Acupressure for hiccups. Acupressure and exercises for hiccups Points on the body to remove hiccups

Probably every person in his life has had to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as hiccups.

Sudden inhalations are so sharp that the hiccupper creates involuntary sounds, and his state at this moment is similar in nature to suffocation. What causes this anomaly, and what remedies for hiccups are most effective? It should be sorted out.

Causes of hiccups

Physiologically, hiccups are convulsive contractions of the diaphragm. But there can be quite a few reasons for these reductions.

How to deal with hiccups

It should be noted that one single universal method Humanity has not yet invented a fight against hiccups. There are quite a lot of these methods, you just need to choose the most suitable one for yourself. Today we will talk about a method that comes from Chinese medicine

Remember that the most effective method The fight against hiccups is based on holding your breath. It is worth inhaling as deeply as possible, holding your breath until there is no air left in your lungs, then exhale sharply and take a big breath again. Literally three such breath holds are enough for the spasms of the diaphragm to disappear without a trace.

If this method does not work, an acupuncturist and manual therapy Dr. Liu HUNSHEN will reveal the secret of how to quickly stop such a disgusting scourge as hiccups.

Hiccups can be irritating and very unpleasant for your body. It can even cause nausea and vomiting in some people. Hiccups are caused by an uncontrollable spasm of the diaphragm, which occurs in...

Hiccups can be irritating and very unpleasant for your body. It can even cause nausea and vomiting in some people. Hiccups are caused by an uncontrollable spasm of the diaphragm, which occurs mainly after drinking soda, alcohol, fast food, sharp changes temperatures, waves, etc.

Hiccups often last for about an hour and go away slowly. There are some generally accepted methods, which can be used to stop hiccups, such as holding your breath, taking a sip of water or granulated sugar on the tip of your tongue. We are sharing with you other tips that can help you get rid of hiccups very quickly.

All you have to do is press one of these 4 points on your body:

Point on the face

Place your finger on the area between your lips and nose. Apply pressure to this area, pressing it against your teeth. Continue pressing for half a minute.

Point on the chest

Locate the bone on the chest that connects the ribs. Once you find it, feel with your fingers where it ends. Apply a little pressure to where this bone ends. Just don't press hard and don't press for longer than 30 seconds.

Point on the stomach

Using your fingers, trace the line between your navel and pubic bone. The pressure point is in the center of this line. Press it with your fingers towards the spine and hold for 20-30 seconds.

Point on hand

Squeeze your fist and you will see how two vessels swell on inside forearms. Closer to the wrist, near the vessels, there will be a depression. The pressure point is located approximately 2 thumb widths towards the elbow. This point should be pressed for 20-30 seconds.

Its occurrence is associated with spasms of the respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm. Acupressure helps to quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom. During the massage, you need to relax and calmly breathe deeply.

Point TW 17 is symmetrical. It is located behind the earlobe, and the figure shows its projection onto the earlobe. Her massage eliminates not only hiccups, but also dental, ear pain, pain in the jaw area. This BAP is also massaged for paralyzed facial muscles and inflammation of the salivary glands.

Press on the Sp 16 points for 1 minute. The Sp 16 point is symmetrical. This point is located at the bottom chest, almost in the area of ​​​​the junction of the 8th and 9th ribs. Massaging this BAP will help eliminate hiccups and abdominal pain. It is also effective when peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

A simultaneous massage of the CV 22 and CV 17 points is carried out. The CV 22 point is massaged with pressing movements for 1 minute with the middle finger. right hand. The second point (CV 17) is massaged at the same time with the middle finger of the left hand.

Point CV 17 is asymmetrical. It is located above the base of the xiphoid process of the sternum at a distance equal to the width of three fingers. When massaged, hiccups go away, neuropsychic tension is eliminated and negative emotions(fear).

Point CV 22 is asymmetrical. It can be found in the depression above the notch of the manubrium of the sternum. Massaging it relieves hiccups, spasms in the esophagus and larynx, and eliminates heartburn. It is also used in the treatment of bronchitis.

Using slightly bent fingers, massage the CV 12 point. First, massage this BAP with slight pressure, then more intensely for 1 minute.

Point CV 12 is asymmetrical. The point can be found if you measure a distance from the base of the xiphoid process of the sternum equal to the width of three fingers towards the navel.

Massaging this BAP helps eliminate hiccups, heartburn, and constipation. It is also effective in relieving stress and headaches.

At the same time, press the K 27 points with the fingers of both hands. Continue the massage of these BAPs for 30 s.

Point K 27 is symmetrical. It is located in the angle between the sternum and collarbone. When it is massaged, hiccups, coughs, and shortness of breath go away.

She helps with anxious state and a feeling of fear. It is massaged not only for diseases digestive system, but also for bronchial asthma.

Using the thumbs of both hands, massage the Lu 1 points, massage duration - 1 minute.

Point Lu 1 is symmetrical. 1 point is located in the upper part of the chest, at a distance equal to the width of three fingers below the collarbones.

Hiccups are spasms in the diaphragm or lungs. With the help of Chinese acupressure you can get rid of hiccups in a few minutes. When performing a massage, you need to breathe deeply.

Points to be influenced:

Point TW 17 (“wind protection”). A symmetrical point, located in the recess behind the earlobe. Relieves hiccups, ear pain, toothache, jaw pain; used for paralysis and paresis of the facial muscles, mumps.

Point Sp 16 (“sadness abdominal cavity"). A symmetrical point located at the bottom of the chest at the junction of the 8th and 9th ribs (Fig. 186). Impact on this point relieves hiccups, abdominal pain, and is also used in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

Point CV 12 (“center of force”). An asymmetrical point is located in the solar plexus between the navel and the base of the sternum (3 fingers below the base of the sternum) (Fig. 186). Massage of this point is used for hiccups, heartburn, constipation, digestive system disorders, as well as headaches and stress conditions.

Point CV 17 (“sea of ​​calm”). An asymmetrical point located at a distance of 3 fingers above the base of the sternum (Fig. 186). Helps get rid of hiccups, nervous tension and fear.

Point Lu 1 (“lowering”). A symmetrical point is located at the top of the sternum, 3 fingers down from the collarbone (Fig. 186). Used for hiccups, difficulty breathing, and relieves cough.

Point K 27 (“elegant mansion”). A symmetrical point located in the cavity between the sternum and the collarbone (Fig. 186). Relieves hiccups, coughs, anxieties and fears, difficulty breathing. Used in the treatment of asthma.

Point CV 22 (“throw from heaven”). An asymmetrical point located in the depression between the collarbones (Fig. 186). Relieves hiccups, throat spasms, heartburn. Used in the treatment of bronchitis.


Exercises are performed in a sitting or lying position.

Place the index and middle fingers of both hands on points TW 17. It is not recommended to press too hard on these points; the pressure should be very light. The points must be massaged for 1 minute.

Place the slightly bent fingers of both hands on points Sp 16. Apply pressure on these points for 1 minute.

Massage of CV 22 and CV 17 points is performed simultaneously. Middle finger Place your right hand on point CV 22 and apply pressure on it for 1 minute. Place the fingers of your left hand on point CV 17 for the same time.

Place the slightly bent fingers of both hands on point SU 12. At first, the pressure should be light, then it should be increased. Massage for 1 minute.

Place the fingers of both hands on points K 27. Apply pressure for 30 seconds.

Lu 1 points are massaged thumbs both hands for 1 minute.

2 in 1. Massage. Complete Guide + Body Healing Points. Complete guide Maksimov Artem


Hiccups are spasms in the diaphragm that separates the lung area from the visceral area containing the digestive organs. Using Chinese acupressure on the colon meridian (Fig. 44) you can quickly get rid of hiccups. When performing a massage, you need to breathe deeply and as slowly as possible.

If the symptom cannot be relieved or it is a frequently recurring problem, you should massage points on several meridians. Impact should be exerted on the following points.

TR17 (i-feng)– a symmetrical point, located in the recess behind the earlobe (Fig. 19). Relieves hiccups, ear pain, toothache, jaw pain; used for paralysis and paresis of the facial muscles, mumps.

RP16 (fu-ay)– a symmetrical point, located at the bottom of the chest, at the junction of the VIII and IX ribs (Fig. 13). Impact on this point relieves hiccups, abdominal pain, and helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

VC12 (zhong-wan)– an asymmetrical point, located in the solar plexus between the navel and the base of the sternum (3 fingers below the base of the sternum) (Fig. 23). Massage of this point is used for hiccups, heartburn, constipation, digestive system disorders, as well as headaches and stress conditions.

VC17 (tan-chung)– an asymmetrical point, located at a distance of 3 fingers above the base of the sternum (Fig. 23). Impact on this point helps to get rid of hiccups, nervous tension and fear.

P1 (zhong fu)– a symmetrical point, located at the top of the sternum, 3 fingers down from the collarbone (Fig. 10). Used for hiccups, difficulty breathing, cough.

R27 (shoo-fu)– a symmetrical point, located in the cavity between the sternum and the collarbone (Fig. 17). Impact on this point relieves hiccups, coughs, anxieties and fears, and difficulty breathing. The point is used in the treatment of asthma.

VC22 (tang-tu)– an asymmetrical point, located in the depression between the collarbones (Fig. 23). Used for hiccups, throat spasms, heartburn, bronchitis.

With hiccups, influencing a combination of points also helps: VC12 zhong-wan, VC14 ju-qu (fig. 23), GI4 he-gu (fig. 11), E36 tzu-san-li (fig. 12).

Rice. 44. Massage area for hiccups

Self-massage to relieve hiccups

The massage is performed in a sitting or lying position.

1. Place the index and middle fingers of both hands on points TR17. It is not recommended to press too hard on these points; the pressure should be very light. Massage the points for 1 minute.

2. Place the slightly bent fingers of both hands on points RP16. Apply pressure to these points for 1 minute.

3. Massage points VC22 and VC17 simultaneously. Place the middle finger of your right hand on point VC22 and apply pressure on it for 1 minute. Place the fingers of your left hand on point VC17 and apply pressure for 1 minute.

4. Place the slightly bent fingers of both hands on point VC12. At first the pressure should be low, then it should be increased. Massage for 1 minute.

5. Place the fingers of both hands on points R27. Apply pressure for 30 seconds.

6. Massage the P1 points with the thumbs of both hands for 1 minute.

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