Why there is Internet, but the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi: reasons. The router works, but does not distribute Wi-Fi: what to do? What to do if the router does not distribute the Internet via wifi

Very often, users complain that their router on their computer does not work. What could be the reasons this phenomenon? How to deal with them? Understanding all this is not as easy as it seems. After all, a computer is a technique with which various problems arise. And often finding the cause of a particular breakdown can be very problematic. I have to go through everything possible options. And after that, find out the cause of the breakdown. So why might the router refuse to work? What scenarios are possible?


So, the first arrangement is not so rare. But the situation can be corrected very quickly, even without having any additional knowledge in the field of computer technology. True, usually this option relevant for laptops. This problem usually does not occur on desktop computers. The user wondered why the router is not working?

Then it's time to check if Wi-Fi is turned on on your laptop? The light next to which the antenna is shown should be on. If this phenomenon does not occur, you will need to turn on Wi-Fi. And then connect to the Internet. Now there will be no problem. Only often the router refuses to work for completely different reasons. Which ones exactly? What should you pay attention to?


It all depends on the situation. What to do if the router on the computer does not work? It is on a stationary model, and not on a laptop. Although a similar problem may also arise with second gadgets.

If it refuses to work, you should generally check its connection to the computer. In the case of laptops, often, as already mentioned, there is no enabled Wi-Fi function. But with desktop computers everything is much simpler.

The reason for the modem not working may be a wire not connected to the system unit. Sometimes it is recommended to simply remove and reinsert the plug with the wire leading from the router to the PC. This helps very often.


The next scenario is not very easy to detect. The previously listed methods are corrected in a matter of minutes. And it’s much easier to find them, the main thing is to be careful.

Why doesn't the router work? The whole issue may be damaged wires connected to the device. In this case, there is only one thing left - replacing the cables. And nothing more. But the problem is that under such circumstances it is difficult to independently detect damage (except for obvious damage).


But that's not all. In reality, there are a lot of options for the development of events. Is your TP-Link router not working? What could be the problem? For example, if we are talking about an old modem, you should check its functionality. It may be that the Internet connection equipment itself is faulty.

Often it is possible to fix the router. But such a device will not be able to work for a long time. Therefore, the most logical way out of the situation would be to buy a new modem and then connect it.

On average, a router can last for about 2.5-3 years without any problems, provided it is used continuously. If you give the device a few minutes to rest at least once a day, you can extend its life to 5 years. If after this period problems begin, most likely it is a malfunction of the equipment that is the problem. The situation can be resolved without any problems. It is advisable to choose a router that is similar to the previous one.


Does your D-Link or any other router not work? Why does this happen? The reasons may vary. And not always everything depends only on the user. The fact is that in some cases it may turn out that the provider himself is to blame.

What is it about? Internet access is provided using certain equipment and transmission lines. All this tends to wear out and break over time. Therefore, accidents cannot be ruled out at providers’ stations. And during these periods, users experience no access to the Network, and the no-signal light on the modem is on.

Doesn't work or any other? It's time to call your provider and find out if there are any outages on the line. Don't forget that you will have to give your home address. If an accident or breakdown occurs, you do not need to do anything. Just wait. Access to the Network will return only after all problems on the line have been resolved.

Engineering works

Why doesn't my TP-Link router work? What could be the cause of this phenomenon? In fact, figuring it out is not as easy as it seems. Along with accidents on transmission lines, another issue that stands out is technical work. Planned or due to connection of new services from the provider.

This is quite common. But they try to warn about it in advance. Typically, the provider reports scheduled maintenance or testing of new services. During these periods, there may be interruptions in the Internet connection or lack of access to the Internet. Therefore, it seems that it is the modem that is not working.

What to do in this situation? A call to the provider will resolve all problems. It is recommended to call the service company and find out if any work is being done on the line. If this is the case, you just need to wait until the technical check of the equipment is completed. And after that the signal will return to normal. Otherwise, you should look for the problem elsewhere.

Lost settings

Why is my TP-Link router not working? The next scenario is that things went wrong. It doesn’t matter for what reason the failure occurred. Anything can cause a factory reset. But the fact remains that Internet access cannot be provided. As a result, the router refuses to work at full capacity.

In case of incorrect settings, a telephone operator will help you set the correct parameters. After this, it is recommended to restart the computer and check the functionality of the Internet. The provider will let you know if everything is fine with the settings. If this is so, but the router still does not work, then you will have to look for the reason elsewhere.


There are still a lot of options. Many people wonder why their Wi-Fi router doesn’t work. IN Lately More and more often, such a reason as equipment incompatibility began to appear.

The fact is that each computer component has its own system requirements. And if the computer does not respond to them, there is a possibility that the router will not work. And no matter how hard a person tries, he still won’t be able to make it work.

Incompatibility is far from the most dangerous scenario. But there are only two ways to fix it. The first is reinstalling the operating system or replacing computer hardware that does not meet the modem's requirements. The second is choosing and purchasing a new router. To eliminate this problem, it is recommended to pay attention to the system requirements in advance when purchasing a modem.

By the way, with incompatibility most often this moment faced by users who have Windows 10 installed. This OS causes the most problems and malfunctions. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the modem refuses to work. It is recommended to either wait until the next system update is released, or reinstall the OS to one compatible with the router.


What other cases are there? Beeline router not working? What to do in this situation? Why does this happen? The next most common problem is line overload. Usually this problem observed in the evening. Then, when many subscribers throughout the region begin to use Internet access services.

In this situation, usually either the signal is too weak or there is no signal at all. How to proceed? There are several options - either constantly connect and disconnect from the network, trying to work with the Internet, or just wait. Sooner or later the network will be unloaded. And the performance of the router will improve again. By the way, when the network is overloaded, all the buttons on the modem will light up as if everything is fine with the device. It is for this reason that it is very difficult to detect the problem.


The user's router is not working? Finding the cause of this phenomenon is not always easy. But the first step that is recommended to be taken before delving into various hardware problems is to reboot the device. It is possible that a minor glitch occurred during operation. It caused problems. And so it seems that the router is not working.

The modem has a Reset button. If you click on it, the device will reboot. This is exactly what is required! How Alternative option- you can use the router's on/off button. Just turn off the device for a minute, then turn it on again. The same modem reboot will occur.

Just a few seconds - and performance should return to the network. The main thing is not to turn the device off and on all the time. It will only do harm. But it happens that all of the above options have been tried, but the connected router still refuses to work.


In this case, you can complain about only one problem - viruses. It is very rare, but it turns out that a computer infection infects the operating system and does not allow connected devices to work fully.

If all the previously given examples do not work, it is recommended to scan the operating system with an antivirus. And clean it up. After this, it is advisable to restart the router and computer. That's all. The device should now work.


Is your TP-Link router not working? Maybe it's all about computer drivers. It is recommended to update this software for the network card and the connected router. Or even install it on your computer.

Often, updating drivers helps resolve all problems with the device. Perhaps these are all the options for the development of events that may take place. Now it’s clear why the router is capable of refusing to work and how to deal with this phenomenon in one case or another.

Such a problem, when the router does not distribute Wi-Fi, but there is Internet on the computer, can overtake any user. Here we will talk about the reasons for the difficulties and give step by step methods solutions - our instructions will help even a beginner get rid of problems!

The device works, but there is no connection

The first part of our review will answer the question why the router does not distribute Wi-Fi, but there is Internet. There are several causes and solutions to this problem.

#1 . The first reason why the router does not distribute the Internet via WiFi to the computer is a temporary failure. It may be due to device overload:

  • Press the power button, wait ten to fifteen seconds and turn the device on again;
  • Check that the date and time are set correctly;
  • Try re-creating the connection on your computer.

A temporary glitch most often goes away on its own after a reboot. If this doesn’t help, let’s look at why the router stopped distributing Wi-Fi, but there is Internet.

#2. The second option is cable problems:

  • First, check that the Internet cable is plugged into the WAN port marked blue color;
  • Make sure that the cable going to the computer goes into the yellow LAN port.

If the indicators on the device do not light up, check the condition of the cable for breaks, kinks, or other mechanical damage. If there are any breakdowns, the wires must be replaced.

#3. What to do if the router does not distribute WiFi, but there is Internet: the reason may lie in problems with the device itself.

This is indicated by the following parameters:

  • The computer does not see the wireless network;
  • The speed of work drops critically;
  • The connection is extremely unstable.

First, you should try connecting another device to the network - a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Did not help? Then the problem lies in the hardware:

  • Press the router's on/off button and make sure the indicator light turns on. wireless network caught fire.
  • If this does not help, then you need to take it to a technician for repairs or replace the equipment.

Correcting system settings

Let's move on to correcting the operating system configuration settings that affect the fact that the router works but does not distribute WiFi:

  • Open the Start menu on your computer and go to Settings;

  • Find the “Network and Internet” icon;

  • Enter the “Network and Sharing Center”;

  • Find the required connection and click on the “Properties” button;
  • In the new window, find the line “TCP/IPv4 protocol” and click the “Properties” icon again;

  • Opposite the lines with the IP address and DNS addresses you need to enter your own values;

  • Click the save changes button and restart your computer.

Changing the address in the adapter settings

The TP-Link router does not provide Wi-Fi, but there is Internet, what should I do? Next instructions Suitable for other models - we will change the address in the settings of the adapter itself:

  • Enter your IP to log into the web interface;
  • You can find the address you need at back side devices - it is applied to a special sticker;
  • Enter your password and login. The standard pair is shown on the same sticker if you have not changed the combination;
  • Go to the “Wireless Connection” block;
  • Go to the settings tab;
  • In the Channel field you need to erase the automatic value and enter your own channel.

Changing Wireless Network Settings

You have performed all the steps described above, but the situation remains the same: the Rostelecom router does not distribute Wi-Fi, but is there Internet on the computer? In fact, no matter what model you are talking about, try debugging your wireless network settings:

  • Repeat the steps above and log into the web interface;
  • Log in to the system;
  • Go to the “Wireless Network” tab;
  • Find the settings line and enable the items shown in the image.

Finally, let’s figure out why the router doesn’t distribute Wi-Fi to the phone or PC, what else could happen? Problems may be caused by problems with the provider:

  • Call your provider's hotline;
  • Ask a question to a call center specialist.

Distribution is in progress, but there is no connection

Let's consider what to do if the router distributes Wi-Fi, but the Internet on the computer does not work. First you need to make preventive measures:

  • Reboot your router;
  • Reboot the connected device;
  • Try connecting another smartphone/laptop/computer or tablet;
  • Make sure the date and time you set are correct;
  • Disconnect from the network and reconnect.

The next step, if the router does not distribute the Internet via cable, is to check the functionality of the wires:

  • Make sure that no cable is broken or bent;
  • Check that the wires are connected to the correct ports.

Why is WiFi not distributed from the router if you have checked all the above indicators? You may need to adjust your hardware settings:

  • Log in to the web interface and log in to the system;
  • Open the “Wireless Network” section;
  • Find the DHCP settings and enable the server.

Now you know how to deal with the problems that arise!

So, you have configured your wireless router, but for some reason something is not working. I will try to consider the most common problems with Wi-Fi routers and ways to solve them. Most of the problems described can equally occur in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 and the solutions will be similar.

From my work experience, as well as from the comments on this site, I can identify the following typical problems that users encounter when, it would seem, they have configured everything exactly and according to all sorts of instructions.

  • The router status indicates that the WAN connection is down
  • Laptop, tablet, smartphone does not see Wi-Fi, but sees neighbors’ access points
  • Constant disconnections
  • Local city resources of the provider, torrent, DC++ hub and others are not available

If I remember other typical things like the above, I’ll add to the list, but for now let’s get started.

  • (provided that the router is configured correctly)
  • What to do if when connecting it says:
  • What to do, if .

Wi-Fi connection disappears and low download speed through the router (through a wire everything is fine)

In this case, changing the wireless network channel can help you. We are not talking about those situations that also occur when the router simply freezes, but only about those when the wireless connection itself disappears on individual devices or in specific places, and it is also impossible to achieve normal Wi-Fi connection speed. You can read more about how to select a free Wi-Fi channel.

WAN is broken or the Internet is only on the computer

The main reason why this problem occurs is with WiFi router om - connected WAN connection on the computer. The point of setting up and operating a wireless router is that it will establish a connection to the Internet on its own, and then “distribute” access to other devices. Thus, if the router is already configured, but the Beeline, Rostelecom, etc. connection available on the computer is in the “connected” state, then the Internet will only work on the computer, and the router will take virtually no part in this. In addition, the router will not be able to connect the WAN, since it is already connected on your computer, and most providers only allow one connection from one user at a time. I don’t know how clearly I was able to explain the logic, but even if it’s not clear, just take it for granted: for everything to work, a separate provider connection on your computer must be disabled. Only the connection via local network, or, in the case of a laptop, etc. - a wireless network connection.

It is impossible to access the address to configure the router

If you encounter the fact that when you type the address to access the settings of your router, the corresponding page does not open, do the following.

1) Make sure that in the local network connection settings (your direct connection to the router) is set to: obtain an IP address automatically, obtain DNS addresses automatically.

UPD: Check whether you enter this address exactly into the address bar - some users, when trying to configure the router, enter it into the search bar, resulting in something like “The page cannot be displayed.”

2) If the previous point did not help, use the run command (Win+R keys, in Windows 8 you can simply start typing the word “Run” on the start screen), enter cmd, press Enter. And in command line mode, enter ipconfig. Pay attention to the “Default Gateway” value of the connection used for configuration - it is at this address that you should go to the router administration page. If this address differs from the standard one, then perhaps the router was previously configured to work on a specific network with certain requirements. You can reset it to factory settings. If there is no address at all at this point, then, again, try resetting the router. If that doesn’t work, you can also try disconnecting the provider’s cable from the router, leaving only the cable that connects it to the PC - this may solve the problem: make the necessary settings without this cable, and after everything is configured, reconnect the provider’s cable. Pay attention to the firmware version and, if relevant, update it. If this does not help, make sure that the “correct” drivers are installed for the computer’s network card. Ideally, download them from the manufacturer's website.

Settings are not saved

If for some reason the settings are not saved after entering them and clicking “save”, and also if you cannot restore the settings previously saved in a separate file, try performing the operation in a different browser. In general, in case of any strange behavior of the router admin panel, you should try this option.

Laptop (tablet, other device) does not see WiFi

In this case, the most possible different variants and they are all about equally common. Let's go in order.

If your laptop does not see the access point, then first of all, check whether the wireless module is turned on. To do this, look at the Network and Sharing Center - Adapter Settings in Windows 7 and Windows 8, or Network Connections on Windows XP. Make sure your wireless connection is turned on. If disabled (displays gray), then turn it on. The problem may have already been resolved. If it doesn’t turn on, see if your laptop has a hardware switch for Wi-Fi (my Sony Vaio, for example, has it).

Let's move on. If the wireless connection is turned on, but is constantly in the “No connection” status, make sure that the required drivers are installed on your Wi-Fi adapter. This is especially true for laptops. Many users have installed a program to automatically update drivers or have a driver installed operating system Windows automatically assumes that this is the required driver. As a result, they often encounter problems. The required driver is the one that is located on the website of your laptop manufacturer and is intended specifically for your model. Laptop computers often use specific hardware, and using drivers (not just for network equipment) recommended by the manufacturer can avoid many problems.

If the previous option did not help you, try logging into the “admin panel” of the router and slightly changing the wireless network settings. First: change b/g/n to b/g. Did it work? This means that the wireless module of your device does not support the 802.11n standard. It's okay, in most cases, this will not affect the speed of network access. If it doesn’t work, try manually specifying the wireless network channel there (usually “automatic”).

And one more unlikely, but possible option, which I had to deal with three times, and twice for the iPad tablet. The device also refused to see the access point, and this was solved by setting the United States region in the router instead of Russia.

Other problems

If the connection is constantly disconnected while working, make sure that you have installed latest version firmware, if this is not the case, update it. Read the forums: perhaps other clients of your provider with the same router that you have already encountered such a problem and have solutions to this matter.

For some Internet providers, access to local resources, such as torrent trackers, game servers and others, requires setting up static routes in the router. If so, then you can find information on how to register them in the router huge probability You will find on the forum of the company that provides you with Internet access.

A Wi-Fi router is a useful device that relieves the user of the need to be literally tied to the Internet by wire. According to numerous experiments, the signal range of an average power router reaches 100 meters indoors, and 300 meters outdoors. Once configured, a wireless router does not require any additional maintenance, is extremely easy to use, but, like any technical means, is not insured against failures and breakdowns.

Examples when a seemingly correctly configured router does not distribute Wi-Fi are not that uncommon. In this case, the network status, depending on the nature of the problem, can be “No Internet access” or “Restricted”, although a scenario in which the network is detected by the system, but there is no actual connection or large traffic losses are observed, is also possible. In this article we will try to figure out why the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, and at the same time we will see what can be done in this or that case.

Temporary failure of the router

If the router works day and night, its operation may sooner or later fail, so the very first thing to do if the router stops distributing the Internet is to turn it off, wait a few minutes, and then turn it on again.

Rebooting the router can also help the device (computer or tablet) detect the network if it is suddenly not detected when the device is turned on. Users of devices connected to one or another wireless network often encounter this problem.

Problems on the provider side

If rebooting doesn't help, the next thing to check is whether there are any restrictions from your internet service provider. It is likely that an accident occurred somewhere on the server, the backbone cable was damaged, unplanned preventive work, and you will delve into the settings and be at a loss as to why the router does not distribute Wi-Fi. Call your provider's technical service number and make sure that the problem is not on their side, and only then look for the source of the problem on your own.

Hardware faults

At the next stage, we check the serviceability of the equipment - cables and router. If the power light does not light, the power cord or power supply may be damaged. We check the condition of the cables in the house (apartment) and outside it, and see if the plugs fit tightly in the sockets. Many modern routers have hardware power on/off and Wi-Fi distribution buttons.

It often happens that someone at home picked up the router and accidentally pressed one of these buttons. This point also needs to be checked. The wireless network indicator deserves special attention. If the Wi-Fi icon on your router is not lit, this could indicate several problems.

  • Breakdown in the distribution system. You can’t do anything here yourself, you need to call a specialist.
  • Crash in software router. It can be eliminated by rebooting, adjusting or resetting the settings, or, in extreme cases, flashing the firmware.
  • The Wi-Fi sharing button is disabled. In this case, the router does not distribute Wi-Fi, but the Internet is available and you can connect to it through the router via cable. If a cable connection is only possible directly, without a router, this may indicate either a breakdown of the device or a failure in its settings.

Incorrect Wi-Fi settings

Incorrect router settings are most often indicated by a lit but not blinking Wi-Fi indicator, as well as a change in its color from green to orange or red. The problem is being fixed correct setting network parameters. IN different models For routers, this procedure is somewhat different, although the principles are the same. If you have never configured routers before, it is best to entrust this task to a specialist called to your home; at a minimum, you can check whether the wireless network is enabled in the device settings.

To enter the router settings, connect it to your PC via cable, go to or in any browser and log in with your login/password (admin/admin by default). In TP-Link routers, for example, you need to go to the “Wireless” section and check whether the “Enable Wireless Router Radio” item is checked. The checkbox “Enable SSID broadcasting” must also be checked, otherwise devices will not be able to see the network. In other models, the setting may be located in a different place (look for the Wireless network or WLAN section).

A very interesting case is when a laptop sees the network, but a smartphone or tablet does not. It turns out that the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi only to mobile devices. Owners of smartphones and tablets brought from the United States sometimes have to face this problem. The reason for this is the discrepancy between the channel selected in the router settings and the settings specified in the firmware mobile device. The problem is usually solved by manually selecting the channel, 1st or 6th.

Incorrect network adapter settings

If Wi-Fi does not work on the router, this does not always mean that the problem is hidden in the router. It is quite possible that the settings on the receiving device - a computer, laptop or tablet - have gone wrong; in any case, it won’t hurt to check the configuration of the wireless adapter. Open with command ncpa.cpl network connections, go to the properties of your wireless network, in the list of parameters on the “Network” tab, find the item IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and double-click on it.

In the properties window that opens, set to obtain the IP address and DNS server address in automatic mode. If automation is already set, try manually setting the DNS address (Google) or (Yandex). You can also set the address of any other alternative DNS server, which is not difficult to find on the Internet.


Recently, wireless technologies have almost completely replaced wired ones from our Everyday life. And now almost every home, institution, and office has a WiFi router that allows several computers or mobile devices to access the Internet at once.

WiFi technologies certainly have their advantages, but they also give rise to certain inconveniences. If you suddenly Internet disappeared with an active wireless connection, or to router access point If you can't connect at all, then you've come to the right place. In this article we will talk about the most probable reasons problems and give advice on how to fix them.

Problem 1: WiFi is connected, but there is no Internet

Since access to the Internet is carried out through network cable, supplied to the router (router) by the Internet provider (WAN port), and only then “distributed” via a LAN or WiFi connection, the first thing you must do is eliminate the problem on the provider side.

It's very easy to check this by looking at WAN indicator in the router. Typically this is an icon globe or the inscription “WAN”.

If WAN indicator is off, it means the cable is damaged or there is no connection with the provider. In this case you should contact the provider's technical support.

If indicator flashes, - there is a connection, but there is no Internet connection. This may be the result router failure. It will be required reboot. To do this simply turn it off with the button and turn it on after a minute. Wait until the router is completely configured (the gear icon stops blinking) and reconnect to WiFi on your computer. If the problem persists, contact your provider's technical support. As a rule, such problems are resolved by employees within 3 minutes.

Problem 2: The Internet periodically disappears

It happens that the Internet disappears and then appears again. There are several possible reasons.

1. Poor Internet connection. The best way check the quality of your Internet connection - use one of the tips from.

2. Router problems. Reboot it as described in the section above.

3. Poor WiFi signal. If the WiFi indicator on your computer or other device shows weak signal, check how far the router is from the computer. The more walls there are in the way, the worse the signal. However, there may be another reason - poor contact with the antenna or its incorrect location. Make sure that the antenna is securely screwed to the router body and is not damaged.

4. Laptop WiFi adapter problems. A yellow exclamation mark may appear next to the WiFi icon in the system track. Try turning the adapter off and on. To do this, the laptop has a special function key - an antenna icon or an airplane (turns on airplane mode). Another method is performed from a Windows system: click on the WiFi icon in the system tray and in the side menu that opens (Windows 8), move the Wi-Fi mode parameter slider first to the position Off, then On. Next, reconnect to the access point. If it doesn't help, restart your computer.

Problem 3: Unable to connect to access point

A very common problem is when you cannot connect to a WiFi hotspot. There are several possible options here, so the procedure is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that your adapter is turned on and not in airplane mode. To do this in Windows 8, just click on the WiFi icon in the system tray and check the item in the sidebar that opens Airplane mode(it should be Off.) And WiFi(it should be On.). You can see the screenshot above.
  2. Next, check if the adapter finds the desired access point. If it doesn’t find it, make sure your router is plugged in and working. Does not help? Let's move on to the next step.
  3. Restart the adapter using the method described in paragraph 4 of the previous section. If it doesn't help, reboot your computer.
  4. In case the adapter finds other WiFi networks, But does not see your access point, - there may be a problem with encryption. Try and configure WiFi security settings so that you do not need to enter a password - item “Wireless mode” -> Wireless protection -> Disable protection. That is, there should be no encryption on the network. After this, most likely, your access point will appear in the list of networks. If you really need a WiFi password, try changing the encryption type to WEP.
  5. If the computer does not find any WiFi network and rebooting does not help, the reason may be a failure of the adapter itself.

Bottom line

We hope that this article included all possible options for WiFi problems and that one of our tips helped you. If we missed something or you have any clarification, please leave comments. And, of course, like the post and share it on social media. networks!)