Appeal to God through the mantra Om. Indian mantra OM SAT NAM - knowledge of the comprehensive truth

Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively to an object and maintain this direction without distraction.



From the beginning of creation three words - om tat sat- used to denote the Supreme Absolute Truth. These three symbolic words were spoken by the brahmins when they sang Vedic hymns and performed sacrifices in the name of the Supreme. (BG 17.23)

A comment:
As already stated, austerities, sacrifices, donations and food can be divided into three categories according to the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. But, no matter what category - first, second or third - they belong, they are all conditioned, contaminated by the qualities of material nature.

However, when their goal is the Supreme - om tat sat, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the primeval Lord - they become a means of spiritual self-improvement, as all the scriptures affirm. And three words: om tat sat - directly point to the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All Vedic hymns contain the syllable Om.

One who acts contrary to the instructions of the scriptures will never understand the Absolute Truth. He will get only temporary results, but will not achieve the highest goal of life. It follows that our donations, sacrifices and austerities should be in the mode of goodness. The influence of passion and ignorance greatly reduces their value.

Three words - om tat sat - are associated with the holy name of the Supreme Lord: om tad visnoh. When we recite Vedic hymns or say holy name Gentlemen, you always need to add om. This is what the Vedas prescribe.

These three words are taken from Vedic mantras:
ॐ Om ity etad brahmano nedishtham nama (Rig Veda) indicates the first goal
ॐ tat tvam asi (Chhandogya Upanishad, 6.8.7) denotes the second
ॐ sad eva saumya (Chhandogya Upanishad 6.2.1) defines the third goal.

Coming together they form om tat sat.

At the dawn of creation, when Brahma, the first living entity, performed austerities, he uttered these three words, referring to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Accordingly, the same principle is followed by all followers of Brahma in the disciplic succession. So this mantra has a very deep meaning. Therefore Bhagavad-gita states that all activities should be aimed at satisfying om tat sat, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

One who utters these three words while performing austerities, charitable activities or sacrifices acts in Krsna consciousness. Krishna Consciousness is a spiritual activity that has a scientific basis and enables one to return home, back to Godhead. When a person acts in such a transcendental manner, he does not waste a drop of his energy.

Although the three types of spiritual activities - sacrifice, purification and mercy (yajna, tapas and dana) - are the most sublime of all the activities that are performed in the world, they are all affected by worldly contamination, including their most sattvic forms. To cleanse them, say "Om Tat Sat" before starting them. This ancient formula of three words goes back to the very beginning of time, when the Divine first revealed itself in sound. Each of the words - Om, Tat and Sat - represents the Supreme Consciousness from which everything else comes.
Let's look at them separately.

Syllable Om(in essence - a name that calls to the Almighty) - what spiritually wise people say when embarking on any spiritual endeavor. This gives their deeds a sacred and sublime character and begins the destruction of the impurity in them.

Speaking Tat(literally: “That”, God) while performing godly deeds, they remind themselves that all actions belong not to them, but to God. This way they get rid of the feeling of “I” and “mine”, that is, selfishness in relation to what they do.

The sound of the word Sat(literally: “That which is”, Being Itself) evokes a righteous attitude towards everything and reminds that the work one is embarking on is a good work, leading to the realization of God. By pronouncing Sat, you purify your own affairs and change the world for the better.

The word Sat also has other connotations and is used for other purposes. Sat is any action performed for the sake of the Divine. Also, Sat is constancy in every spiritual endeavor (sacrifice, purification and mercy).
Repeating this formula - Om Tat Sat- creates an elevated attitude towards any activity. The implication is that Sat ("That which is") is both the means and the end: both the Divine and the path to its attainment.

If Putin does go to the polls, then, of course, he will win - these are the features of our elections. But in this case, he will not live very long...

Holotropic Breathwork- the most effective of the three used in modern psychology and psychotherapy breathing techniques(“Big Four” - holotropic breathing, vibration, rebirthing, Free Breathing). The altered (or holotropic) states of consciousness that occur during holotropic breathwork have extremely powerful healing and transformative effects. Holotropic sessions in many cases bring difficult emotions and all sorts of unpleasant physical sensations to the surface. Their full manifestation makes it possible to free yourself from their disturbing influence

This is a short but effective complex that takes only 15 minutes. Remember that any exercise becomes yoga in the presence of three conditions: 1) conscious concentration of attention during the exercise 2) building a complex according to the action-compensation principle 3) upon completion of the complex - complete relaxation (shavasana) and then contemplation (observe what happened in the body and/or changes in consciousness).

Mantras are divine sounds given to people to maintain contact with the Absolute. The Absolute, through its students, your mentors (Gurus), transmitted the frequencies of these sounds. If such sounds are pronounced correctly by a person, then they achieve their goal - they will be heard by the deity to whom they are attributed.

The meaning of the Om mantra

Examples of mantras can be listened to online by watching videos on the Internet. Why video? The fact is that the colors and plots in the video are perfectly chosen, allowing you to concentrate on the sounds of the mantra themselves. If you listen to several mantras, you will see similarities - many mantras use the syllable “Om”.

It is not surprising that “Om” is used in many mantras. Everything is explained very simply - “Om” is the fundamental bija mantra. It's like a greeting or a call. You call with the help of a simple syllable of a certain frequency of the Absolute itself. If you analyze the pronunciation of the universal syllable, you will hear - AUM. Where each letter, and when pronounced, a piece of melody has its own meaning:

  • A – the universe or consciousness.
  • U is a bridge from a person to cosmic energy, a deity or the subconscious.
  • M – invisible world, unconscious.

Om is a kind of foundation for comprehending mantras. It is necessary to start practicing chanting with just such a bija mantra. The lightest and most important vibration. By choosing the right frequency and tonality, you thereby build a bridge between you and the cosmos. This syllable, like a note of music, gives rise to all other endeavors. By practicing a mantra, you open secret passages for studying and learning the correct frequencies of other sounds.

As an example of the fact that the sound Om is used in mantras, one can cite a prayer that brings success in business. Mantra Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha is also called the prayer of prosperity. As you can see, before pronouncing the sacred sounds that bring success and prosperity, they say “Om”. They contact and then ask. You can find out how this chant sounds by listening to it online.

Om Tat Sat

You can often find the mantra Om Tat Sat.

If we delve into the literal translation of the mantra, we get nothing more than - God is everything.

By chanting such a chant, you seem to surrender your whole body and spirit to God. This mantra helps people who pronounce it to become a kind of incarnation of deity. The person seems to be endowed with the capabilities and qualities of the deity to whom the chant was dedicated. Om Tat Sat is formally the Supreme Consciousness that gives rise to everything else. If you look at each component separately, you can get the following result:

  • Om is a call to the almighty, the first syllable of many chants, adding holiness to undertakings.
  • Tat is a component that speaks of deeds in the name of God. By pronouncing the syllable Tat, you seem to be saying that the work you are embarking on is being done by God. In this way, you renounce attributing good deeds to yourself and glorify God.
  • Sat is the ingredient that imparts righteousness to whatever you undertake. By pronouncing the syllable, you seem to say that things are done in the name of God.

By repeating the chant Om Tat Sat, you tune yourself to positive emotions, you endow the work with strong energy flows.

Important Fundamental Sounds

The existing fundamental bija mantras are sounds that can change your entire worldview. With the help of simple, uncomplicated vibrations, you acquire an incomparably strong aura and success. But seeing your prosperity, bad karma may be sent to you. This is done mainly out of envy that you have and they don’t.

The shield or impregnable fortress in such cases is the Varma prayer Hum. The sound of Hum is associated with the god Shiva, so it copes well with all negative attacks.

Besides protective function The sound of Hum has the ability to relieve weaknesses and diseases. Speaking in their teachings, many Gurus call the sound Hum - a prayer of fire that neutralizes negative influences from external environment. The same sound of Hum can relieve stress and strengthen the immune system, as well as give strength to those who have given up on new beginnings.


If you look through all these prayers, you will notice one interesting fact. Bija Svaha is found in almost all prayers. The presented chants serve to attract success, happiness, prosperity, awakening, and protection. This means “Matchmaker” is a sound that, along with the two mentioned above, has enormous power. By turning to the teachings of the guru, you can find out that Svaha is one of the names of the goddess Lalita (Shakti).

The goddess who accompanies the acquisition of sophistication, sexuality and harmony. Shakti has always been worshiped by women when they wanted to receive reciprocity from a loved one. For this very reason, the sound “matchmaker” has received universal recognition. IN modern world a person who helps connect hearts is called a matchmaker. Don't you see any similarities? It is in honor of the goddess that they are named.

The Mula mantra is an integral part of the teachings of Kundalini yoga and is simply irreplaceable for those who want to understand the secrets of the universe. It is believed that with it one can achieve absolute harmony and get closer to the Almighty.

Kundalini and Mula mantra

Kundalini yoga is a very common modern yoga movement, which includes certain elements that allow you to conduct the Kundalini energy from the base of the back. Mandatory elements of practice are: meditation, certain asanas, mantras, pranayama.

According to, it is the Mula Mantra that helps shape the consciousness of an individual. If a person devotes a little time to practice every day, then he gets rid of absolutely any negativity, becomes happy, successful, and learns inner silence.

Chanting this prayer allows you to get rid of the constant stream of thoughts and immerse yourself in another world. It is here that one begins to interact with various aspects of the soul, which cannot be done in any other way.

Kundalists believe that the first Sikh guru Nanakom brought this mantra to people. According to legend Nanak for a long time meditated, after which he suddenly disappeared for three days. When he appeared again, the students noticed a strange feature. Light (aura glow) emanated from his body. It was so strong that anyone could see it. While the Guru was in this state, he told his followers the text of the Mula mantra.

Being in this state, a person is in harmony with the universe and begins to live according to its rules. Regular practice makes it possible to develop intuition and instincts. The Mula mantra shows what the path should be and makes it possible to get closer to God, understand the mysteries of existence, reveal one’s uniqueness and get rid of the oppression of public opinion.

This is what the text of the Mula mantra looks like:

Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma
Purushothama Paramathma
Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma
Purushutama Paramatma
Sri Bhagavati Sametha
Sri Bhagavate Namaha

In order to practice this prayer, a person should clearly understand what it is about. If you begin to mindlessly repeat words, it will simply be a collection of sounds and nothing supernatural will happen. To begin with, it is worth analyzing the text in more detail.

  • Ohm is a unique sound with which many mantras often begin and end. This, he is a symbol of birth.
  • Sat- this is emptiness, immense and as deep as the entire universe. It does not have its own form, but it permeates everything.
  • Cheat- a primordial type of consciousness, absolute knowledge of something.
  • Ananda- maximum pleasure, pleasure.
  • Parabrahma- absolute, supreme essence, independent of time.
  • Purushutama- one of the forms of the highest spirit.
  • Paramatma- the soul that exists in any individual.
  • Sri bhagavati- female image.
  • Samehta- connection.
  • Sri bhagavati- male image.
  • Namaha- praise of absolute reason.

Literary translation:

I greet the omnipresent, unchanging in all its highest manifestations, whose essence is Eternity, Consciousness, Bliss. He lives in every being and in infinity, in the female and male forms of all higher intelligence.

You can listen to the mula mantra online, repeat it over an audio recording, perform it yourself or in pairs with someone. If you are just starting practice, it is best to repeat the words of the text out loud. Experienced followers of Guru Nanakom's teachings can repeat the text mentally.

Remember, chanting mantras is only possible in the original. The above-mentioned literary translation is necessary for familiarization and understanding of the text. You cannot use his practice time. Since the mantra will have the desired effect only if it is read in the original. The text should be repeated at least 11 times per day.

After just 40 days of constant practice, you will feel significant changes in your life. Like many morning mantras, this one is best performed after waking up, during sunrise. This will allow you to be saturated with energy and filled with strength for a successful day.

Meaning of OM TAT SAT in the Yoga Dictionary


(Om Tat Sat) This mantra is mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita as being used by "disciples of Brahman" at the beginning of various undertakings and activities. "Tat" ("That"), pointing to Brahman, reminds the student of high motives, and thus helps him to discard everything that is unworthy of them. "Sat" ("creation", "being") reminds him of the Good that permeates everything that exists, and thus sanctifies and ennobles what the student does, and gives the action the character of isvara-pranidhana (q.v.).

Yoga Dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what OM TAT SAT is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • SAT
    existence; being; reality; ...
  • OM in the Yoga Vedanta Dictionary:
    Pranava or sacred syllable symbolizing...
  • SAT in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Sat) Reality, Truth, Brahman, or God (see also Chit; Ananda; Sat-Chit-Ananda...
  • OM in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Om) The greatest mantra (q.v.), or word of power. Pronounced correctly by a sufficiently developed person, this word is an expression of divine power...
  • SAT
    - existence; being; reality; ...
  • OM in the Dictionary of Yoga and Vedanta terms:
    - Pranava or sacred syllable symbolizing Brahman...
  • TAT
    (Egypt.) Egyptian symbol: a vertical round post, tapering upward, with four crossbars at the top. Used as an amulet. Top part represents …
  • SAT in the Dictionary Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
    (Sanskrit) One eternally existing Reality in an infinite world; a divine essence that exists, but which cannot be said to exist, so...
  • OM in the Dictionary Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
    or Aum (Sk.) A mystical syllable, the most sacred of all words in India. It is "an invocation, a blessing, an assurance and a promise", and...
  • TAT in the Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms:
    See Murray-Morgan thematic apperception test...
  • OM in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Ohm) Georg Simon (1787-1854) German physicist. Established the basic law of an electrical circuit (Ohm's law). Works on acoustics, ...
  • SAT V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a Moldavian word generally denoting a settlement, a populated place; attached to geographical names in Bessarabia...
  • OM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m., physical Unit electrical resistance, equal to the electrical resistance of the section of the electrical circuit at which a direct current of 1 ampere ...
  • OM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, gen. pl. ohms and when counting preferentially. ohm, m. Unit of electrical resistance. II adj. ohmic, -aya, ...
  • OM
    unit of electricity SI resistance; the resistance of a conductor, between the ends of which a voltage of 1V arises at a current strength of 1A. Indicated by: Om. Named after...
  • OM in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Ohm) Georg Simon (1787-1854), German. physicist. Installed the basic electrical law chains (O. law). Tr. in acoustics (acoustic law of O.), ...
  • SAT in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? a Moldavian word generally denoting a settlement, a populated place; attached to geographical names in Bessarabian...
  • TAT in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    ta"t, ta"you, ta"ta, ta"tov, ta"tu, ta"there, ta"ta, ta"tov, ta"tom, ta"tami, ta"te, ...
  • TAT
  • OM in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • OM in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (named after the German physicist Ohm (Ohm), 1787-1854) unit of electrical resistance international system units (si), equal to the electrical resistance of a section of electrical ...
  • OM in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [by name German. physics ohm (ohm), 1787-1854] unit of electrical resistance of the international system of units (si), equal to the electrical resistance of a section of electrical ...
  • TAT in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • OM in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
  • TAT
    m. see tats...
  • OM in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • -OM in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. suffix (as well as -ёm) A word-forming unit that stands out in adverbs with the adverbial meaning of time, place or manner of action - in ...
  • OM
  • OM in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Om, -a: law...
  • OM
    Om, -a: law...
  • OM in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    om, -a, r. pl. ohms, counting f. ohm and ohms (units...
  • OM in the Spelling Dictionary:
    om, -a, r. pl. `omov, counting. f. om and `omov (units...
  • OM in the Spelling Dictionary:
    om, -a: law...
  • OM in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    unit of electrical...
  • SAT in Dahl's Dictionary:
    ? Petersburg (isn’t it a sitovka?) plant., toad, kuga, sitovnik, ...
  • OM in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    SI unit of electrical resistance; the resistance of a conductor between the ends of which a voltage of 1V arises at a current of 1A. Denoted by Om, named after...
  • OM in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    oma, m. (physical). A unit of measurement of the electrical resistance exhibited by bodies to the current passing through them. Resistance of a mercury column with a cross section of 1 ...
  • TAT
    m. see tats...
  • OM in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    m. A unit of measurement of electrical resistance exerted by bodies passing through them...
  • -OM in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    1. suffix (as well as -ёm) A word-forming unit that stands out in adverbs with the adverbial meaning of time, place or manner of action - ...
  • TAT
    m. see tats...
  • OM in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. A unit of measurement of electrical resistance exerted by bodies passing through them...
  • -OM in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I suffix; - -yom A word-forming unit that stands out in adverbs with the adverbial meaning of time, place or manner of action - in accordance with ...
  • TAT
    m. see tats...
  • OM in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. A unit of measurement of electrical resistance exerted by bodies passing through them...
  • OM in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. German physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1787 - 1854), who established his law in 1826 ...
  • -OM in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I suffix; = -yom A word-forming unit that stands out in adverbs with the adverbial meaning of time, place or manner of action - in ...
  • SAT-CHIT-ANANDA in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Sat-Chit-Ananda) Three characteristics inherent in Reality or Brahman - being (sat), knowledge or consciousness (chit) and unclouded happiness, joy, ...
  • "TAT TVAM ASI" in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Tat Twam Asi) The famous saying: “That Thou Art.” First, the student meditates on "Tat" ("That"), which indicates Brahman,...

The Mula mantra carries within itself the entire existing philosophy and psychology of man. This philosophy is part of the teachings of Kundalini Yoga. Mula mantra is like a compass that helps every person find the path to God and to To the Higher Powers. To choose the right direction you need to believe in the power and effect of the mantra.

Mula is perfect, it has technology, presentation and technique. It is necessary for the formation of consciousness, which is in the soul of every person, but it must be developed. This mantra has the root sound, which is the basis of all effective mantras.

If you repeat it regularly during meditation, you are immersed in a world where you can interact with the depths of your soul. When a person begins to realize himself in the delight of awakening, which is spoken of in the Mula mantra, he lives and acts in complete idyll with the image of the Universal Truth. Thanks to this, the most important aspects of human life awaken within: intuition, reason and instinct. Relax, take your mind off all thoughts and say the mantra. It is recommended to repeat it at least 11 times within 40 days.

Words of the Mula mantra:







Meaning of Mul Mantra

EC ON(G) KAR – One, Creator, Creation

SAT NAM – Truth, Name/Identity

PURKH CARD – Creator of everything

NIRBHO – Fearless

NIRVER - Without revenge, without anger

AKAL MURAT – Undying

AJUNI ​​- Unborn

SEIBHONG - Self-Shining

GUR PRASAD – Gift of the Guru

JAP - Repeat

AAD SAC – The Truth in the Beginning

HEBHI SAC – The Truth Now

NANAK JOSE BHI SACHA – Nanaya, Truth will always exist.

In general, the translation sounds something like this:

The Creator and all creation are One. Truth is His Name.

He is the One who creates everything. Beyond fear. Beyond Hostility.

Undying, Unborn, Self-Existing. This is the Gift of the Guru.


Truth was at the beginning of creation, Truth was at all times,

The truth is still alive.

O Nanak! The truth will endure forever.

Important conditions for reading the mantra:

In the syllable SACH the main emphasis should be on the sound “ch”.

Between ADJUNI and SEIBHONG you need to take a short break. To make it easier to deal with this, focus on the sound “i”. It is important to chant rather than recite the mantra. Thanks to this, you can create the necessary vibration.

You need to chant the mantra from the Navel Center.

Mula mantra performed by Deva Premal

Deva Premal was born into a creative family: her father was an artist and her mother was a musician. The girl was very talented and already at the age of 5 she began to perform mantras.

This Mula mantra helps to transfer your consciousness to a state of boundless joy. It is also necessary in order to ask God for protection, freedom and. The words of this mantra are:





If, while pronouncing a mantra, you know what exactly you are saying, the energy that is formed will be millions of times stronger.

Meaning of Mula Mantra of Joy

SAT – Shapeless

CHIT – Consciousness of the Universe

ANANDA – Pure love, happiness and joy

PARA BRAHMA – Supreme Creator

PURUSHOTAMA – Energy that is directed to help and guide Humanity

PARAMATMA - The one who comes to me in my heart and becomes my inner voice when I ask.

SRI BHAGAVATI - Divine Mother, aspect of the energy of creation

SAME THA - What does it mean to “be together, in union.”

SRI-BHAGAVATE - The Father of creation, which is unchanging and permanent.

NAMAHA - This is a greeting and admiration for the Universe

SAT-CHIT-ANANDA – Means “I always seek your Presence and guidance.”