Business communication rules. Business conversation

Communication has such styles and rules of conduct that are based on relationships and benefits that partners want to receive. Culture and principles form the etiquette that is acceptable in the business world. The psychology of business communication is slightly different from the usual conversation on everyday topics.

All the features and forms of business communication will be discussed in this article. This will help many people connect with those they encounter in the work environment.

What is business communication?

A feature of business communication is that people consciously adhere to all its rules in order to achieve best result. What is business communication? This is communication between people in the professional sphere, where all parties solve a common problem, wanting to achieve the goal. At the same time, they comply with all norms, rules and etiquette, which is established in business communication.

This type communication is applicable exclusively in the workplace. Here are the tasks and goals to be achieved. Contact is established between the parties in order to achieve all the goals set. Taking into account the goals, objectives and wishes of the opponent, observing the ethics and rules of negotiation, it is possible to achieve the set results.

Business communication needs to be learned. This is not everyday communication, where you can demonstrate your "I" and show off. In business communication, your personal qualities remain unimportant, although they are also taken into account. Your desires and goals become the main ones, as well as the aspirations of the opponent, which should be combined in such a way that your joint activity will lead both parties to the desired.

Ethics of business communication

Ethics is a set of rules that help any person to show himself cultured and educated in a certain environment. Business ethics is different from other ethical areas that are used in social or everyday communication. It is based mainly on the following pillars:

  • Psychology of communication and management.
  • Labour Organization.
  • Ethics.

In business communication, the cultural and national side of the opponent becomes important. Since business people communicate with opponents of various nationalities, one should be aware of their traditions and mores. This allows you to show respect for their differences and win over.

For successful business negotiations, it becomes important to be able to win over, listen to the interlocutor, conduct and direct the conversation, leave a positive impression, create a favorable atmosphere. This is facilitated by the following skills:

  1. Clearly articulate your thoughts.
  2. Analyze your opponent's words.
  3. Argue your own point of view.
  4. Critically evaluate sentences and statements.

It is not enough to hold a certain position. You also need to be able to communicate with different people to improve your own skills and abilities. It is ethical to conduct business communication when all parties benefit. If someone loses or some damage is done, such a decision is unethical and unpromising for further interaction.

Psychology of business communication

If we turn to the psychological side of business communication, it can be noted that the development of specific conversational skills in oneself makes a person improve himself and develop in himself exclusively best qualities personality. If you pay attention to how opponents communicate with each other, then they show only positive traits, avoiding the manifestation of gross forms and manifestations. The psychology of business communication is the improvement of the person himself.

It doesn't matter what position a person holds. If he masters the skills of business communication, then it becomes easier for him to negotiate, communicate with competitors, and achieve his goals. Nobody says that there will be no losses and failures. They will simply be justified and clear for the person himself, who will be able to see his own mistakes or understand the wrongness of his choice of people as partners.

The psychology of business communication is based on the recognition of the opponent's feelings and their consideration. There are also techniques that help in the conversation:

  • "Proper name" - when you pronounce the name of the interlocutor.
  • "Golden words" - when you say compliments. Flattery is to be avoided here.
  • "Mirror of attitude" - when you smile and smile back at you, and vice versa.

The quality of good speech is based on the following components:

  1. Literacy.
  2. Composition of speech using professional jargons.
  3. Lexicon.
  4. intonation and pronunciation.

You should also pay attention to the non-verbal part of communication, which also affects the course of the conversation.

Culture of business communication

The employer always pays attention to the culture of business communication that the employee uses when hiring. After all, this shows his ability to establish contacts and win over. The culture of business communication becomes especially important when hiring employees who will talk on the phone, where there is no non-verbal impact on the interlocutor.

Here are the rules of communication:

  • interest in the topic.
  • Goodwill and favor to the interlocutor.
  • Lack of influence of your mood on the style of conversation.

The purpose of business communication is to influence the emotional mood, beliefs, opinions and decisions of the interlocutor, which will affect future actions. Partners exchange messages, influence the emotional mood, create images of themselves and their opponents in their heads.

Since people often negotiate in the working area, conversations, conversations, discussions, knowledge and skills in the culture of business communication are simply necessary. Sometimes these skills play a decisive role in achieving goals.

Features of business communication

In the working sphere, people communicate with each other at the level of their own professional interests, official activities and work. A feature of business communication is a clear regulation - subordination established standards, which are determined by national traditions, professional frameworks and cultural customs.

Business conversation includes two types of rules:

  1. Norms are rules that work between opponents who occupy the same status.
  2. Instructions are rules that arise between a subordinate and a leader.

The peculiarity of business communication is the observance certain rules and expression of respect for people, regardless of personal attitude towards them, mood and other factors.

The parties begin to contact each other in order to organize joint activities (cooperation), where their goals will be achieved. This happens in the following steps:

  1. Acquaintance, where people introduce themselves and get to know each other.
  2. Orientation to the topic of conversation.
  3. Discussion of a problem or question.
  4. The solution of the problem.
  5. End of conversation.

The success of business communication depends on the approach to business based on cooperation, taking into account mutual interests and requests. Only in this case, you can find a creative solution to the problem, where all parties win.

Business language

The language of business communication is understood as the use of established syllables that are accepted in a particular working situation. On different levels its own vocabulary of terms is used, which is assumed in a certain situation. For example, business communication between representatives of the legal field will involve the use of legal terms, and contact between an employee and a manager will involve a different vocabulary.

Business language includes:

  • Orthology - the norms of the language, its changes, the correctness of speech. Expressing their thoughts, they use patterns, samples, accepted phrases that are established in a particular ethnic society.
  • Communication - the relevance and purity of speech, which is subject to the scope, situation, tasks, circumstances, goals of the conversation.
  • Ethics - the norms and rules adopted in a particular society. To be successful at this level of communication, one should be familiar with all the customs and traditions of the culture to which the partner belongs.

Types of business communication

The process of business communication determines its types:

  1. Verbal type of communication in which spoken words are used.
  2. Non-verbal type of communication, which involves taking into account facial expressions, postures and gestures of the opponent.
  3. Direct type of communication, when the interlocutors interact at the same time and in the same place, that is, there is direct oral communication using non-verbal signals.
  4. An indirect type of communication that often takes place in writing. People transmit information at different times, being in different places. This type of business communication is less successful, because time is spent in which you can change your mind about everything.
  5. Written type of communication, when communication takes place through written messages.
  6. Telephone type of communication when oral speech is used, but it is impossible to influence the course of the conversation with the help of non-verbal signs.

As in any kind of communication, direct contact remains the most effective when you can establish a visual connection, hear the other person, feel his emotional mood, influence his decisions with external attributes, etc.

Forms of business communication

Forms of business communication - requirements professional situations, which include:

  • A conversation is a discussion at the level of oral expression of thoughts and ideas. Discussion of pressing problems, tasks, clarification of nuances, etc.
  • Public speaking is the notification of some information by one subject to a whole group of people. There is no discussion of the topic here, but rather information on some topic.
  • Business correspondence is the written communication of information. It is carried out within the organization, for the organization and between enterprises.
  • Negotiation - joining forces with partners who take the same position with the person. Here tasks are solved and decisions are made, agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation are signed.
  • Press conference - a meeting of a company representative with media workers to notify relevant and important information.
  • Meeting - choice certain group people (from the team, management) to solve problems, set new tasks, change strategies, etc. Etc.

Each form of business communication involves its own set of etiquette, rules, norms, and more. Often during business conversation disagreements arise. If people deviate from the rules of business communication, then their meeting does not lead to the desired results.

Business communication rules

It can sometimes be about a multi-million dollar deal or promotion, development of your company. Therefore, compliance with the rules of business communication helps to eliminate embarrassing and controversial situations:

  • Legible and clear speech, when the interlocutor understands what is being said to him.
  • Avoid monotonous speech. It must be emotional.
  • The pace of speech should be medium (moderate). Slow speech can cause melancholy, and fast speech can not keep up with the speaker's train of thought.
  • Alternate long and short phrases.
  • To ask questions. Both open and closed questions are important. It is appropriate to alternate them.
  • You need to hear and listen to the interlocutor.
  • Don't give advice, but make gentle suggestions.
  • Encourage the interlocutor to solve the problem on their own.

A person can hold any position, but with high business communication skills, he is able to follow the rules and bring the conversation to desired result. Here, the interests of opponents are taken into account, under which the tactics and strategy of negotiating are selected.

Business communication styles

Depending on the scope of business communication (social, legal, managerial) and the type of interaction (oral, written), a style is determined that helps to move forward. career ladder to raise your status. Here are the subspecies of the style of business communication:

  • Administrative and clerical - a memorandum, a receipt, a power of attorney, an order, a certificate, a characteristic are used.
  • Diplomatic - a note, a memorandum are used.
  • Legislative - a normative act, law, agenda, paragraph, code, etc. are used.

The accuracy of speech allows in establishing business contacts. Here, terms that are narrowly focused or widely used become important.

Business communication styles include:

  1. Manipulation is the use of a partner as a tool to achieve personal goals. For example, control over the execution of tasks.
  2. Rituals - the creation of the desired image. Status is important, not qualities and personality.
  3. Humanism - support and joint discussion of the problem. Personality is perceived completely with all its qualities and individual characteristics.

Principles of business communication

The importance of business communication has already been determined. Here are the principles of such communication, which are:

  • Purposefulness is the achievement of the set task. Often a person in the course of business communication achieves several tasks at once, some of which are conscious (solution of a working issue), while others are unconscious (show their qualities, show off, for example).
  • Interpersonal communication - partners are interested in each other. Although their communication is aimed at solving work problems, interpersonal connections are still established between them, where qualities and personal claims to each other are evaluated.
  • Multidimensionality is not only the exchange of data, but also the establishment of interpersonal relationships.
  • Continuity of communications - maintaining contacts at all levels of communication.

In the course of business communication, people not only exchange working information, but also create an emotional mood that depends on their relationship to each other.


The role of business communication is great, since it was formed specifically to establish business contacts and achieve the set work goals. In every field, people interact. They follow the rules, etiquette, principles, styles. All this is necessary in the business sphere, where correct use of all principles and rules leads to a positive outcome.

If a person has problems, then he can use the help of a psychologist on the site site. Indeed, often we are talking about personal barriers that interfere with the assimilation and application of all the principles of business communication. If you eliminate internal barriers and complexes, you can achieve high results.

There is a constant process of communication between people, in the public and business environment. Knowing the rules and norms of business etiquette helps to establish the necessary connections, increase the level of loyalty of a client or colleague towards oneself. One of the significant elements of the culture of business communication is the worthy behavior of people, their moral values, manifestations of conscience, morality. The success of an enterprise largely depends on the microclimate in the team. If employees competently and clearly, and most importantly, harmoniously, perform their duties, then the company develops and grows.

Etiquette is the norms (laws) about manners, features of the proper behavior of people in society.

Business etiquette is a system of principles and rules for professional, official communication / behavior of people in the business sphere.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette is necessary for all self-respecting people, but it is especially useful for those who seek to build a career (business). In business interaction, such factors as reputation, information and connections are of great importance. The more information, the better communication can be built.

The fundamental rules of business etiquette include:

  1. Timely fulfillment of duties, punctuality. Lateness is not allowed in a business environment. It is also not ethical to make your opponent wait during negotiations.
  2. Not disclosure confidential information, observance of corporate secrets.
  3. Respect and ability to listen. A friendly and respectful attitude, the ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, help to establish contact and resolve many business issues.
  4. dignity and attention. and their knowledge / strengths should not turn into excessive self-confidence. It is necessary to calmly accept criticism or advice from the outside. Consideration should be given to clients, co-workers, management or subordinates. Provide help and support as needed.
  5. Correct appearance.
  6. Ability to speak and write correctly.

An important indicator of business culture is the order in the work area. It indicates the accuracy and diligence of the employee, the ability to organize his own workplace and working day.

In the culture of business communication, attention should be paid to non-verbal (wordless) manifestations of etiquette. Do not turn away from the interlocutor. When explaining, you do not need to gesticulate or grimace strongly.

According to the rules of business etiquette, the person occupying the dominant position enters the workroom first, then all the rest, according to the ladder of the business hierarchy. The business order corresponds to the following division:

  1. Status.
  2. Age.
  3. Gender differences.

The man must accompany the woman to her left. This rule is due to the fact that in the old days, the gentleman, being to the left of the lady, occupied a more dangerous place when moving along the road. Carts with horses moved at the same time as passers-by, since in those days there were no sidewalks.

In business relations between and a subordinate, subordination must be observed. It is customary to point out employee errors on a personal basis, not in the presence of the team.

Business correspondence

Business correspondence is a system of requirements (standards) that must be followed in order to correctly and competently draw up a document. First of all, you need to decide on the type and urgency of the delivery of the letter. And also with the degree of accessibility of the document for the recipient, it will be one letter or several, with clarifications / lists / suggestions. The letter must be correctly written in terms of spelling and style.

The design of the document must comply with existing templates, depending on the type of letter (for example, a cover letter). When compiling a document, it is necessary to be guided by the standards on the requirement for the execution of documents [GOST R 6.30-2003].

The business letter must include the name of the company that acts as the sender; the date of dispatch and the address of the recipient. It is also necessary to indicate the initials, the position of the recipient or the department to which the letter was sent. The body of the letter consists of an introduction/address, a subject and a brief description of the purpose of the document, followed by the body and conclusion. At the end of the document, the sender's signature is put, and attachments or copies, if any, are indicated.

— document type;

This is necessary to avoid a situation where an incoming message ends up in the spam folder, and the recipient can delete the letter without reading it.

The letter should be simple and understandable, without an excessive amount of professional terms. In business correspondence, the use of slang expressions and phrases with a double meaning is not allowed.

If the letter has an international focus, then it must be written in the language of the recipient or in English language. The response to the letter must be provided:

- by mail - no later than ten days;

– when negotiating via the Internet – from 24 to 48 hours.

Business correspondence should be prepared with high quality and double-checked several times before sending. An incorrectly composed letter with spelling errors can harm the company's reputation, since a business document is calling card firms.

business rhetoric

Rhetoric in the business world is the art of eloquence, the ability to effectively and convincingly convey a thought to the audience. Diction, correct speech, intonation are important here. A significant aspect is the ability to present not only information, but also yourself. In business rhetoric, the principles of speech influence are used:

- availability;

- associativity;

- expressiveness;

- intensity.

Business communication rules

A significant condition for business communications is the culture of speech, which manifests itself in literacy, correctly chosen intonation, vocabulary and manner of speaking.

A necessary condition for communication in business circles is respect, goodwill and the ability to hear the interlocutor. In order to show serious attitude to the words of the speaker, you can use the technique of "active listening", selectively repeating the spoken statements or paraphrasing them a little.

The stages of business communication have the following division:

  • Preparing to discuss questions ( business meeting). It is necessary to draw up a plan of negotiations, the concept of conducting a conversation, arguments and counterarguments, study the opponent's point of view on various issues, and prepare proposals for solving the problem.
  • Introductory part (greeting, appeal), establishing communication between partners of a business conversation. The correct, respectful start of communication is important, the creation of an easy trusting atmosphere, it is also necessary to interest the interlocutor, arouse interest in the problem and discussion in general.
  • Statement of the essence of the issue, argumentation, argumentation and counter-argumentation. Discussion of the problem, search for ways to resolve controversial issues.
  • Establishing the optimal solution and formalizing the agreement.
  • The final part (appeal, words of farewell / parting words).

Phone business rules

For telephone communication in the business sphere, the principles provided for general rules business communication and rhetoric. The speech should be literate, the intonation should be friendly, the information should be presented to the point, without introductory words or long pauses.

The incoming call signal must be answered no later than after the third ring of the telephone set. The next step is a greeting (the phrases “hello”, “listening” are not allowed). It is necessary to say hello, then announce the name of the organization and introduce yourself. Then clarify the reason for the call, clarify the opponent's questions and say goodbye politely. If you need to make an outgoing call, the rules for conducting a telephone conversation are the same as in the first case. The only exception is the need to ask the called subscriber whether it is convenient for him to talk and whether he can give you his time. You should be interested immediately after the welcoming speech.

If the caller asks for an employee who is out of this moment at the workplace, the person who answered the call should offer his help; in case of refusal, you should ask what needs to be handed over to the absent employee.

Business style clothing

Compliance with generally accepted norms and rules in organizing your appearance is a mandatory aspect in the rules of business etiquette. Some large companies have a corporate dress code. You need to select clothes in a classic style, too frank, bright things, with elements of torn fabric are not allowed. The appearance must be neat and tidy. Attention must be paid not only correct selection clothes, but appearance in general (the condition of nails, hairstyles, shoes, make-up in women).

What is business communication? What are the characteristics of it? How is it different from other types of communication?

Along with general characteristics inherent in any type of communication, business communication has a number of special features defining its specificity.

Let's think about why people enter into business communication? To enjoy the company of another person? Tell him about your thoughts and feelings? Tie up friendly relations? Obviously not.

Business communication - a necessary component of human life - is significant for communication partners not in itself, but as a way of organizing and optimizing one or another type of objective activity: industrial, scientific, commercial, etc. Business communication is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by their joint activities.

IN contemporary literature business communication is characterized as a special type of communication, which, firstly, arises on the basis of activities related to the production of a product (both material and spiritual, for example, the production of a movie), and secondly, is realized in a joint professional-subject activity.

The subject of business communication is the case (Fig. 6.1).

Rice. 6.1.

The subject of business communication is any socially significant problems that arise in all spheres of society - economic, social, political, spiritual, requiring joint efforts for their solution, i.e. joint activity or business. Any common business involves the interaction and communication of participants.

A distinctive feature of business communication is that it does not have a self-contained value, is not an end in itself, but serves means to achieve any other goals.

Target business communication - the organization of joint activities and its focus on solving socially significant problems.

A person works in a firm, company, educational institution etc., not in order to solve the problems of a firm, company, educational institution. He solves his problems first of all: earns a living, builds a career, establishes the necessary connections. But a person can solve his problems only within the framework of the organization (unless he individual entrepreneur). Therefore, in addition to the general goal of business communication, it is possible to single out personal goals realized by the participants in communication, which may or may not coincide with the goals of the organization.

For example, striving to improve one's standard of living may not match the financial capabilities of the organization and violate the principle of fairness, according to which remuneration should correspond to the contribution to the common cause.

There is a saying that the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. There are many soldiers, but few become generals. Striving for power, i.e. the desire to expand the circle of one's powers, to move up the corporate ladder, to get rid of the burden of hierarchical control, can conflict, and in most cases comes into conflict with similar aspirations of other people.

The desire to increase one's prestige is often combined with the desire to strengthen the prestige of the position held and the status of a structural unit in the organization itself to the detriment of others structural divisions. For example, in an educational institution, the purpose of which is the training of specialists, the main place should be occupied by teachers, the rest of the services, for all the importance of their work, are engaged in providing teaching activities. It also happens that auxiliary services increase their prestige by increasing staffing, salaries, bonuses, and the teaching staff is viewed as service staff. Such self-assertion at the expense of colleagues may not meet the development needs of the organization.

When personal goals realized in business communication run counter to the general goals of the organization, violations occur not only in the moral sphere, but also in the sphere of professional activity, which does not contribute to success at all.

Business communication is presented in various forms, which should contribute to the most effective implementation of the information content of business communication. Forms of business communication include:

  • business conversations, meetings, negotiations;
  • public speaking (reports, messages, greetings);
  • press conferences;
  • discussions, debates, debates;
  • presentations;
  • business breakfasts, lunches, dinners, receptions.

Written forms of business communication are all types business letters, as well as documents fixing social and legal relations regulating managerial, financial and other actions of organizations and individual officials.

Any kind of communication is subject to certain rules. For example, secular communication, the essence of which is non-objectivity, i.e. in the requirement to say not what you think on this or that occasion, but what is supposed to be said. The main thing in secular communication is not to express a personal opinion that may not coincide with the opinion of the interlocutor, to be polite, to avoid objections, to express agreement. Let us recall how Pierre, the hero of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", made a stunning impression on those present when he began to express his opinion about Napoleon at a social evening with Anna Pavlovna Scherer. The main thing is that he did not say what was supposed to be, thereby violating the etiquette of secular communication.

The focus of business communication on business, on providing optimal conditions for fruitful cooperation, successful solution of the tasks facing the organization and individual employees, determines its features.

Regulation. Business communication is subject to established rules and restrictions, business regulations (fr. regulation from regle- rule). These diverse rules and restrictions are determined by various factors, primarily the degree of officiality of the situation, which leads to more or less strict adherence to certain rules of communication. Compliance with the regulations is also influenced by the national and cultural characteristics of the participants, as well as the goals and objectives of a particular meeting, conversation, meeting.

The regulation of business communication involves:

  • observance by its participants of business etiquette, which determines their standards of conduct;
  • compliance with speech etiquette, the use of both etiquette speech turns in oral speech and official business style in writing;
  • limited business communication within certain time frames, a clear organization of working time and its rational use;
  • implementation of business communication in certain forms (business conversation, business meeting, business negotiations, etc.).

The process and results of business communication are documented in the form of business letters, protocols, orders, contracts, resolutions, etc.

Formal role character. Another feature of business communication is that the parties have formal official statuses that determine the necessary norms and standards, including ethical behavior. Business communication, being a formal role-playing one, requires strict observance by the participants of the role-playing role. Each role corresponds to certain expectations of other participants in communication. It is necessary to take this into account and behave in accordance with the requirements of the specific situation and the adopted role.

Business communication is characterized by the need to build relationships with different people, regardless of personal likes and dislikes, achieving maximum efficiency of business contacts. They say you don't choose your parents. What about business partners? It is possible, of course, to refuse business communication with those partners who violate the norms of business ethics, but the interests of the business do not always allow this. Is it possible to refuse business communication with the boss, even if it causes a feeling of deep antipathy, or from a picky client? Obviously not, there is only one way left - to establish business relations.

In whatever area of ​​professional activity a person works, he always enters into certain - business, official - relations with colleagues at work, with a leader or subordinates, with representatives of other organizations. The ability to deal with people appropriately is one of the critical factors that determines success in business or business activities.

In order for the goal of business communication to be successfully realized, in modern psychological science, the main ethical and psychological principles business communication, which include:

1) principle creating conditions for identifying the creative potential and professional knowledge of the individual, on the basis of which it is possible to harmonize the personal goals of the employee with the overall goals of the organization;

2) principle powers and responsibilities, regulating business communication within the framework of official rights and duties in accordance with the employee's official status, assessment of his business qualities and the use of his qualifications and experience.

Jen Yager, in her book Business Etiquette: How to Survive and Succeed in the Business World, outlines the following six basic principles:

1. Punctuality (do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that a person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time extends to all service tasks. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25% to the period that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work.

2. Confidentiality (don't talk too much). The secrets of an institution, corporation, or particular transaction must be kept as carefully as personal secrets. There is no need to retell to anyone what you heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their official activities or personal life.

3. Kindness, kindness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, customers, buyers and colleagues politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

4. Attention to others (think of others, not just yourself). Attention to others should extend to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have this or that point of view. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence should not prevent you from being humble.

5. Appearance (dress appropriately). The main approach is to fit into your work environment, and within this environment, into a contingent of workers at your level. You need to look your best, that is, dress with taste, choosing color scheme to the face. Carefully selected accessories are essential.

6. Literacy (speak and write good language). Internal documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names transmitted without errors. You can't use swear words. Even if you just quote the words of another person, they will be perceived by others as part of your own vocabulary.

A personality has individual traits and qualities - intellectual, moral, emotional, strong-willed, formed under the influence of society as a whole, as well as in the process of family, labor, social, cultural life of a person. In communication, it is important:

    knowledge and consideration of the most typical features of human behavior;

    their character traits and moral qualities.

Business communication should be built on the basis of such moral qualities of a person and categories of ethics as honesty, truthfulness, modesty, generosity, duty, conscience, dignity, honor, which give business relations a moral character.

On the nature of communication, the status of communicants, their social and situational roles, as well as their temperament (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic).

Ethics features top-down business communication

Top-down business communication is the attitude of a manager to a subordinate. The basic rule of ethics for such communication can be formulated as follows: “Treat your subordinate the way you would like to be treated by your boss.”

The art and success of business communication is largely determined by the ethical standards and principles that the leader uses in relation to his subordinates. The norms and principles are understood as what behavior in the service is ethically acceptable, and what is not. These norms concern, first of all, how and on the basis of what orders are given in the management process, what is the official discipline that determines business communication. Without observing the ethics of business communication between a leader and a subordinate, most people feel uncomfortable in a team, morally unprotected. The attitude of the manager to subordinates affects the whole nature of business communication, largely determines it. moral and psychological climate. It is at this level that moral standards and patterns of behavior are formed in the first place.

Moral standards and patterns of behavior in business communication "from top to bottom"

1. Strive to turn your organization into a cohesive team with high communication standards. Involve employees in the goals of the organization. A person will feel morally and psychologically comfortable only when he is identified with the collective. At the same time, everyone strives to remain an individual and wants to be respected for who he is.

2. If there are problems and difficulties associated with dishonesty, the manager should find out its causes. If we are talking about ignorance, then one should not endlessly reproach the subordinate for his weaknesses and shortcomings. Think about what you can do to help him overcome them. Rely on this strengths his personality.

3. If the employee did not comply with your order, you must let him know that you are aware of this, otherwise he may decide that he tricked you. Moreover, if the manager did not make a corresponding remark to the subordinate, then he simply does not fulfill his duties and acts unethically.

4. A remark to an employee must comply with ethical standards. Gather all the information on this case. Choose the right form of communication. First, ask the employee to explain the reason for not completing the task, perhaps he will give facts unknown to you. Make your remarks one on one: it is necessary to respect the dignity and feelings of a person.

5. Criticize actions and deeds, not a person's personality.

6. Then, when appropriate, use the "sandwich" technique - hide criticism between two compliments. End the conversation on a friendly note and soon find time to talk to the person to show him that you are not holding a grudge.

7. Never advise a subordinate how to act in personal matters.

8. Don't overgrow with pets. Treat employees as equal members and all with the same standard.

9. Never give employees the opportunity to notice that you are not in control if you want to maintain their respect.

10. Observe the principle of distributive justice: the greater the merit, the greater should be the reward.

11. Encourage your team even if success is achieved mainly due to the success of the leader himself.

12. Strengthen the subordinate's self-esteem. A job well done deserves not only material, but also moral encouragement. Do not be lazy to once again praise the employee.

13. The privileges you give yourself should be extended to other members of the team.

14. Trust employees and admit your own mistakes at work. The members of the collective will find out about them one way or another. But concealing mistakes is a manifestation of weakness and dishonesty.

15. Protect your subordinates and be loyal to them. They will answer you the same.

16. Choose correct form orders.

Note that when choosing order forms First of all, two factors should be taken into account:

1) the situation, the availability of time for nuances;

2) the personality of the subordinate - who is in front of you, a conscientious and skilled worker or a person who needs to be pushed at every step.

Depending on this, one should choose the most ethically acceptable norms of behavior and forms of command.

The forms of the order can be: order, request, question and the so-called "volunteer".

Order - most often should be used in an emergency, as well as in relation to unscrupulous employees.

Request - used in the event that the situation is ordinary, and the relationship between the leader and the subordinate is based on trust and goodwill. This form allows the employee to express his opinion on the problem if for some reason it cannot be solved. And if you pronounce the phrase in an appropriate way, then the employee will have no doubt that this is an order.

Question:“Does it make sense to do this”, “How should we do this?” - it is better to use in cases where you want to provoke a discussion on how best to do a job or push an employee to take the initiative. At the same time, employees must be proactive and sufficiently qualified. Otherwise, some may perceive your question as a sign of weakness and incompetence.

"Volunteer"(“Who wants to do this?”) is appropriate for a situation where no one wants to do the job, but it still needs to be done. In this case, the volunteer hopes that his enthusiasm will be appropriately appreciated in future work.

Ethics of business communication "from the bottom up"

In business communication "from the bottom up", i.e. in relation to a subordinate to his superior, the general ethical rule of conduct can be formulated as follows: "Treat your boss the way you would like to be treated by your subordinates" .

Knowing how you should treat and treat your leader is no less important than knowing what moral requirements you should make to your subordinates. Without this, it is difficult to find a "common language" with both the boss and subordinates. Using certain ethical norms, you can attract the leader to your side, make him your ally, but you can also turn him against yourself, make him your ill-wisher.

Ethical norms and principles in business communication "from the bottom up"

1. Try to help the leader in creating a friendly moral atmosphere in the team, strengthening fair relations. Remember that your supervisor needs it first.

2. Do not try to impose your point of view on the leader or command him. Express your suggestions or comments with tact and courtesy. You cannot directly order something, but you can say: “How would you feel if ...?” etc.

3. If any joyful or, on the contrary, unpleasant event is approaching or has already happened in the team, then this must be reported to the leader. In case of trouble, try to help facilitate the way out of this situation, offer your own solution.

4. Do not talk to the boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or only “no”. An employee who always agrees is annoying and gives the impression of a flatterer. The person who always says no is a constant irritant.

5. Be loyal and dependable, but don't be a sycophant. Have your own character and principles. A person who does not have a stable character and firm principles cannot be relied upon, his actions cannot be foreseen.

6. Do not ask for help, advice, suggestions, etc. "over the head", directly to your leader's supervisor, except in an emergency. Otherwise, your behavior may be regarded as disrespect or disregard for the opinion of the boss or as a doubt about his competence, and your immediate supervisor will lose authority and dignity.

7. If you have been given responsibility, gently raise the issue of your rights as well. Remember that responsibility cannot be exercised without an appropriate degree of discretion.

Ethics of business communication "horizontally"

The general ethical principle of communication is “horizontally”, i.e. between colleagues (leaders or ordinary members of the group), can be formulated as follows: "In business communication, treat your colleague the way you would like to be treated" .

If you find it difficult how to behave in a given situation, put yourself in the place of your colleague.

With regard to fellow managers, it should be borne in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards of business communication with employees of equal status from other departments is a very difficult task. Especially when it comes to communication and relationships within the same enterprise. In this case, they are often rivals in the struggle for success and promotion. At the same time, these are people who, together with you, belong to the team of the general manager. In this case, participants in business communication should feel equal in relation to each other.

Thus, the basis of the ethics of business communication should be coordination, and if possible harmonization interests. Naturally, if it is carried out by ethical means and in the name of morally justified goals. Therefore, business communication must be constantly monitored ethical reflection, justifying the motives for joining. Doing it ethically right choice and making an individual decision is often not an easy task at all. Market relations provide freedom of choice, but at the same time increase the number of solutions, give rise to a set of moral dilemmas awaiting business people at every step in the process of their activities and communication.

The most important part of any business is business communication, therefore, knowing the rules of business communication and embodying knowledge in the process of business negotiations is mandatory, since in the process of doing business in modern world direct relationships a huge amount of time. At the same time, it is not enough just to communicate politely and benevolently, it is necessary to know and apply in business negotiations the rules of conducting a business conversation, as well as the rules of public speaking. By following the rules of business communication, you show your professionalism, and this quality is a prerequisite for successful business development. By violating the rules of business communication, you can destroy mutual understanding between partners and counterparties, which will lead to a break in contacts.

We list the rules of business communication that are of paramount importance:

1. An important condition for business communication is punctuality. Punctuality in business characterizes your respectful attitude to your own and other people's time and facilitates communication. An important step in ensuring punctuality is planning.

2. No less important is not verbosity. At the same time, aspects related to the activities of the company, and with personal life colleagues. Try to be to the point, understandable, but short enough.

3. Respect for the opinions of partners and colleagues - no less than important condition on the path to success in any business. Curiosity and selfishness, intolerance or the desire to build a career at someone else's expense bring only disappointment and failure. Respect for the opinion of the interlocutor, the ability to listen to him, as well as to hear and understand is the key to success. If you did not answer the words or question of the interlocutor, then you grossly violated speech etiquette.

4. It is equally important to write and speak correct language. The ability to conduct a conversation allows you to involve, interest in your ideas, and, consequently, to bring them to life. This ability is necessary in the formation of business relationships and contacts.

5. Before you take part in the conversation, you must clearly articulate the purpose of communication. Use a variety of speech, choosing the right words for a specific situation.

6. Maintain composure and self-control, watch your manifestations of feelings and emotions. Do not respond to rudeness with rudeness, sinking to the level of a poorly educated opponent, you will demonstrate the lack of your speech culture.

1. When communicating with an interlocutor, stick to your speech habits. Do not adopt the communication style of the interlocutor, because you lose your individuality by imitating someone else's communication style.

8. The rules for conducting a business conversation, in addition to business qualities, also provide for the style of your clothes - a dress code.

Therefore, the skill of eloquence, the basic rules of public speaking must be constantly improved. The rules of business etiquette can open the way to success, you just need to know and use them.

In order to successfully speak to a mass audience, it is necessary to prepare a plan in advance and draw up the main theses of your speech.

It is advisable to avoid an instructive tone during a speech.

Try to convey your own indifference to the theses voiced, using the correct intonation.

Speak simply and competently.

Interest the audience, convince you that you are right, using verifiable arguments.

Eliminate boring clichés from your speech.

Completing public speaking effectively returning to the beginning of the speech, as well as re-emphasizing key points.

Despite the fact that the rules are quite simple, many still do not follow them when negotiating or forget about them, getting carried away by a lively discussion.

41) Personnel planning: concept, goals, features at the tourism enterprise.

P occupies an important place in personnel management. Managers must plan ahead for staffing needs. Such a P provides many advantages to the companies that use it. Firstly, it gives a purely financial benefit, and, secondly, it increases the prestige and image of the company. P of personnel includes an assessment of available labor resources, an assessment of future needs (number of people, their level of skill and ability, personal characteristics and career prospects), as well as a program for the development of labor resources. Such a planning process will make it possible to establish the qualitative composition of personnel and their professional and qualification structure.

The Personnel P process is a multilateral process, but the main work is divided into the following stages:

1. Demand research. Here, the need for types of work, types of employees is determined based on the analysis and design of jobs, taking into account the time factor. The main task is to predict the structure and number of personnel in future period in accordance with strategic plans further development enterprises, constantly changing external and internal conditions.

2. The study of the proposal is carried out:

Within the enterprise (internal proposal): assessment of available human resources based on monitoring, the main of which is to study the composition of personnel, quantity, quality, classification and structure of personnel.

By researching the labor market for the specialties and professions of interest to the enterprise, the system of personnel training to determine the sources of recruitment in the future.

3. Formation of the net need for staff by comparing the total need for staff and internal supply. Here it is important to compare the result of the forecast of demand and supply in each planning period, to determine the difference between supply and demand in terms of quality, quantity and structure, and thus obtain the value of the net need for individual positions and jobs.

4. Development of policies and measures to match supply and demand. Consent Tools are largely determined by the overall strategy of the enterprise for a certain planning horizon.

Here comes the creation of various specific plans to ensure that supply and demand match in each planning period. The main tools are recruitment and selection planning, promotion and rotation policies, training and development programs, increased motivation, and in some cases it may be necessary to reduce the personnel of the enterprise through dismissal, retirement, reduction of work and working hours.

Naturally, the planning process does not end there, the plan must be constantly adjusted, information on the progress of its implementation should be monitored and its implementation monitored. The specifics of personnel planning, as well as the entire planning system at tourism enterprises, is that most of the indicators and forecasts will be determined by the accuracy of developing a marketing strategy. As one of the characteristic features The tour of the market is highly elastic, volatile, and therefore the planned horizon is MAX 3 years with a detailed study of the various seasons. As a tool for coordinating supply and demand in personnel at tourism enterprises, the approach of attracting temporary workers during the peak load period is common. So, summer resorts, hiring part-time staff to work in the summer, reduce it during the off-season. Part-time employees give the organization the flexibility to meet the level of demand. Staff training may also be planned during periods of low demand.