The meaning of bear in the ear was found in the phraseology reference book. What does “a bear stepped on the ear” mean, who do they mean? What does a bear in your ear mean?


Vocal hedgehog

Hedgehog is crying. What a grief!
I wanted to be a soloist in a choir.
But to the Hedgehog, said the Fly,
Bear stepped on your ear.

Hedgehog says to his neighbors:
- Bear has no luck either.
Lapu for days on end
It's my fault he sucks.

The hedgehog went on the road.
I found a den in the forest:
- Do you want to sing together?
“I can’t,” said the Bear, “

“To me, my friend,” he admitted,
An elephant stepped on his ear.
The hedgehog went to the Elephant,
Blame him:

I have great grief!
I wanted to be a soloist in a choir.
The Bear stepped on the ear -
Not now not a bit hearing

It turned out that Bear
I would be glad to sing with me.
But, alas, you crushed my friend’s ear!

The hedgehog finished his story.
The elephant sighed:
- I feel sorry for you!
I dream about this myself,
To sing a duet with someone.

My dear, the three of us
We'll sing great.
In a word, they began to sing together
Elephant, Hedgehog and Bear.

Mole remarked:
- Many years
I studied etiquette.

The bear stepped on the ear. Disapproved Unism. Someone has no ear for music, someone is unable to reproduce musical sounds correctly. To whom? a boy, a girl, him... a bear stepped on his ear.

My parents really wanted me to study music, but it turned out that I had no ear for music, as they say, the bear stepped on my ear.

Vetkin conducted the singing... “Staff Captain Leshchenko, you are out of tune! The bear stepped on your ear!” - Osadchiy shouted. (A. Kuprin.)

He loves to sing, but has no hearing. Nina Yakovlevna laughs at him: “The bear stepped on your ear.” (V. Shukshin.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


See what “a bear stepped on your ear” in other dictionaries:

    the bear stepped on my ear- devoid of musical ear, non-musical, devoid of hearing Dictionary of Russian synonyms. bear stepped on ear adj., number of synonyms: 3 deprived of musical ear... Synonym dictionary

    THE BEAR STEP ON YOUR EAR- who have absolutely no ear for music. This means that the person (X) is deprived of any l. musical abilities, is out of tune when singing, confuses melodies, etc. unformed. ✦ The bear stepped on X’s ear. unism. Usually they are independent in the role. statement Word order... Phrasebook Russian language

    The bear stepped on my ear- to whom. Simple Joking. Some people are completely deaf to music. Headquarters Captain Leshchenko, you are fake! The bear has stepped on your ear! Shut up! (Kuprin. Duel) ...

    the bear stepped on my ear- A bear (elephant) stepped on a coma’s ear About a person deprived of musical hearing... Dictionary of many expressions

    the bear stepped on my ear- about a person deprived of musical hearing. The expression reflected such qualities of the bear as clumsiness and stupidity, his big sizes. There is also a phrase with the name of another large animal: an elephant stepped on its ear. Maybe … Phraseology Guide

    The bear stepped on my ear- to whom. 1. Unlock About a person deprived of musical hearing. FSRY, 240; BTS, 528, 1409; BMS 1998, 370. 2. Psk. Joking. iron. About a deaf, hard of hearing person. SPP 2001, 52 ...

    BEAR- It smells like a bear. Perm. Neglected What's l. about? disgusting. Podyukov 1989, 145. Polar bear. Jarg. angle, angle Joking. 1. A mixture of alcohol and champagne. Baldaev 1, 33; Milyanenkov, 166; BBI, 139; Vakhitov 2003.15. 2. A mixture of alcohol and cognac. BBI,... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    bear- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) whom? bear, anyone? bear, (see) who? bear, by whom? bear, about whom? about the bear; pl. Who? bears, (no) who? bears, anyone? bears, (see) who? bears, by whom? bears, about whom? about bears... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    The bear crushed my ear- to whom. The same as the Bear stepping on a coma's ear. Everyone fell silent. You could only hear how in the house behind the garden young lady Ivleva was tormenting her pianola, whose ear had been crushed by a bear, as people say (Chekhov. Misunderstanding) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    ear- noun, p., used often Morphology: (no) what? wow, what? wow, (see) what? ear, what? ear, about what? about the ear; What? ears, (no) what? ears, what? ears, (see) what? ears, what? ears, about what? about the ears 1. The ear is the organ of hearing and balance in humans and... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


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When mentioned famous saying“A bear stepped on your ear” is associated with dull hearing. This expression applies to musicians, singers, actors, dancers. In such people, in the notes of a song or other creative work, there is a feeling of falsity, an inability to convey pure sounds.

Meaning of the phrase

The famous saying “a bear stepped on your ear” occurs when a person has no the slightest idea in music or has undeveloped abilities. Deviation from the correctness of the game ordinary people perceive intuitively. Only professionals catch minor fluctuations with high accuracy.

The famous saying “a bear stepped on your ear” was widely used in Russian literature in the works of V. Belyaev and V. Tendryakov. A strong animal is essentially clumsy, large and wild beast. People trying to become musical performers are called in comparison to its qualities.

How to determine the meaning of an expression

The well-known saying “a bear stepped on your ear” is applicable in the following cases:

  • The inability of a person to distinguish between two adjacent vocal tones.
  • Repulsive performance of songs. Copying famous performers only causes laughter.
  • Newly-minted musicians receive this phrase as negative reinforcement for laziness at practice concerts.
  • The expression describes a person who is unable to follow the rhythms of music while dancing. The movements look comical and awkward.

People with a crushed ear do not distinguish between sound frequency and pitch, and perception is completely impaired.

History of the phrase

The main meaning of “a bear stepped on the ear” originated in Rus' from entertainment with an animal on a leash. Market fun was periodic, competitions were held in which young men measured their strength with the beast.

The hero's task was to immobilize the bear. He must have had remarkable strength, because the beast, in a rage, could easily tear apart the offender. After performances, men often acquired irreparable injuries.

One of these was partial hearing loss, when a huge opponent leaned on the unfortunate person with all his weight. Such a person was called a crippled bear, unable to hear speech, repeat songs, or perceive quiet music correctly. This is where the story of the phrase about the bear and the ear came from. Hunters received similar injuries while baiting a huge beast.


about a person deprived of hearing for music. The expression reflected such qualities of the bear as clumsiness and stupidity, and its large size. There is also a phrase with the name of another large animal: an elephant stepped on its ear. Perhaps the expression is associated with bear hunting, during which a person often received various injuries in a fight with the beast.

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what a BEAR CAME ON THE EAR in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • EAR
    - see earpiece...
  • BEAR in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    - Soviet four-shot self-loading hunting carbine caliber 9...
  • EAR
    part of an indoor door locking device...
  • BEAR in the Dictionary of Russian Railway Slang:
    carriage conductor with...
  • BEAR in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - 1) safe, 2) alcohol, 3) strong...
  • BEAR in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    A bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of matters. Killing a bear portends a way out of a difficult situation. A young woman who sees ...
  • BEAR in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    174160, Novgorodskaya, …
  • BEAR in the Dictionary of Financial Terms:
    (SPECULANT) a stock exchange agent who plays “short”, provoking a fall in the price of certain shares (through increased selling) with the aim of subsequent purchase of them at ...
  • EAR in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    (slang) - advertising space in the upper right or left corner on the front page of the newspaper; prestigious and expensive advertising...
  • EAR in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , organ of hearing and balance in vertebrates. In terrestrial mammals and humans it has 3 sections - external, middle and internal. Two …
  • BEAR in the Dictionary of Heraldic Terms:
    - a symbol of forethought and...
  • EAR in Medical terms:
    (auris) 1) see vestibulocochlear organ; 2) see Auricle...
  • EAR in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • EAR in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    organ of hearing and balance in vertebrates and humans; peripheral part auditory analyzer. In the process of evolutionary development, Ukraine arose...
  • EAR
    Ear - hearing aid vertebrates, although for lower vertebrates, namely fish, auditory function this device is unproven. In experiments...
  • BEAR ETHNOGRAPHER. V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    The cult of M. is still found among some peoples, mainly in Siberia and the northeast. Europe. For the primitive savage M. was...
  • BEAR S. in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    With. Novgorod province and u., on the river. Mshaga, along the Novgorod-Pskov highway, in the 60th century. from Novgorod. Significant trade in flax. Zhit. ...
  • BEAR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • EAR in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    organ of hearing and balance in vertebrates and humans. In mammals and humans, it consists of the outer and middle ears, conducting...
  • EAR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    organ of hearing and balance in vertebrates and humans. In mammals and humans, it consists of the outer and middle ears, conducting...
  • EAR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , ear, .pl. ears, ears, cf. 1. The organ of hearing, as well as its outer part (in humans, in the shape of a shell). ...
  • BEAR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, m. 1. Large carnivorous mammal With long hair and thick legs, as well as his fur. White m. Bury…
  • EAR
    EAR, the organ of hearing and balance in vertebrates and humans. In mammals and humans it consists of the outer and middle U., ...
  • BEAR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BEAR Al-dr. Vas. (b. 1937), Belarusian. athlete, sportsman (1963), honor. coach of the USSR (1984). Champion of Olympus. games (1964, 1968, 1972), repeated...
  • BEAR* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • EAR in Collier's Dictionary:
    organ of hearing and balance; its functions include perception sound waves and head movements. The perceptive apparatus of the ear is represented by a complex structure...
  • EAR
    u"ho, u"shi, u"ha, usha"th, u"hu, usha"m, u"ho, u"shi, u"hom, usha"mi, u"he, ...
  • BEAR in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, …
  • BEAR in the Dictionary of epithets:
    Big, disheveled, huge, overweight, shaggy, clubfooted, shaggy, lazy, shaggy, baggy (colloquial), powerful, shaggy, powerful, awkward, clumsy, clumsy, huge, tame, ferocious, ...
  • BEAR in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • EAR
    || drum in your ears, fall head over heels in love, go in one ear, go out the other, keep your ears open, tear your ears, shut up...
  • BEAR in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see awkward,...
  • EAR
    labyrinth, hearing, ears, ...
  • BEAR in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    baribal, grizzly, sponge, dealer, kinkajou, koala, clubfoot, mastodon, bear, bear, little bear, fur, Misha, bear, teddy bear, mammal, bummer, oshkuy, panda, pentyukh, ...
  • EAR
    Wed 1) a) The hearing organ of humans and vertebrates. b) transfer decomposition Auditory perception, ability to hear; hearing. 2) External cartilaginous...
  • BEAR in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. m. 1) a) A large predatory omnivorous mammal with a large heavy body covered with thick hair and short legs. b) Fur, ...
  • BEAR in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • EAR
    ear, ear, plural ears, …
  • BEAR in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    bear, …
  • EAR in the Spelling Dictionary:
    `ear, `ear, plural. `ears,...
  • BEAR in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • EAR
    earphone 1 N1 warm hat Hat with ears. ear the ability to perceive sounds Sensitive. musician. ear In some objects: protruding...
  • BEAR in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    a large predatory mammal with long hair and thick legs White m. Brown m. Share the skin of an unkilled bear (pos. about those ...
  • BEAR in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. in the south there is a witch (i.e., a honey lover), Slav. mechk. In Rus' there are two types of them: white, arctic, oshkuy, Ursus maritimus, and ...
  • EAR
    organ of hearing and balance in vertebrates and humans. In mammals and humans, it consists of the outer and middle ears, conducting...
  • BEAR in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    Alexander Vasilyevich (b. 1937), Belarusian athlete, Honored Master of Sports (1963), Honored Coach of the USSR (1984). Champion Olympic Games (1964, 1968, 1972), …
  • EAR
    a, pl. ears, ears, cf. 1. Organ of hearing. External, middle, internal. (anat.). It's hard to hear in the left ear. Deaf for one thing...
  • BEAR V Explanatory dictionary Russian language Ushakov:
    bear (bear wrong), m. 1. Large predatory omnivorous animal with long hair. Brown bear. Polar bear. (polar, with white fur). ...
  • EAR in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    ear cf. 1) a) The hearing organ of humans and vertebrates. b) transfer decomposition Auditory perception, the ability to hear; hearing. 2) External...