What can you give an 8 month old baby to drink? Feeding a baby at eight months: what to feed and what to give? Introduction of new complementary feeding products

For growth and optimal development, your child needs to eat healthy foods. When he turns 8 months old, the diet is replenished with new products, regardless of whether the baby is breastfed or bottle-fed.

At this age, the baby is already quite active, and he needs a lot of energy, which he receives thanks to a balanced menu. 8 months is the time to accustom your baby to a diet. Therefore, even from an early age, he should have breakfast, lunch and dinner at strictly defined times.

A new product should be introduced little by little, over several days, until it becomes familiar to the baby. At the same time, parents can be advised to keep a diary in which all stages of the development of the child’s diet will be recorded.

  • vegetable puree: potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, beets;
  • soups: meat, fish;
  • porridge: a variety of cereals cooked in water or milk;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk;
  • fruits: apples, apricots, peaches, bananas;
  • greens in small quantities (usually they are added to vegetable puree);
  • meat and fish;
  • natural juice or compote.

Abroad, in addition to the listed components of the children's menu, 8-year-olds are fed tofu soy cheese and other types of cheese based on cow's or goat's milk. Moreover, in some cases, such products begin to be introduced as early as 6 months. In our country, this practice has not become particularly widespread, perhaps for the better.

Key components of the diet

If the child is still fed breast milk, then at this age you should not completely switch him to artificial feeding just for the sake of expanding the diet. Some babies like to finish their main meal with mother's milk. You can also leave morning and evening breastfeeding.

When preparing food for an 8-month-old baby, you should use a blender or mixer (these modern devices allow you to achieve maximum grinding of ingredients), or, in extreme cases, a special strainer for complementary feeding or a grater.


The most common dish in the diet of an 8-month-old child is porridge, which can be prepared in various variations. For example, an assortment of several types of cereals, with the addition of fresh or.

You can cook porridge with milk, preferably homemade milk with a high percentage of fat content (this needs to be diluted with water). You can grind the cereals yourself, or you can buy ready-made crushed ones, which you can simply pour boiling water or hot milk over.

The development of a child largely depends on the variety of cereals in the diet, since they contain many substances that are beneficial for the child’s body.

Meat and fish

Meat is an excellent source of protein, although at this stage of development, children get most of it from their mother's milk. The main advantage of the product for infants is its high iron content. After all, it is between 6 and 9 months that babies most often experience a lack of this mineral.

Meat as a separate product should be given to an eight-month-old baby in the form of puree, but it can be mixed with vegetable puree or added to porridge cooked in water.

Low-fat varieties are best for your baby: chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit, beef. The meat must be cleaned of fat, films, veins and cooked. Then twist several times in a meat grinder and pass through a sieve.

Fish is a very useful product for the growth and development of the body, rich in amino acids, omega3, microelements and important. Pediatricians recommend introducing it into a child’s diet at 8 months.

You need to choose fish carefully, giving preference to low-fat varieties such as cod, pike perch or hake.

Cooking will also require you to be careful. After cooking, fish broth should be strained several times to avoid bones getting into the food. And it’s still better to buy high-quality fish fillets than a gutted carcass.

Soups and broths

Starting from 8 months, baby soup can be cooked in meat broth, but the meat used for this should not be fatty. You can give fish broth once a week.

Potatoes, some onions, carrots and herbs are also added to this broth. You should also add just a little salt, although pediatricians do not have a consensus on this matter.

At the end of cooking, the soup is seasoned with oil (vegetable or butter).

You need to grind everything thoroughly in a blender, since the child still has few teeth. If you don’t have such a useful technique for a young mother at hand, an ordinary fork will do, but there will be lumps left.

Sour milk

It is necessary to continue giving your child fermented milk products in the form of kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt. They are alternated in the menu according to the principle: one day - one product.

It is better if the milk is homemade. It is no coincidence that homemade yogurt makers have become so popular among parents. When purchasing from a store, you should carefully check not only the production date and shelf life, but also the composition.

Should be 30 ml per day. Continue this way for several days, and then in 8-9 days increase the portion to 150-200 ml.

To diversify your milk table, use baby yogurt; you can add some fruit to it, but sweetening it with honey is prohibited. The presence of beekeeping products in the menu of a child under one year old is fraught with severe allergies.

Egg feeding

Chicken or quail eggs in the menu of a 6-9 month old child promote brain development, but introducing these products into the diet on your own is not recommended. Since eggs are a strong allergen, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

At first, the baby should receive pureed egg yolk, mashed with a fork.


Beans, peas and lentils are high in protein, so they look very attractive for children's diets. Indeed, with a gradual transition to artificial feeding, it is extremely important for the child’s development that the protein component in his diet does not decrease.

But be careful. All legumes cause bloating, so do not overfeed your baby with products from this group.

Ready-made baby puree of any kind, purchased in a store, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours. Although some labels indicate a longer period, it is better not to take risks.

You can also feed an 8-month-old baby a bagel or cracker, but you need to be careful that he doesn’t swallow a large piece and choke.

Some foods may trigger an allergic reaction. These include: chicken meat, cow's milk, many fruits and berries and some vegetables. For example, there are cases of a child being allergic to carrots.

Power mode and sample menu

A child of 8 months should have a clear diet. He needs to be fed at about the same time every day.

There may be light snacks between main meals. The children's diet provides for this. If your baby constantly asks for food, slightly increase the portions of the main dishes. Intermediate snacks can consist of cookies, some fruit or crackers.

  • The first meal from 6.00 to 7.00 is breast milk or bottle feeding.
  • From about 10.00 to 11.00 the child eats porridge. Boil it in water or milk, you can offer a little chicken yolk.
  • Lunch from 14.00 to 15.00 in the form of soup with meat broth or separately: meat puree, vegetable puree and broth.
  • Evening feeding from 18.00 to 19.00 traditionally consists of dairy products (kefir, yogurt) and fruit puree.
  • Before going to bed, from 22.00 to 22.30, the toddler receives breast milk or formula.

The described regime is very formal, since each child is unique. Everyone's sleep patterns are different, so meal times may shift.

If your baby is sick or teething, he will likely refuse solid foods and ask for breast milk more often than usual. This is quite natural - this is how the baby strives to calm down and feel safe. When the baby's condition improves, the previous feeding regimen should be restored.

Diet according to the Ruth Yaron system

Ruth Yaron, a popular author among American parents, promotes her own baby nutrition system. The key principle: speed and ease of preparation, as well as the absence of animal products in the diet. If you want to adopt this system, consult your pediatrician. Since in Russian realities, not all of the listed products are suitable for your child. But it's interesting to read.

Here's what Ruth Yaron advises giving to eight-month-old babies:

At the age of 8 months, the diet of breastfed and bottle-fed infants is very similar. The frequency of meals - 4 hours - remains the same as before. In this case, dishes are divided into those eaten during breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the morning, porridge and fermented milk products are served. For lunch - soups, meat or fish purees. Vegetable dishes are offered for dinner. In the future, such a diet will allow adaptation to the kindergarten menu.

The nutrition of an 8-month-old child is no longer limited to breast milk

Nutritional features at the age of 8 months

The daily volume of food at 8 months (regardless of gender and type of feeding) is about 1 liter. This means that during one feeding the baby receives about 200 grams of food (with five feedings a day). Some children eat much less, especially those who are on breastfeeding.

The guideline for the mother should be weight gain. If a breastfed or bottle-fed baby weighs within the normal range, there is no need to worry that he is eating less than he should.

It is important for a mother to teach her child to eat by the hour, focusing on the correct feeding schedule at this age:

  • First light breakfast (6-00). Includes mother's milk or adapted formula. Often mother's milk has already disappeared, but it is important to try to maintain lactation for at least one year. When this fails, it is worth choosing a good formula for children 6-12 months old.
  • Second breakfast is nutritious (10-00). It includes cottage cheese and porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, corn or another that the child likes). You can add a little butter or vegetable oil and half a mashed yolk to it.
  • Hearty lunch (14-00). Includes nutritious cream soup with vegetable broth, meat puree. It is allowed to introduce half the yolk. Give non-concentrated fruit compote, kefir or diluted juice to drink.
  • Light but nutritious dinner (18-00). May include porridge with water, fruit and vegetable purees, cookies or crackers. It’s good to give cottage cheese and kefir for dinner, alternating fermented milk products.
  • Feeding before bed (22-00). Includes formula in a bottle or mother's milk. If a breastfeeding baby is restless during the day, he should be put to the breast as often as needed.

The menu of an 8-month-old child consists of basic food groups (vegetables, fruits, meat, bread) and breast milk or formula before bedtime

Foods in the diet of an 8-month-old baby

The diet of a small 8-month-old baby includes many new foods:

  • porridge with water, milk or a mixture: corn, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley;
  • fruits: apple, pear, peach, apricot, banana;
  • berries: currants, raspberries;
  • vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, zucchini, potatoes (we recommend reading:);
  • meat: lean poultry, rabbit, beef;
  • fermented milk products: yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • chicken and quail eggs: Dr. Komarovsky approves only of introducing the yolk, recommends giving the white a couple of months later;
  • flour: wheat bread, crackers, homemade oatmeal cookies or children's biscuits.

Similarities and differences in the nutrition of 8-month-old infants and artificial babies

The earlier the baby began to receive complementary foods, the more varied his menu at 8 months.

In terms of the range of products, the feeding regime for infants and formula-fed infants differs slightly. The earlier the baby began to receive complementary foods, the more varied his menu can be. For example, when the first complementary food was received at 5 months, at 8 months he can be introduced to white lean fish (fillets): hake, pollock, perch, cod, whiting, macrorus. In infants, the first complementary foods are usually introduced at 6 months, which means that it is better for him to get acquainted with fish at 9-10 months.

The benefits of fish in the diet of an 8-9 month old child are difficult to overestimate. The minerals, proteins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in it are good for bones, skin, vision, and the nervous system. Fish is included in the menu with caution (it is an allergen). The first feeding should be half a teaspoon. If your baby eats a dish with pleasure, you still shouldn’t spoil it more than once every 7 days. By the age of one year you can give 100 grams twice a week, make pates, purees, fish balls.

Feeding table

How much food and at what time should I give my baby? You can find out about this from the table presented. Nutritionists compiled it taking into account the fact that children with any type of feeding receive complementary foods at the appropriate time (5-6 months).

A complementary feeding table for 8-month-old children will allow you to create a balanced and varied menu (we recommend reading:)

The daily menu for a healthy eight-month-old baby looks like this:

Type of feedingProductDish volume
Breakfast No. 1 (6-00)Breast milk or adapted formula200 ml.
Breakfast No. 2 (10-00)Porridge with water or milk180 gr.
Butter½ tsp
Baby juice / unsweetened compote / kefir30 ml.
Fruit puree20 ml.
Lunch (14-00)Cream soup with vegetable broth or vegetable puree180 gr.
Vegetable oil1/2 tsp.
Turkey puree50 gr.
Boiled yolkHalf
Compote30 ml.
Dinner No. 1 (18-00)Cookie1 – 2 pcs.
Cottage cheese40 gr.
Fruit puree30 gr.
Supplementation with formula or milk100 ml.
Evening feeding (22-00)Formula or breast milk200 ml.

The diet for a child with an allergy to cow's milk protein must be adjusted by a specialist

If you are allergic to cow's milk protein, the diet is adjusted. Nutritionists and pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, offer little allergy sufferers an approximate diet:

Type of feedingProductDish volume
Breakfast No. 1 (6-00)200 ml.
Breakfast No. 2 (10-00)Dairy-free porridge (diluted with water or formula for children with allergies to cow's milk proteins)120 gr.
Fruit puree80 gr.
Vegetable oil1 tsp
Lunch (14-00)Vegetable puree or cream soup170 gr.
Meat puree40 gr.
Vegetable oil1 tsp
Dinner No. 1 (18-00)Dairy-free porridge or vegetable puree170 gr.
Fruit or meat puree30 gr.
Cookie1-2 pcs.
Vegetable oil1 tsp
Evening feeding (22-00)Breast milk or a formula adapted from goat milk (or another selected by a specialist)200 ml.

What dishes can you prepare?

The diet of an eight-month-old baby can include not only single-component, but also multi-component dishes. For example, cream soups, fruit and vegetable purees, cottage cheese with berries. Many dishes are sold ready-made, and mothers are happy to give their babies baby food from Hipp, Gerber, Agusha, Fruto Nyanya, Babushkino Lukoshko and other brands.

However, it is easy to prepare delicious and healthy dishes at home. For this, mom needs high-quality products and helpers - a sieve, blender, food processor, a set of good dishes.

Fruit and vegetable purees

Proper combinations of fruits and vegetables will allow your baby to experience the richness of new tastes. When the child has already tried carrots, pumpkin, apple, and zucchini separately, you can combine them together. The child will like carrot-apple, pumpkin-apple, apple-zucchini puree in a 1 to 1 ratio of components.

Fruit purees are best administered after cereals and vegetables.

When preparing dishes, vegetables should be well boiled, thoroughly chopped and combined. By the end of the 8th month, you can try using fresh carrots. To eliminate its excess in the diet on the day when such puree is served, the orange root vegetable should not be in other dishes.

Baby meat purees

When making purees at home, it is important for mom to thoroughly grind the meat. To prepare the dish, an 8-month-old baby on artificial feeding should prepare a low-fat piece, cleared of veins and films, and boil it without adding salt (see also:). Cool and grind to puree using a blender, food processor or meat grinder.

At first, it is important to give 5-10 grams of meat. Then you should increase the portion, bringing it to 50 grams at a time. If the puree turns out dry, add a little olive oil or butter and mix thoroughly. Many mothers add breast milk or formula to the meat, which softens and gives a delicate taste. The puree should be served heated to 36 degrees.

Vegetable soups

The first soups for a baby should be vegetable and homogeneous, carefully chopped. In the future, you can add meat puree to them and mix until creamy. To create them, use any fresh vegetables - carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes and others. When preparing vegetable broth, you can use an onion, which must be removed before chopping the dish.

Creamy soup of zucchini, potatoes and broccoli

Preparing the soup begins with peeling and chopping the selected vegetables. They are boiled until tender, rubbed together with the broth, seasoned with butter or vegetable oil (up to 5 grams). The natural taste of the dish should not be spoiled by salt and spices. By the end of the 8th month, you can season with chopped herbs - a sprig of parsley, dill or celery. An eight-month-old baby is prohibited from cooking soups with meat broth. The meat is boiled separately, chopped and added to the soup.

Multi-component fruit purees

When preparing multi-component fruit purees, green apples should be used as a basis (50% or more of the dish). Peach, quince, apricot, cherry, currant, strawberry, and raspberry are added to them.

Fruits and berries should be used in season and only those that grow in the area where the family lives. For the winter, you can prepare canned puree or purchase ready-made food in jars.

Introducing citrus and exotic fruits (kiwi, pineapples) should be postponed until 2 years. An exception is the potassium-rich banana, the sweet pulp of which is allowed to be tasted at 8 months. This is a high-calorie fruit, so overweight babies should not be fed it more than 1-2 times a week.

New foods should be introduced into the diet of a small child at 8 months little by little and no more than once a week (we recommend reading:). You should carefully monitor the condition of the baby. If there are no digestive problems or negative skin reactions, the product or dish can be given with some regularity in the future.

The diet of a child at 8 months depends on many factors: whether the baby is breast-fed or bottle-fed, at what age complementary foods were introduced, and whether the baby has a tendency to allergic reactions. Some babies at 8 months already have a fairly varied menu, including cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, egg yolks, dairy products and even baked goods; Others by this age are familiar, in addition to mother's milk, with only 2-3 new products.

Any reasonable mother, when deciding the question “What to feed a child at 8 months?”, of course, checks the pediatrician’s recommendations and all kinds of complementary feeding tables. Creating a schedule for introducing new foods into your baby’s diet is usually not very difficult. But figuring out how to prepare these products tasty and varied, creating a menu for every day, setting a diet - these are slightly more complex tasks that require serious thinking and creativity from the young mother.

Products for a baby at 8 months (in order of entry):

  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, etc.);
  • cow's milk (only for making porridge);
  • vegetables (cauliflower and broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, onions);
  • vegetable and butter;
  • fruits and berries (apples, pears, bananas, apricots, peaches, prunes, cherries, black and red currants, blueberries, raspberries);
  • meat (veal, beef, rabbit, chicken, with caution - pork, beef liver);
  • egg yolk (2-3 times a week);
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir and other fermented milk drinks;
  • fish.

Diet at 8 months

An 8-month-old baby should be fed 5-6 times a day with an interval of about 4 hours. Here is an approximate daily diet for a baby at 8 months:

  • 6:00 – breast milk or formula;
  • 10:00 – porridge (170-190 g), fruit juice or puree (50-70 ml);
  • 14:00 – vegetable puree (170-190 g), with or without the addition of meat puree (about 50 g), white bread crackers or bagel; At the same feeding, you can give the child an egg yolk (1/2 chicken or whole quail);
  • 18:00 – cottage cheese (50-70 g, if already introduced), kefir (up to 200 ml, if already introduced), 1 cookie; or an egg yolk (1/chicken or a whole quail, if not given at lunch), supplement with breast milk or formula;
  • 22.00 – breast milk or formula.

Some babies prefer to wake up and eat at 1.00-2.00 and do without 6-hour feedings, while some still need both night and early morning feedings.

Dishes for a baby 8 months

Semolina porridge with blueberries for breakfast


  • 2 tbsp. semolina;
  • 0.5 tbsp. milk;
  • 0.5 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. fresh or frozen blueberries.


Pour milk and water into a thick-walled steel pan, add sugar, add semolina in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Continuing to stir, bring the porridge to a boil, reduce heat and cook for another 5 minutes. Let the porridge cool, meanwhile prepare the berries: blanch them in boiling water for a few seconds. Remove the berries from the water with a slotted spoon, place them together with the porridge in a blender, and blend until smooth and fluffy. You can cook this porridge with any berries and fruits.

Beef puree with vegetables for lunch


  • 70 g beef tenderloin;
  • a small piece of pumpkin;
  • 1 medium potato;
  • ¼ small onion;
  • 1 tsp unrefined olive oil.


Peel the vegetables, wash them, put them in a saucepan, and put the meat in there that has been pre-cooked for 2-2.5 hours (it’s convenient to cook it the night before). Fill with water and cook covered until the vegetables are ready. You can add a few crystals of salt. Then drain off the excess water (the amount of liquid depends on the baby’s preferences) and grind in a blender until pureed. Let cool slightly and add olive oil.

Cottage cheese with pear for dinner

It is customary to treat infants with complementary foods from 6 months. And the menu of an 8-month-old breastfed baby will be diversified with new dishes.
What can you treat a baby of this age, what are the features of cooking, how to properly create a menu.

By 8 months, this list is replenished with meat, fish, fruits, cereals with milk and fermented milk foods.

How to organize meals for an 8 month old baby

Despite a significant proportion of complementary feeding, the baby should continue to receive mother's milk. It remains important for its growth, development and immunity.

Gradually, you can replace some feedings with your own milk with complementary foods. By 8 months, it is permissible to give 3 feedings to the new diet, and the rest of the time to feed the baby with breast milk.

The number of meals should be 5. In this case, it is better to stop giving your baby milk at night. He's big enough to sleep through the night without snacking.

To preserve more nutrients in foods, it is better to cook them shortly before feeding. It is better not to add salt, sugar and other spices to them.

You should still take into account how the baby perceived the new dish. If there are negative consequences, the introduction of the new product is excluded for 2 weeks.

The fact that a new product is not suitable for a child can be determined by manifestations of allergies or abnormal bowel movements.

Children's menu for the day

The table will help you correctly create a one-day menu for your baby. It includes recommended products and their quantities.

Porridge will bring more benefits to your child if you alternate between different cereals. Vegetable purees should also be varied.

If your child reacts negatively to cow protein, you should continue to prepare dairy-free cereals.

Menu for the week

The table shows an approximate menu for an 8-month-old baby for a week.

6.00 Breast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milk
10.00 Rice porridge, egg yolk, fruit puree.Buckwheat porridge, egg yolk, pear puree.Rice porridge, carrot puree.Oatmeal, egg yolk, banana.Corn porridge, applesauce.Buckwheat porridge, fruit puree, juice.
14.00 Mashed potatoes with meat, juiceFish puree with carrots, compoteZucchini puree with meat, fruit drinkCauliflower puree with fish, jellyMeat puree with vegetables, juiceVegetable puree, fruit, compoteBroccoli with fish, applesauce, jelly
18.00 Kefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookies
22.00 Breast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milk

In order for the child and his body to accept new foods well, they should be selected and prepared according to certain rules.

Vegetable puree

For an 8-month-old baby, light-colored vegetables are best. Cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli and potatoes can be served separately or together.

These vegetables are good for digestion and metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the development of immunity. They are hypoallergenic, so they can be safely given even to children suffering from allergies.

By 8 months, pumpkin and carrots can be included in the menu. But you should give them no more than 2 times a week.

All vegetables should be boiled (10-15 minutes is enough) and pureed.

Porridge with milk

If the child does not have a reaction to cow protein, you can prepare milk porridge. At 8 months it is better to prefer buckwheat, corn, rice and oatmeal.

For ease of preparation, it is better to grind them using a coffee grinder. For a serving of porridge, 1 tablespoon of chopped cereal is enough.

It should be prepared with low-fat milk or diluted with water.

Each new cereal must be tested. Therefore, you should start with 1 teaspoon. Then slowly increase the volume to 180 grams.

Dairy products

For a child of this age, kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese without sugar and fruit fillers are suitable. When choosing products in the store, you should buy the freshest and least fatty ones.

There is an opinion that fermented milk products should be the first complementary foods for infants. For example, Dr. Komarovsky thinks so.

In his opinion, they are the ones most similar to mother’s milk, so the child’s body adapts to them very quickly.

At 8 months, a baby can drink up to 150 ml of kefir, and the volume of cottage cheese reaches 50 grams.

Fruit puree

When cooking, fruits are not subjected to heat treatment, but are only pureed. It is best to offer your baby bananas, apples, pears and apricots at this age.

If you decide to puree several fruits, it is better to first let your child try them separately. This is important for identifying adverse reactions.

By 8 months, the baby can be given 200 grams of fruit puree per day.

Meat dishes

Meat is added to vegetables and dairy-free cereals. It is thoroughly boiled (1-1.5 hours) and crushed. It is best to prepare dishes from turkey, rabbit, veal and beef.

Meat is offered to the child 2-3 times a week in quantities of up to 100 grams.


Lean types of fish are preferable. The best choices are pollock, salmon, cod and pike perch.

This dish is easy to digest and can be given up to 3 times a week. But only on those days when the child did not eat meat.

Fish supplies the body with amino acids, fluorine, and iodine. Thanks to its use, bones are strengthened, brain function and vision are improved.

Ryka, like meat, is added to vegetables. The product is first crushed. Starting with 1/2 teaspoon, the volume of fish puree is increased to 200 grams per day.

To improve the taste of dishes and their digestibility, sunflower, olive or butter are added to them.


In addition to dairy drinks, you can pamper your baby with juices, fruit drinks, and compotes. It is better to dilute them with water one to one. It will also be useful to cook jelly for your baby.

Eight months is the age when a baby’s diet becomes more varied.

Meat, fish, new vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products will help replace some of your breastfeeding.

However, it is not yet time to wean your baby from the breast. It is worth treating him with your milk for at least 1 year.

Graduation and proper preparation are the key to success when introducing new products. The baby will be happy with each of them, and his body will be replenished with new useful and necessary substances.

A child's diet at 8 months can be replenished with new foods. But this should be done with caution, carefully monitoring reactions to each food component. Pediatricians give clear recommendations on which children can expand their menu, and which ones should wait until next month.

The feeding schedule of a breastfed baby at 8 months does not differ from the feeding schedule of a bottle-fed baby. The usual 4-hour frequency for mother and baby is maintained, and traditional meal options are clearly visible: breakfast, lunch, dinner. You need to teach your baby to eat porridge for breakfast and soup for lunch now. In the future, this will save you from worrying about what to prepare for your baby, and when he goes to kindergarten, it will allow him to quickly adapt to the conditions of the children's group.

Nutritional Features

The daily routine and nutrition of a child at 8 months is as follows:

Differences in the diet of infants and artificial babies

The feeding regime of a bottle-fed 8-month-old baby may differ in the range of products from the diet of an infant. If your baby first received complementary foods not at 6 months, but earlier - at 4 or 5, at this age you can introduce him to more adult foods, in particular, fish.

According to pediatricians, the benefits of fish are enormous. The substances contained in it help the development of many body systems, in particular, the formation of the retina, the strengthening and growth of bones and teeth. The varieties of ocean fish that it is advisable to cook for a child contain the required amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Including fish in your diet must be done carefully. The ideal varieties for the first feeding would be hake, pollock and cod, that is, fish with white meat. Also feed little by little, starting with half a teaspoon. And even if your baby liked the fish, and you are already giving him a full portion of it, limit the number of such feedings per week to one fish day.

Feeding table

The following table will tell you in detail about the diet of a child at 8 months. It assumes that the baby receives complementary foods from the recommended time, that is, from six months, and is breastfed, bottle-fed or mixed-fed.

Feeding Products Volume
  • Breast milk (formula). You can offer the artificial one baby kefir
  • Up to 200 g
  • Milk porridge with butter
  • Hard-boiled egg yolk
  • Fruit puree
  • 180 g + 5 g (slightly less than a teaspoon)
  • ½-1 pcs.
  • Vegetable puree with vegetable oil
  • Meat mousse
  • Fruit juice (it can be given to the baby between feedings)
  • Fruit puree
  • 180 g + 5 g (about a teaspoon)
  • 40 ml
  • Piece weighing 5 g
  • Cottage cheese
  • Fruit juice (puree)
  • Children's cookies (biscuits or drying)
  • Breast milk, formula or baby kefir
  • 2 pcs.
  • 120 g
  • Breast milk, formula. Baby kefir can be offered to both infants and artificial babies.
  • 200 g

The specified diet will be the key to the healthy development of your baby!


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