Why do we have prophetic dreams? Prophetic dreams - when harbingers occur or how to see the signs of Fate. Prophetic dreams - how to develop a gift

Dreaming is the most mysterious phenomenon human life. Esotericists believe that any dreams carry some information. But why do some prophetic dreams come true, but others don’t? What if we are missing something important in the clues of fate?

What are prophetic dreams?

Not every dream is a hint for the future. Often we cannot cope with daytime experiences that spill out during the night's rest and simply cannot see prophetic dreams. And not everyone has the talent of clairvoyance, which some people develop over the years. What prophetic dreams mean in the understanding of most people is a prophecy that we receive when immersed in the kingdom of Morpheus. If what you saw was really a hint from above, then soon your dreams will come true.

Prophetic dreams are divided into two types: literal and symbolic. Literal dreams include dreams, the actions of which are accurately transferred to real life. It is much more difficult to understand symbolic dreams, because predictions in such dreams come in the form of symbols and indirect clues. Such predictions are almost impossible to decipher without dream books.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one?

Some clairvoyants say that predictions come in unusual light and are remembered in great detail. How to find out whether a dream is prophetic or not, if it is not so easy to understand this issue, because predictions are not much different from an ordinary dream. In what case will you definitely not see the clues of fate:

  1. Having eaten a hearty meal. Scientists have proven that people who overeat have nightmares, but when they fall asleep on an empty stomach, they think about their favorite foods.
  2. Taking medications changing human consciousness, such as alcoholic drinks and drugs.
  3. Feeling painful disorders in the body. Headache, temperature and spasms in the body do not allow the body to completely immerse itself in dreams.
  4. External factors . If the room is too hot or cold, there is a source of bright light or loud sounds, then it is impossible to get a predictive dream.

What kind of people see prophetic dreams?

In modern times, there are many who want to receive a hint of fate by plunging into the kingdom of Morpheus. Turning to history, you can find out that ancestors more often saw prophetic dreams. This is explained by the fact that ancient people were more attentive to predictions and worked harder to solve them. At first, people believed that only representatives of religious movements, such as priests, monks and priests, possessed clairvoyance. When asked who has prophetic dreams, psychics answer that any person who has the maximum ability can receive a prophecy.

Why do I often have prophetic dreams?

Don't be afraid of your dreams. In support of this, scientists have put forward a theory. They explained why prophetic dreams occur: throughout the day a person experiences a large number of emotions, but due to his busyness does not notice the small details of what is happening. That’s why strange dreams appear that pull out from the depths of the subconscious all the details of the day’s past.

How to see a prophetic dream?

In order to receive a prediction for the future, it is necessary to properly prepare for such a phenomenon. Practicing clairvoyants say that predictions come most often in the early morning. You need to make sure that nothing will disturb you during this time. Before we fall asleep, we focus on our problem, think about all possible methods for solving it, and when we wake up, we try to remember all the details of what we saw and decipher them.

Those who want to know how to induce a prophetic dream should pay attention to the conspiracy. To carry out the ritual, you need to take a round mirror and put it under the bed with the words: “As light and darkness are reflected in a mirror, so will my future be reflected and dreamed of”. Then, after thinking about what worries you, go to the land of dreams and receive fateful clues.

Prophetic dreams - how to develop a gift?

In esotericism there are several rules for developing your own gift. How to learn to see prophetic dreams when you really need it:

  1. To purify consciousness, you need to sincerely believe that clairvoyance can be achieved by anyone.
  2. While in a daydream, it is important to try to focus on the most basic thing, whether it be pictures, voice or emotions - it’s different for everyone.
  3. It is recommended to take up meditation, it helps develop your inner voice. After all, the most important thing in the ability to decipher a prediction is internal harmony with oneself.

On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

If you are interested in a dream, you need to not only look into the dream book, but also take into account the day on which you dreamed it. Everyone has long known that every day is influenced by a certain planet. Depending on this, we receive predictions or suffer from it, and some people cannot sleep at all. You can find out on which days you have prophetic dreams using this hint:

  1. Monday is under the patronage of the Moon. She is responsible for human emotions and sensitivity. If you dreamed of something pleasant and bright, you can safely turn your ideas into reality.
  2. Tuesday ruled by Mars, responsible for courage and strength. There are no predictions on this day. Chaotic activity and an abundance of plots do not allow one to grasp the specific essence of the dream.
  3. Wednesday- day of Mercury. The lightness and tranquility of this planet will help you see the true solution to problems.
  4. Thursday, being in the power of Jupiter, is responsible for activity and actions. Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday are the most stable, since on this day most people’s intuition becomes more intense.
  5. Friday patronized by sensual Venus. On this night you can predict the fate of both yourself and your loved ones.
  6. Saturday is marked by trials of fate sent by Saturn. Often, night dreams come true on the same day.
  7. Sunday- day of the Sun. Giving strength and energy, this planet shows how busy we are in real life. This is a clear reason to stop and take a break from all the problems.

Is it possible to tell prophetic dreams?

Experts in the mystical field advise not to talk about your night dreams. First you need to decipher the prophecy and outline a plan of action in accordance with the prompts from above. Prophetic dreams can be told only when you are sure that everything you saw has already come true. And even in this case, you should not trust everyone, let only the closest people become listeners.

Prophetic dreams - fact or fiction?

For many years, scientists have been trying to understand whether prophetic dreams actually exist. And how to refute this phenomenon They are not able to, then it is also impossible to deny the existence of predictions. In addition, history has recorded a lot interesting cases, in which great scientists and poets have prophetic dreams. For example: Pushkin repeatedly saw the necessary rhymes, immersed in deep dreams, and the great scientist Mendeleev discovered in a dream chemical table and many artists paint pictures based on dreams.

There is a theory that there is an information field around our world. This field contains all information about the past, present and future. And at the moment when we are maximally ready to perceive the future, our consciousness is immersed in the information flow. But as they say, “how many people, so many opinions,” so whether to believe in clairvoyance or not is up to everyone to decide.

Prophetic dreams and Orthodoxy

In Holy Scripture you can often find prophecies sent by God through dreams. In biblical times, any person could become a fortuneteller, regardless of his faith and financial situation. Scripture also speaks of the appearance false dreams, which are far from revelation and carry within themselves harmful influences for spiritual purity. Orthodoxy tries not to perceive prophetic dreams as true predictions, and priests say that the Bible itself is the main source of answers to all questions.

How a person manages to look into the future in a dream is not known for certain. But the fact remains: such dreams exist. Everyone dreams of them from time to time. Sometimes they are in the form of images, sometimes they directly indicate upcoming events, which happens less often and is more often characteristic of chosen people.

Do prophetic dreams exist?

Dreams can be prophetic. Millions of people around the world face this. But the prophetic dreams of famous people have gone down in history.

Abraham Lincoln's Prophetic Dream

For example, Abraham Lincoln had a dream 10 days before his tragic death that he was following a strange sound in the theater. He sees a large hall, a coffin in the middle of the hall, a guard of honor. He asks the guards who is in the coffin? And they answer him that it is the president, he was killed. Indeed, Lincoln was assassinated in the theater. Prophetic dream of Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte often had prophetic dreams. At the beginning of it military career he dreamed of a beautiful, but tear-stained woman in disheveled clothes. She cried and begged him for something. Napoleon tried to console her. When leaving, the woman left him a ring. Napoleon correctly interpreted the dream: the woman is France, and the ring is a sign of autocracy and power. The commander had another prophetic dream after meeting with the Russian Tsar Alexander. It was horrible dream, in which the bear tore him apart. Subsequently, Napoleon was defeated by the Russian army. Adolf Hitler's prophetic dream In 1917, Adolf Schicklgruber, a corporal in the Bavarian army, had a dream that he was killed in a trench by an explosion. Having woken up, he crawled out of the trench like a sleepwalker and wandered away from this place. Minutes later, he was thrown aside by the blast wave. Having come to his senses, he returned to the trench and saw that all the soldiers had died. Two decades later, Adolf, who survived thanks to a prophetic dream, destroyed millions of lives in Europe and Russia, going down in history under the name of Adolf Hitler. Prophetic dreams of other famous people There is a version that the great Beethoven, who wrote the “Moonlight Sonata,” at a time of great love and passion, heard music in a dream. And getting up in the middle of the night, he began to transform what he heard into notes. Dmitry Mendeleev, the great chemist, saw in a dream how chemical elements formed into the periodic table. Sergei Korolev, as a child, found himself in a dream inside a rocket that he built himself. American mechanic Elias Howe, having seen a dream about aborigines dancing with spears, understood how to make sewing machine with double stitching - the hole for the thread should be at the bottom of the needle point.

Why do we have prophetic dreams?

Many have tried to explain prophetic dreams world scientists. Sigmund Freud, a scientist of the last century, wrote in his work that especially sensitive people whose brains are constantly working have prophetic dreams. And at night, when extraneous thoughts do not interfere, the brain produces the result of a logically constructed chain in the form of a prophetic dream.
John Beslow, professor of medicine, expressed a hypothesis about the material nature of biofields. That is, everything in the world is interconnected, special people manage to connect to the World Consciousness and get answers to questions. Academician Leonid Prishchepa also confirmed this hypothesis, adding that all matter and energy of the universe are related by the general law of electromagnetic motion. And if so, then theoretically any person can connect to the World Mind. We just need to know how this happens and how to make this process natural and not random.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

Prophetic dreams can happen any day. But they can be distinguished from meaningless dreams by the fact that prophetic dreams are memorable and vivid dreams. “Empty” dreams are confusing and incomprehensible.
It is believed that during the holiday week, prophetic dreams occur most often, since the line between worlds becomes thinner, and our departed relatives want to convey to us the information that, in their opinion, is important for us.

At that moment I was finally convinced: yes, I see prophetic dreams. Do not consider me impudent and crazy, I am a hardened materialist, I do not believe in any mysticism, in any stupid signs, palmistry and astrology. This is all nonsense and a scam. Fun for women. I always interrupt when asked about my zodiac sign. I’m tired of hearing from astrologically gifted girls: “Oh, that’s it! Then it’s clear why you have such a character and why you don’t like Gemini...” Dream Interpretations are completely nonsense, a legacy of medieval obscurantism. Throw it away and forget it.

But dreams are a completely different thing. There are no stars here Mercury retrograde, it's all in our heads. And everyone sees prophetic dreams, I’m not unique at all biological object. It is only important to remember them.

As a child, I had a very scary dream about my mother. It came true twenty years later

My happiness and my misfortune is that I remember all my dreams that have a clear plot. Even if I see a completely unfamiliar character. Let's say a girl, a thin blonde with an elusive smile - I will remember her. I once dreamed about this, we wandered with her near tall Stalinist buildings, I tried to kiss her, she said: “Later!” Five years later, this girl appeared in my life; she lived in the Moscow State University dormitory, in the main building. I walked her to the door, tried to kiss her - oops! Here comes the dream. He immediately told her: “You are the girl from my long-cherished dream.” She smiled and decided it was a compliment. Why not? Let him think.

For several years I waited for her after sleep, and she appeared in that very “interior”. For those who are curious, I will say that I managed to kiss her. And even more.

Dreams do not always give the exact scenario of an event, sometimes its first act or even its last. Sometimes just a couple of scenes, quick, exciting, vague. Remembering everything is the law. I’ll explain why further.

When I was a child, I had a very scary dream about my mother. I remembered it forever. It came true twenty years later, when she became very ill and actually lost her mind. It came true almost exactly the same. When I saw that terrible dream, my mother was about 35 years old, she was cheerful and healthy woman. This is also why the dream scared me so much when I was little.

But when, 20 years later, I discovered that the dream was coming true, no, I again did not think about mysticism. I was simply reliving what I was warned about as a child. Who warned? Me, my childish restless brain. I believe that when we set him free, he begins to consider all his options. He has so much information that there are a million options. But he is ours, dear, he cuts off obvious nonsense, builds viable schemes.

In the case of my mother, it already contained all the information about our hereditary diseases, and what minor problems with blood pressure can lead to after many years is not so difficult to predict. We are just being warned: it may be so, get ready! That's why serious illness I endured my mother - no, not easier, of course - but as if I was already mentally prepared.

You must remember your dreams about yourself and not tell anyone. These are yours personal codes, appearances, passwords. And forecasts for the future

But we don't remember dreams. And some are looking for clues in dream books or asking sophisticated friends to comment. Oh yes, they will be happy, just give them free rein - they will tell you about the sky in diamonds. No, you need to remember your dreams and not tell anyone. These are your personal codes, logins, passwords. And forecasts for the future.

There is no need to be afraid of plane crashes and alien invasions; sometimes your brain just entertains you. Although in that same childhood I had a wonderful dream about how I made friends with a scary but kind alien. I remember I cried a lot when he had to return to his planet. And a few years later I saw the film “E.T. Extraterrestrial” and realized: my ugly friend visited Steven Spielberg that night. But as for your relationships, acquaintances and loved ones - sleep is in your hands! Dreams give very accurate predictions. Albeit in wild circumstances, with strange secondary characters. This is not a movie, you need to cut off the unnecessary, capture the plots themselves. The cinema has not learned to show dreams at all, because it is impossible to recreate this phantasmagoria, which lasts only a few seconds.

Our brain is also very caring, thinks about others, calculates their options

Let's say, one day I was in the blues and sadness and suddenly had a bright dream: I laugh merrily in the company of former boss, there is some kind of carnival, celebration, music around. We are very pleased together. When I woke up, I said: “Nonsense!” The fact is that about two years before that, my boss and I had quarreled, I quit, and during rare meetings he didn’t even greet me. But what would you think? Another three years passed, and he suddenly called me: “Listen, do you want to work with me?”

We met. He forgot old grievances. We laughed merrily. No, there is no holiday around, just an office. But, it seems, he was even wearing a suit of the color that I dreamed about. Although this is already a random detail, a prank of my subconscious. You guessed the color, naughty! We started working together again. Nothing fancy really. Our vectors were always directed in one direction, it was just that the brain, freed from emotions, easily calculated this, but in my blues I could not. But I mentally prepared for his call in advance, because I remember dreams well.

Everyone sometimes dreams of sex with a person you don't pay attention to in life.

And the story with the husband and the accident It’s also not mystical. I knew that my husband, a businessman, works incredibly hard. Can doze off even during friendly get-togethers. Yes, his death, which I saw in a dream, is an extreme version. But he crashed on the way home from work. And it was just a good car that saved him. Our brain is also very caring, it thinks about others, calculates their options. Therefore, if you see problems with your loved ones in a dream, you don’t need to hide them, it’s better to warn them. Maybe you'll save someone.

And finally, about the main thing. Erotic dreams. Everyone sometimes dreams of sex with a person you don’t pay attention to in life. You wake up and think: “Lord! Never mind!” And in vain. The dream won't give you any bad advice. Maybe this is just what you need. Take a closer look, will you? There may not be sex, but you will become close friends. This has happened to me. We are still friends with one girl.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The fact that people have prophetic dreams from time to time is usually believed either by housewives, or illiterate workers (and in general women with poor quality education, low earnings, living in villages and villages), or people old age. This is the opinion of sociologists, formed as a result of a survey of more than one and a half thousand Russian citizens. I do not consider myself to be one of the above groups of people, but at the same time I have no doubt about the existence of prophetic dreams.

Once, a very long time ago, I had a prophetic dream. I don’t really want to describe it in detail for several reasons: firstly, the dream was quite disgusting, and secondly, it’s not that important. The main thing is that the next morning I was completely convinced: my grandmother had died in Leningrad. It really was like that.

Categorically rejecting the presence of prophetic dreams is stupid and pointless. By the way, many researchers seriously believe that something similar still takes place, since in the history of mankind there have been more than once incidents pointing to prophetic dreams. Experts working in the field of dreams like the following example of a prophetic dream: Ryleev in infancy he fell seriously ill, a little more and he would have had to be buried. Suddenly, the mother had a dream: a mysterious voice urgently recommended that she not pray for the recovery of her little son, because otherwise his fate would be difficult and his death would be terrible. In a dream, the mother saw the future of a child whose life would end in execution. But the woman, of course, thought only about healing the child. Soon, she noticed that the baby was starting to get better. Now the fate of the Decembrist Ryleev is familiar to everyone - he was executed by hanging in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Also well known is the prophetic dream of M. Lermontov, who adored free time practice math. Once Lermontov could not decide difficult task, he fell asleep and in a dream he met a man unknown to him, who helped solve the problem. The poet woke up, recorded what he was told during his sleep, and along the way he sketched a portrait of the stranger. Later long years this portrait was finally seen by specialists who immediately said - this is John Napier, the author of logarithms. Lermontov’s comrades assured that he had no idea who this Napier was and what he was doing. It is worth noting an interesting feature: Napier was a Scot, while the roots of the Lermontov family itself are intertwined with G. Lermont, a native of the same Scotland.

They say how Abraham Lincoln had a prophetic dream before his death: The White house and in it is a coffin covered with a white cloth. Lincoln asked the private guarding near the coffin: “Who is being buried?” They answered him: “The President.” Exactly 10 days later, Lincoln was assassinated.

L. Vertinskaya reported that immediately after the death of her husband she had a dream: “I see we are standing on the platform, I am seeing him off. He says: “Remember - I have the 5th carriage, 6th place.” In the afternoon I went to get a pass to the cemetery, where lies my dead husband. The pass said: 5th precinct, 6th place.”

There is information about other prophetic dreams, which often deliver certain good news. It is noteworthy to mention the discovery of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Then she came to a certain girl in a dream herself mother of God and told where exactly her icon was hidden. She ordered the girl to announce the news so that the icon would be found and taken out of the ground. The Mother of God came more than one night, until the girl herself went to the said place and unearthed the hiding place where the holy icon actually lay.

And a more modern example of a prophetic dream, which was told by A. Murashev: “Oleg P. dreamed that on the way from the airport he approached an intersection on Sadovaya Street. Here Oleg observed in detail an accident between two cars. There were glass shards and blood everywhere... Oleg stopped, and the policeman gave him a sign to go around. All this left an indelible impression. Oleg got up, made coffee, he felt a strange heaviness. Then Oleg went to the airport on business, and a little later he witnessed the incident. the accident itself. Only now in reality. Two broken cars, broken glass... but this time it was not covered in blood. Oleg slowed down from shock, and the policeman waved irritably, forcing Oleg to drive around and turn off the engine in order to catch his breath a little." .

There are thousands of similar prophetic dreams. But the story will not be complete without the official opinion of experts on this matter. They have more than one hypothesis in stock. In particular, bioenergeticists believe that people borrow data for the realization of prophetic dreams from the global information field called the noosphere. A person disconnected from reality seems to become a radio receiver tuned to a fixed radio frequency. The radio receiver “listens” to the noosphere and receives necessary information. But not everyone has such a gift.

Neurologist D. Vinson, together with several researchers, characterizing the activity of the brain during sleep, compares it with an electronic computer. Vinson states that the brain reinterprets information received while awake and connects it with what is in memory (from past days, months, years). The result of the information received is what we take to be a prophetic dream.

This assumption is rejected by a domestic specialist, bioradiologist Yu. Redchenko, who believes that the theory about the mind working during our sleep, processing all probable sequences of events, considering various circumstances and ultimately finding the only correct solution, has a lot of shortcomings. Because often what is seen in a prophetic dream only at first resembles future events, but in fact it may be someone’s past.

“As an example, I can give a story,” says Redchenko, “when a mother had a dream where her son went on a trip in a car. It was a little strange, because her son didn’t have a car. The young man was sitting behind the wheel not too confidently and As a result, he drove into a nearby tree. There was not a scratch on the unfortunate driver, only the car was scrambled. The mother dreamed about the events from May 6 to 7, soon news came from her son that on the fifth of this month he had an accident in a friend’s car and now he needs to find 500. dollars for repairs. The dream told about what happened even before his son’s letter. Does the dream belong to the class of prophetic things? After all, he only described what happened several hundred kilometers away a few days earlier. Time parameters, - Redchenko ends the story, - have no meaning here. meanings."

In addition, Redchenko rejects the very popular judgment that the similarity of a prophetic dream with reality is an accident. The chance of such an accident is no more than one millionth of a percent, so there is nothing to talk about.

And yet, today the question of why prophetic dreams occur remains unanswered. On average, a person can have a prophetic dream only a few times in his entire life. Or maybe you won’t see it at all.

A prophetic dream is a dream that predicts the near future, which subsequently occurs in reality.

Not everything we see during a night's rest comes true. Sometimes you may dream about certain events, people or places only because you think about them too much.

Thus, a nightmare in which someone is trying to catch up with a person indicates that he is worried about some problem or situation that causes negative emotions.

The opposite phenomenon is also possible, when the appearance of a lover in a dream is not predictive, since it is the infatuation with a person that causes his image during a dream. Not every person has a real prophetic dream. Most often, this ability manifests itself in people who have a predisposition to clairvoyance.

Classification of prophetic dreams

The phenomena in question may be literal or symbolic. During a literal prophetic dream, an event occurs that will later occur in reality.

At the same time, all the detail of the dream is preserved.
Things are more complicated with symbolic dreams, which are often a hint about an upcoming event, giving indirect hints using symbols.

It doesn’t matter at all whether the dream was negative or positive, the main thing is to interpret it correctly. The “clue” of a dream sometimes takes a very long time to unravel using dream books.

Thus, a broken bowl is usually dreamed of on the eve of deteriorating health. There are quite a lot of dream books capable of correctly interpreting a dream, so there are difficulties with correct interpretation should not arise, but only if a person really sees prophetic dreams.

Dreams by day of the month

  • On the 1st, a person sees a true prophetic dream, signifying a positive event.
  • On the 2nd, you usually have an empty, completely meaningless dream.
  • 3rd: events will be fulfilled in the near future.
  • 4th: an event coming true in the distant future.
  • 5th: what you see portends good.
  • 6th: dreams that come true in the distant future.
  • On the 7th, you dream of good events that come true only if you don’t tell anyone about them.
  • 8th: the dream promises the fulfillment of a wish.
  • 9th: a dream foretelling success in the near future.
  • On the 10th, you dream of events that promise trouble.
  • 11th: the event will come true within the next 11 days.
  • 12th: true favorable prophetic dream.
  • 13th: Trouble.
  • On the 14th I dream of empty events.
  • 15th: a pleasant event that will soon come true.
  • 16th: the meaning of the dream is missing.
  • 17th: execution in the next 20 days.
  • 18th: new clothes and material profit.
  • 19th: troubles in the family.
  • 20th: the dream will soon come true.
  • 21st: similar meaning.
  • 22nd: imminent trouble.
  • 23rd: rapid fulfillment of sleep.
  • 24th: favorable fulfillment.
  • 25th: there is no truth in what was seen.
  • 26th: what you saw will come true in the near future.
  • 27th: no meaning.
  • 28th: ​​actions will come true within a month.
  • 29th: no meaning.
  • 30th: the likelihood of the event coming true is very low.
  • 31st: if the plot is love, it will come true within 15 days.

Dreams by day of the week

According to existing belief, the probability of a prophetic dream is determined by the day of the week. How true this is can only be found out by own experience, to do this, just keep a notebook to record your own dreams.

After some time, you can analyze the records, comparing what you saw with reality. In addition, patron planets are able to make adjustments, painting visions with other colors, giving them an additional, less global meaning.

  1. Monday is a day under the protection of the emotional moon. Everything that you dream about this night will be to some extent connected with emotional coloring, experiences and feelings. What is said in the dream book should be believed, but what is said in it will be fulfilled in bright emotional colors, and, most likely, you will have to worry more than it should. Also, dreams this night may turn out to be ordinary, reflecting only emotional experiences, unfulfilled dreams and feelings. There is no need to expect that what you see will be repeated in reality, since the Moon is changeable and cunning.
  2. On Tuesday Most often, important dreams occur. Tuesday is under the auspices of Mars, the planet symbolizing strength and determination. Any promises in the dream book will be associated with fortitude. Any favorable vision will come true with the manifestation of strength, character and determination. Dreams on this day are prophetic, but require the manifestation of will to be fulfilled. If the interpreter indicates unpleasant predictions, you need to gather your courage and make efforts to prevent trouble.
  3. Airy Mercury is the patron of the environment and you definitely don’t need to show trust in him, since everything that appears in a dream on this day will remain only a hint and fantasy. But if the interpreter predicts incredible happiness or great wealth, then you definitely need to believe - this will help bring what you want into reality. It is worth remembering that everything on this day depends on the person, and not on the dream.
  4. Thursday is the day of Jupiter. During a night's rest you will see how things are and what the future prospects are. These visions tend to come true. The most trust should be shown in dreams that occurred on Thursday, since they are often prophetic. It is also worth remembering that everything seen on this day is connected with activity, and even in cases where dream books predict feelings, romance and love, it is necessary to rethink the meaning, translating it into a business channel.
  5. On Friday what you see in a dream should be believed. It is on this night, under the auspices of Venus, that one dreams of events that can later be accurately translated into reality. Most often they are associated with love and romance. Even if the dream book predicts profit or promotion, a rethinking of the vision in the direction of amorous affairs is required.
  6. Dreams seen on Saturday, have a small chance of being translated into reality, so everything that is said by the interpreter rarely comes true in reality. Saturn dictates rules and patterns, which are often warnings or advice. On this night, not entirely bright and pleasant events are usually foreseen, which should be interpreted as advice or a warning that must be taken into account.
  7. Visions I had on Sunday night, are all-round wonderful. They are created by the sun, which represents life, love and happiness. You can safely forget any negative vision if you dreamed about it on Sunday. What you saw this night does not bode well.

The dreamer may at first find all this quite complicated; many prefer to neglect knowledge and not go into details, however, it is important to take into account the time of dreams, which will help to better understand the essence of the phenomenon in question; it is not for nothing that such importance has been attached to it since ancient times.

Dreams according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar will help determine the likelihood that what you see in a dream will come true:

  1. The waning moon will not allow dreams to come true in reality. Even when anxious feeling, you should not attach importance to it. Most likely, you will see things that are best to get rid of as soon as possible.
  2. The waxing moon promotes the manifestation of a waking dream, so the events that you dreamed about this night will come true in the near future. Visions during this period are prophetic.
  3. The full moon has an emotional impact on dream events. Any event seen during this period will become vivid and will be remembered for a long time.
  4. The new moon is considered a time of rebirth. What you see at night during this period will prepare a person for a new stage of his life. Such dreams often show what this moment the dreamer's thoughts are concentrated.
    A prophetic dream that was seen before the full moon usually comes true much faster than one that you saw after the full moon.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

Everything previously described is only an approximate system, since every person can see prophetic dream any day of the week.
Typically, such dreams are associated with a person’s emotions and brain activity.

Somnologists claim that a prophetic dream can be seen on any day, since in a dream a person receives some answer to his question, but in a veiled, peculiar form.

In addition, it is common for a person to negotiate with his own subconscious, which allows him to get an answer to any asked question for a specific simulated situation.

The occurrence of the dreams in question is likely both on the eve of the tragedy and after its occurrence. In the first case, such a dream causes the dreamer a painful feeling in chest and a strong desire to cry. In the second case, a person has an elevated emotional background, which contributes to the active functioning of the brain, which subsequently generates ways to solve the problem.

A prophetic dream can be seen the night before a big one religious holiday. These visions must be remembered well, since they often tend to come true. In addition, there is a high probability that the event will happen one on one. Sorcerers recommend paying attention to dreams in New Year's Eve or for a birthday.

Such dreams are also often prophetic. If you want the vision not to come true, you must tell it to the water. This element is capable of taking an event with it, neutralizing the danger. If you need a dream to come true, remain silent about it, not even telling your loved ones, otherwise there is a possibility that the dream will become empty.

How to induce a prophetic dream?

Not all of us are able to see such phenomena. If you manage to remember your own dream, then the first step towards prophetic dreams has already been taken. Otherwise, you will need to work on memorization. A moral adjustment is required. It is necessary to imagine in your own hands the object from the night's dream. The waxing moon positively contributes prophetic dreams. Also, do not forget to concentrate on the problem that you would like to solve in a dream.

Complete relaxation and calm are required. The room where you sleep should be dark and the air should be fresh. Before you go to bed, think about what you want to see in your dreams. It could be a person, a way to solve a problem, a pleasant event, or an interesting place.

Try to imagine the object of interest as clearly as possible, feel the emotions that it evokes. Around sleeping place arrange the paraphernalia that you associate with the object of desire - a photo of a person, an image of a beautiful house, shells or stones found off the coast, fir cones or branches. Concentrate on what you want and fall asleep peacefully. Repeat this peculiar ritual daily until you achieve your goal. Develop the ability to receive important visions in your sleep.

If your plan has not yet been accomplished, do not be upset and higher power will definitely provide support.

Video on the topic: “Dreams that come true. Prophetic dreams.”