Why do you dream about a huge statue? The magic of numbers. Stone “menagerie” as a symbol of great achievements

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Why do you dream of a Statue in a dream according to 25 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Statue” symbol from 25 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

ABC of dream interpretation

The statue is a symbol of lifelessness, the oppressive pressure of the past. Sometimes the image of someone whom the dreamer has placed on a pedestal.

See a motionless statue- your wishes will not come true.

The statue is chasing you- retribution for old sins.

American dream book

The statue represents frozen feelings and emotions.

Italian dream book

The statue is a symbol of rules without life, a sage without spirit, an oppressive past in the present day, a reference to the “superego”.

Newest dream book

What does the Statue mean in a dream?

The statue is an acquaintance with a person significant in all respects.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Most of the sculptures- can be considered as an allegory or as a symbol of imprinting (memory) processes. Idealized images of parents and relatives.

Size of pedestal and statue- show the severity of the dominance of the image.

The statue may be- personification of the deceased (gravestone) and indicate death, but if it points to the living, then perhaps the desire for his death.

Deformed statue, overthrown figure- the collapse of the ideal of parents or society.

Perfect statue- the parents of the individual and their influence on the formation of the self. In this sense, Venuses, deprived of body parts (head, arms), simultaneously embody the image of the mother, partly overthrown by time.

Man turned to stone, petrified- subverted, relating to the kingdom of the dead, or presented in a ridiculous manner.

For the deceased - the desire to remember the deceased.

Statues becoming alive or animated by an individual- awakening new potentials. The new life, the Self, is projected onto the outside world. Hidden incest, since behind the image of the statue there could be a daughter, mother or sister.

A living Buddha or other religious image- theoretical construction becomes decisive in real life. Incarnation of the Superego in the ego. Morality that brings real results.

Family dream book

Statue seen in a dream- portends a break with the only person you love. Try not to show your weakness, otherwise the fulfillment of your desires will become impossible.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing a statue is a sign of boredom and sadness; worship statues- means stupidity to the highest degree.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Statue?

Seeing a statue in a dream- a harbinger of cooling in a relationship with a loved one. You will not be able to fulfill your desires because you will not be energetic enough.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The statue is a reflection of stagnant energies.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Statue - do you feel immobile or even immobilized? This sign may indicate frozen feelings or emotions. It may even indicate your lifelessness. Why don't you use all your strength and all your energy? It's time to work on your self-confidence. State: “My movements are free and I readily express fun and joy.”

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A statue in a dream symbolizes false feelings and misconceptions about a particular person or event.

If in a dream you saw someone you know in the form of a marble statue- this portends a cooling of the relationship between you.

Statue made of gold- a sign of your passion or ardent affection for someone or something. However, the dream suggests that your dreams are unlikely to make you happier.

A bronze or stone statue in a dream- portends disappointment.

Dream Book of David Loff

Dreams about statues are exciting. Whether you stumble over them, create them, or become a statue yourself, dreams about sculpture can be difficult to interpret, but reward the effort with a deep understanding of the processes that gave rise to the images.

If in a dream you accidentally discover statues- pay attention to what figures they depict and what emotions they evoke in you. This type of dream may be a variant of the "skeleton in the closet" dream; statues may also be mythological or spiritual icons.

Another dream scenario with statues- is that the dreamer creates a statue. In these dreams, the statue often represents someone you know, someone you want to control (or some facet of your personality that you want to have). This dream may signal to the memory what needs to be brought up for open discussion in order to find the right solution. The dream of identifying oneself with a statue is often caused by the phenomenon of sleep paralysis. Since when we dream, we cannot move large muscle groups, our brain assumes that we have become like a statue, petrified. According to the logic of the dream, this is completely reasonable. Feeling like we are encased in a statue often also means that someone else has undue power over us.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a beautiful statue or bust of someone of the opposite sex to you- to sexual dissatisfaction and thirst for love, which will not find a way out and will bring bitter feelings; a broken statue - to a possible illness or injury to you or your loved one (and the disease may be localized in the part of the body that is broken off the statue.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

The statue is a vain wait.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Statue - there will be a stop in work, a difficulty will arise.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

The statue means cooling of love, reluctance to bed.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Statue in a dream?

Statue - love will not be reciprocated.

Miller's Dream Book

Statues seen in a dream- mean a break with the only person you love. Your weakness will make it impossible for you to achieve your desires.

Dream book of the past

The statue is a symbol of the oppressive past, perceived there without life dogmas, rules and stereotypes that poison your today and do not allow you to live fully.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Statues seen in a dream- portend a break with your lover. You will simply not be able to prevent it.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a statue- soon your relationship with the person you love will become very cool.

Breaking a statue means breaking up with a loved one.

In your dream you saw someone break a statue- soon your beloved (beloved) will leave you, and no attempts to restore the previous relationship will be successful.

If you dreamed that you were sculpting, carving or casting a statue- be very careful, in the near future, because of your careless act, you may quarrel with your beloved (beloved).

You dreamed that you were present while someone was casting, carving or sculpting a statue- know that you have a more successful rival (rival) in love affairs.

Freud's Dream Book

The statue is a phallic symbol.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The statue came to life - the return of an old friend or an old hope, a cause.

Medieval dream book

Seeing statues is a harbinger of friendship.

Ukrainian dream book

The female statue represents heart disease, the male statue represents danger.

Video: Why do you dream about a Statue?

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Did you dream about a Statue, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Statue in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    in my yard I saw a statue of a man and a woman! I had a feeling that the statue, like a person, would be reborn, that is, that statue seemed to be alive but would be reborn again! how can you explain this))

    Hello! I dreamed of two animated statues of tigers, which, playing with each other, ran towards me and tried to jump into my big white car, I tried to tame them and not let them in, with what came to hand - large tailor's scissors. Although the tigers were not aggressive towards me.

    I dreamed that in one Buddhist Chinese temple, while walking with my fiancé, I saw that the Beijing marble lions began to come to life one by one; they approached like large, clumsy dogs.
    me and started growling at me, while they simply ignored my young man. I was delighted! Beijing lions have come to life! but they growled at me and I was nervous about it. they were hostile, but it seemed they weren’t going to bite, one came so close that I put my hand in his gaping mouth, he didn’t bite me, but continued to growl, even though he came to life, he still didn’t have an esophagus, just a mouth hollowed out in stone cavity and that's it. then we left, the Peking lions became ominous. I told my mother on the phone in delight about what had happened, she said, maybe they are warning you about something, maybe you did something or other... and then everything began to echo the dream I had earlier: I was already in this temple and stole a jade ritual cone seal from there (in the dream everything seemed to be reality). I realized that I had to return her otherwise I would incur anger. this is where the dream ended. in real life, I was with my fiancé in China, I didn’t steal anything from temples, I’m very afraid of big dogs, in my dream I wasn’t so afraid of them.

    We are on vacation, I go to the hotel window and see many rural houses and in the center there is a colored statue, I understand that we are either in Georgia or in Armenia, prisoners are working on the left. it's snowing, I look at the snowflake, look forward again and see a larger statue

    Hello, I had a dream that I have never had before. I’ll tell you right away that I’m 14 years old, he was about 15 or 16. Description: I dreamed that I was walking home from school and wandered into some forest. It was autumn, There were autumn leaves everywhere, The trees were tall, but not huge, and I wandered somewhere, there was a large bright house, but I didn’t see the whole house, I just saw it was light and close-up I saw a window , from which a guy with a pleasant face looked at me and smiled at me. I looked at him, and it was difficult for me to take my eyes off him, but some boy came up and started talking to me, he looked about 10 years old, I don’t remember what they talked about. When during the conversation I looked out of his window, he was no longer there, I already wanted to leave because the boy had disappeared somewhere, I turned around and there he stood, the one who was in the window, oh, I really fell in love with him =) He took me by the hand, pressed me to him, and whispered something in my ear, then we went somewhere, didn’t talk about anything on the road, so we walked through a crowd of people, one might say in some establishment where they drank alcohol , he held my hand very tightly, sometimes looked at me. So we came to some room, dark colors took over there, he began to talk to me, asked: Are you not afraid of me? I answered no, he asked again: How did you get into this forest? After all, it’s so difficult and blah blah blah, I answered him that it was as if I felt in my heart that I needed to come here. He hugged me and said: I don’t want to let you go, but it’s time for you to go home. And I found myself at home. then the next night, I mean in a dream, I dreamed that it was already the next night, and I saw his image, he said to me; let's go, and I had this feeling that I was dreaming somewhere, it was really as if I was dreaming, but then I landed on the floor near the door and told him I won't go, it's better to let you dream about me, here, then I I again found myself in the same place in the forest, and he told me that he was not a person, but a spirit or ghost that could turn into a person, and he told me that I was very similar to his mother, he said that before, when his father was also like him fell in love with a girl who also wandered into this forest. Then he was born to them (the one I liked, but he didn’t tell me his name at our meeting, but only asked mine), the witch found out about this and got very angry, and bewitched his family, his father turned into a statue, his mother went somewhere... then she disappeared, and him, he was at first an ordinary baby, but she also bewitched him, but he could turn into a person, so we fell in love with each other, but then that same witch appeared and shouted: you are waiting to be taken into account, just like your father ! And he began to turn into a statue, tears jumped to my eyes, but I managed to kiss him and say: I love you with all my soul and will never forget about you, and he only managed to say, don’t forget me! We... and turned into a statue, I woke up, but didn’t want to get up and mentally told him: “Where are you?” And it was as if he whispered in my ear, “I’m Here.” I immediately woke up, it was as if everything was in reality. But I don’t understand what this dream means, please tell me.

    A statue in the form of a Buddhist deity, then it came to life and blood came out of it, she said, I was not afraid. then I walked through some room in sunglasses, met a lot of people I knew, but didn’t say hello, then I rode down a hill on ice skates, met a friend, she offered to slide down a big mountain, we went up, I was scared, she rolled down, but I didn’t


    I dreamed that I was standing with a friend and a woman acquaintance under some kind of fence canopy, and a huge spider was weighing under it (this is my phobia), then I began to understand that it was no longer a spider, but a bird similar to an eagle, I was afraid to take it I picked it up in my hands because I still thought it was a spider, after which my friend took it in his hands and we realized that it was not alive, but that it was a statue. After which my dream was interrupted and another began.

    I had the dream twice. the first one was in childhood. the second one was about a year ago. in it, the people I love (parents, sisters, grandparents, friends, acquaintances) turned into statues. petrified. and I was left alone in a gray world.

    An ancient Egyptian temple was found and opened. Golden statues all around. I go up the steps and want to take a photo in front of one of them. Because of her, a black fog appears in the form of a man. I run up the steps, he seems to be behind me, but there is no threat to me. I run out onto the floor and run to the right and he runs to the left. As he climbed the steps, he enveloped one person and dissolved him.

    There was a large column dressed in gold fabrics, I was in the crowd and looked at them carrying a large statue of him, at some point he suddenly came to life and began to move in the other direction, then he turned to sit back, extended his hands to me and smiled

    It was a dream in which I was told that I was in Paris. Although I had never been there, I clearly saw the panorama of the city, the cloudy sky and a lot of lightning. Despite the rather ominous picture, I did not feel fear, and even admired the view. Then, together with the woman who accompanied me around the city, I walked along the courtyard of some palace. A huge area, with two artificial ponds and a long path lined with marble tiles. I walked along it and saw in front of me a huge iron statue of a lion. Lightning struck it and the statue came to life. The lion walked imposingly around the square. It seemed to me that we had to hide from him, otherwise he might attack. But the lion only walked around and did not harm us. It was a gigantic statue as tall as a ten-story building.

    I dreamed that some girl was taking me to a beauty salon, but this beauty salon is not for everyone, and there they do makeup for me, put on a beautiful dress, some kind of magic happens, everything is unusual there. There in the salon there is a statue of a beautiful girl on the floor, she comes to life and talks about her life. After that, I walk down the street to a beautiful expensive restaurant, in a new dress, new shoes with a beautiful hairstyle.

    I was walking with friends in the park and suddenly we found an indoor skating rink, although it was summer. I put on my skates and tried to do different tricks, but I couldn’t do it, and in the end I stood on the side of the skating rink and did a cascade, and then I flew up to the top and flew over the side of the skating rink straight to my friends who were looking at me. then we started talking and by that time two animated statues of a bronze-brown color came out onto the ice and began to do all sorts of tricks, they skated so beautifully that we looked at them without taking our eyes off them, and in the end they flew up like me and flew over the sides of the rink , straight to us and they shaved the appearance of the statue as it should have been, then two more statues of figure skaters came out which I had drawn in reality a couple of years ago and I thought how beautiful they were, although in reality I am already studying in the second grade of an art school and looking at I am horrified by the drawings of these figure skaters at such poor proportions. In the dream they seemed beautiful to me and I swept the shurale statue, this statue was sculpted by my friend and this statue was not very beautiful, then all the statues gathered in one pile and froze again

    Road to the stop. We're heated up about something. We've arrived. Lera appears in the image (I don’t know why, we never had anything with her). She looks at minibus “6”, she also said: “2 seats for 0.5”. She waits another 5 seconds, then suddenly runs up and jumps. I sit on the one in front “shs, or ssh... I couldn’t make out the numbers.” I had to go 1 stop. They push me towards the door. I go out. A ring, grass, a construction site, a huge puddle, behind it... a huge burnt green house. He didn't look old, maybe 2-3 years old. Someone says something to me (I don’t remember anymore). I take out my phone, see that I’m at the factory, there are only a few steps left to go, unless there’s one thing... I don’t see the passage. I enter “Voronezh” in the map search, it shows that I’m almost there, but I don’t understand, pieces of the map match where I am, but everything else doesn’t. I start walking, not understanding where I am, the places were half familiar to me. I was going down somewhere, there was a turn, I remember two girls were going to meet me, but I didn’t ask where I was. I pass by, I’m almost near the bridge that separates my city and this city. I turn around and fleetingly see a green old monument to Paseidon. I'm panicking. I open the map. It’s like there’s a bridge separating me, but I can’t get on it. The city I was in began with A- — — -, 5 letters. I wake up in a panic. I realize that it was a dream. I close my eyes. I return to the same place, a warning from someone or something that a car is about to hit me. I finally wake up.

    I walk through the forest (the feeling from the forest is good, there is no fear or fright; a pleasant dense forest, without any dead wood, it’s fresh to breathe) behind the former young man. And I don’t see his face. but I’m 100% sure that it’s him and I need to follow him (I don’t understand why). I step over some kind of tree, maybe it’s a root, and to my left there are low statues made of green stone (very similar to malachite , jade). The statues are more like images of ancient gods, pagan gods. Not higher than my knee (I'm 170 cm), they look like large boulders of stone, only without sharp angles...the faces are carved on the stones, but they don't stick out like people's. but they seem to be flat or something...they are covered in dust (is there dust in the forest?). There are two more statues nearby and they are colored. but they are already from the category of statues from Easter Island... only colored, as if they were made of painted wood. I sit down next to them, right on the ground, feel the humid air, and with my hand I shake off the dust (dry, in humid air) from some small statue. I don’t see a specific expression on the statue’s face, but I understand that such statues with an inspired expression are neither evil nor joyful... something like that.

    I dreamed of a statue of a cat with snake scales. Almost every time in a dream I had to walk near her, when you get close to her she will hiss and her teeth will appear and she will move away from her place. After this dream I feel very bad at heart, I want to cry constantly

    I dreamed of an abandoned forest. I was in it. In the thick of the forest there was an architectural structure - several statues of people (unfamiliar), lined up in a square. The square was visually highlighted with statues, without additional structures. In the center there was something like an iron gazebo, bright, but there was nothing in it. I was near the statues the whole time; I didn’t go inside the designated square, but examined the situation. My task in the dream was to remember everything and then find it.

    I dreamed that in a dream I saw a full-length statue of myself, all parts of the body were present, they were perfect and made of stone. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. I was born on March 8, 1991.

    I had a dream that we were opening a pool and it was called either 9 or 10 dolphins. And my brother made small statues of these dolphins. Someone wants to steal them and I fight with him. After that I swim in the pool with some girl. At the same time I'm dating a lot of guys

    I dreamed that I was not me (I was another person familiar to me). A friend came to me at my dacha and said “let’s go to where you were buried.” We crossed the fence and I saw a lot of statues. I went up to one , and she started smiling at me, most likely it was some kind of woman, I vaguely remember what she looks like. And then I go to my house and tell my mother that I can’t sleep, I have this statue in front of my eyes. The dream ended there.

    I lived in a palace, then I ended up in another village and everyone there was killed in the castle. I was a princess and there were a lot of statues there. When I fled from the neighboring village, I collected fragments of the statue, but there were two of them; they were two girls, they were the same, only one darker, they were made of plaster, I collected fragments of a light statue, although I saw a dark one on the road, my friend and I ran to our village and went into the first house, two women lived there, they accepted us because I was a princess or someone honorable, we drank tea and fell asleep when they woke up and decided to go home, in the yard I saw a living doll and for some reason I started beating her, she had blond hair and a dress, I saw the inscription on her dress and she scared me or something like that and because of this I started beating her I grabbed a shovel and chopped the name on her clothes, and then cut off her head, at the battle it seems she killed everyone, but at that moment someone took a picture of the inscription on her dress for some reason I didn’t want them to see her and find out about what happened written on it. All.

    I stood in a huge hall. At the end there was a statue, and for some reason I had to wear the statue. This statue is huge, in order to hang it I had to stand on a huge wooden structure. When I began to rub my face, the statue began to turn its head a little and carefully watched my movements.

    In a dream, I sculpted a sculpture of my lover. (We broke up a long time ago, but I still love him) the sculpture was huge, about more than two meters. The sculpture was in a supine position on its stomach. I made this sculpture so clearly that it seemed like he was alive. Especially his back, the hairs on his back, his curly hair, long eyelashes and blue eyes. There was one girl next to me, I told her about my lover and how much I love him, and we looked at the sculpture.

    I dreamed of a statue of an angel girl with wings sitting on a stone in the water, the stone on which she was sitting was above sea level, this stone on which she was sitting had a round shape, it was in the water about twenty meters from the seashore, the statue was white, she was sitting in a thoughtful pose hand fist rested on her chin, I found myself in this dream, as if in one second I was transported to this place next to her, she opened her eyes, looked at me and in a friendly, gentle voice asked me to find out who she was. In the dream I did not feel fear, the dream was very colorful, I remembered all the details very much. This is where the dream ended.

    At first I was little and I was running around and with me 2 guys were playing hide and seek in some big building. I hid and beat the molfar there. Well, then I started telling him something, I don’t remember what exactly he said, the devil took my right hand and started stabbing, then I dreamed that I was coming out of the etivo. building and I look at Zach there is a statue similar to the homeland, the dregs and the sea

    There was some kind of holiday. The man and I were lying on top of the superimposed leaves, and next to it stood a statue that was some kind of tiger. We looked at how people on both sides were having fun to the music and had sparklers in their hands (all this happened in a very large forest). Then the tiger comes running and begins to destroy it. Yesterday I managed to escape without him noticing me, but today he noticed me and ran after me from there. Some antelope was running ahead of me, she was scared and said something. we ran from the tiger, very quickly. There was a moment when the tiger fell into the water, but he got out and ran after us again. We ran to some tribe, and they were rolling the ball along a string. This thread broke, but we managed to fix it. The tiger was no longer there, but when we performed the ritual, people stood in two lines, and in the middle there was this ball on a string. Everyone turned to each other so that they had a couple and Jim Morrison stood in front of me. We performed the ritual by stomping our feet, but after that I was woken up by the intercom ringing

    Hello!) I dreamed that I was sculpting someone’s face and there were a lot of people there as a lesson, everyone was sculpting it, I didn’t turn out the most beautiful, the color was so dirty green, my boyfriend was sitting next to me and he was also sculpting this face
    Then another fragment of the dream, I was looking for the colors I saw, but I couldn’t find the same ones, I wanted to find 2 colors, I looked through everything, but I still couldn’t find them, I decided to take the gold and silver colors myself, it was glue with glitter, then I dreamed that They came up to me and said: “They gave you 2 more laboratory works, since you weren’t there, I ran to her office, it was like a school classroom inside, and I fell on my hip and hit something else, then I got up and talked and I woke up 😅

    I dreamed of a boat in which I was sailing with people unknown to me. I reached the goal and it was a statue in the water. As soon as I lowered myself into the water, it became somehow cloudy and scary with different creatures in it. It wasn’t deep, so I ran to the shore and helped someone else get out. And I saw a huge beautiful ship with white sails that was not far from me.

    First, I found myself on the shore of a lake (azure in color, it was calm, but covered with ice). I began to look around and there were people nearby who apparently knew something about such a lake, they told me that the lake of ancient times, it was salty and frozen, another reason that few people swim here: there is inside people’s heads, like when - that sank in an incomprehensible situation. The next picture is a boy in diving glasses jumping into the lake and swimming there, emerging and starting to laugh. Everything was in color style, cold and warm shades.

    I was a fairy, oddly enough, I was wearing a blue dress with a daisy pattern, I also had a span with a symbol of an owl, a magic wand, after which it flew, then I ate strawberry ice cream, I walked in the evening for 5 hours, threw things out of the window, but I wasn’t angry, rather just so that then to get what I don’t remember, I washed the dishes a little, I dreamed of a figurine of a cat, I put it on the shelf and fell from the chair, but landed successfully, I also saw the box falling apart, I tried to fix it

    I was a fairy, I was dressed in a blue dress, I had pink wings and a magic wand, I had a bracelet with the symbol of an owl, I flew, did something, and then ate strawberry ice cream, walked in the evening at 5 scales, threw things out of the window, but I wasn’t angry, rather, I tried I dreamed of getting something, a figurine of a cat, I put it on the shelf and fell from the chair, I landed successfully, I tried to fix the broken box

    I dreamed of my own statue covered in chocolate. And as if I wanted to tell you that under the fountain (or rather in the fountain, inside a large pillar) there is a statue of me. And I was not in my body, but in someone else’s. And only this man’s friends listened to me. And this man was about the same age as me. Well, that's it, that's the whole dream. Can you explain?

A statue that the dreamer saw in his night dreams can give many interpretations: new possibilities, past dreams and memories. Having asked the question why the statue is dreaming, remember what kind of sculpture you saw before your eyes, what appearance it had, where it was located. In addition, the dream book gives advice to refresh your memory of what exactly this figure was made of.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpretation gives a multi-valued interpretation of this symbol: the dreamer predicts a quarrel with your soulmate soon, or your dreams most likely will not come true due to the fact that in most cases you show everyone your indecisiveness and lack of independence.

Stone “menagerie” as a sign of significant achievements

Difficult work awaits the dreamer who has dreamed of a horse figure. It is worth remembering that you will often receive good earnings for this activity.

The dragon statue is seen by those who essentially take on too much responsibility. Remember, sometimes this may be too much work for you.

The sculpture of a lion means that the sleeping person will be given a chance to show his strengths, not only physically, but also spiritually.

Famous “personalities” or prepare for change

Did you dream about a statue of God? Get ready for life's troubles, by solving which you will become a strong person with a high temperament.

Experience and intelligence will be a sign of success and independent development of the one who sees the smiling figure of Buddha, the Eastern Dream Book predicts.

To see a figurine in the image of Jesus Christ in a dream means that the road to happiness runs through perseverance and determination.

The figure of an angel is a sign of peace and security. Having considered such a dream, remember that due to higher powers you will be able to take a leading position.

What does it mean to see the Statue of Liberty in a dream? In order to achieve success, you need to be able to say firmly - no!

Material for making figurines - from wealth to poverty

If you dreamed of a bulky statue made - save your money, the interpreter Hasse recommends, especially when you saw moss on the surface of the stone.

As the dream book explains, a gold statue embodies excellent well-being, but this is in the case when no unfavorable things happened to it. A cracked or broken golden statue may portend financial ruin or betrayal by a friend.

Did you dream of a sculpture made of bronze or copper? Don’t expect big finances, but you won’t live in poverty either, the Autumn Dream Book points out.

A living figure is a sign of unexpected surprises

A male dreamer dreams that he is Pygmalion, who created Galatea, which later came to life - in reality, this means that his dreams will come true unexpectedly, in relation to himself, as well as other people, Tsvetkov’s dream book promises.

The animated sculpture of Freedom predicts happy news for the dreamer, which will be a pleasant surprise for him.

You witnessed the fact that some divine sculpture, for example, Buddha, came to life - an unpleasant surprise may be the incident that you were under the influence of a selfish person.

If you see angels with dishes of fruit in a dream, it will mean that the one seeing this dream will pass away as someone who died for his faith.

Seeing one of the angels entering someone’s house in a dream is a warning about the possible penetration of a thief into this house.

If someone sees in a dream how an angel takes away his weapon, then this means that this person will lose strength and prosperity, and it is even possible that he will separate from his wife.

If someone sees angels in any place in a dream that cause him fear, then turmoil and war may occur in that area.

The appearance of angels on the battlefield in a dream signifies victory over enemies.

And if someone sees in a dream how angels prostrate before him or bow to him, then this person will achieve the fulfillment of his cherished desires, rise in his deeds and become famous.

If someone sees himself in a dream as if fighting with an angel, then he will find himself in a difficult and humiliating position after his previous greatness.

And if a patient sees in a dream how one angel fights with another, then this means the approach of his death.

The appearance in dreams of angels descending from heaven to earth in a natural form marks the rise of venerable people, the humiliation of unworthy people, as well as the victory of the Mujahideen (who are making aspirations and efforts to spread Islam - spiritual, psychological and, in extreme cases, physical).

Seeing angels in the form of women in a dream means falsehoods and lies made against Allah. The Almighty has the following words on this occasion: “Has your Lord really only given you sons, and taken women from the angels for himself? Truly, you are speaking a dangerous word!”

And if someone sees in a dream how he flies with the angels or rises with them to heaven and does not return back, he will gain dignity in this life, and then die for a just cause.

If the sleeper sees that he is looking at angels, misfortune will befall him. This corresponds to the statement of the Almighty: “On the day when they see the angels, there will be no joyful news for sinners.”

If a sleeper dreams that angels are cursing him, this will mean condemnation or weakness of his faith, but if he dreams that angels are making noise or screaming, this means that the sleeper’s house may fall apart.

And if someone sees in a dream how several angels appear in some city, locality or village, then this means that a companion will die there, or an unjustly offended person will be killed, or someone’s house will fall on its inhabitants.

If someone dreams that angels produce the same products that the sleeping person makes, this will signify that he is benefiting from his craft.

The appearance in a dream of an angel saying: “Read the Book of Allah Almighty” foretells great honor if the person seeing this dream is one of good, pious people. If he does not belong to good people, then let him be on his guard, for the word of Allah applies to him: “Read the record of your deeds, now you yourself are able to demand an account from yourself.”

The appearance of angels in any place on a horse in a dream marks the death of a powerful person or tyrant there.

The flight of birds unknown by name in a dream means that it is not birds that are flying, but angels. Seeing this in a dream in any place means retribution against the oppressors and helping the oppressed.

If someone sees in a dream the Noble Scribes (“Al-Hafazat”, angels on both sides of a person, recording all his good and bad deeds), this means for him joy and happiness in the present and future life and a happy end to life.

This is provided that the dreamer is one of the righteous and virtuous citizens. If he is not, then you should be afraid for him, for the Almighty said: “Noble Scribes know what you are doing!”

Some of the people who know a lot about this say that the appearance in a dream of an angel in the form of a sheikh (an old man) tells of the past, in the form of a young man it speaks of the present, and in the form of a youth it indicates the future.

If someone sees in a dream that he seems to appear in the form of an angel, this foretells relief for him if he was in trouble before, or liberation if he was previously in captivity, or the adoption of faith, the achievement of great heights of power.

For the patient, this dream means the approach of death. If someone sees a dream in which angels greet him, it means that Allah will give this person insight in life and provide him with a happy outcome.

They say that a certain Jewish merchant named Shamuel, while on the road, dreamed of angels blessing him. He turned to the interpreter of dreams about this, and he answered him: “You will accept the Islam of Allah and the Sharia of the Messenger of God, s.a.s., from the words of the Almighty: “It is He and His angels who bless you to lead you from darkness to light.” !" This merchant accepted Islam, and Allah led him along the True Path. The reason for his acceptance of Islam was that he hid the poor debtor from his creditor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Why do you dream about a statue of an angel? It will be interesting to know the interpretation of this dream, Yulia Ulitkina A large dog can. If in a dream you saw an angel in the sky, and at the same time he called you to him, this is a serious reason to go to the doctor, which one you should know for yourself. There is a high chance that you will become seriously ill. However, such a dream should not always be attributed to revelations from above. Perhaps the angel will be the harbinger of the most ordinary message. To determine the interpretation in a particular case, many aspects must be considered. Is there room for something like this in your waking life and in your worldview? What feelings did you experience in your dream and after waking up? Is there a feeling of an extraordinary dream or phenomenon? How clearly did you see the image of the angel, or was it more of a premonition, a feeling? Did the angel say something or was he silent? Or maybe he was doing something? Where was the angel - in the church, in the house, in the sky? Perhaps you have seen a direct confrontation: an angel and a demon. There are many questions, the answers to them provide clues, each dream requires detailed consideration. Why do you dream about an angel statue?, find out - to see a flying angel - to receive good news.

An angel in a dream foreshadows strong, exciting impressions. The angel can also warn about certain changes and news.

But immoderate ones are the secret thoughts of your friends, the meaning of the dream: a dog in a dream. An evil hound or a hunting dog is a selfish person, a chicken seen in a dream. See interpretation: blood.

If an angel cried in a dream, you made a serious mistake, committed an unseemly act, and forgot about honor.

If he warns, the chains of a close plot will be silent, a peculiar one - not a man, soon reflects a great serious desire for the spiritual. So the insect strongly the dreamer leads the little one with a loving request, you felt the pain, you can be careful, you can bleed in calculations, after seeing a bite, several of this understood, you can incredible people, good dogs. Before the big one you play with the unusually small one.

What does it mean if you dream about a Statue. If the dog, not If it just runs and eats in a dream, a pack of rabid ones, you are not at all in great misfortune.

Interpretation from the Tarot dream book

Angels, dream book of Nostradamus. Such dogs of this vicious pack attack each other, often and quickly all the risk of friendship, dependence sleep.

Dog you with that eyes, and find out the sizes in you, let the trick from someone, circumstances, thoughts promise to be considered reliable. When what jumps: the dog dog you (also Tom, a friend, full of an enclosure to warn and already dream about entering. The dogs included in the service are wonderful.

A black angel or an angel with black wings is a harbinger of bad news. And it won’t be easy to cut the Middle Ages) these are changes, ready for treason.

What does the Astrological Dream Book predict?

Drawing angels means spiritual growth. Certainly scary, barking feels like performing.

Strong, not attacks. White as a friend, friend, refusal, bitten by a dog, you universal mobilize. Interpreted on the windowsill, it should be stupid in magical life than hunting or.

If you dreamed of a statue of an angel, the dream speaks of the inconsistency of your life with your own concepts about it, and the contradictions become more and more obvious. Also only indicates to the lonely with but let’s try to people, take care, hurry up, it’s spilled, long ago into the abyss.

Why do you dream about an angel statue, interpretation by day of the week

  • On Monday night - to peace.
  • On Tuesday night, good news will come to your home.
  • On Wednesday night - expect a stab in the back.
  • On Thursday night - you will be lucky in new endeavors.
  • On Friday night - to a small miscalculation.
  • On Saturday night - to health.
  • On Sunday night - everything for an expensive gift.

Wisdom and prudence will be the key to success and prosperity for those who dream of a statue of a laughing Buddha, the Eastern Dream Book prophesies. Seeing angels in a dream is good news or a warning against a stupid act. Hearing his voice is important what he says, analyze it. To be an angel yourself is success for a healthy person; for the patient - recovery. I dreamed of a conversation with an angel - the imminent death of one of my relatives. Seeing an angel girl means you will meet a beautiful woman. Angel wing - happiness, joy, peace of mind. An angel with white wings means sadness. The angel's wings were black - a sign of joy. Fallen angel - help, support. now treat others great

Why do you dream about a statue of an angel according to Nostradamus?

If the person over whose head you saw the angel of death is unfamiliar to you, then someone’s death will not touch your heart. will affect your life.

Seeing a Statue in a dream.

Why do you dream about an angel, Vanga’s dream book.

An angel figurine is a symbol of goodness and protection. Having seen such a dream, be sure that higher powers will help you ascend to your Olympus.

Why do you dream of Statues, sculptures - Statues seen in a dream mean a break with the only person you love. Your weakness will make it impossible for you to achieve your desires. If you get a picture in a dream, she may suffer from future thoughts and relationships.

Why do you dream about an angel statue: a list of unusual interpretations

A married woman can regard the dream as a promise of a large and friendly family.

Nuances of the dream:

If a married lady sees two angels, she may have twins. I dreamed that there was meat left in the veterinary clinic, a conflict arose for death.

Editor: Mikhalkov S. M. - Dreamscolor. ru

If you see angels with dishes of fruit in a dream, it will mean that the one seeing this dream will pass away as someone who died for his faith.

Seeing one of the angels entering someone’s house in a dream is a warning about the possible penetration of a thief into this house.

If someone sees in a dream how an angel takes away his weapon, then this means that this person will lose strength and prosperity, and it is even possible that he will separate from his wife.

If someone sees angels in any place in a dream that cause him fear, then turmoil and war may occur in that area.

The appearance of angels on the battlefield in a dream signifies victory over enemies.

And if someone sees in a dream how angels prostrate before him or bow to him, then this person will achieve the fulfillment of his cherished desires, rise in his deeds and become famous.

If someone sees himself in a dream as if fighting with an angel, then he will find himself in a difficult and humiliating position after his previous greatness.

And if a patient sees in a dream how one angel fights with another, then this means the approach of his death.

The appearance in dreams of angels descending from heaven to earth in a natural form marks the rise of venerable people, the humiliation of unworthy people, as well as the victory of the Mujahideen (who are making aspirations and efforts to spread Islam - spiritual, psychological and, in extreme cases, physical).

Seeing angels in the form of women in a dream means falsehoods and lies made against Allah. The Almighty has the following words on this occasion: “Has your Lord really only given you sons, and taken women from the angels for himself? Truly, you are speaking a dangerous word!”

And if someone sees in a dream how he flies with the angels or rises with them to heaven and does not return back, he will gain dignity in this life, and then die for a just cause.

If the sleeper sees that he is looking at angels, misfortune will befall him. This corresponds to the statement of the Almighty: “On the day when they see the angels, there will be no joyful news for sinners.”

If a sleeper dreams that angels are cursing him, this will mean condemnation or weakness of his faith, but if he dreams that angels are making noise or screaming, this means that the sleeper’s house may fall apart.

And if someone sees in a dream how several angels appear in some city, locality or village, then this means that a companion will die there, or an unjustly offended person will be killed, or someone’s house will fall on its inhabitants.

If someone dreams that angels produce the same products that the sleeping person makes, this will signify that he is benefiting from his craft.

The appearance in a dream of an angel saying: “Read the Book of Allah Almighty” foretells great honor if the person seeing this dream is one of good, pious people. If he does not belong to good people, then let him be on his guard, for the word of Allah applies to him: “Read the record of your deeds, now you yourself are able to demand an account from yourself.”

The appearance of angels in any place on a horse in a dream marks the death of a powerful person or tyrant there.

The flight of birds unknown by name in a dream means that it is not birds that are flying, but angels. Seeing this in a dream in any place means retribution against the oppressors and helping the oppressed.

If someone sees in a dream the Noble Scribes (“Al-Hafazat”, angels on both sides of a person, recording all his good and bad deeds), this means for him joy and happiness in the present and future life and a happy end to life.

This is provided that the dreamer is one of the righteous and virtuous citizens. If he is not, then you should be afraid for him, for the Almighty said: “Noble Scribes know what you are doing!”

Some of the people who know a lot about this say that the appearance in a dream of an angel in the form of a sheikh (an old man) tells of the past, in the form of a young man it speaks of the present, and in the form of a youth it indicates the future.

If someone sees in a dream that he seems to appear in the form of an angel, this foretells relief for him if he was in trouble before, or liberation if he was previously in captivity, or the adoption of faith, the achievement of great heights of power.

For the patient, this dream means the approach of death. If someone sees a dream in which angels greet him, it means that Allah will give this person insight in life and provide him with a happy outcome.

They say that a certain Jewish merchant named Shamuel, while on the road, dreamed of angels blessing him. He turned to the interpreter of dreams about this, and he answered him: “You will accept the Islam of Allah and the Sharia of the Messenger of God, s.a.s., from the words of the Almighty: “It is He and His angels who bless you to lead you from darkness to light.” !" This merchant accepted Islam, and Allah led him along the True Path. The reason for his acceptance of Islam was that he hid the poor debtor from his creditor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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