What is the use of seeing gloves in a dream? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about gloves? What do rubber gloves seen in a dream mean?

Gloves in a dream are a sign of change, danger, fragility and caution. Typically, gloves protect the delicate skin of your hands from cold and chapping. Representatives of creative professions and gentle young ladies are especially sensitive to the flawlessness of the skin of their hands and wear gloves at the slightest wind or when necessary to do housework.

If you do not do this, the skin of your hands will become rough, crack, infection will penetrate into the cracks, the joints will swell, and your hands will completely lose their grace. In medicine, before the invention of disposable thin gloves, surgeons constantly had to smear the skin with iodine solution. The advent of latex disposable sterile gloves is a subtle but important revolution in medicine. Let's find out why gloves are dreamed of according to dream books, and what meanings hand protection can have in dreams.

  • A lot of beautiful and elegant gloves means wide choose partners or partners. If women change men like shoes, then men change women like gloves. Alas, this does not apply at all to economic or construction projects. They rather indicate a lack of funds and the need to fulfill hard work with your own hands.
  • In addition to protecting hands, work and household gloves play an important psychological role, allowing you to reduce tactile sensations and abstract yourself from unpleasant work. No one will draw or play the piano with clothed hands - the feeling and sensuality of the fingers are important, but washing dishes while keeping hands dry, cleaning without touching dirt is important. If in a dream you touch someone wearing a glove, it means that touching this person is unpleasant for you. The same applies to objects. If you dream that you are doing your work wearing hand protection, it is unpleasant for you.
  • If in a dream you are wearing gloves, this is a sure sign of an introvert; you strive to distance yourself from the world and close yourself in your own shell.
  • To bare your hands means to reveal the sensual component.
  • Gloves, mittens that do not warm your hands in the cold, you feel cold - to misunderstanding, low self-esteem.
  • If a man finds a woman’s glove on his hand, this is a sign of danger emanating from the woman.

Actual value

Cold hands and feet may be symptoms of anemia or heart failure. If you are too often bothered by dreams in which you are sorting through the warmest mittens, trying to find the right ones, but your hands are still cold, it makes sense to go to a cardiologist and get examined. pay attention to proper nutrition, the presence of vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium in the diet. Freezing hands and feet can be symptoms of an incipient nervous disease.

Interpretations from authorities

  • Miller's dream book explains the joy of new gloves in a dream and promises complete well-being in material and mental terms. Your caution and reasonable frugality in business give you a good reputation.
  • To lose is to experience disappointment in love, but do not despair and quickly find a replacement for the lost feeling. Finding strangers in a dream means a new hobby, flirting, is expected.
  • Medea's dream book interprets gloves as a sign of a desire to step away from the situation and interrupt emotional involvement. If the gloves are torn, dirty, old, frayed - this is a sign of need.
  • Freud's dream book considers gloves in a dream as a sign of the desire for sex without problems and obligations, with the maximum guarantee of safety.
  • The Women's Dream Book notes that if in a dream you see a person with hidden hands, this is not conducive to frankness. He is hiding something, and something significant. Wearing hand protection means preparing to do unpleasant work that you are not ready to engage in emotionally.


In cold regions and middle lane Hand protection is necessary. The choice of practical gloves shows a person’s concern for his health or, on the contrary, carelessness and irresponsibility. The dream reflects your anxiety about appearance and health.

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Modern family dream book according to Freud:

Wearing or buying dirty or torn gloves in a dream means financial losses, deceptions, collapse of hopes and groundless expectations.

If you find gloves in a dream, then unexpected luck will help you strengthen your financial position. This interpretation applies only to those dreams where the gloves fit you well. Otherwise you risk losing friendly relations because of your inordinate ambitions.

A dream in which you lose your gloves suggests that your relationship with your lover leaves much to be desired. Perhaps you will soon have to separate.

If in a dream someone else takes off your gloves, then your success in business and love will largely depend on the impression you make on others.

What do dreams mean? — new dream book Juno:

Having torn gloves in a dream means finding yourself in a funny position; you will face vain efforts to hide your bad manners. Kid gloves are a dream of surprise, rag or cotton gloves are a sign of joy, warm gloves are a sign of wealth, silk gloves are a sign of prosperity, woolen gloves are a sign of profit.

Finding gloves means that a love adventure awaits you, and for single people - a successful marriage.

Gloves in a dream sometimes portend deception or spiritual coldness. Taking off gloves in a dream means that a small success or a pleasant trifle awaits you.

Great dream interpreter based on Miller's dream book:

Gloves in a dream portend spending a lot of money on charity, but this will not hit your wallet. But if you are greedy and hide your money without sharing it with the poor, then great misfortunes will soon befall you.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Miller's Dream Book

Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your dealings with others. Although you will face litigation or troubles in business, everything will work out.

If you wear old or torn gloves, you will be deceived and you will suffer losses.

If you lost your gloves in a dream, you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain your cheerfulness.

Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest.

If a man fastens a woman’s glove, this means that a person will appear in his life who will threaten to expose him.

If you take off your gloves, you will experience minor success in business and in love.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Freud's Dream Book

Gloves are a symbol of a condom.

Wearing gloves symbolizes your commitment to safe sex.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Family dream book

If you put on new gloves in a dream, you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your relationships with others.

If you wore old or torn gloves, beware of deception.

Lost your gloves - you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness.

Found gloves - a happy marriage or a new love interest lies ahead.

If you take off your gloves - expect minor success in business and love.

If a man fastens a woman’s glove, a person will appear in his life who will threaten him with exposure.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Gloves in a dream symbolize detachment in communication with others.

If you see a person wearing gloves, such a dream suggests that in reality you should not expect sincerity and frankness from him.

Putting on gloves yourself portends a cooling of relations with someone from your environment.

Taking off gloves is a sign of friendship and openness. Perhaps you will soon be able to find new friends or change your attitude towards someone for the better.

Working with gloves is a sign of hostility towards work.

If in your dream you put on gloves for work, this means that some unpleasant duty awaits you ahead.

Why do you dream about gloves?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Gloves are a predisposition to warts, and if you already have them, you should get rid of them using witchcraft methods.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Spring dream book

Glove - for a new acquaintance.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Summer dream book

Seeing leather gloves on yourself in a dream means some kind of renewal.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Autumn dream book

Seeing new leather gloves in a dream means good luck in business.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Buying gloves in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a cramped financial situation; if you buy men's gloves as a gift to a loved one, this portends ardent reciprocal feelings.

Wearing thin, cold gloves in severe frosts - such a dream is a sign of sadness and difficult experiences due to the fact that you are not understood and underestimated.

Old or torn gloves that should have been thrown away long ago are a harbinger of sad events and losses. Losing your last gloves in a dream means that your heartfelt affection will be rejected and you will lose all hope of returning the love of the man you desire.

Wearing two different gloves in a dream is a harbinger of events that do not promise anything good, moreover, they can only aggravate an already disastrous situation.

A dream in which you cannot take off your gloves, which seem to have grown to your skin, means that in reality men will avoid you, fearing that you will marry them to yourself.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Glove - separation from neighbors.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Kid gloves - warn of a strange request.

If you dreamed of fur gloves, they will soon make you a lucrative offer.

Seeing silk gloves in a dream means a reprimand.

You dreamed of black gloves - unpleasant news awaits you, and the news that you learn will greatly affect your affairs.

Thread gloves predict severe humiliation.

Buying gloves means empty talk.

If you dreamed that you were selling gloves, you should take care of yourself, otherwise you may be considered a bore.

In a dream, you sewed up gloves - various small tasks will take up a lot of time.

A dream in which you watched someone sew up gloves predicts that you will have to spend a lot of time settling the affairs of one of your closest relatives.

Receiving gloves as a gift means stupid chatter.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Esoteric dream book

Gloves are disgusting.

Wear gloves and you will have to look after seriously ill people or clean up disgusting dirt.

Buying - marriage with an unloved person, disgust for a sex partner.

Seeing, choosing - danger of infection skin disease(fungus, scabies).

Dirty, torn - you need to use protective equipment and personal hygiene, but you neglect this.

Very beautiful, with finishing - you need to free yourself from complexes about external flaws.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Interpretation modern woman

Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty and at the same time selfless in your actions. In the near future, you will face litigation or troubles in business, but don’t worry, everything will work out soon.

If you take off your gloves, you will experience minor success in business and in love. Old or torn gloves dream of deception and loss.

Losing gloves in a dream means being abandoned. However, you will find the strength to maintain your cheerfulness.

Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Glove - farewell to family, friends, separation

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Gloves - protection, well-being; lose - change of place or activity; put on - get rich; successful change of occupations.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Modern dream book

To dream that you are wearing gloves means that you will be careful and prudent in your relationships with people, but not selfish. Also expect litigation and troubles in commercial matters that will be resolved in your favor.

If a man sees a signet on his hand in a dream, it means that he will meet a woman who will change his life.

If you dreamed that you were wearing old, torn gloves, in reality you would face betrayal and suffer losses.

Losing gloves in a dream means that real life You will go broke and you will have to work to support yourself.

A man sees in a dream that he has lost his signet - this means bitter disappointment, drunkenness and a dubious acquaintance that can ruin his reputation.

Finding a pair of gloves means marriage or the appearance of a new lover.

If a man dreams that she is fastening a woman’s glove, in reality some woman will threaten to expose him.

Taking off gloves in a dream means that failures await you in business and in love.

Giving a man a signet in a dream means a date with a loved one. Perhaps you will meet a person who will give you unexpected news.

A dream in which a signet is put on you means a bad deal and financial problems that will be very difficult for you to solve.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

separation from loved ones.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What do Gloves mean in a dream - You see new gloves in a dream - the dream suggests that you are a thrifty person; you are also a cautious person; you are so careful that you are suspicious and even prejudiced towards decent people; your career will be slow but sure. It’s as if you are putting on old gloves - you will soon be deceived; you will have to accept losses. It’s as if you’ve lost your gloves - the person you love will leave you; however, you will quickly find consolation; another interpretation of the dream: you will soon change your place of work. You take off your gloves in a dream - success awaits you in business and in love, but you would like more success.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Gloves – deception / spiritual coldness / someone’s disgust.

Torn - a funny situation / vain efforts to hide your bad manners.

Kid gloves are a surprise.

Threads are joy.

Warm - wealth.

Silk - well-being.

Woolen - profit.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gloves - protection; new good thing.

Finding or receiving as a gift is a love interest; someone's spiritual coldness, hostility

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Gloves - a happy marriage or a new love interest. Imagine that you are putting on new leather gloves (see also Leather clothing).

Why do you dream about gloves?

Love dream book

A dream in which you lose your gloves suggests that your relationship with your lover leaves much to be desired. You will probably have to separate soon.

If in a dream someone else takes off your gloves, your success in business and love will largely depend on the impression you make on others.

Why do you dream about gloves?

English dream book

You dreamed of Gloves, what are they for, mittens - Gloves and mittens offer protection both from cold and from dirt and wounds. They also hint at gentleness and caring. Treating someone with kid gloves means being attentive and prudent, but you can have an iron fist in a velvet glove; the Russian equivalent is softly laying - sleeping hard. - Approx. translation What is the dream about: Are you trying to cope with some situation that requires delicate handling? Do you wear gloves to keep your hands clean because you're handling something dirty or disgusting? Or are you dealing with something dangerous - if so, what? Perhaps you're in an explosive or abusive relationship, or someone dropped acid at work? Do you need to keep your hands warm in your sleep because you are dealing with someone or something that makes you feel cold? If you wear boxing gloves, is it because you are ready for a fight or, on the contrary, you feel too clumsy and awkward to deal with what is happening in your life in currently?

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

To see a dream about a Glove - Wearing gloves is a symbol that the dreamer wants to retire from business. Gloves in hands are a sign of rivalry. Seeing another with gloves means being deceived by him, rejected. Torn, dirty gloves - to a quarrel, need. Beautiful, expensive gloves are a sign of a carefree life, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Russian dream book

What does a Glove mean in a dream - separation from a loved one.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Jewish dream book

What do Gloves mean in a dream - Taking off gloves A dream you had on Monday night - to failure, confusion, fear; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to fatigue and reluctance to do something else; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means abandonment of the plan. Wearing gloves A dream you had on Monday night means that people will appear who will support you; if you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that your self-confidence will return; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that you will make plans (most likely, impracticable ones). Put the right glove on left hand For an unmarried woman, fear an unhappy marriage. For a married woman - to achieve changes in family life. For a boy - look for an interesting activity. For a man - to gain self-confidence.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Women's dream book

What does it mean to see Gloves in a dream - Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty and at the same time selfless in your actions. In the near future, you will face litigation or troubles in business, but don’t worry - everything will work out soon. If you take off your gloves, you will experience minor success in business and love. Old or torn gloves dream of deception and loss. Losing gloves in a dream means being abandoned. However, you will find the strength to maintain your cheerfulness. Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of the Glove - saying goodbye to close family people for various reasons. When buying new gloves, exercise caution. Finding a pair of leather gloves means a new temporary romance. Taking off the glove means ending the love affair. Long gloves up to the elbow - protection.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

The glove is an opportunity. Raising the glove means a new relationship; old or torn gloves - deception and loss; losing gloves means separation.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream book of catchphrases

GLOVES (mittens) – “keep a tight rein” - strict, excessive control. “Work with gloves” - about a neat person, a pedant; new activity; “protective gloves” - protection. “Throw down (raise) the gauntlet” - challenge or accept a challenge.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream book for women

To see in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday how you put on a glove - in reality you will have great success.

Trying on gloves in a dream is a sign of a situation that can be interpreted in two ways. But if you dreamed about this from Monday to Tuesday, it means that you will be able to get out of this situation while maintaining your dignity.

A dream from Sunday to Monday in which you lose your glove foretells that in reality you will commit an ugly act.

If in a dream you find or put on someone else’s glove, it means that you will have to face meanness and treachery, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, praise awaits you.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Idiomatic dream book

“Keep a tight rein” - strict, excessive control; “work with gloves” - about a neat person, a pedant; new activity; “protective gloves” - protection; “throw (raise) the gauntlet” - challenge or accept a challenge.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream book for the whole family

To see in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday how you put on a glove - in reality you will have great success.

Trying on gloves in a dream is a sign of a situation that can be interpreted in two ways. But if you dreamed about this from Monday to Tuesday, it means that you will be able to get out of this situation while maintaining your dignity.

A dream from Sunday to Monday in which you lose your glove foretells that in reality you will commit an ugly act.

If in a dream you find or put on someone else’s glove, it means that you will have to face meanness and treachery, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, praise awaits you.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Online dream book

Wearing gloves means being very careful and very prudent in dealing with certain people, but this does not mean that you are a selfish person.

If they are ancient and torn, be careful, someone will want to cheat on you, and you may become a little poorer because of this.

The dream book says that if you lose them, then in reality you may soon become impoverished, and you will need to look for some kind of work in order not to die of hunger.

If you dream that you found gloves, you may get married soon, or you will have a new boyfriend.

Taking them off means that in the near future you will have problems in your family or at work. If you wear them

I dreamed that you decided to buy them for yourself - soon expect some good news that will deprive you of peace. If you are selling it

In a dream, choose gloves in the appropriate department shopping center- try to observe the necessary hygiene standards as much as possible, otherwise you will catch some kind of illness that affects the skin.

You are busy acquiring them - information will reach you that will greatly upset you, you will not find a place for yourself from worries and anxiety, but you will not be able to change anything, so do not fuss in vain and do not complicate everything even more.

You are sewing up your gloves - some minor events will take up a lot of your free time.

The dream book interprets beautiful, newly purchased genuine leather gloves as a harbinger of quick luck and prosperity in everything you undertake.

If you put them on, you will be able to wisely manage the material wealth you have acquired, you will be a zealous and economical owner, but at the same time you will arouse universal respect for the breadth of your soul.

If you dreamed of boxing gloves, unforeseen circumstances will arise that can only be overcome through incredible efforts and persistent efforts on your part.

A dream in which you saw black gloves foreshadows unforeseen circumstances or news that will change the course of your affairs for the worse.

If they are snow-white, this is a sign sincere feelings, mutual support, reliable support, serene, unclouded happiness.

If they're on you

In a dream, you lost your gloves - you will be left in splendid isolation, try to accept this steadfastly and not fall into despair, your optimism will help attract new joyful events to you.

You have found them - soon you will meet your soulmate, with whom you can even create a reliable and strong family, where love and prosperity will reign.

A dream in which you are trying on gloves, especially if you had a dream on the night opposite Tuesday, indicates that you will face some difficulties and misunderstandings, but you will be able to successfully cope with them by showing your best best qualities.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Universal dream book

I really don’t understand why we say “throw down the gauntlet” when we are ready to fight, since boxers just put on gloves to fight? What gloves did you see in your dream? Lace thin gloves symbolize the desire for elegance and sophistication, while boxing gloves indicate that you need to be more aggressive if you want to knock out someone.

These days, many people wear rubber gloves when they want to protect themselves from germs and bacteria - are you afraid that someone might infect you with their actions, or do you feel that you yourself are negatively influencing others with your actions?

Our fingerprints are unique, so the only way hiding them is wearing gloves - gloves can symbolize your reluctance to show who you really are or where you are from?

Why do you dream about gloves?

An old English dream book

In a dream, discovering that you have lost your gloves is a dream that predicts losses in commerce and trade, and perhaps you will have to move to another city. For a married man who dreamed that he had lost his right glove, the dream promises illness or the loss of his wife. If you are alone, another will take away your love.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Dream book of lovers

If you dream that you have found new gloves, such a dream foreshadows a successful marriage or a happy marriage.

A man who dreams that he is fastening a glove on a woman’s hand - in reality should beware of intrigues on the part of the fair sex.

clothing mittens

Dream Interpretation Gloves Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty and at the same time selfless in your actions. In the near future, you will face litigation or troubles in business, but don’t worry - everything will work out soon. If you take off your gloves, you will experience minor success in business and love. Old or torn gloves dream of deception and loss. Losing gloves in a dream means being abandoned. However, you will find the strength to maintain your cheerfulness. Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Gloves To dream that you are wearing gloves means that you will be careful and prudent in your relationships with people, but not selfish. Also expect litigation and troubles in commercial matters that will be resolved in your favor. If a man sees a signet on his hand in a dream, it means that he will meet a woman who will change his life. If you dreamed that you were wearing old, torn gloves, in reality you are in danger of betrayal and will suffer losses. Losing gloves in a dream means that in real life you will go broke and you will have to work to ensure your existence. A man dreams that he has lost his signet: this means bitter disappointment, drunkenness and a dubious acquaintance that can ruin his reputation. Find a pair of gloves: for marriage or the appearance of a new lover. If a man dreams that she is fastening a woman’s glove, in reality some woman will threaten to expose him. Taking off gloves in a dream means that failures await you in business and in love. Giving a man a signet in a dream: for a date with your loved one. Perhaps you will meet a person who will give you unexpected news. A dream in which a signet is put on you means a bad deal and financial problems that will be very difficult for you to solve. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Gloves Buying gloves in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a cramped financial situation; if you buy men's gloves as a gift to a loved one, this portends ardent reciprocal feelings. Wearing thin, cold gloves in severe frosts - such a dream is a sign of sadness and difficult experiences due to the fact that you are not understood and underestimated. Old or torn gloves that should have been thrown away long ago are a harbinger of sad events and losses. Losing your last gloves in a dream means that your heartfelt affection will be rejected and you will lose all hope of returning the love of the man you desire. Wearing two different gloves in a dream is a harbinger of events that do not promise anything good, moreover, they can only aggravate an already disastrous situation. A dream in which you cannot take off your gloves, which seem to have grown to your skin, means that in reality men will avoid you, fearing that you might marry them to yourself. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Interpretation of the dream Gloves If you dream that you have found new gloves, such a dream foreshadows a successful marriage or a happy marriage. A man who dreams that he is fastening a glove on a woman’s hand should in reality beware of intrigues on the part of the fair sex. Taking off gloves in a dream means disappointment in love affairs. Dream book for lovers

Meaning of the dream Gloves Wearing gloves: a symbol that the dreamer wants to retire from business. Gloves in hands: a sign of rivalry. Seeing another with gloves: to be deceived by him, rejected. Torn, dirty gloves: to a quarrel, need. Beautiful, expensive gloves: a sign of a carefree life. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Gloves Seeing gloves in a dream means disappointment, loneliness, melancholy. Leather gloves: you will become a victim of unfair treatment from your superiors. Thin gloves, lace or mesh: you will suffer because of your own frivolity. It is best for you to be alone and understand yourself. Rubber gloves: you are too suspicious, which prevents you from living a normal life. With this attitude you alienate those around you. Long gloves: you have suffered a serious disappointment in love. As a result of the suffering you have endured, you have lost interest in members of the opposite sex. Short gloves: you will break up with your loved one. But after a while you will restore the relationship, realizing that you cannot live without each other. Wear gloves: hit the road. The results of this trip will be of great importance to you. Far from home, you will miss your family and friends. Taking off the gloves: you will refuse a lucrative offer at work in the name of the interests of your family, which means much more to you than career growth. But after some time you will regret that you could not take advantage of the chance that was given to you. Buy gloves: you will receive unpleasant news, because of which you will lose peace. But there is no point in doing anything, because in any case there is nothing you can do to change the current circumstances in any way. Break the gloves: you are trying to return to your past in all possible and impossible ways: making a lot of effort, you want to restore broken relationships. But, unfortunately, this will not work for you. Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Interpretation of the dream Gloves Gloves. Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your dealings with others. Although you will face litigation or troubles in business, everything will work out. If you wear old or torn gloves, you will be deceived and you will suffer losses. If in a dream you lost your gloves, you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness. Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest. If a man fastens a woman’s glove, this means that a person will appear in his life who will threaten to expose him. If you take off your gloves, you will experience minor success in business and love. Big dream book

Why do you dream about Gloves? If you put on new gloves in a dream - be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your relationships with others. If you wore old or torn gloves, beware of deception. Lost your gloves - you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness. Found gloves - a happy marriage or a new love interest lies ahead. If you take off your gloves - expect minor success in business and love. If a man fastens a woman’s glove, then a person will appear in his life who will threaten him with exposure. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Gloves In a dream, discovering that you have lost your gloves is a dream that predicts losses in commerce and trade, and you may have to move to another city. For a married man who dreamed that he had lost his right glove, the dream promises illness or the loss of his wife. If you are alone, then another will take away your love. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Gloves Gloves: disgust. Wear gloves: you will have to care for seriously ill people or clean up disgusting dirt. Buy: marriage with someone you don't love, disgust for your sex partner. See, choose: danger of contracting a skin disease (fungus, scabies). Dirty, torn: you need to use protective equipment and personal hygiene, but you neglect this. Very beautiful, with finishing: you need to free yourself from complexes about external imperfections. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Gloves “Keep a tight rein”: strict, excessive control “work with gloves”: about a neat person, a pedant, a new occupation “protective gloves”: protection “throw (raise) the glove”: challenge or accept a challenge. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Gloves Gloves protect your hands from cold and wind, and also prevent direct contact with others: are you trying to isolate yourself from people? Or should you protect yourself in the interests of hygiene and health? It may also mean that you should drop the gloves and get to work. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Gloves A dream in which you lose your gloves: indicates that your relationship with your lover leaves much to be desired. You will probably have to separate soon. If in a dream someone else takes off your gloves: your success in business and love will largely depend on the impression you make on others. Love dream book

Dream Interpretation Glove Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Gloves Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty and at the same time selfless in your actions. In the near future, you will face litigation or troubles in business, but don’t worry, everything will work out soon. If you take off your gloves, you will experience minor success in business and in love. Old or torn gloves dream of deception and loss. Losing gloves in a dream: being abandoned. However, you will find the strength to maintain your cheerfulness. Finding a pair of gloves: means a happy marriage or a new love interest. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Glove Wearing gloves is a symbol that the dreamer wants to retire from business. Gloves in hands are a sign of rivalry. Seeing another with gloves means being deceived by him, rejected. Torn, dirty gloves - to a quarrel, need. Beautiful, expensive gloves are a sign of a carefree life. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Gloves If you put on new gloves in a dream, you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your relationships with others. Wearing old or torn gloves: beware of deception. Lost your gloves: you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness. Found gloves: a happy marriage or a new love interest lies ahead. Take off your gloves: expect little success in business and love. If a man fastens a woman’s glove, a person will appear in his life who will threaten him with exposure. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Glove For women: To see in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday how you put on a glove - in reality, great success awaits you. Trying on gloves in a dream is a sign of a situation that can be interpreted in two ways. But if you dreamed about this from Monday to Tuesday, it means that you will be able to get out of this situation while maintaining your dignity. A dream from Sunday to Monday in which you lose your glove foretells that in reality you will commit an ugly act. If in a dream you find or put on someone else’s glove, it means that you will have to face meanness and treachery, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, praise awaits you.

Often gloves can be interpreted as protection, loyalty, interaction. These concepts generally relate to communication and relationships between people. In order to understand why gloves are dreamed of, it is important to remember what they looked like, who they were wearing, what exactly was done with their help, and under what circumstances this piece of clothing happened to be used. The dream book considers gloves, taking into account all these nuances.

Appearance of gloves

If some details have been erased from your memory, you can try to relax a little and mentally return to your dream, imagining exactly what the gloves were like, what fabric they were made of, what season they were designed for, the color of the product is also of great importance.

A man sees gloves in a dream white on hands stranger- to attend a fun holiday, an invitation to which will arrive in the very near future. Perhaps a wedding or corporate party, full of pleasant emotions and acquaintances.

If you dreamed of wearing white gloves, you will soon be able to celebrate a well-deserved victory over a serious competitor or long-time enemy. One can only envy someone who is fighting for the desired position, because soon the goal will be achieved.

The dream book interprets the girl’s dream, in which she saw wedding gloves, literally as an imminent marriage. But if this accessory was in the hands of a rival, then soon you will have a serious fight for the heart of the man you like, which, most likely, will end not in favor of the sleeping woman.

Why do you dream young man see wedding gloves on the hands of the chosen one? This is a sign of getting married to her soon. The interpretation is relevant if in the dream the girl did not marry someone else. To be loved at a wedding means to be unsure of her fidelity.

The dream interpretation of black gloves is quite unambiguous. You shouldn't expect anything good from such a dream, unless, of course, you wear gloves in real life. In the first case, the dream book predicts sad and stunning news, in the second - a situation for which the dreamer will not be able to prepare mentally.

Why does a woman dream of red gloves? It's a passion that can't be stopped. A strong feeling will arise for a strange man, which can lead to a number of troubles. Before giving in to your inner fire, try to analyze the consequences of your actions. If the dreamer is married, then her husband will quickly bring her to clean water.

In a man’s dream, seeing red gloves on the hands of a stranger means great confrontation and the impossibility of resolving the conflict peacefully. Probably we are talking about the fight for the girl’s heart.

If a man dreams of wearing red gloves, then the dream book recommends being more restrained in expressing his emotions, since hot temper often leads to misunderstanding in society.

For those who do heavy physical labor at an enterprise or construction site, seeing work gloves on themselves is a sign of a conflict with their superiors, which can escalate into a strike. It's probably worth looking for a way out and looking for something new. workplace, so as not to remain unemployed if it is impossible to figure it out in an amicable way.

Men's gloves in a dream should be interpreted depending on what or who they were intended for. If a girl in a dream gives them to a young man whom she likes in real life, it means a wonderful relationship, mutual love, support and understanding of each other. But if a man buys this accessory for himself, it means that financial difficulties lie ahead, which can be avoided by starting a more modest life without wasting money.

Why did you dream about rubber gloves? You will have to study and work a lot in order to achieve what you want. It’s worth mentally preparing for hard work or trying to concentrate on a simpler goal. If such a dream occurs to a girl who believes that only thanks to her primary sexual characteristics she will marry an oligarch, she will soon be greatly disappointed. However, if she didn’t dream about gloves, then disappointment still cannot be avoided. Married woman such a dream speaks of the need to be more independent and try not to shift responsibility to the spouse in order to represent at least some value for the family.

The interpretation of the dream in which women's gloves were seen depends on what they are intended for and in what context they appeared in the dream. A dream in which a young man buys gloves as a gift to his girlfriend speaks of his serious and sincere intentions towards her. Mutual feeling will only intensify, which will lead to greater rapprochement. Why does a man dream about how he fastens his glove? female hand? Soon he will have to literally fight off an annoying girl who will demand attention not only in a good way, but using blackmail or threats.

Why do you dream of gloves in the ring or boxing gloves? To the beginning of a difficult period in life, when you will have to make incredible efforts to achieve your goal. Soon work will take everything away free time, depriving you of the opportunity to relax and meet with friends. But you should understand that this period will not last long, and the results of hard work will exceed expectations many times over.

For a man to see dirty gloves in a dream - to losses and financial losses, and for a girl - to betrayal or disappointment in a young man.

New gloves on the dreamer’s hands portend interesting news or an increase in salary. And if a man sees white mittens on the hands of his beloved, then he should think that she is not happy with something in their relationship, and she is seriously thinking about ending it.


The dream book interprets the gloves seen depending on what exactly you dreamed of doing with them. For example, if a girl buys them in a dream, then there are some financial difficulties or even dismissal ahead.

If a woman admires gloves, trying them on before purchasing, then the meaning of this dream will depend on the outcome of events. If the purchase suits the girl, then she will make the right choice between the two young men. If not, then most likely you will have a not very successful marriage due to your own mistake.

Buying gloves for a man for himself is a warning from the dream book about the frivolity of his character and too wild behavior. It can lead to loneliness and health problems. Rich sexual experience with different partners also has bad consequences.

Why does a girl dream of trying on someone else's gloves? To envy and admiration for someone. This is probably the owner of the gloves. The dream book recommends that such girls take more care of themselves, their development and appearance, in order to raise self-esteem and be less interested in personal life strangers and successful people.

Miller's dream book believes that men who dreamed of taking off gloves in a dream will have great success not only at work, but also in love affairs. For those who have had some problems in the intimate sphere, we can say that soon everything will return to normal, sex life will sparkle with new colors.

Losing a glove in a dream is not a good sign, indicating an imminent separation from a loved one due to the inability to trust him. If the glove is found, then reunification is possible, but, unfortunately, it will not last long, since trust has already been irretrievably lost.

If in a dream you give gloves, then the interpretation depends on their appearance. Giving rubber gloves means help in business or work. Leather gloves in a dream are given as a gift to an alliance between people, profitable relationships or acquaintances for selfish purposes. Red gloves - symbol sexual desire and a passion that cannot be extinguished.

Why dream of finding someone else's glove in a dream? Towards acquisition faithful companion life, and for girls - to a successful marriage and full of love relationships.

For business people finding a glove means finding a reliable business partner and fruitful cooperation.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 04/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...