How long can you wear Acuvue Oasis lenses? Acuvue Oasys contact lenses: description, advantages and reviews. Benefits of Acuvue Oasys contact lenses

Contact lenses Acuvue Oasys 6 lenses

Contact lenses Acuvue Oasys 6 lenses– good contact lenses, one of the most popular lenses for vision correction at the moment from the brand manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. The Akuvue Oasis package contains 6 lenses, which is designed for 1.5 months of wear. There are many positive reviews and users around the world using these contact lenses.

The popularity of Acuvue Oasys with Hidreciear Plus 6 contact lenses is, of course, associated with the comfort that the lenses provide to their users. It is precisely because of the good wearing comfort and quite affordable price that many people prefer Acuvue Oasis two-week lenses for convenient and problem-free use.

Hidraclear technology

This is achieved thanks to the special manufacturing technology of Acuvue Oasys hidraclear contact lenses. Silicone, which is part of the lens material and ensures constant passage of air to the cornea of ​​the eye and, accordingly, healthy wearing of lenses, unfortunately does not retain moisture well, which means that the safest lens turns out to be very uncomfortable to wear.

Comfortable contact lenses in any conditions

To solve the problem and wearing comfort, Johnson & Johnson specialists introduced a special moisturizing component into the Acuvue Oasis lens that can interact with silicone. And this is what makes Acuvue Oasys 6 breathable contact lenses so comfortable and popular in any, even unfavorable conditions: when working at a computer, when spending a long time in a room with dry, hot air, near air conditioners. And it provides Acuvue Oasys 6 pieces all day long and extended wear with the possibility of sleeping in the lenses.

Safe Acuvue Oasys for eyes

Breathable two-week lenses Acuvue Oasis are good and safe for the eyes due to their short period of use - designed for daily wear, or seven days without taking them off at night. In such a short period of time, deposits on the lens do not have time to accumulate and the lens remains comfortable the entire time it is worn.

Safety is also ensured by the presence of a filter for sunny weather.

If you are planning to order Acuvue Oasys contact lenses from an online lens store, do not forget to purchase care products for processing and storage; we recommend using predominantly peroxide systems.

We offer two-week contact lenses in the Doctor-Lens online contact lens store, as well as in the optics salon on Timiryazeva 27.

Drops and solutions for care

  • Acuvue Oasys lens solutions: Opti-Free Express, Opti-Free Pure Moist.
  • Peroxide systems for Acuvue Oasys lenses: AoSept plus, One Step
  • Moisturizing drops for Akuvue Oasis: Avizor Moisture Drops, Systane ULTRA, Blink.

By purchasing Acuvue Oasys contact lenses, you provide your eyes with comfort throughout the day.

Characteristics of Acuvue Oasys with Hidreciear Plus 6 lenses:

  • Manufacturer: Johnson&Johnson
  • Brand:
  • Lens type: clear
  • Wearing mode: daily, extended
  • Lens design: spherical
  • Replacement period: 14 days (daily)/7 days (extended)
  • Number of blisters per package, pcs: 6
  • Moisture content,%: 38
  • Lens thickness in the center, mm: 0.07
  • Radius of curvature of the lens, mm: 8.4 8.8
  • Oxygen transmission coefficient, Dk/t: 147
  • Material/material type: Senofilcon A/ silicone hydrogel

Despite numerous warnings from ophthalmologists, many contact lens users still continue to wear contact correction products until they completely lose their properties. However, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, as well as the recommendations of your specialist.

Caring for lenses consists not only of timely treating them with disinfectant, which can be purchased at any optician, but also of proper storage. The latter, as a rule, depends on many factors - material, manufacturing technology, etc. In this article we will talk in detail about how to correctly determine the shelf life.

What does the information on the packaging mean?

We find the first information about the shelf life of lenses on the packaging. Any manufacturer first indicates the year, and then the month. For example, if the box says 2016/02, that means February 2016.

The second numbers we see are indicated on the label. They indicate the maximum period of time the lenses are in a sterile saline solution, during which their sterility can be guaranteed. As a rule, all products are included in it upon purchase. But the indicated period of storage in saline solution does not mean that they should be thrown away when the end of the period comes. He only says that until this time the correction means are in sterile conditions.

In addition, there is such a thing as a “guaranteed service life”. It is commonly understood as the period of time during which the user can safely wear their lenses. This period is indicated by the manufacturer and begins from the moment you first put them on your eyes.

Please note that storage information does not mean that the product can be used until the very end of its shelf life. Manufacturers guarantee wearing throughout the entire period only subject to careful use of the lenses and full compliance with the recommendations of specialists.

Shelf life of lenses in packaging

Often, thanks to various promotions held in opticians and online stores, many people purchase contact correction products for future use. But how to keep them in the required condition? This question is asked by many users today. Some people believe they should be kept in a dark, cool place or even in the refrigerator. Others are sure that they should be used immediately after purchase, and lying for a long time will only do harm. What's true?

Firstly, optical products must be in their original packaging - in sealed blisters and in an isotonic solution. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the shape of the blister is intact and has no external damage. Secondly, lenses should be stored at a temperature from +4° to +45°, preferably as close to room temperature as possible, and always away from direct sunlight.

If the lenses are to be transported, for example, if you are going on vacation or a business trip, then their temperature should also be maintained within the required limits - from +4° to +45°. If the temperature is below +4°, the water contained in the lens may crystallize and lead to destruction of its structure. Therefore, placing a lens in the refrigerator does not always guarantee better preservation of contact correction products.

What affects the storage period?

Every product has its own characteristics. These features primarily affect how long it can remain in a sealed state. Among them:

  • thickness;
  • water percentage;
  • manufacturing method;
  • ecological situation in the region.

It is necessary to take into account individual characteristics (for example, the composition of tear fluid) and the behavior of each person (bad habits, compliance with care rules). What else is worth knowing to protect your eyesight?

  • Never pour tap water into the container. Only a special solution can provide high-quality disinfection.
  • Lenses can only be stored in . In glasses, wine glasses, cosmetic bags - strictly prohibited!
  • The solution cannot be reused.

Now that you know exactly everything about the rules and shelf life of contact lenses, your eyes will be completely safe.

Soft contact lenses have become widespread since the 70s of the last century. The American company Johnson and Johnson has established mass production of ophthalmic products. Acuvue lenses are made taking into account the latest developments in the field of ophthalmology. Let's look at popular Acuvue models, rules for using and caring for them.


Soft contact lenses are designed to correct astigmatism, and they also help restore the refraction of the eye when the spherical membrane is damaged. With this pathology, the correct focusing is changed, which is why the clarity of visualization of objects in the surrounding world suffers. People with refractive error see a blurred or distorted picture of the world.

A feature of the Acuvue series lenses is the stabilization of focus during head movement: turns and tilts. They respond to movement dynamics and adjust clarity in any position. Blinking, a sharp turn or tilt of the head does not affect the quality of vision.

Acuvue contact lenses do not cause allergies.

Another feature is the relief of eye fatigue when working hard at a computer or when being in a smoky or poorly ventilated room. The use of conventional contact lenses only aggravates the unenviable situation: when blinking frequently, the material of conventional lenses does not come into contact with the lacrimal ball and violates its integrity. Due to the dryness of the mucous membrane, an uncomfortable sensation occurs and the eyes become tired. But Acuvue models are able to cope with this problem.

The Acuvue material is designed for maximum slip, which prevents your eyes from drying out. When blinking, the lenses easily adapt to the shape of the eyeball and do not interfere with the natural circulation of tear fluid, which ensures constant hydration.

Another advantage of Acuvue is that it saturates the eyes with oxygen. If, when wearing conventional contact products, your eyes get tired and red in the evening, then Acuvue lenses keep them looking healthy and clear.

The lens material protects the eyes from the aggression of solar radiation, absorbing up to 90% of harmful ultraviolet radiation.

The listed advantages of Acuvue models were achieved by combining the properties of hydrogel and silicone hydrogel materials.

Acuvue line

The Acuvue line contains disposable models and planned replacements. Disposable lenses do not require care or storage, as they are disposed of immediately after removal. They are made of thinner material, which provides an advantage over reusable products. Disposable contact optics allow the eyes to quickly get used to the foreign body.

Reusable lenses require care and storage skills. Since contact with mucous membranes leaves traces of tear fluid on the inner surface of the optics, they must be thoroughly cleaned. You should not put on the optics without first sanitation, as there is a risk of bacterial infection.

The choice of model range must be entrusted to an ophthalmologist; independent purchase and use of contact optics is unacceptable. When selecting, it is necessary to take into account lifestyle (active/passive), structural features of the cornea and the health of the visual organs.

How much do Acuvue lenses cost? The issue of price depends on the place of purchase. There is a risk of purchasing low-quality products or counterfeits. Therefore, when choosing a place to purchase, consider this point.

Beauty lenses

These models have been designed to create a dramatic appearance to enhance the beauty of the eyes. Products from the Beauty series add depth and shine to the eyes, visually increasing the size of the eyes and iris. This effect is achieved due to the special location of the pigment ring: along the edge of the lens. However, you should not worry about the health of your eyes: the coloring matter is located inside the material and does not come into contact with the mucous membrane of the iris.

Terms of use

Do not touch the lenses with unwashed or oily fingers.

If you have different vision diopters, put the lens on your right eye first. This is necessary in order not to confuse models with different diopters.

Before installation, inspect the lens for any bulge. If it has a convex shape, you can immediately begin installation. If the edges are bent in the wrong direction, you need to straighten them with your finger.

As soon as you apply the lens to your eye, it will distribute itself across the iris in the desired direction. About 4-5 seconds after installation, you can blink your eyelids to establish contact with the eye.

The discomfort when putting on contact lenses will go away after a few days as your eyes get used to it.

If the lens does not move when blinking, you need to instill it. If it doesn’t help, tell your ophthalmologist.

Removing lenses

Using clean, dry fingers, move the lens toward the edge of your eye. Then grab the product with two fingers and carefully move it down.

Please note that the eyes must be moist before removing the contact optics. If the mucous membrane is dry, you must first moisten your eyes with special drops and then remove the lenses.

When drying your hands, do not use fluffy towels to prevent small particles of tissue from getting between the lenses and the cornea.

The use of cosmetics does not harm contact ophthalmic optics, but you must adhere to some rules.

  1. Makeup can only be applied after the lenses are placed on the eyes.
  2. Hairspray and other spray products can be used before putting them on.

Do not purchase Acuvue products in unverified stores: they are sold only in specialized optical stores.


Despite the quality and safety of lenses, there are contraindications for wearing:

  • inflammatory diseases of the visual organs;
  • pathological dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • insensitive cornea;
  • abnormal structure of the visual organs;
  • allergy to the material or treatment solution.

If your eyes are irritated by smoke or chemicals, contact lenses should not be used.

The lineup

There are 6 common models of the Acuvue series:

  • 1-Day Acuvue Trueye
  • 1-Day Acuvue Moist
  • Acuvue Oasis
  • 1 Day Acuvue Define
  • Acuvue 2 Colors.

1-Day Acuvue Trueye

Made from a special material that retains moisture inside the layer. The products are also characterized by increased breathability, which creates especially comfortable conditions for the visual organs. Provide protection from intense ultraviolet radiation.

The technology of the developers has created a unique material that is not subject to transformation even under mechanical stress. The models do not injure the cornea due to accidental or intentional physical force. However, they are not suitable for swimming in the sea, lake or pool.

1 Day Acuvue Trueye is not intended for overnight use.

Recommended for use in the correction of farsightedness/myopia, but not suitable for persons with astigmatism and keratoconus disease. To correct keratoconus/astigmatism, a more rigid structure is required that can change the shape of the iris.

1-Day Acuvue Moist

Recommended for wearing when correcting astigmatism. The lenses are made of material that does not cause mechanical irritation to the iris, so they can be used for sensitive eyes. The products have a high degree of moisture and protect the mucous membrane from drying out. When used throughout the day, the eyes do not get tired or red because they are provided with moisture and oxygen (the material is breathable).

Disposable models protect the eyes from possible infection, as they are disposed of after use. 1-Day Acuvue Moist does not require the purchase of a container or cleaning solutions, saving time and resources.

Acuvue Moist lenses are sufficiently rigid, but do not expose the cornea to strong mechanical stress.

1-Day Acuvue Moist does not cause allergic reactions.

Thanks to the soft, ergonomic material, the iris is not injured, which protects the eyes from the penetration of any type of infection through the damaged mucosa. Using 1-Day Acuvue Moist prevents the risk of eye diseases.

The advantage of one-day models is especially noticeable when traveling or long trips. Also well suited for areas with heavy smoke or other unsuitable environmental conditions.

1-Day Acuvue Moist should not be used while swimming in natural reservoirs/pools or while visiting a sauna.

Acuvue Oasys lenses

They are characterized by increased breathability. Gas permeability is ensured by the structural feature of silicone, which is a heterogeneous mass. Through micropores, air flows freely to the cornea.

Acuvue Oasys lenses are the cheapest models from the entire Acuvue line.

One-day models with HydraLuxe technology are especially recommended for office workers, programmers and those who like to spend long hours near gadgets. The optics are designed with increased moisture in mind, so there is no need to use additional softening and moisturizing solutions. The moisturizing effect has the most beneficial effect on eye health, as it protects the cornea from the mechanical impact of the material.

Acuvue Oasys lenses for astigmatism correction are distinguished by their toric shape. Unlike regular hard lenses, they do not put unpleasant pressure on the eyeball and cornea. The products provide effective air exchange between the environment and the cornea, protecting the eyes from the aggression of ultraviolet radiation no worse than sunglasses.

1 Day Acuvue Define

Models in this series are designed for people with light and brown eyes. They are divided into groups based on color. The coloring pigment is located inside the product and does not come into contact with the tissues of the eyes. The material of contact optics provides natural hydration of the mucous membrane throughout the day, so the eyes do not dry out or get tired even when working with gadgets for a long time.

1 Day Acuvue Define is suitable for correcting myopia.

Acuvue colored lenses effectively protect your eyes from UV rays, so they can replace sunglasses. They are not felt by the mucous membrane of the eyes due to the unique polishing. The products are so smooth that they are not perceived as a foreign object.

Disposable products are intended for daytime wear and must be disposed of immediately after removal.

Colored optics do not visually change the tone of the iris, but create the appearance of depth of gaze.

Acuvue 2 Colors

Acuvue 2 Colors are designed to create an individual image, while simultaneously solving problems with vision correction. The tint layer is located inside the material, so the dyes do not come into contact with the iris and are not discolored. You can select models with the required diopters to solve minor problems with myopia/farsightedness.

Innovative technology for producing color models ensures wearing comfort: the thickness of the lenses does not increase due to the additional colored layer. The edges of the products are particularly thin, which is not typical for other lenses of a similar modification.

A special hydrogel material ensures constant moisture in the mucous layer of the visual organs, so the eyes do not get tired or red. Acuvue 2 Colors can be used by people with hypersensitive corneas without the risk of irritation or other discomfort.

Colored contact lenses can be worn for no more than 10 hours during the day.

Like all models in the Acuvue line, colored lenses are characterized by a high degree of gas permeability, which provides the mucous membrane with a constant flow of oxygen.

UV protection allows you to wear color contact lenses without harming your eyes on a sunny day. No need for sunglasses anymore: absorption capacity is 90%.

Acuvue 2 Colors are intended for scheduled replacement, so they require constant care and the purchase of a storage container.

Bottom line

Acuvue lenses provide clear visualization at any head position.

The Acuvue series consists of a variety of contact optics models, including colored lenses. With the help of Acuvue you can solve not only problems with focusing your eyes, but also achieve cosmetic effects. Colored lenses will make your iris brighter and your eyes more expressive.

When replacing glasses with lenses, the moment of adaptation should be taken into account: contact optics provide a different level of visualization. At first, discomfort may appear, since contact optics have more diopters. To avoid maximum discomfort, you need to first discuss all the details with an ophthalmologist.

The company produces both daily Akuvue lenses and routine replacement lenses.


Acuvue contact lenses are very thin, allow oxygen to pass through well and contain a large amount of moisturizing component. Note that in Johnson & Johnson lenses, the humidifier is not located on the surface, but throughout the entire thickness of the product. This sets them apart from correction products from other manufacturers.


Johnson & Johnson produces daily and bi-weekly lenses. Different types of products are designed to correct myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism of varying degrees.

Types of corrective agents:

  • Diopter. Corrects myopia and hypermetropia. They are selected by an ophthalmologist on an individual basis.
  • For correction of astigmatism. Thanks to special devices, they are fixed on the eye in the desired position. They do not respond to turns, swings and tilts of the head.
  • Colored and tinted. They correct vision while giving the eyes the desired shade. Appreciated by girls who want to add a fresh touch to their look.

A person who buys lenses for the first time must undergo a full examination. This will help you choose the most suitable correction means. In this case, their optical power, radius of curvature, water content, duration and wearing mode are important.

Oasis Acuvue

Akuvue Oasis lenses are suitable for people with farsightedness. They are intended for daytime wear. It is recommended to change Acuvue Oasys lenses once every 2 weeks. The manufacturer also allows for the possibility of wearing them continuously for 7 days and 6 nights. In this case, the devices should be thrown away immediately after removal.

Acuvue Oasys two-week contact lenses are available in packs of 6 and 12. You can purchase them at almost any optics store.

Acuvue One Day

Acuvue daily lenses are designed to be worn for 1 day. You need to put them on in the morning and take them off in the evening. Used products must be thrown away immediately. Van Day lenses are advantageous because they do not require storage. Consequently, a person does not have to buy expensive containers and solutions.

Types of devices for one-day wear:

  • Acuvue Oasys 1-Day. They give a feeling of comfort and protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to Hydraluxe technology, they stabilize the tear film and help prevent dry eyes. Available in packs of 24 pcs.
  • 1 Day Acuvue Moist lenses, 30 and 90 pcs. packaged. Manufactured using unique Lacreon humidification technology. Provides eyes with a feeling of comfort and hydration throughout the day.
  • Contact lenses 1 Day Acuvue True Eye. Flexible, thin and comfortable to wear. Pass 100% oxygen. Indispensable on business trips and travel. Available in packs of 30 pieces.
  • Beauty lenses 1 Day Acuvue Define. They have a pattern on their surface that emphasizes the natural beauty of the iris. Available in two versions - for light and dark eyes.

Acuvue True Eye

Acuvue True Eye Van Day lenses are suitable for one-day wear only. Unfortunately, the manufacturer has not yet developed products for longer use.

Acuvue True Eye contact lenses have many advantages and benefits. They contain 85% water, making them excellent moisturizers for the eyes. They are soft and thin, fit well to the cornea, and do not cause discomfort or irritation. Wearing Acuvue True Eye lenses allows you to avoid dry eye syndrome, infectious complications and other undesirable consequences.

Acuvue Define

Acuvue Define lenses are worn for only one day. The devices are perfect for fashionistas who want to make their look deeper and more expressive. Acuvue Define lenses allow you to simultaneously improve your vision and get amazing cosmetic results. This is what makes many girls choose them over all other correction means.


  • Natural Sparkle – suitable for those with light eyes;
  • Natural Shimmer – recommended for girls with dark irises.

Acuvue Colors

Unlike the previous ones, they completely change the color of the eyes, and not just emphasize the iris. The manufacturer produces both color and tint lenses Acuvue 2 Colors. The devices are intended for one-day wear only.

Color options:

  • grey;
  • honey;
  • green;
  • chestnut;
  • blue;
  • walnut;
  • blue sapphire;
  • other.

Note that on some people such lenses do not look ideal. For example, people with dark eyes may have their natural iris color showing through. And on a sunny day, when a person’s pupils constrict, a strip of a different shade may be visible at the inner edge of the pupil.

Acuvue Moist

Acuvue Moist is intended for use for 8–12 hours. Despite the fact that they are made of breathable materials, wearing them for more than one day is strictly prohibited. Neglect of this rule can lead to the development of dry eye syndrome, filamentous keratitis or pathological vascularization of the cornea.

Acuvue Moist contact lenses are premium products. They contain a large amount of water (58%), which makes them soft, comfortable and highly permeable to air. "Acuview Moist" is suitable for people prone to allergic reactions to contact correction products.

Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism

Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism disposable contact lenses are designed for two-week wear. The products are suitable for people with different types and types. The devices are selected by the doctor on an individual basis, after a thorough examination of the patient.

Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus

Refers to means of correcting planned replacement. You can wear them for two weeks, after which you need to throw them away. Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus contact lenses are available in packs of 6 (3 pairs), 12 and 24 pieces.

Johnson & Johnson manufactures daily and biweekly contact lenses. It produces products with different optical powers, radius of curvature, water content, and color. One package can contain from 6 to 90 lenses. All a person needs is to choose products according to his taste and needs.

There are these types of Acuvue lenses: True Eye, Define, Colors, Oasys, Moist. All devices are intended for short-term wear and require frequent replacement. Unfortunately, the company does not produce lenses for a month, six months or a year.

Useful video review of Acuvue Oasys contact lenses

Today we will look at one of them - two-week lenses Aquvue Oasys from Jonson&Jonson.

When developing this product, Jonson&Jonson specialists sought to obtain a product that provides ideal comfort during long-term wearing.

Important! When creating Aquvue Oasys, a special technology was used - Hydraclear, which provides long-lasting eye hydration.

Thus, the company launched a product on the market that provides:

  • comfort during long-term wearing;
  • maximum eye hydration;
  • suitable for both myopia and farsightedness;
  • There is a special product - Oasys for astigmatism, for people with astigmatism.

Acuvue two-week lenses are sold in a pack of three pairs, designed for 6 weeks of use. Replacement frequency is once every 2 weeks.

Important! Acuvue Oasys two-week lenses are suitable due to their parameters for continuous wear.

A nuance - in this case, the service life of one pair is limited to 7 days.

The main parameter due to which more and more people choose this product is the ability not to take it off every day.

The product is designed for people with farsightedness, myopia and astigmatism - that is, it covers all the main categories of people who need contact correction.

Main parameters of Aquvue Oasys:

  • Available in packs of 6, 12, 24 and 36 pieces;
  • refraction range (diopters) from – 12 to +8;
  • radius of curvature 8.4, 8.8;
  • material – silicone hydrogel;
  • oxygen transmittance coefficient – ​​147 Dk/t;
  • there is a line for people with astigmatism (Aquvue Oasys for astigmatism);
  • moisture content level – 38%.

Due to the inconsistency of this parameter (you need a radius of curvature of 8.4, but you bought 8.8), headaches, nausea, and problems with focusing vision may occur - therefore It is extremely important to purchase lenses according to the parameters selected for you by your ophthalmologist.

  • if you suffer from dry eye syndrome, ordinary ones cause irritation and discomfort;
  • if you work at a computer for a long time, or in a room with dry air;
  • you suffer from myopia or farsightedness, you have astigmatism;
  • you need lenses that can be worn continuously.

In addition to selection based on basic parameters, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Therefore, the purchase should be made after consultation with a doctor.

Using Aquvue Oasys is easy: use special tweezers to remove the product from the packaging, previously cleaned in lens solution, fix it in the correct position on the index finger and carefully bring it to the center of the eye.

Important! As soon as it comes into contact with its surface, you need to move the eyeball slightly from side to side, allowing the lens to take the correct position on the eye.

Aquvue Oasys have a special mark in the form of the numbers “123” - this is used to determine whether the lens is positioned correctly. If it is not worn correctly, it causes severe discomfort - it must be removed, washed in a solution and put on correctly.

After removing the pair, you must rinse it thoroughly in the solution, and only then place it in a lens container for storage.

It is important not to overuse visits to baths and saunas. After swimming in the pool, 2 week old Acuvue lenses must be removed and washed in a solution to remove chlorine from them - otherwise, severe eye irritation can develop.

It is important for women to remember that when wearing these lenses it is worth choosing hypoallergenic cosmetics.

Attention! Oasis Acuvue two-week lenses are worn before applying makeup to the face, and removed after removing it.

You should not use low-quality, crumbling mascara, as its particles can get into the eye and lead to severe irritation and cause complications and consequences.

Now let’s talk about the cost of the product for 2-week Acuvue lenses.

The most profitable way to purchase is large online stores with delivery, prices for a pack of 6 pieces start at 790 rubles and end at 1290 rubles.

A pack of 12 lenses will cost you from 1610 to 2100 rubles, of 24 lenses - from 3100 to 4000 rubles. The cost of a package of 36 pieces starts from 4,000 rubles.

Two-week lenses Acuvu Oasys: price in optical stores prices start from 1000 rubles. However, this is exactly the case when the cost is justified by the quality.

You can learn more about the Aquvue Oasys product from this video:

Now you have learned all the necessary information about Aquvue Oasys. We hope that it will help you in choosing, and you will appreciate their quality and wearing comfort.

Contact lenses are well suited for a huge number of people who, for one reason or another, have decided to give up glasses. For example, many people don’t like the way they look when using the latter. One of the best options in this case are lenses for 2 weeks. It is recommended to replace them every 14 days.

First of all, they will be useful for those people who have sensitive eyes. 2 weeks is not a long time. Therefore, the lenses will not have to be cleaned with substances that can negatively affect a person’s well-being. Two-week varieties have a number of advantages.

  • Comfort. The lenses are 2 weeks more comfortable than their longer-term counterparts. This can be stated due to the fact that they do not need to be further cleaned or treated with special solutions. This all saves time, which is an extremely important resource for a person.
  • Price. The shorter the lifespan of the lenses, the cheaper they are. It turns out that two important resources are saved - time and money. And the presence of the first determines the possibility of earning the second in the current world.
  • Contact lenses for 2 weeks are much thinner than their daily counterparts. Consequently, they are felt much weaker on the eyes, which will make it easier to get used to them. In addition, thin lenses allow air to pass through much better, which improves oxygen supply to the organ of vision.

These, as well as other advantages, daily persuade a huge number of people in favor of choosing lenses for 2 weeks.

Despite all the obvious advantages, 2-week contact lenses have a number of disadvantages. Firstly, they will cost much more than their analogues. Wait, how is that possible? The list of benefits stated that they were cheaper. Everything is correct. They really have a lower price, but if you buy two pairs of lenses (for 2 weeks), the total cost will be more than one pair for a month. Therefore, this factor must be taken into account. Contact lenses (2 weeks - the period of their use) are initially designed to create greater safety for the eyes, so here you have to choose: price or the absence of harm that a person receives from long-term use of contact lenses.

And now some reviews from people who regularly use this product. One of the most popular lenses on the market are Acuvue Oasys (2 weeks). Reviews about these lenses are generally positive. The vast majority of people do not see any disadvantages in using them. The second category says that a lot depends on the solution in which they will be stored. The third category of people claims that these contact lenses interfere with the hydration of the eye, which can subsequently provoke conjunctivitis. But there are a minority of people dissatisfied with this product. Most of the company's customers say that Acuvue Oasys lenses have an ideal price-quality ratio. Therefore, if you want to purchase relatively inexpensive contact lenses that provide greater safety, you should pay attention to this brand. The likelihood that you will regret is very small.

Acuvue Oasys lenses have a significant oxygen permeability coefficient, which greatly exceeds that of conventional hydrogel lenses. Acuvue Oasys are partially made of silicone, which allows oxygen to pass more easily through the comfortable grille. The cornea of ​​the eye in these lenses will always be provided with oxygen without hindrance, since their oxygen permeability is much higher than that of water. That is why all risks associated with hypoxia due to improper use of lenses are simply excluded.

Acuvue Oasys lenses: description

It is very important that Acuvue Oasys lenses have very low elasticity, thereby allowing natural wetting, and the process of wearing them is quite comfortable.

This type of lens is perfect for you in cases where:

  1. Regular contact lenses cause discomfort or discomfort.
  2. You spend a lot of time working with a computer, or in rooms with a high degree of heating and air conditioning.

These lenses will help in correcting these ailments:

  • if the visible image is formed in front of the retina, instead of focusing directly on it (myopia);

Myopia and farsightedness

Acuvue Oasys lenses. Their main advantages

These lenses are superior to regular contact lenses in many ways:

  1. During their use, a person does not experience any discomfort; the lenses are very convenient to use and do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye.
  2. They do not cause irritation when working with a computer or watching TV.
  3. Acuvue Oasys lenses are suitable for use in rooms where the air is quite dry.
  4. If your eyes are tired from wearing other types of contact lenses, then Acuvue Oasys lenses will be of great help in resting your eyes.
  5. They perfectly transmit oxygen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human eye.
  6. The lenses are able to provide the highest protection from ultraviolet rays, which is so necessary for the eyes.

Acuvue Oasys lenses protect against UV rays

How should you wear Acuvue Oasys lenses?

These lenses are intended to be used every day, but it is necessary to understand that they must be replaced 2 times a month. It is possible to wear them without replacement or break for a period of no more than 7 days, 6 nights.

Acuvue Oasys lenses have their own characteristics that distinguish their use from other lenses:

  • To ensure that the process of using lenses does not bring discomfort, it is best to give your eyes a rest at night while cleaning them;
  • If you have chosen the option of continuous use of lenses, then after the expiration of the service life of 7 days, it is important not to forget to exchange them for new Acuvue Oasys lenses.

The lenses offer 2 modes of operation, flexible and extended. In the flexible mode, which involves direct daily contact with the lenses, followed by removal at night, the lenses must be replaced with new ones once every 2 weeks. In the extended use option, which involves using the lenses continuously without removing them at night, it is necessary to replace them once a week.

Eyes with and without Acuvue Oasys lenses

To successfully and effectively use Acuvue Oasys lenses, it is very important to follow the instructions for use and the advice of your ophthalmologist. Also, do not neglect the rules for the care and storage of lenses.

Before using Acuvue Oasys lenses, you must prepare for their installation. The most important rule of operation is cleanliness. If you follow these rules, you will not have any problems while wearing lenses:

  1. Before inserting Acuvue Oasys lenses, you should wash your hands well, preferably with mild soap. The hand towel should be made of a fabric that will not leave fibers behind when wiped.
  2. Immediately before using lenses, it is not advisable to use hand cosmetics that contain fat. An important rule is that the lenses must be put on before you apply makeup to your face.
  3. If you use hairsprays to fix your hair, you must close your eyes while applying them to avoid direct contact with the lenses.
  4. You need to know that when playing any sport, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist about lenses during this period.
  5. Acuvue Oasys lenses must be changed no later than their intended service life; they cannot be used longer than stated in the instructions.

The wearing period of the lenses is indicated on the packaging

Rules for handling lenses

Acuvue Oasys lenses require certain rules for their use:

  1. So that you do not confuse the lenses, it is advisable to get used to installing lenses from a certain eye.
  2. Before installing the lens, you need to thoroughly inspect it for cracks, tears and uneven areas. If any are found, then it is advisable not to use it anymore, but to take a new one from the package.
  3. Before using Acuvue Oasys lenses, you need to make sure that they are in the correct position and are not bent in the wrong direction.
  4. To determine the correct position of the lens, you need to place it on the tip of your finger and read the special mark. The position is correct if the record reads as 123, but if you see a mirror image of the record in front of you, i.e. 321, then the lens is located on the outside.

Correct lens position

There is a lightweight option for Acuvue Oasys lenses. To make it easier for you to use these lenses, you need to put one of them on your finger and leave it in that position for a while, no more than 10 seconds. In this case, the finger must be dry. If you need to rinse the lens before installation, then this process should take place in the presence of a fresh and sterile solution, but under no circumstances use tap water for this.

In order to successfully install a lens, you need to know certain rules for its use:

  1. To begin with, you need to make it a rule that the lens installation process begins with the same eye every day. Examine your lens to make sure it is in the correct position and on the correct side, then place it on the end of your index finger.
  2. You need to place your middle finger next to the lower eyelashes of your eye, then push back the lower eyelid with it.
  3. Then, with the finger on your other hand, you need to lift the eyelid located on top and insert the lens exactly onto the eyeball.
  4. The next step is to carefully release your eyelid and blink, giving the lens the opportunity to take its correct position.
  5. To install the second lens, you need to follow all the steps that you applied to the first.

If suddenly the lens was installed incorrectly, which is practically impossible, because... Since it automatically takes the correct position, you should place it in the center of the cornea yourself. To do this, you need to close your eyelids and massage your eye in the direction in which you want to move the lens.

If the image appears blurry after installing the Acuvue Oasys lens, these factors may be the cause:

  1. the lens was installed incorrectly and is not in the center of the cornea. To correct this defect, you must install it in the correct position.

If it is located correctly, you should remove it and pay attention to these points:

  1. Is there a contaminated area on its surface? If this is indeed the case, then you should replace the lens with a new one.
  2. Is the lens mixed up, perhaps you installed it on the other eye, which caused this problem.
  3. Has the position of the lens changed? The problem of a blurry image can be caused by a lens turned outward.

It is important to remember that you need to remove the lenses in the same order in which they were installed, starting with the same eye. Before removing, wash your hands and dry them thoroughly.

  • before removing, you need to make sure that the lens is located in the cornea area;
  • close your other eye and check the image. If it is unclear, then perhaps the lens has moved onto the sclera, or is not present in the eyeball at all. In order to detect it, you should check the upper part of the eye, while looking down;
  • then you should check the lower part of the eye by looking up.

Basic rules for removing Acuvue Oasys lenses

If the lens is positioned correctly, the image is clear and unfogged, then you can proceed directly to its extraction:

  1. Raise your gaze upward and use your finger to lower the lens onto the white area of ​​the eyeball;
  2. Then you need to squeeze it with your index finger and thumb and remove it.

Extended mode

The extended version involves the use of lenses both day and night. In the dark during sleep, the use of lenses does not require the following special conditions:

  • To use lenses effectively, you must not forget about hygiene;
  • It is prohibited to use lenses for more than 6 nights; after this period, they must be replaced;
  • In order for lenses to be used successfully and effectively, you need to visit an ophthalmologist;
  • if you notice slight redness or tearing in the eye area, you need to remove the lenses and rush to a specialist;
  • If you removed the lenses during the extended period, then the next time they are inserted, you must clean and disinfect them using a special solution.

There is an extended wear period for Acuvue Oasys lenses.

Flexible mode

Using Acuvue Oasys lenses in this mode means removing them while you sleep. For this type of operation, it is important to know these rules:

  • you must also follow all recommendations for an extended period of wearing;
  • do not exceed the period of use of lenses, replace them no later than 2 weeks from the moment of first contact;
  • After each removal of the lenses, they must be cleaned with a special solution. Acuvue Oasys lenses require constant cleaning;
  • the solution for disinfecting lenses must always be fresh; it is not allowed to be used twice if it is in a container;
  • It is not allowed to use running water to clean lenses.

To ensure your vision improves and your eye health is always at its best, when using Acuvue Oasys lenses you should always listen to the rules and instructions that come with them. These lenses are superior in efficiency to glasses and other contact lenses. But in any case, you should start using them only after you have consulted an ophthalmologist.