How should babies sleep at 8 months? Sleep standards for a child up to one year old, from one to three years old. How to organize healthy sleep for your child

Day baby's sleep- this is beneficial both for him and for his mother, because when the baby falls asleep, she has time for washing, cleaning and cooking. However, very often young parents are concerned that their baby sleeps little or, conversely, a lot. In search of information of interest, they scour many forums. And everything would be fine, but these resources sometimes contain unreliable information, which is misleading. So, let’s try to understand this “boiling” issue together.

Very necessary to know

Science has long proven that the duration of sleep is influenced by various factors, ranging from physiological to psychological. Therefore, if your child feels cheerful, eats well, but sleeps less than the recommended amount of time, there is no need to panic. In cases where there are any deviations in behavior, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor.

Remember that every child is individual. You should not try to adjust his schedule to the generally accepted schedule. This can have a negative impact on his well-being, cause nervousness and throw off his biological clock. But, be that as it may, there is an undeniable pattern: the older he gets, the less he sleeps. Some children already at the age of three do not sleep during the day.

Experts say that in a day of eight one month old baby should sleep about sixteen hours. Moreover, twelve of them should occur at night.

As for daytime sleep, the baby can sleep once or twice, depending on the characteristics and needs of the body. If you follow the ideal regime, then the first nap should be from eleven o'clock, and the second - from three o'clock.

What causes sleep deprivation?

Lack of sleep can be caused by two reasons:

There are no other factors here, since the baby is programmed by nature for active development during sleep. Thus, we can safely say that sleep is no less important than nutrition. Systematic lack of sleep leads to the development of physiological, psychological and neurological abnormalities. Therefore, try to correctly create a daytime sleep schedule, taking into account all the nuances.

By 8 months, a child usually has a certain daily routine. He needs less and less time to sleep. The baby shows interest in toys, sits confidently and even tries to walk while holding onto something with his hands.

How much should a baby sleep at 8 months? Young mothers often ask this question. Pediatricians say that at this age healthy baby spends about 15 hours sleeping. During the day, an 8-month-old child should sleep 2 times: about 2 hours before lunch and the same amount in the late afternoon. Night rest takes 10-11 hours. But, most often, the baby wakes up once - at 2-3 am in order to eat. He can sleep and suckle at the same time.

When the sleep-wake schedule at 8 months is set up correctly, the baby feels comfortable, is rarely capricious, and allows his parents to sleep at night. At this age, the baby already reacts to sounds. If previously he could sleep peacefully with the TV on or the noise of a conversation, now this can wake him up. Therefore, when a child at 8 months sleeps during the day, you need to turn down the TV and talk more quietly. Of course, it would be unnecessary to completely isolate him from noise, otherwise the baby will get used to silence and will wake up from the slightest rustle.

You should pay attention to the fact that the baby can already roll over from his back to his stomach, and he can do this in sleepy state. As a result, he will wake up not fully rested and will be capricious. Also, when he turns over, he may bury himself in the pillow, which will worsen the breathing process. Therefore, an 8-month-old child should sleep under adult supervision.

The following signs will help you understand that your baby wants to sleep:

  • he yawns and rubs his eyes;
  • the eyes turn slightly red;
  • he is not interested in toys or the world around him.

What should be the sleep schedule of an 8 month old baby?

A baby's sleep schedule at 8 months is essential. There is no need to do everything strictly on time. But it’s better to put her to bed and feed her at approximately the same time. The result of this will be that the baby’s body at 8 months will perform the sleep schedule independently, and by a certain hour he will want to sleep. In order for the baby to want to sleep on time, you should not play outdoor games with him half an hour before bedtime.

Ideal sleep pattern 8 one month old baby next:

  1. at 7-8 o'clock - awakening;
  2. about 11 o'clock - morning sleep;
  3. around 3 pm - afternoon nap;
  4. no later than 22:00 - night sleep.

With all doubts and questions about how much a child sleeps at 8 months, it is best to contact a pediatrician, he will give professional advice in a particular case, will refute possible concerns or suggest solutions to certain problems.

Ways to improve your baby's sleep process

If an 8-month-old child does not sleep well during the day, conditions can be improved environment, which will significantly affect the quality of sleep:

  • the air temperature in the room should not exceed 25 °C;
  • air humidity - within 50-70%;
  • the room where an 8-month-old baby sleeps must be ventilated;
  • A walk outside for 1-1.5 hours will have a very good effect on sleep;
  • Before going to bed, it is better to put on a diaper for your baby;
  • bathing will use up excess energy before going to bed at night;
  • bed linen should be made of natural fabrics; it is better to use an orthopedic pillow;
  • he must eat well;
  • Make your baby comfortable by covering him with a diaper or blanket.

But sometimes it happens that the baby sleeps little during the day, for example, he falls asleep for a short time and wakes up, and this is repeated several times. As a result, he cannot get enough sleep and is often capricious, which brings a lot of problems to his parents. The reasons that an 8-month-old child does not sleep during the day may be: a tummy hurts, teething or neurological problem. The first two reasons are temporary and relatively easy to eliminate. Consult your doctor and he will suggest suitable remedy to soothe gums. For the tummy, the pediatrician will recommend a medicine with bifidobacteria to improve the digestion process. And if the cause is neuralgia, you should definitely contact a neurologist. He will suggest an effective course of treatment, perhaps prescribe a massage.

Night sleep is also very important for health; waking up should not occur more than once or twice a night. In order for a child to sleep soundly, it is necessary that he eats enough beforehand. Evening guests will also not help your baby fall asleep quickly. Child at 8 months. must sleep in the same room with his mother, otherwise he will feel restless and wake up often, which ultimately will not allow the whole family to get enough sleep. In the evening, the baby will not want to go to bed if he slept more than usual during the day. Therefore, if the afternoon nap lasts too long, it is better to carefully wake up the baby by stroking it.

Effective ways to go to bed

What to do if your child doesn’t want to go to bed? Every mother has faced this problem. Let's look at several proven methods for putting a baby to sleep at 8 months:

  • You should put the baby in a cradle, playpen on wheels or in a stroller and rock or carry it back and forth. Under the influence of monotonous, rocking movements, he will gradually fall asleep.
  • Most effective way- rocking in your arms to a lullaby. Feeling the mother’s smell and heartbeat, listening to her voice, the baby calms down and falls asleep.
  • Go to bed with your baby. He will feel his mother's presence. And if you let the baby suck on the breast or a bottle of milk, then falling asleep quickly guaranteed.
  • Regularity of going to bed at the same time will give positive result. Gradually, the body will adjust to falling asleep at certain hours, and the process of going to bed will be much easier.
  • Play soft music such as lullabies, classical instrumentals, etc. Over time, parents will determine those melodies to which the baby falls asleep better, and will use them more often.
  • Make a “nest” for your baby using a blanket or sheets. The abundance of space scares him; children prefer comfort, which is associated with safety.

Any person understands that only with long and sound sleep are forces fully restored - physical and spiritual. This is especially important for children. But not all parents know what the norm is. This is a serious omission. You need to know how much children sleep at a given age, and see if your son or daughter spends enough time in bed.

How long does a baby sleep in the first months of life?

First, let's tell you what the norm is

In the first month it is easier to tell how long he is awake. Because healthy child, which nothing bothers, at this time there are only two modes - food and sleep.

During the night he sleeps approximately 8 to 10 hours. Moreover, during this time he manages to wake up two or three times in order to refuel well with his mother’s milk. During the day he also sleeps 3-4 times, and sometimes more. So if a child who is not even a month old sleeps 15-18 hours a day, this is a completely normal indicator. It’s worse if he sleeps significantly less - perhaps some kind of discomfort, pain or hunger is bothering him. You should definitely see a doctor to have him examine you. Sometimes the problem lies in short bridle- the child cannot fully suckle the breast, eats very slowly, spending a lot of energy on it. As a result, he lacks sleep, which affects his nervous system.

At two months the situation is almost no different. A child can easily sleep 15-17 hours. But for some time he has been looking around, studying the world. Although his main activities are still sleeping and eating.

By three months the picture changes slightly. In general, a baby sleeps about 14-16 hours per day. Of these, 9-11 occur at night. He sleeps 3-4 times a day. He already spends quite a lot of time not only eating, but also simply looking at the world around him, licking his fingers and any objects that he can put in his mouth, making various sounds, and smiling.

Counting sleep up to a year

Now we will try to find out the norms of sleep and wakefulness of a child up to one year old.

The time spent sleeping is reduced gradually, but constantly. From 4 to 5 months, children sleep about 15 hours at night, and another 4-5 hours during the day, dividing this time into 3-4 periods.

From 6 to 8 months, a little less is allocated for sleep - 14-14.5 hours (about 11 at night and 3-3.5 during the day). The child sits confidently, crawls, explores the world around him in every possible way, and actively eats various complementary foods, although the basis of the diet remains mother's milk.

Further, if we talk about the sleep norms of children under one year old by month, the period follows from 8 to 12 months. At night, the child still sleeps for about 11 hours (plus or minus thirty minutes). But during the day he goes to bed only a couple of times, and the duration of each sleep session is not too long - from 1 to 2 hours. In total, approximately 13-14 hours accumulate per day - quite enough for the growing body to rest well, recharge with energy and develop successfully in all respects.

Baby up to 3 years old

Now that you know the sleep norms for children under one year old by month, you can move on to the next point.

At two years old, a child sleeps for about 12-13 hours at night. There may be two daytime sleep sessions, but most often children are limited to one, usually before lunch or immediately after it - and they already sleep relatively little, rarely more than 1.5-2 hours. Which is understandable - the body is already a little stronger, and there are a lot of toys around with which you can have a great time, actively developing.

By the age of three, nighttime sleep is reduced to 12 hours. There is only one nap during the day, it is advisable to adjust it to the period after lunch so that the child does not run around. full stomach, and slept peacefully, assimilating the substances received during meals. Sleep during the day is already quite short - about 1 hour, rarely an hour and a half.

And older

At four years old and older child He is already quite strong, he does not need as much sleep as before. In addition, they appear various options development. And one month does not play such a role as in infancy, when the child and his needs change surprisingly quickly.

For example, some children aged 4 to 7 years feel best if they sleep 10-11 hours a night and do not take a nap during the day. For others, such a schedule is not suitable - in the middle of the day they become lethargic, do not want to play, and are capricious until they fall asleep for at least an hour. But thanks to this break, night sleep is reduced to 9-10 hours.

From 7 to 10 years old, children almost never go to bed during the day if they have enough sleep at night - this period should be at least 10-11 hours.

By the age of 10-14, the child has already become very close to an adult. Therefore, he usually sleeps 9-10 hours.

Finally, after fourteen years of age, he ceases to be a child, becoming a teenager, and in some cases, an adult. This is where individual needs first come into play. Some adults need 7 hours of sleep, while others can only work productively if they spend 9-10 hours a day in bed.

So that every parent can easily remember this data, we will indicate children’s sleep standards in the table below.

How to calculate how long a baby sleeps

Many practical parents include their child's rest time in homemade tables. Children's sleep standards were presented above. With such data, it is possible to determine how correctly and harmoniously the child is developing.

You can create such a table from the very first days of life. Just write down what time he fell asleep, what time he woke up, and then summarize the results and compare them with the data given above.

The main thing is to accurately determine whether your child’s daily routine corresponds to the sleep standards of children under one year old. The table should be kept not for one day, but for at least a week, and preferably two. In this case, you can accurately determine how much your child sleeps per day on average. After all, there is always the possibility that the child was frightened by an extraneous sound, or that he simply had a stomach ache from something, which prevents him from sleeping peacefully. But having data for a significant period of time, you will get the most accurate result.

And here it is advisable to avoid rounding. Did your child sleep for 82 minutes during the day? Write it down like that, not limiting yourself to the vague wording of “an hour and a half.” By losing 10-15 minutes at each session of daytime and night sleep, you may well miscalculate an hour and a half, and this is an extremely serious error that will certainly affect the reliability of the observations.

Also, many parents are interested in the normal heart rate of children during sleep. In fact, this rate can vary significantly even within one child - from 60 to 85 beats per minute. It depends on the position of the body, the presence of diseases, the stage of sleep (fast or deep) and other factors. So such changes are quite possible in a quarter of an hour - there is no need to worry about this.

Is it always necessary to meet the standard?

Some people are very concerned about the child's sleep patterns by age. After scrupulous calculations, it turns out that their child does not get enough sleep (or, on the contrary, oversleeps) for an hour, or even two. Of course, this can cause panic.

However, in most cases there is really no reason to worry. The main thing is to watch how the child behaves after waking up. If he is fresh, cheerful, enjoys playing, reading, drawing and walking, and eats well at the right time, then everything is in order. Remember - first of all, sleep should satisfy the child’s needs, and not the tables compiled by experts for “average” children.

Observe how your child breathes during sleep - the norm is 20-30 breaths per minute in children under 3 years old, about 12-20 in teenagers. Moreover, breathing should be even, calm, without sobs and groans.

So if the child feels comfortable with the sleep mode he has chosen, there is definitely no need to worry.

How important is sleep?

But this point should be studied more closely. Everyone knows about the importance of sleep, but few can say unequivocally what the risk is in childhood and adolescence.

Let's start with the fact that children who sleep less than 7-8 hours are usually in worse physical shape. They get tired faster and are unable to withstand significant loads.

In addition, it affects intellectual abilities. Memory, intelligence, and the ability to analyze the facts provided suffer. Moreover, the worst thing is that even if sleep is restored with age, and a person sleeps as much as he needs, lost opportunities will not be returned - if the potential inherent in the child is not revealed in right time, then it will never be revealed.

Of course, lack of sleep also harms the nervous system. Adults who slept little or poorly in childhood become more fearful, unconfident, more often depressed, and susceptible to stress.

So the importance of a child’s sleep standard cannot be overestimated.

What determines the duration of sleep?

As you noticed, one child needs 15 hours a day for healthy sleep, while his peer needs 12-13.

This is due to various factors. First of all, sleep quality. After all, if you sleep in a dark room, in comfort and silence, you can get enough sleep in less time than in a noisy room, which is relatively brightly lit, on an uncomfortable bed.

Heredity also plays a role. If 6-7 hours of sleep is enough for parents to feel great, they should expect that the child will eventually approach these indicators.

Finally, lifestyle is very important. It is quite clear that a child who attends a couple of sports clubs and expends a huge amount of energy will sleep longer (and, we note, more soundly - which has a positive effect on the nervous system) than his peer who spends the whole day at the computer.

What time should I put my baby to bed?

Another important question- how to choose the optimal sleep schedule. In infancy, a child often confuses day and night. He can sleep all day long and play or just mumble and look around all night long. But with age, he enters a certain schedule - this largely depends on the parents.

Experts believe that better for the child, like any person, go to bed early and get up early. As practice shows, people who go to bed at 9 pm and wake up at 5-6 am are characterized by increased performance, do not get tired longer, and have an excellent memory. So, if possible, try to adjust your child’s schedule to this regime. Of course, for this, parents will also have to change their usual way of life.

Signs of lack of sleep

Be sure to pay attention to whether your child is showing signs of sleep deprivation.

The main one is increased tearfulness. A child who usually behaves well begins to cry and get upset about everything.

You should also be wary if a child sometimes goes to bed 2-3 hours earlier than usual - the body tells him that there is clearly not enough sleep.

Children 1 year of age and older who fall asleep and wake up crying are also warning sign. They definitely need to sleep more, and parents should not only study the sleep standards of children after one year, but also provide a dark room, a comfortable bed and silence.

Do you need medications?

But here we can definitely say - no. The child is an instrument with amazingly flexible tuning. And any medications, even those that, according to doctors, are harmless, can cause enormous harm to his health.

If a child often gets upset and cries over trifles, or gets sleepy, then just give him the opportunity to get enough sleep. Sometimes the reason for lack of sleep is scandals in the family - try to protect your children from this terrible side of adult life.

Does your child sleep less than his peers, but at the same time feels great and is not inferior to his friends in physical and intellectual development? This means that you shouldn’t worry at all - all processes in the body are going normally, and your son or daughter simply sleeps as much as they need. Any attempts to adjust the established schedule will only bring unnecessary problems.


Now you know the norms of sleep and wakefulness for a child up to one year old and older. Consequently, you can easily calculate the optimal schedule and protect children from any health and development problems caused by chronic lack of sleep.

The sweet sleep of your beloved baby brings relaxation not only children's body. His mother also rests with him, and in the end everyone wakes up in in a great mood. What could be better? It happens, and quite often, that babies do not sleep as expected. general standards term. Why does this happen and how much should a baby sleep at 8-9 months?

It happens that a child’s sleep schedule is far from generally accepted norms, and this tires parents and the baby himself.

Sleep norm for children 8-9 months

The average sleep duration per day for children 8-9 months old is 14-15 hours. 10 hours are allotted for night sleep, the remaining 4-5 hours are divided into daytime. There is a table showing the desired daily routine. The most comfortable and age-appropriate sleep mode will be:

  • 22.00–6.00 - night rest;
  • 8.30–10.00 - first break;
  • 14.30–16.30 - second break;
  • 20.00–22.00 - a couple of hours after “going away” for a night’s sleep, the baby is woken up for the last feeding.

Daytime sleep is divided into 2 periods. Between rests, the waking time is 2.5-3 hours. This is a theory, but how does it work in practice? Let's list possible options sleep patterns, which are also quite acceptable:

  • 2 naps during the day – average duration each 1.5-2 hours. This regime indicates the excellent development of the baby, that his emotional and psychological development meets the standards. Waking time can be about 3.5 hours. When everything happens this way, the preliminary part of the night's sleep can be removed and only the main part from 22:00 left. This routine is also more convenient for parents, because sometimes the baby, having woken up to eat at 22:00, no longer wants to go to bed again.
  • 3 daytime naps - divided into two short rests of 40 minutes each (at 9:00 and 19:00) and one full rest around lunch. It will be longer from 2 to 3 hours. The duration depends on whether the mother is walking with the stroller in the park or not. Sleeping three times a day indicates fatigue a child, when it is still difficult for him to “walk” for a long time. This mode is also normal indicator development. Once mom and baby are used to this routine, they can stick to it as long as needed.

The optimal daytime sleep schedule can be calculated individually, based on the individual physiology of the child and his daily activity. The most important thing is that the baby must gain strength and fully recover during the rest period.

The quality of daytime sleep directly depends on the intensity of the walk and its duration

Deviations from the norm

  • Analyze possible reasons excitement of the crumbs and try to eliminate them. For example, loud music invigorates a child, or older children are enticed into active games, etc.
  • Adjust the climate in the room. Often children do not sleep well due to the heat. More comfortable conditions for sleeping - fresh and cool air in the bedroom.
  • Stick to a daily routine. Strict adherence to the established rules should not be affected by weekends or holidays. By leaving the regime just once, you risk undermining the entire existing system.
  • Help the baby follow the regime (we recommend reading:). Seeing that your baby is capricious before bed, delay bedtime a little. You can engage your child in reading or hold him in your arms while speaking in a calm voice. The baby must go to sleep at strictly set hours.

If your child absolutely does not want to go to bed, you can try a different approach, but do not move the bedtime

How to help your child sleep?

Children of 8-9 months are extremely active, and this leads to the fact that putting a fidget to bed can be extremely difficult. It is difficult for a child to rebuild his nervous system– even in his crib, he still craves play and action. It can be difficult for parents to calm down a wild toddler.

What are some ways to get the little naughty boy to sleep? It is important to distribute games wisely throughout the day. In the evening, be sure to exclude all noisy and active games. When dad returns home from work, he wants to coddle and tickle his baby, but active games would be inappropriate in this case too. At this time, the child should immerse himself in a peaceful and calm environment that would put him in a sleepy mood. It is useful and very effective to include some rituals that are observed daily. The baby will immediately understand that bedtime will soon come and it will be much easier to put him to bed. As rituals, you can choose bathing in the bath, dressing in pajamas, reading a fairy tale, stroking massage, etc.

It will be easier to put the fidget to bed if you include rocking in your arms or in the crib in the process. Sometimes a child is capricious only with his mother, then it would be useful to involve his father or other family members in bedtime. Most likely, the whims will fade away and the baby will fall into a peaceful sleep within 5 minutes.

If there are no results, we connect the stroller to the action. You can rock your little one to sleep in it and then transfer it to the crib. Babies who are used to sleeping in a stroller during the day instantly fall asleep in it in the evening.

Sleep disorders

There is another problem specific to the age we are studying. A child of 8 months may have trouble sleeping through the night. He sleeps restlessly, often wakes up and cries. Sleepless nights leave their mark on nervous state parents who, in addition to their fatigue, are also extremely worried about their baby.

Sleep disorders manifest themselves as follows:

  • The child has trouble falling asleep at night and bedtime increases. Waking up at night, and this happens several times, the baby cannot fall asleep on his own and begins to cry, calling for his mother. Mom is forced to come up again and again, calm and rock the baby. Having waited, it would seem, good sleep, Mom calms down, but in vain - after a while the situation repeats itself.
  • There are fewer deep sleep phases. Parents need to take a closer look at the evening rituals; most likely, they are violated - for example, the baby likes to fall asleep while suckling, or he is used to falling asleep from rocking in his arms, or is used to falling asleep with his mother.

If a child cannot fall asleep without his parents, you need to be prepared for disturbances in the phases and duration of sleep

Reasons for waking up at night

It is unnecessary to suspect any diseases in this case. A healthy 9 month old baby who wakes up every hour is the norm. This situation depends on a number of reasons:

  1. Teeth are being cut. At this age, children are actively teething. A baby can be tormented by one tooth, or maybe several at once. Of course, children are going through this period very hard and difficult. There is more drooling, and babies are looking for any objects to scratch their gums. Chewing food becomes painful. Often added to these symptoms elevated temperature body and changes in stool. All of the above, of course, affects the quality of sleep. If you notice your baby waking up frequently, you may suspect active teething.
  2. Breast-feeding. Babies who eat mother's milk are more restless than babies who are bottle-fed. The baby needs to feel and know that his mother is nearby, because their connection during lactation is extremely close. As soon as the baby feels his mother’s warmth and drinks a little milk, he immediately falls asleep sweetly again.
  3. Diseases. The child may experience symptoms various diseases. These include otitis media, colic, colds and others. Prolonged loud crying in the middle of the night indicates the presence of pain. The problem can only be solved with the participation of a pediatrician.
  4. External stimuli. The child may feel uncomfortable in the clothes - for example, the seams rub the skin or the folds get in the way. The toddler also does not sleep well in a hot or too cold room. It's important to keep track external conditions sleep, then the baby will sleep long and soundly.
  5. Improperly organized daily routine (we recommend reading:). A child may sleep during the day and not have enough time to play, but at night he wants to make up for lost time.
  6. Excitement and vivid emotions during the day, as well as the presence of active and noisy games before bedtime.

This reason goes away on its own if you keep quiet in the following days. Violations that continue for a long time and bother you require correction. Prompt correct solution should a pediatrician.

Dr. Komarovsky advises adhering to the following rules so that putting your baby to sleep takes a minimum of time:

  • The room should be well ventilated, and therefore saturated with oxygen. If possible, it is better to sleep with the window slightly open. The maximum possible room temperature is 24 degrees. The humidity level should be about 50-70%. A baby who is accustomed to opening up in his sleep does not need to be covered on his own. It would be more rational to wear pajamas before going to bed.
  • Quiet games before bed are the key to a peaceful bedtime. Read good fairy tales. A baby at 8 months is already able to listen to 2-3 fairy tales at a time.
  • Get a relaxing massage before bed.
  • It is better to bathe your little one in a large bath, so he can spend all his remaining energy and then fall asleep soundly.
  • Buy an orthopedic mattress for your little one for sweet and pleasant dreams.
  • Sing lullabies that your baby loves.
  • Wear disposable diapers at night.
  • Before going to bed, it is good and healthy to take a short walk in the fresh air.

Parents themselves will see and appreciate the benefits of following the rules for organizing sleep that Komarovsky offers. Help your baby practice important and necessary skills.

Every month the child overcomes new stages in development. At 8 months, the baby already performs many functions independently.

He is very interested in recognizing the world. That is why he begins to sleep less and stay awake more.

The average height for an eight-month-old baby is 70 to 72 centimeters. The baby's weight is from 8 to 9.5 kilograms.

This age is also characterized by the appearance of upper middle incisors in the baby, which makes it possible for him to eat more solid food.

The child begins to gradually sit up, grabbing the stroller handrails with his hands. If the mother supports the baby, she will notice his attempts to walk.

A child at this age begins to clap his hands. The child's facial expressions also change. You can read interest in something new on the baby’s face. If new toys appear in front of the child or stranger, then he will show surprise. When the need arises for a certain item, he will find it with his eyes. In addition, at this age the baby’s persistence manifests itself. He will try to get the item he is interested in.

Many children at this age already know how to handle their toys. They look at them for a long time, try to throw them, put them aside and take a new toy.

Daily routine and sleep pattern

A rational daily routine is the key to healthy sleep for your baby

The age of 8 months is a turning point in a child. The baby's sleep and wake patterns change.

At this time, the child has two phases of sleep - superficial and deep. If the baby is fast asleep, then he does not react to everything happening around him. This dream is characterized by a significant decrease in reflex reactions. The longest rest a child can take is eight hours.

An 8 month old baby sleeps twice a day. The duration of one phase of daytime sleep is 1-2 hours. Some children sleep for only 40 minutes during the day. It also happens that the daytime for eight-month-old children consists of only one phase. The duration of the day's rest in this case is four hours or more.

During the day, on average, a child needs to sleep 11 hours. Some babies continue to sleep for 13 hours.

Parents can learn about the child's need for rest by his behavior. When the baby wants to sleep, he yawns and rubs his eyes with his fists. If the mother notices these signs, she needs to arrange for the child to sleep.

To ensure sound and healthy sleep, it is necessary to provide an appropriate microclimate in the room. In this case, you need to monitor the level in the child’s room, which should be at least 70 percent. The temperature in the room should be 24 degrees. Before putting the child to sleep, it is necessary to ventilate the room, as Fresh air will also have a beneficial effect on the baby's sleep.

A newborn should sleep on a properly selected orthopedic mattress. The surface of the sheet should not have folds; this will eliminate inconvenience during the child’s rest period. Your baby needs to go to bed according to his daily routine. Peace of mind while your baby sleeps will be ensured by a shaded window.

If the TV or radio is on, their sound must be muted. You can put your baby to sleep with a relaxing song or a lullaby. In order for the child to have a long night's sleep, he needs to walk in the fresh air before going to bed.

The task of parents is to provide for the child healthy sleep

To ensure full development, it is necessary to follow the advice of pediatricians.

Now you can add 20 g of meat, which is previously processed into puree.

Thanks to the appearance of the first teeth, he can be given puree that is no longer completely processed. Soft foods can be pressed with a fork.

  1. It is necessary to bathe your child regularly. Parents should know that after this the baby will sleep more soundly and deep sleep. The ideal place for swimming in the summer would be a swimming pool. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no drafts.
  2. In the morning, the child should wake up at 6-8 am and stay awake for 2-2.5 hours. After this, it is recommended to put him back to sleep. The duration of daytime sleep will be 1-2 hours. After the child awakens, he must be mandatory feed. The baby will be awake again until about 1 p.m. After this comes daytime sleep, which lasts up to 15 hours. In the evening, the child should go to bed at 8-9 pm.
  3. During the period of caring for an eight-month-old child, it is necessary not to forget about its development. Kids already at this age love active games. That is why the child must be provided with educational games.
  4. A child at 8 months is already trying to go to the toilet on his own. During this period, it is recommended to begin to accustom the baby to.

To ensure normal development, a child at 8 months must be provided with all the conditions for active wakefulness. At the same time, you should remember the great importance of the baby’s full day and night sleep.

In the video - tips for parents:

  • What a 4 month old baby can do - description...