A lump has popped out on my eyelid, what should I do? Lump on the upper eyelid: symptoms and treatment. Possible complications and precautions

The phenomenon of chalazion of the upper eyelid is associated with a disruption in the functioning of the meibomian gland, which serves to moisturize the eyelids. However, certain factors lead to an excessive accumulation of secretion, which threatens compaction in the gland canal. The chalazion itself is very similar to barley, but the latter is infectious in nature, accompanied by painful sensations and, when ripe, often disappears.

A ball on the upper eyelid can occur for a number of reasons:

  • secretion of a very thick gland;
  • hypothermia;
  • colds;

Touching your eyelids with unwashed hands can cause a chalazion.

  • pathological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, dysbacteriosis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • improper wearing of contact lenses or intolerance to them;
  • oily skin; skin diseases such as dermatitis, seborrhea, demodicosis or rosacea;
  • lack of vitamin B, subsequent decrease in immunity;
  • internal stye – inflammation of the hair follicle spreads to the nearby gland;
  • abnormal growth - a tumor associated with cell proliferation;
  • non-compliance with hygiene - excessive use of cosmetics, not removing a layer of mascara or foundation in time, touching the eyelids with unwashed hands.

Course of the disease

The disease does not develop so quickly - about two weeks. The first signs are expressed in a slight swelling of the skin under the upper eyelid. A lump on the eye may appear quite suddenly. The ball gradually reaches about 5 mm in diameter, but in the absence of positive dynamics and treatment it continues to grow smoothly. If poorly positioned, the swelling can affect the eyeball, causing astigmatism and reducing vision. If the chalazion is not opened in time, then due to the blockage of the canal, a benign tumor is formed - a cyst, which can subsequently appear even after successful treatment.

Main manifestations of chalazion

The main sign of the disease is a dense formation near the cartilage tissue. The eyelid is a component of the eye, both serving for mechanical protection from the external environment and for distributing tears over the surface of the eye, which prevents them from drying out. The Meibomian glands produce a special substance that covers the eyeball with a thin film. They are located on the edge of the eyelid and are perpendicular to it.

Manifestations according to stages and accompanying symptoms:

  1. The formation of a compaction may not occur so noticeably; the lump begins to appear after a significant accumulation of secretion.
  2. The cyst is in the growth stage - the formation becomes palpable and visually noticeable, a ball has appeared, upon palpation it turns out that it is quite mobile; then discomfort arises in the form of mechanical pressure or inflammation, if the patient has not yet received proper treatment.
  3. Inflammation - occurs when a benign tumor becomes infected with an infection or when the capsule is destroyed - mechanical pressure, which leads to the mixing of stagnant secretions with blood and provokes a defensive reaction of the body.
  4. Resorption - there are often cases when a chalazion disappears on its own, but this is possible only at the initial stage of the development of the disease.

Chalazion can resolve on its own, but this is only possible at the initial stage of development

Treatment methods for chalazion

The choice of treatment method for the disease is mainly related to the presence/absence of an infectious inflammatory process. Only by identifying it can you decide how to treat a chalazion. In the first case, immediate removal is required, while in the second, anti-inflammatory medications are sufficient at first.

List of events:

  1. Massaging the eyelids for the purpose of mechanical removal of thick secretions is carried out at an early stage by an ophthalmologist using a special slit lamp.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drug treatment designed to improve the functioning of immune cells and used when the cyst has already reached 4 mm; local - dexamethasone or hydrocortisone ointment, course of treatment - about a week; injections, Kenalog or dexamethasone.
  3. Physiotherapy - to improve blood flow and resorption of formations: UHF procedures, heating, heat or laser, edectrophoresis.
  4. Surgical removal - the doctor, under local anesthesia (for example, lidocaine), removes the capsule, the location is cauterized with iodine.

Hydrocortisone ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect and is applied locally

Tests for chalazion

With chalazion, a comprehensive examination of the body is not carried out, however, with the secondary appearance of a neoplasm, the ophthalmologist will probably decide to conduct some studies:

Thus, if the disease recurs, you will need competent consultation with a dermatologist and immunologist.


In the vast majority of cases, surgery for chalizion is not an urgent need; doctors often use conservative treatment methods.

Absolute indications are the size of the chalazion, which interferes with the normal functioning of vision, as well as the beginning of a tumor of the eyelid. Contraindications: major inflammation and untreated infections.

Most often, the intervention occurs on the inside of the eyelid, the doctor performs anesthesia, and then makes an incision in the conjunctiva, removing the capsule, cauterizing the remains and applying bandages and sutures.

Chalazion surgery is performed under local anesthesia.

Laser surgery is a fairly new technology, and the treatment is less dangerous and traumatic, and the high temperature of the laser will prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and stop the development of hematoma. The procedure itself is faster and will take 10-15 minutes at most, no stitches are needed, and the recovery period after surgery is shorter.

Thus, chalazion is a common disease, the elimination of the consequences of which is not difficult.

Dec 21, 2016 Doc

The eyes appear quite often. It forms either on the upper or lower eyelid, or can appear on both at the same time. A lump on the eyelid can hurt and fester, or it may not bother a person at all, only create a cosmetic problem, since it looks absolutely unattractive. Some formations are the size of a millet grain, while others can be larger than a nut. It is important to know what a lump on the eyelid is and how you can get rid of it.


This type of bump on the eyelid is most common. It is popularly called “cold barley”, or hailstone. Appears due to blockage of the sebaceous gland on the eyelid. This happens when the secretion outflow paths are blocked, it cannot leave the gland and accumulates inside the duct. The duct stretches and gradually turns into a hard lump. It is surrounded by a dense capsule, which, when palpated, rolls under the fingers like a ball.

This lump on the eyelid forms slowly. Only after the capsule has formed does the patient begin to feel pain. However, even if the pain does not bother you, you should not delay treatment, since a cyst may form at the site. In addition, during an ophthalmological examination, local conjunctiva can be seen. During the acute period, the chalazion may fester. Then a fistula appears, through which the pus drains. Subsequently, granulation tissue grows excessively in the fistula tract.

Spontaneous resorption of chalazion occurs extremely rarely; in most cases, it requires treatment by an ophthalmologist, which can be either conservative or surgical. In the early stages of the disease, dry heat, UHF therapy, yellow mercury ointment and antiseptic ophthalmic drops are prescribed. At a later stage with chalazion, injections of corticosteroids into the capsule, the use of ointments (tetracycline, levofloxacin) and drops (sodium sulfacyl, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone) are indicated. In the absence of a positive effect from conservative therapy, a decision is made on surgical intervention. The chalazion is removed under local anesthesia. The operation lasts no more than fifteen minutes.


More often, a lump on the eyelid occurs as a result. It is widespread in both children and adults. Inflammation of the follicle (bulb) occurs, and a lump-like formation forms on the lower or upper eyelid.

Barley is an inflammatory disease. It occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous gland, which normally produces a secretion that lubricates the eyelashes and protects them from the adverse effects of the environment. When the sebaceous gland becomes inflamed, an external barley is formed, and when the meibomian gland is inflamed, an internal stye is formed.

Initially, the patient complains of a sensation of a foreign body in the eye and stabbing pain. Greater discomfort is felt with internal stye, although it is not as noticeable as external styes. If treatment is not prescribed, then after a few days a purulent elevation the size of a pin's head appears at the site of swelling and (redness). It is then opened and the cavity is emptied of its contents.

However, treatment for barley must begin from the first day of the disease. Drops and ointments containing antibiotics and antiseptics (gentamicin, tetracycline, erythromycin, sodium sulfacyl) are indicated. This speeds up the healing process and prevents unpleasant complications, in particular the development of chalazion. If the lump on the eyelid does not resolve within two weeks, then you need to contact a specialist who will open the stye under local anesthesia.


Only aesthetic problems are caused by the most harmless bump on the eyelid, which is called millet. Millet, or milium, can have different sizes: from a poppy seed to a buckwheat grain. It appears on both the upper and lower eyelids. Millet pimples are actually whiteheads that are localized in the eyelid area.

Milia do not pose a threat to human health; they can appear even in people who have never had skin problems. It is advisable not to touch them yourself, so as not to introduce the causative agent of any infection. Removing millet grass is best done in a beauty salon - it is safer and more effective. Prevention of such a lump on the eyelid is not difficult: a person needs to eat healthy foods, use cosmetic masks that exfoliate particles of the skin epithelium and open the pores. This improves the outflow of sebaceous gland secretions and prevents their obstruction.


This is not a lump on the eyelid, but a “flat plaque.” It occurs most often in women suffering from metabolic disorders (hypercholesterolemia, diabetes) and other diseases. Xanthelasmas usually rise above the skin and have a slightly yellowish tint. They appear not only on the eyelids, but also on the skin around the eyes, as well as outside the eyelids.

Xanthelasma on the eyelid is rare; much more often they are grouped. Such bumps on the eyelid do not disappear on their own, as they are the result of a lipid metabolism disorder caused by the underlying disease. Only the attending physician can advise how to cope with this problem.


A furuncle is a particularly dangerous lump on the eyelid. It can be localized on any area of ​​the skin. A boil occurs as a result of purulent necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelashes and sebaceous glands, as well as the surrounding connective tissue. It is caused by staphylococcus.

Much more often, a boil develops in the part of the upper eyelid close to the eyebrow. Much less often, the pathological process is localized in the immediate vicinity of the eye, on the edge of the eyelid. The disease goes through several stages of the inflammatory process. First, a painful nodule appears on the skin of the eyelids. At this moment, swelling may develop not only of the eyelid, but also of the corresponding half of the face.

After some time, a yellowish abscess appears at the top. Then the node melts, the abscess opens and empties itself. Subsequently, a crater-shaped hole opens, which is covered with a plug consisting of purulent necrotic masses. She comes out in a few days. A small scar remains at the site of the crater.

A visible lump on the eyelid and swelling are not the only symptoms of a boil. It is often accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication: increased body temperature, general weakness, headache. When inflammation spreads into the cavity, thrombophlebitis of the veins of the eye and thrombosis of the cavernous sinus of the brain may develop.

If a lump appears on the eyelid that resembles a boil, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. Under no circumstances should you squeeze it out yourself, as pus may break through to the eyeball. The specialist will prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antihistamines.

If necessary, the patient is hospitalized in an ophthalmological hospital, where detoxification therapy is carried out. When inflammation passes into the stage of suppuration, the boil is opened and the wound is drained. Local treatment consists of applying bandages with antiseptic solutions and hypertonic fluids.


Papilloma can occur in any part of the human body, including the eyelid. It is formed under the influence of the human papillomavirus. Such a lump on the eyelid can be localized anywhere. It is more of a cosmetic problem than a medical one.

An eyelid lump caused by the human papillomavirus is a small, wart-like growth with a rough surface. Mostly papillomas are located on the stalk, but sometimes there are also flat formations resembling cauliflower. If the lump on the eyelid has a smooth surface, then it is not a papilloma, and in this case you must immediately visit an oncologist to find out the nature of the neoplasm.

Even if you are sure that the lump on the eyelid is a papilloma, you should not try to remove it yourself or in a beauty salon. Papilloma is caused by a virus, and after removing the growth, specific antiviral therapy will be required, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. When removing papilloma, it is better to use cryodestruction, laser and electrical coagulation. This is the prevention of relapse of the disease. After such treatment, no traces remain at the site of the growth.

Human eyes help us to understand the world around us and exist fully in it. Many people in their lives have experienced the appearance of small lumps with a reddish or pink tint on the upper or lower eyelid. Most often, this does not pose a great danger to normal vision, but there are diseases that can reduce it or lead to the development of pathologies.

The appearance of lumps on the eyelid is not a rare phenomenon, which is facilitated by many factors.

general information

A lump on the eyelid is a common problem, familiar to almost every person, even absolutely healthy ones. Such a formation may be red, fester, cause significant discomfort or pain, or may be a cosmetic defect without causing any inconvenience. The size of the cone can reach the size of a nut, while others may not exceed the size of a regular grain.

Types of bumps on the eyelids

There may be several reasons for such neoplasms on the eyelid, but they mainly depend on what type of disease they are. If a lump appears on the inside or outside of the eyelid, then most often it is:

  • xanthelasma;
  • furuncle;
  • milia;
  • papillomas;
  • barley;
  • chalazion.


This is a small, flat plaque with a yellowish tint that forms on the eyelids, face, or around the eyes. It appears more often in females who suffer from diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and a number of other disorders. Single manifestations are quite rare, often multiple, which do not go away without treatment. Xentelasma is a consequence of lipid metabolism failures that cause major diseases.


The most dangerous lump on the eye is a boil, which causes a purulent inflammatory process of a necrotic nature in the sebaceous glands with the connective tissue around them and the eyelash follicle. The main reason is staphylococcus. The standard location is the upper part of the eyelid, closer to the eyebrow. First, a painful ball forms, around which swelling forms.

After a couple of days, an abscess with a yellow tint appears at the top, which subsequently breaks through, and the contents come to the surface. But the rod remains, and after some time it comes out on its own. During the process, the patient may experience fever, weakness, and headaches. The basis of treatment is taking medications (antibiotics, analgesics), possibly opening the formation.

Milia are tiny granular formations on the eyelids that cause aesthetic discomfort.

Milia are the safest bumps that cause only aesthetic problems without harm to human health. Their dimensions are comparable to a poppy seed, and sometimes to a grain of buckwheat. Millet are whiteheads, the main location of which is the eyelid. The appearance is possible even in people without skin problems, on any eyelid. Their removal must be entrusted to a cosmetologist, since independent intervention can lead to infections. You can prevent the appearance of milia if you eat right and use cosmetic masks to open the pores.


Papiloma is a lump formed under the influence of the papilloma virus and localized on the eyelid, both the inner and outer sides. It is not a medical problem, rather an aesthetic one. This is a small growth similar to a wart with a slightly rough surface, with or without a stalk. If a lump of this kind appears, you should not remove it yourself. It is better to contact a highly specialized doctor who will prescribe medication or remove the tumor using electrical or laser coagulation.

What is a chalazion?

The most common lump on the human eyelid after stye is a chalazion, popularly called “cold stye.” The reason for its formation is clogging of the sebaceous glands, i.e. the secretion outflow path is blocked and a kind of stagnation is formed. As a result, the duct expands and over time a hardening is formed inside, surrounded by a capsule. Such a lump causes pain and requires treatment from an ophthalmologist.

Styes on the eyelids are formed due to blockage and inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Barley is an inflammatory disease, the cause of which is considered to be blockage of the sebaceous duct (its secret coats the eyelash to protect it from negative environmental factors). At first, with barley, the patient feels the presence of a foreign object and painful tingling sensations. There are two types of stye: external (the sebaceous gland is inflamed) and internal (the meibomian gland is affected).

Without treatment, slight redness is observed, a white head of an abscess appears on the lump, which spontaneously opens and soon goes away on its own. But treatment is necessary, since without it, complications in the form of a chalazion may appear after barley. It is possible to use antibiotics in ointments, drops, or dissection under local anesthesia by an ophthalmologist.

How wonderful it is when the eye and skin around it are not bothered. But Podglazami.ru knows that few people appreciate this. But if, for example, a ball appears under the eye under the skin, panic immediately increases: what is it, why and how to deal with it, how to treat it.

“Lump” under the eye: what does it look like?

The lower eyelid can be “decorated” with a ball, that is, a kind of swelling. Usually it rises above the skin, but the main part is still concentrated under it. Often such a ball is accompanied by inflammation.


When a ball appears under the eye of a child or adult, the most common opinion is that it is a stye. For the most part, this is what happens. Such an eye lump may be due to the fact that either an external barley has arisen (when the eyelash follicle is inflamed) or an internal one (during the inflammatory process of the meibomian gland, the so-called meibomitis).

Visually, barley is a lump with an abscess; the swelling causes pain and may burst after some time.

How else does this disease manifest itself:

  • redness around the ball,
  • the eyelid swells
  • stabbing pains,
  • it seems that there is a foreign body in the eye,
  • the temperature rises,
  • a child or adult feels general weakness.

You cannot take any action on your own. There is no need to apply heat or cold to the ball; under no circumstances press on it or try to open it.


This is a fairly common occurrence. The disease occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous glands that pass through the epithelial tissue. It happens that after the eye has been cured of stye, a chalazion occurs.

To the touch it is a capsule located under the skin, the eye is very close, when you touch this ball it rolls. Quite dense.

Pressure may cause pain. In addition, the eye may become red. Not completely, but only locally on the conjunctiva.

If nothing is done, then a cyst may form in the future, suppuration will occur, then there will be a fistula, and the tissue will grow.

The sooner you pay attention to the chalazion and start treatment, the “less blood” you can get by with. So at first there will be enough medicine. Naturally, prescribed by a doctor.

It is especially not worth the risk if the pea under the eye does not appear on an adult, but on a child who is suffering. The doctor can quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe drops or physiotherapy, or maybe medications. It all depends on the individual case. Further, if left untreated, surgical intervention may be required. Rarely, but it still happens that it goes away spontaneously: the ball simply dissolves.


Often, when a ball appears, it is a lipoma, or, in the usual language, a wen. Occurs at any age. Sometimes a child may complain that he has such a defect.

  • fat metabolism disorder,
  • poor and unhealthy diet,
  • hormonal problems,
  • increase in blood sugar concentration,
  • genetics,
  • kidney disease,
  • pathologies of the endocrine system.

Sometimes this cosmetic defect causes serious inconvenience. At first it's just a white ball, then more appear. In advanced cases, a complication is likely: for example, ingrown eyelashes.


If a ball of a yellowish tint appears under the eye, and it is, rather, not a round formation, but slightly flattened, there is a possibility that it is xanthelasma. It may not be located where the eye is, but next to the eyelid. In this case, the skin is usually covered with groups of similar formations.

It is impossible to treat such a phenomenon, since it is the result of an imbalance of fat metabolism. Typically, people with such symptoms have diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolemia. If you treat these particular diseases, and do it correctly, then the tumors will resolve on their own.

Skin in milia

A small white ball under the eye, and more than one, if each unit is no more than 0.5-2 mm in size, may be milia. Circles appear in the eye area, as well as in other areas.

This condition usually occurs without any particular symptoms. There is also no serious health threat. If you want to get rid of milia, you should consult a cosmetologist and do not try to tear off or burn the small white ball at home.

Papilloma in the eye area

Sometimes the skin around the eyes may become covered with wart-like formations. Papillomas have a rough surface. Such growths look unsightly, especially when they are large and very visible.

It may be a ball on a leg or a flat growth.

The reason for this symptom is that a person has an active form of human papillomavirus in the body.

Under no circumstances should you use home methods on the skin near your eyes. If you choose the wrong recipe, your skin can be seriously burned. It is better to consult a doctor and he will recommend a way to eliminate papilloma.

Boils near the eyes

Such a ball in the form of a nodule with a yellow purulent head is quite dangerous. Often the skin may even swell. In this case, not only the eyelid swells, but also half of the face.

Often a person feels aches, weakness, temperature rises, and headaches.

Sometimes a ball with purulent contents under the eye “ripens”, then the mixture of liquid and pus breaks through and flows out. And in the place where the boil was, a scar remains.

When you notice something that looks like a boil, under no circumstances try to squeeze it out.

Consult a doctor, maybe an ophthalmologist. The specialist will prescribe medications or refer you for an autopsy of the tumor. If you do this yourself, there is a risk of blood poisoning.

A not so harmless phenomenon is a lump next to the eye. The sooner you see a doctor, the better.

The article has been verified by a medical practitioner. Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, 5 years of experience.

Often a person may notice that a small ball has appeared on the eyelid, which causes discomfort when blinking. This is a fairly common problem. Such bumps vary in appearance, how they appear, and can be hazardous to health. It is important to determine the cause of the problem and treatment will not be difficult. This article will help you understand the reasons.


photo – a ball appeared on the eyelid

The ball may not cause any discomfort, but may be particularly painful, suppurate, and other problems. In this case, you need to understand the nature of its origin and treatment methods.

Here are the main reasons why the skin in the upper and lower eyelid area can thicken, forming a lump:

  • weakened immune system;
  • severe hypothermia of the facial skin;
  • avitaminosis;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • improper use of contact lenses, or inappropriate material from which they are made;
  • failure to comply with daily hygiene rules;
  • use of low-quality or expired cosmetics;
  • oily skin type;
  • disruptions of the endocrine system, which lead to changes in hormonal levels;
  • chronic or incompletely cured eye diseases;
  • elderly age.

These reasons can cause changes in the tissues of the eyelid and lead to the formation of other diseases. There are also some diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of balls on the eyelids.


One of the most common types of ball on the eyelid. It is usually characterized by particular pain and inflammation. It can appear on the upper or lower eyelid, and sometimes on both at once. Very common in children.

Its appearance provokes obstruction of the sebaceous glands, which, when working properly, produce a fatty secretion that protects the eyelids from the action of environmental factors. Barley ripens suddenly and goes away on its own after some time. There are two types of formation: external (when the sebaceous duct becomes inflamed), internal (inflammatory process in the meibomian gland).

At the beginning of the process of barley ripening, a burning and tingling sensation is felt, and a feeling that there is a foreign body in the eye. Internal stye brings more unpleasant sensations, although it is not noticeable externally, and its presence can be determined by palpation. If you do not resort to treatment, then after some time a purulent growth the size of a pea appears at the site of inflammation, which eventually bursts and the liquid flows out.

The disease goes away on its own, but it is better to resort to treatment from the very beginning of the disease - this will speed up the process and prevent complications from occurring.

Chalazion (hailstone)

It also occurs quite often. Appears after the formation of barley. It looks like a blockage of the sebaceous ducts and subsequent swelling of the affected area. The sebaceous secretion accumulates at the outlet, forming a kind of plug, and when palpated, a hard ball can be detected.

This disease can develop into a chronic process if not treated in a timely manner. It doesn't go away on its own. The chronic condition is characterized by relapses, in which suppuration and the release of a turbid mass from the affected area are observed.

The process of developing a cone is unhurried. Painful sensations begin only when the capsule is completely ripe. But even if the sites of formation do not cause discomfort, it is better not to delay treatment so that a cyst does not appear in this area.

Milium (millet)

It looks like a small bump that does not cause discomfort or pain. The disease does not have characteristic symptoms. The size of the ball can reach 0.5 cm in diameter. Due to their appearance and appearance, they can be characterized as internal acne. These growths do not pose a health hazard and can appear in absolutely anyone, regardless of skin type, and even in the absence of problems with it. Millet only causes trouble to the aesthetic appearance.

To avoid the appearance of such a harmless bump, you should adhere to a proper diet rich in vitamins and minerals, use face masks, and carry out peelings to get rid of old dead skin cells and cleanse pores. It is not recommended to remove fistulas on your own, so as not to inadvertently introduce an infection into open wounds. And it is better to carry out this procedure in beauty salons for maximum safety and better effect.


Its classification as an eye cone is conditional, since it is characterized by a flat yellowish formation with a small protrusion above the surface of the epidermis. It can occur on the upper eyelid or on the skin under the eye. It appears due to poor lipid metabolism, which occurs due to certain diseases, such as diabetes.

It occurs more often in women, since they are more prone to frequent changes in hormonal levels and disruption of the endocrine system. The neoplasm does not disappear on its own; it can be removed by curing the disease that led to the formation of xanthelasma.


A fairly common and dangerous disease that occurs when the hair follicle, sebaceous duct and surrounding tissues become inflamed with purulent formations. The main cause of boils is bacterial infection. Most often, a boil appears on the upper eyelid under the eyebrow; most rarely it can be found at the very edge of the eyelid, near the eyelashes.

How to cure chalazion?

Only a specialist can prescribe an effective treatment method, but there are some treatment methods that you need to know:

  1. At the initial stage, it would be advisable to prescribe drugs that remove pus and relieve inflammation. These can be chloramphenicol drops or tetracycline ointment.
  2. You can also use antiseptics.
  3. You can resort to using physiotherapy.
  4. If necessary, a course of glucocorticoids can be prescribed.

If the use of medications does not give the desired result, you can resort to surgical removal, which is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about ten minutes.

How to get rid of millet?

There is no need to try to squeeze out acne on your own to avoid infection. To do this, you can go to a cosmetology office, where a specialist will resort to mechanical removal, using a laser or electrocoagulation. The required method is selected after diagnosis.

What to do with xanthelasma?

This disease is not of independent origin, but appears after a change in lipid metabolism in the patient’s body. Therefore, it is necessary to cure the source of inflammation, and the rash itself will go away on its own.

Therapy for furunculosis

Only an ophthalmologist can select an effective treatment method. He will prescribe the use of external and internal antibiotics or, if necessary, prescribe surgical removal of purulent contents. You should not do this on your own to avoid complications.