Accounting where to study. Accountant is a profession. Description of the profession, pros and cons. Where to study to be an accountant

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 9 minutes


The profession of an accountant is very in demand and popular today. The knowledge and skills acquired during the training process will be useful in life to every citizen of the Russian Federation. You will understand the legislative accounting and tax base, and will be able to defend your rights. This way, you will be legally protected from employer mistakes. You will also be able to open your own business and run it without anyone’s help.

Pros and cons of the accountant profession

Anyone who is thinking about becoming an accountant should have a clear understanding of all the advantages and disadvantages of the work of this specialist.

Let's list the advantages:

  • Accountant is one of the most in-demand professions on the labor market.

Anyone who receives an education in this specialty will be able to get a job as an accountant. According to Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, every company must provide reports on its expenses and income to the tax service. An accountant will come to the aid of a legal entity. Every month in large cities there are about 6-7 thousand vacancies on employment sites! You definitely won't be left without work.

  • Highly paid work

The minimum salary in a federal city, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, is 45 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 200 thousand. In a small town, salaries vary from 30 to 80 thousand.

  • Honorary profession

An accountant is the most important person after the head of the company. He works directly with the director of the company. It is precisely because of their closeness with management that accountants are highly valued.

  • Opportunity to work part-time at a freelance level

Many small companies cannot afford to employ an accountant, so they offer him to work remotely. As a rule, many accountants earn extra money by completing one-time orders without losing their main job.

  • Specialists are protected from employer mistakes

They themselves can control payroll and pension reporting. This way, they can never be deceived by their employer.

  • Career Opportunities

If you dream of becoming an accounting professional, then everything will depend only on your skills and abilities. An experienced specialist with knowledge of English can easily rise to the rank of chief accountant or financial director.

  • Higher likelihood of completing advanced training courses

To increase the value of his services, an accountant can take numerous seminars and courses.

  • The skills acquired while working as an accountant will be useful in opening and running your own business. At the same time, employee wage costs will be significantly reduced.

Despite the benefits, being an accountant is not an easy job.

Let's list the disadvantages of this profession:

  1. Great responsibility. A person in the position of an accountant bears a huge responsibility, and a financial one at that.
  2. You will have to pay fines for mistakes in your activities.
  3. The management deliberately blames the accountant for all shortcomings, since he is the right hand of the director of the enterprise. You need to be stress-resistant.
  4. You may have to work irregular hours.
  5. We will have to process large volumes of data and information.
  6. Activities are strictly regulated. There is a certain list of documents that every accountant should know. They are prescribed in Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of August 21, 1998.
  7. You have to keep up with changes in legislation, both tax and accounting.

I would like to become an accountant - let them teach me!

When hiring a company, employers pay attention to your work experience and are less strict about the education of candidates.

But, despite this, the specialist must be educated.

You can learn the profession of an accountant or certain skills in the following ways:

  • Graduate from a higher education institution in finance or economics

Only at university you will receive the necessary knowledge that you can use in practice. By the way, after graduating from a university you will receive a difficult title in the following specialties: “Accounting, analysis and audit”, “Economics and accounting”, “Taxes and taxation”, “Finance and credit”, “Banking”, etc.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to complete internships. Thanks to constant practice, you will be hired faster. But note that it will take 4-5 years to study at the “tower”.

  • Enroll in a secondary vocational education institution (college, school)

As such, secondary financial education is also held in high esteem. But the duration of training depends on the specific institution and program. Most often, students study at a technical school for 3 years. You will also have several opportunities: undergo internships in real companies, study under a special program and eventually receive a diploma in various areas.

  • Take specialized courses

Upon completion of courses and seminars conducted on a commercial basis, you will be able to obtain a certificate as a professional accountant or auditor. The duration of classes will depend on the program. The shortest courses are 2-3 weeks. At the end of your studies, you will have to pass certification exams.

  • Take courses on specific applications accountants need to know

Typically, you should also be given a certificate or other proof of your participation upon completion.

  • Study independently - listen to video lessons and perform freelance tasks (freelance)

You can also read textbooks about accounting, sit on forums that can help you a lot! Of course, you will spend a lot of time on self-training. But on the other hand, you will know a lot and only what is really interesting and necessary for you.

How to become a good accountant - necessary qualities and skills

To become successful in accounting, you must possess the following personal qualities and also be:

  • Responsible.
  • Assiduous.
  • Punctual.
  • Attentive.
  • Neat.
  • Purposeful.
  • Stress-resistant.
  • Balanced.
  • Honest.
  • Think logically.
  • Argue your point of view.

In addition to personal qualities, an accountant must have the following knowledge and skills:

  • Know and maintain accounting, tax, and management records.
  • Maintain primary documentation and cash book.
  • Maintain warehouse records.
  • Calculate wages, sick leave, vacation pay and other required compensation.
  • Keep records of mutual settlements and do not put the enterprise into the so-called “minus”.
  • Know accounting and tax laws.
  • Conduct negotiations with clients and employees.
  • Be able to draw up documents, for example, powers of attorney, tax invoices, invoices and invoices.
  • Calculate pension contributions for legal entities and individuals.
  • Know the rules for conducting an inventory of the company's cash and inventory.
  • Conduct inventory and draw up a reconciliation report.
  • Prepare reports and submit them to the tax office.
  • Conduct an economic analysis of the organization.
  • Be able to prepare and correctly prepare expense reports.
  • Know the regulations and instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Be a confident PC user.
  • Understand the Client-Bank system and the following programs: MS Excel, Word, 1C: Accounting.

Of course, this list could be much longer. Skills and knowledge depend on the area of ​​accounting, the scope of the company and taxation systems.

The Future of the Accounting Profession – Career Opportunities and Salary

To become a professional accountant and get a job in a decent company, you will have to work hard:

  • First, while studying, start working part-time, perhaps performing some simple primary tasks. Thus, you will have work in your portfolio (correctly executed documents) and marks on some points of knowledge and skills.
    Please note that in order to get a job in a company with a good reputation and popularity, you should have an average of 2 years of work experience. By the way, some specialists are hired with a minimum experience of 1 year.
  • Secondly, you should improve your professional level. For example, take training courses on topics in which you are not an expert. Their completion can be confirmed by a certificate.
  • Thirdly, don't be afraid of work. Of course, you will first have to get a job in a small organization, for example, as an assistant accountant, junior accountant, office manager and carry out minor assignments from management.

By completing the above tasks, you will be able to get a job in a decent company within 2-4 years after receiving your diploma.

The career progression of an accountant is as follows:

  1. Assistant.
  2. Junior accountant or economist.
  3. Accountant.
  4. Chief Accountant.
  5. Financial Director.

Since the specifics of companies are varied, a professional accountant can:

  • Financial analyst or accountant-economist.
  • Auditor.
  • Credit controller.
  • Consultant.

An accountant's salary depends not only on the level at which you stand on the career ladder, but also on the field of activity of the company. The more extensive your knowledge, the more services you can perform, and the higher you will be valued.

Let's look at the approximate average salary for specialists in this profession in Russia:

  • An assistant accountant receives 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • 18-25 thousand rubles. provided for the services of a junior accountant.
  • 26-30 thousand rubles. due to an accountant.
  • 30-60 thousand rubles. must be paid to the chief accountant.
  • 40-120 thousand rubles. can be received by the financial director.

With regard to the specific field of activity in which you can develop as a specialist and payment, there are significant differences.

We bring to your attention statistical data based on 2014:

  • Bank employees receive 20-70 thousand rubles.
  • 20-80 thousand rubles. You can earn money in sales and trade.
  • 30-90 thousand rubles. gets an accountant in a construction company.
  • 35-100 thousand rubles. offer for accountant services in the field of energy and raw materials extraction.

In the future, a specialist with an education in Accounting will not be left without work. Demand will remain high. By the way, having studied English and programs in this language, you will be able to conquer not only Russian organizations, but also foreign ones.

The main thing is to improve your professional level and develop!

Accounting is one of those professions that can be mastered by studying part-time, and it is still one of the most popular and desirable professions among those entering college. No enterprise can do without a specialist who can:

  • maintain diverse financial reports;
  • optimize regular expenses;
  • draw up relevant documentation (contracts, invoices, personnel and cash documents);
  • prepare tax reports;
  • make accruals and payments.

And the accountant is not only an accountant, but is also often responsible for the registration and recalculation of vacations and sick leave, and issues the necessary certificates of the established form from time to time (about the amount of salary, etc.). In addition, he becomes an intermediary between the company and the state - for example, represented by the tax authorities, he prepares tax reports, while trying to minimize tax payments. This specialist can also, if necessary, interact with various credit and financial organizations, and also have a professional bias in foreign economic activity.

Such responsibility and, in a way, the omnipotence of an accountant, especially in combination with his proven competencies and extensive experience in a particular company or organization, make him a specialist who is close to management and respected by other employees, and also eliminates the threat of being laid off and practically guarantees quite high income.

Part-time training to become an accountant

Attracted by the prospect of obtaining a prestigious profession that will not leave you hungry, applicants storm the faculties of economics, and for the sake of the coveted diploma they are even ready to leave school after the 9th grade, enrolling in college to major in “accounting, analysis and auditing”, and often choosing a correspondence course of study to be able to work while studying. By the way, you can enroll in a college majoring in economics after the 11th grade. The next goal, if you want to develop in this direction, is an economics university, enrollment in which after graduating from college usually occurs on easier terms. For those who have chosen the accounting profession, the correspondence course provides the opportunity to find a job already from the first year, that is, at the same time receive a theoretical basis and full-fledged work experience, gradually increasing their professional level. And we can say that such tactics are justified: today it is customary to start building a career as early as possible, because the value of time increases, and the most active and young years should not be wasted.

Features of training to become an accountant

The difficulties of training to become an accountant lie in the fact that the future economist must not only be able to make calculations, but also know some provisions of the law - for example, tax and labor laws. In addition, during training it is necessary to study and master accounting programs - certain software products that are used in enterprises to maintain expenses and income and other accounting operations. High-quality preparation is impossible without practice, and although students who choose the full-time format of study spend more hours on practical classes, it is quite possible to become a competent accountant even on a correspondence basis. Moreover, today even the distance learning format allows you to study to become an economist. It is not for nothing that it is widely believed that the quality of learning material depends not only on the student’s abilities, but also on his desire to gain knowledge, as well as on his readiness to gain experience.

Educational programs

A future accountant, whose correspondence studies began in college after the 9th or 11th grade, enters the specialty “accounting, analysis and audit”, where he will study for 2-3 years. The undergraduate educational program is designed for study for 4 years (full-time) or 4.5 years (part-time). The curriculum traditionally includes the following disciplines:

  • story;
  • right;
  • higher mathematics;
  • world economy;
  • statistics;
  • international financial reporting standards;
  • basics of management;
  • finance, etc.

Whether it is a private or public university, in case of successful training and defense of a thesis, graduates are issued a standard diploma.

Admission procedure

Admission to the Faculty of Economics actually begins at school: passing the Unified State Exam is the main and often decisive stage. A future economics student needs to score a sufficient number of points in Russian, mathematics and social studies, and with these points, contact the admissions committee within the established time frame, not forgetting your passport, medical documents and school education document. And the technology for entering college is even simpler. Graduates of the 11th grade can take only two mandatory Unified State Examinations, and after the 9th grade, the results of the unified state exam are not required at all: enrollment is based on a competition of school certificates (the average score is taken into account). As you can see, becoming an economist is not difficult, and today there are plenty of opportunities for training, including through correspondence courses.


How to study to become an accountant? There are several options. You can take courses, undergo training at a university, college or technical school. Which option should you prefer and where can you learn to become an accountant in Moscow most quickly and optimally? Let's try to figure it out.

It must be said that a lot will depend on how you study to become an accountant. For example, place of work and salary, prospects for further career growth. And the decision to become an accountant itself is not a great idea for everyone, but for someone who wants to combine the most important qualities in their future work: prestige, demand and high pay, there is probably no better profession.

The accounting profession has been and remains popular both among graduates and among those who want to change their field of activity and retrain. After all, an accountant is a very necessary profession. Every company, commercial or government, requires accountants. An accountant will never be left without a job. But the salary will depend on how you study to become an accountant - through a higher education program, secondary vocational training, or as a result of attending short-term courses.

If your ambitions go further than just becoming a good accountant with a slightly higher than average salary, then you will have to try. The competition is quite high and the responsibility is also very high, so making a dizzying career as an accountant is not so easy.

Options for studying to become an accountant

First of all, you need to think about higher education. Many Moscow universities offer training in the field of accounting, almost all without exception. It is best for students to study to become an accountant in educational institutions that specialize in teaching economic specialties. It will be easier for an accountant with a higher education to make an effective career. The university provides knowledge not only about Russian accounting standards and the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of accounting, but also introduces International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It will take 5 years to study to become an accountant at a university, but a diploma in economics or finance in the field of Accounting can be of great use to you in the future.

There are countries where accounting education can only be obtained at a university. But our country differs significantly in the variability of knowledge acquisition in this area. For example, you can study to be an accountant in Moscow in universities, in secondary specialized educational institutions, and even in courses. The choice of where to go to study to become an accountant depends on what kind of education you already have and what you want to achieve in the future. If you already have some kind of higher education, but want to become an accountant, it is best to take courses. It’s faster and you can study and work at the same time, applying the acquired knowledge in practice. If you are a university graduate and want to achieve heights in your career, then, of course, it is best to choose a university. This is not a guarantee of successful promotion to the position of chief accountant or director of economics, but it is an important step to success.

Where to go to study to become an accountant?

So, you have decided that this profession is your calling. Where to go to study to become an accountant?

Universities that offer finance or economics education are the best choice for obtaining an accounting degree. Perhaps not much practical knowledge will be given at the university, but this knowledge will be quite broad and systematic. This will be very useful to you when your career growth outgrows the ceiling of a simple accountant, who often does not see beyond his area and does not go beyond the usual set of skills for this area. And you will need to take a broader view of accounting and your responsibilities and master more skills.

The leaders among accounting universities, for example, are the Moscow Financial Academy. Of course, if you study to become an accountant in Moscow, and even at the Financial Academy, then your chances of successful employment will be very high. At least, statistics show that accountants with a diploma from this university are very popular among employers. Also, the Higher School of Economics and the State University of Management are highly respected. At least one hundred students study accounting at these universities every year. Graduates of these universities have proven themselves to be competent specialists, which has created a certain image for the educational institutions among employers.

But as for Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, there is an opinion that his specialization is scientific workers. Moscow State University provides a colossal fundamental knowledge base, but this is not very applicable in practical work and is more suitable for a scientist. And yet, studying to become an accountant in Moscow at the Faculty of Moscow State University is very prestigious. MSU is a brand; it remains the most famous and most prestigious university in the country and its diploma is highly valued. Some employers speak in this vein: since a person was able to enter such a university and graduate from it, it will not be difficult for him to master work duties, even if he has no practical skills, but only theoretical ones.

The Russian Academy of Economics named after Plekhanov, the Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, and the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law are also prestigious and popular.

Where else can you study to become an accountant in Moscow?

The courses are, as they say, a budget choice. Studying to become an accountant in Moscow through courses is an excellent choice. The courses will provide the most practical basis, and the most necessary theory. For practicing accountants, this is exactly what you need. Plus, with a wide variety of accounting courses on offer, you can always find something that suits you personally.

Where to go to study to become an accountant if your choice is courses? The answer cannot be specific and definite. Why? Because in Moscow it is very easy to find a training program for courses. Almost every district has a training center teaching this profession. But if somewhere they teach what is called quickly, then there are places where they teach thoroughly. For example, NOU “ICT” offers long-term courses “Accounting and Auditing”; they last about six months. Teachers from leading Moscow universities, experienced accountants, tax inspectors who know their stuff, a combination of theory and practice characterizes these courses.

Also, a recognized leader in the field of vocational training is the Specialist Center at MSTU. N.V. Bauman. A wide choice, modern equipment, the best teachers - this center has everything you need to study to become an accountant.

The information received in the courses can be immediately applied in practice. If you are working at the same time, you can consult with teachers on work problems.

Of course, it is worth saying that you can study to become an accountant in Moscow using the average option, by enrolling in a college or technical school. Go to study to become an accountant after 9th grade and get a diploma, and not a certificate of completion of courses, perhaps in a college or technical school. They will take you here even after 11th grade. And if you try really hard, you can enroll on a budget. The options for where to study to become an accountant after 9th or 11th grade, if your choice is a college or technical school, are very diverse.

For example, you can try to study to become an accountant in Moscow on a budget - enroll in the Moscow College of Finance, and if that doesn’t work out, try your hand at Finance College 35. If the budget doesn’t work out, you can go for a contract. The options, for example, are: First Moscow Educational Complex, Moscow Trade and Economic College.

There is no doubt that a qualified accountant is always in demand. But what if there is a desire to develop in this direction when there is no experience? How to become an accountant from scratch without education? In fact, everything is simple - you need patience and a desire to get a specialty. Keeping up with the times, taking into account all the requirements that the financial world places on a specialist are mandatory conditions. It is very important to know all the advantages and disadvantages of this specialty. Many people have the opportunity to take on additional part-time work without losing their main job.

What you need to know

An accountant is always a relevant, in-demand, well-paid profession. This is the second person after the director of the company, he communicates directly with management. All payroll and contributions to the Pension Fund are controlled by an accountant. By attending various courses and seminars, a specialist increases the cost of his services. The work requires attentiveness, perseverance and, one might say, pedantry. Any mistake by an accountant can result in a fine and loss for the company. The professionalism of the employee plays a significant role. You need to know the accounting and tax legislation and be legally savvy in order to protect yourself from all kinds of mistakes. Higher education provides an opportunity to more widely use professional skills in different directions. Education is received by:

  • in specialized schools;
  • technical educational institutions;
  • universities

But how to become an accountant, where to start training?

What is the responsibility of an accountant?

What does an accountant do? A specialist can perform many tasks:

  • Control, reception and processing of primary documentation.
  • Payments under contracts.
  • Calculation and issuance of wages.
  • Control and submission of tax documents.

But if there is no opportunity to study and gnaw on the granite of science, is it really possible to become an accountant from scratch? The main thing is desire, and you can start with specialized courses, where in a short time you can really master the basics of accounting and understand the specifics of the work. You need to determine what level you want to achieve. If it is low enough, then you can limit yourself to only courses.

The professional skills of an accountant are based not only on a diploma, but also on the ability to make calculations and keep abreast of issues related to professional activities. Theory and practice together allow you to reach the highest level.

What to do?

So how to become an accountant, where to start? You can give preference to training in commercial courses; they do not last long, only a few months. After this, a diploma is issued not only as an accountant, but also as an auditor. You can only stop at this stage and continue working, relying on your professional data. But what does it take to become a good accountant? It is necessary to undergo specialized training at higher institutions, full-time or part-time, lasting up to 5 years.

It is advisable to have practice and engage in self-education using the materials of the textbook, since becoming an accountant from scratch without education is quite difficult, without making any effort. In the Internet age, you can engage in online learning and attend seminars. Online classes are paid, but cheaper than stationary ones. You can also study books on accounting and chat on forums where you can find answers to your questions. Self-study will take more time, but the knowledge gained in this way will be useful in practice.

Personal qualities

Very often, experts in this field give advice on how to become a good accountant - you need skills and some personal qualities that help in your work. This:

  • perseverance;
  • responsibility;
  • accuracy;
  • attentiveness;
  • honesty;
  • communication skills;
  • logic.

Of course, not only these qualities influence the specifics of the work. A high level is obtaining a higher economic or financial education. Training lasts up to 6 years. It is more prestigious and allows you to get a job in leading companies and always be aware of professional innovations.

You need to try to master the heights of your profession and constantly improve your skill level. This is reflected in the ability to conduct accounting operations, there are many of them:

  • maintain all documentation;
  • know how to calculate payroll;
  • know the laws of accounting;
  • be able to produce different reports;
  • understand computer programs.

It is impossible to obtain a high degree in a profession without systematic training. By increasing your level of knowledge, you get the opportunity to reach a high level in your profession.

Don’t be afraid to start working as an assistant, since it’s certainly not possible to become an accountant from scratch without education right away. By completing small tasks and gaining experience, step by step you can reach a higher position.


Stages of promotion of an accountant through the ranks:

  • assistant;
  • junior economist or accountant;
  • accountant;
  • Chief Accountant;
  • financial director

Those who want to change direction in their activities have an excellent opportunity, such as becoming an accountant from scratch without education. This can be done by completing the courses. Basic skills acquired at the initial stage of education will help you maintain basic accounting of funds correctly. You will learn what spending is, the cash flows of large companies and small firms, and you will receive a lot of necessary and useful information that will be useful in business. The main goal of the training is to learn accountant techniques and skills in using accounting software. By undergoing practice and gaining knowledge through courses, even a beginner can understand things that are incomprehensible at first glance. By starting your training from scratch, you can realize yourself by revealing the basics and subtleties of accounting. Having received a document confirming your level, you can try to find a job in the organization of your choice. The knowledge gained during training can be useful in opening and running your own business.

Underwater rocks

This profession also has its pitfalls and disadvantages:

  • material liability;
  • you will have to pay a fine for mistakes;
  • you must have stress resistance;
  • irregular work schedule;
  • processing large volumes of information and data;
  • a certain list of documents that any accountant must know;
  • It is important to keep abreast of changes in both accounting and tax laws.

Each type of activity has its disadvantages. Therefore, you should not be afraid to become an accountant. This field of activity has always attracted a large audience.

Now about the pros

The desire to receive a good salary, work in a clean room, and have the opportunity for career growth stimulates the desire to get a profession. It will always be in demand, and demand will remain high. And knowing foreign languages, you can reach the level of foreign companies. Accounting is a promising occupation for hardworking and serious people who are not afraid of hard work.

Is the university required?

Starting to work in your specialty from scratch, it is not necessary to graduate from a higher institution. But the more extensive the service and knowledge provided, the more valued the work is. So how can you become an accountant from scratch without education?

  • Be sure to acquire professional skills.
  • Have a resume.
  • Work for at least a year.

The world of finance is developing and does not stand still, each time presenting new requirements, this will have to be taken into account by a specialist who wants to keep up with the times.

College of Economics and Accounting: enroll after 11th grade. The Moscow Economic Business College offers an economic specialty - economics and accounting. Preparatory courses await students in grades 9, 10, 11.

  • Admission without exams
  • Dormitory with Internet access
  • Flexible payment terms
  • Assistance in education

02/38/01 Economics and accounting (by industry)

Advantages of the specialty

Master practical and theoretical skills

Master the 1-C accounting program

Admission to a university after college for a shortened form of education

Good job

Qualification: Accountant

When choosing a specialty, it is important to know what subjects the student will study.

Our College of Economics and Finance provides knowledge in the areas of accounting and analysis, financial activities, and payroll. Students will be able to learn how to work with the “Consultant +” and “Guarantor” programs, which will allow them to conduct successful accounting activities while improving technical equipment.

Also, accounting college students learn to work with the 1-C accounting program, version eight. The financial departments of many public and private companies in Russia work on this program.

During their studies, students receive the following theoretical knowledge and practical skills for effective accounting:

  • Using the accounting and analytical method of accounting. Students will learn to carry out transactions with material assets, as well as track the movement of funds in company accounts, make payments on tax returns and control other government fees received by the budgets of cities and districts, manage wages and non-state deductions, inform management, debtors and creditors about the current financial situation and bilateral settlements between cooperating firms. Accounting and analytical maintenance is the basis for an accountant to draw up a reporting sheet for a specific period of monetary transactions and an inventory of material assets with the maintenance of the necessary documentation.
  • Economic accounting - management of the movement and control of fixed funds and material assets of the company and maintaining expense sheets on the sale of goods and services. Economic accounting is necessary for calculating the cost of a specific job, product or service, accounting and creating a database that includes all business work and related monetary transactions, increasing the efficiency of using business reserves, analyzing and assessing the effectiveness of business activities.
  • Financial control accounting. Its main purpose is to audit documents used in conducting monetary transactions of a controlled company. If violations in the maintenance of documents or inappropriate expenses are detected, measures are taken to put the documentation in order and increase the efficiency of cash transfers.

We invite you to college for “Accounting” after 11th grade

Training at our accounting college in Moscow based on 11 classes lasts 1 year 10 months.

College students majoring in Economics and Accounting study
  • marketing basics;
  • banking;
  • audit;
  • accounting Report;
  • control;
  • statistics;
  • management;
  • information Technology;
  • foreign economic activity;
  • taxation;
  • financial activities;
  • business planning;
  • monetary transactions, credit and finance;
  • economics of the enterprise.

After graduating from the specialty “Economics and Accounting” at a Moscow college, graduates receive a diploma of secondary vocational education.

Students in grades 9-11 can pay attention to preparatory courses and prepare for entering college to become an accountant.

Further educational prospects for an accountant after college

After graduating from college in accounting in Moscow, graduates can enter universities to continue their education:

  • Moscow University named after S. Yu. Witte;
  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkina;
  • Russian Economic University named after. G. V. Plekhanov;
  • Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”;
  • Moscow Institute of International Economic Relations (MIER);
  • State University of Management (SUM);
  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Accounting students have the opportunity to do internships in various private firms, banks, companies, or government agencies - pension fund, tax office, etc. Our college for accountants in Moscow provides the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in the specialty “Economics and Accounting”.

Join our college for a prestigious and promising specialty!