Address in Turkish. Myth #8: Turkish is a rough language. The meaning of the expression in the Ottoman Empire

Are you familiar with the traditions of Turkey? Yes, of course, in an all-inclusive hotel, where everything is arranged in a European way, you will not immediately come across them closely. But when you go outside the hotel, you immediately understand that a lot of things here are arranged differently from ours. Turkey is considered a hospitable country where tourists are treated well, especially those who are not very economical.

But the attitude will be even better if you follow the simplest rules of local etiquette. Many Turks speak English well, and some even speak Russian. They do not suffer from a lack of sociability. In order for communication with them to be only pleasant, you need to know the rules of conduct in Turkey. We will tell you about them in this article.

The social structure of Turkey

96 percent of Turks are Muslim. But, unlike most other Muslim countries, religion and the state exist separately here.

However, most of the local cultural and everyday traditions are dictated precisely by Muslim canons. In big cities, the requirements are softer, and in small towns - stricter, for example, it will be unacceptable for girls to walk without headscarves or hand in hand with guys.

Turkey respects the history of the country and its former leaders. It is believed that Mustafa Ataturk did the most for the prosperity of the country, and the attitude towards him is reverent. So in a conversation with a Turk, in no case should you say anything unkind about the Turkish sultans or other former and current leaders.

Do not use the word "Constantinople" - only Istanbul. And remember that not this city is now the capital of the country, but Ankara. Such reservations local residents upset.

We communicate with the Turks with gestures

Turkish sign language is very different from ours. The same gestures in Turkey and in Russia can have a different and even opposite meaning.

  • Our “no” sign by turning our heads here means “I don’t understand.” If the Turk nodded his head once, this, like ours, means “yes”, if he did the same, but at the same time clicked his tongue, this is definitely “no”.
  • Clicking the tongue for the Turks is always a sign of a negative attitude. But the snap of the fingers - on the contrary! Thumb up - what we mean "very good", here is considered an extremely indecent gesture.
  • Polite refusal of an offer or gratitude for something - the right hand attached to the chest.

Learn Turkish

Emotional Easterners love to be respected. Tourists most of all have to communicate with sellers and service personnel. Imagine that it would be easier to get a discount or better service if you addressed a Turk in his native language. Isn't that an excuse to learn a few Turkish words?

"Hello" in Turkish sounds "merhaba" (merhaba or merabh). The more informal greeting "Selam" (villages), the same as our "hello".

How to say goodbye to your Turkish acquaintance:

  • the one who leaves, as a rule, says "iyi günler" (iyi gunler), which means "all the best", but literally translates as "good day";
  • the one who is leaving can also say “hoşça kal” (hosha kal), which means “happily stay”;
  • the one who remains says “güle güle” (güle güle), that is, “goodbye”;
  • both can say "goruüşürüz" (geruschuruz), or "see you".

A non-verbal greeting at a meeting is allowed only for two men if they are relatives or very Good friends. You can hug, a friendly kiss on the cheek is allowed. When unfamiliar men meet, they shake hands, but only the right ones, stretch out left hand- an insult.

It is better for women to refrain from any physical contact with Turkish acquaintances, especially with men. If a woman holds out her hand, then many Eastern men consider this as an offer of intimacy.

In Turkey, older people are respected and even revered. When addressing strangers to elders, it is customary to say “master” (bey) or “lady” (khanim) after the name.

Useful words to help you make contact:

  • "thank you" - "teşekkürler" (teşchekuler);
  • "please" as a request - "lütfen" (lutfen);
  • “please” as a response to gratitude - “birşey deşil” (bir shchey deil);
  • "How are you?" - “nasşlsiniz” (nasylsynyz), such a question must be answered positively, it is not customary here to complain to everyone about problems.

Turkish Business

In business, all European norms are outwardly observed, but business relations are strongly influenced by the Eastern mentality. They depend heavily on personal contacts, which are strengthened in an informal setting.

If a business partner invited for lunch or dinner, then he must pay for it. It is not customary to mention the size of the account.

Punctuality is not an Eastern concept, you should not expect it from Turkish partners. It is not customary to express categorically, even if you need to refuse some kind of offer, this must be done gently and very politely.

Negotiations usually begin with compliments or souvenirs. It is not customary for Turks to turn off phones during business meetings, and your partner may well interrupt the conversation to answer the call - Turkish telephone etiquette quite allows for this.

Traveling by public transport

State public transport in Turkey is paid by electronic cards. If you suddenly run out of money on it, explain to the driver. Usually one of the fellow travelers pays for the tourist's fare, observing the laws of oriental hospitality. You can try to give in cash, but most Turks help visitors disinterestedly and will not take the money.

Turkish drivers like to honk for any suitable occasion, greeting acquaintances, urging too slow traffic ahead, or even waiting for the right traffic signal.

When boarding a transport, it is not customary to let out those leaving first, everyone climbs ahead, pushing the rest. Men do not need to sit next to girls if there are other options. Women don't have to sit next to men either.

How to behave on the street

  • do not enter mosques or other places associated with religion and not even approach them in shorts, shorts, miniskirts, or clothing that does not cover the shoulders;
  • do not go beyond the beach in swimsuits or shorts only. Topless sunbathing in hotels is not prohibited, but is usually considered a sign of vulgarity;
  • you can take pictures of a Turkish man only with his permission, and you don’t need to take photos of Turkish women, especially in headscarves - you risk running into trouble;
  • it is not customary here to drink and eat in public places, as well as to eat food on the go.

I'm going to visit

Oriental hospitality in Turkey is fully manifested when receiving guests. It is not customary to refuse an invitation to visit. Traditional gifts brought by guests are sweets. A foreigner can bring a souvenir from his own country.

It is customary to take off your shoes before entering the house, at the threshold. Therefore, near the houses and in the entrances you can see heaps of shoes. Cleanliness reigns in Turkish houses, and street dirt is not brought into them. The apartment offers special guest slippers. It is perfectly acceptable to bring your own, if you do not want to walk in strangers.

The Turkish house has separate zones - for guests and for the owners of the house. You don’t even need to try to look into the owner’s (private) zone, and also ask the owners to show the house - this is considered indecent here.

Rules of conduct at the table

Dinners in Turkish houses are held at a low table, where everyone sits “Turkish” on pillows or mats, hiding their feet under the table. Dishes are placed on a tray common to everyone, from which everyone takes food to their plates with a common large spoon or just with their hands. Remember - we take only with our right hand and do not choose the best pieces, this is considered indecent in relation to the owners.

Festive alcoholic drink- brandy, aniseed vodka. They clink glasses after toast only with the bottom of the glass. If you are offered some kind of dish, you should definitely try it, even if you don’t feel like eating it - the hostess will be offended. All conversations at the table are allowed only with the permission of the eldest family member.

In Turkish restaurants, everything is the same as in, no differences - tips are from 5% of the order amount.

Turks love to drink tea. For him, pear-shaped transparent glasses are most often used, in which the drink cools more slowly. It is not customary to drink tea here with sweets in a bite.

Well, here you are armed with knowledge about what constitutes Turkish etiquette and rules of conduct in Turkey. You can safely go to this sunny country!

There are many phrases in Turkish, which the Turks use in their Everyday life and which you will not find in the phrase book. These phrases are good to use if you are visiting Turkey for the first time and want to impress someone in the know. Besides, the Turks will find it quite cute. Therefore, we have compiled a list of 23 phrases that everyone who is going to visit for the first time should know.

But before you get started, we want to warn you: if a Turk laughs when you try to speak, don't take it too seriously and don't let that stop you. A foreigner speaking Turkish is a rare and surprising occurrence for most Turks, so the laughter is most likely a mixture of surprise and admiration.

Phrases in Turkish

1. Hoş geldin (Hosh geldyn) - you can constantly hear this phrase in the daily life of the Turks. Literally, this means “it’s good that you came,” but the meaning of this expression is actually much deeper. You will hear this phrase if you come to the store, visit, and sometimes if you meet someone in a public place.

2. Hoş bulduk (Hosh bulduk) is a natural and appropriate response when someone says Hoş geldin to you. Literally, this translates to "it's good we're here," but it's really just a polite response to a hello, and you'll see yourself saying it automatically.

3. Afiyet olsun (Afiyet olsun) - usually translated as "bon appetit", but we do not have an exact equivalent (the Turks usually use the French "bon appétit"). This phrase can be used before, during and after meals. It is most appropriate to say it if you yourself have prepared dishes that you want to treat someone to.

Afiet olsun! Bon appetit!

4. Eline sağlık (Eline saalik) - literally translated as "health to your hands." If you are lucky enough to be at the Turkish dinner table and it will be known who prepared the food (if it is not an employee of the institution, of course), then you can thank him with this phrase. It can also be used to thank anyone who will help you in any way, but this is a slightly less appropriate situation.

5. Sıhhatler olsun (Sykhhatler olsun) - this expression means "health to you" and dates back to Ottoman times. You can say this if someone has just had a haircut (however, this only applies to men) or has taken a shower.

6. Maşallah (Mashallah) - borrowed from Arabic, where it means: "Oh, it's wonderful!". You can use this exclamation if you see something very beautiful (a building, a child or a girl) or hear good news.

7. Kıyamam (Kyamam) - literally translated as "I will not offend you", but is not used in its exact meaning. It is worth using this word if you heard terrible news and are very upset (expresses the feeling: “poor little one!”) Or saw something very cute (for example, a kitten or puppy).

This inscription can be seen on almost any car.

8. Aferin (Aferin) - originally translated as "congratulations!" or “well done!”, but you should not use this word if you are talking to someone older than you (I once got scolded for this). If someone older tells you good news, it is better to tell him ismaşallah.

9. İnşallah (Inshallah) - literally means "with God's help" and is used to wish someone good luck if you were told about your plans for the future, or if you are not sure that something will work out, but would like to to make it happen. But be careful, because in Turkish it can also mean “What we are talking about is unlikely to happen” or “I will be late and blame the traffic.”

10. Allah korusun (Alah kyorusun) - you can see such an inscription on back side vans, buses and cars. The literal translation of this phrase is “God bless you”, it can be used after you have spoken about something terrible (for example, an earthquake or illness) in the meaning: “God, please don’t let such terrible things happen.”

11. Nazardan korusun (Nazardan kyorusun) - this phrase, which fully sounds like Allah nazardan korusun, means "may God protect you from the evil eye." Nazar is the "evil eye" and some people from the eastern Mediterranean believe that if you have something good and someone envies you, then you will become a victim of Nazar and you can lose what you have. Have you seen those blue glass eyes (nazar boncuk) that the Turks hang in bazaars, apartment doors, over cribs? They are meant to keep the nazar away. Similarly, you can use this phrase when something good happens to save you from the nazar.

12. Başın sağolsun (Bashin saolsun) - literally translated as "health to your head." This phrase expresses natural reaction if you find out that someone has lost a loved one or friend. By and large, you say to your interlocutor: "I am glad that you are alive and sorry for your loss."

13. Lanet olsun (Lanet olsun) - means something like "damn it!". You can use this phrase if you are faced with a difficult situation from which you do not see a way out. If you want to address these emotions to a specific person, then add sana at the beginning of this phrase. Although we do not recommend that you use sana lanet olsun in communication.

And no nazar is scary!

14. Hoşça kal (Khoshcha kal) - in Turkish there are many ways to say goodbye, and many of them are interchangeable and used mechanically. This phrase literally means "all the best."

15. Kendine iyi bak (Kendine iyi bak) - Another variant of farewell, usually translated as "take care of yourself."

16. Tabii (Tabi) - the equivalent of our "of course", usually written as tabi. You may hear people repeat tabi twice in everyday speech, or add ki at the end (tabii ki), especially when agreeing with someone.

17. Kolay gelsin (Kolai gelsin) - "may everything work out easily for you." If you hear that someone is going to start some hard work, or see how someone works, it is appropriate to say this phrase. it's the same good way start a polite conversation with official(for example, by phone or after waiting in line). You will find that any worker will treat you with more sympathy if you start with these words. In general, it is very good to pronounce this phrase if you see how someone is working hard.

This gesture usually accompanies "Eyvallah"

18. Eyvallah (Eyvallah) - you can often hear this word from mustachioed men who have gathered for tea. This is a very specific and expressive way of saying "thank you". If you are very grateful for something and are in an informal setting, you can use this word, putting right hand on the heart.

19. Oh! (Oha) - even though it's slang, you can hear it all over the place. It simply conveys surprise or shock. Since this is not a very polite word, use it at your own discretion. But if you stop using it, your Turkish friends might like it.

20. Çok yaşa (Chok Yasha) is the Turkish version of the expression "be healthy" after someone sneezes. This expression means "long life to you" and is usually answered with hep beraber (long life "to all of us") or sen de gör ("to you too" long life).

21. Geçmiş olsun (Gechmish olsun) - used when someone is sick or in difficult situation, and means "I hope this passes quickly."

22. Maalesef (Maalesef) - this phrase can be terribly annoying in some situations. Especially if you hear it in a store, bank or restaurant. Formally, it translates as "I'm sorry." However, in fact, much more often it means “I can’t help you with anything.” Therefore, if you still heard it, do not get lost and try to ask again. Also, this phrase can be used to confirm bad news. “Ayse really broke up with Kaan?”, in response to this question, maalesef will mean “unfortunately, yes.” And finally, this phrase can mean that something, unfortunately, did not happen: “Did you get a promotion? - Maalesef.

This cat is probably thinking something like "Oha!"

23. Buyrun (Buyrun) - if you do not work in, you may never use this expression. But you will definitely hear it when you go to the market. One day, a shop owner in the Eminönü district fervently shouted this phrase over and over to a foreign couple in an attempt to invite them to his shop. To the disappointment of the man, the couple tried to leave as soon as possible, moreover, they were clearly nervous and did not buy anything. But in fact, the louder and more diligently the Turk shouts “buyrun”, the more hospitable he tries to look for his customers, no matter how strange it may seem to us, who are not used to shouting, expressing their friendliness. Therefore, you can use the word buyurun to express your hospitality if the Turks come to visit you. In this case, it will be used in the meaning of "Please, welcome." Buyrun can also sometimes be used to allow someone to speak or when answering a boss, but the use of the phrase in this sense is less common.

As for expressions that are best avoided, or at least used sparingly, sıkıldım (sykıldım, "I'm bored") comes first on the list. When speaking or writing this phrase, be sure to use the "i" without a dot ('ı'), because the "i" in this case gives the word a very different, much cruder meaning.

The last piece of advice is about reaching out to people. If you meet someone older than you, then add the word abi (older brother) for a man or abla (older sister) for a woman as a sign of respect. If these are elderly people, you can replace these words with amca (uncle) and teyze (aunt), respectively. But if in such a situation you call someone simply by their first name, it will look rude.

Write in the comments what other phrases in Turkish you would like to know or translate, we will complete the list.

There were several questions on this topic, and it seemed to me that it would be easier to write one explaining post for those interested. I emphasize that this does not mean that it should be so and only so. It's more of an information note, as it can be.

1. In the state of the Great Seljukids Persian was the state and literary language. It was used by the local administration, literary works were written on it. In some branches of science, education and jurisprudence, Arabic. There is no information about the role of the Oghuz language (Turkic) in the life of the Seljuk state.
Muslim theologians and jurists wrote in Arabic, poets in Persian. Iranian theologians and poets already surrounded Sultan Kylych-Arslan and his sons, one of whom even bore the Persian name Kay-Khusrev. ... Thus, the cultural life of the Turks of Asia Minor was served to a greater extent by Persian, and to a lesser extent by Arabic.
Turkic was spoken by the people, and then mainly outside the cities. The cities were diverse in composition. The townspeople, as well as the Turkic aristocracy, were alien to absolutely everything Turkic.
(c) V.G. Guzev "Old Ottoman language"

2. In view of the fact that there are very few written sources from the Seljuks, we also have little information about their customs. To make life easier for everyone, I suggest using the early Ottoman titles and addresses , which, in general, are an alloy of Persian, Arabic and Turkic words. It’s just that they are more familiar to us, we all heard a little about them. For example:

Khazretleri- his/her majesty/highness

Sultan, padishah, hunkar, khan- about the Sultan. Example: Sultan Alparslan Khan Khazretleri - His Majesty Sultan Alparslan.

Shehzade hazretleri- appeal to the heir. Shekhzade Ruknaddin Khazretleri - His Highness "Tsarevich" Ruknaddin

Vizier- the title of chief ministers and high dignitaries

Pasha- high title political system. At first, governors and generals were called pashas, ​​then any high-ranking person. It is also used as an honorary title, equal to "sir" or "master". Haydar Pasha or simply "pasham" - my pasha, my lord

bay- mister. Military and administrative rank. Bey - leader, led tribal militia in the tribal army. Gradually it became a polite address to a respected person. Example: Kadir Bey

yeah- the title of military leaders, as well as some heads of the heads of groups of court servants who were on a salary. Also the word "aha" inmeans "elder brother" or "uncle". Kiraz-aga

effendi- respectful "Mr.". A polite appeal to noble persons up to the Sultan, to all literate citizens. In general, "effendi" is an officer rank corresponding to a lieutenant. Salim effendi.

Descending - pasha, bey, yeah, effendi

xanim efendi- respect. "Miss". Example: Leyla-khanim or khanim-efendi. "Hanim-efendi, let me in"?

Khatun- a noble woman, an appeal to court ladies. Example: Zelikha Khatun

Mufti -a Muslim religious rank, a legal theologian who had the right to issue a fatwa, that is, a legal opinion that gives legal force or declares illegal certain actions of the authorities. The Grand Mufti, or Sheikh-ul-Islam, was considered the head of the Muslim community.

Celebi- adviser, spiritual person at the Muslims. Also called the heirs to the throne, princes, princes: Evliya-chelebi

cadi- a judge under Sharia law or in a broader sense

haji- the person who performed the Hajj

A little about the harem to get acquainted with the system and customs :)

Jariye- all the girls who got into the harem, the lowest level

Kalfa- a servant from the staff of the palace, a former jariya. She could no longer count on communication with the Sultan.

Mouth- diligently disaccustomed the entire period of training jariya. It was among the lips that candidates were chosen for relations with the Sultan and further career advancement is possible.

Gozde- a former mouth, a woman who was noticed by the Sultan and spent at least one night with her

Iqbal- a concubine who became the constant favorite of the Sultan

Khaznedar- treasurer and administrator of the harem

Kadyn- former ikbal, who gave birth to the Sultan only a daughter, or whose sons died

Sultan- a former ikbal, whose son was born. And also all the daughters and sisters of the padishah who cannot rise above this title.

Haseki- inalienable title of the Sultan's beloved wife

Valide, valide sultan - the highest female title. The concubine received this title if her son officially became the next sultan. Valide ruled the harem.

3. Extremely common and atmospheric words

Mashallah- a sign of amazement, joy, praise and gratitude to God and humble recognition that everything happens by the will of Allah. Charm phrase when pronouncing praise, approval, admiration. Analog "Thank God!", "Well done!". "Mashalaa, what is your beautiful child", "Be happy, mashalla!"

Inshallah- if God wills, if it is God's will. Accompanies a statement about plans or events. Expresses hope for the fulfillment of the plan. "God willing!", "With God's help!" "Inshallah, everything will work out for you", "Don't worry - inshallah, she will come"

She spent three months in Turkey, passing it entirely from east to west. Throughout November, she lived among Turkish students in Cappadocia and managed to notice a lot interesting features about people and country. Tanya shares her observations about who the Turks are and how they live with 34travel.

1. Here it is customary to take off your shoes before entering the house, so each apartment has a real shoe shop and, interestingly, no one will steal the shoes! Why take up extra space in the apartment and pollute it - the Turks say - if there is plenty of space for shoes on the landing?

2. Turkish cuisine is one of the best! You can’t just take it and stop eating - so you have to walk a lot! Both men and women are excellent cooks. Moreover, in modern families they are engaged in cooking "in European style" - whoever comes home from work first, cooks.

3. It is impossible to imagine a day without a glass of tea, but what is there a glass - such a good teapot. Even dubious fans of teas will drink it there three or four times a day. Moreover, it is customary to drink tea not after a meal, but during or just like that. By the way, making tea is a separate issue. This is not just a bag of boiling water for you to pour. You can write a whole book about this process - except that the Chinese have become more sophisticated.

4. Men call each other "kanka" all the time, which means something like "bro." And this is how they address both close friends and just acquaintances, from whom you need something and you show increased respect. Appeal so only to equal in age.

5. After a couple of visits to the store, you know the name of the seller, and he knows your name. “Would you like some bread, milk and a bag of tangerines (at € 0.25 per kilo!), as usual?” - will always cheer you up in the morning.

6. Turks are very fond of eating very useful word"very": very beautiful, very good (çok güzel, çok iyi). They explain this by the fact that by nature they are extremely emotional and just words to describe them are always not enough.

7. The most common word in the language is güzel. Universal word! It means good, and tasty, and beautiful. And the girl guzel, and the weather guzel, and baklava guzel, and everything in general guzel. Guzel country!

8. The expression "garbage recycling" here causes big eyes and misunderstanding of what is happening. In Turkey, no one cares about separating waste.

9. Each purchase (even in a package) is put in a bag for you and at the exit in one big bag. Maybe even two! If you buy only bread and milk, you will receive three packages. All this is free in any store and market. And of course they also have a special bag for bags in the kitchen.

10. There is no division into "he" and "she" in Turkish. It is possible to understand that we are talking about a man or a woman only on the basis of the name or polite addresses like “miss” and “sir”.

11. Wherever you go, you will see a portrait of the father of the Turkish people, Atatürk. And not alone. After Allah, he is in an honorable second place, and for the unbelievers, even in the first.

12. The main unspoken rule about Ataturk is not to say anything bad about Ataturk. In no case!

13. Over time, you get used to perceive yogurt not as a dessert, but as a normal addition to food. Anyone, even soup. And the Turks claim that it was they who invented it about 1500 years ago. The usual sweet fruit yogurt is also sold here, but it is not very popular and is not as cheap as the plain one.

14. Gradually you get used to the sounds of the azan - the call to prayer, and this music from the mosques stops waking you up at night. Although at first waking up at night will be a dubious pleasure.

15. Here, only one style of road crossing is accepted and successfully works - “kamikaze-style”. The bottom line is that you need to run across in a matter of centimeters from flying cars. Zebras, traffic lights? What is this?

16. There is a Turkish flag hanging in your room. All other rooms too. There is no apartment in Turkey without the Turkish flag, as well as a shop, a shop, and even more so a state institution. If suddenly there is no flag in the room, it means that it hangs in our hearts, say the Turks.

17. Instead of "ok" they say the local "tamam".

18. When you meet, you hug everyone and kiss your cheeks three times. Men and women - it doesn't matter, they love to smack here.

19. On the street, it is quite possible to meet two guys walking hand in hand: men here express their friendship in this way and easily hug each other and kiss on the cheek. At the same time, it is considered indecent to show great tenderness to each other on the streets. The maximum is to hold hands and smack on the cheeks. In morals, of course, not so strict.

20. Olives, cheese, scrambled eggs, yogurt - the standard breakfast of any rogue. Even if you are a student and the wind is walking in your pocket, these holy foods will always be in your refrigerator. Then you are like normal person eat pasta.

21. In Turkish there is an unusual expression "to drink a cigarette". The verb "içmek" means both "drink" and "smoke" at the same time, because the Turks do not have a separate word for smoking, so "let's go have a drink" will be a mystery to you - will you get a glass of water or a hookah?

22. Although alcohol is not prohibited in the country, it is so expensive that drinking a can of beer with friends comes out in a good amount. Is that the local "Efes" is not so affordable, and even then in big cities. A good local wine in Cappadocia starts from €6.

23. All this baklava, kunefe and other Turkish delights are also very expensive.

24. Having eaten in a more or less decent establishment, you always expect along with the bill wet wipes with a very pronounced aroma of lemon cologne. They even have a special name - "colony".

25. There are a lot of common words in our languages ​​- shower, sofa, hat, vase, ticket. And even a cishotka and a sack. Are there words that sound the same? different meaning: a woman in Turkish means father (with an emphasis on the second “a”), a mess is a glass, a button accordion is a woman, a tavern is a pumpkin, a brick is a straw, a fist is an ear, tobacco is a plate and a shed is a palace! And "Baran" is a completely ordinary and not at all funny male name.

26. The Turkish language has a cool word "nazlanmak", in Russian there is no analogue, but it means to pretend to be indifferent when in fact something really worries you. Saying "no" when you really want to say "yes". Such passion!

27. Refined sugar is ubiquitous, and in cafes, each cube is most often packed in a separate piece of paper. Here with the usual bulk can be a problem. And you can’t find beets in the whole country, so you can’t make borscht here.

28. If you bite into a kebab, you might find french fries inside!

29. The favorite pastime of the Turks is to play backgammon while drinking tea. This is how hours can pass.

30. Turks are very fond of singing and many have naturally good voices. And they sing often - cooking, cleaning the house, sitting at the table and, of course, in the shower.

31. Any foreigner who knows at least half a word of Turkish immediately evokes emotion and joy. One “merhab” (“hello”) is enough to make you smile all day long. In general, foreigners are treated kindly here, they always try to help (but this may not be so pronounced in the most touristic places).

32. - the people living in Eastern Turkey, often from the mountainous and inaccessible regions of the country, cause hostility here, albeit hidden.

33. Outwardly, the Turks are very different from each other: from dark brunettes to dark skin, as we are used to presenting them, to fair-skinned blondes, whom even the Turks themselves often mistake for Europeans.

34. A special subject of male pride in the generation over 45 is a mustache. As soon as the uncle begins to turn gray, he immediately grows a dashing mustache and is considered handsome.

35. The Turks highly value friendship and for the sake of a friend they will do anything. The most important thing is the parents.

36. Turks are self-critical and have a good sense of humor. Moreover, the blacker and sarcastic the joke, the more it is appreciated. Black humor rules in Turkey.

37. Turks are quite polite in dealing with each other, especially in small towns. And they are very fond of exchanging phrases, standing together in line or waiting for the green light of a traffic light.

38. The Turks are extremely proud of their hospitality, and a traveler here can easily be invited to visit at least to drink tea.

39. love here curvy girls, in Turkey there is a saying in everyday life that describes the beauty of a woman: "She was so beautiful that she had to turn to enter the door."

40. Almost all men smoke, women less often, but also do not shun. Hookahs are ubiquitous here.

41. All the rumors that Slavic girls in Turkey are considered girls of "easy virtue" are not greatly exaggerated. Therefore, girls named Natasha will have to somehow hide their name.

42. In small towns and in traditional families, toilet water is still preferred over toilet paper.

43. Most women do not cover their heads, but in Lately among the youth there was a fashion for headscarves, which is not connected with religion. At the same time, another light and fluffy scarf is placed under the scarf, which creates the effect of a huge head. This is considered beautiful.

44. In you can meet shoe shiners, and this is not a tourist attraction.

45. At the entrance to almost every city there is a huge sculpture associated with the main occupation in this city. For example, pitchers are made in Avanos, so there is a huge jug there. And in front of Fetia is a giant mandarin, it is here that they are grown.

46. On the streets of coastal cities, especially in the evening, sellers of mussels in trays climb out. Give me a couple of lire, and they will put a couple of shells on a cardboard box and pour lemon over this business.

47. There are more ancient Greek theaters in Turkey than in Greece! Just drive south and go, drive around these theaters.

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It will be about addressing strangers. There are a great many such appeals in Turkey, they are used both in formal and informal settings.
At work, at business meeting, when addressing clients, at the first meeting they turn to "you" and, if the name is not yet known, they say beyefendi (bey efendi) and hanımefendi (khanim efendi).These appeals are analogous to European appeals, sir, mister, monsieur, sir, sir.

If the person's name is known, but the situation is still official, then they say the name, and then bey (bey) or hanım (khanim). For example, Erhan bey, Sherife xanim.
The addresses bey and khanum were used back in the Ottoman Empire, later Ataturk decided to abolish them and introduced new addresses: bay (bay) and bayan (bayan), but the reform failed and they did not take root. Sometimes you can hear how the bayan is used, but extremely rarely.

In addition, there is an appeal efendim (efendim), so you can say to both a woman and a man, and also often this word is added at the end of a sentence and thus show respect for the interlocutor.

On "you" it is customary to refer to teachers, doctors, doctors of sciences, religious figures. At the same time, they say hocam before the name - my teacher, my mentor(Khojam). You can also say doctor bey (doctor bey), şöför bey (driver bey).

In all other cases, strangers are addressed to "you" and in the same words as relatives or friends.

If you are doing repairs, then they turn to the workers - usta -master(mouth). This also applies to masters in any other business, for example, a cook, an electrician.

And, if you are sitting in a restaurant, waiting for an order and in a hurry, then some say to the waiter: koçum is my sheep ( kochyum), aslanIm -my lion(aslanym), Come quickly.

If the interlocutors are of the same age, then they say - arkadaşım - My friend (arcadashym).

When a person is a little younger, you can say - kardeşim - my brother (kardeschim).

When a person is a little older, they say - abi - Older brother (abi) or abla- elder sister (abla). This is perhaps the most common appeal.

When referring to people much older, they say: amca - uncle (amja) or teyze-aunt(Teize), or anne -Mother (Anna), baba-dad(woman).

When they turn to very old people, they say: dede - grandfather (grandfather) and nine-grandmother (Nina).

Children can also be treated in different ways.

For example, there is a playful appeal to little children: küçük bey (kuchuk bey) and küçük hanım (kuchuk hanım) - a little master and a little mistress.
Other references to children:
kIzIm - my daughter(kyzym),
oğlum-my son (oulum),
evladIm -My child (evlydym),
çocugum-My child (jejuum).

Teenagers can be addressed: delikanlı (delicanly), genç (gench) (young man).

In addition, a very popular appeal is canım - my soul (janym). It is used very often, regardless of gender and age.

Last week the hairdresser asked me: "Aşkım nasılsın?" (My love, how are you?)...))) I was very impressed...))) And a neighbor in Istanbul turned to me birtanem - my only one...))) Apparently, hinting that other foreigners in there is no house ...)))

In general, in Turkey everyone is brothers, friends and almost relatives and good relations ...))) People are ready to help, support, suggest ...