Planeta Organica Bio shampoo for hair against hair loss. Bio shampoo against hair loss Alerana for dry and normal hair high-quality anti-hair loss shampoo with nettle and burdock

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    Greetings to all!
    I’ll start from the very beginning, my hair never really grew out until I got pregnant, during the first trimester it fell out like hell, I thought I’d remain bald. I think many mothers are familiar with this situation. Then the second and third trimesters came, then the situation changed dramatically, a mop of new hair grew, and it did not fall out at all. There was no need to clean the comb. Well, male hormones also played a role here, since there was a son under my heart. I understood that I couldn’t live my whole life with such luxurious hair, but I preferred not to think about it. And so the birth passed, the baby was three months old, and I remembered all my fears when my hair began to fall out in clumps. The whole apartment was strewn with my hair, I competed with my fluffy cat. It feels like I've shed. Mentally, I set myself up to say, okay, hormones are changing, only what has grown during pregnancy will fall out, but I couldn’t sit idly by and started looking for a complex against hair loss. My choice fell on the System 4 system; I found the first review on Cosmetist. What also captivated me was that the instructions specifically indicated hair loss after childbirth as an indication for use.
    In general, the annotation indicates the following causes of hair loss for which this complex can help:

    And so, I’ll start in order, what the complex consists of.

    1. Sim Sensitive Bio-Botanical Shampoo – Bio-Botanical Shampoo, 215 ml

    The composition is in two languages, I apologize for the quality in Russian, the font is very small:

    Looks like that:

    What the manufacturer promises:

    Expanded opinion:
    The shampoo is almost transparent, with slight opalescence. It smells like menthol, when applied to the skin it cools it a little and at the same time bakes it. But not too much, it doesn’t cause any discomfort. It cleanses my hair well; personally, it doesn’t affect the secretions of the sebaceous glands. I didn’t wash my hair less often, but it doesn’t get dirty either. It doesn’t dry out the scalp, but it’s not so sweet for the ends. After shampoo, they urgently require the use of a mask, otherwise they feel like straw to the touch. During the period of exacerbation, I used it every time I washed my hair, and now no more than 2 times a week.

    2. Sim Sensitive Oil cure hair mask – Therapeutic mask “O”, 215 ml


    Looks like that:

    The manufacturer promises:

    Expanded opinion:
    The white mask feels like it’s completely water-based. It is promised to moisturize the scalp and hair. It doesn't work for me. I apply the mask only to the roots, and apply another mask to the rest. Otherwise, as I already wrote, the result is straw. It smells a little like menthol, but not as much as shampoo. The smell is pleasant. I keep it on for about 10 minutes. Previously, during periods of exacerbation, I forced myself to walk with her for half an hour or longer.

    3. Sim Sensitive Bio-Botanical Serum - Bio-Botanical Serum, 200 ml


    Convenient dispenser cap:
    Looks like that:

    What the manufacturer promises:

    Expanded opinion: This is the bomb! Alcohol comes second, so you can imagine how quickly it evaporates. Therefore, we need to work with it quickly. A convenient dispenser, with the help of it I spread the serum in a “mesh” over the entire surface of the head, then rub it with my fingers. Metol cools, alcohol bakes, in general, an explosive mixture. This effect lasts on the head for about 10-15 minutes, slowly weakening. I apply this serum to my skin immediately after washing, but first wring out my hair. Sometimes I use it even when I wash with another shampoo. It doesn’t stain your scalp and you don’t need to wash your hair more often.

    And now about the result:
    I started using this complex in January, used it for 2 months, then gave it up, thinking that the problem had been solved, I gave it to my mother. Now I bought a new kit for prevention again.
    And so first the total length of the bangs

    And now what grew under it, immediately after starting to use this complex, well, not immediately, about a month later:

    Well, the whole head is covered with new small hairs

    Even my hairdresser noted the result, which undoubtedly makes me happy, which means this is definitely not my sick fantasy.
    Now I use this complex 1-2 times a week. I don’t want to use it more often, it still dries out my hair, so I alternate it. My hair is falling out now, but within reason. I'm not complaining about their number.
    But now my doubts... I have thoughts in my head that the new regrown hair may not be 100% due to the complex, but simply my hormones returned to normal and the hair began to grow on its own.
    I gave another half of the first set to my mother, she has long had problems with the amount of hair she has, and it didn’t help her at all. She said it was a nice thing, but she didn’t find any undercoat. Although my mother has had problems for a very long time, and, probably, this complex simply cannot turn back time.
    It seems to me that this complex will cope well with hair loss caused by stress, temporary changes in the body (childbirth, pregnancy, climate change) and other not very serious problems, but if you lost most of your hair a long time ago, then it’s not worth much count, or can use it as part of a more effective therapy. The opinion is very subjective.

    If we talk about whether I will buy these products again, definitely yes, after my next pregnancy.

    Grade: I will rate the entire complex together, since I did not use these products separately. For grown hair - 5, for dry hair condition - 3 (this applies more to shampoo and mask, the serum did not affect dryness in any way)

    Price: 2300 rubles at the pharmacy, there is also a small set, it’s cheaper

    I hope my post will be useful to you!
    Wishing you beautiful and thick hair!

    Criteria for choosing a good anti-hair loss shampoo

    Shampoo for thinning hair needs to be chosen very carefully:

    • by hair type and scalp: for dry, oily or normal hair;
    • by type of problem. Science knows:

    1.androgenetic and focal alopecia- serious diseases requiring medical treatment;

    2.temporary increased hair loss(after stress, strict diet, childbirth, etc.). Medicinal shampoos will help, slowing down hair loss and activating hair growth;

    3. hair breaking off at the roots, which occurs due to the destruction of the cuticle. Good nourishing and moisturizing care will help here;

    • by composition. The presence of proteins, keratin, biotin, plant extracts, minerals and trace elements in the shampoo is welcome, which strengthen the hair cuticle.
      Oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids (avocado, jojoba, burdock, rapeseed, black currant, borage, evening primrose), extracts of the fruits of dwarf palm and stinging nettle, biotin, caffeine, vitamin B6, zinc are useful for thinning hair. If your hair is damaged, it will also benefit from silicones and moisturizers. As for shampoos with medicinal ingredients, it is best to use them on the advice of a doctor.

    Important! Baldness is a medical problem. If shampoos, masks and dietary adjustments do not help, it’s time to contact a trichologist. It is the doctor who will identify the causes of hair loss and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

    The best manufacturers of shampoos for hair loss

    All anti-hair loss shampoos on the market can be divided into 2 large groups:

    • Products that provide a cosmetic effect. These are any high-quality store-bought and salon shampoos with a strengthening, protective and moisturizing effect. They can prevent hair breakage, protect it with silicones, oils and proteins, and help grow new hair. But they cannot somehow affect the functioning of hair follicles.
    • Pharmacy shampoos. These include products from the brands Vichy, Kerastase, Klorane, Fitoval, Alerana, Selentsin, etc. These products contain topical medicinal components of varying degrees of effectiveness and require course (not constant!) use.

    Rating of the best shampoos against hair loss - TOP 8

    "Expert Prices" presents several well-known and high-quality shampoos against hair loss.

    Product name

    Estimated cost, rub.


    Pharmalife Italy RINFOLTIL Strengthened formula Caffeine

    effective shampoo against hair loss with caffeine

    Vichy Dercos Firming with Aminexil®

    the most popular pharmacy shampoo for the treatment of alopecia

    KRKA Fitoval 200 ml

    good shampoo for seasonal and temporary hair loss

    Kerastase Specifique Bain Stimuliste GL 250 ml

    strengthening shampoo for frequent hair washing

    TWINS Tech Onion 911 150 ml

    inexpensive pharmacy shampoo for baldness

    Alerana for dry and normal hair 250 ml

    high-quality anti-hair loss shampoo with nettle and burdock

    SelentsinHairTherapy 200 ml

    good Russian shampoo against hair loss

    "First aid kit" Agafya Dermatological 300 ml

    inexpensive preventive shampoo against hair loss

    Now let's talk about the features of each of the selected products in more detail.

    1. Pharmalife Italy RINFOLTIL Strengthened formula Caffeine
    effective shampoo against hair loss with caffeine

    500 rub.

    One of the best anti-hair loss shampoos using active cosmetic ingredients. These are wheat protein, extracts of nasturtium, cinchona and dwarf palm fruits, a complex of amino acids, zinc and caffeine, which are supplemented with panthenol, collagen, elastin and glycine. A huge plus is that most of the useful components are located in the first half of the list (caffeine is in 4th place).


    • soft washing base;
    • no fragrance;
    • effective composition;
    • fights androgenetic alopecia.


    • liquid, does not foam well (but rinses well);
    • the effect is slow (you need to use it for at least a month daily);
    • without ampoules the effect is not so pronounced.

    Typical reviews of Pharmalife Italy RINFOLTIL shampoo:

    “In the first 2 weeks of use, hair loss increased, and very strongly. And then it stopped, or rather, returned to normal. No more clumps of lost hair in the bathtub and brush!”

    “2 months have passed since I started using the shampoo, and I can safely say: the shampoo helped! My hair started to grow, and now I have much less hair loss.”

    2. Vichy Dercos Firming with Aminexil
    the most popular pharmacy shampoo for the treatment of alopecia

    Average price in Russia for 200 ml: 680 rub.

    This well-known product is based on the therapeutic component aminexil, a derivative of minoxidil. Aminexil is good because it prolongs the “life” of hair and reduces the intensity of hair loss. In addition, the composition contains panthenol and vitamin B6, which strengthen the cuticle, and arginine, which improves microcirculation in the scalp. Like all medicinal products, it requires a course of use.


    • economical, foams well, rinses well;
    • stops hair loss after 3-4 uses;
    • Visibly thickens hair shafts.


    • high price (together with ampoules even more expensive);
    • makes hair harder and drier.

    Typical reviews of Vichy Dercos Firming with Aminexil®:

    “I used 1 bottle of shampoo and my hair loss stopped completely. After a month's break, I decided to repeat the course. Result: hair growth has improved significantly, a good “undercoat” has appeared.

    “The best shampoo for hair loss! Hair practically does not fall out using this shampoo. They feel more dense and have added a little volume.”

    3. KRKA Fitoval
    good shampoo for seasonal and temporary hair loss

    Average price in the Russian Federation: 310 rub.

    This anti-hair loss shampoo successfully combines low price, availability (available in almost all pharmacies) and good results. The composition is based on wheat peptides and rosemary and arnica extracts, which improve hair structure and stimulate blood circulation. According to reviews, it does a good job of restoring hair after stress, illness, childbirth, and is especially good for thin and brittle strands.


    • quickly stops hair loss;
    • stimulates new hair growth;
    • hair combs well and shines even without balm;


    • liquid, uneconomical;
    • dries out hair.

    Typical reviews about KRKA Fitoval:

    “I don’t use Fitoval all the time, but in spring and autumn I always take it out of stock. The hair quickly returns to normal and stops falling out.”

    “The best shampoo - it really reduced hair loss! When washing I lose 3-4 pieces! And after washing, the hair is very shiny, easy to comb and style well.”

    4.Kerastase Specifique Bain Stimuliste GL
    strengthening shampoo for frequent hair washing

    1300 rub.

    The premium shampoo promises to reduce strand loss, enhance hair growth, strengthen and shine. Arginine and glucolipids are responsible for fulfilling their promises. The shampoo thoroughly rinses the curls and leaves them in excellent condition - shiny, light and manageable. Reviews from women say that Kerastase shampoo not only reduces hair loss better than other products, but also allows you to quickly grow a new “fuzz”.


    • complex healing effect on hair and scalp;
    • scanty consumption;
    • flawless hair appearance.

    Minus: high price.

    Typical reviews O Kerastase Specifique Bain Stimuliste GL:

    “It definitely changes the hair for the better, strengthens it and allows new hairs to grow faster and not break.”

    “Very economical, thick shampoo, hair after it is clean and shiny. As for hair loss, almost from the first wash I noticed that there was much less hair in the bathtub drain than before.”

    5. TWINS Tech Onion 911
    inexpensive pharmacy shampoo for baldness

    Average price in Russia for 150 ml: 100 rub.

    A modest pharmacy shampoo attracts with its good quality and lasting results. It contains not only natural onion extract (immediately after the washing base), but also a complex of plant extracts (birch, nettle, chamomile, burdock, etc.), and a number of vitamins beneficial for hair (biotin, naicin, etc.). This is not an advertising dummy, but a really (albeit not instantly) working product.


    • good cleansing and pleasant aroma;
    • efficiency;
    • can be used constantly;
    • composition with a high content of plant components;
    • thickens hair and adds shine.


    • the result does not appear immediately;
    • does not foam well;
    • Skin allergic reactions occur.

    Typical reviews of TWINS Tech Onion 911 shampoo:

    “For the money, the shampoo is simply excellent. I’m not sure that it somehow contributed to hair growth, but its effect is soft and gentle, it doesn’t dry out, doesn’t tangle, and the hair seems to be thicker from it.”

    “With each new application, the effect of the 911 pleased me more and more. My hair almost stopped falling out, and new hairs appeared along the hair growth line. And this is from shampoo for 100 rubles! For its price, this is really the best shampoo for hair loss.”

    6.Alerana for dry and normal hair
    high-quality anti-hair loss shampoo with nettle and burdock

    Average price in Russia for 250 ml: 400 rub.

    A good shampoo with a rich list of herbal ingredients that together help cope with the problem of hair loss. Contains nettle and burdock extracts, poppy and tea tree oils, proteins, lecithin and panthenol. The same series also includes shampoo for oily hair.


    • effective against hair loss;
    • easy to buy (sold in almost every pharmacy);


    • in the first 2 weeks of use, hair loss increases;
    • liquid, uneconomical;
    • dries hair;
    • tangles, can't comb without balm.

    Typical shampoo reviewsAlerana for dry and normal hair:

    “For me, this shampoo has become a good average product. It’s runny, can dry out lengths, and doesn’t do wonders for hair growth, but it does have the good quality of having a real impact on hair loss.”

    “In combination with a balm and spray of the same brand, it works very well. If used separately, it turns your hair into a washcloth. But with it the hair stopped coming out of my head - that’s a fact!”

    5. Selentsin Hair Therapy
    good Russian shampoo against hair loss

    Average price in Russia for 200 ml: 300 rub.

    The domestic shampoo uses anagelin (a patented plant protein), burdock and nettle extracts, caffeine and biotin. It also contains silicones that protect weak and brittle hair. According to reviews, the shampoo reduces the number of lost hairs, but not by much. But in combination with a balm, mask and spray from the same manufacturer it works great.


    • rinses efficiently, does not become greasy or dry;
    • good composition (proteins + collagen + biotin + caffeine + plant extracts + silicones);
    • pleasant coffee aroma.


    • the effect of one shampoo is not sufficiently pronounced;
    • Not available in all pharmacies.

    Typical reviews of Selentsin shampooHairTherapy:

    “I used it for 2 months until the bottle ran out. The hair is washed out, it has become thicker and denser, and its loss has noticeably decreased.”

    4. “Agafya’s First Aid Kit” Dermatological
    inexpensive preventive shampoo against hair loss

    Average price in Russia for 300 ml: 75 rub.

    Foams well and rinses hair perfectly, contains calamus root extract, linseed oil and keratin. Strengthens hair, reduces fragility, does not irritate the scalp, but cannot cope with hair loss. The product can be recommended as a prophylactic to maintain hair beauty between courses of treatment. The shampoo does not contain silicones, so additional care may be required.


    • good strengthening effect;
    • prolongs hair cleanliness;
    • low price and large volume.


    • weak effect against hair loss;
    • without balm, hair becomes very tangled;
    • very inconvenient bottle.

    Typical reviews of the shampoo “Agafya’s First Aid Kit” Dermatological:

    “A good inexpensive shampoo made with calamus root. I use it all the time, with Agafya my hair stays clean longer, it’s shiny and flowy.”

    “I don’t know if it does anything about hair loss, but my hair definitely breaks less. After a month of use, there are almost no traces left on the comb.”

    So which anti-hair loss shampoo should you choose?

    So, we have not found an ideal remedy for hair loss either in cosmetic or medicinal shampoo lines. Perhaps it’s not the quality of these products, but the fact that when dealing with hair loss, no shampoo works alone: ​​you need an integrated approach, and often treatment from a doctor. “Price Expert” advises consulting with a specialist and choosing exactly what your hair needs. Happy shopping and beautiful hair!

    Buy no Bio Shampoo for hair against hair loss, leave a review about this product on our website and receive a discount on your next purchase.

    This is an effective and at the same time gentle product that solves the problem of hair loss. The sulfate-free organic formula is characterized by the absence of harmful chemicals - it combines only beneficial plant extracts that can have an extremely positive and healing effect on curls and scalp.

    The basis of the intensive bio-shampoo is black Kamchatka birch along with Sakhalin shiksha and Far Eastern rowan. Unique active ingredients are rich in valuable substances that are necessary for the beauty and health of hair. Thanks to them, the product not only delicately cleanses of impurities, but also has a powerful nourishing, moisturizing, softening, and strengthening effect. It has been proven that after a week of regular use, this shampoo can achieve excellent results. Thus, hair loss is reduced by 96%, hair becomes three times stronger and thicker. Another pleasant effect is 89% explosive growth! Thanks to the special natural power of the natural product, your hair will become healthy and look great.

    Remedy No. 1. Haartonikum tonic for hair and scalp from C:ehko.

    Information from the manufacturer: Formula - 3 B + Biotin + Birch extract + Bisabolol Natural help against hair loss. More energy for every hair. Thick hair filled with energy significantly improves your mood. Therefore, through our many years of research, we developed C:EHKO tonic for hair and scalp. Restoring energy serum significantly reduces hair loss. Testing has proven that the product stimulates the formation of new hair, even in people whose hair density has decreased by 80 percent. Strengthening the hair structure with C:EHKO tonic for hair and scalp, which significantly increases the thickness of brittle and weak hair, and also significantly revitalizes the scalp. The drug reduces skin irritation and stimulates blood circulation. It activates intercellular metabolism, thanks to which high-dose active substances are better delivered inside the hair and penetrate into its root. Hair becomes healthier and stronger, and also acquires a natural shine. Directions for use: Shake before use! Spray daily part by part onto problem areas, then apply light pressure and rub into scalp. The specific texture of this product allows it to be quickly absorbed without leaving greasy marks on the hair or sticking it together. To condition and strengthen the hair structure, spray the product directly onto the hair. We recommend using this product in the evening, since at night the blood supply to the scalp is better, the skin pores are open and active caring substances are better absorbed by skin cells. Ingredients: water, alcohol denat., propylene glycol, birch bud extract, birch sap, hydrolyzed wheat protein, butylene glycol, rice extract (oryza sativa), chamomile flower extract (chamomila recutita), phenethyl alcohol, glucose, proline, alanine, sodium benzoate, serine, potassium sorbate, citric acid, bisabolol, biotin

    To be honest, I didn’t even look at the ingredients when purchasing. But still, when it comes to strengthening hair, the composition is important. And for the first time in my life, I decided to disassemble the composition after the product ran out. L-logic Denatured alcohol - in other words, ethyl alcohol. We all know that ethyl alcohol dries. But besides this, it performs the important function of a conductor, helping the active components penetrate as deeply as possible. Propylene glycol - serves as an indispensable conductor for the penetration of active substances into cells and is essentially a universal humectant and softener. Birch bud extract - tones and soothes the skin, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Hydrolyzed wheat protein - improves the water balance of hair, prevents dehydration, strengthens the structure of hair, eyelashes and nails, adds shine and flexibility to hair, thickens hair. Butylene glycol - used as a moisturizing ingredient, accelerates gliding processes, and acts as a surfactant. Widely used as a solvent and preservative Rice extract - has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, softening and regenerating effect. Chamomile flower extract - used against hair loss and to strengthen hair Proline - amino acid, relieves inflammation, promotes collagen synthesis, conditioner for skin and hair. Alanine is an amino acid, used in cosmetics as a moisturizing, conditioning and softening agent, Serine is an amino acid, used as a moisturizing component in cosmetic emulsions. Biological effect - immunomodulatory, improving skin structure. Bisabolol - relieves irritation and redness, has a calming effect on the skin. Biotin - improves the condition of skin and hair. It is used in the care of flaky and dry skin, in products to strengthen and prevent hair loss. Regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. Package. Aluminum bottle with spray. Available in two volume variations: 75ml and 250ml. The spray bottle gives a very fine spray of a large cloud, which by the way, in my opinion, is not very rational for an anti-hair loss product. The bottle does not have a cap, but there is still protection against sudden pressure. This is a plastic ring that can be removed at the time of use and put on again after :) Quite a unique solution Aroma and consistency: I would say the aroma of this product is a little strange... cognac. When I first used it, my husband asked with offense and bewilderment where and why I was hiding cognac from him and why I wasn’t sharing it :) Needless to say, the smell is quite pungent and stays with you until the next wash, although for the sake of the effect you can be a wine shop The consistency is the most common for such products - liquid, not oily, absolutely not greasy. By the way, the color also reminded me of cognac
    Impressions from use. Let me start with the fact that the packaging itself seemed somewhat ill-conceived to me when using it. I was also surprised by the fact that the manufacturer recommends application not only to the scalp, but also to the length of the hair. I already mentioned above that our product is sprayed in a large fine cloud. Well, in this case, how can they get it directly onto the skin? But there is no way, except to pour the contents into another bottle. I have never tried to apply it specifically to the length, but the effect on the root zone was enough for me. The product dries very intensely, although with such a composition this is not surprising. It also does not spare the scalp, so at the end of use I had to add a moisturizing serum from Ollin for the scalp into my care. After application there is no warming or cooling effect, the product does not make the hair greasy at all and does not make the hair easier to wash. By the way, regarding the composition, when I bought this product, the consultant told me that it was very popular, but... very unexpected for the treatment of sore throat. Consumption: It is difficult to call the consumption economical. My bottle had a volume of 250 ml and it lasted me exactly 30 days with daily use only on the scalp. I think there is no point in buying a 75 ml bottle, except to treat your throat :) Effect. The most interesting part for which we actually gathered. I used the product according to the instructions every day for a month, in the evenings. Application was always followed by a massage for 3-5 minutes. Massage in general is a very important thing when we use something for hair loss, because during massage the skin warms up, blood circulation increases and the components can be better absorbed and act. During the period of use, I had quite severe hair loss while taking antibiotics. So what did I get after a month?

    • Hair loss has actually decreased. It did not go away completely, it should be present in any case, but it was already within the normal range.
    • New thin hairs have grown on the temples. Where they weren't before.
    • Hair growth did not accelerate, it was completely standard.
    • My scalp became drier and more moody, but I brought it back to normal within a week.

    Result and price: In general, the product coped with its task, but it was not without its drawbacks. The scent and atomizer certainly could have been thought through better. I don't regret purchasing and trying this product, but I won't buy it again. Price: 1979 rubles for 250 ml and 848 rubles for 75 ml. In general, the price is not that high, but for me almost 2,000 rubles, taking into account monthly expenses, is not at all budgetary :)


    I thought for a long time what products could be analogous to this one, because it has a fairly natural composition, a spray format and there are no noticeable effects (warming or cooling). And in the end I decided that I would simply give a list of professional tools that have ever helped me. Energy lotion for women Cutrin BIO+ Hair Vitality Energen Serum.

    Information from the manufacturer: Energy lotion for women stimulates cell renewal and new hair growth, and also prevents premature hair loss. Contains 7 different vitamins that are important for hair growth, including Biotin, a vitamin H, the deficiency of which leads to hair loss, gray hair and scalp diseases. Xylitol, lactitol and palm extract normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improve the condition of the scalp. Horse chestnut extract stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. It is most effective to use in combination with BIO+ stimulating shampoo for women.

    Personal experience: The lotion cools the scalp, effectively strengthens hair, and slightly accelerates its growth. Can be applied to both wet and dry scalp. The effect after use is noticeable within 3-4 weeks. Consumption: The bottle lasted me 2 months of nightly use. Price: 820 rubles Expert hair lotion from Evalar.

    Information from the manufacturer: Reduces hair loss and increases volume. As a result of prolonged exposure to various unfavorable factors, both external and internal, the scalp suffers first of all - microcirculation and water-fat balance are disrupted in it, which leads to deterioration in nutrition and growth of hair follicles, and ultimately to hair loss . If hair falls out, it is necessary to act on its roots.

    Personal experience: Although the Evalar lotion does not belong to professional cosmetics, I could not help but mention it. Accelerates hair growth, reduces hair loss. Noticeably cools the scalp after application, may dry the skin, but not critical. Consumption: 1 bottle for 1 month. Price: 339 rubles Sim Sensitive Bio Botanical Serum SYSTEM 4 Bio Botanical Serum.

    Information from the manufacturer: Piroctone olamine, salicylic acid, panthenol in combination with a unique composition of medicinal herbs, such as: burdock, horsetail, nasturtium, nettle, birch leaves, rosemary, aloe, watercress, mint, castor oil, horse chestnut extract , tea tree oil, which contain carotenes, phytoncides, ascorbic acids and microelements that help strengthen hair roots, stimulate their growth and stop premature hair loss. And also, numerous vitamins and active microelements necessary for hair follicles, hair and scalp. The effectiveness of the serum is based on its disinfectant effect on the skin, stimulation of blood circulation, and active nutrition of the hair roots. With timely and regular use, it stops hair loss and ensures healthy and active growth.

    Personal experience: Coolant again, but this time it does not dry out the skin. Quickly and effectively strengthens hair roots and stops excessive hair loss; it is enough to use 2 times a week. Consumption: 1 bottle (200ml) for 4 months. Price: 1899 rubles (taking into account consumption it is still cheaper) Energy tonic Londa Stimulating Sensation Leave-In Tonic.

    Information from the manufacturer: Leave-in hair tonic Londa Stimulating Sensation Leave-In Tonic maximally tones blood circulation in the scalp, promoting the activation of hair follicles and active hair growth. Protects against the negative effects of environmental factors. Provides quick and intense hydration of the scalp and hair length thanks to the jojoba oil and white tea extract included in the composition.

    Personal experience: Cools the scalp and is great at combating hair loss without causing excessive oiliness or dryness. Easy to apply. Consumption: 1 bottle for 1 month. Price: 430 rubles. Anti-hair loss lotion Organic Constant Delight.

    Information from the manufacturer: The lotion will help get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as uncontrolled hair loss. This product contains special components that provide the skin with complete vitamin, antioxidant and moisturizing care, which allows you to solve several problems at once.

    Personal experience: The lotion is made in the form of a bottle with a pipette, which by the way makes it much easier to apply. I didn’t notice any noticeable effects from it, but after about 3-4 weeks of use, hair loss decreased. By the way, regarding the reduction, how do I define this? It’s very simple - when, when combing, I see 1-2 hairs on the comb, this indicates that my hair loss is now normal. When it overtakes me with renewed vigor, I collect the scraps from the comb. I think this is an indicator that the products are working. Consumption: 1 bottle for 1 month. Price: 660 rubles.

    Remedy No. 2. L’Oreal Professionnel Expert Aminexil Advanced - Anti-hair loss ampoules.

    So we finally got to the second remedy. These are ampoules with Aminexil from L'Oreal. There are also similar ones in Kerastase, in general, as I understand it, they synthesized this substance. Aminexil is recommended for use in cases of sudden diffuse hair loss or androgenic alopecia (baldness) associated with nervous stress and overload, changes in climatic conditions, the occurrence of hormonal changes, including pregnancy, the postpartum and menopausal period in women, as well as age-related changes in men. Well, it’s just a magical remedy :) As far as I understand, it is a kind of analogue of minoxidil, they have a similar chemical structure, but aminexil is still a weaker analogue.

    Information from the manufacturer: Ampoules against hair loss Aminexil Advance are an effective product that nourishes and moisturizes hair. Thanks to Aminexil Advanced you will forget about the problem of hair loss. Hair will be stronger, softer and shinier, easier to comb and style. Aminexil Advance has a delicate fruity aroma, dries quickly and is completely invisible on the hair. Directions for use: The product is not washed off, applied to dry/wet hair along the partings. 1 ampoule daily for 6 weeks. Ingredients: Aqua / Water, Alcohol Denat, Diaminopyrimidine Oxide, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Calcium Pantothenate, Safflower Glucoside, Pyridoxine HCI, Niacinamide, Parfum / Fragrance.

    Diaminopyrimidine Oxide - otherwise aminexil. It is a hypotensive vasodilator. Softens the skin on the head, gradually returning its natural balance, strengthens the hair structure and stimulates its growth from the very roots, securing the hair in the scalp, prevents the hardening of collagen and, thus, nutrients can easily flow to the hair follicle. Calcium Pantothenate - vitamin B5. Improves skin regeneration processes, has healing properties, and reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions. Safflower Glucoside - dyeing safflower. Gives elasticity to blood vessels, regulates important vital processes of the body, has a moisturizing effect, and high penetrating ability. Pyridoxine HCI - vitamin B6. Relieves skin irritation, softens and nourishes hair follicles. Niacinamide - vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). Used for hair growth and strengthening. The action is to dilate blood vessels, due to which blood begins to circulate more actively through them, delivering nutrients and oxygen to the scalp. Package. As you probably already understood, the product is presented in the form of ampoules. There are packages of 10 and 42 ampoules, each containing 6 ml of product. In my case there were 10 of them.
    The ampoules are made of glass. Each has a lid that opens and closes easily, allowing us to use 1 ampoule several times. In addition, the kit includes an interesting applicator for application, namely with a metal ball at the end. Through this ball, the product reaches the skin along the partings, which at the same time creates the effect of a very pleasant massage.
    Aroma and consistency. The contents of the ampoules are a clear, watery liquid. The aroma is perfumey, I would even say too perfumey and intrusive. After application, it seems as if I just applied perfume to myself without sparing. But despite this it is pleasant.
    Impressions from use. Interesting and innovative to me, the applicator makes life a little more difficult. It is difficult to apply along partings that you cannot see, that is, from the back, since you need to move it directly over the skin. However, you can get used to it. The ampoules make the root zone oily, not critical, but it’s still better to apply them at night. But they do not dry out the scalp at all and do not cause itching. There are no sensations after application. But during application, a bomb massage, from which pleasant goosebumps run throughout the body, perfectly relaxes at the end of a hard day :) Consumption. One ampoule was enough for 3 applications. Again, thanks to this super weird applicator, the product is used up much more slowly than it could. Of course, according to the instructions, we are recommended to use 1 ampoule at a time, but the complex would only last for 10 days, and I don’t quite understand why I should take it to one place several times. Applying ampoules was my nightly ritual for a month, so a package was enough for me exactly for a month. Effect. But the effect... It quickly faded away. And this is very disappointing. However, I think the whole point is that you need to use these ampoules for at least 6 weeks, this is the minimum, but they simply weren’t enough for me. Why do you think the company produces packs of 42? And then, 42 ampoules is a full course. Just imagine, 42 ampoules:) I’m not ready for such financial sacrifices. By the way, I once used such ampoules (back then the applicator was different) and was even delighted with their use, but now apparently something went wrong. Well, this happens too :)

    • Reduction of hair loss, which unfortunately returned quickly.
    • Good hydration of the scalp.
    • Not the most convenient application.
    • Hair growth has not accelerated.

    Result and price: I cannot call these ampoules bad or non-working. Firstly, I haven’t completed a full course, and secondly, my loss now is most likely the echo of protracted illnesses, and this is a problem that comes from within. I have real friends who simply live on these ampoules and are very happy with them. Price: 2320 rubles for 10 pieces, 6470 rubles for 42 pieces.


    This time the analogues will be ampoule. And also one more affordable analogue with aminexil, since it is this component that promises to stop hair loss even against the background of hormonal imbalance and after childbirth. Set of ampoules against hair loss, Matrix Biolage ScalpSync.

    Information from the manufacturer: The Matrix anti-hair loss tonic is based on the molecule Aminexil, which acts directly on the hair follicle, helps avoid hardening of the hair roots, and increases the lifespan of the hair. The Bio-Cushion complex included in the tonic perfectly soothes and softens inflamed scalp.

    Personal experience: I have no personal experience of use, but this is a more budget-friendly analogue of ampoules with aminexil. Still, half the price than L’oreal :) Price: 1170 rubles Kaaral K05 Anti-hair loss lotion.

    Information from the manufacturer: Lotion for shock therapy for diffuse and intense hair loss. Increases the rate of hair growth. Apply after shampoo to damp skin along the parting - 1 drop per 1 square meter. see. After application for 5 minutes, a scalp massage is required.

    Personal experience: Massage after applying these ampoules is really important, but it should be very light so as not to cause even more hair loss. I have purchased them twice and will most likely purchase them in the future. The product warms the scalp, but barely noticeable. Strengthens with a bang, accelerates hair growth, dries the skin a little. Consumption: 1 package for 3 months Price: 1890 rubles Restoring lotion against hair loss Concept.

    Information from the manufacturer: Concept revitalizing no loss lotion against hair loss, developed by specialists from the German company Concept, to stop the process of hair loss and improve its condition. The composition of the product includes a number of active ingredients that stimulate the scalp, strengthen hair follicles and have a beneficial effect on hair.

    Personal experience: Ampoules are used 2-3 times a week, they cool the scalp, do not dry it out and simply miraculously accelerate hair growth! Within a month of use, my hair growth was 3.5 cm. They also reduced hair loss beautifully. Consumption: 1 package 1 month. Price: 760 rubles Constant Delight anti-hair loss lotion.

    Information from the manufacturer: An effective remedy for hair loss and new growth. Thanks to the menthol oil, camphor and a complex of mineral elements included in the composition, it actively affects the hair follicle, strengthening it, enhancing blood microcirculation around it. As a result of treatment, hair loss stops, hair growth is stimulated, and strength and health are restored to the hair. A very convenient form of release, one ampoule is designed for 1 application. 10 ampoules are designed for a month of use.

    Personal experience: The ampoules cool the scalp, do not make it greasy, but dry it out a little. One ampoule is enough for 1 application. They are similar in action to ampoules from Concept; they also work well against hair loss and accelerate hair growth quite well. Consumption: 1 package 1 month. Price: 960 rubles Anti-hair loss lotion Shot Care & Trico.

    Information from the manufacturer: Concentrated cocktail of natural substances against hair loss based on caffeine, ginseng and essential oils. Increases blood flow, stimulates and deeply nourishes hair follicles, promotes rapid hair growth, and provides a pleasant feeling of freshness.

    Personal experience: The ampoules warm up the scalp; the package contains a convenient applicator for application. Not the most budget-friendly of options, but still affordable and working. Consumption: 1 package 1 month Price: 1490 rubles

    Grand total:

    As they say, all that glitters is not gold :) I was once again convinced that you can buy a more budget-friendly and proven product that will definitely work as it should, but trying something new is still always interesting and useful :) I hope that my recommendations will help you not to get confused in the choice and choose something for yourself. Although, of course, it will be better if hair loss does not affect you :) Preview:

    Thanks everyone for reading. Bye everyone!
    • Haartonikum tonic for hair and scalp C:ehko
    • L’Oreal Professionnel Expert Aminexil Advanced - Ampoules against hair loss L'Oreal Professional

    What is biochemical hair perm, how is this procedure done?

    A relatively new procedure that has appeared in hairdressing salons is biochemical hair perm. It has many differences from well-known chemistry. By purchasing a special preparation, a similar styling can be done at home.

    Description of the procedure

    What is biochemical long-term styling? Hair biochemistry provides a safe, gentle perm for a long period. Unlike classic perm, a substance that does not contain ammonia and thioglycolic acid is applied to the curls. It is these components that destroy the hair structure.

    The improved preparation intended for bio-curling contains a natural amino acid. After use, the hair looks healthy and does not need to be restored.

    After application to the curls, all components act in such a way that the protein found in the hair begins to thicken. Curls of the required shape and diameter are formed.

    The questions that most often arise before the procedure are the following.

    Advantages of biochemical perm

    The day before the procedure, you need to undergo a test for the presence of an allergic reaction. A certain amount of the substance is applied to the skin (for example, to the inside of the hand).

    Main types of installation

    There are two main groups into which the bioperm preparation is divided.

    1. The composition contains only amino acids.
    2. With additional components that provide nutrition and care to the hair (oils, vitamins). This type of product softens, nourishes, gives shine and strength to curls.

    The following formulations with additives are popular:

    Hair comes in several types. In accordance with this feature, various compositions of the drug have been developed:

    • for hair that does not experience problems (normal type);
    • unruly strands that are difficult to style;
    • weakened, thin, colored strands.

    The following tips will help you avoid mistakes and achieve the desired result.

    Hair length largely determines the result

    1. If you perm long strands, the curls will look natural and attractive. Suitable for curling with large curlers. Small curls look unsightly and constantly get tangled.
    2. In the case of medium-length hair, curling will make it even shorter. If the curls are too small, the length will be significantly reduced.
    3. Bioperm for short hair is done when the length is at least 6 cm. The hairstyle in this case looks unusual, giving the image a romantic feel. You should not make large curls, as they will not be noticeable.

    Curling process

    The entire biowave technology is divided into 4 stages. At each of these stages a specific composition will be applied. Taken together, this combination will give the desired result.

    Styling without leaving home

    If you stock up on a special solution, energy and time, you can do a bio-perm at home. The procedure is simple if you do everything step by step and follow some tips.

    To get small curls at home, you need to take small strands and wind them along the entire length.

    To get large curls, apply the product to slightly damp strands. Curlers are also chosen large.

    To get the desired result at home, you need to choose the right solution. You need to take into account the length, structure and thickness of your hair. If you choose the wrong composition, you can harm their health.

    If you entrust your hair to professionals, it will not only not be damaged, but will also gain additional shine, strength and softness.

    Castor oil for hair loss

    The problem of hair loss and baldness is relevant not only for men, but also for women. This is often due to hormonal imbalance in the body or some disease. Many remedies are not able to completely eliminate the problem. But castor oil for hair loss is very effective in preventing baldness.

    Castor oil contains fatty acids that nourish hair and relieve scalp itching. In addition, it provides some protection against infections that cause hair loss. Also, the oil makes the hair softer and shiny by moisturizing the strands.

    Using castor oil for hair loss is very simple. It is enough to apply it to the roots. You should not apply oil to the strands themselves, because it has a thick consistency and is difficult to wash off. After application, it should be left for 15 minutes and washed off with shampoo. It is acceptable to use the product at night. You can apply the oil to your skin before going to bed (cover your head with a cap), and wash it off in the morning.

    The results of such procedures will not be long in coming. In just a month and a half, you will notice that your hair has become thicker, and there will be fewer tufts left on the comb.

    You can also prepare a balm that will have an even more positive effect on hair loss. To prepare it, you need to mix castor oil and onion juice in equal parts. Rub the mixture into the roots, put on a cap and leave for 40 minutes. After this, the balm must be washed off.

    Castor oil is effective against hair loss at an advanced stage. But for treatment it is necessary to prepare an emulsion containing equal parts alcohol, lemon juice and oil. The finished product should be applied to the roots and left overnight.

    In addition to treatment, castor oil can be used for aromatherapy. This will lift your mood, relieve stress and give your hair a pleasant smell. To prepare such a mask, you need to add a few drops of essential oils to the oil, any of your choice.

    In addition to the additives listed, kefir, sour cream, egg yolk, aloe and decoctions of various herbs are added to castor oil against hair loss. Each ingredient increases the effectiveness of the product and provides additional effects. In addition to preventing baldness, you can get rid of dandruff, itching and improve the overall condition of your hair.

    The problem of hair loss can be easily solved with the help of castor oil. The effect will be noticeable within a month. Hair becomes stronger, shiny and beautiful. However, it is worth remembering that baldness in most cases is a sign of a disease in the body. Therefore, if hair loss becomes permanent and cannot be cured with folk remedies, then it is worth doing a general examination of the body. And if a disease is detected, then you must first begin treatment, and only then fight hair loss with the help of castor oil.


    Aqua with infusions of Flavocetraria Nivalis Extract (organic wild reindeer moss extract), Pinus Pumila Needle Extract (organic dwarf cedar extract), Diplazium Sibiricum Extract (organic Siberian pine extract), Pinus Sibirica Needle Extract (organic Siberian pine extract), Saponaria Officinalis Root Extract, Mentha Piperita Leaf Water, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Filipendula Ulmaria Extract, Dracocephalum Nutans Oil, Pinus Sibirica Seed Oil, Crepis Sibirica Extract, Onopordum Acanthium Flower/Leaf/Stem Extract, Camelina Sativa Seed Oil, Festuca Altaica Extract Altai fescue), Pinus Sylvestris Bark Extract (organic pine bark extract), Betula Alba Leaf Extract (organic birch leaf extract), Agrostis Sibirica Extract (organic Siberian bent extract), Panthenol (provitamin B5), Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein (wheat proteins), Hydrolyzed Lupine Protein, Sodium Coco Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Lauryl Glucoside, Coco-Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Glycerin, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Chlorophyll (plant pigment), Sodium Chloride, Citric Acid, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid, Parfum, Limonene, Hydroxycitronellal


    Description and properties

    Anti-hair loss shampoo based on wild reindeer moss and dwarf cedar perfectly cleanses and strengthens hair, providing it with natural strength and support for health and growth. Auric acid, found in reindeer moss, has powerful antibacterial properties and protects hair from harmful environmental factors such as temperature changes and blow-drying. Cedar dwarf is a real pharmacy for hair: the essential oils and acids contained in this plant perfectly stimulate and nourish hair follicles, promoting deep cleansing and the growth of beautiful, healthy hair

    Selling Features

    Without a license

    Special conditions

    NATURA SIBERICA creates a new series TUVA SIBERICA, based on extraordinary components, herbs and plants of Tuva.

    On the territory of Tuva there are 5 natural zones adjacent - from desert to tundra. The nature, flora and fauna of Tuva are truly unique. Here you can find reindeer and camels, steppes and forests untouched by civilization, and even simple ordinary herbs, such as chamomile and wild thyme, have an extraordinary, powerful, magical power and aroma that gives you beauty and care!

    All herbs are collected by hand and undergo drying in special environmental conditions, which allows us to preserve the strength and power of nature itself.

    When collecting wild plants, NATURA SIBERICA uses the WILD HARVESTED method

    In our company, we sacredly honor the technique of collecting wild herbs. When harvested correctly, most herbs and plants reproduce in even greater quantities. It is extremely important to collect herbs of a certain age, size and at the moment of the highest concentration of elements key to beauty and health. That is why all wild herbs of Siberia are collected by hand by local residents.