Pediatric ophthalmology. Appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist How to choose an eye clinic in Russia for treatment - what to look for when choosing

A pediatric ophthalmologist examines eye diseases and corrects vision in children from birth, observing children and adolescents up to 18 years of age. Such specialists treat not only acquired but also congenital eye pathologies. The doctor relieves myopia, strabismus and farsightedness. The ophthalmologist stabilizes color perception, eliminates styes and conjunctivitis. At the appointment, the doctor examines the eyes with or without special instruments, checks vision using tables and tests. Consultations with this doctor are required upon admission to school or kindergarten.

What symptoms should I contact?

You should make an appointment with a doctor if your child’s vision deteriorates, the eyelids are swollen, or if there is double vision, watery eyes, pain in the eyes, itching or burning.

Be sure to take your child to see a doctor if you notice that he:

  • does not focus clearly on an object;
  • squints his eyes when trying to look at a thing in the distance or near;
  • complains about the image being “blurry”;
  • does not remember visual images well;
  • squints with one or both eyes;
  • rubs eyes with hands;
  • suffers from recurrent conjunctivitis;
  • injured, burned or brought a foreign body into the eye.

Consult a doctor immediately if you notice cloudiness, whitish spots, or excessive tearing in your baby’s eyes.

Where to find a good children's ophthalmologist in Moscow?

The best pediatric ophthalmologists in Moscow are collected in our pediatric referral service. Doctors' cards are presented with a full resume, including information about education, qualifications and experience. The service offers an objective rating of doctors based on patient reviews. On our website you can find reviews about children's ophthalmologists in Moscow and make a choice in favor of a specific doctor. The ophthalmologists presented here use the best innovative methods for treating myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism in childhood and adolescence. Registration is usually paid, especially for experienced ophthalmologists, but there are also young specialists whose cost of an initial consultation is much lower, or it is completely free. You can make an appointment with a doctor online or by calling our helpline. Contact us, we can recommend a good pediatric ophthalmologist in Moscow and make an appointment for your child as close to home as possible!

A pediatric ophthalmologist specializes in the treatment of pathologies of the visual system. If you notice that your child perceives the outside world differently than you, or he has difficulty mastering the surrounding space, this is a reason to contact an ophthalmologist. The sooner problems that arise are detected, the easier it is to correct them, curing eye disease.

Prices for pediatric ophthalmologist services

Diseases treated by a pediatric ophthalmologist

  • Lazy eye syndrome, where only one eye actually works.
  • Myopia is a disorder of far vision.
  • Farsightedness is a disorder of near vision.
  • Strabismus is a deviation of the visual axes of the eyes (or one eye) from the point of fixation.
  • Astigmatism is a visual pathology caused by an irregular shape of the cornea or lens.
  • Corneal erosion is damage to the epithelium.
  • Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and eyelids.
  • Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids.
  • Barley is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle.
  • Inflammation of the iris.
  • Dystrophy of the cornea and retina.
  • Tired eyes syndrome and “computer disease” are a consequence of excessive use of gadgets.
  • injuries.

Reasons to contact a pediatric ophthalmologist

  1. It seems to you that the child, playing with the toy, does not see it or cannot examine it.
  2. The baby squints and looks around with one eye.
  3. The child often bumps into objects, and the reason does not lie in absent-mindedness.
  4. There is definitely something wrong with the student’s handwriting: he writes between the lines, does not fit into the boxes, etc. At the same time, the child has problems reading: he has difficulty and/or does not always manage to recognize the text.
  5. Your baby began to experience discomfort during daylight hours, he began to complain of pain, pain, burning in the eyes.
  6. It is difficult for a child to focus his vision: he sees double, and the world around him is seen through a veil.
  7. The baby's pupils are of different diameters.
  8. The eye turned red, and a network of dilated capillaries appeared on the sclera.
  9. The child's eyelids regularly swell.
  10. Due to vision problems of unknown etiology, the minor often has a headache.
  11. The child feels the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

All these conditions are reversible. A pediatric ophthalmologist working in our paid family clinic will help you resolve the issue in a matter of days: without nerves, tiring waiting in lines and spending on unnecessary medications. We recommend only those modern methods of therapy that:

  1. have proven their effectiveness;
  2. suitable for the diagnosis;
  3. financially accessible to the average Muscovite.

How often should I contact a paid pediatric ophthalmologist?

According to national healthcare standards, in the first year of a child’s life, an ophthalmologist must conduct diagnostics three times: at 1, 6 and 12 months.

You also need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist for children when preparing documents to attend kindergarten and school.

During each school year, even if the child has no complaints, he must be examined at least once by an ophthalmologist to monitor the quality of vision. If you experience any ailments that fall within the competence of an eye specialist, you should urgently seek his help.

The services of a pediatric ophthalmologist at the LEKON clinic are paid. At the same time, their high quality justifies the investment, because we do not work for show, but actually help young patients.

Some people experience problems with vision loss at a certain age, while others have it since birth. Wearing glasses is not always convenient or useful. In addition, they do not have a therapeutic effect, but only help in some situations. Modern medicine offers unique vision correction procedures using innovative equipment. Other more serious eye diseases require immediate treatment (such as cataracts and glaucoma). In Moscow there are several popular centers specializing specifically in eye diseases. They employ the best specialists who will determine the cause, make a diagnosis and provide effective treatment. Here you can immediately take tests and undergo a full ophthalmological examination using the latest equipment. To choose a reliable eye clinic, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Specialists. The result of any procedure or operation primarily depends on the professionalism of the doctor. You should choose a center only with specialists whom you can trust with your health. Many clinics employ professors and doctors of science with extensive experience.
  2. Services. The list of procedures offered in different clinics may vary greatly. Almost all of them perform laser vision correction, remove cataracts, get rid of glaucoma and provide ophthalmological consultations. The rarest diseases are usually treated only in large clinics.
  3. Price. Of course, this point is no less important. Depending on the popularity of the clinic, its location, level, the price of some services varies. Each ophthalmology center has its own website, which often contains a price list. When choosing a clinic, be sure to read it.
  4. Equipment. The painlessness of eye surgery often depends on the equipment of the clinic. The newer and more modern the equipment, the more reliable the result will be. The best centers work only on the best devices.

We found out which eye clinics are considered the best in Moscow. When compiling the rating, several characteristics were taken into account:

  • qualifications of specialists;
  • list of ophthalmological services;
  • patient reviews;
  • price list;
  • operating mode.

Top 10 eye clinics in Moscow

10 Clear Eyes

The best children's eye clinic
On the map: Moscow, st. Chasovaya, house 25
Rating (2019): 4.5

“Clear Gaze” is a clinic with unique methods of treating eye diseases in children from birth to 18 years of age. She was included in the rating due to her features. Here you can get highly qualified help from the best pediatric ophthalmologists even with the most severe diseases of the visual organs. There is a whole network of such centers in Russia, 8 of which are located in different areas of Moscow. Innovative treatment methods allow you to achieve excellent results in a short time. Another important feature of the center is the equipment of diagnostic laboratories. They house the most modern equipment, which allows them to comprehensively examine the patient and make a diagnosis with great accuracy.
In clinics, appointments are by appointment (by phone or on the website). Each of them has different opening hours, but most often open from 9 am to 8 pm daily. The cost of an initial examination by a doctor is 2,480 rubles. Children with disabilities are given a 15% discount, and large families 5%. Promotions are regularly held online, for example, free consultations with specialists. Advantages: the best pediatric specialists, effective treatment, modern techniques, comfortable conditions, promotions and discounts. Disadvantages: high cost of services.

9 Eye Center “Vostok-Ozrenie”

Your own mobile operating unit
On the map: Moscow, B. Tishinsky per., 38
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Vostok-Prozrenie eye clinic is distinguished by a high level of services provided and a large number of satisfied patients. They say that in the center you can quickly and efficiently undergo diagnostics, treatment and get advice from a good qualified doctor. Many specialists are involved in the direct development of the latest techniques in the field of ophthalmology. “East-Epiphany” will help to cope with the following problems: strabismus, keratoconus, glaucoma, retinal tears, farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism.
An important feature of the center is a mobile operating unit, which allows for a wide variety of assistance in “field” conditions. The clinic is open all week except Sunday from 9.00 to 21.00. This allows people who work a standard schedule to easily receive consultations and treatment on any day. Surgical intervention is carried out by the best specialists using top-class equipment. Advantages: mobile operating unit, excellent doctors, quality care, effective solution to vision problems, pediatric treatment, advanced technologies.

8 Multidisciplinary ophthalmological center

Ideal price-quality ratio
On the map: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, building 123
Rating (2019): 4.6

The next position in the ranking was taken by the “Multidisciplinary Ophthalmological Center”, which is distinguished by accessible, highly qualified care. Prices for services are close to the minimum in Moscow, and they provide treatment to people of any age (even children) with a wide variety of eye diseases. The clinic corrects strabismus, provides assistance with problems with the cornea, performs vitreoretinal surgery and various other operations. The center complies with international standards, uses the latest equipment and uses innovative technologies (for example, they do laser vision correction ReLEx Smile).
Domestic ophthalmologists, surgeons, as well as specialists from abroad (mainly from Germany) work here. The high qualifications of each of them allow us to obtain the most effective comprehensive treatment of eye diseases. Opening hours: Mon-Sat from 10 to 19 and Sunday from 10 to 15. Advantages: optimal prices, professional assistance, full range of services, effective techniques, the best equipment from global manufacturers, excellent patient reviews.

7 Center for Effective Ophthalmology Ilyinskaya

Treatment of rare diseases, online registration
On the map: Moscow, Cherepanov proezd 32
Rating (2019): 4.6

"Center for Effective Ophthalmology" Dr. Ilyinskaya M.V. Conducts comprehensive diagnostics and treatment of both common and rare diseases. Here they use an academic approach, which allows us to establish the root cause of problems with the visual organs. The clinic performs surgical interventions by surgeons of the highest category. The main directions are the effective treatment of cataracts, retinal pathologies, inflammation, as well as vision correction. The center is divided into two departments: “Treatment of Demodex” and “Stop Cataracts”.

Consultations and treatment are carried out by doctors with extensive experience. The center is open from Monday to Friday from 9 to 21, on Saturday from 10 to 16. Here you can purchase high-quality optics. For convenience, the clinic also has other important specialists in the field of cardiology, neurology, etc. The cost of services is above average. A consultation with an ophthalmologist costs 1,500 rubles. Pros: effective treatment of demodex and other diseases, online appointment booking, modern equipment, good specialists, unlimited patient appointment time. Cons: expensive.

6 Ophthalmological Center of Dr. Zinoviev “Ten Lines”

The best prices
On the map: Moscow region, Lyubertsy, Gagarin Avenue, 26, bldg. 2
Rating (2019): 4.7

The private clinic “Ten Lines” was opened by an ophthalmic surgeon of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences S.A. Zinoviev. It provides a full range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of eye diseases. An important feature of the center is the sutureless cataract removal procedure. It has a full-fledged laboratory for ophthalmoergonomics and vision protection. Among the clinic's services, the following are especially highlighted: laser correction, treatment of amblyopia, retinal pathologies, strabismus, and injuries. At “Ten Lines” they carry out a full comprehensive diagnosis and do optical tomography.
The specialists are highly qualified, have extensive experience, and have various scientific degrees in medicine. The center is open on weekdays from 10.00 to 19.00, and on Saturdays until 15.00. Surgical treatment is carried out by the head of the clinic, Dr. Zinoviev. Prices are low, for example, a consultation with an ophthalmologist costs only 500 rubles. Pensioners can receive treatment at a discount. Main advantages: best prices, experienced doctors, seamless surgery, convenient operating hours, good reviews, discounts. Cons: inconvenient location.

5 Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Modern developments, the latest equipment
On the map: Moscow, st. Rossolimo, 11 buildings A and B
Rating (2019): 4.7

The next line in the ranking is occupied by one of the largest ophthalmological centers in the country - the Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. It has been operating successfully since 1973. Many years of experience in treating various eye diseases, combined with the latest techniques and technologies, allow us to achieve the best results. Highly qualified specialists, including one Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 22 doctors of medicine. Sciences, 12 professors, help get rid of a variety of vision problems. They help with diseases of the retina, sclera, cornea, refractive errors, glaucoma, cataracts, and also carry out ultrasound diagnostics, X-rays, fluorescence antiography, etc.

In the clinic, you can cure a child’s pathology and correct his vision using modern devices. All prices are quite affordable. The list of services provided by the center is very large - over 500 different items. The clinic is open only on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Appointments can be made by phone or online. Advantages: solving problems in the field of ophthalmology, the latest developments, modern equipment, convenient website, online registration, excellent high-level specialists with extensive experience, affordable prices. Disadvantages: closed on weekends.

4 Institute of Eye Diseases named after. Helmholtz

Carrying out the most complex operations
On the map: Moscow, Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya st. 14/19
Rating (2019): 4.8

Another popular ophthalmological center among Moscow residents is the Institute of Eye Diseases named after. Helmholtz." Equipped with modern equipment, the clinic provides assistance even to patients with the most serious eye diseases (trauma, oncology, retinal detachment, retinopathy, inflammation, glaucoma). In addition, laser vision correction, seamless removal of cataracts and papillomas are performed here. The operations are performed by the best surgeons in the country. Among the center’s specialists are 39 doctors of science, 11 honored doctors of the Russian Federation, 17 professors.
When visiting, you can undergo a full examination at a reasonable price, as well as receive high-quality treatment. The Institute successfully solves problems in the field of ophthalmology and introduces innovative techniques. Patients include people of all ages (from newborns to the elderly). Open Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 15.00. There are 8 buildings on the territory, some of which have inpatient beds. Main advantages: complex operations, experienced specialists, introduction of innovations, many positive reviews about the clinic. Cons: inconvenient operating mode.

3 MNTK Eye Microsurgery named after S. Fedorov

Experienced specialists, treatment of severe eye diseases
On the map: Moscow, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 59a
Rating (2019): 4.8

“Eye Microsurgery”, a center founded back in 1986, has successfully treated over 5 million people from various ophthalmological diseases. The clinic accepts patients with severe eye pathology, who receive effective treatment from real professionals. The main difference between the clinic is that it conducts research and implements the latest techniques in the field of ophthalmology. They are aimed at achieving the best results in a short time. The center provides assistance to both adults and children (from 6 months). Our specialists have extensive experience in performing operations even in the most severe cases.
At MNTK they carry out laser vision correction procedures, therapeutic and surgical treatment (eye diabetes, astigmatism, retinal detachment, tumor, corneal disease, etc.). The center provides the opportunity for free visits and treatment under the compulsory medical insurance policy. Open on weekdays from 8.30 to 17. Advantages: doctors of the highest category, carrying out complex operations, effectiveness of treatment, innovative techniques, accepting children from 6 months. Cons: not open on weekends.

2 Clinic of Dr. Shilova

Large list of services provided
On the map: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 123
Rating (2019): 4.9

This clinic was opened in 2007 by the famous ophthalmic surgeon, specialist of the highest category, T.Yu. Shilova. Doctors of medical sciences work here, specialists with extensive experience in various operations, who can quickly identify the problem and provide qualified assistance to solve it. The clinic treats retinal pathology, optic nerve atrophy, cornea transplants, and even performs cosmetic surgeries (eyelid lifts). An important feature is rapid laboratory diagnostics.
Accepted by specialists by appointment. The center is open from 10 to 19 from Monday to Saturday and from 10 to 15 on Sunday. Professional equipment from the famous brand “Carl Zeiss” is used. The examination here takes place in a short time and without queues. Main advantages: complex operations, treatment of a large number of eye diseases, highly qualified doctors, comprehensive eye examination, modern equipment, excellent reviews. Disadvantages: high cost.

1 Moscow Eye Clinic

Convenient work schedule, the most popular in Moscow
On the map: Moscow, Semenovsky lane, 11
Rating (2019): 4.9

“Moscow Eye Clinic” is the most popular in Moscow and the leader of many ratings. It provides comfortable visiting conditions and real assistance from the best specialists. You can make an appointment at a convenient time in advance by phone or on the website, but in an emergency, the patient will be able to quickly get an appointment without an appointment. An important feature of the clinic is the minimal time spent, which is ensured thanks to the proper organization of the doctors’ work. During one visit, they carry out all the necessary procedures that allow them to find the cause of the problem.
Here you can not only undergo a complete eye examination, but also undergo surgery using the latest equipment. Famous city surgeons are employees of the center. Among the list of services, the following are considered the most popular: low-traumatic cataract removal, hardware treatment, laser treatment of glaucoma and vision correction. The clinic is open seven days a week from 9 am to 9 pm. Advantages: convenient working hours, the best specialists, the latest equipment, well-thought-out organization of visits, carrying out important operations, accessible assistance, minimal time costs.

    full range of diagnostic techniques;

    individual vision training programs (Eye-training program), allowing you to correct visual impairment due to strabismus, astigmatism and other pathologies;

    modern therapeutic and surgical methods for treating amblyopia, strabismus and myopia.

A pediatric ophthalmologist (pediatric ophthalmologist) deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the visual organs in children.

Eyes are one of the main human sense organs. With their help, a child learns about the world from the first days of life and receives up to 90% of information. In childhood, the development of the visual organs occurs very quickly. And in order to avoid possible complications and problems in the future, it is extremely important to promptly detect the presence of a particular pathology and prescribe adequate treatment. A pediatric ophthalmologist is on the list of those doctors whose regular visits, including for preventive purposes, are necessary for every child from the moment of birth.

Reasons for visiting a pediatric ophthalmologist

    parents note a deterioration in the child’s vision (the child brings small objects close to his eyes, comes close to the TV, at school he has difficulty reading from the board or gets tired easily when reading books);

  • Diagnostic methods

    Among the diagnostic methods used by pediatric ophthalmologists at the EMC clinic in Moscow:

      ophthalmoscopy (examination of the fundus and eyeball using a special lens);

      visometry (determining visual acuity);

      skiascopy and keratorefractometry (diagnosis of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism);

      study of binocular vision;

      iridology (diagnosis of hereditary diseases);

      biomicroscopy (examination of the eyeball and eyelids under a microscope to identify chronic inflammation, the risk of developing glaucoma or eye fatigue and dryness);

      tonometry (measurement of pressure inside the eyes).

    Eye-Training hardware and software complex

    The EMC Children's Clinic has a modern hardware and software complex for the diagnosis and treatment of binocular and stereoscopic vision disorders (Eye-Training).

    Eye-training program is a program aimed at training “lazy” eyes and increasing visual acuity, which a children's ophthalmologist conducts in a fun, playful way for the child. Thanks to this technique, the balance of visual images between the eyes during strabismus is also restored, the stability of fixation is increased, and deep vision is trained.

    Treatment of strabismus in children

    The specialists at the EMC Children's Clinic also have extensive experience in solving the problem of strabismus. Depending on the cause of its appearance, the pediatric ophthalmologist draws up an individual treatment program.

    Strabismus, which appears in the first months of a child’s life, is usually associated with complicated pregnancy and childbirth. Sometimes the cause is congenital pathologies: various inflammatory eye diseases. In other cases, strabismus (usually convergent) may be associated with high farsightedness. Prevention of this type of disease is early diagnosis of refractive pathology (farsightedness or astigmatism), as well as timely correction with glasses; pleoptic and orthoptic treatment can be prescribed.

    If conservative therapy does not bring the desired result, the pediatric ophthalmologist may recommend surgical correction of strabismus, after which therapeutic treatment is resumed.

    Ophthalmologists at the EMC Children's Clinic have extensive experience in surgical treatment of children from an early age, which can significantly reduce the time of surgery and rehabilitation after surgery. The clinic's anesthesiologists use special children's devices and medications to ensure the softest and safest medicated sleep.

    Consultation with a pediatric ophthalmologist

    First examination by an ophthalmologist

    It is important for parents to remember that many eye diseases do not have pronounced symptoms, and only a competent pediatrician can make an accurate diagnosis.

    The first eye examination is usually carried out in the maternity hospital - in the first days of the baby's life. If this does not happen, it is necessary to consult a pediatric ophthalmologist within the first month. During the examination, the pediatric ophthalmologist will first perform a biomicroscopy of the eye: check the condition of the eyelids and tear ducts, examine the conjunctiva (thin transparent tissue covering the outside of the eye), cornea and lens. The pediatric ophthalmologist will also check for congenital anomalies (strabismus, glaucoma, cataracts, etc.) that require immediate treatment. An examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist at the EMC clinic also includes an assessment of the condition of the fundus using ophthalmoscopy.

    Visits to an ophthalmologist up to a year

    In the absence of any pathologies, a return visit to the pediatric ophthalmologist is recommended after 6 months, and then after a year. During this period, the child’s eyes actively develop, refraction is established (farsightedness, astigmatism, congenital myopia or anisometropia - “different eyes”), and conducting an examination at this age is extremely important for maintaining high quality vision in the future.

    Examination by an ophthalmologist at 2.5-3 years

    The next visit to a pediatric ophthalmologist at the clinic is required at the age of 2.5–3 years, when the child develops. This is the age at which the development of concomitant strabismus is possible, therefore, a determination of the nature of vision and the reserve of accommodation is added to the usual examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist in the clinic. In most cases, it is the early detection of refractive errors and the prescription of effective treatment that prevents the development of strabismus.

    Annual ophthalmologist examination

    Further throughout your life, an examination by an ophthalmologist must be carried out annually. At the age of 7–14, many children develop myopia, and timely therapeutic measures will help reduce the rate of vision deterioration. At the age of 13–20, changes in hormonal levels and increased eye strain can cause headaches and eye pain due to the presence of astigmatism - only a pediatric ophthalmologist can help in this situation. The EMC clinic has all the necessary equipment to provide quality treatment.

    Only an experienced and competent pediatric ophthalmologist can correct the above and many other vision problems. Moscow is currently at the forefront of scientific and medical advances. Specialists at the EMC Children's Clinic actively collaborate and regularly exchange experience with colleagues from Western European countries, therefore diagnosis and treatment at the European Medical Center are carried out in accordance with generally accepted international practice.

The interindustry scientific and technical complex (INTK) “Eye Microsurgery” needs no introduction. Over 30 years, 7 million people have been cured here, and more than 19 million patients have received full examination and conservative therapy! Within the walls of the Complex, 280 thousand operations are carried out per year. 85% of the total volume of surgical care consists of operations of the highest category of complexity.

The children's department uses advanced innovative methods for diagnosing and treating eye diseases. Every year, the pediatric surgical department performs more than 20,000 surgical interventions on children for various forms of diseases. The clinic pays special attention to working with premature babies. Over the past 10 years, MNTK has examined a total of more than 12 thousand premature babies at risk of developing retinopathy, and performed more than 1.8 thousand laser and surgical interventions.

FSBI "Moscow Scientific Research Institute of GB named after. Helmholtz" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

One of the most famous ophthalmological clinics in the country annually admits more than 2,000 children with various eye pathologies, ranging from congenital or acquired cataracts and glaucoma to cancer and myopia.

At the same time, you can be sure that the child will be in good hands: the institute employs 39 doctors of science, 17 professors and 11 honored doctors of Russia.

Moscow Eye Clinic

The Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology of the Moscow Eye Clinic is known for its experienced doctors and the latest treatment methods, based on the developments of leading research centers and its own methods.

The center specializes in the treatment of such common diseases as myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, strabismus and amblyopia, pathologies of the fundus, optic nerve, etc.

Hardware techniques are widely used here, which give good results in the treatment of strabismus and amblyopia, progressive myopia, pathologies of the optic nerve and retina. In most cases, when performing surgical interventions, the operation is carried out in a one-day mode, after which the child can return home.

Pediatric ophthalmology clinics "Excimer KIDS"

Myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, amblyopia (“lazy eye”), strabismus, congenital cataracts and glaucoma, problems with the retina - this is not a complete list of the problems that Excimer children’s ophthalmologists successfully solve. The clinic has selected a good range of medical and diagnostic equipment, which allows you to determine the state of the child’s visual system and create an individual prevention or treatment program for each. At the same time, specialists help children of all ages - from infants to teenagers.

Center for Vision Restoration at the State Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

No medical gowns and frighteningly white walls - in the center, operating on the basis of the authoritative Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, treatment is turned into a game. Here they know how to find an approach to each patient, and therapy is based on many years of experience, the use of proprietary techniques and the most modern equipment. The center uses the latest hardware treatment methods, including phototherapy, magnetic stimulation, laser stimulation and much more.

The clinic employs world-famous ophthalmologists. Thus, the scientific director of the center is the director of the State Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Eduardovich Avetisov.

Children's eye clinics "Yasny Vzor"

This network of clinics was founded by Igor Erikovich Aznauryan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, pediatric eye surgeon, author of numerous publications and innovative techniques. During his practice, he performed more than 20,000 operations, the effectiveness of which is 95%, and in the remaining 5% there is significant improvement.

At Clear Eyes, myopia, astigmatism, strabismus, nystagmus and lacrimal duct diseases are treated. They treat farsightedness, childhood cataracts, ptosis and many other problems. For treatment, they use their own unique methods developed by the clinic’s specialists and guarantee results.

In total, 9 clinics are open in Moscow (1 operates in Kaliningrad), as well as 2 surgical hospitals in Russia.

Clinic "Family Doctor"

If you believe the reviews of patients, the multidisciplinary clinics “Family Doctor” have a good children's ophthalmology department. Qualified doctors will conduct studies (from visometry and computer perimetry to skiascopy and determination of color perception), make a diagnosis and give appropriate recommendations. If you wish, you can call a doctor at home.

As for manipulations, the Family Doctor performs probing of the lacrimal ducts, hardware treatment of myopia, astigmatism and amblyopia, and also removes eyelid tumors.
