Why do you dream about dead relatives? The dead come in dreams Why do the dead come in dreams

When a person sleeps, his mind is least active. Esotericists believe that this state allows living people to enter the space between worlds. It is during dreams that communication with entities and phantoms occurs. And often people have relatives who have already died. Humanity has been thinking about how to interpret such phenomena and what information they carry for decades.

The death of a loved one is unspeakable. Relatives feel that much has been missed and important thoughts have not been expressed. Perhaps this is why we often dream of dead people who have recently passed away. And in the Orthodox religion, there is a strong opinion that the soul of the deceased remains near the house for 40 days. Esotericists identify several reasons:

  • Unfinished business. Often deceased parents or other loved ones try to convey important information in visions. After death, a soul cannot calmly move to another world if it still has some unfinished business. The best way to get rid of frequent dreams with the deceased is to fulfill his last request.
  • Close emotional connection. Having a strong friendship or blood relationship does not go away after a person dies. To prolong such mutual affection, a person unconsciously calls the soul of the deceased into dreams. It is worse if the deceased appears in visions and offers something. If 40 days have not passed since death, then it is better to answer clear refusals. It is believed that taking something from a dead person means inviting disaster.
  • Desire to take with you. Often the dead come and try to take a loved one into their world. In the world's religions, following a dead person is a bad sign. This may be a terrible coincidence, but stories of imminent death after such visions are not uncommon.
  • New Guardian Angel. A favorable interpretation of strange dreams says that a deceased person becomes a guardian angel for the one to whom he comes at night. By the way, many note that grandparents appearing in dreams often warn of unfavorable events. Often everything happens through symbols, so for those who want to interpret an unkind sign, it is better to turn to dream books.

Dream interpreters focus on the personality of the recently deceased.

General information may be:

  • If you dream about your grandmother or grandfather, then some pleasant and unexpected event will happen soon;
  • Mom or dad appears to warn of betrayal;
  • A husband is a sign of an imminent unpleasant situation;
  • Wife - expect a promotion or increase in income;
  • Brother or sister - someone close to you will need help.

It’s also worth paying attention to exactly how dead people appear in dreams. If they come as if alive, then this is a favorable sign. Perhaps the person will discover the potential for movement. And in the end, well-deserved success is expected.

If you dream of a zombie, then this indicates weak energy, that a person may be threatened by bad entities from another world.

As a rule, after 40 days, deceased relatives stop dreaming. But there are exceptions. Psychologists believe that such frequent occurrences are not associated with mysticism, but with a reluctance to let go of a loved one. In some advanced cases, even special therapy is required.

Frequent dreams about the dead

All interpreters agree that the dead are a vivid symbol that is interpreted depending on the circumstances and the attitude towards what is seen. For example, if the deceased is friendly, then you should listen to his words, which may contain good advice or a warning.

If we are talking about nightmares that cause moral suffering, then this is a signal that the situation requires correction.

Opinions of esotericists

Aggressively minded dead people come in dreams to prevent dangerous situations. Moreover, the more time has passed since death, the more vivid meanings such visions carry. If, after several years, a deceased acquaintance began to appear in dreams systematically, then this is a sign of danger and imminent death.


It was believed that the dead dream of a sudden change in weather. The seer Vanga warned that the dead are a symbol of an impending catastrophe or epidemic.

Psychologists' opinions

If nightmares do not become regular, then doctors do not recommend paying attention to this and taking possible symbols seriously. Psychologists interpret dreams of the dead as strong melancholy and a desire to communicate with a loved one.

The reason for night vision is recent memories that are in the subconscious and come to the surface during rest. But if you dream of a lot of dead people who are unfriendly, then this is an indicator that the person is in the stage of chronic stress.


The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud believed that dead people are dreams of those who are running away from real life. These are infantile individuals hoping for a lucky break. But dreams about the body of a deceased person are a reverse sign. So, for example, if a mother dreamed that she gave birth to a stillborn child, then in reality this means serious problems with reproductive function.

Believers' opinions

Religion does not interpret dreams in any way. It is believed that the dreamer has three types of visions: from God, from the devil and from himself. In the image of deceased relatives there may be the devil himself, who is pursuing his own goals. Therefore, priests recommend not paying attention to dreams, thereby saving yourself from adverse consequences.

Modern interpretations

Now on the Internet you can find dream books of Miller, Vanga, Nostradamus, Tsvetkov and others. They give an answer and interpret intrusive dreams in different ways. To believe them or not is everyone's business. But both the creators of dream books and psychologists can rarely unravel any symbol with accuracy. Each dream is unique and depends on many factors. Nevertheless, there are generalized interpretations:

  1. Frequent dreams about the deceased, which prevent you from getting a good night's sleep, have an alarming connotation. Obviously, some unpleasant event from the past does not allow a person to rest peacefully. It is worth listening to the subconscious and letting go of the situation.
  2. If a dream with a deceased person occurs in a favorable and friendly environment, then there is no need to panic. Most likely, such a vision predicts good changes in your personal life or career.
  3. A request from a deceased person to follow him is considered a bad sign. For example, if deceased parents call to you, then under no circumstances should you agree and take their hand. Such a dream is a sign of mortal danger. For some time after such a vision, you should be more attentive to your health and surrounding circumstances.

There is no need to be very scared and focus on dreams. Psychologists say that fixation on some phenomenon can lead to real consequences. Therefore, the best advice if you constantly dream of a dead person is to go to the cemetery and remember him.

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From time immemorial, people paid special attention to dreams involving the dead, although there is no clear opinion about what such dreams convey. Some casually wave it off, saying: “Dead people always dream of rain.” Others, on the contrary, are very attentive to such dreams, considering them significant. And yet, why do we dream about dead people?

Why do you dream of the dead alive? You will find out on the website the deceased died

Dreaming of dead people as a warning

If during your lifetime a person was close to you, then you may have dreams with his participation as a sign, warning or omen of some significant event for you. It is no secret that a person is endowed with a much greater number of feelings than is commonly believed. However, with the development of scientific and technological progress around, people have lost the ability to listen to the mechanisms that nature has laid in them. We have become less empathetic. We check everything by the clock, systematize it and try to explain it. We diligently ignore what lies beyond the boundaries of our understanding. Therefore, our subconscious often tries to shout to us, putting what it wants to warn us about in an accessible and understandable form, presenting us with information as specific symbols or images, pronouncing it on behalf of a person we trust. It is likely that through the image of your late grandmother, none other than you speaks to you - your subconscious and ultra-subtle intuition, which you diligently suppress with your consciousness and rational thinking.

We can't break the emotional connection

Anyone who has lost friends or loved ones will probably agree that he still has feelings of love or affection towards the deceased person. Any relationship, especially if it was warm and close enough, leaves an imprint on our soul. After a person passes away, it often seems to us that we didn’t tell him or didn’t tell him a lot. In answer to the question, “Why do dead people dream,” we can say with confidence that in this way we are looking for an opportunity to turn to and say everything that we did not have time to say during our lifetime. We are bored, perhaps we feel guilty for not having time to do something. And in our dreams there appears a ghostly opportunity to spend a little more time alone with someone who will never be there again.

The soul of the deceased needs your help

If, when answering the question, “Why do dead people dream,” we rely on the religious aspect, then we can assume that the soul of the deceased turns to us for help. Surely you have heard from older believers that if you dream of a dead person, you need to remember him. According to some religious beliefs, a person’s soul quickly finds peace if one of his close people prays for it. By remembering the deceased in our prayers or simply with a kind word, we help his soul find peace. If you periodically dream about the same deceased person, try ordering a memorial service for him or simply lighting a candle in the temple for his repose. Many claim that after this a person stops dreaming.

Lucid dreaming

Dead people can come into your dreams, if you want them, in the so-called. Such dreams represent a state of altered consciousness in which a person is clearly aware that he is dreaming, but at the same time is able to evoke very specific images and build a specific storyline of his dream. There are techniques that allow you to control your own dreams. However, any experiments with the release of the subconscious must be approached extremely responsibly, since uncontrolled blurring of the line between dreams and real life is fraught with serious mental disorders.

There is no single answer to the question “Why do we dream about dead people?” Some people dream of them as a sign signaling that you need to pay close attention to what is happening in your life. For others, such dreams help make up for the lack of live communication or dull the feeling of guilt towards the deceased. One way or another, it is worth being sensitive to such dreams and paying special attention to their content, if only because through dreams a person is able to talk to himself, bypassing the barrier of consciousness and rational explanation of reality.

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I have had several experiences with dead people.

Case 1. My great-grandmother died. And we were very close, I was 13 years old when she died. I couldn't come to the funeral. Then it so happened that my parents and I moved to the apartment where she lived. And I began to dream about her. Until I went to her grave, I kept dreaming about it, and when I did, I almost never came in my dreams, except sometimes at some important moments in my life (she suggested what to do, what decision to make, and she was never mistaken).

Already when I lived in another apartment (with my great-grandmother’s mother-in-law), I had a friend stay overnight. Well, we sat and chatted... and we wanted to look at old photo albums. And there were photos of the great-grandmother, and the great-great-grandmother, well, they looked, then they went to bed. In the morning, my friend wakes me up and says, “Your floors are creaking,” I tell her: I know, dad says, it’s because the house heats up during the day and cools down at night, that’s why the floors squeak. Don’t pay any attention, and go on to bed. When we got up, she told me that when she then fell asleep, she dreamed that my deceased great-grandmother came into our room, sat down on the edge of our sofa and looked at her with condemnation: they say, you girls are living wrong, you need to be more modest with men , don’t fool them, but already decide on one person. And the floors creaked every night in the morning.....

Case 2. Deceased friend. This Christmas, a close friend of mine died, and she and I were inseparable, we always went everywhere together. She died due to doctors' negligence from pneumonia. I don’t remember exactly whether it was before 9 days or later, but I slept at night, and my sleep was deep, I tossed and turned in my sleep, the blanket slipped off my shoulder (I slept alone on an unfurnished sofa). In the same room, my brother was sleeping on the next sofa, my mother was in the next room with the door open. In the morning I suddenly wake up with a jolt and suddenly feel someone’s presence nearby. And I asked my friend when she came to me in a dream, they say, give me a sign - there is something after life or not...

So, I feel that someone is standing next to me and looking at me, and I was lying with my face to the back of the sofa, and my back to the aisle, and so someone stood nearby, seemed to even walk, but I’m afraid to turn around, and so carefully corrects The blanket has moved down on me, it’s holding my hand, I feel a slight weight from the touch on my shoulder, but I still don’t turn around, and almost immediately I fall back into a deep sleep. In the morning I asked both my mother and brother if they had approached, they said no.

Then I slept with my mother until the 40th day, it didn’t happen again, the only thing was that she came to me in a dream again and said with tears in her eyes that she wouldn’t come again if I got scared. How can you not be scared? We also lit the Jerusalem candle and walked around the apartment with my mother. Write if anyone has had this too.

The interpretation of dreams cannot be reduced only to the plot. The “aftertaste” of your sleep is of great importance - the feeling with which you woke up. Dead relatives appear in dreams for various reasons. This could be a warning of impending troubles, or maybe this is how your longing for a loved one is realized.

Popular experience even attributes the arrival of a dead person in a dream to an upcoming change in weather. Today we will help you figure out when the appearance of dead relatives in a dream is associated with their otherworldly essence, and when it is just a game of your own psyche.

Dead relatives in dreams - bad or good?

Before interpreting any dream, you should understand whether it really deserves interpretation. Most dreams have no meaning and do not carry any informational load. We remember such dreams fragmentarily. When you try to tell an insignificant dream, it seems to “fall to pieces.” During the story, you cannot find the right words, you cannot accurately retell events or convey meaning and mood.

A dream about deceased relatives does not carry an informational load in the following cases:

  • If you dreamed of your deceased relatives in a kaleidoscope of everyday events, alive. In the dream, you didn’t attach any importance, you weren’t scared or surprised. This kind of dreams is often seen by those who have recently lost a loved one and have not yet fully realized this event. They seem to continue to subconsciously live “as before.”
  • If in a dream you only understood that a loved one was nearby, but did not see him himself.
  • If the plot of the dream sends you back several years, when the person was still alive in reality. The dream itself is not about this person.

Dreams where you clearly see a deceased relative, where the plot of the dream is built around him, where you realize that the person is dead and are surprised or frightened - such dreams require interpretation. Most dream books classify a visit from a deceased relative as a warning dream. The best way to understand whether good or bad events await you is how you feel during your sleep and the aftertaste after waking up.

Note! A prophetic dream always leaves behind a pronounced mood for the whole day. You will remember such a dream in detail years later.

Why do you dream of dead relatives - what dream books say

Different predictors, psychologists, and dream interpreters answer the question “why do dead relatives appear in dreams” in different ways?

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller, the interpretation is tied to the personality of the deceased relative:

  • The father, as a support and protector, warns of danger. It could be a traffic accident, financial loss, theft, or something that changes your life for the worse unexpectedly.
  • The deceased mother comes in a dream to warn about an impending or incipient illness. It is a very bad dream if you see your mother bringing you raw meat. You may need to undergo diagnostic tests.
  • A deceased brother (or sister) usually asks for help for living relatives. Material costs will definitely be returned to you with interest, and lost time will turn into gratitude and devotion.
  • Distant or non-blood relatives are important in a dream if they give advice or force you to do something. You should definitely listen to advice. Being forced to do something indicates that your life requires changes in routine. Perhaps you should devote more time to rest and yourself.

The above stories refer to deceased relatives who come alive in a dream. If you see a dead person in a coffin, then this is a warning about intrigues, lies, betrayal. Look around your surroundings and analyze your financial investments. The warning may concern relationships between people or loss of money.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian fortuneteller interprets any appearance of a deceased relative in dreams as a warning of impending troubles, misfortunes, illness or betrayal.

  • If you dreamed of many dead people, then your close circle has been deceiving you for a long time. You will soon find out about this.
  • If you hug the deceased, you are glad to see him - this is a sign of future changes. Whether the changes will be bad or good, you will understand by your mood after waking up. If you are overwhelmed by anxiety, then try to protect yourself and your loved ones for the next month.
  • If in a dream you see the funeral of a deceased relative, then in reality you will experience cruel betrayal from your close circle. This is not necessarily a betrayal of a relative; perhaps you will be tricked at work.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous psychiatrist does not associate the appearance of deceased relatives in a dream with negative events. He interprets this as a transition to a more active and joyful period of life. In reality, a series of events awaits you that will take you to a new level.

Bad dreams include those where a deceased relative appears in an unsightly state, he is hungry or unhappy. After such a dream, you should reconsider the main vector of life. Perhaps you are aiming in the wrong direction?

People say about such dreams the following:

  • the deceased is hungry - alms should be given;
  • the deceased is naked or in shabby clothes - his soul does not find peace, one should remember the deceased in church, visit him at the grave;
  • the deceased calls with him or takes away someone from the living - beware of an imminent illness (yours or this person).

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation interprets the appearance of a deceased relative in a dream as a sign of a change in weather. Loff's Dream Book suggests that a deceased relative who often comes is nothing more than your longing for this person.

What to do if a deceased relative comes often in a dream?

Frequent visits from a close relative in a dream are associated with two things - either he asks you for something, or he warns you. Most often, the dead come to close women. This is due to a woman’s increased sensitivity to manifestations of the other world.

Particularly characteristic are frequent visits from suddenly deceased people. Their souls leave unprepared and need your help. The deceased may ask you for wardrobe items - a belt, a scarf, a favorite blouse. These items should be found, taken to the cemetery and buried at the grave.

Note! In all cases when a deceased relative comes intrusively in a dream, you should pray for him and give alms.

Let's summarize the above

  • If you dreamed about a deceased relative, then this does not necessarily mean bad events.
  • If the deceased comes often and this bothers you, then you should go to church, light a candle and pray for the repose of his soul. Each religion has its own rules for remembering the dead - and they must be followed.
  • To understand the meaning of a dream, it is not so much the plot that is important as your feelings during and after sleep.
  • If you often see deceased relatives as alive, they are happy and prosperous in a dream, then dreams are caused by your melancholy and do not carry important information.
  • The state of the soul of the deceased is reflected in his state, which is demonstrated by the dream.

“Scientists call the appearance of ghosts of deceased relatives and friends the Solaris effect. Following the science fiction writer Stanislav Lem, they suggest: people and images that live only in our memory can actually come to life.”

A great tragedy happened: Elena was left alone, with two children in her arms. My husband died in Chechnya, near Khankala. Elena did not want to share her grief with anyone and experienced the loss alone: ​​Andrei was dear to her as a husband, as a friend who understood her and felt her mood from a distance.

The meeting took place late in the evening. The children had long since gone to bed, Elena was still busy with the housework. And then the doorbell rang, which made the woman’s heart involuntarily sank. The call was repeated, and Elena opened the door. Andrey was standing on the landing!
A terrible fear gripped Elena, but her husband’s voice brought her to consciousness:
- Don’t be afraid, I’m alive and well, let me in. I'm cold and I'm very tired from the road.

In the room at the set table, Elena sat down opposite her husband, not believing her eyes that here he was, next to him, the one whom she had buried a month ago.
The man looked tired and exhausted. He ate slowly and was silent, looking sadly towards the sleeping children. Then he spoke:
- I'm alive, no doubt about it. You were informed about my death incorrectly. It wasn’t me who was blown up by a mine, but my friend, and I hid and ran. Now I will come to you only at night, but so that not a single soul knows about me, otherwise I will be judged as a deserter.

At night they went to bed together. There was something alien, repulsive in this dear person. Elena could not or simply did not want to understand, and therefore tried not to pay attention to it.
Early in the morning, as soon as it began to get light, Andrei left, the woman saw his figure flashing outside the window on the street. She felt neither fear nor surprise. This went on for a week: early in the morning he disappeared, at night he appeared again.
Elena stopped crying and became noticeably happier. Once, having talked with a neighbor, she, despite her husband’s prohibition, confessed to her in great secrecy that Andrei came to her at night, and they lived with him as before.

The neighbor at first thought that she had lost her mind, and in her heart she felt sorry for her. But Elena told her about everything in great detail. Realizing what was happening, the neighbor, who was knowledgeable in such matters, replied:
- Well, you’re stupid! Remember, I told you: Don’t cry too much, don’t kill yourself for the dead man! You do not allow his soul to leave this world peacefully, you create obstacles with your tears. It’s not your husband who comes to you, but the publican!

Elena thought about these words. Only now did it truly begin to dawn on her that she was committing an unforgivable sin. For the first time in days, she was overcome with fear.
- What should I do? - she asked, her voice dry with excitement.
- And you should read a prayer before he appears. I’ll run to you today, we’ll sprinkle the apartment with holy water, and I’ll bring you the prayer that you need to read.

When the clock struck midnight, the husband rang the doorbell. Elena opened it, but Andrei did not come in. He leaned his shoulder against the door frame and was silent, and his eyes were angry and shone with a menacing brilliance. The woman shrank from this look, clutching a piece of paper with a prayer to her chest.
- Oh, I guessed it! - she heard his voice.
Andrey hit the door with his fist and... disappeared into thin air! After this, a huge weight began to put pressure on Elena, the exhausted woman grabbed her head and sobbed...

“The temptation of the otherworldly has always been very great for humanity,” says Rudolf Nesmelov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. “People of many cultures believed that something remains to live after the physical death of the body. Investigating numerous testimonies of people who allegedly visited the next world , I came to the conclusion: we have no reason to believe that the patients actually died, because clinical death is one thing, brain death is another.

All authors describe a borderline state close to death, but no one describes death itself. Many of us have experienced similar states in our dreams, but did not die. The same can be said about states of disembodiment, when a patient in a coma seems to see himself from the outside, hears doctors and nurses talking around his body. These visions only indicate that the patient’s brain continues to work, recording visual and auditory sensations. These states include dream-like fantasies, sometimes mixed with fragments of reality."

Recent studies by American scientists revealed that in the United States, 60% of women and 40% of men often have dreams about deceased relatives who come to them. In a dream, the living and the dead hug, talk and come to an understanding. American scientists are trying to understand whether there are patterns in these dreams that can explain the inexplicable. Brain imaging studies lead them to believe that the prefrontal cortex - the area responsible for logical thinking - shuts down when we sleep. The parts of the brain that are then activated are more associated with imagination and emotion, and this may explain visitation dreams.

“However,” the researchers say, “many Americans dismiss anything that cannot be scientifically proven. This is a tragedy because people who have such dreams are embarrassed by it.”

Women are more open to potential signals in their dreams, while men are less likely to talk about them. Scholar Bill Guggenheim suggests that men fear being seen as weird or too grieving.

Michigan hosts annual conferences of Compassionate Friends, a self-help group for parents whose children have died. In July 2006, approximately 1.1 thousand parents took part in the conference. Participants learned that typical dreams of sadness are often fragmented and full of symbolism. They feature common plots, for example, a trip: a sleeping person gets off a plane or train, and the deceased loved one continues on without him.

The session was moderated by Carla Blowey from Colorado. In 1991, her five-year-old son Kevin was hit by a truck while riding his bicycle. He died in her arms. Since then, she has been keeping a dream journal, and she finds it healing.

Some conference participants said that they could not see their loved ones. 26-year-old Sarah Brummel from California gave this advice. After her brother Gregory died in his sleep in 2003, she often dreams about him. And her mother really wanted to see Gregory in her dream, but she couldn’t. Brummel advised her mother to stop watching TV before bed and instead spend a few minutes of quiet reflection. “After that, the dreams started coming,” Brummel said.

Scientists cannot yet definitively answer the question of whether these dreams are visits from ghosts or simply an expression of our deepest desires. This is a debate where it is impossible to find an answer. But, as Blowey told her grieving parents, a dream about a deceased loved one is often a gift: Don't overanalyze it. Please accept it with gratitude.

Communication with deceased relatives is certainly a phenomenon of the subconscious, which is in a state of extreme stress. Visions of ghosts and conversations with them are one of the ways to get out of this state. At the same time, as parapsychologists claim and at the same time warn, communication with the other world is quite dangerous, and a deceased relative who comes in a dream is not always a gift.

In Russia, for example, dead people who were unable to rise from the earth because of their attachments have long been called tax collectors. At the same time, tax collectors are one of the types of restless souls that appear to people after their death. Such a soul is waiting for the scales in heaven to tip towards heaven or hell.

The discarded astral shell of the deceased can exist for several years. The source for such a shell is the body of a living person with whom the dead person had some kind of sensual connections. Most often, the living themselves provoke the souls of the dear dead to sin, excessively lamenting that they have left this world. How good it would be if the father (mother, grandmother, grandfather) resurrected... This thought evokes a sharp feeling that awakens the sleeping shell of the deceased. The negative effect here is double: the unnecessary existence of an empty shell is prolonged, the energy of a living person is wasted, and his health deteriorates. That is why spouses who have lived together for many years often pass away one after another with a short interval of time.

Remembering the dead and honoring ancestors is a wonderful tradition. But one must avoid the explicit and, if possible, implicit desire to revive the dead. By the way, such feelings, especially in the first forty days, prevent the separation of the invisible bodies of the deceased, which deals heavy blows to his eternal soul. Therefore, it is useful to carry out funeral procedures according to religious canons, which give the soul the right guidelines in the invisible world and help it in the separation of bodies.

Publicans are restless creatures that cause people a lot of trouble: strange sounds are heard in the room, it seems that someone is walking at night, breathing heavily at your bedside, but often this is not a poltergeist or a brownie. Publicans may also appear before us in an ordinary human form.

Employees of the Association of Mental Astrology and Protection of the Anthroposphere give the following advice to people who, for various reasons, “summoned to life” tax collectors.
After a funeral or cremation, it is necessary to close all mirrors in the house where the deceased lived and died as quickly as possible, as well as close all reflective glass. Through reflection of any kind, the soul is delayed and drawn to the Earth.

After the funeral, you must definitely order a prayer and light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased. By doing this, you seem to light the way for the soul to God.
One should not cry, calling on the deceased in memories, to disturb his peace. It is better to endure the loss as calmly as possible, remembering all the good things in life together, and bless his path to God.

It is advisable to have holy water in the house. And if, after the funeral, the above-described symptoms of the presence of a tormenting soul and all sorts of oddities appear in your apartment - spray all the corners in the house, drink it yourself and give water to all family members. And you should never open the front door if no one answers your question. Time will pass, the calls and knocks will stop, then open it, sprinkle the threshold and door with holy water to protect the house from troubles and misfortunes.

Even when the deceased caused you and other household members a lot of trouble and suffering, forgive him! Forgive all his sins, everything that was bad in his life. It is with these thoughts that you must remember him on the ninth and fortieth days after his death, and subsequently only remember him kindly in church, when you light candles for the repose of his soul.

If the first five rules do not help, contact a clergyman or psychic with a request to cleanse the house. After the home cleansing procedure, it is advisable to go to church yourself for communion.

There is a relatively small group of people who, according to them, are capable of seeing and communicating with the dead and other otherworldly entities, the existence of which has not been proven by official science, the site reports with reference to psifactor.info.

At the same time, the evidence and statements received from these subjects sound quite convincing to the uninitiated average person. If you believe in all these seemingly supernatural things, a huge variety of different questions immediately arise. Why do they come to our world? What do they want to say or perhaps warn us about something? And does the human soul exist?

Meetings with the dead and ghosts in dreams

You shouldn’t immediately get scared or start leafing through various kinds of esoteric literature if in a dream you suddenly dreamed of a person who died long ago, advises our journalist Amalia Chervinchuk.

First, let's try to figure out what is the reason for this phenomenon, and what the dead are trying to tell us with this act. Also, depending on the characteristics of the dream, you can try to determine how the soul of a particular person feels in the other world.

So why do we dream about people with whom we knew during life or were even related? It should be understood that relationships with each specific person do not necessarily end immediately after his death.

After all, we never stop experiencing some feelings and emotions towards the deceased, the process of forgetting stretches for many years, and some memories remain with us for the rest of our lives. The relationship does not end; even after death, a certain spiritual connection remains, which allows you to feel and imagine painfully familiar features.

It is this connection, unfinished business, unfulfilled obligations - all this keeps the soul of the dead in our world, allowing us to postpone the process of final farewell.

So why do they come to us? It is much easier to explain this in relation to women, since they have always been the guardians of the clan and home, and therefore had the closest connection with past generations.

In this case, the souls of the dead may come to you for a certain energy boost, or simply in search of help, for example, providing some information that is very significant for them.

Why exactly in a dream?

In a normal state, a person is too busy with everyday affairs and worries and is not too susceptible to various kinds of mental fluctuations. In a dream, all basic thought and life processes slow down, we plunge into a sedentary state, very similar to death, and accordingly, it becomes much easier for the dead to make contact and convey their messages.

Most often, souls come in dreams to their closest relatives, to whom they were strongly attached during life. Contact is most likely in the first few months after death, when the deceased person still remains attached to his body, home, favorite places and retains his special habits.

As mentioned above, the dead come mainly to ask us for help. In the first time after death, the soul still experiences some needs, for example, it knows the feelings of hunger and thirst, emotions, attachment to certain things and favorite activities.

But since the physical body no longer exists, she herself is not able to satisfy all this, and it is you who may be able to help her with this. If in a dream the deceased asks you to feed him, read his favorite book, or warm him up, do not be afraid.

When you wake up, be sure to say this, making it clear that the wish was heard, and do all the necessary actions in order to fulfill it as much as possible. This will allow the soul to calm down and find long-awaited peace.

How to determine the state of soul of a dead person?

The dead can appear to us in dreams in completely different states and guises, which can tell us a lot with sufficient attention to detail. What should you focus on first?

First of all, take a closer look at how and what the deceased is wearing; good and neat clothes indicate a favorable state of the soul.

Also determine what specific age the dreamed person is. Youth and beauty are good signs, while senility and sickly appearance indicate some serious problems.

Try to smell the scent coming from the deceased person. If it is pleasant enough, then this means that the soul is most likely in a pleasant place, while sulfur fumes and stench clearly mean suffering and pain, and possibly hellish torment.

You can also draw certain conclusions based on what and how the soul talks to you. For example, a dead person can quite transparently hint at certain inconveniences and negative sensations experienced.

Your general emotional state after waking up is very important. If only positive sensations remain, it means that the dead person is satisfied and feels quite good in the afterlife. In the opposite situation, it is worth thinking about how you can alleviate his fate and help him find eternal peace.

How to help the deceased find peace

To help the soul of a loved one or someone you know well, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. To begin with, it should be remembered that the most important time that can ensure the departure of the soul into a happy and calm world is the first 40 days after death. During this period, it is necessary to collect as many wishes and blessings as possible from those closest to you.

The food used at the funeral plays a very important role; it is best to cook from organic products and limit alcohol consumption. You should not be the first to try the main dishes - the right to taste does not belong to you.

In order for the dead to be able to appreciate the meal prepared for him, it is necessary to put a very small amount of food and place it in front of the altar or image along with cutlery. It would also be useful to say a funeral prayer if such prayers exist in your religion...

Everything described above should have clarified some points related to the arrival of the dead in your dreams. If you remember some recommendations for yourself, they will allow you to better understand the causes and nature of your dreams and the appearance of the souls of dead people in them.

Reincarnation of the soul is a very controversial process, which scientists around the world have been discussing for decades. However, they do exist.

I have had several experiences with dead people.

Case 1. My great-grandmother died. And we were very close, I was 13 years old when she died. I couldn't come to the funeral. Then it so happened that my parents and I moved to the apartment where she lived. And I began to dream about her. Until I went to her grave, I kept dreaming about it, and when I did, I almost never came in my dreams, except sometimes at some important moments in my life (she suggested what to do, what decision to make, and she was never mistaken).

Already when I lived in another apartment (with my great-grandmother’s mother-in-law), I had a friend stay overnight. Well, we sat and chatted... and we wanted to look at old photo albums. And there were photos of the great-grandmother, and the great-great-grandmother, well, they looked, then they went to bed. In the morning, my friend wakes me up and says, “Your floors are creaking,” I tell her: I know, dad says, it’s because the house heats up during the day and cools down at night, that’s why the floors squeak. Don’t pay any attention, and go on to bed. When we got up, she told me that when she then fell asleep, she dreamed that my deceased great-grandmother came into our room, sat down on the edge of our sofa and looked at her with condemnation: they say, you girls are living wrong, you need to be more modest with men , don’t fool them, but already decide on one person. And the floors creaked every night in the morning.....

Case 2. Deceased friend. This Christmas, a close friend of mine died, and she and I were inseparable, we always went everywhere together. She died due to doctors' negligence from pneumonia. I don’t remember exactly whether it was before 9 days or later, but I slept at night, and my sleep was deep, I tossed and turned in my sleep, the blanket slipped off my shoulder (I slept alone on an unfurnished sofa). In the same room, my brother was sleeping on the next sofa, my mother was in the next room with the door open. In the morning I suddenly wake up with a jolt and suddenly feel someone’s presence nearby. And I asked my friend when she came to me in a dream, they say, give me a sign - there is something after life or not...

So, I feel that someone is standing next to me and looking at me, and I was lying with my face to the back of the sofa, and my back to the aisle, and so someone stood nearby, seemed to even walk, but I’m afraid to turn around, and so carefully corrects The blanket has moved down on me, and it’s holding my hand, I actually feel a slight weight from the touch on my shoulder, but still I don’t turn around, and almost immediately I fall back into a deep sleep. In the morning I asked both my mother and brother if they had approached, they said no.

Then I slept with my mother until the 40th day, it didn’t happen again, the only thing was that she came to me in a dream again and said with tears in her eyes that she wouldn’t come again if I got scared. How can you not be scared? We also lit the Jerusalem candle and walked around the apartment with my mother. Write if anyone has had this too.