form of the destruction of a large number of mutated tissues.

Today, some methods of artificially raising body temperature are under development.

This technique involves local thermal exposure to an area of ​​the body where cancer has already formed. Depending on the location of the tumor, there are the following types of local hyperthermia:

  1. An external approach in which thermal energy is applied either to the surface of the skin or to the subdermal layer. These activities are mainly of an application nature.
  2. Intracavitary or intraluminal approaches. These methods are used for cancer of the esophagus and for the diagnosis of rectal cancer. The technique is carried out using a special heated probe, which is inserted into the corresponding organ.
  3. Intermediate techniques are indicated for cancer of deeply localized organs, such as the brain and spinal cord. A special radiofrequency sensor is applied under local anesthesia to the primary site of pathology, causing hyperthermic changes in it.

It involves heating large areas of the body or limbs.

Whole body hyperthermia

This technique is used for multiple metastatic lesions. A systemic increase in body temperature is usually achieved in special thermal chambers.

Particular attention should be paid to situations where the patient may simultaneously exhibit two or more symptoms from this list. Even in the absence of reliable evidence of cancer, this may be one of the signs of early stage cancer.

Can an increase in temperature during cancer benefit the patient, or is it always a sign of a deterioration in his condition?

Clinical experience in managing patients with oncological pathology suggests that in some cases, temperature indicators in the range from 37.5 to 38 degrees contribute to an increase in the sensitivity of atypical (malignant, tumor) cells to the influence of X-ray radiation.

Thus, anticancer radiation therapy is significantly more effective against the background of elevated patient body temperature. This combination gives the result of destroying a larger number of tumor cells during the procedure.

Methods of therapeutic hyperthermia

Today, the combination of hyperthermia with radiation therapy is considered very effective. In this regard, therapeutic techniques related to artificial hyperthermia are being developed.

How to measure temperature

A person's body temperature is measured in certain areas. This is mainly the armpits, but can also be the anus. The last method indicated is used to measure the temperature of children, because it provides more accurate information. Mostly children are not enthusiastic about this procedure.

In adults, the temperature in the armpit should be between 34.7 and 37.2 degrees Celsius. In the rectum, the value is usually a minimum of 36.6, a maximum of 38 degrees is normal. And the norm for the oral cavity is from 35.5 degrees to 37.5.

General symptoms

  • With multiple foci of tumor formations, pain may appear.
  • Inflammatory processes appear in the body due to malignant neoplasms and people feel periodic fever. The condition itself may worsen over a long period of time.
  • Fatigue, weakness, rapid fatigue. If previously the patient could easily work all day, now he quickly gets tired. May be accompanied by drowsiness.
  • The patient loses his appetite and suddenly begins to lose weight. Weight loss can be up to 10 kg, without any diets or exercise, with your usual lifestyle and diet.
  • The skin becomes pale, and if the tumor affects the liver, the color becomes jaundiced. Hyperpigmentation of the skin, red spots and other strange manifestations.

NOTE! First of all, if you have several of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and take blood and urine tests. But the symptoms themselves do not indicate cancer with 100% probability, and this manifestation can also be caused by other diseases.

This begins to disrupt the entire body. Inflammatory processes can begin anywhere, on the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes or genitals. Small wounds now do not heal so quickly and fester under a bloody crust.

Low-grade fever in a child can manifest itself in the form of the following signs:

  • moodiness, lethargy;
  • deterioration or complete loss of appetite;
  • deterioration of sleep - the child may not sleep at all or, conversely, experience excessive sleepiness.

If a child has a low-grade fever for more than 2 days, you should immediately seek medical help and not self-medicate.

Infectious fever in cancer is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Hyperthermia more than 38 ºС.
  2. On palpation, patients often experience hot skin.
  3. Feeling of cold and trembling throughout the body.
  4. Painful sensations in the upper and lower extremities.
  5. Chronic fatigue.
  6. Burning pain during urination.
  7. Digestive system disorders such as diarrhea.
  8. Throbbing headache.
  9. Frequent attacks of dizziness.
  10. Painful sensations in the nasopharynx and oral cavity.
  11. Sharp, wet cough.
  12. The appearance of localized pain in one area of ​​the body.
  13. The tumor hurts.

Is there a fever with cancer? In oncological diseases, there is mainly an increase in hyperthermia levels to low-grade levels (37 ºС – 38 ºС). Such temperature indicators indicate the so-called “low-grade fever.”

This condition of the body in some cases does not require special treatment, especially if low-grade symptoms persist for a short time.

With cancer, fever also occurs during the period of specific anticancer therapy.

For early diagnosis, it is extremely important to know the symptoms of cancer. Such common clinical signs are sudden weight loss, elevated temperature due to oncology, general weakness, fatigue, pain, and changes in the skin.

Of course, none of these symptoms are grounds for diagnosing cancer. But the appearance of any of them should serve as an impetus to see a doctor.

Elevated temperature in oncology

An increase in body temperature in oncology can be observed in the third or fourth stages of the disease. Cancer cells have already spread sufficiently throughout the body. Because of this, many organs and systems suffer. There is an inflammatory process going on. And its external manifestations are an increase in temperature and a feverish state.

Low-grade fever, on the contrary, can be one of the early manifestations of a malignant tumor. Sometimes this symptom precedes other symptoms by six to eight months. This is a long-term but slight (37-38 degrees) increase in body temperature. From several weeks to several months or even years. This sign is characteristic of lymphomas, lymphosarcoma, myeloid leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia.

The formation of immune complexes plays an important role in this process. In response to malignancy, the body turns on the immune system. But the main reason for the increase in temperature is the production of protein by the cancerous tumor (the substance has pyrogenic properties).

If there are no other clinical manifestations of oncology, then the combination of low-grade fever with changes in the blood and urine is important for diagnosis. Protein can also be found there.

Fever - a complication after chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the main methods of treating cancer. But very aggressive. Carrying out this technique can lead to an increase in temperature and other complications. Their degrees:

  • 0 degree (no changes in the patient’s well-being or research results);
  • 1st degree (changes are minor, the patient’s activity is preserved);
  • 2nd degree (the patient’s activity is impaired; laboratory test results need correction);
  • 3rd degree (pronounced disorders, active treatment is required, sometimes the patient has to stop chemotherapy);
  • 4th degree (complete withdrawal of chemotherapy drugs is indicated, since disturbances in the patient’s condition pose a threat to his life).

An increase in temperature after chemotherapy is associated with the development of infection in the patient's body. Nothing is holding her back, since the number of neutrophils in the blood is significantly reduced. If your temperature rises during a course of chemotherapy, this may be the body's reaction to the drugs. Fever does not always indicate illness.

What should the patient remember?

1) At the first sign of chills, be sure to take your temperature. If it is above 38 degrees, tell your doctor.

2) You cannot take antipyretics without consulting a doctor. Fever usually indicates illness. If you knock it down, you will hide the warning.

3) Some chemotherapy drugs cause a flu-like or cold-like reaction. This phenomenon is especially often observed when chemotherapy and interferon are used together. The patient's joints and head hurt, chills begin, appetite deteriorates, and weakness is felt. This reaction can be avoided by taking the medicine at night.

Causes of low-grade fever

The reasons can be very different, because this is only a symptom that can indicate pathologies of various types.


  • chronic inflammation
  • acute infections caused by viruses or bacteria
  • viral hepatitis
  • tuberculosis infection
  • recent viral infection

Autoimmune diseases

  • rheumatism
  • ankylosing spondylitis
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn's disease

Causes not related to infections

  • anemia
  • diseases of the thyroid gland and other organs of the endocrine system
  • oncological diseases
  • reaction to medication use
  • psychogenic causes

Medical science defines the normal temperature of the human body as 36.6 ° C, which accompanies us in a relatively healthy state. However, this indicator does not always - daily and hourly - remain stable.

Numerous studies prove that human body temperature changes depending on the location of measurement, time of day, biological rhythms and, of course, the state of general health. Thus, for a healthy person, the normal range of body temperature is considered to be from 35.5 to 37.4 °C.

The endocrine glands - the hypothalamus and thyroid gland - are responsible for the temperature of the whole body. The mechanism is that the nerve cells of the hypothalamus contain receptors that respond to body temperature by increasing or decreasing the secretion of TSH, which in turn regulates the activity of the thyroid gland.

Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 determine the intensity of metabolism, which is reflected in temperature. The hormone estradiol is involved to a lesser extent in temperature regulation; its increase leads to a decrease in basal temperature, which is more characteristic of the female body and depends on the menstrual cycle.

From this alone it follows that deviations from normal body temperature may depend on the functioning of the endocrine system.

It is interesting that body temperature indicators, depending on hormonal levels, change slightly as follows:

  • increase due to physical activity and food intake;
  • increase in women in the second half of the menstrual cycle;
  • increase in children due to active games or prolonged crying;
  • between morning and evening temperatures the difference can reach one degree - at 4-6 o’clock in the morning the temperature drops, and at 18-22 o’clock it reaches a maximum;
  • a decrease in body temperature occurs during the aging process
  • The decrease in body temperature is determined by age - in men it is slightly lower.

Body temperature often depends on psychological health and balance. Stress and neuroses stimulate an increase in temperature, and in the process of self-persuasion you can actually increase or decrease your body temperature.

Low-grade fever is one at which the increase persists for a stable time at the level of 37-37.5 °C. At the same time, the patient may experience discomfort of varying intensity, or may not experience significant changes in well-being at all.

Low-grade fever is considered a complex medical problem. Its differential diagnosis is sometimes difficult to carry out even for experienced physicians.

We are talking about low-grade fever not when isolated cases of increased temperature are noted, which may be associated with the above-described characteristics of the body, but if deviations are observed in a fixed temperature curve, where temperature measurements are recorded at a certain interval for many days.

Detection of low-grade fever raises the question of what lies at the heart of the disorder before the patient and his doctor. If the symptom was preceded by a disease or long-term treatment, then the answer may be directly related to them, but there are cases when low-grade fever does not contain anything of the kind, but only incipient dysfunction.

Drawing up a temperature curve, careful analysis of accompanying changes in well-being and laboratory diagnostics help identify the causes.

What diseases cause low-grade fever?

The main causes of low-grade fever usually include:

It is noteworthy that low-grade fever of an infectious nature is characterized by:

  • poor temperature tolerance,
  • preservation of daily physiological temperature fluctuations,
  • positive reaction to taking an antipyretic.

Non-infectious low-grade fever is characterized by:

  • slight and sometimes imperceptible occurrence of elevated temperature,
  • no daily fluctuations,
  • lack of response to antipyretics.

When is low-grade fever safe?

Eliminating low-grade fever is impossible without identifying its problem. An idiopathic increase in temperature is noted, but therapeutic effects on this are impossible.

Before generally drawing conclusions about the presence of low-grade fever, it is necessary to diagnose it. Not every increase in temperature to 37-37.5 °C is subfebrile, because it has already been reported that the temperature can increase by 0.5-1 °C in the late afternoon, depending on hormonal emissions and physical activity, and the psycho-emotional state.

The conclusion about low-grade fever is made based on an analysis of the temperature curve, which is usually constructed under the guidance of the attending physician or at least according to his recommendations, including:

  • measuring body temperature twice at the same time - morning and evening;
  • filling out the temperature sheet in accordance with the rules - find in the temperature sheet the column “T” and the temperature grid, each division of which is 0.2; mark the morning temperature readings with a dot along the ordinate axis according to the date of measurement, in the same way mark the evening thermometry readings with a dot, connect the dots with a ruler;
  • The picture obtained over three weeks is analyzed by the attending physician.

If a conclusion is made about low-grade fever, the patient is shown profile and laboratory diagnostics, which begins in the therapist’s office. In search of an answer to the cause of low-grade fever, the patient is often forced to visit the following specialists:

  • otolaryngologist,
  • cardiologist,
  • phthisiatrician,
  • infectious disease specialist
  • endocrinologist,
  • dentist,
  • oncologist,
  • radiologist.

The diagnostics prescribed to determine the causes of low-grade fever are:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • urinalysis - general, as well as cumulative samples, 24-hour urine testing;
  • stool analysis for worm eggs;
  • radiography of the paranasal sinuses;
  • otolaryngoscopy;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • tuberculin tests;
  • hormone testing;
  • electrocardiography;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

Identification of deviations based on the results of any of the diagnostic methods performed becomes a reason for prescribing specific treatment.

Low-grade fever in oncology (from 37 to 38 degrees) is not uncommon. As a rule, this condition does not require any specific treatment, especially if elevated body temperature does not persist for a long time.

In some cases, low-grade fever in cancer appears long before the main symptoms of the disease and for up to six to seven months is the only symptom of oncology. If you do not lose sight of this symptom in a person who has not yet been diagnosed with cancer.

then we can assume, and with a more detailed examination, diagnose cancer at one of the early stages.

In the initial stages of cancer, low-grade body temperature usually remains stable. This situation occurs until the advanced stages of cancer, when sudden changes in temperature begin, which can be unpredictable.

Temperature in oncology

When diagnosing cancer early, it is very important to notice their main symptoms at the very beginning of tumor growth. Among the common signs characteristic of almost all forms of cancer, the following can be noted: sudden weight loss, chronically elevated body temperature, a feeling of constant weakness, lethargy, apathy, rapid fatigue during physical activity, pain of unknown origin, changes in the appearance of the skin.

Naturally, in medical practice, even the combination of all these symptoms is not a sufficient basis for a confident diagnosis of oncology. But the manifestation of any of the above symptoms, especially low-grade fever, is a compelling reason to immediately contact a specialist.

Low-grade fever as a sign of cancer

Temperature as a signal of pathology

This type of change in human body temperature is recognized in medicine as a phenomenon that requires increased attention from a doctor.

A slight increase in temperature in medicine is called low-grade fever. It is characterized by thermometer values ​​from 37.4 to 38 degrees. It is believed that low-grade fever in oncology is one of the early signs of the development and growth of a cancerous tumor and the spread of metastases to nearby organs.

Can there be a low-grade fever with oncology?

In fact, the described symptom is not considered a specific manifestation of cancer. More often, low-grade fever occurs against the background of sluggish chronic inflammation, neurological or infectious diseases.

When poisoning worms, first of all you poison yourself!

Of course, none of these symptoms are grounds for diagnosing cancer. But the appearance of any of them should serve as an impetus to see a doctor.

Elevated temperature in oncology

An increase in body temperature in oncology can be observed in the third or fourth stages of the disease. Cancer cells have already spread sufficiently throughout the body. Because of this, many organs and systems suffer. There is an inflammatory process going on. And its external manifestations are an increase in temperature and a feverish state.

Low-grade fever, on the contrary, can be one of the early manifestations of a malignant tumor. Sometimes this symptom precedes other symptoms by six to eight months. This is a long-term but slight (37-38 degrees) increase in body temperature. From several weeks to several months or even years. This sign is characteristic of lymphomas, lymphosarcoma, myeloid leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia.

The formation of immune complexes plays an important role in this process. In response to malignancy, the body turns on the immune system. But the main reason for the increase in temperature is the production of protein by the cancerous tumor (the substance has pyrogenic properties).

If there are no other clinical manifestations of oncology, then the combination of low-grade fever with changes in the blood and urine is important for diagnosis. Protein can also be found there.

Fever - a complication after chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the main methods of treating cancer. But very aggressive. Carrying out this technique can lead to an increase in temperature and other complications. Their degrees:

  • 0 degree (no changes in the patient’s well-being or research results);
  • 1st degree (changes are minor, the patient’s activity is preserved);
  • 2nd degree (the patient’s activity is impaired; laboratory test results need correction);
  • 3rd degree (pronounced disorders, active treatment is required, sometimes the patient has to stop chemotherapy);
  • 4th degree (complete withdrawal of chemotherapy drugs is indicated, since disturbances in the patient’s condition pose a threat to his life).

An increase in temperature after chemotherapy is associated with the development of infection in the patient's body. Nothing is holding her back, since the number of neutrophils in the blood is significantly reduced. If your temperature rises during a course of chemotherapy, this may be the body's reaction to the drugs. Fever does not always indicate illness.

What should the patient remember?

1) At the first sign of chills, be sure to take your temperature. If it is above 38 degrees, tell your doctor.

2) You cannot take antipyretics without consulting a doctor. Fever usually indicates illness. If you knock it down, you will hide the warning.

3) Some chemotherapy drugs cause a flu-like or cold-like reaction. This phenomenon is especially often observed when chemotherapy and interferon are used together. The patient's joints and head hurt, chills begin, appetite deteriorates, and weakness is felt. This reaction can be avoided by taking the medicine at night.

A course of chemotherapy greatly weakens the immune system. Therefore, during the treatment period, it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, avoid traveling on public transport, visiting public places, and communicating with small children (they are often a source of infections).

They performed radiotherapy on 28 pieces of the rectum, 8 cm from the anal (they said it was not malignant?) Two and a half months later, they performed an operation, after 5 days they offered to re-aperate, refused to bear it, very weak drops, and were discharged after 3 weeks. 7 weeks after the operation, the temperature started, 38, they did chemotherapy and immediately home takes chemotherapy in tablets 4 in the morning and 4 at night, no strength, no appetite, doctors 0 for weight WHAT IS THIS, WHAT TO DO.

after 28 irradiations of the rectum, the male genital organs were burned. (they turned black) - we just see this. and what’s inside we don’t see (but it’s scary to imagine) we tell the doctor no reaction, it’s such pain to walk, how to help, tell me

Tell me how to deal with a high temperature. My husband has esophageal cancer, lung cancer, we discharged him at home and said nothing can be done. He has a very strong cough and cannot sleep because of the cough.

Temperature in lung cancer: what is it like and why does it occur?

Fever in lung cancer is one of the most severe symptoms of this disease, indicating its transition to a severe stage. Throughout the entire period of development of a malignant tumor, thermometer readings can constantly change, rising to critical levels, or decreasing to a normal level.

The factors causing such fluctuations are not yet fully understood. However, in most cases, according to oncologists, such sharp jumps may be due to the side effects of chemotherapy.

Reasons for rising temperature

Lung cancer can develop completely asymptomatically over a long period of time. If an increase in temperature is observed in rare cases, then its indicators do not exceed subfebrile figures.

When a patient suddenly develops a fever, accompanied by severe weakness and malaise, this indicates the growth of the tumor and its damage to the underlying tissues of the organ.

The reasons for the sharp rise in temperature are:

  1. Release of natural cytokines from malignant neoplasms. They provoke a significant increase in temperature to critical levels, and it can persist for a long period of time.

If the temperature of lung cancer is also accompanied by a rash, itching, redness, general malaise and nausea, then this is evidence of the development of an allergic reaction of the body to drugs used to combat the cancer.

Such side effects are quite common, but they require immediate consultation with a doctor, because it is unacceptable to fight cancer and its consequences on your own - this can have fatal consequences.

  • The use of Azathioprine, Hydroxyurea, Rituximab and other chemical or biological drugs for the treatment of lung cancer. Their active components can cause a temporary increase in body temperature, which disappears immediately after stopping the use of these medications.
  • Trousseau's syndrome, characterized by deep pulmonary vein thrombosis.
  • Whatever the cause of the elevated body temperature, you must consult your doctor. Lung cancer is often accompanied by unpleasant accompanying symptoms, which, if possible, should be stopped so as not to worsen the patient’s condition, therefore all necessary measures are taken exclusively by the oncologist.

    What body temperature is considered normal for a malignant tumor? Many patients mistakenly believe that they only need to be wary of high numbers on the thermometer, but this is a misconception.

    A low temperature is no less dangerous, because it reduces the body’s defense response, and therefore it is unable to fight the development of side effects caused by intensive therapy. The functions of cells are disrupted, which leads to their slow death without the possibility of regeneration.

    The normal temperature for this pathology can range from the usual 36.6 to 37.5 °C. Any deviations in one direction or another must be reported to the attending physician to prevent complications of the disease.

    Characteristics of temperature indicators in oncology

    After confirming the diagnosis of lung cancer, oncologists often recommend that their patients keep “temperature” diaries, where even the most insignificant thermometer readings should be noted. This will be a good opportunity for the doctor to fully assess the patient’s health condition and promptly respond to any threats.

    So what does a sharp increase or decrease in body temperature in a person with cancer indicate?

    1. The most dangerous and serious complications in the presence of a malignant tumor in the lungs are obstruction or febrile neutropenia. They provoke a jump in thermometer readings to critical numbers and require immediate medical intervention.
    2. If the temperature is not accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, and is not accompanied by other ailments, this indicates side effects caused by the medications.
    3. If the fever appears in the afternoon, this means that lung cancer has led to the development of an abscess.

    It is important to know: at a low temperature it is much easier to correctly diagnose oncology than at an elevated temperature. It is for this reason that most patients turn to an oncologist with cancer that is in the last stages of development.

    What to do if you have a fever due to lung cancer? Reducing the temperature in oncology patients by using well-known antipyretics for this purpose is strictly prohibited. Firstly, this will not give the desired result, and secondly, in order to achieve an effect, you must first understand the cause of the fever.

    Based on the data obtained, effective medications are prescribed to alleviate the condition and relieve the factors that caused the fever.

    1. If a bacterial infection has been identified, antibiotics are prescribed to kill bacteria and reduce body temperature.

    For viral infections in the respiratory tract or gastrointestinal tract, antiviral drugs are used.

    At the same time, a light diet is prescribed, consisting of drinking plenty of fluids and getting proper rest.

  • “Acetaminophen” and Ibuprofen are the most effective antipyretics for fever and the discomfort associated with it (headache, aching joints, nausea, chills).
  • If the increase in temperature is not caused by any of the above factors, then it is necessary to undergo additional clinical studies, take tests and consult a doctor.
  • This will be the best option with which you can judge the risk of developing severe complications or sudden reactions of the body to the medications the patient is taking.

    Under normal physiological conditions, the hypothalamus maintains a temperature of about 37ºC, which can vary depending on the time of day. The lowest levels are observed in the early morning hours, and body temperature reaches its maximum in the middle of the day. By evening, the thermal state of the body is 36.5 - 37 ºС.

    1. Hyperthermia more than 38 ºС.
    2. Chronic fatigue.
    3. Throbbing headache.
    4. Sharp, wet cough.
    5. The tumor hurts.

    What should the temperature be?

    Whole body hyperthermia

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    2018 Oncology. All materials on the site are posted for informational purposes only and cannot be the basis for making any decisions about independent treatment, including. All copyrights to materials belong to their respective owners

    What to do if the temperature rises due to lung cancer?

    Fever in lung cancer can occur at the initial stage, after chemotherapy and as a result of disease progression. People of all ages can get lung cancer, and there are reasons for this: long-term smoking, respiratory diseases, etc. At the initial stage, cancer is practically asymptomatic, which contributes to the worsening of the disease, as does late referral to specialists and untimely treatment.

    The temperature for lung cancer differs from that of people with the same diagnosis, since it is influenced by the individual characteristics of the human body and the progression of the disease.

    According to statistics, in 80% of patients with lung oncology, the temperature rises from subfebrile (37.2 °C) to the highest thermometer marks (40.2 °C and beyond). The rise in temperature at the initial stage can only occur in the evenings, and its jumps can be up to 38 °C. Sometimes the indicator stays at 37 - 37.5 °C for a long time.

    How to reduce fever with lung cancer?

    How to help a person who has a fever due to an oncological process in the lungs? Most often, a person tries to alleviate the condition with the help of antipyretics and other drugs that are used to treat influenza. This is due to the fact that the initial stage of lung cancer manifests itself as a viral infection: cough with sputum production, slight pain in the chest, rise in body temperature.

    Stages of lung cancer.

    Antibacterial drugs and antipyretics help reduce the temperature for a few days, a maximum of a week, but after that it returns and becomes a person’s companion throughout the entire period of the illness.

    It is impossible to normalize the temperature in lung cancer without appropriate treatment of the disease itself, since it is a sign that an inflammatory process is taking place in the body. Its constant detection should alert those people who are at risk for respiratory oncology - people of mature age, long-term smokers. The risk group also includes those whose profession involves constant contact with harmful substances, as well as people who have had tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.

    According to the data, it is possible to highlight the connection between body temperature and lung cancer:

    • the early stage of lung cancer occurs more often without a rise in temperature or has a slight change;
    • short-term low-grade fever is associated with inflammation occurring in the tissues of the organ around the tumor itself;
    • the temperature curve is a kind of reflection of the stage of development of the disease, indicating the progression of oncology and the growth of the tumor itself.

    What to do if your body temperature rises? First of all, you need to consult a doctor, since it can be a sign not only of oncology, but also of other, no less dangerous diseases. If an increase in body temperature is observed for 2 weeks, while antipyretic drugs do not normalize it or bring it back to normal for a short period of time, then the development of a malignant formation can be suspected with a high degree of probability.

    Causes of this symptom in lung cancer

    You can find out about the presence of oncology in the body by the amount of ESR-5; a multiple increase in the norm of this value indicates the disease. Leukocytes and erythrocytes react to the appearance of a tumor in the body by releasing endogenous pyrogens, which cause a rise in temperature.

    Temperature may also rise after radiation or chemotherapy, which is an absolutely normal recovery process after such an effect on the tumor and the body as a whole.

    Video about lung cancer:

    More often, high temperatures rise with high doses of radiation (over 100 r.). Sometimes a temperature jump may indicate a secondary infection, weakened immunity as a result of illness or appropriate treatment methods.

    The temperature may rise against the background of:

    1. Paraneoplastic syndrome.
    2. Disintegration of neoplasms.
    3. Metastases that are observed at stage 4. They grow into internal organs and bone tissue.

    A specialist will tell you how to treat the disease and its symptoms. As a rule, chemotherapy, radiation, or removal of a piece of the lung where there is a malignant tumor are prescribed. The treatment period is long and difficult, exhausting, but if you consult a doctor early and identify the disease, you can completely cure lung cancer and prolong a person’s life.

    Video about the relationship between smoking and lung cancer:

    Even if the disease was not diagnosed on time (this happens quite often with this pathology), there is no need to despair. There are cases where a patient with respiratory oncology lived for more than 18 years. The main thing when the first symptoms appear is not to self-medicate, but to go to the hospital and undergo a comprehensive examination of the whole body.

    Body temperature in oncology

    Causes of low-grade fever in oncology

    • General signs of oncology
    • Typical signs of cancer
    • It is worth paying special attention

    Low-grade fever in oncology precedes the appearance of other symptoms by 6-9 months. It can last for several months or several years and, if given proper attention, can help in early diagnosis.

    The temperature most often increases with lung cancer, colon cancer, lymphocytic leukemia, lymphosarcoma and lymphomas of various types. At stages III-IV of cancer, the elevated body temperature remains constant, as pathologically altered cells that have spread throughout the body cause a chronic inflammatory process.

    General signs of oncology

    The main signs of oncological processes, when they appear, you need to consult a doctor:

    1. A constant feverish state, low-grade fever at the initial stage and temperature fluctuations at a later stage. Thus, the body activates its defenses and fights the constant inflammatory process.
    2. Sharp weight loss. The first 5-7 kg disappear for no apparent reason, without changing the diet.
    3. The color and quality of the skin changes, hyperpigmentation, skin tumors, urticaria appear, hair growth may increase, and jaundice may appear.
    4. For no reason, you begin to feel weak. At first periodically, then constantly. The feeling of fatigue is so strong that it is “impossible to lift a finger.”
    5. If multiple tumors appear, then painful sensations begin to be experienced from a very early stage.

    You should think about the development of oncological processes if several signs coincide. But these symptoms may also indicate other diseases.

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    Typical signs of cancer

    Typical changes in the body during oncological processes include the following pathology.

    Ulcers of unknown origin form, the wounds do not heal for a long time. All violations of the integrity of the epithelium or mucosa cause inflammatory processes and become infected. Most often, ulcerative defects occur in the oral cavity or on the genitals.

    The following symptoms indicate prostate, urinary or bowel cancer:

    • discharge in the form of pus or blood during bowel movements or urination;
    • frequent urge to defecate or urinate;
    • pain during natural healing;
    • constant increase in temperature: with intestinal cancer, low-grade fever persists from the first stage in 50% of patients, with kidney cancer - in 85%.

    The discharge of blood and pus against a background of low-grade fever indicates pathological processes in the body. With cervical cancer, there is constant bleeding from the vagina; blood when the nipple is pressed indicates malignant formations in the mammary glands.

    Symptoms such as persistent cough, hoarse voice, fever appear quite often with lung or larynx cancer. If the voice completely disappears, then the malignant tumor is localized on the thyroid gland or in the area of ​​the vocal cords.

    A sufficient reason to see a doctor is a tumor that can be felt in the soft tissues. Diagnosis of a neoplasm should be carried out by a doctor. It is especially important not to delay the visit if the compaction increases.

    A sign of digestive cancer is difficulty swallowing, lack of appetite, nausea and a feeling of fullness in the stomach when eating a small amount of food.

    Particular attention should be paid to skin tumors: warts and nevi. If they grow, change color, bleed, itch, or feel pain when touched, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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    It is worth paying special attention

    A low temperature for lung cancer is sometimes the only sign of the disease if the tumor has formed in the lung tissue. The disease of this form is scary because it is detected at the last stage; symptoms may appear to a minor extent or be absent altogether.

    The clinical picture of a tumor in the bronchi resembles acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Pneumonia periodically worsens, high fever, headache, and painful cough appear.

    Symptoms of stomach cancer increase gradually. Based on complaints from patients who very often refuse to undergo a comprehensive examination and “swallow the hose,” gastritis of various etiologies is diagnosed. But therapeutic measures do not bring relief. At stages II-III, the pain intensifies, the skin becomes pale or acquires an earthy tint. Don't wait for visible changes! As soon as the stomach begins to hurt with enviable regularity, an FGS examination is necessary.

    Uterine cancer does not show painful symptoms for a long time. But low-grade fever and leucorrhoea mixed with blood warn about it. If you consult a doctor immediately when atypical discharge appears, the disease can be stopped at the very beginning.

    Brain cancer is curable if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. Its main symptoms are as follows:

    1. Severe pain, aggravated by sudden movements. In 50% of patients, headaches appear only in the morning, after sleep.
    2. Nausea and vomiting. In young children, this symptom manifests itself in the form of frequent regurgitation. In the last stages of cancer, when metastases have already formed, adults experience bloody vomiting.
    3. Dizziness that occurs when changing position and does not go away for a long time. The tumor puts pressure on the nerve centers, causes an increase in intracranial pressure, and pathological changes occur in the vestibular apparatus.
    4. Deterioration of hearing or vision, ringing in the ears.
    5. Weakness in the limbs, paresis at stages III-IV.
    6. Unreasonable aggression, mood swings, apathy or agitation.
    7. Memory losses.
    8. The appearance of hallucinations and epileptic seizures.

    The latter symptomatology, like an increase in temperature, occurs only in 10% of patients and is no longer at stage I.

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    Increased temperature during cancer treatment

    Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatments for cancer. With the help of medications of different groups, they influence pathologically altered cells, stopping their development. Not only “sick” cells are destroyed, but also healthy ones, and therefore the body’s immunity drops and when pathogenic flora is introduced, an infectious disease breaks out instantly.

    For any temperature changes:

    • the mercury dropped below 36ºС;
    • low-grade fever persists;
    • febrile temperature above 38ºС appeared -

    the doctor must be notified. You cannot take antipyretic drugs on your own; an examination must be carried out. Fever may indicate a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of chemotherapy, an allergic reaction, or infection of the body with pathogenic flora.

    If there is a threat to life, a temperature jump above 39ºС, hospitalization in a hospital is necessary.

    Cancer is a serious disease that inhibits the functioning of all internal organs and affects the general condition. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

    Having a low-grade fever for a long time is a sufficient reason to consult a doctor.

    Temperature for cancer

    A fever in cancer may indicate infection of the body with bacterial microorganisms or viruses. Also, fever in cancer is often observed at stages 3-4 of the cancer process.

    Under normal physiological conditions, the hypothalamus maintains a temperature of about 37ºC, which can vary depending on the time of day. The lowest levels are observed in the early morning hours, and body temperature reaches its maximum in the middle of the day. By evening, the thermal state of the body is 36.ºС.

    High fever in cancer includes a rise in body temperature above 38ºC, which implies the presence of an internal pathological process. This condition is considered a fairly common symptom for many types of cancer.

    Temperature for cancer - symptoms, causes

    Infectious fever in cancer is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

    1. Hyperthermia more than 38 ºС.
    2. On palpation, patients often experience hot skin.
    3. Feeling of cold and trembling throughout the body.
    4. Painful sensations in the upper and lower extremities.
    5. Chronic fatigue.
    6. Burning pain during urination.
    7. Digestive system disorders such as diarrhea.
    8. Throbbing headache.
    9. Frequent attacks of dizziness.
    10. Painful sensations in the nasopharynx and oral cavity.
    11. Sharp, wet cough.
    12. The appearance of localized pain in one area of ​​the body.
    13. The tumor hurts.

    Is there a fever with cancer? In oncological diseases, there is mainly an increase in hyperthermia levels to low-grade levels (37 ºС – 38 ºС). Such temperature indicators indicate the so-called “low-grade fever.” This condition of the body in some cases does not require special treatment, especially if low-grade symptoms persist for a short time.

    With cancer, fever also occurs during the period of specific anticancer therapy.

    What should be the temperature for cancer?

    What should be the temperature for cancer? The febrile state in oncology goes through three phases in succession:

    1. Raising body temperature. In response to the penetration of bacterial and viral infections or the formation of a pathological process, the human body produces an increased number of leukocytes, the mass of which gradually increases in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. A large number of white blood cells affects the hypothalamus, which provokes hyperthermia. In the early stages of fever, the patient often feels cold and shivering. This is a reaction of the superficial layers of skin and muscles to an increase in body temperature. The essence of this phenomenon is the narrowing of the epidermal blood vessels, which contributes to the maximum preservation of internal thermia. Also, periodic muscle contraction as a result of stenosis of the vascular system is considered a response.
    2. In the second phase of hyperthermia, heat exchange processes are balanced, which is clinically manifested by stabilization of the hyperthermic state. For example, the temperature for lung cancer can range from 37 ºС to 37.5 ºС for months, without causing particularly discomfort to the cancer patient.
    3. Cooling the body. In the terminal phase of hyperthermia, the superficial blood vessels open, which causes profuse sweating and, as a consequence, a decrease in body temperature. This process is usually stimulated with the help of pharmaceuticals, although in some clinical cases independent thermoregulation is observed.

    The use of hyperthermia in anticancer therapy

    What temperature is necessary for cancer with malignant lesions to achieve maximum therapeutic results? In some clinical cases, body thermoregulation indicators of 37.5 ºС – 38.0 ºС help to increase the sensitivity of pathological cells to the effects of highly active x-ray radiation. The hyperthermic state of the body in combination with radiation therapy gives faster anti-cancer effects in the form of the destruction of a large number of mutated tissues.

    Methods of therapeutic hyperthermia

    Today, some methods of artificially raising body temperature are under development.

    This technique involves local thermal exposure to an area of ​​the body where cancer has already formed. Depending on the location of the tumor, there are the following types of local hyperthermia:

    1. An external approach in which thermal energy is applied either to the surface of the skin or to the subdermal layer. These activities are mainly of an application nature.
    2. Intracavitary or intraluminal approaches. These methods are used for cancer of the esophagus and for the diagnosis of rectal cancer. The technique is carried out using a special heated probe, which is inserted into the corresponding organ.
    3. Intermediate techniques are indicated for cancer of deeply localized organs, such as the brain and spinal cord. A special radiofrequency sensor is applied under local anesthesia to the primary site of pathology, causing hyperthermic changes in it.

    It involves heating large areas of the body or limbs.

    Whole body hyperthermia

    This technique is used for multiple metastatic lesions. A systemic increase in body temperature is usually achieved in special thermal chambers.

    It is important to know:

    Low-grade fever in oncology

    A slight increase in temperature in medicine is called low-grade fever. It is characterized by thermometer values ​​from 37.4 to 38 degrees. It is believed that low-grade fever in oncology is one of the early signs of the development and growth of a cancerous tumor and the spread of metastases to nearby organs.

    Can there be a low-grade fever with oncology?

    In fact, the described symptom is not considered a specific manifestation of cancer. More often, low-grade fever occurs against the background of sluggish chronic inflammation, neurological or infectious diseases.

    An increase in temperature to values ​​of 37.4-38 degrees can also occur with oncology, but is usually recorded in the late stages of tumor growth. This occurs due to the fact that cancer cells have spread throughout the body and damaged most of the internal systems, provoking inflammatory processes in them.

    As a rule, low-grade fever is observed in the following forms of oncological pathologies:

    Can chemotherapy for cancer cause low-grade fever?

    Drugs used in the treatment of cancer greatly weaken the immune system and also disrupt its normal functioning. Therefore, after chemotherapy, the body temperature of patients can actually rise to 38 degrees. Usually this symptom is accompanied by other unpleasant phenomena - weakness, nausea, decreased performance, vomiting, and a tendency to viral and bacterial infections.

    Low-grade fever during cancer treatment lasts quite a long time, up to several months. The body's thermoregulation is restored after the immune system is normalized.

    - an insidious disease and death at the last stage is almost inevitable. Temperature in lung cancer is a concomitant symptom, although it is generally accepted that it increases only due to a cold or taking certain medications.

    There are three stages of temperature rise: when it fluctuates, constantly remains at a high level, or declines to normal after taking antibiotics, after their withdrawal the temperature begins to rise again.

    This causes some difficulties for doctors when carrying out differential diagnosis due to the similarity of temperature curves for lung cancer and other infectious diseases. An important feature of the oncological process occurring in the lungs is the temperature indicator of 38 degrees for 2-3 weeks.

    In addition, elevated temperature indicates the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes or other organs and systems in the body.

    Increased temperature in oncology

    Lung cancer at stages 1-2 occurs with virtually no symptoms, which increases the risk of mortality as it progresses. Temperature in lung cancer is a primary symptom, sometimes underestimated by patients. They begin to consult a doctor only if they have a fever or a persistent cough with sputum discharge.

    The temperature can vary from 37 to 41 degrees, but does not subside for a long time, remains within subfebrile levels, fluctuates, occurs periodically from time to time, or remains stable for a long time.

    Why does the temperature rise

    A malignant tumor in the lungs negatively affects the immune system and respiratory tract when air is inhaled. The development of inflammation is inevitable, especially with small cell cancer.

    It has been proven that this type of cancer begins to develop when inhaling air above 34 degrees Celsius, which often allows doctors to make an accurate diagnosis. In addition, temperature rises to high values ​​are influenced by the process of release of interleukin from tumor cells, which appears against the background of taking chemicals and antibiotics prescribed to patients for therapeutic purposes.

    In addition to a febrile state, patients experience:

    • skin rash;
    • signs of hemophilia;
    • intoxication of the body under the influence of biological drugs taken by the patient (interferon, rituxim, azathioprine, hydroxyurea);
    • thrombosis in the veins, which indicates the development of cancer called Trousseau syndrome.

    What measures should be taken when the temperature rises?

    First of all, it is necessary to identify in what manner the temperature rises during lung cancer: day or night and how many days in a row the readings remain stable at 38 degrees. The chemotherapy drugs prescribed by the doctor during treatment may have an effect.

    If the temperature jumps to 41-42 degrees, then this is clear evidence that the body is severely infected, weakened and no longer resists the inflammatory process. An increase in temperature to critical levels is a clear sign that you need to visit a doctor. There is a high probability of sudden death, and it is temperature that can cause it.

    If the temperature remains stable and an infectious process occurs in the body, then the doctor must take urgent measures to avoid possible complications and prescribe:

    • antibiotics for bacterial infections;
    • antiviral agents for viral infections;
    • tablets to relieve inflammation and reduce fever (acetaminophen, ibuprofen).
    • the appearance of obvious signs of thrombosis in the legs;
    • thickening of blood in the veins;
    • Lysis syndrome due to the rapid proliferation of cancer cells, leading to metabolic disorders and a decrease in the concentration of electrolytes in the blood.

    An increase in temperature together with the described symptoms can be fatal and require immediate medical attention to take emergency measures.

    Patients with lung cancer need to know that the temperature usually fluctuates, i.e. increased or decreased (below 34g) with tumor progression. If such an imbalance is observed for more than 2 weeks, then patients should urgently contact a diagnostic center for diagnosis.

    Informative video

    As you know, temperature is the body’s protective reaction to harmful agents entering it. Its growth often occurs during a cold, and it is thanks to the increase in temperature that we quickly identify the disease, and when it is restored to normal levels, we rejoice that everything is in order.

    But sometimes increase in ttemperature occurs without anyor obvious reasons, and if this phenomenon occurs over a long period of time, you should consider consulting a doctor, as this is one of the common symptoms of cancer.

    However, you shouldn’t “panic” - this could be a sign of a completely harmless disease, but this fact should alert you and force you to undergo the necessary examination.

    High temperature and oncology

    At a certain stage it is observed in almost everyone. Symptoms occur as a result of cancer cells affecting the person's immune system. Quite often this indicates a widespread and progressive disease, but there are cases where an increase in temperature is an early sign of cancer.

    The cause of high temperature may be lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia, liver or kidney cancer, as well as bone metastases.

    • At the early stage of lymphogranulomatosis, high temperature is the only symptom.
    • With lymphoma, enlarged lymph nodes are additionally detected.
    • Acute leukemia presents with high fever and anemia.
    • With kidney cancer, high fever is accompanied by hematuria and pain in the side.
    • Ovarian cancer, gastrointestinal and central nervous system tumors may also be accompanied by fever.
    • Atrial myxoma's symptoms resemble infective endocarditis, accompanied by fever, changes in heart murmurs and peripheral arterial embolism.

    Increase in temperature after chemotherapy

    High temperature in oncology often a consequence of chemotherapy. It should be noted that this symptom may indicate a developing infection, but only a doctor will determine a clear picture based on the test results.

    An increase in temperature is not always an indicator of illness, however, such a reaction of the body should be taken very seriously.

    What you need to know

    1. Never take antipyretics without consulting your doctor. Temperature warns of illness, and taking medications hides this warning.
    2. There are a number of medications that can cause flu-like symptoms. This often occurs when chemotherapy drugs are combined with biotherapy drugs.
    3. During treatment, avoid contact with sick people.
    4. Maintain good hygiene.
    5. Avoid public transport.

    Signs of infection

    Signs of the onset of infection are:

    • heat;
    • excessive sweating at night;
    • loose stool.