How to start a furniture business from scratch

Hello friends! Today I will tell you a little, but interesting story. 15 years ago I came from a small district center to a city with a population of one million. To get a job and get back on my feet.

In the former place, in order to receive a salary, it was necessary to write an application addressed to the director. Prescribe the required amount and correctly argue why you need this money. 🙂


On that moment furniture business was on the rise. There was a huge demand for furniture of absolutely any quality. There were two in the city large enterprises and many small workshops.

My older brother was already working in one of the factories. And just received an offer for a higher paying job. But in order to take advantage of the offer, it was necessary to find a person in his old place.

And so my place of work was determined. I lived with my aunt as in Christ's bosom, for which I am still grateful to her. The truth is far from work, I had to spend 2 hours on the road.

When I received 3,000 in cash in the first week, I was simply stunned by such happiness. I was not afraid of extra loads and took on additional responsibilities. Accordingly, my salary increased.

You have the opportunity to get limited access to my knowledge and skills!

In three years

My life has changed dramatically. I have mastered almost all the factory stages of furniture production. And when all the workers went home, I switched to another machine and worked until 8-9 o'clock. I liked my work, I didn't get tired, I was interested.

At the same time, the elder brother, together with his friend, opened his own production and periodically invited me to go to him for hire. To which, after some persuasion, I agreed and received good experience in team management.

The worst thing was that there was no order. The advance payment from the salon was taken by one of the bosses who was the first to have time. And I took the rap for the delay. Until lunch, my hand did not fall below the shoulder, I constantly had to reassure customers. I gained experience working with people.

Money appeared in the workshop only a day or two before the end of the order fulfillment period, and at a frantic pace I managed to organize the delivery of material, sawing, assembling and installing furniture. My nerves were stretched like strings, I was tired. It couldn't go on like this anymore.

You have the opportunity to get limited access to my knowledge and skills!

Eight years later

The bro shared the business with a friend and we started working together. We complemented each other perfectly - he is a born salesman, and I am a pedant in the production and installation of furniture. Our income has grown.

Because my brother didn’t really like to measure correctly, and this is one of the most important stages in the production of custom-made furniture, I had to sweat a lot during the installation. Before 10 pm, I did not return from the installation. Moreover, I thought that this was the result of my inexperience.

When it dawned on me that the reason was in measurements and calculations, I began to perform these operations on my own, taking into account all the nuances. And with each new order, I received the necessary skills to produce high-quality and beautiful furniture.

We survived the first crisis without any problems. The furniture makers were out of work, and we continued to work. But in 2013, sales dropped and my brother offered to fire a great employee in order to provide me with a job. And after conferring, we decided to leave the guy, and I will find orders for myself.

You have the opportunity to get limited access to my knowledge and skills!

The present

I have risen from my knees and stand well on my feet. I constantly analyze the furniture market, set the right goals for myself and achieve them, I get a real buzz! I never stop learning and developing my skills to a professional level.

On this moment, I do not think about where to take orders. My clients are queuing up to get my product. I defeated my competitors, only with my perseverance and hard work. But I do not stop there.

I understand that in nature there is no state of stognacy. Either you develop or you degrade, there is no other way. Now I am going through the “Valley” by Ayaz Shabutdinov. I have no doubt that he will help me get on new level development of my business.

I have always liked teaching and helping people, the result is especially inspiring. Offline, I have already taught two guys how to make money on custom-made furniture. We often see each other and I see that I did not waste my time in vain. The guys work and enjoy life.


That is why I set myself new goal to help rise from their knees to people who have a great desire to build a furniture business. I know for sure that it is better to learn from a person who is a couple of steps above you. Then, that those who have risen high no longer remember all the steps.

You have the opportunity to get limited access to my knowledge and skills!

With good thoughts about you, furniture expert

Rekun Dmitry.

The production of cabinet furniture is enough profitable business, since the demand for this species furniture stable throughout the year. For this business you will need:

  1. Premises: workshop and office;
  2. Employees: designer-technologist and furniture assembler;
  3. Suppliers of materials and accessories;
  4. Intermediaries to increase sales: furniture stores and design studios.

Depending on the planned volume of investments and experience in this area, you need to choose a way to organize production. Production can be organized in three ways, depending on the length of the technological process and the amount of investment:

  • Full cycle production;
  • Medium cycle production;
  • Short cycle production.

A full description of the technological process is presented in other sections of this business plan.

To organize a private business from scratch, you do not need to try to cover all stages of furniture manufacturing. It is better to start with assembly from ready-made components in your own workshop. In this case, you will have time to build a system of work with a client, establish relationships with suppliers, research the market, and also develop a customer base. And as soon as the flow of customers becomes stable, it is possible to consider the possibility of expanding the business by covering other technological processes.

The range of cabinet furniture consists of office furniture (chairs, tables, racks, etc.) and home furniture (cabinets, wardrobes, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, stools, benches, etc.).

Sales of products are carried out through three channels:

  1. Retail sales to end consumers;
  2. Realization of furniture through intermediaries;
  3. Wholesale sales to organizations and large institutions.

Initial investment amount to 1,104,500 rubles.

average cost order is 80,000 rubles.

markup for finished products is from 40 to 50%.

Time to reach the breakeven point is 2 months.

Payback period project from 5 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

According to the companies operating in the market, the demand for cabinet furniture is distributed between office furniture and home furniture.

The range of offered products includes:

Office furniture: racks, cabinets, chairs, tables, cabinets;

Furniture for home: kitchens, dining tables, chairs, stools, cabinets, storage boxes, shelves, benches.

Due to the seasonality factor, the assortment may change. For example, during the summer in large numbers order furniture for relaxing in the country: benches, stools, tables. In autumn, the demand for school desks and chairs, racks for papers and documents increases. Demand for kitchens remains consistently high throughout the year.

The production of cabinet furniture can be carried out in three different ways depending on the duration of the production cycle.

  • First way implies the presence of a full cycle: from the manufacture of the material that acts as the basis for cabinet furniture (chipboard, chipboard, MDF) to the release of the finished product.
  • Second way eliminates the material manufacturing process, i.e. Ready-made sheets of chipboard, fiberboard, MDF are purchased. It remains to cut them, make an edge and assemble until ready.
  • Third option production is organized on the principle of a short cycle and includes only the furniture assembly process. Furniture is assembled from custom-cut chipboard, chipboard, MDF.

For organizing a small business from scratch, the best option is to work on the principle of a short cycle. In this case, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment, and the workshop works under a specific order.

Once you have established a customer base and the company has a steady flow of orders, you can expand production to cover other cycles. By this time, you will already have enough accumulated funds to purchase sawing and edge banding machines, which will allow you to increase the process chain.

The sale of finished products will be carried out in several ways:

  1. Forming applications through your own office, which is also a showroom;
  2. Through intermediaries: furniture stores, design studios. This method cooperation will allow you to cover a geographically larger volume of the market;
  3. Sales through an online store. Delivery in this case can be carried out by a third-party transport company.

3. Description of the market

Consumers of this type of business can be divided into three target groups:

  • Retail end consumers. These are the people who will use your furniture. They can be divided according to the age criterion and the frequency of purchases:
  1. Young working people aged 25 to 30 who purchase furniture for the first time;
  2. People aged 30 to 50 who update cabinet furniture in their homes and offices every 4-5 years.
  • wholesale clients. As a rule, these are private and public organizations that buy the same type of products in large quantities. This type of consumer includes schools, kindergartens, hotels, office centers, etc. As a rule, depending on the volume of the order, they are given a certain wholesale discount.
  • Intermediaries. These include interior showrooms and furniture stores. They are interested in long-term cooperation and work with you for a certain percentage of the order. Many of them exist in the showroom format, which allows them to host exhibition samples of their own products.

The competition in the market for the production of cabinet furniture is quite high, so you should not initially invest a lot of money in this type of business. The demand for your products will mainly depend on the quality, delivery time, as well as the price of the finished products. An important factor will also be the provision of guarantees for products within a year from the date of installation and start of operation.

The high level of competition is due to the fact that your competitors are not only the same private workshops, but also large companies. For example, the international network IKEA offers a large selection of cabinet furniture. However, favorable factor is that with the increase in the dollar, the prices of Swedish furniture have increased significantly.

Advantages of cabinet furniture production

Let's highlight the main advantages that will allow your company to occupy a stable niche in the cabinet furniture business:

  1. Work under the order. No need to organize a warehouse and store large stocks of materials;
  2. The minimum set of tools. At the first stage, you do not need to invest in the purchase of expensive equipment;
  3. Small staff. To get started, it will be enough for you to hire two employees in a permanent staff;
  4. Availability of own showroom and exhibition samples in interior and furniture showrooms;
  5. Possibility to change the range of products depending on the trend of demand;
  6. Large selection of materials and fittings for customers with different levels income;
  7. Creation of an online store with delivery in the region;
  8. Manufacture of designer furniture according to author's drawings.

4. Sales and Marketing

Marketing channels

5. Production plan

Stages of creating a business for the production of cabinet furniture

Creating your own production consists of the following steps:

  • State registration

To open a small workshop with a short cycle production, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you do not need to open a current account and create an authorized capital.

However, if you intend to soon expand production and work with large suppliers and customers, it is better to register as an LLC right away. Optimal taxation system when working with orders coming from individuals- STS (15% income minus expenses). In this case, you will need a CCP installation.

  • Rental of premises for workshop and office

Since at the first stages you will not need to install large-sized equipment, it will be enough to rent a room of 200 sq.m. At the same time, 150 sq.m. accounts for the workshop and warehouse, and 50 sq.m. to the office space, where exhibition samples will be presented, as well as workplaces for the designer and manager.

An additional advantage when choosing a room will be the opportunity to increase the rental area up to 300 sq.m. during a year. Subsequently, when increasing production, you will need additional square meters to organize a warehouse for materials and finished products, as well as a place for machines and equipment.

Room requirements:

  • Non-residential premises

The most suitable for this type of activity will be a production facility. This is due to the fact that the work of the workshop is accompanied high level noise.

  • Ground floor, two entrances

You will need to organize two separate entrances: to the office and to the workshop. In the second case, it is necessary to have access roads for trucks.

  • Three-phase electricity 380W.

Some hardware is different high consumption power. This needs to be thought out in advance.

  • Absence of moisture and high humidity.

It is fundamentally important factor. Since the main material for work is wood, high humidity will immediately affect the quality of finished products.

Stages of working with a client

The implementation of the order is carried out in several stages:

  • Client's contact with the company

At this stage, the manager or leader identifies the needs of the client and draws up a list of pieces of furniture that he needs. Further, the designer-technologist begins to work with the client. He helps the client decide on the design of the product, the number and size of drawers, the material, color and texture of the facade, etc.

  • Cost calculation, ordering

After agreeing on the type and composition of products with the client, the designer-technologist calculates the cost of the order. Then the manager or manager agrees this cost with the client, places an order, and takes an advance payment. The term of the order is indicated as standard and ranges from 30 to 45 working days. In this case, early production of furniture is possible.

  • Purchasing materials from suppliers

At this stage, the manager or manager orders individual components from suppliers.

Main material. In its role is chipboard, MDF or solid wood. You need to order not only a sheet of the right material, but also its sawing to size and edge. You can place an order from one supplier, or you can purchase sheets separately from one supplier, and processing from another.

facades. Kitchen facades, as well as cabinet doors, are separate furniture elements. Their main function is decorative, so the range on the market is huge. You can choose to work with several suppliers by comparing prices for specific products.

Countertops. They can be made both from laminated chipboard sheets, and from natural and artificial stone.

Back walls and bottom of boxes. These elements are made mainly of HDF, the color is selected according to the main material of the furniture.

Furniture fasteners. These are metal products that act as connecting elements: furniture corners, wooden dowels, eccentric ties, euro screws, etc.

Accessories and guides. This category includes furniture hinges, lifting mechanisms, door handles, legs for furniture, as well as guides for sliding doors of wardrobes.

To compare suppliers of materials, two criteria should be followed: price and production and delivery time. As a rule, lower prices are accompanied by longer lead times. It is fundamentally important for the company that all individual elements are produced at the same time, as well as that the entire order as a whole is completed as quickly as possible.

  • Main job: assembling the furniture body

This work is performed by the furniture assembler in the workshop. It accepts the delivery of components and assembles the main body of products. Small and mobile products are fully assembled. These include bedside tables, chairs, small tables. Large-sized furniture involves partial assembly in the workshop and final installation at the facility.

  • Delivery and installation of the finished product

This is the last stage, which requires the presence of an assembler and a supervisor. The manager accepts the finished work, transfers it to the client and receives full payment. The order is considered completed.

6. Organizational structure

To start the organization, you will need three people: a manager, a designer-technologist, a furniture assembler.

With an increase in the scale of production, the staff will be replenished. In the future, the composition of the state:

Working staff - an increase in employees up to 3 workers and a production manager;

Administrative staff - customer service manager, 2 designer-technologists, manager.

Let's describe the work of the main employees in more detail.


At the first stages, he performs the duties of a manager and manager. The work can be divided into two areas:

  • external activities of the organization.
  • Internal work of production.

The first direction includes:

  1. Work with clients. Accepts applications from clients, concludes contracts, signs acceptance certificates.
  2. Work with providers. Analyzes the supplier market, concludes contracts, negotiates the terms of cooperation.
  3. Working with intermediaries. Looking for ways to sell products through specialized stores and design studios.

The second area of ​​activity concerns the organization inner work in company.

-> Production, construction, Agriculture

furniture making business

Have you ever tried to make furniture yourself, with your own hands? At home. At home, in the garage...

If you are completely unfamiliar with this issue in general and the process of organizing a furniture manufacturing business in the so-called “home conditions” (as a result of this knowledge and skills), then I will tell you that this is done in an elementary way!

Learn make your own furniture and, perhaps, start your furniture business- believe me, it is available to everyone!

That's what you think it is furniture business in Russian today?

And this is a business that:

Does not require large financial investments;
- has a profitability of 80 to 300%;
- the product of which all people use;
- can exist and develop independently of the technical equipment of your future enterprise;
- will never end;
- every year it develops more and more.

A business that people are already doing and quite successfully. A business that even a full-time student can do.

Piece manufacturing and mass production of furniture today have become simple to disgrace ...

This can no longer be called production ... Rather, it is a process that can be called: "Assemble the designer without outside help if you are 14 years old."

Today there is real opportunitymake your own high quality, modern, absolutely any furniture, any configuration that you are used to seeing in a store - be it a kitchen, a wardrobe, a wall ...

And in order to make this furniture, you do not need to have any machines - only a computer, a printer, a hand drill and a small amount of hand (not electric) small tools in the form of screwdrivers, a hammer, etc. And of course, the knowledge of how this is all assembled, I emphasize, is not made, but assembled.

Does this sound unbelievable to you?

But what if I tell you that making modern, elite furniture that is sold in expensive, supposedly Italian salons, in which there are more “bells and whistles” than in a car, is no more difficult to make than assembling a computer from components. Of course, provided that you understand something in this ...

And if I also add that this furniture is not made in Italy, but in the garages closest to the store?

Yes, yes, I am talking about the very kitchen that you have been dreaming of all your life, with an aluminum or wooden front ... with a worktop that resembles natural granite ... with smooth opening wide drawers ... with self-opening fronts ... with a granite sink ... with various chrome tubes , baskets, dryers, and aluminum profiles ... The one that costs from 80,000 rubles ...
About that very closet that has huge aluminum doors with a huge mirror and cooler stuffing than in BMW… which also costs more than one thousand dollars…

You just don't know anything about how furniture is made today!

Making furniture at home? Easy to learn!

You will learn many secrets of the furniture business, which can be done by any person who has never thought of engage in furniture production.

And the most interesting thing is that you do not have to invest a lot of money in this business, but at the same time, this business has a profitability of 80% or more.

And even a full-time student can do it, in their free time from study.

“How so?!”, you ask, “If a business has at least some profitability, therefore, it is necessary to invest at least some amount of money in it in order to make a profit.”

All right. But you will not invest money. You can be 100% sure of this. All you need is a minimal set of tools that almost every owner has and a place to assemble finished parts...

To make your own furniture, you do not need to have a special technical education and have innate design skills. Everyone (even a housewife or a child over 10 years old) will be able to independently design and manufacture almost any cabinet furniture without outside help. At worst, if you doubt your creativity, you can always recreate furniture from any photo or picture from a furniture magazine that catches your eye.
Can you imagine the seriousness of such knowledge and skill and what role it can play in your life?!

Let's look at a specific example of the manufacture of the most complex type of furniture - the kitchen. Why is the kitchen the hardest thing to do? Because the kitchen package includes the most various fittings and materials, this is the first, and the second - all the details are small, and even the smallest flaws are immediately evident.

Let's take as a basis such an expensive kitchen:

What can be said about her? Large expensive kitchen, made from the most modern materials. It is relatively expensive, 48,000 rubles, excluding household appliances, stoves, ovens and microwaves. Honestly, its price in the store will be more than 15 thousand for sure.

The facade is made of frame MDF, has a built-in household appliances, lighting, deep drawers, roof rails, long handles. The boxes are made of high-quality German laminated chipboard, the fittings are also German, by Hettich. The cuisine is no worse than Western analogues, neither in quality nor in price.

Can you make your own kitchen? No? And what is the difficulty? Don't know how it's done? Okay, I'll try to convince you otherwise.

Take another look at this kitchen. Could you assemble it if you were given everything disassembled, with an understandable sketch of each individual cabinet or bedside table and all the necessary bolts and nuts attached to this “constructor”?

Thought? And if you were given, let's say, 24,000 rubles for collecting it? And on top of that for an install of 8% percent off full cost, what will be another 4,000 rubles?

Would it be worth the effort of 5-7 days?

Do you think no one will give so much for assembling a kitchen? They will! You just need to think a little. Of course, if you buy such a kitchen in a store, then you will receive no more than 3% of the cost for the assembly, and if you “make it yourself”, you will receive at least 50% of its cost.

Your task is to find everything and order according to certain sizes or buy.

That is, at the first stage, you need to make clear documentation for the product, in which you will have to write out for yourself all the materials and accessories necessary for the manufacture of the kitchen and calculate all possible costs for making the order.

The material is purchased at a regular warehouse, sawing is ordered there. Facades, countertops, accessories, components are made at huge factories, they have representative offices in every city. So when buying, you are on an equal footing with all furniture makers. They also buy everything in a specialized store. You can buy anything, if not in stock, they will bring it to order. Glass is cut in glass workshops to your dimensions. We submitted an application indicating the name of the glass and the size, and received the finished glass...

What then comes out of all this?

All you need is to drill holes for the euro tie to assemble the furniture, install all the necessary fittings, handles, hinges, guides.

Well, stuff like that ... All this can be done in any garage, on a balcony, or even on the spot in an apartment.

Let's say, in order to assemble the kitchen that you saw above, you need to spend a maximum of 5-7 days (or sacrifice three days off) for everything - from the delivery of material to the installation of the finished product.

How to start a furniture business from scratch?

Everyone dreams of organizing their own business, everyone is trying to occupy one or another niche in it. If you are puzzling over what kind of business to organize, then you may be interested in the furniture business.

Furniture is a sought-after product that is becoming more and more popular every year. It does not require large investments if you plan to make furniture yourself and expand to a furniture factory. For the purchase of finished furniture, you will need a slightly larger capital, but the payback of this business reaches 300%. You can earn about 40% of profit per year if you organize your furniture business correctly and wisely.

The furniture business is far from a narrowly focused enterprise. Household furniture on the market occupies 75% of all furniture that is sold. The rest is occupied by office furniture. Despite the fact that the market is very saturated with furniture products, it is possible to carve a niche in it due to innovation, quality or price.

Here are those niches, one of which, perhaps, you will be able to occupy:
- Furniture shop;
- Furniture store or salon;
- Furniture factory.

Opening of a furniture shop

Opening a furniture shop is the easiest. It does not require large expenses and large space. It is enough to confine ourselves to the squares of a more or less spacious apartment. And you don't need any special equipment. Most often, small furniture workshops are opened to make furniture to order.

The advantage of such an enterprise is the cost finished products, which can many times exceed the cost of the material spent per unit of furniture. Such furniture is considered elite and with the right combination beauty, quality and functionality you can make a good showing in this market.

This niche is suitable for creative individuals who love to work with their hands. Without innovation and imagination in this niche, you have nothing to do. And another disadvantage is the search for customers, because expensive furniture is not ordered as often as we would like and it takes much more time to make it than ordinary furniture. Of course, you can try to make furniture for furniture stores and at a low cost, but you will have to hire a few workers who will help you produce large volumes of products and perhaps your small business will grow into a furniture factory on a large scale.

To organize, so to speak, a “home” business, you will need lumber from which you will sculpt your creations, a drill, a set of tools, a planer, a computer with a printer and any decorative details (pens, corners, glasses, etc.)

You can make furniture, both according to ready-made sketches, and thanks to your own imagination. Any furniture, even the most functional and sophisticated, is not as difficult to assemble as it seems at first glance, so you can safely try to find yourself in this interesting business.

You don't have to jump right into making something complex, start with simple cabinets and beds and work your way up to sophisticated kitchens, which consist of various small parts and a variety of materials. The profitability of this business starts at 80% and goes up to several hundred. Agree, a good profit for such a small cost.

You can expand your production gradually. At first, you make furniture yourself, then you rent a small room and buy tools and various materials, hire a few workers, and now your small furniture workshop is already supplying furniture to stores. You can also open your own store next to the workshop if you don't have too many customers. To do this, you need 20-30 thousand dollars.

Of course, such a small fish as a furniture shop can easily be eaten by a furniture business shark, but thanks to your resourcefulness, you yourself can turn into a big fish.

Opening a furniture store

If you have no desire to be engaged in the production of furniture, but you want to be in this business, then niche furniture stores. First of all, you need to analyze the market in your city and choose the best place for your store.

Firstly, where there is less competition, and secondly, it is best to locate your store in the most elite areas, where the purchasing power of people is much greater than in a simple residential area. If you open a store of inexpensive furniture designed for an ordinary citizen, then the sleeping area will suit you, and still choose the most presentable one, where the furniture will be in demand.

You can rent ready-made premises or rebuild your own store according to your taste and desire. The second option is more expensive, and you can start with the first one and then open your own store, for which no one will require rent.

Depending on the size of your store, you will be able to rent space for departments yourself, for example, with furniture detergents, carpets, a souvenir department, a chandelier department or a cafe that will bring additional profit, or take care of opening them yourself. .

After you rent or build a premise suitable for furniture store, equip it accordingly, you will need a product that you will sell. good option there will be a purchase of furniture from different suppliers of different quality and price. If you have a general store, where both expensive and cheap furniture will be present, more visitors will come to you.

Someone will come for a low price, someone for quality, etc. You can buy furniture from local manufacturers, as well as import furniture from the CIS countries, Germany, Poland, etc. If you open a store at a furniture factory, then in addition to your own furniture, you can sell furniture from other manufacturers. Find good suppliers whose furniture will not be inferior to you in quality and at an affordable price.

Additionally, you will need to organize the delivery of furniture and its assembly. To do this, you will need transport and additional specially trained workers. To get interested in your store, you can hold various promotions and provide discounts. regular customers giving them a discount.

When opening a furniture store, you can deal with all the furniture in general, selling a little bit of both bedrooms and kitchens and office furniture, or you can organize a narrowly focused enterprise, but significantly expanding the range of your one-sided products.

For example, if you deal only with sofas and armchairs, then make sure that even the most fastidious customer does not leave you without a sofa. You can choose one or another option by analyzing the market in your city and see what furniture is most in demand in your region.

The profit from this enterprise depends on what percentage you will throw on the purchased products and on the demand for your products. You can make your business the most profitable by following the simple tips described above.

Opening of a furniture factory

If you are a fan of a larger scale, you have a large enough capital, which is estimated at more than 100 thousand dollars, then you may consider opening something larger. as a furniture factory.

Perhaps at first it will be a relatively small factory, which can be expanded over time. The location for the factory is not critical, as you will only deal with customers who will communicate with you in a separate office, the location of which will most likely need to be taken care of.

To produce your own furniture, you will need a room for several large sizes than for a workshop or for a store, and even with the prospect of expansion.

You will need to purchase special equipment for mass production: edge gluers and panel saws. You will need to hire a certain number of personnel who will be trained to operate these machines.

You can create your own brand that will work in a certain direction: quality, functionality or affordability. You will need to sell your furniture in various stores and give them somewhere in price so that your furniture is most recommended to customers.

Exporting furniture abroad is even more difficult, as it only accounts for about 15% of all furniture sold in the country. To begin with, you will need to establish sales of products in the country, and then try to work with foreign customers.

You can save money by knocking out discounts from material suppliers by placing large orders. Since you have great prospects for development, you will need a lot of material of various quality and structure.

But there is a lot of competition in this business. and you will have to carve out a place for yourself in the sun by putting all your strength and money into this business. You will need very large advertising costs. But the more you invest, the more likely you are to get rich in this business.

Whatever niche in the furniture business you choose, you have every chance to make money on it with the right goal and with good business plan which will lead you to money and success.

Video of experts about the furniture business: