Children's ENT doctor. How to protect your child from ENT diseases: advice from an otolaryngologist Treatment of ENT diseases in children

In fact, the difference is big. Children have a number of features in the structure of the ENT organs. And for each age category they are individual. Therefore, those diseases that occur in newborn babies are no longer scary for schoolchildren. We talk about ENT diseases in children of different ages, their specificity and danger.

Newborns and early childhood

If an adult blows into his ear, he will “get off” with otitis media, but in a newborn everything will immediately become inflamed! Why do you think? Weak immunity kids? Not only. It's also a matter of anatomical structure. Eustachian tube child - how open window, it allows the infection to pass through the ears unhindered and spread to neighboring areas: sinuses, throat. This route of infection is called tubar.

The structural features also explain the fact that young children (under 3 years old) have their own specific diseases.


Inflammation of the ear extending to the mastoid process. In children under 2 years of age, these structures located in temporal bone, are not isolated from each other. The transition of inflammation to the mastoid process is dangerous because from here the process can go further - into cranium. Therefore, if there is inflammation of the area behind the ear, fever, pus from the ear, indigestion, or tearfulness of the baby, immediately call a doctor.

Congenital stridor

A disease that is associated with abnormalities of the trachea or larynx. It manifests itself as noisy, heavy breathing in a child, especially when crying or having a cold. Associated with the structural features of the hammer, incus, and labyrinth of the ear.

As these structures “mature”, the disease disappears (usually by 3 years). But throughout this period, ENT supervision is necessary. Sometimes the disease requires surgical intervention.

Preschool and school period

If in young children certain structures of the ear (labyrinth, malleus, incus) are partially composed of them cartilage tissue, then by the age of 3 their ossification already occurs. The processes of isolating the ear, nose and throat are in full swing, so inflammatory processes are no longer so fatal. However, another problem arises - a clash of immunity with various infections, when baby is coming to kindergarten or school.

Frequent illnesses weaken the immune system, and this is fertile ground for the development of ENT diseases. What diseases do preschoolers and primary schoolchildren “love”? Surely you yourself know many of them.


This is an inflammation of the tonsils of the pharynx, tongue or palate caused by streptococci. Normally, the tonsils should protect against viruses. But against the background of immunodeficiency, the body often cannot cope. Swelling occurs in the pharynx area, which is often accompanied by purulent ulcers. A complication is chronic tonsillitis, when the tonsils constantly become inflamed and fester.


This is the process of proliferation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil (not inflammatory). Adenoids are formations similar in structure to coffee beans. Complications include difficulty breathing. May occur oxygen starvation brain, which leads to developmental delays. On late stages asymmetry of the face and chest occurs.

Allergic rhinitis

One of the most common allergic diseases in children. Expressed by nasal congestion, runny nose. Its sources usually need to be looked for at home. These are dust, household chemicals, pets, feathers, food, etc. If the source is not identified and this phenomenon is ignored, it will flow into chronic form.

Otitis and sinusitis

Ear inflammation in preschool children and school age is fraught with hearing loss and mastoiditis (affects the mastoid process).

Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) in children develops against the background of viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, oropharynx).

Both diseases can become chronic. But their main danger in the development of meningitis is inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord.

False croup

An infectious disease characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea. Recognize false croup possible by barking cough, noisy breathing, hoarse voice. Occurs in children 1–5 years old. In case of complications, all of the above diseases can be associated with croup. In addition, the infection can “go down” from the upper respiratory tract to the lungs.

ENT diseases in adolescents

The ENT organs of adolescents have already been formed, and the immune system has become resistant to various infections. It would seem that parents can breathe out calmly. But you still need to visit a specialist for preventive purposes. This is especially true for boys, because they have such a disease as...

Juvenile angiofibroma of the nasopharynx

Develops during puberty. Essentially this is benign tumor. But its insidiousness is that it can grow, affecting nearby tissues and blood vessels. And this affects vision, hearing, smell, and breathing. Manifested by bleeding, headache, facial asymmetry. The disease can only be treated surgically.

Urgently see an ENT specialist: alarming symptoms

It is important to carry out treatment of childhood ENT diseases in a timely manner. Children are characterized by a rapid increase in symptoms and rapid progression of complications. Therefore, if you notice painful symptoms in your child, do not delay visiting a doctor. Which ones are the most dangerous?

  • a sharp increase in temperature and pain in the throat, ear, nose;
  • noisy breathing, hearing loss;
  • constant nasal congestion and thin, watery snot;
  • viscous yellow-green nasal discharge;
  • ear congestion, lumbago, ringing in the ear;
  • behind-the-ear inflammation, purulent discharge from the ears;
  • ulceration of the oral cavity;
  • swelling and severe redness oropharynx;
  • in newborns - moodiness, digestive disorders, bad dream, ear tearing.

Treatment of ENT diseases

In the vast majority of cases, ENT diseases in children are bacterial or infectious in nature.


They use antibiotics, antiviral, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic drugs of local (drops, ointments) or general (inside) action.

At the same time, immunostrengthening drugs and vitamins are prescribed.

Inhalations and physiotherapy

Methods of administration medicines into the body through inhalation or through physical influence (current, laser, magnet, radio waves, or a combination thereof). Effectively stimulate the body's defenses to fight the disease.

Surgical intervention

When conservative methods ineffective, surgery is prescribed. Tonsils, adenoids, and juvenile angiofibroma are removed. You should get rid of these formations on the advice of a doctor. Delay can lead to the growth of structures, and then getting rid of them 100% is already problematic - there will be relapses.

Treat children's ENT diseases promptly with our specialists. Remember that delaying a visit to the doctor is fraught with complications on the child’s brain and the disease becoming chronic. A chronic diseases Ear, nose and throat is problematic to treat. Noticed the symptoms? Make an appointment with an otolaryngologist at Best Clinic or call a specialist at home. Our doctors will come to the rescue any day of the week!

Pediatric patients make up the majority in the general structure of otorhinolaryngological practice. Moreover, the main percentage of ENT diseases among them is inflammatory pathology, affecting the anatomical structures of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. This is primarily due to the development of the immune system in children - the child regularly has to deal with a variety of pathogenic microbes.

At the same time, the work of his immunity is not yet perfect enough - the defenses are not always able to cope with the infection that penetrates the body in a timely manner. Therefore, the answer comes late - microorganisms have time to “settle” in an environment convenient for them. Hence, immune system you have to fight them on the spot, which ultimately manifests itself as an inflammatory reaction.

Although infectious ENT diseases occupy a major place in pediatric practice; pathologies of other origins are also not uncommon. But in children, its course is often masked by frequent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity or nasopharynx. Therefore, for a better understanding of the issue, diseases of different origins should be placed in a convenient classification.

Listing the entire list of diseases is pointless - it can only confuse a person who is not familiar with medicine. Therefore, a more rational option would be to give general characteristics processes leading to damage to the nasal cavity in children. Thus, we can distinguish five groups of diseases of different origins:

  1. Varied congenital anomalies development lead to persistent and progressive disruption of the structure and function of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The most common pathologies from this group are a deviated nasal septum and an abnormal structure of the choanae - the openings connecting the nasal passages to the nasopharynx.
  2. Nonspecific inflammatory diseases nose in children accounts for almost 85% of the frequency of occurrence. They need to be considered in more detail, so they have a separate section below.
  3. Specific inflammatory diseases are now rarely observed, due to the introduction of an effective prevention system. These include lesions of the nasal cavity caused by pathogens of tuberculosis, chlamydia or syphilis.
  4. Injuries, unfortunately, also occupy a decent percentage of the overall structure. Children usually receive them as a result of unfortunate falls or traffic accidents. In this case, fractures of the nasal bones, as well as the walls of the paranasal sinuses, are mainly observed.
  5. Quite rarely, but tumors are still observed - most often they are benign. Therefore, they are characterized by a relatively asymptomatic course.

The leading feature of diseases of the ENT organs in children is the high probability of developing complications, which is due to the imperfection of protective processes at this age.

Most Frequent

It is worth talking a little more about nonspecific inflammatory lesions, which occupy a leading place in pediatric practice. Thanks to the improvement of medical care, it has now been possible to minimize the likelihood of developing complications of these diseases:

  • The most common problem is rhinitis (runny nose) - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It can have either an acute course, characterized by a clear clinical picture and short duration, or a chronic course. It may be based on inflammatory process in response to the action of viruses or bacteria, and allergic reactions.
  • The consequence of acute or chronic infectious rhinitis can be sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. In this case, the lesion can be either isolated in one anatomical formation (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis), or spread to several structures at once - polysinusitis.

  • Quite often in children it is observed microbial eczema vestibule of the nose - peeling, redness and abundant crusts in the nostril area. A similar complication is often observed when hygiene is not observed with an existing runny nose.
  • Also a consequence of regular mechanical impact(rubbing, scratching) may cause a boil in the nose. This disease is considered life-threatening, as it can cause severe complications(thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, purulent meningitis).

Please note that the main problem in children is the advanced course of ordinary rhinitis. Therefore, timely and rational treatment of a runny nose is the prevention of possible complications.

Throat diseases in children

In pediatric patients, the peculiarity of ENT pathology is often of a combined nature. If, for example, the nasal cavity is affected, the inflammatory process can actively spread to the nasopharynx and middle ear. Therefore, throat diseases are considered in close connection with these structures. The principle of dividing the pathology of the nasopharynx into groups is of a similar nature - it is based causative factor:

  1. The main group, again, is considered to include nonspecific inflammatory lesions. Their occurrence is due to the combined effects of viruses and opportunistic bacteria, which ultimately leads to the development of a typical clinic.
  2. Specific inflammatory diseases are quite rare - usually in children from families with low social status. They may experience damage to the tonsils and pharyngeal mucosa due to the action of pathogens such as tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia. An exception to this group is diphtheria of the pharynx - it can occur in children who have not been previously vaccinated.
  3. Throat injuries in children are also observed quite often. They are usually observed in children from the younger age group, and are the result of attempts to swallow foreign objects that have sharp edges or edges.
  4. Burns of the pharyngeal mucosa caused by the action of hot liquids or chemicals (acids or alkalis) are also a common problem.

Nonspecific inflammation of the throat in most cases has secondary character, being a symptom of a viral infection.

Most Frequent

In children, the main place in the overall morbidity structure is occupied by inflammatory lesions of the pharynx, as well as the tonsil system - palatine and pharyngeal. Diseases are distinguished according to the same principle - according to the localization of the pathological process:

  • Most common pathology is pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the pharynx. It is extremely rare in isolated form– typically its combination with rhinitis. This combination is typical for the onset of most viral infections.
  • Another typical and common childhood illness is acute tonsillitis(angina) - inflammation of the tonsils. In children, it often occurs with severe fever and a rise in temperature, which leads to sharp deterioration condition.
  • Chronic tonsillitis is also not uncommon nowadays - with the palatine tonsils representing a focus of dormant infection. With any weakening immune defense The disease makes itself known by exacerbation.
  • Another childhood problem is considered to be adenoids - excessive enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil, which is also a focus chronic infection. At the same time, it also worsens nasal breathing, creating a risk of developing other inflammatory lesions.

Basic principle effective assistance for throat diseases is timeliness. This helps the body effectively get rid of acute process, preventing it from becoming chronic.

Principles of treatment

Despite the differences in the mechanisms of development and course individual diseases, therapy in most cases is similar. Therefore, there is no point in considering many different medicines– better understand the general principles of their application:

  1. The first line of help is always aimed at suppressing it as quickly as possible pathological processes. In this case, treatment is necessarily aimed at the cause itself, as well as accompanying mechanisms that indirectly develop in the body. For this purpose they are used antibacterial agents and antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. The second link of assistance provides stimulation of one’s own protective forces the child’s body, providing them with more efficient work. IN childhood The basis of such treatment is routine measures - good sleep, avoiding hypothermia, proper nutrition and drinking plenty of fluids. Additionally, vitamins in the form of multivitamin complexes can be used.

The peculiarity of the use of drugs in pediatric practice is the predominant use local funds. Systemic prescription of drugs (especially antibiotics) should be carried out only according to strict indications, which are determined only by the attending physician.

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Firstly, in last years there is a local increase in the child population. More children - more ENT diseases.

Secondly, oddly enough, a high level of medical care. Previously, when health care was less accessible, and medicine itself was imperfect, life expectancy was shorter, and infant mortality rates were higher. Modern high-tech medicine more successfully fights natural selection and the weaker survive too. This does not make the gene pool any purer, and the number chronic diseases growing. All pathologies, not just ENT organs.

The vast majority of ENT diseases among children are complications after ARVI. They are seasonal. A wave of ARVI passed, followed by complications: adenoiditis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis, etc.

Myth two. Enlarged adenoids are not a normal situation.

What are adenoids? Many diseases enter the body through the upper Airways. To recognize microbes, the body has come up with a kind of observation post, which is placed in the mouth and nose.

These are tonsils - accumulations of lymphoid tissue. In the recess between soft palate and the tongue there are two palatine tonsils. In common parlance they are called tonsils. In the depths of the nasal cavity there is another tonsil, which is called adenoids. There are also tonsils at the base of the tongue and near the entrance to the middle ear. When microbes enter, the tonsils recognize them, neutralize them, and trigger, in addition to the local, the general immune mechanism. The process is accompanied by slight inflammation and enlargement of the tonsils (adenoids too). This natural reaction, which should normally take place in about 1 – 2 weeks.

If a child is often sick or weakened, then the tonsils do not have time to return to normal, and the inflammation becomes sluggish. And this is no longer a normal situation.

Myth three. With enlarged adenoids, the child develops an “adenoid” type of face and enuresis (bedwetting) is observed.

Both of these examples are described in old Soviet textbooks. But in 20 years of work, I have never had to remove adenoids from a child due to enuresis. Adenoid face – heavy, drooping lower jaw, smoothed nasolabial folds - now, probably, can only be found in a remote village in dysfunctional families. In other cases, the child still gets help on time.

Myth four. Adenoids cannot be removed. This leads to a decrease in the child’s immunity.

If conservative treatment didn’t help, then I usually give an example with a dog. A person feeds, loves and takes care of a dog as long as it protects him. If a dog stops protecting a person, begins to snap and pose a danger, the question arises: is it worth keeping it further?

It's the same with the adenoids. While they perform their function, they are part of the child’s immune barrier. If they begin to interfere with life, then they themselves undermine the immune system and must be removed. Exist absolute readings to remove adenoids:

  • Firstly, conductive hearing loss. It is not very pronounced, but gradually increases. The child turns up the TV volume, but does not immediately respond. Parents often attribute his behavior to inattention, and these are problems with the adenoids. If the adenoids are not removed, there is a possibility that as the child grows, everything will resolve on its own. Or maybe not. Then eardrum will begin to collapse, will happen chronic inflammation middle ear, and such a person will still need surgery as an adult. But it will no longer be possible to restore natural hearing.
  • Secondly, snoring with holding your breath during sleep. This is an indicator that the child is experiencing chronic oxygen starvation. Such a child does not get enough sleep, has increased fatigue, gets sick a lot, misses school, and has poor performance. Teachers may even think that he has reduced intelligence. It's not a matter of dementia. You just need to normalize your breathing...

There are many other, relative, indications for adenoid removal. Each time the issue is resolved individually with the attending physician.

Myth fifth. Before surgery to remove tonsils (palatine tonsils), you need to eat a lot of ice cream.

This myth is outdated. Many new techniques have now been developed for removing tonsils (tonsils and adenoids). They have the same essence - it should not be painful and not a hasty task. But they used to actually serve ice cream. It gives a slight analgesic effect. Soviet textbooks say that surgery to remove tonsils is painless. Adults who have had surgery remember that this was not the case. Parents bringing their child for surgery relive their childhood pain and fear. They often transfer pain and fear for the child to doctors. They can be understood; a child’s illness is a powerful stress for parents. But as a result, doctors literally wallow in negative emotions. In order not to burn out professionally, a doctor must develop a defense, a kind of detachment, which is often perceived by people as indifference. This is a big psychological and ethical problem.

Myth six. Surgery to remove tonsils such as adenoids is useless. They grow back.

Indeed, previously, in about half of the patients, the adenoids recurred. The reason is their incomplete removal due to a less advanced surgical technique . Then the sick child was tied or held tightly, an instrument was inserted into the mouth and the tonsils were cut off. It was painful, the child twitched and resisted. The doctor worked blindly and was nervous. There is such an apt medical phrase: “A sick child should not be present at his operation.”

Now operations to remove tonsils are carried out in accordance with this catchphrase- under anesthesia. For the child, they are painless, and the doctor sees his actions and has the opportunity to remove the tonsils completely. This is a big step forward.

Myth seventh. Chronic infection of the tonsils can “walk” through the body and affect other organ systems.

This is not a myth. Let's take, for example, chronic tonsillitis - damage to the tonsils (tonsils) is often caused by hemolytic streptococcus. Exacerbation of tonsillitis - sore throat. If the child’s general immunity is reduced, he may get sore throats several times a year. In the intervals between exacerbations, you feel tired and weak - due to constant intoxication from the chronic source of infection, from the tonsil. Often he has a seemingly unrelated, slightly elevated temperature. These manifestations of chronic infection are unpleasant in themselves.

In addition, hemolytic streptococcus toxins affect the heart, kidneys and joints, leading to diseases of these organs. Nowadays, there are more and more cases when a person is 26–28 years old, and he already has myocarditis (heart disease). When you start to understand, it turns out that he suffered throughout his childhood chronic tonsillitis. Such severe consequences it might not have happened. Let me remind you once again that the severity of the manifestation of ENT diseases is related to the state of a person’s general immunity.

Myth eight. You can increase the body's resistance to infections and thereby reduce the number of ENT diseases by hardening.

Now in society they don’t talk about hardening. More sounds: healthy image life. In order for children to be healthier, parents first of all need to lead a healthy lifestyle themselves and raise their child by example. In the meantime, ENT doctors and pediatricians advise cutting off the child from germs. How?

If this is a frequently ill child (suffers from ARVI more than 8 times a year), we advise taking the child off the kindergarten and keep it at home. We say to other parents: “Look for a garden where no one gets sick.” Of course, there are no such kindergartens. In most kindergartens, the groups are overcrowded. Children share their infections with each other and get sick in a circle. If there are 10 people in a group, children get sick less. What if 28? Frequent ARVI reduces the child’s overall immunity and gives more severe complications to the ENT organs. It's not only medical problem. This has long been a social problem.

ENT diseases in children are those diseases that affect the throat, nose and ear. You can protect your baby from them using various therapeutic techniques, which are selected by an experienced doctor. He will also prescribe the right treatment, since any childhood ENT diseases threaten serious health problems in adulthood.

ENT diseases in children alphabetically

Very often, young parents panic when they notice that their child completely stops breathing for 10-20 seconds during sleep, and his heart rate...

Sinusitis in children occurs with any infection or cold, since it is at a young age that sensitivity to air quality is high. Nasal...

One of the most dangerous infectious diseases, causing many unpleasant symptoms and defiant painful sensations, is herpetic...

Contrary to popular belief, there is actually no such thing as a “purulent sore throat.” A qualified doctor will never put...

Fungal tonsillitis in children is quite common. The disease is also called candidiasis, since its causative agent is the Candida fungus, which infects...

Catarrhal sore throat in children is light form tonsillitis. Its distinctive feature is that it affects the outer ball of the tonsil, and...

Lacunar tonsillitis appears in children against the background of weakened immune properties. Distinctive features This type of disease is inflammation of the crypts...

The most common complication of otitis in children is mastoiditis, which is an inflammation with pus of the bone tissue of the mastoid process...

Follicular tonsillitis in children develops against the background of the active growth of bacteria that enter the body and begin to rapidly multiply, causing...

Frequent sore throats in a child are caused by an infectious agent entering the body. It forms pathogenic microflora and weakens the immune system. This is...

ENT diseases in children are those diseases that affect the throat, nose and ear. You can protect your baby from them using various treatment methods, which are selected by an experienced doctor. He will also prescribe the right treatment, since any childhood ENT diseases threaten serious health problems in adulthood.

Various complications are possible, and in rare cases even death. Ear diseases in children in an advanced state can lead to disability. Some of them lead to complete deafness, so you need to carefully monitor your health, daily routine, physical exercise baby. The disease is best treated with early stage, it is then that the risk of complications is minimal. All medical procedures should be carried out only by a qualified doctor, since he selects an examination and treatment program on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of each patient’s body. Throat diseases in children will also develop into a dangerous stage if not treated in a timely manner. The same applies to other organs. Proper treatment will help get rid of the disease in as soon as possible and will not allow it to develop into a more dangerous stage for health. You should also be more careful with nasal disease in children. Many can develop into a chronic category and negatively affect adult life, causing a lot of problems.

Causes and consequences

ENT diseases in children can appear both in the prenatal state and subsequently under the influence of environmental factors, manifesting themselves over time. In newborns, difficulty breathing is due to the fact that the inferior concha descends to the nasal cavity, and the nasal passages are narrow. The larynx in children is also narrow, the mucous layer is very loose, it quickly swells, causing further severe breathing problems.
Among the causes of illnesses are also:

  • hypothermia;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • lack of vitamins.

The consequences of disorders affecting the ENT organs are the most severe. Untimely treatment of pathologies affecting the ear, throat, and nose leads not only to disease complications (for example, meningitis), but also to disability, hearing loss, voice loss, and decreased vision. In addition, life-threatening inflammation of the brain tissue may develop.


It is not difficult to determine whether your child has health problems. The first signs can be detected at a very early stage. It is at this time that they succumb to rapid and safe treatment. Children's ENT diseases have pronounced symptoms:

  1. decreased hearing ability;
  2. runny nose, nasal congestion;
  3. cough, sore throat.

If you find one of these signs in your child, you need to consult a doctor. Only he will hold qualitative examination and will appoint correct treatment. At the first appointment, the otolaryngologist conducts a comprehensive examination, then prescribes everything necessary research and writes out a treatment plan. It involves taking medication and sometimes also undergoing medical procedures. Medical program depends on which organ is affected and how severely.

Diagnosis and types

Depending on which part of the body the anomaly occurs, there are different childhood ENT diseases, which are divided into several types:

  • throat and larynx. This group includes all pathologies associated with the oral cavity. They manifest themselves both quickly and explicitly, and slowly and implicitly. The main difference by which childhood throat diseases can be recognized is the nature of the pathology. Depending on this, the types of treatment differ, which can only be developed by a qualified specialist. Many people may know what throat diseases occur in children, but only a doctor understands this well. He conducts an examination and identifies what exactly the patient is suffering from:
  1. pharyngitis;
  2. adenoids;
  3. laryngitis.
  • diseases of the nose in children, including all problems associated with this organ. They can be both acute and chronic. Treatment methods should only be prescribed by a doctor, since each type has its own medications.
  1. sinusitis;
  2. rhinitis;
  3. sinusitis.
  • ear diseases in children, characterized by specific disturbances in the functioning of this organ. Ear disease in children can develop gradually. These are the following ailments:
  1. otitis;
  2. sulfur plugs;
  3. mastoiditis.

All types of disorders in the functioning of ENT organs can be divided into three groups:

  • infectious pathologies caused by infection in the body. Such diseases include tonsillitis and sore throat.
  • fungal disorder caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Fungi that settle in the ear cause otomycosis. When inflammation occurs in the pharynx, a fungus occurs, causing pharyngomycosis. Laryngomycosis occurs in a similar way.
  • viral infections that occur due to the penetration of various viruses into the body. They contribute to the appearance of colds, runny nose, and otitis media.


As soon as the first suspicions appeared that the child had similar disease, you need to urgently contact a specialist. Self-medication is dangerous for your baby's health. Only an experienced doctor knows how to treat throat disease in children. He will hold comprehensive examination and write it out individual program treatment.


It is possible to work around your child's health problems. Many clinics offer comprehensive examinations and specialized procedures. To avoid ENT diseases in children, parents should follow preventive measures:

  1. epidemiological regime in the child's environment;
  2. clear daily routine;
  3. hygiene;
  4. proper diet;
  5. timely vaccination.

As soon as you identify the first signs of illness in your child, you should immediately contact a specialist. You can choose it yourself on our website or call the help desk (the service is free).

This material is posted for informational purposes, does not constitute medical advice and cannot serve as a substitute for consultation with a doctor. For diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors!