How to teach a dog the “Stranger!” command? How to teach your dog special commands How to teach your dog the “Down” command

Teaching a dog a defense command is quite easy if you work with real specialists. However, situations occur when there is no opportunity to seek help, but the need to train security remains. Few people know how to teach a shepherd the command “Stranger!” when it comes not only to a puppy, but also to adult dog. In fact, when working with this breed, there should be no problems with training, because initially the dogs were bred exclusively for protection. Shepherds have an instinct to protect from birth.

How to teach a shepherd the command “Alien!”

Before starting home exercises, the animal must undergo a general training course (GCD). By the time you learn the command “Alien!” The dog must have good endurance and obedience. It is then that the animal becomes absolutely ready for training to protect and protect humans.

Team “Fas!” or “Alien!” belongs to a complex and rather dangerous team. Especially when it comes to more serious dog breeds: Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd Dog. You can teach a dog defense when it has good endurance and unquestioning execution of other commands.

With a German puppy or East European Shepherd(VEO) you can start working from 6-9 months, with an adult - from absolutely any age. As for Alabai and Asians, it is recommended to start the training process with them as early as possible. It is important to show the dog from puppyhood who is boss in the house. Otherwise, the dog will be difficult to control in the future.

Don't forget, shepherds have a strong predatory instinct, so you need to be careful when training.

You can train a shepherd dog using experienced dog handler or start learning on your own, but with the help of a brave and intelligent assistant.

Training equipment

What you will need for training:

  • a person who will initiate an attack on the owner;
  • protective clothing;
  • strong leash;
  • rod and durable fabric.

Before starting any activity, the dog needs to expend accumulated energy and relieve itself, then it will be completely focused on its owner.

You should work in an area where there are no factors that can distract you from training—a forest or a stadium would be an excellent option.

Learning process

You can teach a German Shepherd a foreign command as follows:

  1. The animal is tied tightly to a tree on a short leash. It is important to provide the dog free movement so that she can move from side to side.
  2. The owner, or the one who will train the dog, must stand next to the animal, the attacker remains aside.
  3. Next, the assistant needs to approach the owner and start behaving aggressively: actively waving his arms, raising his voice, hitting the ground with a rod. Thus, the dog must understand that the owner is in danger.
  4. The next step is for the owner to loudly and clearly give the “stranger” command. In most cases, already at this stage the animal will take the initiative to protect the person. The German Shepherd is one of the few breeds that lends itself well to training this command.
  5. After the dog begins to actively show aggression towards the attacker, it should be rewarded. It’s enough to pat the dog on the head and say “well done” or “good” (depending on what word the dog was praised during OKD). It is worth taking into account: when an animal is being trained, it is praised and rewarded with food, but during training for the defense command, it is absolutely forbidden to feed it; ordinary praise is enough.
  6. The training does not end there; force is then used. The attacker tries to show aggressive behavior towards the animal: lightly hit the rod (without causing pain, but only discomfort), while simultaneously swinging thick fabric. When a dog tries to bite a person, a cloth is presented to it. During the fight, the owner periodically repeats the command and always praises the correct execution. At the very end, the aggressor shows defeat and runs away, to which the dog again receives praise.
  7. To consolidate the team, the training process is repeated several more times.

By doing everything strictly according to the instructions, you can quickly train a German Shepherd and achieve the desired result.

Things to consider before training a shepherd

Before starting training, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The person demonstrating the attack should not be familiar with the dog, and a person who does not like the animal is not suitable for training.
  2. During training, the attacker and the trainer should not communicate; they should be separated, otherwise the animal will not understand what is required of it.
  3. During training, the dog should never be hurt, only teased, irritated and caused slight discomfort. Otherwise, she may get scared, and the attempt to teach her to turn into ordinary defense, which does not mean protection. In such a situation, the dog will defend itself, but not the owner.
  4. There should be no children or other people in the area while working with the animal;
  5. After training with fabric, gradually switch to a special sleeve that is placed on the hand so that the dog can grab it.
  6. Remembering to praise and repeat the command is an integral part of the process.
  7. The most recent and important point— after a fight, the attacker should always run away, this will let the dog know that it has won.
  8. The learning process is quite easy, but very dangerous. There is always a risk of being bitten, so it is worth remembering a strong leash so that the dog does not break loose, and a tight protective suit.

It is very important before starting to train any dog ​​of the shepherd breed, be sure to pass the OKD, because without knowing the command “Fu!” the animal will be impossible to stop.

Every dog ​​can be taught commands, today we will learn how to teach a dog to guard. This applies to both service dogs and pets. The main thing in training is to teach not to trust strangers. This advantage will help in learning new commands, in defense and in your own safety.

Ways to teach a dog to guard

How to establish relationships with an animal that will perceive strangers as a potential threat. You will need to devote a lot of time and effort to learning. The animal must be well walked and fed. After which he is placed in a familiar environment where the dog feels comfortable and safe. You can teach the necessary actions in a few days, the main thing is to repeat the lessons periodically. One of effective techniques learning:

Tie near the enclosure or house. At a distance, place a treat or an object familiar to the dog (maybe a toy). The dog should clearly see the object lying near it, but not reach it.
Order to guard. After which, near this object should pass stranger.
If the dog reacts by barking, you need to approach, lightly touch and give the command to sit.
This way the pet will feel safe, but at the same time, the importance of the actions taken to protect the item.

Frequent repetition of such actions over several weeks will lead to the animal perceiving every object you point to as protected. The main thing when performing actions is to be calm, not to raise your voice, not to frighten or punish the animal. Only in a calm state can you quickly learn new commands.

Alien team

For your own safety, you need to teach your dog a stranger’s command. This is necessary for any breed, even if the animal is not used for guarding purposes. Many pet owners cannot at first distinguish between the commands fetch, face and alien, in fact only confusing the animal and teaching it incorrectly.

The essence of the order is to make one be wary when the owner utters these words. The pet should be calm when it sees a stranger, but it is possible to expect any actions directed at the owner. This action will allow you to be ready to protect and defend your owner. At these words, most breeds come forward in front of the owner to take the possible first blow.
Before teaching your pet this command, you need to learn the commands “fu” and “come to me” well. It is better to start training as early as possible; an adult will most likely not master the teaching.

To learn, you will need the help of a friend. Your friend should take a stick or other large object and approach you waving and yelling at the dog. The animal may be tied or on a leash at this time. During these actions, the owner must repeat the order of the stranger. If the dog reacts by barking and growling, you need to pet it and praise it.

During classes to learn a stranger's command, you should not give the dog a treat. The animal may become distracted or choke. It's better to just praise the dog.

If the dog lies down at the command and covers its muzzle with its paws, then the standard technique is beyond its power. In such cases, they resort to a more harsh method - a stranger quietly approaches and pinches the hind paw, at this moment the owner must say the words “stranger”. After several lessons such actions are associated with negative emotions. And the word of a stranger will be perceived with wariness and readiness to defend.

Train a dog to be mean to strangers

Sometimes it is necessary to teach a pet to be angry towards strangers, and also to teach it to bark at strangers. Such methods are used by the owners of private houses and various enterprises where strangers may enter.
When a dog has close contact with its owner, sometimes there is no need to cultivate anger. But in most cases, owners turn to a dog handler for help. Only a specialist can help set up training correctly.

Before this, the dog handler must warn that such a command can be dangerous for people around him, that you need to understand the seriousness and know how to pacify the dog. You need to teach an animal to be angry towards strangers from the very beginning. early age. By the age of 4 months, the dog should already know the commands “fu”, “come to me”, “stranger”. With the help of a dog handler, you will teach her to be aggressive when you order her. Teasing the dog, catching it, the dog handler by example will show that a stranger is dangerous and you need to act immediately.

After such activities, you need to behave calmly and restrainedly, praise your pet and give various treats. An experienced trainer will teach you how to develop anger and be wary of strangers after just 5-7 lessons. The main thing is to deal with aggression correctly and quickly calm the animal after such actions.

Teaching a dog to bark at strangers

Almost all breeds can learn to bark at strangers. Well amenable to training:

  • German Shepherd;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Boxer and other fighting dogs, as well as protectors.

Such breeds by nature react by barking at strangers. When training them, at the moment of barking, the main thing is not to stop performing certain actions, but, on the contrary, to force them to bark even more and longer. To do this, you need the help of strangers who are not familiar to the animal. During training, the pet must be on a leash so as not to harm people. Upon completion of the training, the owner must say “fu” in a calm voice and pet the animal. You need to achieve such a result that when you appear, the dog stops barking.

What do you prefer to feed your pets?

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    I buy special canned food 7%, 1233 vote

    Special veterinary feeds 5%, 986 votes

    I don’t feed her, she finds food somewhere herself 3%, 575 votes

January 17, 2018

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The command "FAS!" is often necessary to protect the owner from ill-wishers, stray dogs or uninvited guests.

It is possible to teach a dog a command, although to fully practice it you will need the help of a person unfamiliar to your pet. How to make this process productive without harm to your pet in our article.

Various methods

“Face” is introduced into training only for adult pets; its implementation involves a serious attack by an attacker. Depending on the individual characteristics pet psyches practice various techniques team training.

The puppy should not be seriously angered or forced to be aggressive towards people. The fact is that puppies are initially aggressive breeds with age they begin to show protective qualities on their own, early development anger can make such a dog uncontrollable.

In those breeds that do not have good guarding qualities, attempts to cause aggression in puppyhood can break the psyche and lead to subsequent deviant behavior.

Methods of training

Training to show aggression on command is carried out for the following cases:

  • If a drunk or inappropriate stranger accosts the owner on the street;
  • If uninvited guests try to enter the house.

Even a small dog can confuse an annoying interlocutor with its snow-white teeth and make noise when trying to rob a car or apartment.

Training in anger begins with encouraging any manifestation of guarding qualities: when barking at noise outside the door, the pet is heatedly praised, egged on with the command “stranger!” When the dog actively barks at any knock on the door and starts barking at the word “stranger!”, then you can move on to teaching aggressive behavior on the street.

To fully react to a stranger on the street, you need to ask unfamiliar to the dog a man extend his hand to the owner. The owner’s task is to push away the “intruder” as seriously as possible, saying “stranger!” If your pet barks or tries to bite, you should immediately praise the dog.

Important: when practicing the command “Fas!” no treat is given, the best reward is the escape of the “criminal”.

How to teach

Stray dogs are unpleasant surprises that appear suddenly during a walk and can cause a lot of unpleasant moments. Any mongrel that is considered stray, purebred pets whose owners got rid of them in this way, will never rush at a person if a dog is walking next to him.

Animals want to deal with their own kind, so the mere presence of a pet protects a person from attack stray dog. But the dog can suffer from bites from large, vicious animals, so if during a walk the owner notices several dogs in the distance huddled together in a pack, it is better to change the walking route or arm yourself with several stones.

One stray dog ​​most often stands timidly on the sidelines, preparing to run away, and if you want to arouse aggression in your pet, it is enough to pretend that you are about to throw a stone and say “stranger!” The dog will jump to the side, and the pet will understand that it was he who drove the enemy away.

In the future, when it becomes necessary to show aggression, you just need to say a command, and the dog will bark on a leash. This does not mean that she will run up and bite the enemy. Most likely, the dog will continue to bark at the stranger or other people’s animals without approaching them. Many adult dogs need to be taught to bite!

But you can’t pit your dog against stray animals, it’s not humane, and it risks a pet may pick up some infection from a stray animal. Rabies in dogs is especially dangerous, which is deadly for both animals and humans.

Various techniques

There are several methods for teaching your pet the front command yourself.

All of them are trained on a leash.

Method 1

  • The dog stands next to the owner on a soft collar or harness.
  • The assistant comes out of hiding and begins to sneak up on the animal, bending down and arousing suspicion with his behavior.
  • The owner encourages the dog with the command “stranger”.
  • Having approached five steps, the assistant turns around and runs away, the dog tries to grab him, the command “Face!” is given.

This technique is well suited for insecure, timid animals. There is no direct interaction with the enemy.

Method 2

  • The pet is on a leash, a favorite toy or bone lies nearby, the assistant walks by, pretending to try to grab the thing.
  • The dog begins to break from the leash, trying to bite the intruder, pronouncing “fas!”

The method works well with angry, suspicious dogs.

Method 3

  • The dog is tied to a post or tree, the owner stands nearby.
  • The assistant passes by several times, teasing the dog with a rag and running away, the owner says “stranger.”
  • When the pet gets angry, the assistant approaches the owner and pretends that he wants to attack him.
  • The owner shouts: “Face!”, pushes the enemy away; if the dog tries to bite, the rag is given to it, and the assistant “runs for his life.”

Method 4

  • In the courtyard of a private house, you can stage an attempt to break in by robbers.
  • To do this, the assistant makes suspicious noises and rustles behind the fence, tries to look into the yard, opens the gate and sticks his jacket through it.
  • Attempts by a pet to grab a thing, barking at a stranger are encouraged by the word “stranger!”
  • This lasts no more than five minutes, then the dog is put on a leash, the owner takes it out the gate, and at the command “Face!” begins to pursue the assistant.

You can let the dog catch up with the person and grab the rag or jacket that he leaves behind.


Practicing this command on your own is designed to instill in your pet a sense of distrust of strangers, however, for vicious breeds, practicing the command at home is not recommended. Service dogs They begin to actively protect the territory and the owner after a year, and then they have to quickly restrain the pet’s aggression.

Stopping aggression

Before teaching an animal to attack people, you should completely subjugate it to your will. In the process of fighting with another dog or person, the dog gets so carried away and forgets about everything that it is impossible to calm him down.

It is very difficult to switch dogs that have never participated in fights before, temperamental and choleric animals to carry out prohibiting commands. Therefore, in the test of courage German Shepherd Not only the strength of the grip and lightning-fast reaction to a threat are taken into account, but also the ability to release the criminal’s hand at the owner’s command.

Every dog ​​needs to be trained, regardless of its size and character. For some, minimal obedience is enough, but there are pets that will require long sessions. You can learn special commands on your own if you put in a little effort and first establish contact with the animal.


Many owners various breeds, especially large ones, face a problem when the pet does not try to run after a stick or ball. Before teaching the dog the fetch command, the execution of “give” is reinforced. This will allow you to more accurately control her behavior.

Any old item without fur, such as a glove, is suitable for fetching. They give it a sniff and tease the pet a little to arouse interest in the subject. When the glove is in the mouth, with the command “give” it is taken away. Compliance is rewarded with treats or praise. Next, you need to give the item back and walk the dog on the command “near”.

The final stage is to teach how to pick up an object from the ground, but only with the owner’s permission. It is difficult for a puppy to concentrate, so this type of training begins after 6–8 months. They throw the glove to the side, give the command “fetch” and lead him to the thing on a leash. Having consolidated the skill, you can send your pet for an item without ammunition and command “come to me.”

After giving the item back, praise the dog and repeat the exercise 10–15 times. In subsequent classes, it is important not to forget about fetching. In addition, it is included in the general training course, and the acquired skill is confirmed in an exam.

It is easier to teach a dog commands after walks, when most of the energy will be spent on games and communication with relatives.

To “die,” the pet is placed on the floor or ground, but without excessive physical force. While the animal is lying on its side, repeat the command, maintaining its position.

After waiting for a calm state, the owner praises the pet. For a puppy, the actions are similar. At the end, it is advisable to reward him with a tasty piece of food and affectionately pat him on the withers. Again, repeated repetition of the command with reinforcement is required.

“Give me a paw” is a very useful skill that will help you care for an animal at home. A simple method and your favorite treat will do here. It is clenched into a fist in front of the dog. The hand should not be very high, approximately at the level chest animal. A sensitive nose will warm up his interest and make him touch his fist with his paw.

Opening his palm, the person gives the treat and says “give me your paw.” This is one of the first commands for a puppy of any breed. Once secured, it will become easier to trim the nails, inspect the pads and carry out medical manipulations. The dog gets used to touching his limbs, and all training is based on his ability to remember.

Before teaching a dog the commands “stranger” or “front”, obedience is always honed. If the first is suitable for all breeds, then the second is taught mainly with service books. Only a well-mannered dog with an adequate psyche should acquire such skills, because they require the manifestation of aggression and strength.

It is better to turn to professionals and follow their advice on how to teach a dog the front command. However, there are options for preparing without their help. The main point is to interest the pet in the correct grip.

For this, a toy will be useful if training begins with a puppy, or an unnecessary thing. An adult pet is trained with the assistance of a second person. He puts on a protective sleeve or suit, teases the animal, making it angry, and the dog makes a grab.

“Stranger” makes your pet wary of to a stranger or indicate his presence with a voice, a roar. The command is convenient to use in everyday life when uninvited guests arrive or a suspicious stranger approaches on the street.

A person involved is invited to train the pet. He plays the role of a “bad” person, takes a stick and swings at the dog. The pet will show aggression or distrust. This moment should not be allowed to pass without praise. The treat will interfere with concentration on the dangerous object, so it is excluded from the reward.

The dog must be recalled at the first request of the owner or members of his family. Otherwise, there is a possibility of getting an uncontrollable dog.

The “stranger” command is contraindicated for a puppy due to the peculiarities of mental development.

"Serve" or "bunny"

Tricks are usually easy for dogs; they often enjoy performing them and positive reaction owner. “Serve” involves the animal sitting down and tucking its front paws at chest level. So it resembles a hare.

Due to the peculiarities of their structure, “serving” is easier for dogs of medium size. Big dogs it is more difficult to maintain balance, but the experience of trainers shows that teaching a dog commands or tricks when the right approach is quite real. This requires simple preparation - a learned “sit” command and a treat.

The algorithm indicates a sequence of several actions. The pet is seated and its attention is attracted by hand with a piece of food or unsalted cheese. The palm is squeezed and placed behind the animal’s head.

The dog should straighten its back while remaining in a sitting position. They give the treat after a short delay, clearly saying out loud “serve.” Repeat until perfect. At home, “bunny” can be learned in a short time, both an adult and a baby.

The interval between execution and treat is gradually increased to several seconds. “Serve” helps to train endurance and attention.

To understand how to teach your dog the command “stay”, “sit” or special skills, you need to know about training techniques. The first is a taste-enhancing one, which involves being treated to a delicacy. The second is mechanical, based on light pushing actions of the hand or leash.

A good impetus is given by imitation of adult dogs if they can be trained before the start of training the new recruit. Specialists also use the contrast method, which includes techniques from the other listed methods.

" It is the same. However, experts know that the first command is an intermediate link between preparing and teaching the dog to attack and actively defend. So, let's see how to teach a dog a stranger's command.

In fact, upon hearing the command “stranger,” the dog should under no circumstances rush at the newcomer. It is enough that he becomes wary, growls or starts barking loudly. That is, this task does not encourage the dog to active action, but is only a signal to show caution - the pet must be prepared for any outcome.

The dog should master this skill no earlier than he has mastered a set of basic commands - “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, etc. Moreover, he can begin training if he completes the remaining tasks the first time, obeying unquestioningly. Serious training should take place no earlier than six months, since the early development of malice or aggressive behavior can cause the dog to become nervous and intimidated.

Is it necessary to master the “alien” command?

This command is not always required, and the owner must first weigh everything: whether the pet needs to develop aggression, and whether the owner himself has enough strength and influence to control its manifestations.

Incorrect training, especially when it comes to dogs with an unbalanced psyche, can lead to the animal growing up angry and uncontrollable. Experienced breeders and dog handlers note a number of features:

  • Large service dogs, and without additional training, rush to the owner’s defense if dangerous situation, especially if their relationship is based on friendship and trust.
  • Dog owners ornamental breeds will not receive any benefit from teaching such a command. It is unlikely that a tiny Chihuahua or lapdog will cause fear in anyone, even if they bark furiously.
  • If improperly trained, a dog can show hostility towards its owner or family members; naturally, such an animal is very dangerous.

Among the positive aspects, it can be noted that the pet will not fawn and trust everyone passing by or entering its territory.

Training scheme

It is worth immediately taking into account that it will not be possible to train a pet alone - you will need helpers, and not close ones or relatives. Ideally, such training is best done with the assistance of an experienced instructor. A professional will be able to immediately assess whether the dog is suitable for learning such skills.

Another important nuance - if the owners know from the first days that their pet will master such serious commands, then from the first days it is recommended to protect it from contact with strangers. That is, it is forbidden for strangers to play and stroke the baby. People coming into the house are warned not to show increased attention to the pet. Already in this case, you can pull the puppy by the leash and say the command “stranger”.

When the dog has grown up, become stronger, and mastered basic skills, you can begin specific training - distrust, anger towards strangers. It is necessary to find several assistants and provide them with a special protective kit. Like other training, training is carried out in a quiet, familiar place, without any distractions. This process includes the following actions:

  • The dog must be restrained using a short leash (see).
  • The assistant must approach the person with the dog and show aggression towards them - swing his hand or stick, but at the same time he must show with all his appearance that he is afraid of the dog.
  • Without letting the dog off the leash, the person gives the command “stranger”, using intonation that warns of the existing threat.
  • Any hostile reaction - the dog growls, barks, grins, tries to attack a stranger - is encouraged, but the command must first be repeated.

Then you need to take a break so that the dog calms down, rests and comes to his senses, and then repeat the procedure. It is not recommended to overload the dog - two or three approaches per session are enough.

Read also:

What if the dog doesn't want to show aggression?

Quite often, owners are faced with the fact that their pet does not show aggression towards a stranger. But in this case, you should not immediately retreat and use more active methods:

  • the assistant does not wave his hands, but tries to attack the owner;
  • he tries to take away from the owner a treat intended for the pet;
  • “attacking”, the helper lightly hits the dog, not to cause bodily harm, but to provoke aggression.

Dog handlers warn that excessive use of physical violence can have the opposite effect - the dog will become not angry, but cowardly. The assistant is required to have an attentive and careful approach - he must observe the dog’s behavior and, if necessary, stop training. This is done so that the person does not suppress the dog - in this “fight” the animal must always win!

Encouragement is important - for the expected reaction the dog is petted, words of praise are spoken, and a treat is given. But it is advisable not to overdo it with the last point. You can also reinforce the result when walking - the command is pronounced if the pet begins to growl or grin at a passerby. During walks, you can also provoke the dog - ask the assistant to quietly approach the dog when he is not expecting it, and pat him, for example, on the rump. The owner gives the command at this moment.

With the right approach, after some time, the dog develops necessary reaction– he shows distrust of strangers and does not feel fear when they take aim at him.

Teaching your pet the “stranger” command is an event that requires a serious approach. If the owner is not ready for consistent work while observing a number of rules, then there is no point in starting. After all, it is not difficult to harm a puppy’s psyche, but it is not possible to correct the situation in certain situations. No confidence in your own abilities? Then it is better to contact an experienced dog handler.