What is consolidation in Forex? Examples of consolidation of market prices. What is consolidation: definition and basic essence What is consolidation of society definition

Rallying, strengthening, uniting individuals, organizations, states to strengthen the struggle for common goals or strengthen power.

View value Consolidation in other dictionaries

Consolidation- consolidation, plural no, w. (book, special). Action according to verb. consolidate and consolidate. debt. government obligations. all party forces.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Consolidation J.— 1. Same as: consolidation.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Consolidation- (from Latin consolidatio - to compact, strengthen, merge) - a) socio-political - the process of unification, strengthening the unity and cohesion of social and political forces......
Political dictionary

Consolidation Political- - strengthening, strengthening something, uniting individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common goals.
Political dictionary

Consolidation- -And; and. to Consolidate and Consolidate. K. nations. K. loans, liabilities.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Consolidation — - 1.
using profits gained from trading speculative stocks by investing
capital into more reliable
stock; 2.
replacing the national currency......
Economic dictionary

Consolidation (restructuring) of Public Debt— - transformation of short-term and medium-term government debt into long-term, i.e. transfer of upcoming payments to the distant future
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Shares- - in shareholder law -
operation of a joint stock company, as a result of which two or more outstanding shares of the company are converted into one new share of the same
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Shares - Reverse Split— The procedure for reducing the number of outstanding shares by increasing the par value
stock. Wherein
the value of all the company's shares outstanding.......
Economic dictionary

Debt Consolidation- extension
debt, loan by converting them into longer-term or perpetual,
combining several debts (loans) into a single........
Economic dictionary

Debt Consolidation— a mutual agreement with creditors to postpone the repayment of debt with the conversion of several obligations into one, for a period that satisfies the borrower.
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Debts (loans) — -
consolidation of several debts (loans) into one more
long-term with
change in loan
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Loans- extension
actions of previously issued loans (short-term and medium-term) and their transformation into long-term or perpetual. This is done by adding......
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Liabilities— CONSOLIDATION OF BILLS. Loan to pay off overdue bills
Economic dictionary

- a merger of two companies, as a result of which both cease to exist as legal entities and a new company is created.
Economic dictionary

Consolidation of Securities- - decrease in the total number of shares in
release in relation to the current one in accordance with a given coefficient with a simultaneous proportional increase
Economic dictionary

Full Consolidation— See Consolidated Financial Statements.
Economic dictionary

Consolidation— An increase in the nominal price of a company's shares as a result of replacing a certain number of shares of a lower par value with one of a higher par value. For example,........
Economic dictionary

Full Consolidation (full Consolidation; Consolidation of the Balance Sheets of the Group Companies)— A method of accounting that allows a parent company to show in its balance sheet accounts the assets and liabilities of its affiliates at full market value......
Economic dictionary

Consolidation— (lat. consolidatio) - 1) one of the types of systematization of legislation. The goal of K. is the elimination of the multiplicity of normative acts, their unification and creation in the structure of legislation........
Legal Dictionary

Consolidation (of shares)— - conversion of two or more shares of any issue into one share of the same category (type). K. is carried out when the par value of the company's shares turns out to be........
Legal Dictionary

Consolidation of Shares- - according to the shareholder law of the Russian Federation, an operation of a joint-stock company, as a result of which two or more outstanding shares of the company are converted into one new share of the same category......
Legal Dictionary

Debt Consolidation— - extending the duration of a debt, a loan by converting the debt into a longer-term or perpetual, merging several debts (loans) into a single one......
Legal Dictionary

Bone Consolidation- (lat. consolidatio strengthening, compaction: con- + solidus dense, strong, whole) the process of fusion of damaged bone with the restoration of its integrity, during which resorption occurs........
Large medical dictionary

Consolidation- (Late Latin consolidatio - from consolido - strengthen), strengthening, strengthening something; unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the fight for common goals.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Consolidation— (consolidation) - 1. A condition of the lungs in which the alveoli in them are filled with fluid secreted by inflamed tissue (for example, in pneumonia). The diagnosis is made based on........
Psychological Encyclopedia

Consolidation- bones (lat. consolidatio strengthening, compaction; Con- + solidus dense, strong, whole) - the process of fusion of damaged bone with the restoration of its integrity, in which .......
Medical encyclopedia

Consolidation— 1. A condition of the lungs in which the alveoli in them fill with fluid secreted by inflamed tissue (for example, with pneumonia). The diagnosis is made on the basis of a blunted........
Medical dictionary

Consolidation- (from Latin consolida-tio - strengthening, connection) - English. consolidation; German Konsolidierung. Strengthening, consolidating, uniting various social networks. forces, groups, organizations to overcome the crisis........
Sociological Dictionary

What is Consolidation? The meaning of the word “Consolidation” in popular dictionaries and encyclopedias, examples of the use of the term in everyday life.

Consolidation – Medical dictionary

1. A condition of the lungs in which the alveoli in them fill with fluid secreted by inflamed tissue (for example, with pneumonia). The diagnosis is made on the basis of a dull sound during percussion, bronchial breathing (see Respiratory sounds), as well as the distribution of shadows on a chest x-ray. 2. The stage of healing of a broken bone after the formation of a callus, when it turns into a whole bone due to osteoblasts.

Consolidation (restructuring) of Public Debt – Economic dictionary

Transformation of short-term and medium-term government debt into long-term, i.e. transfer of upcoming payments to the distant future

Consolidation of Shares – Economic dictionary

In shareholder law, an operation of a joint-stock company, as a result of which two or more outstanding shares of the company are converted into one new share of the same category (type). At the same time, appropriate changes are made to the company's charter regarding the nominal value and number of authorized shares of the company. K. a. carried out by decision of the general meeting of shareholders.

Consolidation of Shares – Legal Dictionary

According to the shareholder law of the Russian Federation, an operation of a joint-stock company, as a result of which two or more outstanding shares of the company are converted into one new share of the same category (type). At the same time, appropriate changes are made to the company's charter regarding the par value and number of authorized shares. K. a. carried out by decision of the general meeting of shareholders.

Consolidation of Shares - Reverse Split – Economic dictionary

The procedure of reducing the number of outstanding shares by increasing the par value of the share. At the same time, the value of all company shares traded on the market does not change. Example: In a 1-for-2 consolidation, the owner of 1,000 shares worth $4 would exchange them for 500 new shares worth $8.

Debt Consolidation – Economic dictionary

extending the duration of a debt or loan by turning them into longer-term or perpetual ones, combining several debts (loans) into a single one with a possible change in the amount of loan (borrowed) interest. Used as a method of managing public debt.

Debt Consolidation – Economic dictionary

Extending the duration of a debt or loan by converting the debt into a longer-term or open-ended one, combining several debts (loans) into a single one with a possible change in the amount of the loan (borrowed) interest. Used as a method of managing public debts.

a concept denoting the process of unification in law, accounting, computer science and economics, as well as the period of market stability before the emergence of a new trend

Consolidation in law, the concept of consolidation, signs of consolidation, types of consolidation, tasks of consolidation, consolidation of statements, procedure for consolidation of reports, consolidation of enterprises, consolidation of data, market consolidation, nature of consolidation, consolidation models

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Consolidation is


Consolidation-This type of systematization of normative acts.

Consolidation is

countries international monetary


Ultimately ends when price breaks below (or above) the boundary and bearish (or bullish) momentum is established.

Consolidation of reporting

The Russian economy has become characterized by the consolidation of business: the creation

Vertical - the association of enterprises of the same industry, but operating at different stages of the production cycle;

Conglomeration is an association of enterprises from various industries. In each of the three cases, consolidation is possible both on the basis of the “daughter-mother” principle and on the terms of creating a holding company.

In the domestic specialized literature there is a rather clumsy attempt by authors to distinguish “types of groups” in a similar way:

- “horizontal group” is a group in which the participation of the parent enterprise in each of its subsidiaries is conditioned by the ownership of more than 50% of their shares (votes);

- “vertical group” is a group in which the parent enterprise controls the capital of the “grandchild” enterprise through its direct subsidiary

such an enterprise;

In a vertical group, the parent company controls not only its subsidiaries, but also its “grandchildren” firms.

- “mixed group” is a group characterized by the presence of sequential-parallel connections between controlling and dependent enterprises.

It seems that such “typing of groups” is absolutely unnecessary theorizing, because vertical or horizontal groups in their pure form occur very rarely and therefore almost all groups fall under “mixed”. In addition, within any group consisting of many enterprises, changes in attitude may constantly occur.

over certain subsidiaries (and “grandchildren”) enterprises, which entails a transition from one “type of group” to another. At the same time, there are no legal or economic consequences for third parties

Thus, the following is carried out: capital consolidation, consolidation of intragroup settlement balances and consolidation of financial results from intragroup transactions.

If we are talking about consolidated statements of a group in which the parent company does not own all the funds of the controlled enterprise(s), i.e. only a certain share in the capital, then in this case, between the first and second of these stages, it becomes necessary to determine the n. minority share. The minority interest in each of the subsidiaries is determined as the product

votes not belonging to the parent company, respectively, to the equity (including net profit/loss) of the subsidiary. In the consolidated balance sheet, the minority interest is reflected in a separate (write-in) “Minority Interest”, and in the income statement, the minority interest in profit/loss is reflected in the line under the same title.

The need for the procedures listed above is explained by the need to eliminate the undesirable effect of “re-accounting”: everything earned through joint efforts is not shown twice in one report. By the presence of such procedures, consolidated reporting differs from consolidated reporting, where only mechanical aggregation of items is assumed.

Who is interested in reporting consolidation?

So, a consolidated report is just an attempt to provide generalized information about the group’s enterprises with a minimum number of indicators. Investors and creditors study consolidated statements instead of studying a pile of disparate reports. But this raises another question: are there really that many investors who invest

to all enterprises of the group at once? Each of them, as a rule, is only interested in the reporting indicators of the enterprise in which his funds are invested. Perhaps, after all, accountants of parent enterprises should not expend so much effort for an insignificant effect? In general, the problem of consolidating reports from the “daughter-mother” group seems to have been created artificially. Moreover, not by those people who should solve this problem for unknown reasons.

It would seem that holding is another matter. Investors (not the founders of the holding) invest their funds in the holding company as a whole, and not in any specific enterprise included in this group. But wouldn’t it be simpler to create a system for notifying investors and borrowers about where, to which group enterprises (and, if necessary, to which programs) the funds of a particular investor were directed? It seems impossible, but with all the complexity of organizing such work, it is no more impossible than drawing up a consolidated report that really reflects the state of affairs in a group of several dozen, a hundred or more enterprises.

In the author's opinion, consolidated reports make no more practical sense than if all 100% state-owned enterprises in one country suddenly decided to draw up a “consolidated group report”, which would not take into account “internal” calculations and, accordingly, debts to each other, and only the results of external (export-import) operations would be recognized as financial results, because there is only one owner - the state.

The value and reliability of the knowledge obtained as a result of business data mining depends not only on the effectiveness of the analytical methods and algorithms used, but also on how correctly the source data for analysis is selected and prepared.

Typically, greenfield business intelligence project managers have to deal with the following situation. Firstly, data in an enterprise is located in various sources of a wide variety of formats and types - in separate office document files (Excel, Word, plain text files), in accounting systems (1C:Enterprise, Parus, etc.), in databases (Oracle, Access, dBase, etc.). Secondly, the data may be redundant or, conversely, insufficient. And thirdly, the data is “dirty”, that is, it contains factors that interfere with its correct processing and analysis (gaps, anomalous values, duplicates and contradictions).

Before working directly with the data, they need to be put in order.

Data consolidation is the initial stage of any analytical task or project. Consolidation is based on the process of collecting and organizing data storage in a form that is optimal from the point of view of its processing on a specific analytical platform or solving a specific analytical problem. Related tasks of consolidation are assessing data quality and enriching it.

Data sources

The key concept of consolidation is the data source - an object containing structured data that can be useful for solving an analytical problem. It is necessary that the analytical platform used can access data from this object directly or after it has been converted to another format. Otherwise, it is obvious that the object cannot be considered a data source.

Searching, entering and editing data, as a rule, has to be done by customers of analytical solutions

Main tasks of data consolidation

In the process of data consolidation, the following tasks are solved:

Selecting data sources;

Development of a consolidation strategy;

Data quality assessment;



Transfer to data warehouse.

First, sources containing data that may be relevant to the problem being solved are selected, then the type of sources and methods for organizing access to them are determined. In this regard, three main approaches to organizing data storage can be distinguished.

Data stored in separate (local) files, such as delimited text files, Word documents, Excel documents, etc. This kind of source can be any file in which data is organized in the form of columns and records. Columns must be typed, that is, they must contain data of the same type, for example, only text or only numeric. The advantage of such sources is that they can be created and edited using simple and popular office applications, working with which does not require special training from staff. The disadvantages include the fact that they are not always optimal in terms of speed of access, compactness of data presentation and support of their structural integrity. For example, nothing prevents the user of a spreadsheet processor from placing data of different types (numeric and text) in one column, which will subsequently inevitably lead to problems when processing them in an analytical application.

Databases (DBs) of various DBMSs, such as Oracle, SQL Server, Firebird, dBase, FoxPro, Access, etc. Database files better maintain the integrity of the data structure, since the type and properties of their fields are strictly specified when constructing tables. However, creating and administering a database requires specialists with a higher level of training than for working with popular office applications.

Specialized data warehouses (DW) are the most preferred solution, since their structure and functioning are specifically optimized for working with the analytical platform. Most data warehouses provide high speed data exchange with analytical applications and automatically maintain data integrity and consistency. The main advantage of a data warehouse over other types of data sources is the presence of a semantic layer, which gives the user the opportunity to operate with domain terms to form analytical queries to the storage.

When developing a data consolidation strategy, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the location of data sources - local, when they are located on the same PC as the analytical application, or remote, if the sources are accessible only through a local or global computer network. The nature of the location of data sources can significantly affect the quality of the collected data (loss of fragments, inconsistency in the time of their update, inconsistency, etc.).

Another important task that needs to be solved as part of consolidation is assessing the quality of data in terms of their suitability for processing using various analytical algorithms and methods. In most cases, the source data is “dirty”, that is, it contains factors that do not allow them to be analyzed correctly, to detect hidden structures and patterns, to establish connections between data elements, and to perform other actions that may be required to obtain an analytical solution. These factors include input errors, omissions, anomalous values, noise, inconsistencies, etc. Therefore, before starting to analyze data, it is necessary to assess its quality and compliance with the requirements of the analytical platform. If during the quality assessment process factors are identified that do not allow certain analytical methods to be applied correctly to the data, it is necessary to perform appropriate data cleaning.

Another operation that may be necessary when consolidating data is their enrichment. Enrichment allows for more efficient

make effective use of consolidated data. It must be used in cases where the data contains insufficient information to satisfactorily solve a particular analysis problem. Data enrichment allows you to increase their information richness and, as a result, their significance for solving an analytical problem.

The place of consolidation in the overall process of data analysis can be represented in the form of a block diagram

The consolidation procedure is based on the ETL (extraction, transformation, loading) process. The ETL process solves the problem of extracting data from various types of sources, transforming it into a form suitable for storage in a specific structure, and loading it into the appropriate database or data warehouse. If the analyst has doubts about the quality and information content of the source data, then, if necessary, he can use procedures for assessing their quality, cleaning or enrichment, which are also components of the data consolidation process. From data sources of all listed levels, information in accordance with some regulations must be moved to the data warehouse. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that data is downloaded from sources, converted to a form that corresponds to the structure of the data warehouse, and, if necessary, enriched and cleaned.


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Consolidation- This is the second most complex type of systematization after codification. As noted above, consolidation has recently become the subject of scientific research. And there are good reasons for this. Consolidation- this is the combination of many legal acts on one or more related issues into one new legal act. An example of a consolidated normative act is the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans,” which combines several hundred regulations that established social benefits for this category of citizens. The authors of the Law organized the material according to a very simple scheme: they identified categories of veterans and listed social support measures for each category. The law was created quite quickly and significantly made it easier for veterans to use the rules of law. Recently in Russia, the border between codification and consolidation has become even more blurred. Sometimes the legislator calls the law a code, but in fact it is a purely consolidated act. An example is the Water Code of the Russian Federation, where many acts on water use are mechanically arranged according to the following scheme: ownership of water bodies, management in the field of their use and protection, use of water bodies and dispute resolution. The fact that it contains a chapter containing general provisions does not change the matter. Of course, we cannot make a tragedy out of this. It just once again forces us to reconsider the possibilities of codification. Technical and legal rules of consolidation. Rules are quite specific and reflect, first of all, its legal nature as primarily a type of law-making activity: not only normative acts, but also acts of interpretation (in particular, decisions of higher courts), as well as law enforcement acts (reviews of judicial practice) can be subject to consolidation; in a consolidated act Acts not only of the same level can be combined, but also those relating to different sources of law. Thus, the Federal Law “On Veterans” combined benefits established by various types of regulations, but having a federal source of funding. True, many questions arise in connection with the loss of legal force of acts included in the enlarged act. They are completely solvable, but according to the rules of legal technology relating to the publication and entry into force of normative acts; consolidation is carried out in relation to rapidly changing spheres of public life: where life requires immediate improvement of the rules of law, their clarification, modification, abolition (the sphere of education, information technologies, etc.); legal documents that have become the object of consolidation must, at a minimum, regulate issues of a related nature. A strict requirement for their homogeneity, as in codification, is not put forward here; the consolidated act, unlike the codified one, does not establish new legal regulations. The content of legal regulation remains the same; legal regulations transferred from the merged acts will be placed in a certain sequence. Their arrangement is the know-how of the creators of the consolidated act; Giving integrity to an act also requires the use of the following law-making rules:

  • logical (elimination of outdated provisions, contradictions, duplication, unjustified lengths; combining norms that are similar in content into one article, paragraph, etc.);
  • linguistic (text checking for the purpose of unifying terminology, style, etc.);
  • the consolidated act acquires its own details, accordingly, previous acts lose not only their details, but also their legal force;
  • consolidation is mainly of an official nature. Of course, no one can be refused to draw up a draft normative act or a single document from the many regulating a certain range of issues, decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. But this will be a document for individual use. With regard to case law reviews, these documents can be drafted by anyone and will relate to informal consolidation;
  • acts of consolidation are generally binding on the addressees. This cannot be said about private reviews of judicial practice;
  • The consolidation process should consist of two parts:
  • carrying out all incorporation operations. They provide a sound basis for creating a consolidated act;
  • carrying out law-making operations aimed at external processing of the combined legal regulations.

The word "consolidation" is often used in modern life. It usually means to unite or strengthen something. Let's look at what consolidation is and how this term can be applied.

Meaning of the word

Consolidation is:

  • according to the Encyclopedic Dictionary - strengthening, strengthening or unifying individuals, groups or organizations that have common goals;
  • according to the business dictionary, it is a credit operation associated with the conversion of short-term debt obligations into longer-term ones. Also, consolidation is the pooling of financial resources of individual companies. This word is sometimes used to describe the method used by an accountant in preparing a balance sheet;
  • according to the financial dictionary, this is the stabilization of the exchange rate, necessary after its rise or fall.

Use of the word

The word "consolidation" is used in the following terms:

  • Pulmonary consolidation, which is a thickening of lung tissue;
  • fracture consolidation is a phenomenon that represents the fusion of bones;
  • cargo consolidation - grouping of material assets provided by several suppliers for shipment by one transport. This scheme allows you to reduce costs;
  • sample consolidation - a change in the shape of the material due to the application of force;
  • disk space consolidation is another name for defragmentation.

Now you know what consolidation is, and you can use any meaning of this word during a conversation.