Aquarius compatibility with other zodiac signs. Characteristics of love compatibility between Aquarius

The Aquarius girl is an original with a cheerful disposition. She is attracted to everything unusual, mystical or just fashionable. It has a light personality and can get along with anyone. However, the spouse will have to put up with the fact that for the second half, work, hobbies or communication with friends is more important than cleanliness in the house. However, she cannot be called a bad hostess, she is simply not a fan of the ideal order.

The easiest way for Aquarius to get along is with representatives of the related element Gemini or Libra. Smart, lively, sociable, both partners are always overwhelmed with thoughts and plans that they willingly share with each other. Mutual understanding in such a family reigns complete, and quarrels, if they happen, then quickly disappear.

Fire feeds the energy of the air sign, giving it the strength to carry out numerous projects. Some difficulties are due to the explosive temperament of a man, but Aquarius bypasses these pitfalls with ease. Optimism helps partners overcome life's difficulties together, supporting each other in everything.
Water and Air - the elements are poorly compatible and in such a marriage there is always a mass psychological problems. But such an alliance provides an excellent opportunity for both partners to reveal their creative potential. It happens that such couples live to see a golden wedding, but it costs a lot of effort for both spouses.

Representatives of the air and earth elements are radically different people. Like any "plus" and "minus", they interact perfectly, although at first they may seem uninteresting to each other. Joint life in such couples proceeds relatively calmly. In any conflict, partners find a solution that suits both parties.

Aquarius Woman + Aquarius Man \u003d Strong friendship is a substitute for love

Love: 70%

Marriage: 80%

People born under this sign do not have a special ardor of feelings. But the commonality of interests pushes Aquarius towards each other before romantic vibes arise between them. They find in a partner a friend, a pleasant companion, a comrade-in-arms. In their life together, many things do not suit them, but they unite even more. Disagreements appear at first, since both spouses do not want to sacrifice their interests. The birth of the first child brings the couple closer, they have joint goals and plans. Aquarians are sociable, so their house is always full of friends. Over time, no one makes a difference between the friends of a husband and wife. Spouses value their friendship, which successfully replaces their passion. The spouses are not threatened with the extinction of feelings; they retain deep affection for many years. In the case of Aquarius, the strongest connection is freedom, even if limited by some limits. Natural flexibility allows partners to find a compromise, and for each pair it is different. Spouses are not interested in the material side of life, because they are not mercantile at all. They treat finances easily, not too worried about their absence. Often both spouses are people of a creative profession.

Aquarius Woman + Pisces Man = Sweet Captivity of Illusions

Love: 70%

Marriage: 50%

Emotional, sincere, childishly naive and trusting, they both look at the world wide-eyed in surprise. A pair of "Pisces - Aquarius" are idealists who are not at all interested in worldly concerns. Ordinary life disgusts them, household chores inspire melancholy, and taking care of their daily bread plunges them into depression. They are both not of this world, but it is this similarity that makes their union the most vulnerable. To become a harmonious couple, these two will have to make every effort. It is difficult for the mobile, active young lady Aquarius to understand the silent couch potato, which is the Pisces man. She wants to attend parties, exhibitions and theater premieres. He loves the "couch" life. Pisces man is a big fan of building castles in the air, dreaming and philosophizing, but he lacks personal initiative. Active Aquarius is simply annoying. To keep peace in the family, a man will have to learn to act decisively. However, the wife of Aquarius is always a companion of her husband, who is ready to support him in all endeavors. Therefore, it is difficult to find the best life partner for Pisces. For the sake of his wife, Aquarius uses all his many connections to help a man realize his projects. Aquarius is a caring wife and a good housewife. She is a hard worker, and if there is a prospect for the future, she is ready to work tirelessly. In union with Aquarius, the creative potential of Pisces is revealed. Couples in which he is a poet or artist, and she is his muse, are not uncommon for representatives of these signs. Since both partners are not practical, often a young family experiences financial difficulties.

Aquarius Woman + Aries Man = Fireworks of Passion

Love: 80%

Marriage: 70%

Aquarius and Aries are always a bright couple. These two are attracted to each other like a magnet. Their relationship is full of romanticism and passion. At first, any quarrels between partners end in a stormy reconciliation in bed. "Sudden and unpredictable" lady Aquarius knows how to keep the attention of Aries for a long time. With her, he constantly feels in good shape, because he is simply afraid of losing her. There will be many moves in this family. Aries follows its karmic destiny, exploring new territories, and Aquarius is simply attracted by novelty. The couple loves to have fun funny companies, travel and leisure. Often they are connected by a love for extreme sports. Aquarius contributes to the career of Aries, helping him in everything. He climbs quickly career ladder, thanks to the subtle mind of his wife. The couple is in no hurry to have children, enjoying each other. Therefore, often the first-born in the family appears quite late, and parents approach his upbringing very seriously, trying to reveal all the talents of the offspring. The reason for the destruction of such an idyll can be the temper and egocentrism of the spouse. So that the union is not overshadowed by scandals and quarrels, a lady should not test it for strength, provoking a feeling of jealousy in a partner. The man, in turn, will have to moderate his egoism, giving the second half freedom.

Aquarius Woman + Taurus Man = Tit in hands

Love: 60%

Marriage: 60%

The stubborn Taurus stands firmly on its feet from a young age. He is practical, balanced, not prone to dreams. He is ready to provide a carefree existence, material wealth, care and attention to his chosen one. The open and non-hypocritical young lady Aquarius is very impressed by Taurus with her soft disposition, pleasant manners and female attractiveness. Next to her, he feels like a real man, a strong protector. However, Taurus is a big owner and he is a little annoyed by the excessive sociability of the chosen one. Taurus himself is in harmony with himself only at home. Traveling, hiking, partying - all this is not interesting to him. Exquisitely look after this man also does not know how, and does not want to. He is not stingy at all, he is ready to give expensive gifts, but he considers confessions and compliments superfluous. In the understanding of Taurus, actions mean more than a thousand words. It is not difficult for this couple to live under the same roof; at the household level, their interests are very similar. The Aquarius woman is a good hostess, she loves culinary experiments. Taurus is not averse to a tasty meal, besides, he simply loves his house. Sexual compatibility partners acquire over time. At first, a conservative Taurus may even be shocked by the ingenuity of the second half, but having tasted carnal pleasures to the fullest, he becomes a sophisticated lover.

Aquarius Woman + Gemini Man = Gift of Fortune

Love: 90%

Marriage: 80%

Gemini like to show off their intellect, and Aquarius knows how to listen and keep up the conversation. For mutual interest, this is quite enough. These two can meet anywhere: at an Impressionist exhibition, on a hiking trip, or at a secular party. The attraction between them is called love at first sight. However, more than one year often passes from the day they met before going to the registry office. Both are in no hurry to get a stamp in the passport, preferring open relationship. If choosing a partner is a lottery, the Aquarius woman may feel like she's hit the jackpot by meeting a Gemini. This couple was created in order to enjoy life together, travel, build a common home and raise children. Together they are not bored, although often a man goes to have fun without his half. Aquarius takes this calmly, she is jealous, but quite reasonable. She tries not to notice even the numerous intrigues of her partner and his shortcomings. However, the patience of Aquarius is not infinite. If she convicts her husband of something serious, she will break off relations once and for all. Often a pair of Aquarius and Gemini survives to a golden wedding without any problems. With such a coincidence of interests, friction between the spouses does not arise. Most likely, the family will not have special material well-being, because both partners are not inclined to thrift. But this is unlikely to upset both spouses. They will enjoy complete harmony and each other's company.

Aquarius Woman + Cancer Man = Difficulties in Understanding

Love: 70%

Marriage: 50%

Cancer man is distinguished by loyalty to traditions, family values ​​and family ties. Only at home he feels at ease, so he prefers to have fun on his territory. Aquarius needs to go out "to people", without this it is unbearably boring for her to live. But Cancer will not put up with such "windiness" and tortures the other half with lectures. There is no mutual understanding in a couple about spending finances. Cancer is not stingy, but thrifty, putting off for a rainy day. Aquarius easily, without hesitation, part with any amount. With all the desire, it is difficult for these two to understand each other. And if at the beginning of a relationship, Aquarius perceives such inconsistencies as something new and interesting, over time, everything in her spouse begins to irritate her. It is difficult for an active and active lady to understand Cancer's tendency to introspection. She does not like the partner's inertia, his mood swings from cheerfulness to blues. Cancer man, in response to this, withdraws into himself, moves away from the chosen one, and often even seeks solace on the side. The joint life of this couple is a complete compromise, and even a strong mutual feeling and excellent sexual compatibility rarely keep them under the same roof. A good way out for a couple can be a guest marriage and a separate budget.

Aquarius Woman + Leo Man = Sunny Side of the Street

Love: 80%

Marriage: 70%

There is a lot in common between the representatives of these two signs. It is easy for them to make friends and communicate, have fun and travel together. Lady Aquarius appreciates Leo for his generosity, cheerful disposition and pleasant manners. He is attracted to her by a lively ironic mind, curiosity, open light character. The sexual compatibility of the Leo-Aquarius couple is quite high, since both value carnal pleasures. However, one bed alone is not enough for a strong marriage. When the first charm passes, the negative aspects of such a union are exposed. Both partners are too easy on money, which inevitably leads to financial difficulties in the family. The Leo man has an explosive temperament, but is ready to change for the sake of his beloved woman. However, his desire to take responsibility for the relationship discourages Aquarius, his worst qualities are manifested in him: laziness and stubbornness. Leo very soon begins to annoy the inconstancy of the second half, her unwillingness to devote time to family responsibilities. Another reason for the conflict is the desire of both partners to dominate the family.

Aquarius Woman + Virgo Man = Not a Couple at All

Love: 40%

Marriage: 30%

The marital union of Aquarius and Virgo is hard to imagine, because these two are so different that it is difficult for them to agree on any issue. However, with certain aspects in the horoscope, even complete opposites have a chance to be at the altar. True, it is not necessary to expect that the joint existence of this couple will be happy and comfortable. Both partners will have to make a lot of efforts to get along under the same roof. Thrifty to the point of stinginess, Virgo does not like Aquarius's manner of easily parting with money. The "senseless" spending of the spouse will be the reason for endless lectures. The dislike of the Aquarius woman for cleaning will cause rejection in the Virgo man who is obsessed with cleanliness. The constant skirmishes that arise against the background of such everyday trifles shake this, without that not the strongest union, from the inside. However, it is impossible to say that any marriage between Virgo and Aquarius ends in divorce. Just to achieve harmony, the couple will have to make every effort, especially since they have a lot to learn from each other. Virgo does not hurt to borrow a little optimism from her partner. It will be useful for Aquarius to learn from a representative of the earthly element a rational attitude towards finances. The sexual component in the life of this couple is not the main thing, they value the possibility of intellectual communication with each other. If Virgo and Aquarius show common interests, they may well come to an understanding, live a long happy life, raise children. Such points of contact can be a passion for yoga, proper nutrition and everything related to health care.

Aquarius Woman + Libra Man = Safe Family Haven

Love: 80%

Marriage: 80%

The romance that began between Libra and Aquarius almost always ends in marriage. And for a couple that celebrates the fifth anniversary of their life together, you can safely predict a golden wedding. Spouses simply will not find a reason for divorce, they are both complaisant, do not like to conflict, sort things out. Oddly enough, the lively, mobile lady Aquarius has a calming effect on her partner. With her, the Libra man finds harmony and peace of mind, which he strives for. Of course, it is difficult to call these relations absolutely ideal. However, there are much fewer negative aspects in this union than positive aspects. Libra is a family sign, it is important for such a man to receive from loved one maximum warmth, support, communication. But Lady Aquarius is not at all sentimental, sometimes she can look indifferent. She is not inclined to limit her social circle only to her family. At first, this serves as a reason for discontent, and sometimes even jealousy on the part of the spouse. Over time, these differences are erased, the spouses are looking for a compromise model of interaction in a couple. The passion between partners does not fade for a long time, because the Libra man has a very high sexual potential. Over time, carnal love is replaced by tenderness. Relationships are built on friendship, mutual trust, common interests.

Aquarius Woman + Scorpio Man = Unpredictable Relationship

Love: 60%

Marriage: 40%

The attraction between these two signs is sometimes difficult to explain. The Aquarius woman, entering into a relationship with a jealous and domineering Scorpio man, very quickly begins to think that he is not her hero at all. A sincere, open girl is not ready to understand the complex nature of Scorpio. His secrecy is perceived as coldness. It is also annoying that the partner perceives with hostility her desire to communicate with numerous friends. Scorpio is not accustomed to reckon with the feelings of others, his injections always hurt. Despite the fact that Aquarians are not at all touchy, Scorpio skillfully finds the most vulnerable places. Union does not save even good sexual compatibility. However, if a man finds the strength to cope with his shortcomings, learns to restrain himself, and most importantly, provides his partner with the necessary freedom, they may well make a relatively harmonious couple. For all its shortcomings, Scorpio knows how to care deeply about loved ones. He is able to take on the burden of home improvement, the financial support of his wife, and the upbringing of offspring. In addition, by nature, the Scorpio man is a reformer - a revolutionary, he is attracted by everything new and unusual, in this they are similar to Aquarius. A strong spiritual union often arises between these two signs. They can open a joint business, be creative or go to trip around the world. In any case, their relationship will definitely not be banal.

Aquarius Woman + Sagittarius Man = Under a Lucky Star

Love: 90%

Marriage: 80%

At the first meeting, the Sagittarius man understands that he has come across a woman with whom you can live your whole life. As air keeps the fire burning, so in this pair two give each other vital energy. The anxiety inherent in the representative of the fiery element, in the presence of the lady of Aquarius, disappears. With this woman, he can remain himself, surrendering to a pleasant light flirtation. The straightforwardness with which Sagittarius sometimes expresses his opinion does not bother Aquarius at all. Possessing a soft pliable character, such a woman does not claim leadership, does not seek to control or give obsessive advice. Aquarius, like no one else, understands Sagittarius's desire for independence and respects his desire to have inviolable personal space. Lovers surrender to their feelings with their characteristic sincerity and spontaneity, opening to each other the world of exquisite sexual joys. The Sagittarius man, who can spend his whole life in search of his ideal, finds it in a woman born under the sign of Aquarius. From the side, the couple looks very friendly, which often causes the envy of others. Spouses do everything together: relax, meet friends, do household chores. There is complete harmony in the family. Spouses perceive even financial difficulties with optimism, without reproaching their partner for their inability to manage money.

Aquarius Woman + Capricorn Man = Like behind a stone wall

Love: 60%

Marriage: 80%

Restrained, modest Capricorn, most often, does not impress the Aquarius woman. But if this man likes a lady, he will show amazing perseverance to win her heart. Sooner or later, Aquarius will notice a laconic admirer and appreciate his feelings. It is not at all necessary that their love will become mutual. The Aquarius woman may well agree to marry Capricorn, realizing that she is safe and calm with him. As a rule, by the time of marriage, the Capricorn man already has a certain position in society and well-established requirements for his chosen one. Aquarius will not be able to skimp on household duties in this union. Capricorn wants to see his wife as a good housewife and is not ready to share worries equally. At heart, he is a supporter of house building, the traditional distribution of responsibilities between men and women. A dreamy idealist in such a marriage will always lack emotions. Capricorn is not capable of a violent manifestation of passion, and by nature he is deprived of fantasy. But he is able to provide the family with a really reliable rear, often this turns out to be a weighty argument in favor of saving the marriage. However, if Aquarius meets love, the bonds of Hymen will not stop her. She will throw herself into a new romance with her head.

With signs of fire - Aries, Lions, Sagittarius. And the most successful union for Aquarius can be with their zodiac opposite - Leo. These signs complement each other perfectly. The disadvantages of Aquarius are frivolity and compensate for the excessive seriousness and excessive responsibility of Leo. Aquarians easily find a common language with almost any people, which cannot be said about the rather closed and pretentious Lions, who are very selective in their choice of environment. At the same time, the calmness of Leo “extinguishes” the energy of Aquarius a little, directing it in the right direction. This allows the representatives of the air sign to become more integral personalities, to achieve a lot in life. The union of Leo and Aquarius is considered ideal from the point of view of astrology, but at the same time, the air sign is also compatible with some other representatives of the zodiac circle.

Aquarius has a good relationship with representatives of other air signs - Gemini and Libra. Their unity rests on the similarity of interests. Both partners are easy to communicate, quick, do not waste time thinking about actions. They feel good together, they understand each other perfectly. But at the same time, due to the excessive frivolity of air signs, there is rarely prosperity in such families. Aquarius, Gemini and Libra can easily spend their last money on a party with friends, and then eat pasta and rice until payday. This is acceptable in youth, but in mature families, with the advent of children, such a reckless attitude towards the future is fraught with trouble. That is why marriages of Aquarius with other air signs very often break up due to household disorder, inability to save money and correctly calculate the budget. But if one of the partners has enough willpower to overcome their own predispositions, learn to be more responsible, then the union will be extremely successful and long-term.

Relations between Aquarius and earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - rarely work out well. Earth signs are too direct and practical, they do not understand Aquarius at all. It is difficult for them to find a common language in all matters: in everyday life, in work, in raising children - they have a different approach to everything. The ease and sociability of Aquarius is perceived by earth signs as licentiousness. They do not like almost everything in their character. What seems to be positive qualities to other signs, Taurus, Virgo and Aquarius are perceived as negative. This union can be successful only in one case. If Aquarius meets Virgo, born at the end of August. In this case, there will be enough qualities from the fiery Leo in the earth sign. And Aquarius will be able to adapt to Virgo, and Virgo will not be so critical of the actions of the air sign.

Aquarians can rarely find a common language with representatives of water signs - Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios. Their union can be very difficult. Representatives of water signs love to rule over people, and emotional Aquarians quickly fall under their influence. They suffer from love, these relationships are destructive for the good-natured Aquarius. They do not have the courage to resist the attacks of water signs, and they, not feeling resistance, torment Aquarius more and more. In the end, such unions break up at the initiative of the representative of the water sign. They just get bored with their toy, they go in search of a new one. And Aquarians recover for a long time after these relationships, learning to trust people again.

Two Aquarians often come together, such couples are not uncommon. But it is impossible to call them ideal and cloudlessly happy. They, like many other people, have quarrels and problems. One of the Aquarians in a pair suffers and sacrifices his interests. The "non-ideal" pair is proof that common interests and there is little similarity of characters for a happy union.

Aquarius-Aquarius compatibility: how to seduce an Aquarius man?

The Aquarius man thinks progressively, but he believes that in addition to the material world there are other moments that are no less important and affect our lives. Therefore, he is sensitive to the messages of fate. He will consider the birth of his chosen one under the same Zodiac sign as such a message. For him, this may be an indication that this woman and he are meant for each other. So on the side of a woman who wants to seduce - the circumstances themselves. The Aquarius man is selfish in personal relationships and loves to be taken care of. He must be full of strength in order to transform the world in a revolutionary way (or at least to help his friends), and as a companion he will choose the one who will take care of the well-being, domestic and psychological comfort of Aquarius, and will not burden him with his problems. The Aquarius woman really does not like to burden anyone with her difficulties, and in a state of love, sacrifice and the need to take care of a partner wake up in her. And only in the third place, the Aquarius man will notice the amazing unanimity and similarity of beliefs with his woman. This will be the last argument, after which he no longer wants to lose her.

What does an ideal couple look like: an Aquarius woman - an Aquarius man?

The perfect couple two Aquarius is distinguished by curiosity, a mobile lifestyle and an unusual family way of life. At least something in their union will not be the way it is accepted. Guests willingly visit the house of this couple: Aquarians are very hospitable even in moments of quarrels between themselves or everyday difficulties. People around are unlikely to know about their problems: Aquarians are open and sociable, but they do not let them inside their personal lives. Therefore, most acquaintances will agree that this is a sweet and pleasant, albeit somewhat eccentric couple. Of particular surprise is how casually Aquarians treat their resources. “We should have that kind of money/education/connections!” - many people gossip enviously and incomprehensibly. Aquarians are really indifferent to material wealth and in this they found understanding with each other. They are more interested in not attaching themselves to the material. Therefore, among Aquarians there are so many people associated with abstractions: programmers, philosophers, esotericists. The ideal couple of Aquarius does not live “as it should” and not according to the scheme of petty-bourgeois well-being, but adhering to a certain idea. According to this idea, they compare their ordinary everyday actions.

What are the difficulties in the union of the Aquarius woman and the Aquarius man?

Both men and women of this sign are stubborn. With the problem of compromise, they will face the very first time after the start of a relationship. Still, absolutely all tastes and interests do not coincide with them simply because of the difference between the male and female psyches. If the question concerns one of the Aquarius, everything is fine - the second will not interfere in his affairs and decisions. But if it's about common cause, then no one wants to give up. For example, disputes about what to cook for dinner are common, and both Aquarius are based not on tastes, but on ideological beliefs about what a healthy diet should be. The second problem of the couple is that over time, romantic fervor can fade away, and they, blinded by the calm course of life and agreement on most issues, will not notice how they became friends from lovers. Often the unions of two Aquarians exist as a partnership of friends and like-minded people. But this lasts until one of them meets love. Aquarians are romantic in feelings and their former connections will not hold them back.

The original thinking of Aquarius will help to cope with the problem of concessions. One of you wants one, and the other wants another? Why stop at just two options? Turn on your ingenuity and find at least a dozen more. The more original and exotic they are, the greater the chance that they will suit both, and in addition they will allow you to have a good laugh. Ingenuity and a sense of humor - great way resolve any conflict of interest. Ideally successful and existing for a long time, the unions of Aquarius are a partnership of spiritually developed people. If Aquarius began to get stuck in life or he hit originality for the sake of originality, then he himself will not notice how he will begin to live like everyone else. In this case, a meeting with a pretty lady or a courteous man can break up a couple, because sexuality in the current world is considered more important condition relationships than spiritual unity. But if Aquarians grow intellectually and morally, if they are true to their convictions, then both the woman and the man will cherish the partner who has become their "friend and brother." They are well aware that next to them is their spiritual half, and one should not even dream of a better one. Therefore, the only advice to Aquarius: develop and help your partner develop. This will save your union.

Aquarius woman and Aquarius man compatibility at work

It is better for two Aquarians to work side by side, but not together. They will willingly support each other with advice or help at the right time, but the thinking of each of them is too peculiar for them to be able to share one idea for two. Everyone is interested in realizing their ideas.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Aquarius man - colleagues or partners

They perfectly understand each other, but are not interested in the affairs of a colleague. It is more convenient for each of them to look for a group of like-minded people for their idea and implement plans with them. If they just work side by side, but not in pairs, then they become good friends and always ready to help each other.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss and the Aquarius man is the subordinate

A strange union in which neither a woman can lead, nor a man can obey. Good result work is achievable if both of them are interested in it and have discussed the rules of cooperation.

When an Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and an Aquarius man is a boss

Almost the same situation as in the previous version. The Aquarius man as a boss is not very good, he does not know how to set goals for the team. The Aquarius woman is non-confrontational, smart, but does not like a rigid schedule and control. They will understand each other, but this does not make the work any easier - it will certainly be completed on time and not in the right way.

Aquarius Woman and Aquarius Man Friendship Compatibility

This is a great pair of friends. They understand each other, they have a similar temperament, character, hobbies. Two Aquarians will be happy to attend various events together, participate in public life, explore the world, share ideas. In addition, a woman of this sign is very kind and will patronize a male friend. And he, in turn, is ready to help at any time. They are reliable and constant in affection, so they may not see each other for months, when everyone is busy with their lives, but not interrupt friendship and not move away from each other. They consider themselves friends and behave towards each other accordingly even after years of separation. The "halves" of Aquarius can not be afraid of betrayal - rather, Aquarius will try to make friends with their partners and organize a common company.

And equal life priorities, having the same emotionality, they perfectly understand each other. And yet, this relationship is still far from ideal. Conflicts and quarrels between Aquarians are not uncommon, despite the fact that they are comfortable together. However, everyone lacks specifics in their plans for the future, they live here and now, not bothering to worry about tomorrow. Therefore, when it comes and brings with it the inevitable problems in this case, mutual accusations begin. When both do not know what they want, and constantly change plans and goals, this is fraught with mutual misunderstanding, quarrels and claims against each other. Nevertheless, in most cases, even such relationships, in which there is not even a hint of stability, suit them quite well, because their main life is concentrated outside the home.

Aquarius woman and Aquarius man - compatibility in love and marriage

When the fates of an Aquarius woman and an Aquarius man unite, they become anything for each other - friends, like-minded people, lovers, but it is difficult to call them a real married couple, spouses in their traditional sense. From time to time, they need to take a break from the company of a partner, because the feeling of physical and emotional dependence (which is how Aquarians perceive what others call family) turns out to be exhausting for them. Separation inspires them, refreshes feelings for the second half, but they must be sure that they are expected and loved at home, they really need it.

Relations between two Aquarians are usually built on the basis of intelligence. As for eroticism, physical attraction, it is secondary. The fact that the Aquarius woman and the Aquarius man treat each other in a friendly way does not in the least guarantee their loyal attitude towards the partner - both consider it acceptable to categorically and impartially speak out against each other. Aquarius quarrels are going through hard, but after them, having spoiled a lot of nerves for themselves and their partner, they are again ready to be friends. If this couple decides to part, then the parting usually does not follow long and hard suffering about this - both can acquire a new partner in record time.

Neither one nor the second representative of this sign is in a hurry to cross the threshold of the registry office, preferring to live in a civil marriage. The horoscope of compatibility does not recommend for people of the Zodiac sign Aquarius to marry very young; the second advice - there should not be an age difference of more than 10-11 years between them - and then there will be more chances for mutual agreement. Mature Aquarians want too much from their young partners, and they are not able to fulfill these requirements.

Both in this pair are independent, and their whole life together becomes a confirmation of this. It makes no sense for them to limit mutual freedom, because if Aquarians want to find adventures for themselves, they will find them anyway. On the one hand, they are quite capable of being faithful even far from each other, and on the other hand, a new love can overtake them at any time and in any place, so keeping a person of this sign near them is by no means a guarantee of fidelity. The love of Aquarius does not give in to any rules, this is what appears from nowhere and disappears into nowhere. When cooling the feelings of one Aquarius, the second intuitively feels a change in his mood. And none of them will cling to family ties if at least one of them has lost love.

Divorce can expect this couple even if someone starts to claim leadership too zealously. At the same time, even if marriage exists on the basis of equality, this still may not save Aquarius from periodically presented claims to each other that their rights are infringed.

Aquarius man - Aquarius woman - sexual compatibility

The compatibility indicator of Aquarius in sex is very high, representatives of this zodiac sign may well count on complete mutual physical and emotional satisfaction in bed. But among the representatives of this sign, there are also opposite extremes: you can meet both those who are practically indifferent to physical love, and those who love sex in the most exotic and unconventional forms. If you do not take cases of such an extreme mismatch of sexual temperament, in general, the compatibility of an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman in bed can be called wonderful. The problem with this connection is that paired representatives of this zodiac sign can quickly get bored with each other as lovers, especially since sex is never the basis of a relationship for them. For this reason, without deep feelings, their intimate relationship is almost always doomed to failure.

Aquarius compatibility horoscope in work and business

Even from Aquarians, who are highly qualified specialists, one usually does not have to expect any outstanding results if they unite in a working tandem. They do not quarrel, most often successfully find a common language, help each other and do not behave tactlessly or hostilely towards each other. But representatives of this sign of the Zodiac have a peculiar way of thinking, they are prone to utopian ideas that lead them into unknown distances, so together, carried away, they are able to ruin any business. In addition, they are not so hardworking and persistent as to bring even the most realistic ideas to mind, and their non-standard solutions do not always give a good practical result. For these reasons, for successful work with Aquarius, it is desirable to connect representatives of other signs of the zodiac circle.

Couple Aquarius - Aquarius: compatibility in friendship

Two representatives of this sign can become excellent friends. Their communication will not necessarily be intense and everyday, but if these two are imbued with friendly feelings for each other, they will not disappear on their own. Aquarians may not see each other for years, but they will not stop considering themselves friends and, when they meet, they will behave as if they parted yesterday. Despite excellent sexual compatibility, two opposite-sex Aquarius are unlikely to cheat on their other halves. Rather, they will be good helpers, patrons of each other and will certainly make an attempt to make friends with families.

See compatibility of Aquarius with other zodiac signs.

Aquarius zodiac sign compatibility horoscope. What union of Aquarius is considered ideal and successful? With which Aquarius zodiac sign find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a couple?

Aquarius and Aquarius Compatibility

In fact - not a perfect union. Both of you are too similar to each other and this relationship is unlikely to be durable. Both "Aquarians" are irresistibly attracted by the new and, as if by a magnet, are attracted to the non-standard. It might be like having a tea party at the crazy hat maker from Alice in Wonderland.

Both partners are equally sensitive and both, without hesitation, express their opinion in the face of the interlocutor. This alliance will cause many wounds and resentment on both sides. At the same time, Aquarians need freedom. What do we have - the relationship of two absent, or two offended people? No, these relationships are not so simple at all. When two meet outstanding person with outstanding ideas, full of energy and interest in life, their relationship should be very, very promising. If the two "Aquarius" really choose to share their fate and stick together through adversity and fortune, I personally hope it works!

Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility

"Pisces" can be difficult to cope with the unpredictable playful "Aquarius". The character of good "fish" is marked by a trait of the owner and extreme touchiness. "Aquarius" is a creature that loves freedom and is often able to show aloofness - and "pisces" will not survive such indifference. The situation is reminiscent of one person floating and the other soaring into space - to put it mildly, a rather unusual couple. Of course, if everything goes well - and with some effort it is possible - then they can both swim furiously fast, or else hover quietly and peacefully above the ground. This will happen if the "Pisces" become a little more tolerant of the whims of the "Aquarius", to his passion for traveling, and the "Aquarius" will try to adopt the patience and gentleness of the "Pisces".

When it comes to money, they are both very similar in their inability to take special care of it.

"Pisces" are somewhat secretive and this can annoy the "Aquarius". "Aquarius" always needs to know everything, and he is unable to restrain his curiosity. This is another hurdle.

Aquarius and Aries Compatibility

This is a highly spiritual combination, each side of which is fascinated by the opposite. Both "Aries" and "Aquarius" are inventive and energetic, and will never allow themselves to miss something new and demanding all the forces without a trace. "Aries" and "Aquarius", in fact, are made for each other, like fire and air. They naturally understand a partner, and the channels of communication established between them are rarely idle. "Aries" can be an impractical dreamer, and "Aquarius" can be a crazy dreamer, and this is another reason for their excellent compatibility. "Aquarius" may find the character of "Aries" somewhat nervous, "Aries" - find "Aquarius" a little stubborn, but, in general, they are able to draw each other's wild fun. "Aries" are usually straightforward, "Aquarius" are more cautious, but both are equally versed in how you can attract attention. Both the one and the other look ahead and are unable to live on yesterday; the present and the future - that's where to act!

Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility

"Aquarius" rushes faster than the speed of light, in the blink of an eye covering the past, present and future, "Taurus" is here and now; he is really interested in only one moment - this moment is called the present. However, "Aquarius" is able to plunge into the future for a long time, completely forgetting about returning to the present - a state of affairs that completely confuses the "calf". Both of them are tuned to very different frequencies. They can not find very many topics on which it’s good for them to talk with each other ... and this despite the fact that the “carrier of the jug” is known as a selfless talker, who never stops pouring out on his interlocutors all the knowledge he has collected on the roads of the future and the past. The good old common sense, practical "bull" is not very sociable, so it will take them a long time before their conversation gets off the ground. It is absolutely clear that if they join hands with mutual efforts (though only the efforts of Hercules can help), they can learn a lot from each other.

Aquarius and Gemini Compatibility

Undoubtedly, this can be the most exciting and exciting relationship. "Aquarius" dances to inaudible music, and the "twins" are undoubtedly intrigued by what is happening. "Aquarius" is a way beyond everyday life: he is able to keep the attention of the "twins" as much as he wants. Representatives of both these signs are capricious and a little eccentric. In the areas of hobbies, love and play, they will get along without difficulty. It's an amazing combination. Representatives of both signs are dreamers, constantly wandering in worlds that are not like ours. And both of them tremble before the pictures that open their eyes. However, sometimes they touch the ground... look into each other's eyes, and again up to some new planet! It is true that both of them can be like two peas in one pod - but there are some significant differences between them. "Aquarius" is stubborn, and sometimes this can cause problems. At the same time, both of them are unusually changeable. Two people born under these signs, in alliance with each other, can easily earn money and immediately lose it.

Aquarius and Cancer Compatibility

Don't be too hard on this combination. "Aquarius" is too nonconformist and too eccentric for the slow and traditional "cancer". The hurricane plans of Aquarians can completely confuse Cancers. Of course, they have one thing in common - this is their unpredictability. "Cancer" will find it very difficult to withstand the need of "Aquarius" to know about everything, including every single secret of "Cancer". "Cancer" also suffers as a result of the directness of the manners of "Aquarius", who never hides his views. "Aquarius" can not stand the variability of the mood of "cancer". In general, there is no particular similarity of characters, and this combination is not a very reliable foundation for love, friendship or marriage. "Aquarius" needs complete freedom and does not tolerate any interrogations. In all likelihood, this is a complex relationship - "cancer" would like to lead, "Aquarius" is stubborn and does not want to stand in line, and, to put it mildly, unpredictable.

Aquarius and Leo Compatibility

The Leo-Aquarius relationship is likely to fall into the category of "mysterious," "incomprehensible" relationships. Both of them are especially attracted to each other in case they were given a worthy rebuff. This is a great union to the extent that both of them are involved in the organization of any enterprise, whether it be a business enterprise, a friendly party, personal life someone else, etc., etc., of course, despite the fact that the "lion" heads the organizing committee. "Leo" can learn a little humility from "Aquarius": it is known that "Aquarius" is always ready to admit his mistakes. And "Aquarius" learns the art of being a little more gentle and expressing a little more warmth - of course, sincere. Both of these people are representatives of the "fiery" and "fixed" signs, so that when the "lion" and the "bearer of the jug" at the meeting do not agree on some subject, then the difficulties that have arisen will require from them a remarkable skill of diplomacy.

Reason and unusually progressive mentality - features these two signs, whose representatives are so fond of novelty and pleasant surprises.

Aquarius and Virgo Compatibility

Speaking of "Virgo" and "Aquarius", we are talking about two completely various people looking at the world from completely different points of view. "Aquarius" is able to piss off a "virgin" without the slightest effort, and he himself considers the "virgin" too mundane. Scattered and inattentive, "Aquarius" can hardly remember dates and names, while "Virgo" is completely obsessed with details, never forgetting anything of any significance. Another stumbling block is the attitude towards logic: "virgins" are logical and reasonable, and "aquarians" love to deny logic. The typical "Aquarius" lives in a carefree world and treats life as carefree fun. For "virgins" life is indeed a very serious undertaking, and in this very severe field they will never be able to jump and jump with frivolous joy, spitting on what others think of them; this is exactly what Aquarius tends to do. Undoubtedly, not too much similarity of souls.

"Aquarius" is really too strange and eccentric for practical and mundane "virgins".

Aquarius and Libra Compatibility

It could be in the highest degree a great combination. Both "Libra" and "Aquarius" are no strangers to fun, both love new friends, new ideas and are able to sit in the company until the stars go to bed. For all that, this is a completely calm union of two souls. "Libra" finds it very useful participation of "Aquarius" in the development and decision-making. "Aquarius" is like wet clay in the hands of "scales", easily inferior to their charm and diplomacy. Representatives of both signs have a solid foundation, both mentally and mentally vibrate to the beat and, therefore, if disagreements arise between them, they will be quickly resolved and almost never develop into serious conflicts. "Aquarius" can put forward brilliant ideas and build far-reaching plans, adhering to the direction of thought chosen by him. "Libra" is practical - they are able to translate the dreams and ideas of "Aquarius" into the material plane. In the game going between them, "scales" bring calm and coolness, "Aquarius" - tolerance. In all likelihood, this is an amazing union.

Aquarius and Scorpio Compatibility

Apparently, this union was not made in heaven and can be quite unpleasant, especially when long term relationship. It is difficult to imagine a close relationship between representatives of these types of people, and indeed, it is extremely rare in life. "Scorpio" is too "pushing on the pedals", and "Aquarius" describes too unpredictable circles. The mind of an "Aquarius" usually wanders somewhere in the heavenly heights, rushing back and forth in the twinkling of an eye.

"Aquarius" is almost impossible to subordinate to one's will. On the other hand, the “scorpion” has an extremely developed sense of ownership, and when the “scorpion” does not find something that he could own (remember that the “aquarius” is somewhere in the clouds at this time) - then the “scorpion "becomes quite annoyed. The result is a war, and a full-scale one. Representatives of both signs are suspicious and treat each other with the greatest caution, never completely trusting a partner - because they look at the world from too different points of view. One of them can never quite reliably assess what the other is doing. This is a rather complicated relationship, and it takes a lot of effort to bring them into harmony.

Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility

It's not an easy combination. Both "Sagittarius" and "Aquarius" are, to put it mildly, somewhat strange; they are constantly obsessed with ideas and at the slightest opportunity are ready to become like a hurricane.

FROM positive side, the enterprising "Sagittarius" spurs the creative abilities of the "Aquarius". "Aquarius" does not know how to keep his imagination in flight, and "Sagittarius" is a very freedom-loving person who prefers not to sit at home. There are prerequisites for a rather cool relationship. Both "Aquarius" and "Sagittarius" understand the needs of each other in the search for truth, and both are extremely curious. The difference is that the "archer" lacks a little tact and presents the truth in a somewhat stunning manner. Representatives of these signs love communication, which can contribute to long conversations and exchanges of opinions, only the "sagittarius" is a little prone to arrogance, while the "aquarius" does not tolerate anyone's orders and no pressure.

Aquarius and Capricorn Compatibility

As a rule, this is a rather risky relationship. There is a possibility that the people who installed them will find themselves more in the gray than in the pink area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. It is difficult to find a great similarity between the "Capricorn" and the true "Aquarius" - mysterious, changeable and supremely independent. "Aquarius" will undoubtedly find the tone of "Capricorn" too patronizing and can quickly get tired of the "Capricorn" love of order. "Aquarius" is always trying to properly "stir up" the situation. "Capricorn" will consider "Aquarius" a little strange - unpredictable and alien to conventions. The "Capricorn" himself is a purposeful person, very attentive to his duties, family, and traditions. "Aquarius" - almost the opposite - freedom-loving, careless and almost obsessed with an irresistible desire to amaze and even frighten others. Each of the parties must learn a lot from the other - and as a result combine in itself positive traits Capricorn and Aquarius. The result will be an amazing union of two souls.