The most beautiful Iranian men. Sexy and simply bold photos of Iranian women taken before the revolution. Iranian celebrities: Homa Rusta and Foruzan

Since President Hassan Rouhani came to power in Iran, and the majority of citizens voted for reformers in the parliamentary elections, serious changes have emerged in the country. Society and especially young people want more openness and liberalization, but harsh Islamic laws still apply in Iran. Now these laws and rules of conduct do not stop everyone, and therefore we next offer a look at how Iran lives today.

Couple in love on the observation deck known as the Roof of Tehran

A woman prays while her friend smokes and watches TV.

Men are not allowed to enter the women's beauty salon.

Young people chatting on the street

Underground rock concert

Women play billiards in a men's club, where women are prohibited from entering according to the rules/

Tipsy girls at a party. Men and women who are not related by blood or marriage should not be near each other, much less drink alcohol. Nevertheless, parties where these prohibitions are violated are not uncommon in modern Iran.

Student from Tehran. Tattoos are illegal in Iran, but the ban doesn't stop everyone.

In Iran, women are prohibited from smoking in public places, but this rule is often ignored.

Like their peers in other countries of the world, many Iranian teenagers are interested in breakdancing.

Basij women and AK-47s prepared for the parade. "Basij" are paramilitary pro-government volunteer groups. This formation was created by the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini, in November 1979.

Young man plays guitar in Tehran's Shiraz park

A girl with a bandaged nose after surgery. Iran is the world leader in the number of rhinoplasty operations. Every year in the Islamic Republic, 200 thousand operations are performed to change the shape of the nose.

Gym in Shiraz. By law, men and women must exercise in separate rooms.

In Islam, dogs are considered unclean animals, so keeping them in the house is prohibited. Owners of four-legged animals try not to appear with them in public places, so as not to attract the attention of the police.

Young people relax and have a drink in a Tehran swimming pool.

In a women's underwear store.

Model during photography.

Smoke break on the balcony. At home, Iranian women can relax: smoke, wear bare-shoulder clothes and bare heads.

Catherine Bell / Catherine Bell(born August 14, 1968) is an American television actress and producer of Persian descent on her mother's side, known for her roles intelevision series "Military Legal Service" and "Army Wives".

Mahtab Keramati(born October 17, 1970) is an Iranian-Persian actress and also a UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Elahe Hesari(born August 8, 1983) - Iranian actress.

Elnaz Habibi / Elnaz Habibi(born January 1, 1990 Tehran) - Iranian actress.

Sarah Shahi(born January 10, 1980, Oles, Texas, USA) - American actress,Spanish-Iranian model and former NFL cheerleader. Also is Isgreat-great-great-granddaughter of the Persian Shah Feth Ali Shah.

Nasanin Nuri / Nasanin Nuri(born 1987) - Miss Earth Switzerland 2008, entered Top 10 finalists oninternational competition "Miss Earth"

Nasim Fetrat / Nasim Fetrat- Iranian actress.

Nazanin Mandi- American singer, dancer and model of Iranian origin. Participant in many musical competitions

Sugar Qureshi(born 1966) - Iranian actress

Sareh Bayat(born October 6, 1979, Tehran, Iran) - Iranian actress

Leila Zare- Iranian actress.

Bahareh Kian Afshar / Bahareh Kian Afshar- Iranian actress.

Mahnaz Afshar Jadid is an Iranian actress.
Linda Kiani / Linda Kiani - Iranian actress.
Maryam Zakaria (born September 27, 1984 Tehran, Iran) is a Swedish-Iranian actress and model who appears in northern and southern Indian cinema in Bollywood and Tollywood.
Claudia Lynx (real name Shaghhaeg; born June 8, 1982 in Tehran) is an Iranian model, actress, and singer. IN infancy her family moved from Tehran to Oslo, where she starred in commercials while still very young baby food and received the title of the most adorable child in Europe. Later, her family moved to Toronto, where at the age of 15 Claudia began appearing on the covers of magazines, advertising Levi's products. At the age of 18, she made her debut as a singer, releasing an album called "Shaghaeg". The actress has filmed in several feature films: TV series “The West Wing”, films “Priestess of Death”, “The Devil in Female Form”.

Nazanin Boniadi (born May 22, 1980, Tehran, Iran) is a British-Iranian actress, this moment living and working in the USA. Films with her participation: “General Hospital”, “Charlie Wilson’s War”, “Iron Man”, “Three Days to Escape”, “Stranger Among Our Own”, etc.

Sahar Biniaz (born 1986) is a Canadian beauty pageant participant and professional actress with Iranian roots. Born in India, raised in Iran, lives in Vancouver (Canada). Participated in many beauty contests: 2nd place in "Miss Global Beauty Queen-2003", 3rd place in "Miss Queen of Tourism International-2008", 2nd place in "Miss Universe Canada-2008" and winner of "Miss Universe Canada" -2012". She was supposed to represent Canada at the Miss Universe competition, but in November (a month before the competition) it was announced that her candidacy would be withdrawn for unknown reasons. She also won the Revlon Professional Best Hair award. In addition to acting education, she has a degree in entrepreneurship and business, but is currently involved in film and television. Films with her participation: Bollywood "Neil and Nikki", series: "Shelter", the film "Real Boys", "Ambrosia". See also: All the winners of Miss International and Miss Universe

Golshifteh Farahani (born July 10, 1983 in Tehran) is an Iranian theater and film actress who began acting in the theater at the age of six, and at 14 she starred in her first film and immediately received the title of best actress at the Tehran Fajr Film Festival. Since then, she has starred in 15 more films, almost all of which received awards at various film festivals.
Shermine Shahrivar (born September 17, 1982) is an Iranian (according to other sources, half Azerbaijani), winner of the Miss Germany 2004 and Miss Europe 2005 beauty contests. She is the face of the American clothing brand "American Apparel", representing it in 2008, participating in advertising campaigns. Currently lives and studies in New York, where he studies acting.
Afsaneh Pakroo (born May 1, 1983 Tehran, Iran) is an Iranian actress.
Mahlagha Jaberi (born June 17, 1989 in Esfahan, Iran) is an Iranian model who is known for her unique look. Fans of the model believe that she looks like a girl from a Persian miniature. Currently lives in San Diego. California, speaks Farsi and English.

Before the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the start date of which is considered to be January 8, 1978, Western influence prevailed in Iran, as in many other countries of the world. In those days, Iranian women were not very different from other women in the world; they followed fashion, took part in beauty contests, modeled, went without hijabs and many other things that today they are strictly forbidden to do. During the revolution, the pro-Western Shah was overthrown and replaced by the fiercely anti-Western Ayatollah Khomeini. After this, the requirements for women became sharply stricter; for example, starting in 1980, women’s wearing of the hijab began to be controlled by government organizations. A woman who dared to go out without a hijab could be beaten to death with sticks and stones. Today we want to show you photographs of pre-revolutionary Iranian women taken in the 1960s and early and mid-70s.

Actress Maryana (left) and Iranian pop star Argavan (right)

Miss Teen World 1968 finalists (left) and Shoal Zand - Miss Iran 1969 (right)

Googoosh was a popular singer in Iran, and a favorite of the Shah. During the revolution she was in Los Angeles. Returning home, she found out that she could no longer sing and all her songs were banned

Ettelaat Banovan magazine, 1960s

Sexy actress Sepideh

She's the same

Finalists of the Miss Teen Iran contest, 1969

Finalists of the Miss Iran contest, 1972 and 1973

Miss Iran 1966 finalists (left) and Iran Air flight attendants (right)

Iranian celebrities: Homa Rusta and Foruzan

Finalists of the Miss Iran contest, 1978. This was the last beauty pageant in the country

Since then there has been no Miss Iran-1979 and no later versions of the competition either.

Actress, model, singer and certified translator. Her real name is Shaghhaeg, which means poppy (flower) in Iranian. Today, Claudia Lynx lives in Los Angeles and is involved in child and adolescent protection programs. She is often called “The Goddess of Persia” - the Goddess of Persia.

Shagayaq Alizadeh (Azerbaijani: Şəğayəğ Əlizadə), known worldwide as Claudia Lynx, is a popular Iranian-Canadian actress, model, humanitarian and singer.

Claudia Lynx (birth name: Shagaya Alizadeh) was born in the capital of Iran - Tehran. Has mixed Azerbaijani-Perish

Sid origin. Her mother died giving birth to her at the age of 24. When Lynx was only three months old, her family, consisting of her father, older brother, nanny and herself, immigrated to Europe and until now none of them have returned to their homeland in Iran. At the age of three, Claudia already begins acting in various television shows, advertising and promotional videos. She was noticed by the famous casting director - Katrina Karingeborg. Advertising for various children's products brought her great popularity in Europe; she became the face of several large children's food and children's clothing companies.

farcical show “Tamasha T.V.” and gained great popularity in Canada. She was the show's host, main actress, author and director of children's programs for 3 years. At age 13, she was awarded The Youngest Writer and Director.

Claudia released her first album, which she named after herself “Shaghayegh”. The album quickly became popular, and Claudia Links became known as the first young Iranian artist in the last 30 years. However, Claudia decided to quit musical career. Lynx was soon given the worldwide nickname “The Goddess Of Persia.”For her success in the mobile business in 2001, Claudia Lynx (19 years old) was awarded “The Best Print and Fashion Model” by such major Canadian campaigns as CSMU (Canadian Search Miss Universe) and T-era Productions.

Claudia has starred in several American films. She played the role of Miss Universe in the famous American series “The West Wing”.The documentary “Jacksons are coming” revealed that Claudia is closely related to the Jackson family, the most famous of which are Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson. Her close friends are Tito and Janet Jackson. Claudia had close relationships with the brothers of the late Michael Jackson, namely Michael himself, Jermaine, Stephen and Marlon Jackson, as well as their nephews Tito, Tarryl, Toriano and Sigmund Jackson. However, other sources deny this information and consider it fiction.In 2008 she was recognized as one of the most beautiful beautiful women in the world.

The other day, news spread around the world: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has revived the tradition of his grandfather and father and started his own harem, the “Garden of Delights.” The harem seems to the European to be a kind of abode of young and beautiful women from the Arabian fairy tales “1000 and one nights”. Meanwhile, interesting photos of the harem of Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, who ruled Iran at the end of the 19th century, destroy existing stereotypes. In our review you can see the beauties of the Iranian ruler's harem with your own eyes.

Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, the fourth Shah of Iran, gained power in 1848 and ruled for 47 years. His reign was the longest in Iran's 3,000-year history.

Historians say about Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar that for his time he was well educated and was known as a sybarite, so much so that he subsequently displeased his associates.

One of Shah Qajar's many passions was photography. He liked photography as a child, and when he came to power, he decided to create the first official photo studio in his palace. In the 1870s, Russian photographer Anton Sevryugin opened his studio in Tehran, who became the court photographer of the Iranian ruler. Sevryugin created a photo chronicle of Iran and was awarded an honorary title for his services.

A Russian photographer could photograph the Shah himself, his male relatives, courtiers and servants. And Qajar, an ardent admirer of photography, reserved the right to photograph his harem, in which, according to historians, he had about 100 concubines.

It is known that Nasser ed-Din Shah printed the photographs himself in the palace laboratory and kept them in satin albums in his Golestan Palace, where the museum is currently located.

The extraordinary nature of the photographs of his concubines lies in the fact that according to Shiite laws at that time it was prohibited to photograph people’s faces, and especially the faces of women. And only the most powerful man in the country could afford to break the law.

Looking at the photos of the ladies from the harem, you understand that they look quite modern for their time. Women are confident in front of the camera, calm, not timid or flirtatious.

Photographs of women challenge the generally accepted idea of ​​life in a harem - the Shah's wives look quite modern for that time and self-confident, they calmly look into the camera lens, without flirting or shyness.

One can even assume that the wives in the harem had friendly relations - some photographs show groups on a picnic.

From the photographs one can judge the tastes of the Iranian monarch - all women in the body, with fused thick eyebrows and a clearly visible mustache. It is clearly seen that the women did not suffer from hunger and were not burdened with physical work. Experts say that Golestan’s collection even contains nude photos, but they are safely hidden.