Week to prevent the use of tobacco products “We are for clean lungs! Crime Prevention Week at school events

Prevention week at school No. 1

From 04/14/14 to 04/19/14, Prevention Week was held at MKOU Secondary School No. 1, all events were carried out according to the Week plan. The purpose of the Week was tolegal education of schoolchildren, development of skills of law-abiding behavior, healthy lifestyle skills; crime prevention,formation of a positive perception of the surrounding world.

IN Monday The opening of the Week took place. The 3rd floor recreation area was decorated information stand “We are for the right choice”(the information was accompanied by colorful photographs of athletes and school activists), where students in grades 5-11 had the opportunity to get acquainted with information on a healthy lifestyle, the rights and responsibilities of a child in an interesting and accessible way. From 8.00 to 8.30 on the 2nd and 3rd floors a flash mob “Get ready to exercise!” was organized for all students.

Also on Monday, the social worker and the school administration held a meeting of teachers on the prevention week,

The exhibition “Say Yes to Life” was organized in the library.

From April 14, 2014, a trust post was organized at the school. In the mailbox, which was installed on the first floor of the school, each student could send a wish or request to the administration or psychologist. to a social educator with any question that interests him. A total of 25 letters were received.

In Tuesday 7th grade students visitedHealth Center, where psychologist B conducted the training "Risk Zone" The purpose of this event was to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent bad habits.

For students of other classes, class teachers prepared thematic classes promoting a healthy lifestyle, aimed at preventing the commission of offenses and antisocial acts, on the topics“Mercy”, “How to protect yourself from the influence of bad habits”, “Living in accordance with the law”A total of 16 class hours were held.

Main event environment there was a visit from the inspector of the ODN of the Ministry of Internal Affairs A, who held a conversation with 5th grade students “Responsibility of minors for committing offenses. Curfew".

Also during the day during life safety lessons, teacher M showed cartoons “Smeshariki. Rights", "Smeshariki. Health”, “Safe Internet”.

IN Thursday jointly by the school administration and the social teacher were committed preventive raids to disadvantaged families and “at-risk” families. A total of 5 families were visited to examine material and living conditions, check employment and the whereabouts of minors in the evening.

After classes, the first stage of the school music festival “Positiffchik” was held for students in grades 5-7, the purpose of which was to formulate among schoolchildren the belief that maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding forms of behavior that are dangerous to life and health is the most effective prevention.

IN Friday Lectures were organized for students in grades 8-9 by a traffic police inspector and a representative of the police inspectorate

After lessons, the second stage of the school music festival “Positiffchik” was held; students from grades 8-11 took part in it.

Also at 14.00 an extended meeting of the school prevention council was held with the participation of representatives of the KDN and ZPAnd. The cases of 3 students were reviewed.

IN Saturday teachers physical culture, school-wide competitions in pioneer ball and football were held. The participants were representatives of classes. 360 students were covered.

During the week there was drawing competition for students “The beauty of the world around us.” Students of grades 5-7 took an active part in the competition and presented a wide variety of drawings encouraging a healthy lifestyle and telling the beauty of life.

Also during the Week there was held Promotion for students of all grades "A week without delays." The social teacher monitored students every day who were late for classes for an unexcused reason. The winners of the Promotion were grades 6a, 7d, 8b, whose students were not late for school classes even once during the week.

A school psychologist conducted a survey over the course of a week, identifying the number of children in the school who have a negative attitude towards the use of psychoactive substances and children who approve of the use psychoactive substances. The survey made it possible to identify classes in which it is necessary to actively promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent the use of surfactants.

Social teacher MKOU Secondary School No. 1


Director of MAOU DSSH No. 4

Belyakova M.N.


on the prevention of juvenile delinquency

in MAOU DSOSH No. 4 in the 2014-2015 academic year

(Days of legal knowledge at school)

every third Thursday of the month


  1. Creating a favorable microclimate for school students
  2. Comprehensive development of abilities, creative and social activity of students.
  3. Psychological and pedagogical work on crime prevention.


1-4 grades

5-8 grades

9-11 grades


Safety Month

Conducting a single road safety prevention day. Preventive measure"Attention - children1"

Legal Knowledge Day

Class hours on the topic: “rules of behavior in elementary school”

Safety Month

Performance by UID school teams dedicated to safety traffic

Legal Knowledge Day

All-Russian lesson on the Constitution

Safety Month

Carrying out a single day of road safety prevention Preventive event “Attention Children1”

Conversations on the topic:

"Rules of the road in the Russian Federation"

Participation in the Presidential Competition

Legal Knowledge Day

All-Russian lesson on the Constitution of the Russian Federation


Legal Knowledge Day

Conversations “The ABCs of School Life”

Preventive event “Attention - children!”

Legal Knowledge Day

Cl. clock on the topic:

“Convention on the Rights of the Child” (5th grade)

Competition of propaganda teams of detachments “Young Firefighter” (7th grade)

Legal Knowledge Day

Class hours on the topic: “Administrative and criminal liability for crimes committed”

Participation in the Presidential Sports Games


Legal Knowledge Day

Organization of anti-smoking and anti-alcohol prevention

Conversation with a school psychologist

(together with representatives of ODN) for class. entry-level managers:

“Is early prevention of smoking and alcohol consumption necessary?”

(By program “All colors except black”)

Legal Knowledge Day

Celebration of the “Day of Tolerance”

(according to the program “All colors except black”

School-wide parent meetings on the topic:

“Psychological characteristics of students” (5-6 grades)

Legal Knowledge Day

Celebration of the “Day of Tolerance”

Course of conversations between representatives of the Family center

(on the agreed topic of human behavior in society)

(grades 9–10)


Legal Knowledge Day

Preventive measure “Winter holidays”

Speech at parent meeting at the end of the semester on the topic: “School Charter. Children's behavior at school"

Rep. Khlebnikova O.N.

Legal Knowledge Day

Conducting conversations (8 grades) on the subject of personal hygiene

Class hours with the creation of pedagogical situations for constant exercises of students in moral actions

Celebrating Road Safety Week

Conversations and lectures by inspectors. by class: “A simple prank or already hooliganism” and “On the dangers of pyrotechnics on a holiday New Year. Fire-fighting equipment"

(grades 5-8)

Legal Knowledge Day

Class hours dedicated to the education of moral qualities of an individual (with the participation of a traffic police inspector)

Conversations and lectures by ODN inspectors by grade:

“Responsibility of teenagers for the use of pyrotechnics in courtyards, when there are crowds of people during the New Year celebration” for all classes)


Legal Knowledge Day

A series of conversations on the program “All colors except black”

Conversation-presentation from the series about a healthy lifestyle “Your habits and actions”

Rep. Buranenko I.V.

Legal Knowledge Day

Classroom hours: “On the implementation of the School Charter”

Program “All colors except black”

Conversation with a traffic police inspector on the topic: How does the law regulate alcohol consumption and smoking?”

Social Conversations school teacher with individual students on the topic “Bad language”

Participation in round table dedicated to the siege of Leningrad

Legal Knowledge Day

Classroom: “On the implementation of the school charter

Anti-drug poster competition

Program “All colors except black”

Social conversation school teacher on the topic: “The dangers of smoking”

(9th grade)

Participation in the regional competition of corners “International-

no friendship"

(9th grade)

Organizing and conducting conversations on the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction

(with representatives of the drug treatment clinic)


Legal Knowledge Day

Cl. watches featuring WWII veterans

"Tales of War..."

Legal Knowledge Day

Lessons in courage.

Meetings with WWII veterans.

Formation review and songs

Legal Knowledge Day

Memory watch.

Lessons in courage.

Meetings with WWII veterans

Wall newspaper competition

Individual conversations with students at risk. Individual work with parents of “difficult” teenagers


Legal Knowledge Day

Thematic conversation “About the Motherland”

Preventive measure “spring break”

Legal Knowledge Day

Conversation by the school’s social and psychological service: “Norms of behavior at school”

(with the participation of representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service)

Preventive event “Spring Break”

Legal Knowledge Day

Conversation by the school’s social and psychological service: “Norms of behavior at school”

Cl. watches on legal topics

Organizing and conducting conversations on crime prevention

(with the participation of representatives


Preventive event “Spring Break”


Legal Knowledge Day

Celebration of Children's Day

Month “For a Healthy Lifestyle”

Program “All colors except black”

Cl. hour “Habits harmful to children”

(2-4 grades,)

resp. Zudina O.N.

Labor Day

Legal Knowledge Day

Program “All colors except black”

Social and psychological service of the school: dialogues and conversations “The influence of smoking on the human body”

Labor education.

Review competition: The cleanest class"

Participation in the military sports game "Zarnitsa"

Organization and holding of “Children’s Day”

Legal Knowledge Day

Program “All colors except black”

Cl. hours on topics:

"Why do people use drugs"

“What drinks are called low-alcohol and how they can be dangerous”

(grades 10-11) with the participation of ODN inspectors

Scientific and practical conference "Fatherland"

Labor Day

Inspection of school areas “Cleanliness around us”

Participation in sanitary post competitions

Organization and holding of “Children’s Day”


Legal Knowledge Day

Cl. accident prevention watch

Preventive measure carried out before starting summer holidays"Attention - children"

Gala reception at "Fireflies"

Legal Knowledge Day

l. clock on the topic:

“Prevention of accidents and crimes on city streets during school holidays”

(with representatives of traffic police)

Formation review and songs

Ceremonial reception to the pioneers

Legal Knowledge Day

Program “All colors except black”

Conversations with representatives of the Russian State University for the Humanities " Right choice» (on career guidance for schoolchildren)

Participation in the formation and song competition

5-day military training for 10th grade boys with a trip to the Ilyinskaya military unit

1. Work of school social educators with a database: students “At risk”, “Disadvantaged families”, “School students who constantly or regularly miss classes without good reasons"(monthly).

  1. Organizing and conducting inspections of disadvantaged families together with the school administration (during the school year)
  2. Preventive social conversations teachers of the school with students at risk and students who violate the school charter (constantly).
  3. Administrative conversations with parents of students who violate the school charter (during the school year)
  4. Work of clubs and sports sections.

In accordance with the order of the Education Department of the Ust-Ilimsk City Administration dated November 6, 2018. No. 648 “On holding a single regional preventive week “We are for clean lungs”, timed to coincide with World No Smoking Day from November 12 to 16, 2018 in 14 municipalities educational institutions and MAOU DO CDT held a preventive week “We are for clean lungs”, dedicated to World Day no tobacco. The main goal of which is to create conditions to reduce the risks of using tobacco products students of educational institutions.

Participants in the Week included 6846 (APPG-6335) students, 362 (APPG-343) teachers, 381 (APPG-1193) parents (legal representative).

122 events were carried out (APPG-115).

The results of the prevention week by local government can be found here.

At MAOU “City Gymnasium No. 1,” grandparents held master classes for high school students under the motto “Life is beautiful when you’re doing what you love!” There was also a campaign “Start the day with candy...”.

At MAOU "Experimental Lyceum "Scientific and Educational Complex" and MAOU "Secondary School No. 7 named after L.P. Pichuev" The traditional flash mob “Breathe! Move! Live!”, and also organized an exhibition of posters and drawings “Sport in our lives”, sports competitions, entertaining activities “Move more - you will live longer”, and conversations with a paramedic about the dangers of smoking.

Trainings “To smoke or not to smoke?” were held at MBOU “Secondary School No. 1”. In a playful way, the guys voiced the main aspects of the dangers of smoking for a growing body, and carried out exercises “Unprotected object”, “Pros and cons”.

At MBOU "Secondary School No. 2" the main goal of the events was to draw the attention of children to the problems and consequences arising from tobacco use and to attract them to a healthy lifestyle.

At MAOU “Secondary School No. 5” there is a preventive week “We are for clean lungs!” was held under the motto “We are for a healthy lifestyle! We are for it healthy Russia! As part of the week, preventive ten-minute sessions were held, a blitz survey “I don’t smoke, and I like it!” Why don’t you smoke?”, in which students, teachers, and parents took part. The most popular answers: “smoking is dangerous to health”; “I prefer sports to cigarettes”; “It’s no longer fashionable.” The “Positive” volunteer team held the “Breathe Freely!” campaign for students in grades 5-11, aimed at preventing smoking and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Throughout the week, the school held sports and health days under the motto “A healthy image is the key to success!” " Healthy lifestyle- YES!" An exhibition of drawings, posters and collages was organized under this name. Through creative works school students showed that health is main value for a person. The result of the week “We are for clean lungs!” was a flash mob.

At MAOU Secondary School No. 9, in addition to communication classes “Learning to communicate and interact without bad habits”, “Let’s talk about important things”, design of the “Formula of Health” exhibition, a competition program “Dad can do anything!” was organized.

At MAOU “Secondary School No. 11”, together with the employees of the “Dobrodar” library, schoolchildren of grades 8-9 had a conversation on the topic “Secrets of manipulation: tobacco.” In the 5th microdistrict, the guys from the “Health+” post, together with a social teacher, conducted a “Stop, smoker!” raid.

In MAOU "Secondary School No. 12" named after. Semenova V.N. students were invited to watch the cartoons “Secrets of Manipulation: Tobacco” and “The Mystery of a Single Smoke”, sports competitions “Day of Sports and Health” were held, a creative exhibition was organized and much more.

As part of the preventive week, the MAOU DO CDT hosted fun starts “Forward to Victory!”, a debate “My health is in my hands”, and a tournament “We are a healthy generation”.

The debate “My health is in my hands” was conducted by teachers in the “Counselor” and “School of Social Partnership and Success” associations. The guys came to the general opinion that bad habits, which include smoking, undermine human health, especially children and adolescents. In order not to fight with bad habits, it is better to take care of yourself from a young age and lead a healthy active lifestyle.

One of the ways to always stay healthy is through sports games and various kinds of tournaments. Similar events were held in Football associations. Young athletes held master classes with the ball, demonstrating various feints.

The guys warmed up well at the tournament: they were divided into teams and went through different relay races. Everyone knows that relay races are children’s favorite sporting event; they provide an opportunity to participate as a team, which promotes unity and also competition between participants. Causes excitement for both athletes and fans.

Sports activities are beneficial for any child because they improve health and shape personality. Moreover, it is also good way spending leisure time in the company of friends.

A bright end to the prevention week was the participation of volunteer activists in the II Festival of Talented Youth “KoMok”. The guys prepared and conducted a master class “We are so different, we are so cool”, an event “45 kind words anniversary of your beloved city" and the flash mob "Together RDSh". It was with great pleasure that we took part in other promotions and events held by school volunteer associations “ Open Hearts"(8th school), "Friend" (gymnasium), " Faithful friends"(school 2), "Mercy" (school 7) and other children's youth associations and organizations.